Within the basin of the river Kura the following hydro

Despite the abundance of water resources in whole in Georgia, significant negative economic
changes (destabilization) are emerging in the catchment area of the Kura River due to the
constantly increasing loads to the river system.
As known, ecological destabilization has an effect not only on the internal policy of the country,
but also on international relations, as it infringes the interests, sometimes vital, of neighbouring
countries. The Kura River basin encompasses rather large areas of four states – Turkey,
Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan (Armenia is completely in this basin), and, hence, solution of
water problems of the Kura River becomes of international importance. Without any doubt, due
to constantly aggravation of negative effects of ecological changes, solution of the issue of
ecological destabilization is becoming urgent.
At present the issue of the reconsideration of water economy policy of the country is acute
(critical), the basis of which should become the complex use of surface and ground water
resources envisaging, along others, both strong control of water intake and transition to water
use management. With the purpose of geological and hydro-geological substantiation of such a
scheme complete survey of surface and ground waters is necessary. Below is given a general
description of hydro-geological conditions of the Kura Basin which should serve as a basis for
the assessment of its resources.
Hydrological Peculiarities of the Kura River Basin
According to the geological structure and geo-morphological and hydro-geological conditions in
the Eastern Georgia within the basin of the Kura River the following first priority hydrogeological regions of ground-water are distinguished:
1. The pressure-water systems of the Greater Caucasus;
2. Artesian basins of eastern submergence of Trans-Caucasian intermountain trough or the
Kura artesian basin;
3. The pressure-water systems, ad-artesian basins and hydro-geological bodies of the Lesser
Within the pressure-water systems of the Greater Caucasus are distinguished the following
second priority hydro-geological areas: Kazbegi-Mtatusheti (I1) and Mestia-Tianeti (I2) pressurewater systems and the area of interstitial water of Keli-Kazbegi lava flows (I3).
Within the Kura artesian basin the following artesian basins are distinguished: Kartli (II1),
Alazani (II2) and Iori-Shiraki (II3) artesian basins.
Within the territory of the Lesse Caucasus are distinguished Akhaltsikhe (III1), Tbilisi (III3),
Marneuli-Gardabani (III4) ad-artesian basins, Trialeti pressure-water system (III2) and
Samtskhe-Djavakheti (III5) hydro-geological bodies (Fig. 1).
Intensive development of exogenous and tectonic fissuring, porosity, facies-lithologic diversity
of rocks, intense rugosity, plicate (folded) and breaking (discontinuous) tectonics – all this taken
together condition the richness of ground-water resources and heterogeneity water-bearing
horizons and complexes distinguished by individual hydro-dynamic features and mineralization
peculiarities and chemical composition of ground-waters.
Particularly important role in the accumulation and movement of ground waters play the tectonic
structure and geo-morphological conditions – synclinal feature, interchange of non-watertight
and retainer (water-proof) rocks, high hypsometric position of supply (feeding) areas condition
wide spread of pressure water-supply horizons and complexes within the artesian basins.
Disjunctive (Alternative) transgressions, splitting the whole thickness of sedimentary deposits, in
its turn, contribute to the movement of ground waters from the deep horizons into the upper
ones, being favourable to hydro-geological connection (link) between them, conditioning hydrochemical and geo-thermal anomalies in the upper floors of hydro-geological section.
Description of Main Horizons and Complexes
1.1. Water-bearing horizon of contemporary (present-day, new) alluvial sediments are developed
in the vallies of the Kura River and its big tributaries: Liakhvi, Ksani, Aragvi, Alazani, Iori,
Khrami and others. It is composed of pebbles with the sandy and sandy-uliginous filler with the
layers and sand lenses, clay sand, loams and clay, encompassing flood-lands and above floodlands river terraces. Horizon capacity varies, mainly within 3-10, seldom reaching 15 meters.
Filtration coefficient (factor) amounts to 10-100, more rarely to 200-500 m/24 h.
The horizon is fed with the rivers water and at the same time, being unloaded into river,
consequently – the waters of the horizon are in the hydraulic relation with the rivers waters.
Water-bearing horizon is rich in water, while the water of the horizon is of high drinking quality.
