MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Trenwell Agriculture P/L RESUS COLOSTRUM REPLACER FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR NEONATAL PIGLETS. SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Product Description: RE-SUS COLOSTRUM REPLACER is produced by vaccinating dairy cows with pilus – based and whole cell E.coli vaccines for prevention of piglet diarrhoeal diseases and collecting early post – partum colostrum. This colostrum is then formulated to have nutritional characteristics comparable to sow colostrum. Recommended Use: A source of passive immune protection and energy food for neonatal piglets. Feed by bottle or stomach tube to chilled, weak or mismothered piglets. Supplier Name: Address: Think Pig P/L 16 Grevillea Rd Huntly VIC. 3551 Phone: 03-54488942 SECTION 2 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Not Classified as hazardous according to criteria of Worksafe Australia ACUTE: SWALLOWED: RESUS is designed to provide immune and nutritional support for neonatal piglets. The product has been gamma irradiated to improve storage characteristics and is therefore not acceptable for human consumption. RESUS has a bland, slightly tallowy flavour and is not likely to be found palatable by children. RESUS is typical of other colostrum and milk products in that it has potential to become contaminated microbiologically if not stored correctly or if kept beyond its recommended expiry date. Digestion irregularities may be seen following swallowing RESUS because of the high fat content. EYE: May cause minor irritation. SKIN: Repeated exposure may encourage secondary dermatitis associated with microbial growth on the skin. INHALED: No effects likely. CHRONIC EFFECTS: No known symptoms encountered. Material Safety Data Sheet: Page 1 of 4 RESUS Colostrum Replacer March 07 SECTION 3 COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. INGREDIENTS: Bovine Colostrum, Milk solids and fat Fatty Acid derivatives Beta Carotene Dextrose Lecthin PROPORTION 80% 4.5% 0.01% 10% 5% OTHER INGREDIENT DATA: All chemical additives are of food, pharmaceutical or analytical grade. SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES SWALLOWED: Give a glass of water. Observe for symptoms of food poisoning and / or digestive upsets. Seek medical advice if symptoms are evident. EYE: Irrigate for 1-2 minutes with copious amounts of water with eyelids held open. SKIN: Wash affected area with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and launder and reuse. INHALED: No dangerous vapours are produced. ADVICE to DOCTOR Treat for ingestion of rich, possible microbiologically contaminated dairy product. SECTION 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLAMMABILITY: Non Flammable. FIRE / EXPLOSION HAZARD. Non reactive. Toxic fumes may be emitted by the plastic containers. SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES As for Milk Powder SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Store in the closed original or sanitised containers in a cool place. Refrigerate after opening and dispose residue material following the expiry date. Keep away from children and animals. Store away from chemicals and poisons. Material Safety Data Sheet: Page 2 of 4 RESUS Colostrum Replacer March 07 SECTION 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/ PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE STANDARDS: None have been set. PERSONAL PROTECTION: Normal hygiene and food (milk product) preparation and storage requirements apply. SECTION 9 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION / PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: BOILING POINT: MELTING POINT: VAPOUR PRESSURE: VOLATILE COMPONENT: SPECIFIC GRAVITY: FLASH POINT: FLAMMABILITY LIMITS: AUTOIGNITION TEMP: FORM: SECTION 10 Prior to dilution: Cream granular powder. After dilution for use: Creamy liquid. Approx: 100۫ C Approx: 4۫ C N/A N/A Approx. 0.96 N/A N/A N/A Granular powder until diluted for use. STABILITY & REACTIVITY Not reactive. Subject to microbial contamination. SECTION 11 TOXICOLIGICAL INFORMATION Ingredients are all non toxic. SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Avoid heavy contamination of water ways or streams. Used containers should be immediately washed prior to disposal. Expired, contaminated or curdled product should be emptied into isolated effluent disposal system or compost system. Containers of contaminated product should be washed with disinfectant and hot water. Dried containers should be disposed of into plastic recycle bin. SECTION 13 SPILLS & DISPOSAL: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Contain spills and absorb with sand, soil or proprietary absorbent (vermiculite). Prevent from entering drains and waterways. Dispose of contaminated material in a sewer or by composting. Do not dispose of unwanted or expired product on grazed land or areas with access to flies or rodents. Material Safety Data Sheet: Page 3 of 4 RESUS Colostrum Replacer March 07 SECTION 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION . Considered non hazardous for transport by Australian Code for transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail or Road. SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION RESUS is registered as an immunbiological product with the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA). APVMA Approval Number 47728. SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION. Thoroughly wash syringes, stomach tubes, troughs or baby bottles used to feed RESUS to piglets with soapy water and store dry. This product should not be administered to other than neonatal piglets. Recommended dose rates should be followed. Appropriate care should be taken when feeding piglets with stomach tubes. Material Safety Data Sheet: Page 4 of 4 RESUS Colostrum Replacer March 07