Unit 2 Cell Biology Summative Assessment Grading Rubric: Cell models will be judged and graded on the following criteria: Score Scientific Accuracy 5 or 4 biologically accurate and current insight in relation to cell biology to biological concepts Score 5 or 4 very unique and creative materials used Originality techniques are unique creative model Score Sturdiness and Attractiveness Score 5 or 4 is a good three dimensional model Model is sturdy and secure Model is ascetically pleasing Project needs little or no editing 5 or 4 easy to follow Appearance / Clarity 3 or 2 biologically accurate insight in relation to cell biology biological concepts not always clear 1 or 0 biologically inaccurate Little or no overall cell biological insight central theme 3 or 2 Choice of materials is somewhat unique and creative Little creativity in use of materials Construction techniques are standard and average Overall, some creativity is evident 1 or 0 No creativity in choice of materials Clique or unoriginal use of materials Construction techniques are poor Overall, no creativity or originality evident 3 or 2 Organizational structure is party three dimensional and has two dimensional properties Model is sturdy in certain parts yet unstable at others Model is ascetically pleasing with minor flaws Project needs some editing 1 or 0 Organizational structure is two dimensional only Model is not sturdy and falls apart Model is not ascetically pleasing and looks sloppy Project needs extensive editing 3 or 2 some of the cell is easy to follow work well together effective raphical elements Graphical elements are good make the project stand out and are effective in a group 1 or 0 inappropriate effective confusing and do not enable the project to be distinguished from others