Format of Renal Medicine Attachment at VHK Key points for your attachment in Renal Medicine at VHK: 1. This is a clinical attachment therefore your presence and participation on the ward and clinics are the prime activities. Superimposed on your time in the clinical environment are tutorials and scheduled teaching which supplement your clinical experience here. 2. Ward 22 manages general medical patients in addition to a variable number of renal patients. This includes a renal high dependency area. Ward rounds occur daily with a consultant led ward round on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Your attendance on the ward round should allow you to present case, and discuss the case with the consultant and with the patient. This should provide valuable OSCE experience and feedback. You should also help plan the care and documentation arising from the ward round. 3. Spaces in the timetable should allow you to spend time with the junior doctors on the ward helping with the work. You would gain experience of fluid prescription, medicine prescribing (not signing prescriptions) and gain experience of renal management. 4. At any one time you should be familiar with the total care and management of 1-2 patients on your ward. You should act as their FY1 doctor as far as possible, for example writing in notes and writing kardexs (but NOT signing for drugs). 5. Informal individual feedback will be given by the consultant on ward 22 and renal SpR but you might have to ask for it! 6. Professional behaviour – you are expected to be in VHK 9:00am-5:00pm on a daily basis. If you need time off then it needs to be cleared with your educational supervisor and university first. If you are off sick then please let me know by phone or email. In short your behaviour on the ward should be as it would be for when you are in employment as a FY1. Dr Arthur Doyle, Consultant Nephrologist Renal Ward Attachment The purpose of the attachment is for you to gain experience of renal clinical work. Should you find yourself underemployed please avail yourselves to ward staff or consultants who will direct you to suitable activities. You have access to the renal Ward and dialysis units and you have the opportunity to participate with the junior doctors in their tasks and duties. We would expect this experience to be as rewarding and valuable as the scheduled sessions. Tutorials You will receive preparatory information for tutorials, which you should study in advance. There may be online study provided for some sessions for you to complete. Further information on topics can be found on EDREN website NHS e-library provides access to “Uptodate” which is a hugely valuable reference for renal medicine. Please complete the Fluids and electrolyte tutorials on the eemec website For the Acute Kidney Injury tutorial you are each expected to identify and discuss a case of disturbed renal function in a general medicine patient. These are best identified from the Medical Admissions Unit. For the Proteinuria tutorial you should be able to discuss a case with a glomerular disease. These may be patients attending for biopsy or patients seen at renal clinic. You should be able to discuss the diagnostic process applicable to the patient. Feedback We value your feedback as you value ours. We will provide you with a sheet to record your experience during the attachment which will help guide the feedback session at the end of the block. Renal Contacts MW KB AA AD SpR TC/JG JA MB: KC: RDU KS/SMI: LL/KR: LR: MWa/JH: Ext 22221 Prof M Wood, Consultant Dr K Buck, Consultant Dr A Alfonzo, Consultant Dr Arthur Doyle, Consultant Ext 23107 Ext 22423 Ext 21139 Ext 22123 Ext 24373 Temby Chigaru/Jason Graham, Charge Nurse Ext 29920/22320 June Adamson (Clinical Skills Educator) Ext 22379 Morna Bezeval, Senior Staff Nurse Ext 22621 Karen Chalmers, Anaemia Coordinator Ext 24321 Haemodialysis unit sister Ext 28027 Sarah McInnes, Renal Pharmacist Ext 22561 Linda Lawson/Kerry Aitken, Renal Dietician Ext 25917/25783 Lisa Robertson, Renal Social Worker Ext 24121 Maggie Wansell and John Henderson, Community Dialysis Nurses