Conflicting phonologically based and phonetically based constraints in the analysis of /l/-substitutions Dicky Gilbers Abstract: In this paper first language acquisition data, in particular attested realizations of /l/, are analyzed in Optimality Theory as a conflict between different types of phonologically based and phonetically based constraints. In the analysis correspondence (faithfulness) constraints, which ensure lexical diversity, interfere with markedness constraints that prefer unmarked output structures. Phonetically based constraints that evaluate the harmonic value of e.g. perceptive and articulatory markedness are potentially conflicting mutually and potentially conflicting with phonologically based constraints that evaluate e.g. positional markedness. The different constraints reflect diverse hierarchies of markedness and systematic distances of segments and clusters. It is claimed that an adequate account of the data can be obtained neither by a purely phonologically based analysis nor by a purely functional, phonetically based, analysis. Therefore, insights from both disciplines are to be combined into one comprehensive account. Optimality Theory seems to be a nice tool to bridge the gap between phonetic and phonological drives, since this theory enables us to formalize the various influences on the child’s outputs as potentially conflicting or conspiring soft constraints on well formedness. Key words: Optimality theory, phonological acquisition, phonology-phonetics interface, phonetically based constraints, phonologically based constraints 1. Introduction and motivation of the framework1 In this paper I will consider the possible realizations of the target /l/ obtained from a case study in which the child Steven Ronnie Kenney Ian (September 25 1991) has been video-taped monthly from age 0;1 until 4;0. The corpus contains spontaneous utterances as well as data obtained from repetition tasks. The data show that /l/ is realized as [, , , , , ] and by no other substitute segments. In (1) a representative sample of the data is given. (1) 1 age: target: (1;6) (1;6) (2;1) (2;2) (2;2) (2;4) (2;9) (3;10) lalala... hallo klok lief lekkers slapen slurf geel realization: singing ‘hello’ ‘clock’ ‘sweet’ ‘sweets’ ‘to sleep’ ‘trunk’ ‘yellow’ // // //2 // // // // [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Thanks to Klarien van der Linde, Roberto Bolognesi, Wouter Jansen, Dirk-Bart den Ouden and Paul Boersma for their comments on an earlier draft of this paper. This acknowledgement does not imply that they all agree with all the thoughts put forward in this paper. Combining phonologicallybased accounts with phonetically-based ones is like playing jazz rock. Never try to convince the purists. 2 In this paper I assume that underlying forms in a child grammar are based on perceived forms and that these underlying forms may differ from adult forms of the same words. This assumption is based on attested ‘incorrect’ realizations such as [] for the plural paarden ‘horses’ [] (Steven (3;0)). Therefore, the target/underlying form of paard and lief are, respectively, // and // instead of // and //. For further motivation of this assumption, see, Tesar (1998), Tesar & Smolensky (1996) and van der Linde (2001). 2 The ideal analysis, of course, enables us to account for exactly these substitutions and -what is equally important- no other. It will be claimed that the different realizations are caused by different influences on the child’s pronunciation. Constraint-based approaches to phonology, such as Harmony Theory (Smolensky, 1986), Computational Phonology (Bird, 1995), Optimality Theory (Prince & Smolensky, 1993) (henceforth: OT), seem to be very promising for modeling the diverse influences. Standard OT, for example, is an output-oriented framework in which representational well formedness determines the assignment of phonological structure. The most well-formed output of a set of an in principle infinite number of candidate outputs will be the actual output in this theory in which Universal Grammar is conceived as a set of unordered, potentially conflicting, constraints on well formedness. These constraints apply simultaneously to representations of structures and they are soft, which means violable. In OT, learning a language comes down to resolving conflicts on well formedness by ranking the constraints in a strict dominance hierarchy. At the first stages of phonological development, markedness constraints, which prefer unmarked structures, will dominate correspondence (faithfulness) constraints. The latter constraints relate elements of different strings, for example the input and the output string of segments; they ensure that not too many lexical distinctions are wiped out by the markedness constraints (McCarthy & Prince, 1995, Burzio 1995/1998). At the end of development correspondence will be undominated. In other words, the child has to learn to demote markedness constraints in favor of correspondence constraints in order to acquire the phonology of its mother tongue (cf. van der Linde, 2001). In this paper I will try to identify the different markedness and correspondence constraints that play a role in the possible realizations of /l/. One of the obvious merits of OT can be found in the conspiracy of constraints of different families. Since evaluation of possible candidate outputs proceeds in parallel, constraints of different families interact. The surplus value of OT has to be found exactly in these possible interactions of potentially conflicting or conspiring soft constraints. Although controversial, another potential merit of OT is that the ranking of constraints not only predicts the optimal grammatical output, but also the nearly optimal alternatives. After demotion or promotion of a certain constraint, a nearly optimal output might become the optimal one. In this way, OT enables us to account for variation (cf. Gilbers & de Hoop, 1998) and to predict the possible realizations of certain target words in subsequent stages of first language acquisition. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is addressed to the question why /l/ is such a difficult segment for children. Section 3 deals with the possible glide substitutions for /l/. Subsequently, /l/-[h] substitutions are discussed in section 4. The bidirectionality of [l]-[n] substitutions is the topic of section 5. Based on the phonologically based and phonetically based constraints, as introduced in these sections, the OT analysis follows in section 6. Finally, the perspectives of this analysis will be discussed in the final section. 2. The difficulty of /l/ At the age of (1;6), Steven realizes hallo ‘hello’ // as []. From a phonetic point of view, the lateral manner of articulation of the liquid /l/ makes this segment more difficult to realize than, for example, a stop such as /t/. The production of /l/ is problematic because it involves a difficult articulatory gesture requiring a contraction of the transverse tongue muscle. Thus, we could assume that an OT-constraint *LATERAL dominating a correspondence constraint MAX-IOlateral will be the ideal phonetic account for pronunciations such as [] for hallo. At the same day, however, he is perfectly capable of producing [l] as exemplified by his singing of the chorus of the song Speedy Gonzalez (Pat Boone, 1962) (cf. (1)). Obviously, there is no physical/articulatory restriction on the realization of [l]. Of course, singing is a different task than communication and therefore the different outputs in singing can be explained by assuming a different OT-ranking. This ranking for OT, in which MAX-IOlateral dominates *LATERAL, can be explained by the sensitivity of the ranking of articulatory constraints by the amount of extra processing (syntax, lexical retrieval) required in speech production as compared to the less demanding task of singing. Yet, children also show variable outputs for the same word in the same task: hallo may be realized as [] or [] at the same day (cf. also Beers, 1995, p.153: hallo realized as or []). At this stage of acquisition it seems that [l] and [j,w] were allophonic variations of one segment /l/. Moreover, until the age of four, Steven still had trouble with the pronunciation of /l/ in syllable final position as exemplified by his homophonous realizations of the words for Dutch geel ‘yellow’ // and geeuw ‘yawn’ // as []. At this stage, he did not have any difficulties with the realization of /l/ in onset position anymore, which indicates that positional markedness plays an important role in the 3 acquisition. The question is then what makes the liquid /l/ so difficult to realize from a phonological point of view, since the target segment is often substituted. The sonority hierarchy as introduced by Jespersen (1904) may provide for a phonological account of the difficulty of /l/. It reflects stages of transition between real consonants, stops such as /p/, and real vowels, such as /a/. Stops are the least sonorous segments and vowels are the most sonorant with fricatives, nasals, liquids and glides, respectively, as the intermediate gradations between stops and vowels. The child trying to produce the liquid has to choose the correct realization of a segment which is neither a real vowel nor a real consonant. At the initial stages of acquisition, children prefer combinations of stops and vowels; they prefer the real consonants and vowels.3 This observed preference could be formulated as a markedness constraint SONORITY MARKEDNESS (SONMARK), which states that the least marked segments are vowels and obstruents and the most marked segments are the liquids, those segments that combine vowel characteristics with consonant characteristics. This constraint is in fact a family of constraints: *liquids >> *glides; *nasals >> *obstruents; *vowels. If the constraint is split up, other constraints can intervene between the members of the constraint, but the sequence of the individual members cannot be altered (cf. Prince & Smolensky, 1993, Kenstowicz, 1994). Notice that this disfavour of liquids as outputs does not mean that liquids are inferior in every syllable position. As will be shown in the remainder of this paper, positional markedness interferes with segmental markedness. Obviously, it is possible to provide an OT-account of the difficulty of /l/ phonologically as well as phonetically. This should not be considered to be problematic, because different types of constraints do not always conflict in OT. It is also possible that constraints strengthen each other in the choice of an optimal output candidate. The preferences of this SONMARK constraint are strengthened by the preference of *LATERAL or by the preference of a general functional constraint LENITION, which forces a weakening of the overall strength of a sound (cf. Kirchner, 1998). This latter constraint accounts for the fact that liquids can be realized as glides, but normally not vice versa. Both constraints prohibit [l] as output. If SONMARK is dominant, the choice of the substitute segment depends on the preferences of the various MINIMAL DISTANCE correspondence constraints. If SONMARK is ranked low in the OT-hierarchy, the child will be able to realize the target /l/. 