Using Burner Exit Temperature in the Control of a Geared Turbofan Engine with NPSS by David P. Shore An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Ernesto Gutierrez-Miravete, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT December, 2010 1 Abstract This project presents a large matrix of burner temperature (T4) targets across the entire operating envelope of a Pratt and Whitney customer’s aircraft for use in thrust output control. The design of this matrix is geared around hitting a number of thrust requirements agreed upon with the customer for maximum takeoff, cruise, and continuous power requirements. Additionally, the ratings will be defined for 23k, 21k, and 18.9k pounds of thrust, and for a number of different customer bleed off take combinations. The ratings will be created using the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS), which utilizes turbomachinery theory to determine various engine parameters based on a specific set of inputs. The entire work through of the rating creation process will be shown and will result in a final set of ratings that will meet customer demands. These final ratings will be the input for a customer simulation to be used in the aircraft design process. 2 Table of Contents Abstract ii List of Tables iv List of Figures v Nomenclature vi 1. Introduction 8 1.1 Geared Turbofan Basics 1.2 Numerical Propulsion System Simulation 2. Methodology xx 3. Results and Discussion xx 4. Conclusions xx 5. References xx 6. Appendices xx 3 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 – Burner Exit Temperature Schedule Summary 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Two-Spool Turbofan Cross Section with Station Designations Figure 2 - Simple Conceptual NPSS Model Figure 3 - Typical T4 / Thrust Lapse Figure 4 - Modified Bombardier Operating Envelopes 5 LIST OF SYMBOLS BPR = fan bypass ratio Cp = constant pressure specific heat Cv = constant volume specific heat Fn = Raw Thrust (lbs) FNTST = Stream tube corrected thrust (lbs) h = enthalpy (BTU/lbm) ISA = International Standard Atmosphere LHV = Lower Heating Value of fuel (BTU/lb) MN = Mach number N1 = Low rotor speed (RPM) N1F = Fan speed (RPM) N2 = High rotor speed (RPM) P0, Pamb = Outside free-stream air temperature (psia) P2 = Pressure at the face of the fan, core stream (psia) P12 = Pressure at the face of the fan, fan stream (psia) P2.5 = Pressure in between the LPC and HPC (psia) P3 = Pressure at the exit of the HPC (psia) P4 = Pressure at the exit of the burner (psia) P4.5 = Pressure in between the HPT and LPT (psia) P4.9 = Pressure at exit of the LPT (psia) R = gas constant (BTU/°F/lbm) T0, Tamb = Outside free-stream air temperature (°F) T2 = Temperature at the face of the fan, core stream (°F) T12 = Temperature at the face of the fan, fan stream (°F) T2.5 = Temperature in between the LPC and HPC (°F) T3 = Temperature at the exit of the HPC (°F) T4 = Temperature at the exit of the burner (°F) T4.5 = Temperature in between the HPT and LPT (°F) T4.9 = Temperature at exit of the LPT (°F) TSFC = Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption 6 Wf = Fuel flow (lbm/sec) Wa = Airflow (lbm/sec) ρ = Density (lbm/ft3) η = efficiency γ = Ratio of constant pressure specific heat to constant volume specific heat (Cp/Cv) 7 1. Introduction The Pratt and Whitney PW1500G is a high-bypass geared turbofan engine currently selected as the exclusive engine for the Bombardier C-Series aircraft. At the time of this project creation, the first engine is currently being tested in Pratt and Whitney’s outdoor testing facilities in Florida. With the C-Series estimated entry in to service date of 2013 rapidly approaching, there is a substantial amount of work that needs to be completed. One such task is defining a rating that will be used to determine performance (thrust targets) of the engine. This rating will eventually be defined by low turbine rotor speed (N1), but as an intermediate step, will be defined by burner exit temperature (T4). The final goal of this project will be a number of T4 matrices organized into a comprehensive ratings file. This file will be packaged in a customer simulation and shipped to Bombardier for use in their aircraft design process. The customer simulation is essential for accurate expectations on thrust targets, station temperatures and pressures, bleed pressures and temperatures, fuel burn, etc. Additional to the design process, it will be used by the Bombardier engine performance group to quote aircraft thrust capabilities to potential aircraft buyers. 