On the basis of the ground waters of this horizon big water intakes of centralised economy and
drinking water supply for Tbilisi and Mtskheta (on the Aragvi and Ksani rivers) Gori (on the
Liakhvi river) Akhaltsikhe and Khashuri (on the Kura river) Telavi and Gurjaani (on the Alazani
river), Sagaredjo and Tianeti (on the Iori river), Marneuli (on the Khrami river) and other settled
areas have been constructed.
Operating (Operational) supply of the horizon varies (fluctuates) mainly within 0,2-3,0 m3/sec.
Particularly large deposits (Bulachauri, Misaktsieli, Natakhtari, Saguramo) with the overall
operational supplies up to 10 m3/sec., belong to the Aragvi river valley (table 12).
Underground waters are characterised with good drinking quality, low mineralization (0,3 – 0,65
g/l), hydrocarbon-calcium content; total hardness – 3-4 mg/equiv, temperature – 12-160C, pH –
1.2. Water-bearing horizon of old quaternary alluvial and proluvial sediments is particularly
widely spread within Tirifino-Mukhrani, Marneuli-Gardabani, Alazani valleys and the Iori
plateau – Iori valley. The horizon is comprised of boulder pebbles, mellow (porous)
conglomerates, shingle, sand, clay sand, and loam. The horizon capacity is 10-500 m.
Within the area of Tifino-Mukhrani valley – Kartli artesian basin – the water-bearing horizon is
represented mainly by mellow (porous) conglomerates in the lower part of the section and
pebbles with the clay and loam layers – in the upper one. Similar situation is observed in
Mukhrani valley.
Because of Igoeti and Kartalini elevations the under-ground waters of the horizon are devided
into two flows – Tirifino-Saltvi and Mukhrani ones. In the northern strip of the valley the
Bazaleti and Ertsoi troughs form independent basins of underground waters with comparatively
small capacity.
Ground waters - filtrates of the main water-way of the Kura river tributaries from the left side –
after the debouchments (outflow from the gorge) overflow the depression bottom comprising of
the low-penetrating conglomerates of myo-pliocene age forming high-capacity ground-water
flows. In the northern part of the valley the groundwater surface sharply declines southwards,
depositing at the depth of 10-25 meters below the soil surface. Still southwards, in parallel with
the plateauing, pebbles are replaced in facies with clay and loam and downstream horizons of
ground waters are formed being discharged (unloaded) southwards of the axial line of the
depression in the form of high-capacity Degot-Urbnis-Bebnis, Mukhrani-Natakhtari group
sources with the total debit over 3, 0 m3/sec.
Particularly should be stressed the presence of trough-shaped reservoir of ground-water
downstream waters situated within the Mukhrani depression area and containing high quality
drinking water with approximate statistical operating supplies up to 2 billion cubic meters.
Mineralization of the waters varies between 0, 2-0, 3 g/l, temperature – 9-110C.
Within the area of Kartli artesian basin in the water-bearing horizon at the depth of 50-250
meters boreholes (wells) of downstream sub-artesian waters with the piezometric (pressure
gradient) level from – 12 to + 10 meters have been bored.
Chemical content of the water predominantly is hydro-carbonate, calcium and sodium with the
mineralization up to 1 g/l.
Old Quaternary alluvial and proluvial deposits are mostly spread in the Alazani valley within the
area of the Alazani artesian basin. Here the formations of debris cones of the Alazani river
tributaries make (compose) high-capacity water-bearing layer (30-500 meters) on the both banks
of the river, particularly large-scale being on the left embankment and the central part of the
valley (fig. 2, 3).
Presence in the section of these sediments with the facial replacing each other water-proof and
non-water-tight layers create conditions for the formation of hydraulically inter-related waterbearing strata. At the tops of debris cones, mainly in the left inflows of the Alazani River, where
the river water and atmospheric precipitation is intensively absorbed, ground waters lie down at
the depth of 10 to 60 meters. As moving the one (single) flow of ground waters become divided
forming several downstream strata, however, as a whole – one so called Kvareli water-bearing
This horizon, containing about 11 water-bearing strata (layers) with the total capacity up to 90
meters, is observed, mainly along the left bank of the Alazani river and partially getting across to
the right bank, lying down to the depth of 5 to 200 meters.