3. Liquid-glide substitutions If the child is not able to realize a segment correctly, the substitution segment is expected to be a minimal deviation from the target segment. For example, boot ‘boat’ could be realized as [pot], but not as [lot], since the target /b/ and the output [l] differ in too many dimensions. If boot would be realized as [lot], this would probably be due to influences from the context, for instance from an adjacent consonant [l] in the same phrase. McCarthy (1988) claims that a common process “(...) is accomplished by an elementary operation of the theory.” An uncommon process is far more complex to state. See also Blumstein (1991) who states that “linguistic theory makes implicit assumptions and predictions about possible relations among the sounds of a language (...). Phoneme substitutions should occur more commonly among sounds sharing a number of feature dimensions, for example /p/ - /b/ versus /t/ - /w/. Moreover, sound substitutions should be characterized more commonly by single feature changes than by several feature changes.” In general, the correspondence constraint MINIMAL DISTANCE IO states that the distance between the input segment and the output segment is minimal. Ideally, both the input segment and the output segment are the same (satisfaction of MAXIO). If, however, this optimal correspondent is not available, given the influence of a dominating (markedness) constraint, such as SONMARK, then the optimal segment will be the output segment that is least different from the input segment. None of the attested substitutions for /l/, however, can be described as a minimal change from the target based on the traditional articulatory defined phonological features in generative phonology (cf. Gilbers & van der Linde, 1993, Bastiaanse et al, 1994). For example, consider /l/-[w] substitution, as in the realization [wif] for lief /lif/ ‘sweet’ (Steven (2;2)), in (1). Notice that most of the features are changed. Even if there is the assumption that some of these features may be underspecified (cf. Archangeli, 1984, 1988; Pulleyblank, 1988), the target and the realization differ largely in place, manner and major class features. Obviously, the substitution cannot be accounted for as a minimal deviation from the target based on articulatorily defined features. 3 Bolognesi (1998, 364) describes the stage of reduplicated consonant babbling as a stage in which children produce binary maximally alternating syllables, such as [ or In his theory, all language is based on rhythmic behaviour, binarity. He, therefore, rejects the sonority sequencing principle of syllable structure (cf. Kenstowicz (1994), which is fundamental for the analysis put forward in this paper. 4 (2) /l/ [w] + son + cons + cont + lat - lab + ant + cor - high - back - round + son - cons + cont - lat + lab - ant - cor + high + back + round From an acoustic point of view, however, liquid-glide alternations can be described as minimal changes. The main cue to distinguish between liquids and glides and other consonants is the duration of the formant transitions (Liberman et al, 1956, Recasens, 1996). Therefore, the constraint MINIMAL DISTANCE INPUT OUTPUT Duration (length) Transitions (MINDISTLT) is introduced. It states that the more the length of the formant transitions of an output candidate resembles the length of the formant transitions of the target segment, the better the candidate is. In the case of an input /l/ this constraint forces output candidates to be either a liquid or a glide. The differences between the individual glides and liquids can be related to their relative second and third formant locus frequencies. Ainsworth and Paliwal (1984) found that in a perceptual-identification experiment sounds having a mid F2 locus frequency were classified as [r], if they had a low F3 locus frequency and as [l] if they had a high F3 locus frequency. The sounds were identified as [w] if they had a low F2 locus frequency and as [j] if they had a high F2 locus frequency.4 (3) Typical set of responses obtained from listening to glide/liquid-vowel synthetic stimuli (after Ainsworth & Paliwal, 1984 (simplified)) 3160 Hz F3 locus freq. 1540 Hz w w w w w w w w w w 760 Hz w w w w r l l r r r l l r r r l l r r r l l l j r F2 locus freq . j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j 2380 Hz The introduction of an acoustically based correspondence constraint enables us to describe a liquid-glide substitution as a minimal change from the target: MINIMAL DISTANCE INPUT OUTPUT Second Formant Value (MINDISTF2). If an acoustic correspondence constraint, MINDISTF2 is directly dominated by SONMARK;LENITION, it forces target liquids to be realized as glides. Similarly, we can introduce Minimal Distance between Input and Output with respect to Third Formant Value (MINDISTF3) in order to account for /l/-/r/ alternations, as in Steven’s realization of klok as [] in (1). The next section is addressed to another attested instantiation of lenition, in which /l/ is realized as [h]. 4 In this experiment a set of responses was obtained from listening to synthetic stimuli of liquid/glide vowel combinations in which the F2 and F3 locus frequency was manipulated. 