8 1.1 Geared Turbofan Basics The PW1500G Geared Turbofan engine is a typical two spooled engine design with a twist. Normal two spool engine designs are driven by two rotors, called the high spool and low spool. The low spool is composed of the fan, low pressure compressor (LPC), and low pressure turbine (LPT). The high spool, often called the core when combined with the burner, is composed of the high pressure compressor (HPC) and high pressure turbine (HPT). In the typical two spool design, all components on the low spool spin at the same rate, referred to as the low rotor speed (N1). All components on the high spool also spin at the same rate, referred to as the high rotor speed (N2). The figure below shows a simplified cartoon of a two-spool engine. Additionally, the figure has numeric station designations that will be used in the remainder of this project. Figure 1 – Two-Spool Turbofan Cross Section with Station Designations In the geared turbofan design, the low spool components are separated by a reduction gearbox. In this design, the LPC and LPT will spin at the same rate, but the reduction gearbox will create a slower spinning fan. The reason behind this design is fan bypass 9 ratio (BPR). For subsonic commercial aircraft, the goal in engine design is multipronged, but all aircraft suppliers would agree the engine needs to be as lightweight as possible with low thrust specific fuel consumption (TSFC), while still being able to meet thrust requirements. A high bypass ratio gives a lower exhaust speed, which helps reduce TSFC. Unfortunately for the two spool engine design, a high bypass ratio requires a slow spinning fan. Since the fan is driven by the LPT, to slow the fan down to an optimal speed would require more stages on the LPT, which increases size and, more importantly, weight of the engine. By adding the reduction gearbox, the fan can spin at an optimal speed (N1F) without needing to increase the size of the LPT. 1.2 Numerical Propulsion System Simulation The Numerical Propulsion System Simulation, hereby referred to as NPSS, is a detailed aerothermomechanical computer simulation developed by the NASA Glenn Research Center with support from the US aeropropulsion industry. It is used in the aircraft engine design process to realistically model the physical interactions that take place inside an engine, which can not only reduce the need for expensive and complicated testing, but to also verify results of such testing as it is required [1]. At its core, NPSS is a component-based object-oriented engine cycle simulator designed to perform cycle design, steady state and transient off-design performance prediction, test data matching, and many other traditional tasks of engine cycle simulation codes [1]. For the purpose of this project, only the steady state performance predictions will be used. Transient simulations will not be necessary for rating table definitions. NPSS is composed of a series of individual, interconnected components, linked together through mechanical, fluid & fuel ports. The overall assembly of components is controlled by a solution algorithm by way of a solver object that will impose fundamental conservation laws (continuity, energy, momentum) as well as any other user defined constraints. Additionally, NPSS incorporates a full-featured user interface via a built-in programming language modeled after C++. All NPSS simulations are created from a collection of six (6) basic object types (classes) or building blocks. These classes (building blocks) represent the engine com- 10 ponents (hardware) and how those components are linked together, as well as the more abstract features that a simulation comprises. The six basic object types are elements, subelements, sockets, flow stations, ports and tables. A conceptual figure illustrating how these concepts are used to create an engine simulation is included below in Figure 2. This particular figure is simplified for a single shaft turbofan. The highlighted area represents the portion of the simulation that would be doubled for the typical dual shaft engine design. Objects represent both engine components (compressor, turbine, shaft, nozzle, etc.) as well as the more abstract features such as “FlightConditions”, “Solver”, “DataViewers”, etc. Simple Conceptual Engine Model Model FlightConditions Element s FuelStart Element Fluid Port Fuel Port Assembly F P Inlet Element F P F F P Compressor P Element F P Fuel Port F F P Burner P Element F P Turbine Element F P F P F Duct P Element F P CDNozzle Element F P Shaft Port Fluid Port Shaft Port Bleed Fluid Port S P Shaft Element S P FlowEnd Element CompressorMap Subelement F P Socket Compressor Element Shaft Port F P F P Compressor, Shaft, and Turbine will have both LP and HP objects for a 2-spool engine Solver Data Viewer(s) Figure 2 – Simple Conceptual NPSS Model For the purposes of this project, a baseline NPSS simulation for the Bombardier engine has already been developed. Various “building blocks” from a number of departments within Pratt and Whitney have been supplied to create this baseline simulation. These building blocks include input files for component maps, component setup, subsystems (bleeds, drag), engine control, ratings, and installation effects (customer bleeds, port losses, flight envelope, etc.). The ratings input file is what will be modified to meet the customer requirements for the new simulation. 