INDIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION University of Minnesota Constitution Article I. – General/Objectives/Functions 1.1 The official name of the organization shall be the Indian Student Association, which will be referred to as ISA. 1.2 The organization shall operate as a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization. 1.3 The organization shall abide by applicable rules and policies of the University of Minnesota pertaining to student organizations. The organization will be subjected to consequences if broken. 1.4 The organization shall exist on the intent to preserve and promote the Indian culture to the University community. Article II. - Membership 2.1 Membership is open to all students of the University of Minnesota regardless of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, creed, marital status, public assistance status, or sexual orientation. 2.2 To become a member one has to sign up through the list serve. 2.3 The organization reserves the right to deny/revoke membership with the consent of 2/3 of the board. 2.4 Members are informed of ISA activities, events through e-mail and other media. Article III. – Officers 3.1 The panel of officers of the this organization shall always consist of the following President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Finance Chair Activities Chair Affiliate Liaison Business Relations Chair Outreach Chair Public Relations Officer o Design o Social Media Webmaster 3.2 Forthcoming boards are open to change panel as they seem fit but shall always have the six officers listed above. 3.3 All officers must volunteer/be present at ISA and Affiliate events. 3.4 All officers must be currently enrolled University of Minnesota Students. 3.5 The duties of the officers are as follows: President His/Her main task would be to ensure the organization functions efficiently by executing task promptly, and is able to meet all its objectives. Direct ISA meetings Stand as a non-partisan leader In charge of the coordination and cooperation of members Locate and reserve rooms to conduct meetings Ensure the successful planning and execution of at least four events In charge of Student Service Fees Application for the subsequent year Vice President Assuming those responsibilities of the President when in absence Succeed the president if he/she were unable to complete his/her term of office unless he/she cannot fulfill the position Assist in conducting and scheduling meetings Secretary Record and produce minutes of meetings Serve as the main communication between the board and general members. Responsible for mail in Student Activities Office Directly responsible on updating general members through email Maintain a ISA events calendar accessible to all board members Treasurer Presides at meeting in the absence of the President and Vice President Handle Financial reports as required by organization Accumulate grants and dues (if applicable) Maintain thorough and accurate records of all transactions Collect deposits and issues receipts for all organization monies Communicates mainly with President and Vice President concerning financial matters Must have/generate knowledge of the University grant-giving organizations, and grant receiving procedures. In charge of the financial portion of the Student Service Fees Application (when applicable) Finance Chair Issue club funds as deemed appropriate by executive officers Maintain thorough and accurate records of all transactions Communicates mainly with President and Vice President concerning financial matters Assist the Treasurer develop the financial portion of the Student Service Fees Application (when applicable) Activities Chair Plans the logistics of events to promote social interaction among members (picnic, basketball tournament, etc.) This person is the main contact for their event. Main purpose should be to get members involved with the organization and create a friendly atmosphere. Outreach Plans events to promote service-related events for members (picnic, dance, etc.) Getting information about volunteering and volunteers for ISA and Affiliate-related events Public Relations: Design Provides a channel of communication for the members of the organization In charge creating and publishing print media for events Responsible for engaging all members in activities or events that ISA hosts. Public Relations: Social Media Provides a channel of communication for the members of the organization Responsible for promotion of posters and other propaganda via social media ex: Facebook, ISA Website, other UMN organizations, etc. Responsible for engaging all members in activities or events that ISA hosts. Webmaster Maintains and updates the ISA website at least once a week Assists Public Relations Chairs with promotion and other duties Business Relations Chair Responsible for obtaining sponsorships for the organization Negotiates and writes a contract with any interested party Records all attempts made on part of ISA Conducts communication with local companies for donation proposals In charge of working with restaurants for event catering Affiliate Liaison Works with the Public Relations Chair in keeping relations with affiliates Responsible for securing an ISA representative and/or volunteer for events hosted by our affiliates Article IV. – Meetings 4.1 The board must hold general body meetings or have another means of soliciting feedback from members twice a year. 4.2 The three strike system will be in effect for the board The qualification of a strike will be judged by the board but the official executive decision will be by the President and Vice President. The following actions are possible strikes a) Arriving ten minutes late to a meeting without notification b) Late to an event without notification c) Missing an entire meeting or event without notification (2 Strikes) d) Not fulfilling ones responsibilities 4.3 A quorum shall be present in order to conduct official business of the organization. A quorum must consist of at least the executive board panel. 4.4 Any member can address the board but must notify a board member one week prior to the meeting. 4.5 Decisions of the organization shall be enacted by a majority of the board panel. In certain situations the President and Vice President will make the executive decision. Article V. – Financial Matters 5.1 The President, Vice President, Treasurer and Finance Chair are the only members with authorization to sign checks. 5.2 The treasurer will keep receipts and update accounting book of transactions as they occur. 5.3 The Finance Chair will provide budget sheet when necessary. 5.4 The President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Finance Chair will be responsible in addressing expense issues. 5.5 A minimum of $800 will be saved in a Reserve Account for the following year’s board. Reserve Funds may be used only by the board when critical to programming. Article VI. Elections 6.1 Open to all University of Minnesota students. 6.2 President is required to have a minimum of one year experience on board. 6.3 New board shall be elected by previous board in the Spring. 6.4 All applicants must abide by deadlines. Article VII. – Amendments 7.1 Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any member of ISA. Such proposals should be submitted in written form to officers one week prior to the meeting in which the amendment is voted on. 7.2 Duty proposed amendments shall be submitted to a vote of the board panel quorum. A 2/3 majority vote in favor shall be required for adoption of such amendments. 7.3 Each year the newly elected board panel may make amendments and bylaws to the constitution as they see fit prior to the start of the next academic year. 7.4 If the organization was to shut down the savings will go towards any unpaid bills and the remaining will be given to charity. Article VIII. – Termination 8.1 If for any reason ISA were to shut down, the funds will go towards any unpaid bills. The remaining proceeds will be donated to an agreed upon charity organization. Article IV. – Events 8.1 Each year the following events will be scheduled: a) A minimum of four events b) At least one culture show Article V. - Impeachment 9.1 Any officer/member may be impeached for misconduct (to be defined by the organization.) The officer/member shall be given a seven days notice and an opportunity to defend him/herself. This impeachment vote shall require 2/3 majority vote of all board members. Constitution of Indian Student Association (ISA)