The debit of self flowing wells varies from 0, 2 to 165 l/sec, specific debit – 0, 1-5 l/sec, debit
factor (coefficient) of water conductivity – 500-1500 m2/24 h.
Chemical water contain is hydrocarbon-sulphate-calcium-magnesium; hydrocarbon-calciummagnesium and sodium-calcium. Mineralization here equals 0, 2-1, 0 g/l, hardness – 1, 8-6, 5
mg/equiv, temperature – 13-16,50C, pH – 6, 5-7, 2.
The basic feeding area of Kvareli horizon is situated along the foothills of the South slope of the
Main Caucasus ridge and encompasses the tops (peaks, crests) of debris cones of the Alazani
River left inflows.
Feeding sources of this horizon are rivers (8, 8 m3/sec), fissure and karst inflow from the
southern slope of the Big Caucasus ridge, atmospheric precipitation, (3,1 m3/sec) and
downstream waters underlying Apsheron-Akchagil deposits. For the assessment of the amount of
feeding resources at the expense of the inflow of fissure and karst and downstream waters of the
Apsheron-Akchagil deposits, it is necessary to undertake special testing and hydro-geological
and thematic work.
Within the horizon two zones of the ground water movement are distinguished: 1) zone of active
movement – the area of supply characterised by sharp decrease of piezometric level of water
(inclination – from 0, 006 to 0,15) and 2) zone of slow movement, occupying the central part of
the basin with the inclination of the ground water surface – 0, 0001.
The area of Kvareli water-bearing horizon unloading is located in the Alazani river valley. The
horizon is unloaded into the ground water through the hydro-geological openings and relatively
waterproof roofing at the expense of excess pressure. This causes, on the one hand, swamping of
rather big territories, and on the other – soil salination at the right bank of the Alazani river (area
of Milari steppe (fig. 2) at the border with Azerbaijan.
The amount of drained water of the Alazani river equals 14 m3/sec. For the assessment of the
amount of water unloaded due to the excess pressure to the direction of Azerbaijan, it is
necessary that special filtration testing and thematic work is carried out.
Operational resources of ground waters of Kvareli water-bearing horizon amount to 29, 46
m3/sec. Particularly, it should be mentioned that at the boarder with Azerbaijan within the area of
the right bank of the Alazani river to the depth of 50 meters the ground water of this waterbearing horizon is mineralised, with the content of salts mostly over 1, 0 g/l and, thus, useless for
industrial and drinking purposes. At the same time, mineralization is increasing upstream along
the strip and reaches 30-35 g/l.. Chemically, the waters mostly contain chloride sodiummagnesium.
Old quaternary alluvial-proluvial sediments are widely spread also within Iori-Shiraki artesian
basin in the region of Sagaredjo-Mtsvane Mindori (left bank of the Iori river).
Here within the debris cones of the Iori tributaries (Sagaredjos Khevi and Lakbe rivers) power
(capacity) of pebbles with the sandy and sandy clay filler and sands reaches 100 meters.
Within the debris cones of the Sagaredjos-Khevi old quaternary alluvial and proluvial sediments
are filling up the synclinal structure, the axis of which extends along the right-bank of the Iori
river almost in parallel with the river-bed. They are rather abundant in water.
In the upper part of the debris cone proluvial sediments are represented by pebbles characterised
with high water permeability. This is the main part of the area of ground waters feeding at the
expense of precipitations and absorption of river water. Ground waters here have free surface. In
the same area the main intake facility of economic and drinking water supply of Sagaredjo city is
To the southwards comes the zone within which occurs gradual facial replacement of boulderpebble sediments by sandy filler and pebbles with loamy and sand-loamy filler by clay. Thanks
to this the water acquires pressure and there occurs their partial unloading in the form of group
ascending springs here and there causing the soil swamping. With the help of wells it has been
defined that in this strip the capacity of the described horizon varies within 37 and 72 meters, the
average capacity amounting to 61,5. The waters are mainly self-emitting with the debit from 1,5
to 8,5 and specific debit from 1,5 to 13,0 l/sec. Average water conductivity value – 270 m2/24 h,
filtration factor – 3,9 m/24 h, average gradient of piezometric surface – 0,01, using (operational)
resources – 27950 m3/24 h, piezometric level – from minus 3 to +4 m.
