ACTA CHROMATOGRAPHICA, NO. 16, 2006 CHROMATOGRAPHIC BEHAVIOR OF PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUGS ON THIN LAYERS OF BISMUTH SILICATE ION EXCHANGER Z. Hassankhani-Majd, V. Ghoulipour, and S. W. Husain* Analytical Laboratory, Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tarbiat Moallem, 49 Mofatteh Avenue, Tehran-15614, Iran SUMMARY The chromatographic behavior of amphetamine, bemegride, caffeine, chlorphentermine, ephedrine, ethylamphetamine, isoproterenol, methadone, methylendioxyamphetamine, pentazocine, pethidine, pemoline, strychnine, and salbutamol has been studied on thin layers of bismuth silicate anion exchanger with organic, aqueous, and mixed organic–aqueous mobile phases. Rapid separations of one drug from many other drugs and also many quaternary, ternary, and binary separations have been achieved and are discussed. A new variable, SRF has been introduced to quantify the separating power of the bismuth silicate anion exchanger in thin-layer chromatography. INTRODUCTION During the last two decades increasing use of drugs by athletes to enhance performance has become a matter of serious concern for sports authorities [1]. Doping analysis is regarded as an effective deterrent. The similar chemical behavior and structures of the drugs necessitates selective separation procedures before their estimation; gas chromatography has been commonly used in doping control [2]. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is a suitable technique for screening drugs in toxicological analysis, because of its low cost, high speed, and easy maintenance [3,4] and the use of new synthetic inorganic ion exchangers with high selectivity [5] has transformed TLC into a rapid and powerful technique for separation of identical compounds [6]. We have used the ion exchanger bismuth silicate [7] with 21 mobile phases to study the TLC behavior of 14 performance-enhancing drugs, with interesting results. Some rapid and selective methods have been - 173 - developed for separation of one drug from others in a single-step process. Important multiple separations of the drugs have also been achieved. EXPERIMENTAL Chemicals and Reagents All chemicals and reagents were analytical grade (Merck). The drugs studied were: amphetamine, caffeine, ephedrine, isoproterenol, methylendioxyamphetamine, methadone, pentazocine, and pethidine (Sigma), bemegride (Aldrich), pemoline, strychnine, and salbutamol (NARL), and chlorphentermine and ethylamphetamine (United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention). Standard Solutions Standard stock solutions (1 mg mL−1) of the drugs were prepared by dissolving appropriate amounts in methanol. The solutions were protected from light and stored at 4°C. Preparation of Ion-Exchange Plates A solution of bismuth nitrate (0.1 M, 500 mL) in 2 M HNO3 and a solution of sodium silicate (0.1 M in Si, 500 mL) in 2 M NaOH were mixed dropwise with constant stirring in a flat-bottomed flask at a rate of addition such that the contents of the flask were just neutral to methyl red indicator. The reaction mixture was left to coagulate overnight and the gel formed was washed five times with distilled water by decantation until the supernatant was free from ions. The supernatant was completely removed. A slurry prepared by mixing the gel (75 mL) with silica gel G 60 powder (14 g), as binder, was used to coat seven 20 cm × 20 cm glass plates with a 300 μm thick layer (Camag automatic TLC coater). The plates were dried in an oven at 60–70°C for 2 h and then stored at room temperature inside desiccators. Chromatography All glassware was acid-washed and light-resistant. Drug solutions were applied to the plates as circular spots by means of disposable fineglass capillaries. The spots were dried completely and the plates were developed in ascending mode (without conditioning) in a Camag twin-trough chamber. The development distance from the origin was always 12.5 cm. - 174 - After development the plates were dried in an air oven and the drugs were detected with the appropriate reagent (iodine vapor, of by treatment with acid). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results recorded in Tables I and II show that rapid and selective separations of the drugs can be achieved on bismuth silicate anion-exchange plates. By using toluene–acetone–ethanol–ammonia, 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3, as mobile phase (Table I) isoproterenol, salbutamol, and methadone are separated from many other drugs in single-step procedures. Table I Separation of one drug from others on thin layers of bismuth silicate Separation (RT–RL)* Mobile phase Interference Caffeine (0.89–0.96) from eleven other drugs Chloroform–methanol, 9:1 Toluene–acetone– Isoproterenol (0.00–0.02) ethanol–ammonia, from ten other drugs 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3 Bemegride (0.55–0.68) Sodium hydrogen from ten other drugs carbonate (0.2 M) Toluene–acetone– Salbutamol (0.07–0.18) ethanol–ammonia, from ten other drugs 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3 Strychnine (0.10–0.18) Methanol from ten other drugs Pentazocine (0.34–0.49) from eight other drugs Amphetamine (0.58– 0.68) from seven other drugs Strychnine (0.05–0.15) from nine other drugs Methadone (0.88–0.94) from seven other drugs Ethyl acetate–methanol– acetic acid, 8:1:1 Ammonium sulfate (0.5 M) Methanol–water, 1:1 Toluene–acetone– ethanol–ammonia, 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3 Time (min) Bemegride, pemoline 40 Ephedrine, pemoline, salbutamol 24 Methylendioxyamphetamine, pemoline, caffeine 22 Ephedrine, pemoline, isoproterenol 24 Amphetamine, isoproterenol, caffeine Amphetamine, chlorphentermine, caffeine, ethylamphetamine, methylendioxyamphetamine Ephedrine, strychnine, methylendioxyamphetamine, bemegride, pemoline, caffeine Amphetamine, isoproterenol, pemoline, caffeine Ephedrine, bemegride, pemoline, pentazocine, salbutamol, strychnine 36 34 25 55 24 * RT = RF of rear of spot, RL = RF of leading front of spot Many rapid quaternary, ternary, and binary separations of the drugs were also achieved (Table II). - 175 - Table II Multiple separations achieved on bismuth silicate plates Mobile phase Separation (RT–RL)* Teren (0.00–0.08)–Thidi (0.38–0.49)–Zocine (0.68–0.86) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Thidi (0.38–0.49)–Ben (0.83–0.90) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Thidi (0.38–0.49)–Chlo (0.82–0.90) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Metha (0.28–0.50)–Pheta (0.61–0.86) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Metha (0.28–0.50)–Zocine (0.68–0.86) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Metha (0.28–0.50)–Ben (0.83–0.90) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Metha (0.28–0.50)–Chlo (0.82–0.90) Methanol Teren (0.00–0.08)–Eph (0.42–0.63)–Ben (0.83–0.90) (pure) Teren (0.00–0.08)–Eph (0.42–0.63)–Chlo (0.82–0.90) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Thidi (0.38–0.49)–Zocine (0.68–0.86) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Thidi (0.38–0.49)–Ben (0.83–0.90) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Thidi (0.38–0.49)–Chlo (0.82–0.90) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Metha (0.28–0.50)–Zocine (0.68–0.86) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Metha (0.28–0.50)–Chlo (0.82–0.90) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Eph (0.42–0.63)–Zocine (0.68–0.86) Strych (0.10–0.18)–Eph (0.42–0.63)–Ben (0.83–0.90) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Chlo (0.46–0.50)–Thidi (0.68–0.73)–Metha (0.88–0.94) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Chlo (0.46–0.50)–Amph (0.61–0.63)–Metha (0.88–0.94) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Etila (0.53–0.57)–Thidi (0.68–0.73)–Metha (0.88–0.94) Toluene– Teren (0.00–0.02)–Etila (0.53–0.57)–Metha (0.88–0.94) acetone– Teren (0.00–0.02)–Chlo (0.46–0.50)–Caff (0.57–0.63)–Ben (0.70–0.77) ethanol– Teren (0.00–0.02)–Pheta (0.62–0.65)–Zocine (0.78–0.83) ammonia, Teren (0.00–0.02)–Etila (0.53–0.57)–Ben (0.70–0.77) 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3 Teren (0.00–0.02)–Zocine (0.78–0.83)–Metha (0.88–0.94) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Chlo (0.46–0.50)–Caff (0.57–0.63)–Metha (0.88–0.94) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Chlo (0.46–0.50)–Zocine (0.78–0.83) Teren (0.00–0.06)–Eph (0.57–0.62)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Zocine (0.92–0.96) Teren (0.00–0.06)–Eph (0.57–0.62)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Thidi (0.87–0.91) Teren (0.00–0.06)–Eph (0.57–0.62)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Metha (0.86–1.00) Ethyl Teren (0.00–0.06)–Eph (0.57–0.62)–Etila (0.77–0.81)–Zocine (0.92–0.96) acetate– Teren (0.00–0.06)–Eph (0.57–0.62)–Etila (0.77–0.81)–Thidi (0.87–0.91) methanol– Teren (0.00–0.06)–Eph (0.57–0.62)–Chlo (0.82–0.87)–Zocine (0.92–0.96) ammonia, Teren (0.00–0.06)–Strych (0.56–0.65)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Zocine (0.92–0.96) 7:12:1 Teren (0.00–0.06)–Strych (0.56–0.65)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Metha (0.86–1.00) Teren (0.00–0.06)–Strych (0.56–0.65)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Thidi (0.87–0.91) Teren (0.00–0.06)–Strych (0.56–0.65)–Pheta (0.73–0.79)–Zocine (0.92–0.96) Teren (0.00–0.06)–Strych (0.56–0.65)–Etila (0.77–0.81)–Thidi (0.87–0.91) Metha (0.02–0.16)–Chlo (0.35–0.45)–Ben (0.54–0.63) Sodium Zocine (0.03–0.15)–Chlo (0.35–0.45)–Ben (0.54–0.63) hydrogen Thidi (0.04–0.21)–Chlo (0.35–0.45)–Ben (0.54–0.63) carbonate Metha (0.02–0.16)–Eph (0.36–0.49)–Ben (0.54–0.63) (0.2%) Zocine (0.03–0.15)–Eph (0.36–0.49)–Ben (0.54–0.63) Thidi (0.04–0.21)–Eph (0.36–0.49) - 176 - Time (min) 36 24 38 19 Table II (continued) Multiple separations achieved on bismuth silicate plates Separation (RT–RL)* Time (min) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Salbu (0.20–0.26)–Strych (0.47–0.53)–Metha (0.86–0.91) Salbu (0.20–0.26)–Thidi (0.63–0.70)–Metha (0.86–0.91) Strych (0.47–0.53)–Thidi (0.63–0.70)–Metha (0.86–0.91) Strych (0.47–0.53)–Zocine (0.71–0.77) Salbu (0.20–0.26)–Strych (0.47–0.53) Teren (0.00–0.02)–Salbu (0.20–0.26)–Strych (0.47–0.53)–Zocine (0.71– 0.77)–Metha (0.86–0.91) 24 Mobile phase Toluene– acetone– ethanol– ammonia, 20:25:3:5 * RT = RF of rear of spot, RL = RF of leading front of spot Amph = amphetamine, Caff = caffeine, Eph = ephedrine, Chlo = chlorphentermine, Etila = ethylamphetamine, Teren = isoproterenol, Pem = pemoline, Pheta = methylendioxyamphetamine, Metha = methadone, Zocine = pentazocine, Thidi = pethidine, Salbu = salbutamol, Strych = strychnine. 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 Rf 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 substance (no.) System 1 System 2 Fig. 1 Plots of the RF values of the drugs obtained by use of different mobile phases. System 1, methanol–chloroform, 1:9. System 2, methanol–chloroform–ammonia, 3:5:2. 1, isoproterenol; 2, ephedrine; 3, salbutamol; 4, amphetamine; 5, methylendioxyamphetamine; 6, chlorphentermine; 7, ethylamphetamine; 8, methadone; 9, strychnine; 10, pentazocine; 11, pethidine; 12, bemegride - 177 - Plots of the RF values obtained for the drugs using two mobile phases are given in Fig. 1. It is clear from the pattern of the plots that slight changes in mobile phase composition results in substantial changes in the chromatographic behavior of the drugs, enabling the development of rapid and selective separations. Figure 2 shows plots of the RF values obtained for the drugs on silica gel and on the anion exchanger bismuth silicate with toluene–acetone–ethanol–ammonia, 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3, as mobile phase; the very different RF values reveal the effectiveness of the anion exchanger bismuth silicate for development of rapid and selective separations. Rf 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 substance (no.) Silicagel Bismuth silicate Fig. 2 Plots of the RF values obtained for the drugs with toluene–acetone–ethanol–ammonia, 4.5:4.5:0.7:0.3, as mobile phase on silica gel and bismuth silicate plates. 1, isoproterenol; 2, chlorphentermine; 3, ethylamphetamine; 4, methylendioxyamphetamine; 5, amphetamine; 6, pethidine; 7, pentazocine; 8, methadone Differences between the RF values of the drugs on bismuth silicate layers containing a little silica gel as binder and on silica gel alone, with methanol–chloroform, 1:9, as mobile phase are given in Fig. 3 in terms of a new property SRF, the difference between the RF on silica gel and that on bismuth silicate containing a little silica gel as binder, i.e. - 178 - SRF = RF(silica gel) − RF(bismuth silicate + little silica gel as binder) to show the effective separating power of this new adsorbent in the thinlayer chromatography of these drugs. 0.3 0.2 0.1 SRf 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 substance (no.) Fig. 3 Plots of the SRF values obtained for the drugs with methanol–chloroform, 1:9, as mobile phase on silica gel and bismuth silicate plates. 1, isoproterenol; 2, ephedrine; 3, amphetamine; 4, ethylamphetamine; 5, chlorphentermine; 6, methylendioxyamphetamine; 7, pentazocine; 8, methadone; 9, pethidine ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to Dr R. Ahmadkhaniha, Director of the Doping-Control Laboratory, Tehran, and to Dr M.K. Rofouei, Dean of Chemistry Faculty, for providing research facilities. REFERENCES [1] L. Conway and D. Morgan (Eds) Drugs in Sports, British Medical Association, London, 2002 [2] R.K. Mueller, T. Grosse, R. Lang, and D. Thieme, J. Chromatogr. B, 674, 1 (1995) - 179 - [3] F. Kreuzig in: J. Sherma and B Fried (Eds), Handbook of Thin Layer Chromatography, Dekker, New York, 1990, pp. 407–417 [4] J. Sherma, Anal. Chem., 64, 134R (1992); 66, 67R (1994); 68, 1R (1996); 70, 7R (1998); 72, 9R (2000) [5] M. Qureshi and K. G. 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