11 2. Methodology 2.1 Review of Gas Generator Turbomachinery Methods of engine control in past engine designs at Pratt and Whitney have varied quite a bit over the years. Legacy engine models have used engine pressure ratio (EPR), or PT7/PT2 as a method of controlling the engine powersetting. Newer engine models, such as the Engine Alliance GP7000 and PW6000 have used low rotor speed (N1) as the means for setting engine power. The Bombardier engine will also eventually use an N1 rating to define powersetting, but in advance of this, combustor exit temperature will be used for preliminary customer simulations. T4 can be directly linked to engine thrust with basic thermodynamics of turbofan engines. For a turbofan engine, we can approximate specific thrust with the following equation [3]: FN (1 f ) u e BPR u ef (1 BPR ) u m a where BPR = fan bypass ratio FN = specific thrust m a f = fuel air ratio ue = core engine exit velocity uef = fan nozzle exit velocity u = free stream velocity With the above equation, we assume that the core engine flow and the bypass flow expand separately to the ambient conditions behind the engine. Since we are concerned with burner exit temperatures for control, we want to focus on the core engine flow. Allowing for the work done by the engine core on the fan stream, and assuming the rate of mass flow in both the turbine and compressor to be equal, we can write the turbine power balance as [3]: T4.9 T4 (T3 T2 ) BPR (T18 T0 ) 12 where T4.9 = LPT exit temperature T3 = LPC exit temperature T2 = Fan inlet temperature T18 = Fan bypass air temperature T0 = Ambient temperature We can also model the core engine exit velocity as such [3]: 1 pa ue 2n R T4.9 1 1 p4.9 where n = Fan nozzle efficiency γ = Ratio of constant pressure specific heat to constant volume specific heat (Cp/Cv) R = Gas Constant pa = Ambient pressure p4.9 = LPT exit pressure Since LPT exit temperature is dependent on upstream burner exit temperature, we can make the conclusion that core engine exit velocity is dependent on the square of burner exit temperature, which corresponds to specific thrust. Thus, engine thrust for a given flight condition (MN, ALT, ambient pressures and temperatures) is directly proportional to T4 as well as ambient conditions. A simplified cartoon of a typical thrust / T4 lapse with respect to delta ambient temperature is presented below. Figure 3 – Typical T4 / Thrust Lapse 13 Figure 3 shows that for a given DTAMB from ISA standard day, the T4 remains constant for all higher DTAMB values. This is referred to as the break-point. For DTAMB values hotter than the breakpoint temperature, T4 will remain constant and thrust will fall off. This is called the “hot-day line”, and the rating files we will create will need to model this type of behavior. Furthermore, subtracting flow out of the compressor for engine bleeds will have a noticeable effect on thrust. By reducing core flow, if all other conditions are held constant, the overall thrust value will decrease, and in most cases, the breakpoint value will move to a lower DTAMB [2]. This will be evident in the results section when we apply constant T4 schedules to different bleed configurations. 2.2 Aircraft Flight Envelope, Power Settings, and Derates The initial requirement for the PW1500G engine was a maximum take-off (MTO) thrust capability of 23,000 pounds of thrust. This requirement is outlined in the Technical Requirements Document (TRD) agreed upon between Pratt and Whitney and Bombardier. Further discussions with Bombardier have led to the requirements for thrust derates on the engine for the purpose of prolonging engine life on wing. Derates have been defined at 21k and 18.9k pounds of thrust respectively. These derates have been added to the TRD. Specific requirements for these derates have been supplied by Bombardier and have to be met for this particular engine simulation. Power settings required for the simulation are maximum take-off (MTO), maximum continuous (MCT), and maximum climb (MCL), ordered in descending levels of thrust. The baseline simulation to be used in this project has 23k and 21k levels of MTO, MCT, and MCL thrust defined for only a small number of engine bleed configurations. The new simulation will have MTO, MCT, and MCL power settings defined for 23k, 21k, and 18.9k levels of thrust at a larger number of bleed conditions. There are three different engine bleeds that will be taken into account for the rating definition. These bleeds are the environmental control (ECS), wing anti-ice (WAI), and cowl anti-ice (CAI). ECS bleeds are responsible for feeding bleed off-take air into a number of different systems that are required for a commercial flight with passengers, including breathable air, cabin pressure regulation, heat and air conditioning systems, 14 etc. WAI and CAI bleeds are fairly self-explanatory, in that their specific purpose is to combat the effects of wing and cowl icing in conditions in which icing can become a potential problem. Engine bleeds can be utilized in both single and dual (nominal) engine operation. Single operation occurs if there is only one engine on the aircraft producing bleed flow for these systems. This will incur a higher bleed flow for a