5 4. Liquid-[h] substitutions Wie zoet is krijgt lekkers, wie stout is de roe ‘who behaves well, will get sweets, but who behaves badly will be whipped (with a birch)’ is a line from a well-known Dutch ‘Sinterklaas’ song. Steven (2;2) realizes both the initial liquids in lekkers ‘sweets’ and roe ‘birch’ as an [h]: [hand, respectively. In this case, the lenition process can be accounted for as deletion or delinking of the supralaryngeal features. In other words, if /l/ is realized as [h], a different influence must be at force than in the case of gliding. This is where the constraint *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal comes in. This functional constraint (ease of articulation) is part of the split up constraint *STRUCTURE: *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal, which includes *STRUCTUREplace of articulation and *STRUCTUREmanner of articulation, and *STRUCTURElaryngeal. The assumption here is that a child is first able to make glottal sounds, before it is able to use the filter component of its speech organ. Therefore, the constraint *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal dominates *STRUCTURElaryngeal. From a phonological point of view, the effect of articulation ease is reflected in the delinking of supralaryngeal features in a feature geometry. The geometry in (4) is based on Clements (1985), McCarthy (1988), Halle (1992) and Beers (1995). (4) Feature geometry root node (incl. major class features) laryngeal node supralaryngeal node glottal place node [lab] [cor] soft palate [dor] [vce] [sp gl] [c gl] [round] [ant] [dist] [high] [low] [back] [nas] [cont] [lat] [rho] [stri] In this geometry, features are organized around the articulators, for example the larynx and the velum (soft palate). Some of the features can be grouped into higher-order structure, such as [cor] into place. Other features, such as [cont], are independent.5 5. Liquid-nasal substitutions The most interesting case is the liquid-nasal alternation as in the /l/-[n] substitution in slurf ‘trunk’ // realized as [] (Steven (2;9)), because the data also show examples in which target /n/ is realized as [l]: snoep ‘candy’ /snup/ realized as [slup] (Steven (2;7)). A complicating factor is that this bidirectionality in the substitution data only occurs if the nasal or liquid is the second part of a cluster. In an onset singleton /n/ is never realized as [l]. A similar 5 Notice that the representation of [lat] and [rho] is somewhat problematic for the lenition account presented in this section. If *STRUCSL must force the target /l/ to be realized as [h], it is strange that ‘delinking’ of the supralaryngeal node does not affect the feature [lat], which means that the optimal output candidate will still be [+lat]. Many different Feature Geometries are proposed in the phonological literature (cf. Clements, 1985, McCarthy, 1988, Pulleyblank, 1988, to name but a few). McCarthy (1988), for instance, proposes a Feature Geometry in which [lat] is dependent on the supralaryngeal node and thereby this geometry should be preferred for the analyzis of /l/-[h] substitution in this paper. I will choose for the model in (4), however, since this geometry is organized around the articulators, which advances the interaction of phonology and phonetics. It might be clear, that (4) does not yet represent the ideal Feature Geometry, since it is based on the traditional articulatory based features. In this paper, I take the line that many features used in phonology should be acoustically driven (cf. also Coleman, 1998; Boersma, 1998). 6 pattern can be found in the first language acquisition data presented in van der Linde (2001), Fikkert (1994), Levelt (1994). Just as in the case of liquid-glide alternations, we have to find out what the resemblance between /l/ and /n/ is, since these sounds are also very dissimilar from an articulatory point of view. Coleman (1998) claims that /l/ and /n/ constitute a natural class in having spectral zero’s. Kent et al (1996) also claim that /l/ and /n/ coincide in having (additional) spectral zero’s between the F2 and F3 in comparison with the other segments. These spectral zeros are frequencies of sound energy loss. During the production of [l], a pocket of air remains on top of the tongue and this serves as an anti-formant producing side branch, comparable to the air in the mouth cavity during the production of nasals; /l/ articulation bifurcates the vocal tract (as nasal articulations do) and introduces zeros into the transfer function. Although the articulation of /l/ is rather different from that of /n/, the acoustic consequences of the different kinds of bifurcation are rather similar spectra for [l] and [n]: most of the energy is in the low frequencies, with damped higher formants (i.e. the formants have low intensity and wide bandwidths) and frequencies of energy minima resulting from anti-formants (Kent et al, 1996). In (5), the acoustic resemblance between [ala] and [ana] is illustrated. The dark areas indicate increased energy: the formants, whereas the white areas in between indicate energy loss: the spectral zeros. (5) a. Spectrogram of [ala] b. Spectrogram of [ana] 7 Therefore, in OT-terms, an acoustically based correspondence constraint will be introduced in which the difference between /l/ and /n/ is a minimal one given this minimal difference in formant positions and anti-formants: MAX INPUT OUTPUT/(PARSE) SPECTRAL