Kindergarten Tiered Lesson

Content Area: Math
Grade level: Kindergarten
Standards: Math Computation (K.2.1)
Title: Cloud Addition
Submitted by: Tricia Brownell- White Lick Elementary School
Brief Description: As a whole class, discuss simple addition strategies.
Read Mission: Addition by Loreen Leedy to the class. Demonstrate
addition of two numbers by using concrete manipulatives for the whole
group. Split into 4 leveled groups for math centers. The following lesson is
just one of the four math centers. This center will be teacher led. Each
center will take 15 minutes to complete. Students will complete as many
problems as they can in that amount of time.
Attachments (if any): Cloud Addition Work Mat worksheet
Kindergarten Tiered Lesson
Math—Computation (K.2.1)
Whole Class: Discuss simple addition
strategies. Read Mission: Addition by
Loreen Leedy to the class. Demonstrate
addition of two numbers by using concrete
manipulatives for the whole group. Split
up into 4 leveled groups for math
centers. The following lesson is just
one of the four math centers. This
center will be teacher led. Each center
will take 15 minutes to complete.
Students will complete as many problems
as they can in that amount of time.
Materials: Cloud addition work mat, several
cotton balls, recording sheet (based on
group ability level), and pencil (for
each child)
Group 1 (High)
 Students will be responsible for reading
their own story problems. Teacher will
provide scaffolding as needed.
 Students will use cotton balls to
illustrate each problem.
 Unneeded information will be inserted
into problems, so children have to
discriminate which information to use.
 This group will be adding two numbers to
 After cotton balls have been placed on
mat, students will record the problem on
their record sheets, writing a full
number sentence. Their record sheets
will be a blank piece of paper. They
will be responsible for every element of
the number sentence.
 An extension activity for this group is
to have them glue three cloud
combinations to a blue piece of
construction paper. Students will write
an addition number sentence for their
picture. Ex: 4+5+3=12
Groups 2 and 3 (Middle)
 Teacher will recite a variety of addition
story problems to the group. Students
will use cotton balls to illustrate each
 Students will be adding two numbers to
 The teacher will demonstrate how to write
a simple number sentence to the group.
The students will be expected to write
their own number sentences on their blank
record sheet.
Group 4 (Low)
 Teacher will demonstrate a few addition
story problems on her own work mat.
 Teacher will recite a variety of addition
story problems to the group. Students
will use cotton balls to illustrate each
problem. Story problems will contain
only pertinent information.
 These students will be adding two numbers
to 10.
 The record sheet will be formatted as
follows: ____+_____=______.
 The students will have a number line to
refer to for number writing. A variety
of manipulatives will also be provided.