particular engine, and hence the performance of that engine will be more restricted than an engine flowing less bleed for dual operation. There are a large number of different bleed configuration permutations, but only eleven configurations were outlined in the requirements between P&W and BA. The eleven different bleed configurations that will be taken into account for rating design are as follows: Bleeds OFF ECS OFF / CAI ON ECS OFF / CAI ON WAI ON DUAL ECS OFF / CAI ON WAI ON SINGLE ECS ON DUAL ECS ON DUAL / CAI ON ECS ON DUAL / CAI ON WAI ON DUAL ECS ON SINGLE, ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON WAI ON DUAL ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON WAI ON SINGLE. All schedules must be defined for the entire operating envelope of the Bombardier C-series aircraft. Since the operating envelope is an internally controlled and proprietary document, for the purposes of this project, it has been modified to eliminate any exposure. Figure 3 describes the modified operator envelopes. 15 CSeries Operating Envelopes 40000.00 39,000 ft 35000.00 0.77M 30000.00 Pressure Altitude (ft) 25000.00 20000.00 15000.00 14,500 ft 12,000 ft 10000.00 Take-Off Envelope 5000.00 0.00 -2,000 ft -5000.00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Mach Number Figure 4 – Modified Bombardier Operating Envelopes Notice there are two operating envelopes above. It is only required to hit MTO target thrusts within the take-off envelope, which accounts for realistic airports around the globe. For MCT and MCL target thrusts, all points within the operating envelope are required. To hit specific thrusts for every point in the envelope would create ratings tables too large for the simulation, and fidelity on a level which is not required. As a result, grids of nodes were agreed upon with Bombardier to meet requirements. Typically, this resulted in a node at every 0.05 mach number and every 2000 feet. Creating individual schedules for all possible permutations of derate, power setting, and bleed configuration would require a total of 99 different schedules. If we include all other bleed configurations outside the 11 defined previously, the number of schedules required gets out of control in a hurry. Combine this with the fact that there are nodes every 0.05 mach and every 2000 feet across the entire envelope, and the size of the ratings file balloons very quickly. As a result, schedules were targeted for specific bleed conditions which were most important to Bombardier. For bleed conditions in which a specific schedule was not targeted, the bleed configuration with the next highest bleed 16 flow was chosen to represent this case. For example, for the 21k MTO rating, bleed configurations that were specifically targeted were Bleeds OFF, ECS ON SINGLE, and ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON WAI ON SINGLE. Obviously, bleed flow for the Bleeds OFF configuration is zero. Total bleed flow for ECS ON SINGLE will be less than ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON WAI ON SINGLE, as the later is flowing bleed for the anti-ice system. Logically, it would also follow that ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON would be flowing greater bleed than ECS ON SINGLE. As such, the next targeted bleed configuration with the highest flow would be ECS ON SINGLE / CAI ON WAI ON SINGLE, so that schedule would be used. This will result in the same T4 schedule being used for both the targeted and non-targeted condition. Since the non-targeted condition is operating with less bleed flowing, but the T4 remains the same, the corresponding output thrust will be greater. Table 1 below illustrates the T4 schedule summary. The numbers below the bleed configurations correspond to the bleed flow ranking, with (1) being the least amount of bleed flow, and (11) being the max case. Table 1 – Burner Exit Temperature Schedule Summary 2.3 Customer Requirements and Thrust Logic This section will discuss the agreed upon thrust logic and requirements proposed by Bombardier. 17 2.4 Method Used to Develop Ratings Tables This section will discuss the actual methods used to generate the tables, creating runin files, excel spreadsheets, etc. 18 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Technical Requirements Document Thrust Points This section will discuss hitting TRD required points 3.2 Derates and Meeting Customer Requirements This section will discuss hitting agreed upon customer requirements for derates, percentage deltas from 23 to 21k, 21 to 18.9k. 3.3 Behavior Checks This section will check to ensure engine performance is behaving as expected with respect to thrust lapses, fir tree plots, and ensuring MTO>MCT>MCL for 23, 21, and 18.9k ratings. 19 4. Conclusion 20 5. References 1. NPSS User Guide, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field, April 4, 2005 2. Lewis, John H., Fundamental Engineering Principles as Applied to Gas Turbine Performance Analysis, 2nd Edition, September 2003 3. Hill, Philip, Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992 21