ZERO’S (MAXIOSP0), which evaluates the presence of spectral zero’s in [l] and [n].6 Notice that the spectral zero’s are not an acoustic characteristic of the liquid /r/, which might explain the absence (or at least rareness) of /r/-[n] substitutions. Not only does MAXIOSP0 potentially conflict with SONMARK, but also with the correspondence constraint MINDISTF2 which was introduced in the previous section. In this way, satisfying or violating different acoustically based constraints may explain why sometimes a child substitutes /l/ for [n], whereas the substitution segment in other cases turns out to be [j] or [w]. In OT terms, the optimal output depends on the position of MAXIOSP0 with respect to MINDISTF2 in the constraint hierarchy given the stage of acquisition the child is in. Thus, MAXIOSP0 enables us to account for /l/-[n] as well as /n/-[l] substitutions, since this constraint only evaluates the presence of (additional) spectral zero’s. Since both [l] and [n] exhibit spectral zeros between F2 and F3, a main characteristic that distinguishes [l] and [n] from all other sounds, this constraint does not prefer one segment to the other. As mentioned above, however, the bidirectionality of these substitutions is only attested in clusters, not in onset singletons. An explanation of this asymmetry has to be found in the interaction of the above-mentioned acoustically based constraints with a phonologically based constraint on the phonotactics of the language. Consider the syllable template in (6). In this syllable template (Gilbers, 1992, based on Cairns and Feinstein, 1982 and Van Zonneveld, 1988) vertical lines indicate head constituents and slanting lines indicate dependent constituents. Thus, the rhyme is more important than the onset and within the rhyme the nucleus is more important than the coda. The least marked position of the syllable is the peak and the most marked positions are the embedded satellite positions and the extra-syllabic positions: appendix and pre-margin. In the original model subcategorization rules indicated what segments could occupy the distinguished positions. For example, only sonorant consonants were allowed in satellite position and only vowels in the peak position. In OT, however, all constraints are violable. Indeed, /a/ is the best possible peak segment, but if there is no better candidate available even a fricative /x/ can be the head of a syllable, as exemplified in Berber, which exhibits syllables such as tx as in tx.znt ‘you stored’ (Prince & Smolensky, 1993). (6) Syllable template syllable (pre-margin) onset rhyme margin nucleus margin core satellite peak satellite coda (appendix) In the margin core position only [n] substitutes for /l/ are encountered, but no [l] substitutes for /n/. In order to account for this asymmetry a phonological constraint HSAT is introduced, which is related to markedness constraints such as HONS and HNUC (cf. Prince & Smolensky, 1993). HNUC states that the best nuclear segment is an open vowel /a/, whereas the worst nuclear segment is /t/. HONS states that the best onset segment is /t/ and the worst /a/. HSAT evaluates the harmonic value of the segment in satellite position. It evaluates liquids as the most optimal satellite segments, better than nasals and glides, whereas obstruents and vowels are even forbidden in this position in the 6 Kent (p.c.) claims that there are more similarities between [l] and [n], for example the pattern of F1 (cf. Stevens, 1998). Notice that correspondence constraints based on these additional similarities are not in conflict with MAXIOSP0, since they would only strengthen the preference of [n] as substitute for /l/ or v.v. Of course, there is also an acoustic difference between [l] and [n]: the average spacing of the formants is wider in laterals than in nasals. This is because the primary resonant tube is longer in nasals than it is in laterals (spacing for nasals 800 Hz, for laterals 1000 Hz, Kent et al, 1996). In conclusion, however, we will claim that substitutions of [n] for /l/ and [l] for /n/ are due to the acoustic similarity of the two sounds and, especially, the presence of anti-formants. 8 original model (in OT terms: the worst possible candidates). The claim that liquids are better satellite segments than nasals can be underpinned on typological grounds. If a language has e.g. /kn/ clusters, it also has /kl/ clusters, but not the other way around. For example, Dutch has both /kl/ and /kn/ clusters (klop ‘knock’; knop ‘button’), but English has /kl/ clusters (clock) and no /kn/ clusters (knock pronounced as [nk]), at least not anymore. HSAT is the constraint that reflects this preference. Another argument for the preference for liquids in satellite position can be found in the Obligatory Contour Principle, which prefers a distance in sonority between adjacent segments in the syllable: [pla] is more optimal than [pna] or [pja] (cf. also Fikkert, 1994). Notice that this phonologically based constraint HSAT is completely in conflict with the previously introduced SONMARK. HSAT prefers /l/ to /n/ in a satellite, whereas SONMARK always prefers /n/ to /l/. So, the order SONMARK >> HSAT enables us to describe the realization [] for slurf, given MAXIOSP0’S dominating the other correspondence constraints, whereas the dominance order HSAT >> SONMARK prefers [l] to [n] in satellite position ensuring the description of snoep realized as [slup]. The evaluation of HSAT is of course vacuous in all positions other than the satellite, which explains the unidirectionality of the substitutions in margin core position and the variation of /l/ and /n/ in satellite position. If there is no cluster in the input, the position of HSAT with respect to SonMark is completely irrelevant and [n] will always be preferred to [l], forced by the lenition constraint. In sum, we may conclude that for an adequate analysis of /l/-/n/ alternations and their different behavior with respect to the direction of substitution in different positions, there must be an interaction of phonologically based and phonetically based constraints. In the next section, the OT analyses of the /l/-substitutions will be presented in tableaux. 