1 PROFESSOR IAN KIRKPATRICK EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Wales College of Cardiff, 1996: ‘Rules, Negotiations and Control: The case of a Public Service Agency’. M.Sc. Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, 1989, London School of Economics. BA (Hons) History, University of York. PROFESSIONAL CAREER 2007 - Deputy Director Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change, University of Leeds. 2006 - Professor in Work and Organization – Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds. 2000–2006 Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour, Leeds University Business School. 1994-2000 Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour, Cardiff Business School. 1990–1994 Research Associate, Cardiff Business School. EXTERNAL POSITIONS 2007 Panel member, National Inquiry into Management and Medicine, University of Leeds. 2004-2007 Editorial board, Work, Employment and Society (BSA Journal) 2005- Chief Examiner, Organisational Behaviour (External programme), London School of Economics. 2002–2003: Visiting Profesor - Departamento de Economia y Empresa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). 2001- Member of Institutional Economics and Public Regulations Research, University of Valencia. Peer review for: Organisation; Organisation Studies; Public Administration; Public Administration Review; Journal of Management Studies; British Journal of Management; Work Employment and Society; Employee Relations; International Journal of Public Sector Management; Management Learning. 2 Peer reviewer for: Economic and Social Research Council Member of: European Group for Organisational Studies; Critical Management Studies network; European Group for Public Administration. MAIN FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECTS - ‘Managing for Change’, knowledge transfer partnership, Leeds University Business School with Leeds Teaching Hospital (2008-2010), £40,000, ESRC (with Becky Maltby and Hugo Mascie-Taylor) - ‘Exploring change in the management of European Health Systems’ (2007-8), £6000, University of Leeds International fund (with Becky Maltby). - ‘Agency working & employment change in health and social care: a UK and Australia comparison’ (2007-8), £95,000, ESRC (RES-000-22-2000) ( with Kim Hoque, Alex DeRuyter and Chris Lonsdale). - ‘National Inquiry into Management and Medicine’ (2006-7), £5000, Higher Education Innovation Fund, KT pump priming grant: £5000, Leeds University Business School. - ‘Agency Employment in UK Public Services’ (2004-6), £2000, Leeds University Business School ‘Seedcorn’ fund. - ‘External Management of Children’s Homes by Local Authorities’ (1997-1999), £150,000, Department of Health (with Professor Richard Whipp and Dr Martin Kitchener). - ‘Professions in late modernity – seminar series’ (1993), £5000, ESRC (Richard Whipp). - ‘Anglo-German research network on public sector reforms’ (1993), £4000, Hans Bockler Foundation. UNIVERSITY POSITIONS 2007- Faculty representative for postgraduate grants and prizes, Leeds University Business School (LUBS). 2006- LSSI launch committee 2006- Executive board member of Leeds Social Science Institute (LSSI), University of Leeds. 2005- Departmental representative for postgraduate students. 3 1994-1998 Erasmus students cohort tutor SUPERVISION OF RESEARCH STUDENTS (SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION) Sarah Mollitt, (2006) ‘Unwanted flexibility: agency working in health and social care’. PUBLICATIONS Books (Monographs) Kirkpatrick, I., Ackroyd, S. And Walker, R. (2005) The New Managerialism and Public Service Professions, London: Palgrave. Whipp, R., Kirkpatrick, I., and Kitchener, M. (2005) Managing Residential Child Care: A Managed Service?, London: Palgrave. Journal articles Kipping, M. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2013) ‘Alternative pathways of change in professional services firms: the case of management consulting’, Journal of Management Studies (Forthcoming). Veronesi, G., Kirkpatrick, I. and Vallascas, F. (2013) ‘Does clinical management improve efficiency? Evidence from the English NHS’, Public Money and Management (Forthcoming). Veronesi, G., Kirkpatrick, I. and Vallascas, F. (2012) ‘Clinicians on the Board: What Difference does it make?’, Social Science and Medicine (Forthcoming). Kirkpatrick, I., Bullinger, B., Dent, M. & Lega, F. (2012) ‘The development of medical-manager roles in European hospital systems: a framework for comparison’. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 66(2): 121–124. Grugulis, I. Stuart, M., Forde, C., Kirkpatrick, I. Mackenzie, R. and Tomlison, J. (2012) ‘Writing articles for Work, Employment and Society: different voices, same language’, Work, Employment and Society. 