Bash Bowl (sanitised version for younger players

Bash Bowl!
(being a sanitised version of Blood Bowl for younger players!!)
Welcome to Bash Bowl! The rules here will allow younger players and those new to board games to join in with
the mayhem and carnage of the wonderful game of BloodBowl already enjoyed by other coaches.
A Match is played between two teams using a BB7’s board. Both teams are selected before the start of the Match
though both types do not have to be the same. For example, you could play a Bash team against an Agile team.
Teams are declared as Bash, Agile or Mixed. Each type has different strengths and weaknesses, described later.
Each team starts the match with 11 players, regardless of type. Although the models may look different, each
player on the team uses the same abilities for their team’s type.
Playing Pitch
This is the field on which the game of Bash Bowl takes place. It is divided into squares to regulate movement and
combat; each square can hold only one Blood Bowl player at a time.
The areas at either end of the pitch are called the End Zones. If a team gets the ball into their opponent’s End
Zone they score a touchdown. These are good things to score, as the team with the most touchdowns wins the
match and then can dance around a lot!
The pitch itself is divided into 3 sections, Home, Away and Neutral. When setting up for a kick off, players may
only be set up in their own section and no player may be set up in the Neutral section.
Block Dice & Six-sided Dice
Blood Bowl uses special Block dice and normal six-sided dice numbered 1 through 6. The special Block dice are
used when a player attempts to knock another player down (this is called ‘blocking’ another player). The sixsided dice are used for a greater number of purposes, and are usually referred to in the rules as D6. If the rules
say ‘roll a D6’ or 'roll a dice', this simply means roll one six-sided dice. If the rules say ‘roll 2D6’, it means roll
two D6 and add their scores together. If the rules say to ‘roll a D3’, roll a six-sided dice. The result is halved,
rounding any fractions up (i.e., 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2, 5-6 = 3).
Playing a Match
Flip a coin or roll a dice to decide who sets up first; the coach who rolls highest gets to choose and in the case of a
tie then roll again. Once they have set up then the opposing team set up. The team who set up first will kick the
ball (the kicking team), the team who set up second goes first (the receiving team).
The first team to score 3 Touch Downs (TDs) is the winner
After each TD is scored the team who scored becomes the kicking team (i.e. must set up first then kick the ball to
the opponent). Once the ball is kicked off, the receiving team take their turn. Once their turn is finished (all
players have) then the kicking team has a turn. Play then continues with the receiving team and so on until a TD
is scored
Kick Off
At setup, you may place up to seven (7) players from your team on the field. Only 2 may be placed in each wide
zone. To kick off, place the ball in the opponents area, roll 1D3 and 1D8. The D3 tells you how many squares
the ball will deviate, the D8 shows which direction. If there is someone under the ball they may catch it at -1 to
the roll, otherwise the ball lands in the empty space. If at any point it goes out of the opponent’s area then they
may select one of their players and give the ball to them without rolling; this is called a “touchback”
Note: At the start of your turn, make sure all of your players are facing the same way. After each player has taken
an Action then turn them to face the other way…this will help you remember who has acted and who hasn’t!
During your turn, select a player and then declare an Action for that player. Note that you must complete using
one player then use the next player and so on until all players have been used; it is not allowed to partly use one
player then use another and come back to the first later on.
Actions are: Move, Block, Blitz, Pass or Foul. Note that only one Blitz, one Pass and one Foul may be selected
each turn, though you do not have to select any of these if you don’t want to
To Move, simply move the player up to the number of squares of their Movement Allowance in any
combination of forwards, backwards, to the side or diagonal. Remember to make any Dodge rolls as
To Block your player must start your turn on their feet and be stood next to another player from the
opposing team. Roll the number of Block dice for your team and check the result. If you knock the
opposing player down then place them (and maybe you!) on the floor and roll for Injury
A Blitz is a special combination of Move and Block. Your player can do both, and in any order. So they
could Block a player they’re stood next to, then Move OR they could Move up to a player and make a
Block against them OR they could Move up to a player, make a Block against them then Move again. If
you take a Blitz action then the Block part of the action costs 1 Movement point
A Pass is when you throw the ball from one of your players to another of your players. Your player may
Move first and then Pass the ball. Indeed, you may need to Move first to pick up the ball before Passing
it. See Passing the Ball later
A Foul is when your player runs up and tries to injure an opponent who is on the ground. The player may
Move first to get next to the opponent, then rolls for Injury against them. If the roll is a double (i.e. both
numbers on the dice are the same) then your player is spotted by the referee and is Sent Off and is not
allowed to play for the rest of the match!
Team Types
The table below shows how easy it is for players of each team type to perform actions:
Action / Roll
2 Block Dice
1 Block Dice
1 Block Dice
(choose one result)
Pick Up The Ball
Pass The Ball
Catch The Ball
Injury Roll made to No Modifier
No Modifier
a player of this type
Injury Rolls
Sometimes an Injury Roll is required. To do this roll 2D6 and add the scores together. If there are any modifiers
then add these as well. Note that a roll of a double 6 will always count as Badly Hurt.
Injury Roll
10 or 11
No Effect – Though the player may be slightly stunned by the hit they
have recovered enough to act normally next turn
Knock Out – Take the player off the pitch. They may be used when the
teams next set up
Badly Hurt – Take the player off the pitch. They are too hurt to
continue and can’t be used again this game
If a player wants to perform an Action that involves Moving, but starts on the ground, then they must use 3
squares of their Movement Allowance to stand up.
<explain push backs, surfs (Injury Roll +1), follow up before rolling Injury>
<Attacker Down, Both Down, Push Back, Defender Stumbles, Defender Down (Injury Roll +1), Injury Roll
modifiers are cumulative, so a crowd push with Defender Down on an Agile player is +3 modifier!!>
<explain Tackle Zones, leaving Tackle Zones, -1 if Dodging into one or more Tackle Zone, falling down in
destination square>
Picking up the ball
< fumble on fail, -1 if in one or more Tackle Zone, bounce 1 square, catching bouncing balls @ -1, if off the pitch
then roll scatter again>
<up to 6 squares front & side, fumble on fail, -1 if in one or more Tackle Zone, bounce 1 square, catching
bouncing balls @ -1, if off the pitch then roll scatter again>
<fumble on fail, -1 if in one or more Tackle Zone, bounce 1 square, catching bouncing balls @ -1, if off the pitch
then roll scatter again >
Advanced Team Types (suggested for Ages 9+)
See the file: “Bash Bowl Teams.ppt” for advanced team types.