6. The tableaux 6.1 Liquid-glide and liquid-glottal substitutions Before the OT accounts can be presented, a few more constraints have to be introduced. At the initial stages of acquisition, children tend to simplify clusters: broek ‘trousers’ realized as [buk]. The OT constraints that formalize this effect are called *COMPLEX and HONS. Obviously, in the description of the subsequent stage in which children do realize clusters, *COMPLEX is dominated by a correspondence constraint. This constraint must evaluate a cluster as more optimal than a single consonant, if the input exhibits a cluster. This constraint will be MAXIO (cf. section 3) if the input and output form coincide completely. However, in the data studied here we find examples in which e.g. the realization [buk] for broek is not directly succeeded by the realization [bruk]. For the description of the realization of broek at intermediate stages, e.g. [bwuk], the correspondence constraint MAXIOroot of the MAXIO family (cf. McCarthy & Prince, 1995) plays a role. It ensures that the target segment is not completely deleted. This constraint is based on the representation of segments as a feature geometry (cf. (4)). It indicates that an output candidate that has as many root nodes as the input is more optimal than an output in which an input segment is deleted. In other words, MAXIO is split up in a series of ranked constraints. In a feature geometry, it ensures that at least the root node of the segment is present. Given this dominant MAXIOroot, conflicting markedness and correspondence constraints will accomplish the choice of the segment that is actually realized. For the account of the divergence in the data in (1), one has to decide which of the possible substitution segments is the optimal one, given a similar deviance from the target segment that is ruled out by a dominating constraint. For example, if one has to decide between the candidate outputs [bwuk] and [bjuk], the decision cannot be based upon the distance in F2 value between /r/ and [w] or /r/ and [j]. The distance may be equal, only the direction is different. In this particular case, we expect the substitution to go in the direction of [w] in stead of [j] given the context of the target segment /r/. CONTEXT is needed to decide between [bwuk] and [bjuk] and because [w] is more similar to the [b] in place of articulation than [j] is, CONTEXT may prefer [bwuk] as the optimal output. Furthermore, the presence of [u] is of course also a trigger for its consonantal alter ego [w]. In the tableau in (7) we see a dominant correspondence constraint MAXIOroot. Some of the constraints that were introduced are randomly ranked, which enables us to account for the variety in the substitution data. Some of the constraints are correspondence constraints: MAXIOroot, MINDISTLT and CONTEXT. Others are markedness constraints: *COMPLEX, SONMARK, HSAT plus the lenition constraint *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal. Within these families the acoustically based constraints as MINDISTLT and MINDIOSP0, can be distinguished from the phonotactically/phonologically based constraints, such as SONMARK and HSAT. Furthermore, SONMARK is split up in SONMARK*liquid >> SONMARK*glide/nasal >> SONMARK*vowel/obstruent, where other constraints may intervene between the split up 9 members of SONMARK. The ultimate ranking for the description of the sonority substitutions in (1) will be: MAXIOroot >> MINDISTLT ; MINDISTSP0 ; SONMARK*liquid ; HSAT ; *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal >> CONTEXT >> *COMPLEX >> SONMARK*glide/nasal, ETC. In the following OT-tableaux these constraints interact, in this way exemplifying the conspiracy of different influences on first language acquisition. Exactly this kind of conspiracy shows the obvious merits of the theoretical framework of Optimality Theory. No other current theoretical framework enables us to intervene the phonological with the phonetic restrictions on possible outputs. (7) Ultimate ranking: MAXIOroot >> MINDISTLT ; MINDISTSP0 ; SONMARK*liquid *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal >> CONTEXT >> *COMPLEX >> SONMARK*glide >> ETC. constraints input /l/ candidates MAXIO MINDIST MINDIST SONMARK LT SP0 Root *liquid HSAT *STRUCTURE supralaryngeal CONTEXT *COMPLEX SONMARK *glide ; HSAT ; ETC Output [r] Output [l] Output [j] Output [w] Output [n] Output [t] Output [h] Etc. In (7) MINDISTLT, MINDISTSP0, SONMARK*liquid, HSAT and *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal are not ranked (indicated by the dotted lines). The different possible rankings of these constraints enable us to account for the different possible realizations of /l/: [w j n h l] in the data presented here.7 Furthermore, the