Chemical contents of the horizon waters include hydrocarbon-calcium-sodium. Mineralization
does not exceed 0, 7 g/l; common hardness – 1, 8-6, 5 mg/equiv., temperature – 13-140C, pH – 6,
8-7, 1. The water is suitable for economic and drinking purposes.
The horizon under the consideration is widely spread also within Marneuli-Gardabani valley, as
well as in its peripheral parts and in all places is represented by weakly (feebly) sintered
conglomerates with the lenses of loam and pebbles. They mainly compose plinth terraces and are
characterised by rather weak sporadic watering.
In the central, submerged part of the valley in these sediments at the depth of 20 meters are
circulating rather powerful Tamari, Gardabani, Kodi, Tselaskuri flows of ground waters with the
total natural resources amounting to 36 802 m3/24 h. The most powerful out of them are
Tselaskuri and Gardabani flows with the debit of 7242 and 25258 m3/24 h respectively.
By chemical composition the waters are hydro-carbon-sulphate and sulphate-hydro carbonic
calcic with the mineralization up to 1, 0 g/l and total hardness 7-10 mg/equiv. The least
mineralization (0,3-0,4 g/l) is observed in Tamari flow which is fed by the Khrami river.
1.3. Water-bearing horizon of middle-quaternary- upper-Pliocene lava cover is widely spread
mainly within Samtskhe-Djavakheti volcanic plateau – hydro-geological body of interstitial
waters. It is represented by dolerites, basalt, andesite, dacites; in the upper part – by interlayer
and lenses of lake sands, clay sand and clay, and mellow (porous) tufa formations between the
cover, and volcanic ashes. Capacity of these sediments exceeds 1000 meters. They are developed
on small areas also within The Greater Caucasus at the upper reaches of the rivers Terek, Aragvi
and Liakhvi, while min Adjara-Trialeti – in the canyons of the rivers Gujaretis-tskali and
Lava layers are characterised by high fissuring cooling and weathering, here and there being
tectonic which conditions its abundance in water. Atmospheric precipitation (600-1000 mm per
year) and favourable morphological conditions for leakage and condensation contribute to this as
well, particularly at the central strips of lava flow.
Manifestation of ground waters at the surface of the plateau is insignificant. Powerful interstitial
sources (particularly – formation) are belonging to the cornices of canyon-type gorges or to the
contacts of outcrop relatively waterproof formations. The following sources belong to the last:
Bejano with the debit of 390 l/sec, Ablari – 924, Ikhtila – 440, Ozni – 1085, Dashbash – 3760
l/sec and others. High debits of these sources and their stable regimes within Djavakheti plateau
are conditioned by the presence of underground reservoirs of significant size, by all means
playing the regulating role.
In the eastern part of Tsalki depression so called Beden lava stream goes descends towards
Marneuli valley of the Khrami river occupying its middle course. Here this andesite-basalt
stream submerges under the quaternary alluvial-prolluvial sediments and forms two downstream
layers with the significant debit of interstitial ground waters.
Lava areas of the Kels Plateau-Kazbegi descending as far as 10-12 kilometres along the gorges
of the rivers Terek, Ksani, Aragvi and Liakhvi, in the contact with underlying waterproof shale
clay of Jurassic age are forming the outlet of big sources (Gudarekhi, Khorisari) with the debit of
several hundred of litters per second.
Lava formations of the gorges of the Borjomula and Gujaretis-tskali, originating in BakurianiGudjareti area, are stretched along 20-25 kilometres and are deposited on the old quaternary
alluvial sediments having the capacity up to 100 m. To these streams are belonging big
interstitial sources – so called “Melnichni” and many others.