26(1): 5-9. Kirkpatrick, I., De Ruyter, A., Hoque, K., and Lonsdale, C. (2011) ‘Practicing what they preach? The disconnect between the state as regulator and user of employment agencies’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Issue 18, 37113726. Muzio, D., Kirkpatrick, I. and Kipping, M. (2011) ‘Professions, Organizations and the State: Applying the Sociology of the Professions to the Case of Management Consultancy’, Current Sociology, 59 (6) 805-824. Hoque, K., Kirkpatrick, I., Lonsdale, C. and DeRuyter, A. (2011) ‘Outsourcing the procurement of agency workers: assessing the impact of vendor managed services in English social care’, Work Employment and Society, 25 (3), 522-539. 4 Stuart, M., Gurgulis, I., Forde, C., Kirkpatrick, I., MacKenzie, R. and Tomlinson, J. (2011) ‘The more things change…towards 25 years of Work, Employment and Society’, Work Employment and Society, 25 (2) 197-201. Kirkpatrick, I. and McCabe, C. (2011) ‘A full blooded market system: at what cost to the NHS?’, British Medical Journal, 343: doi: 10.1136, 13 July. Muzio, D. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2011) ‘Introduction: professions and organisations – a conceptual framework’, Current Sociology, 59, 4, 389-405. Kirkpatrick, I., Kragh-Jespersen, P., and Dent, M. (2011) ‘The contested terrain of hospital management: professional projects and healthcare reform in Denmark’ Current Sociology, 59, 4, 489-506. Londsdale, C., Kirkpatrick, I., Hoque, K. and De Ruyter, A. (2010) ‘Supplier Behaviour and Public Contracting in the English Agency Nursing Market’, Public Administration, 88, 3: 800-818. Kirkpatrick, I., Kragh Jespersen, P., Dent, M. and Neogy, I. (2009) ‘Medicine and management in a comparative perspective: the cases of England and Denmark’, Sociology of Health and Illness, 31 (5), 642-658. Shelly, M.S. and Kirkpatrick, I (2008) ‘Medical engagement redefined: managing productive relationships between doctors and managers’, Clinical Leader, 1, 2:69-78. Kirkpatrick, I. Shelly, M., S., Dent, M. and Neogy, I. (2008) ‘Towards a “productive” relationship between medicine and management: reporting from a national inquiry’, International Journal of Clinical Leadership, 16, 1:27-35. Hoque, K., Kirkpatrick, I., De Ruyter, A. and Lonsdale, C. (2008) ‘New contractual relationships in the agency worker market: the case of the UK NHS’, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46, 3: 389-412. Hoque, K. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2008) ‘Making the core contingent: agency work and its consequences for UK public services’, Public Administration, 86, 2: 331-344. De Ruyter, A., Kirkpatrick, I., Hoque, K., Lonsdale, C. and Malan, J. (2008) ‘Agency working and the degradation of public service employment: the case of nurses and social workers’ International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19, 3: 43245. Kirkpatrick, I. (2008) ‘Engaging doctors in management: some lessons from the UK NHS’, Interface Health Magazine – forthcoming. Kirkpatrick, I. Shelly, M., S., Dent, M. Neogy, I. (2008) ‘Towards a “productive” relationship between medicine and management: reporting from a national inquiry’, Clinician in Management - forthcoming 5 De Ruyter, A., Kirkpatrick, I., Hoque, K., Lonsdale, C. and Malan, J. (2008) ‘Agency working and the degradation of public service employment: the case of nurses and social workers’, International Journal of Human Resource Management – forthcoming. Hoque, K. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2008) ‘Making the core contingent: agency work and its consequences for UK public services’, Public Administration, 86, 1. Ackroyd, S., Kirkpatrick, I. And Walker, R. (2007) ‘Public management reform and its consequences for professional organisation: a comparative analysis’. Public Administration. 85, 1. Kirkpatrick, I. and Hoque, K. (2006) ‘A retreat from permanent employment? Accounting for the rise of professional agency work in UK public services’, Work, Employment and Society, 20, 4. Kirkpatrick, I. (2006) ‘Between markets and networks: the reform of social care provision in the UK’, Revista de Analisis Economico, Vol 21, 2, Sept-Dec. Kirkpatrick, I. (2005) ‘Taking stock of the new managerialism in English social services’, Social Work and Society [online journal] 3, 3, December. Kirkpatrick, I. (2005) ‘Los mercados de la asistencia social en la practica: La experiencia del reino unido’. Revista Asturiana Economia, num. 32, Enero-Abril. Kirkpatrick, I. and Hoque, K. (2005) ‘The decentralisation of employment relations in the British public sector’, Industrial Relations Journal, 36, 2, pp Kirkpatrick, I. and Ackroyd, S. (2003) ‘Archetype theory and the changing professional organization: a critique and alternative’, Organization, 10, 4, pp 739-758. Hoque, K. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2003) ‘Non-standard employment in the management and professional workforce: training, consultation and gender implications’, Work Employment and Society, 17, 4. pp 667-689. Kirkpatrick, I. and Ackroyd, S. (2003) ‘Transforming the professional archetype?: the new managerialism in UK social services’, Public Management Review, 5, 4. Kirkpatrick, I. (2002) ‘A jungle of competing requirements: management reform in the organizational field of UK social services’, Social Work and Social Sciences Review , 10, 3, pp 24-47. Kirkpatrick, I., Kitchener, M. and Whipp, R. (2001) ‘Out of sight, out of mind? Assessing the impact of markets for local authority children’s services’, Public Administration, 79, 1., pp 49-71. Boyne, G., Kirkpatrick, I. and Kitchener, M.J. (2001) ‘Introduction to the symposium on new labour and the “modernisation” of public management’, Public Administration, 79, 1. pp 1-4. 6 Kitchener, M., Kirkpatrick, I. and Whipp, R. (2000) ‘Supervising professional work under new public management: evidence from an “invisible trade”’, British Journal of Management, 11, 3. pp 213-226. [Reprinted in: Managing Care: Perspectives and Practice, Atkinson, D and Henderson, J. (eds) (2003) London: Routledge.] Kirkpatrick, I. (2000) ‘Workplace assimilation and conflict in professional service organisations: the case of university libraries’ Public Policy and Administration, 14, 4, pp.71-86. Kirkpatrick, I. (1999) ‘Managers or colleagues?: the changing nature of intraprofessional relationships in UK public services’, Public Management, 1, 4, pp 489509. Kirkpatrick, I., Kitchener, M., Owen, D. and Whipp, R. (1999) ‘Un-chartered territory: experiences of the purchaser/provider split in local authority children’s services’, British Journal of Social Work, 29, pp 707-726. Kirkpatrick, I. (1999) ‘The worst of both worlds?: public services without markets or bureaucracy’, Public Money and Management, 19, 4, pp7-14. Kitchener, M., Kirkpatrick, I. and Whipp, R. (1999) ‘Decoupling management control: the case of UK children’s homes’, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 12, 4, pp 338-350. Kirkpatrick, I. and Martinez-Lucio, M. (1996) ‘The contract state and the future of public management: introduction’, Public Administration, 74, 1., pp 1-8. Davies, A., and Kirkpatrick, I. (1995) ‘Face to face with the sovereign consumer: service quality and the changing role of professional librarians’, Sociological Review, 43, 4, pp 782-807. Davies, A., Kirkpatrick, I., and N. Oliver. (1992) 'The organisational culture of an academic library: implications for library strategy', British Journal of Academic Librarianship, 7, 2, pp 69-89. Editorship of journal special issues Special edition of Current Sociology ‘reconnecting professional organisations and occupations’, 2011, 59. (with Daniel Muzio). Special edition of Management Research News, ‘The contract state? The future of public management?’, 17, 1994 (edited with Miguel Martinez-Lucio and Bob Turner). Special issue of Public Administration, ‘The Contract State’, 74, 1. 1996 (joint editor with Miguel Martinez-Lucio). Symposium in Public Administration, ‘New Labour and the modernisation of public management’, 79, 1, 2001 (joint editor with George Boyne and Martin Kitchener). 7 Edited books Kirkpatrick, I. and Martinez-Lucio, M. (eds.) (1995) The Politics of Quality: Management of Change in the U.K. Public Sector, Routledge: London. Chapters in books Kirkpatrick, I., Dent, M. and Lega, F. (2013) ‘Hybrid connections between professional work and organizations’, in Noordegraaf, M. and Waring, J. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Public Professionalism, London: Routledge. Kirkpatrick, I. (2013) The Changing Relationship between Organisations and Occupations in Professional Services Firms, in Empson, L., Muzio, D., Broschak, J. and Hinings, B. (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Professional Service Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press Kirkpatrick, I., Muzio, D. and Ackroyd, S. (2012) ‘The sociology of professions’, in Clark, T. and Kipping, M. (eds) The Oxford handbook of management Consulting, Oxford university press – forthcoming. Kipping, M. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2011) ‘O Desenvolvimento da Consultoria de Gestão Empresarial entre Estrutura e Agência’, in Julio Cesar Donadone and Maria A. Chaves Jardim (eds), As centralidades e as fronteiras das empresas do século 21. Bauru: Edusc, pp. 249-284. Dent, M. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2011) ‘Medical leadership and Management Reforms in Hospitals in England, Denmark, Netherlands and Kaiser Permanente’, in Teelken, C., Dent, M. and Ferlie, E. (eds.) Leadership, Management, and the Professions in the Public Sector, London: Routledge. Kipping, M. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2009) ‘The changing organization of management consulting firms’, in Clark, T. and Kipping, M. (eds) The Oxford handbook of management Consulting, Oxford university press – forthcoming. Ackroyd, S., Kirkpatrick, I. and Muzio, D. (2009) ‘The sociology of professions’, in Clark, T. and Kipping, M. (eds) The Oxford handbook of management Consulting, Oxford university press – forthcoming. Kipping, M. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2007) ‘From Talyor as product to taylorism as process: Knowledge intensive firms in a historical perspective’, in Muzio, D. Ackroyd, S. and Chalant, F. (eds.) Redirections in the Study of Expert Labour: Law, Medicine and Management Consultancy, London: Palgrave. Kipping, M., Kirkpatrick, I. and Muzio, D. (2006) ‘Overly controlled or out of control: management consultants and the new corporate professionalism’, in Craig, J. (ed.) Production Values: Futures for Professionalism, London: Demos. Kirkpatrick, I. (2006) ‘La organizacion y gestion de la asistencia social en el reino unido y sus consecuencias: jerarquias, mercados y redes’, in Toboso, F. and Arias, 8 X.C. (Eds.): Organización de gobiernos y mercados. Análisis de casos desde la Nueva Economía Institucional. PUV: Valencia. Kirkpatrick, I. (2006) ‘Post-Fordism and the new regime of organising within the state administration’ in Alonso, L. and Martinez Lucio, M. (eds.) Change and Conflict in the ‘New Economy’: Discussing the Development of Post-Fordism, London: Palgrave – forthcoming. Hebdon, R. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2005) ‘Changes in the organization of public services and their consequences for employment relations’, in Ackroyd, S., Batt, R., Thompson, P. and Tolbert, P.S. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kirkpatrick, I., Whipp, R., and Davies, A. (1996) 'New Public Management and Professions' in Glover, I and Hughes, M. (eds.) The Professional-Managerial Class: Contemporary British Management in the Pursuer Mode, Gower. Davies, A. and Kirkpatrick, I. (1995) 'Performance indicators, bureaucratic control and the decline of professional autonomy: the case of academic librarians', in Kirkpatrick and Martinez (eds.) The Politics of Quality, Routledge: London. Delbridge, R. and Kirkpatrick, I. (1994) 'Theory and Practice of Participant Observation', In Wass, V. and Wells, P. (eds.) Principles and Practice in Business and Management Research, Dartmouth Gower: Aldershot Kirkpatrick, I., Davies, A., & Oliver, N. (1992) 'Decentralisation: friend or foe of human resource management', in Blyton, P. and Turnbull, P (eds.) Reassessing Human Resource Management, Sage, London. Major Reports Kirkpatrick, I., Maltby, B., Dent, M., Neogy, I., Mascie-Taylor, H., Pollard, L. National Inquiry into Management and Medicine: Final Report, Centre for Innovation and Health Management, University of Leeds, January 2007. [Findings reported inFull report available at: http://www.cihm.leeds.ac.uk/themes/managers/downloads] Hoque, K., De Ruyter, A. Kirkpatrick, I., Hoque, K., Lonsdale C. An Assessment of Regulatory Change on the Health and Social Care Agency Market, Report for the Recruitment Employers Confederation, March 2007. Whipp, R., Kirkpatrick, I. and Kitchener, M. The External Management of Children’s Homes by Local Authorities, Report for the Department of Health, January 1999. [Major findings circulated to all senior managers in: Caring for Children Away From Home: Messages from Research, Department of Health, John Wiley, 1999] Recent conference papers Hoque, K., Kirkpatrick, I., Lonsdale, C. and De Ruyter, A. ‘New contractual relationships in the market for agency workers: the case of the UK’s National Health 9 Service’, paper presented at the Work, Employment and Society conference, Aberdeen, September, 2007. Kirkpatrick, I., Kragh Jespersen, P., Dent, M. and Neogy, I. ‘Medicine and management in a comparative perspective’, paper presented at Critical Management Studies conference, July 2007. Kirkpatrick, I. and Kipping, M. ‘Theorizing the expansion of the Management Consulting Industry: A Critical Realist Approach’. Paper presented at the Academy of Management conference, Atlanta, August 2006. Kipping, M., Muzio, D. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2006) ‘Professionalism without professions: the case of management consulting’. Paper presented at the 22nd European group of Organization Studies colloquium, Bergen, July. [Information on earlier conference papers is available on request] Other Publications In addition to the above I have been involved in the development of a number of reports for organisations such as the Department of Health (see above), Ernst and Young and the University of Cardiff. I also have a number of papers published in conference proceedings and shorter articles that have appeared in journals/magazines with a practitioner focus. Information on these outputs is available on request.