possible rankings exclude conceivable substitutions that are not encountered in the data. For example, /lif/ is never realized as [bif] or [kif]. In (8) the ranking for onsets is presented. Candidate [if] for /lif/ is ruled out on the dominant MAXIOroot. Thus, there must be an onset segment. Furthermore, MINDISTLT forces the output to be a liquid or a glide, given the target /l/. SONMARK*liquids excludes liquids as output, which only leaves glides as possible outputs. CONTEXT then chooses [w] as the optimal output for the target /l/ at this stage of acquisition. Probably, some kind of consonant harmony is of influence that wants the labiodental in the coda to coincide with a labial in the onset.8 The other constraints are irrelevant. They are incorporated in the tableau in order to make it possible to compare this realization of /l/ as [w] with the other realizations of /l/ in the tableau in (7) and in the subsequent tableaux. Here, we abstract from the possible [r] substitution for /l/, as in klok ‘clock’ /klk/ realized as [kk] (Steven (2;1)), which is based on MINDISTF3 (cf. section 3). In earlier stages of acquisition, /l/ and /r/ are probably identical underlyingly (cf. also /j/ and /w/ or voiced and voiceless stops). 8 In this case, a substitution of /l/ by [j] could also be expected. Levelt (1994) claims that consonant harmony is triggered by the vowel. The place of articulation of the intervening vowel affects the consonant. In case of a vowel /i/ -as is the case in this example-, Levelt would probably expect the coronal /j/ as the substitute segment instead of the labial [w] (Levelt, 1994: 80). We may conclude, of course, that CONTEXT is also a family of constraints. It depends on the relative ranking of CONSONANT HARMONY and VOWEL-CONSONANT HARMONY, two constraints that can be functionally defined as ease of articulation, whether /lif/ will be realized as [wif] or [jif]. 7 10 (8) Liquid-glide substitutions in onset singletons constraints /lif / candidates MAXIO MINDIST SONMARK LT Root *liquid [rif] *! [lif] *! [jif] [wif] MINDIST HSAT SP0 *STRUCTURE * vac * vac * * vac * j-f! * * vac * w-f * vac * * [nif] *! [tif] *! * vac [hif] *! * vac vac vac [if] *! vac vac CONTEXT supralaryngeal *COMPLEX SONMARK *glide ETC vac In (9), the ranking for onset clusters is shown. The ranking for the realizations of [] for // ‘trousers’ and [] for // ‘sleep’ is the same as for single onsets. Again, CONTEXT decides that in /bruk/ [w] is more optimal than [j], given the labiality of [b], whereas [j] is preferred in the realization of /slan/ based upon the place of articulation of the sibilant [s]. The alveolar sibilant [s] (cf. the palatal sibilant ]) is more similar to palatal [j] than to labial [w]). (9) Liquid-glide substitutions in onset clusters a. /bruk/ [bwuk] constraints /bruk/ candidates MAXIO MINDIST SONMARK LT Root *liquid MINDIST HSAT SP0 *STRUCTURE supralaryngeal *COMPLEX SONMARK *glide CONTEXT [bruk] *! vac br * * [bluk] *! vac bl * * [bwuk] vac bw * bwu * * [bjuk] vac bj * bju! * * [bnuk] *! vac bn * * [btuk] *! vac bt * * [bhuk] *! vac bh vac vac [buk] *! vac vac * vac ETC 11 b. /slapn/ [ sjap] constraints /slapn/ candidates MAXIO MINDIST SONMARK LT Root *liquid [srap] *! [slap] *! MINDIST HSAT SP0 *STRUCTURE supralaryngeal *COMPLEX SONMARK *glide * sr * * sl * * CONTEXT [ sjap] * sj * sj * * [swap] * sw * sw! * * sn * * * * [snap] *! [stap] *! * st [shap] *! * sh vac vac [sap] *! vac vac ETC * vac In case of liquid-[h] substitutions, the dominance order of the constraints ought to be changed. If *STRUCTUREsupralaryngeal is the highest ranked constraint of the randomly ranked constraints directly under MAXIOroot, then the target liquids will be realized as [h]. (10) shows the simplified tableau. (10) Liquid-[h] substitutions in onsets constraints /l / MAXIO *STRUCTURE Root supralaryngeal candidates [r] * [l] * [j] * [w] * [n] * [t] * ETC [h] [ *! vac Notice that the data presented in this paper are obtained from a case study. For identifying the ‘real’ weight of the randomly ranked constraints, more data are required in order to statistically underpin the preferred order of the constraints. Regarding our account of segment substitutions, we must conclude that the idea of unordered constraints does do justice to the actual realizations, since there are various substitute segments for the target /l/ (cf. the data in (1)). In such an analysis, however, there is no way to describe the observation that in general children more often substitute a liquid by a glide than by a nasal. This state of affairs seems to point towards the idea of constraint rankings as ‘loaded dice’ (cf. van der Linde, 2001). In this hypothesis, the ranking is random, but with an inclination towards a certain default ranking. The gliding process and the glotalization process can be seen as lenition processes in which the articulation is executed in a more or less sloppy way: /l/ may be realized as [j] or [w] or [h], but it is never the other way around. No 12 data were attested in which, for example, /h/ was realized as [l], without the obvious influence of the context. Therefore, the relevant constraints for liquid-glide/[h] substitution can be regarded as functional ones indicating ease of articulation (cf. Boersma, 1998). In the next section we will consider liquid-nasal alternations. 6.2 Liquid-nasal substitutions In this section, I will focus on the observation that the liquid-nasal alternations in satellite position are bidirectional, whereas the data only show /l/-[n] substitutions and no /n/-[l] substitutions if the liquid or nasal is the only consonant in the onset. In section 5, it was claimed that the acoustically based correspondence constraint MAXSP0 forces the output segment to be [l] or [n] if the input is /l/ or /n/. Thus, if this acoustically based correspondence constraint is the dominant one of the unranked constraints in (7), it forces the output to be [l] or [n], given a target /l/ or /n/. Now it depends on the position of the phonologically based markedness constraint HSAT with respect to SONMARK*liquid, or a conspiring functional lenition constraint, what the optimal output will be. If HSAT >> SONMARK*liquid (as in (11b)), [l] will be preferred in the output, but if SONMARK*liquid >> HSAT (as in (11a)), [n] will be the optimal output segment. (11) Liquid-nasal substitutions in onset clusters a. /l/ [n] constraints /slrf/ candidates MAXIO MINDIST SONMARK SP0 Root *liquid *! [srrf] [slrf] HSAT * sr *! sl [sjrf] *! sj [swrf] *! sw [snrf] sn [strf] *! st [shrf] *! sh [srf] *! vac vac vac ETC 13 b. /n/ [l] constraints /snup/ candidates MAXIO MINDIST HSAT SP0 Root [srup] *! [slup] * sl * *! sj [swup] *! sw sn! [stup] *! st [shup] *! sh vac vac [sup] ETC *liquid sr [sjup] [snup] SONMARK *! vac Contrary to SONMARK*liquid, which always prefers a nasal to a liquid, HSAT prefers liquids in satellite position, but not in the margin core position (cf. the syllable template in (6)). The evaluation of segments in other positions than the satellite is of course vacuous for HSAT. In other words, no matter how HSAT and SONMARK*liquid are ranked mutually, as in (11a) or as in (11b), the optimal output will always exhibit a nasal if the target is an onset singleton, as shown in (12) for the target lekkers ‘sweets’ realized as [n] (Kees (2;1) in van der Linde, 2001). (12) Nasal-liquid substitutions in onset singletons a. SONMARK*liquid >> HSAT constraints INDIST SONMARK HSAT /lk/ MAXIO M SP0 Root *liquid candidates *! [rk] [lk] * vac *! vac [jk] *! vac [wk] *! vac [nk] vac [tk] *! vac [hk] *! vac [k] *! vac vac vac ETC 14 b. HSAT >> SONMARK*liquid constraints constraints /lk/ /n/ candidates candidates MAXIO MINDIST HSAT SP0 Root *! SONMARK vac * vac *! [rk] [rk] [lk] [lk] [jk] [jk] *! vac [wk] [wk] *! vac [nk] [nk] [tk] [tk] *! vac [hk] [hk] *! vac [k] [k] vac vac ETC *liquid vac *! vac The conclusion is that an analysis in which phonetically based constraints interact with phonologically based constraints, enables us to account for the bidirectionality of the substitution data in satellite position and for the unidirectionality of the substitution data in the margin core position of the syllable. 6. Concluding remarks and perspective In the previous sections, we have seen that in the account of sonority substitutions different kind of markedness and correspondence constraints are involved. We saw that acoustically based constraints, such as MINDISTSP0, interact with phonologically based constraints such as HSAT. Neither an analysis based upon functional/phonetic constraints solely nor an analysis based upon structural/phonological constraints solely will enable us to account for all the possible substitutions and the differences in possible substitution directions that our data exhibit. First language acquisition data are to be analysed as the interaction of different kinds of markedness and different kinds of correspondence constraints. These various constraints can either strengthen each others choices or they can be in conflict. Therefore, Optimality Theory is an ideal theory for the analysis of this kind of data, because the theory is suited for accounts in which conspiracies of different influences are involved and the child learning its first language has to encouter various problems varying from articulatory immaturity to language-specific phonotactic restrictions. Some remarks have to be made on the account presented in this paper. For example, if segmental markedness is based upon sonority (cf. the SONMARK constraint), it enables us to indicate correctly, that most children start with stop - full vowel combinations at their babbling stage and that liquids are marked segments appearing late in the course of acquisition. Steven, however, sooner acquired /r/ than continuant obstruents: fricatives. This fact is probably due to another influence on the child's outputs: a markedness constraint that is related to the degree of constriction. Such an articulatory based constraint classifies stops as the strongest consonants, stronger than taps or flaps and trills, as exemplified in many lenition processes, such as flapping in American English that has lenition forms such as [] for city (in comparison with [] in British English). The weakest consonants, given this markedness hierarchy, are fricatives and approximants. We are in need of such a constriction constraint in order to account for the observation that Steven's fricatives appear later than, for example, /r/. Furthermore, we have abstracted from the influence of frequency throughout this paper. Van Berkel et al (1965) (in: Van den Broecke, 1976) did some research on the frequency of Dutch phonemes based upon 50.000 words exhibiting 58.500 phonemes. We cannot preclude the possibility that the number of times a child hears a certain segment is an influence on his realisation of that segment. 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