The water contains hydrocarbon-sulphate sodium-calcium with the mineralization equaling 0,21,0 g/l,. Total hardness does not exceed 0, 5-2, 5 mg/equiv. Only Marneuli valley downstream
water is characterised with the mineralization up to 1 g/l with sulphate-hydro-carbon-calciumsodium composition under the common hardness up to 12 mg/equiv.
Natural resources of ground waters of the given horizon are extremely big. In particular, within
Samtskhe-Djavakheti hydro-geological body they reach 34, 5 m3/sec, in the area of Kelski
plateau – 3, and in Gugjareti-Bakuriani stream equal 0, 2-0, 3 m3/sec.
Taking into consideration geological, structural, geo-morphological conditions and the character
of the formation of surface and underground flow, it is not excluded that in the areas near the
borders of Armenia and Turkey ground waters spill over to the direction of the territories of
these countries. According to our predicted assessment in the area of the lake Madatap the
underground spillage over to the direction of Armenia amounts approximately to 0,4 m3/sec,
while in the area of the lake Khozapin this occurs to the direction of Turkey coming to 1,5
m3/sec. Nevertheless, this issue requires special study - our opinion is that more detailed study of
formation of hydro-geological conditions of the Samtskhe-Djavakheti hydro-geological ground
water resources should be carried out, since this body is very promising with regard to the
presence of high quality fresh drinking waters at the same time being the biggest hydrogeological structure at the border
1.4. Water-bearing complex Apsheron-Akchagil continental sediments is represented by the
interchange of conglomerates, pebbles, sands and loam with the common capacity up to 2000 m.
They are particularly largely spread in Alazani valley getting widely revealed on the northern
slope of the Kakheti range. Here Telavi and Gurdjaani water-bearing horizons are distinguished
(fig. 2, 3).
Telavi water-bearing horizon becomes revealed from Kogoto to the village of Red Sabatlo over
150 km. It contains about six water-bearing layers with the total capacity up to 50 m. The
horizon is formed from coarse-grained sand and fine pebbles with the sandy filler. Water
conductivity fluctuates within 100-200 m2/24 h.
The horizon is deposited at the depth from 90 to 360 m, gradually submerging towards north-east
and south-east directions, to the central part of Alazani valley. Wells disclosing water-bearing
layers of this horizon, are characterised with highly excess pressure (plus 15-25 m) and debits
exceeding 1,0 l/sec. Debits from 10 to 60 l/sec are not rare here. Specific debits fluctuate within
0, 14-2, 2 l/sec under the decrease of piezometric level by 50-60 m. The radius of influence
equals 700-800 meters.
Chemically the water of the given horizon comprises of hydro-carbon calcium and magnesium
with the 0, 3-0, 6 g/l mineralization. In the area of the horizon the submerging mineralization
increases to 4 g/l which is caused by the increase of sulphate and, even, chlorine-ion. Hardness is
within 1, 0-10, 5 mg/equiv., water temperature is 12-170C.
Gurdjaani water-bearing horizon belongs to the upper part of the middle section of the Alazani.
It submerges at the depth of 125-500 meters and is observed from the Velistsikhe station to the
Gumbati village over 140 km. This horizon submerges to the same direction as the Telavi one.
Gurdjaani horizon is formed by porous gravely sediments with sandy fillers. Its capacity reaches
80 meters, gradually turning smaller towards the south –east direction. In its section about nine
water-bearing layers are distinguished capacity of which fluctuates from 1 to 60 meters. The
maximum number of these layers is observed in Gurdjaani-Kardanakhi region. Almost the whole
horizon is covered by the above described Telavi water-bearing horizon.
Water conductivity coefficient of the Gurdjaani horizon amounts to 150-300 m2/24 h. Debits of
boreholes at the well-spring predominantly equals 1-5 l/sec, specific debits range from 0, 13 to 2,
15 l/sec.
According to the chemical content, the pressure waters of the Gurjaani horizon are represented
mainly by the waters of moderate mineralization (0,6-1,32 g/l), belonging to the hydrocarbonate
calcium-natrium, hydrocarbonate-chloride natrium-calcium or the hydrocarbonate-sulphate
natrium-calcium types. Total hardness is 1-6, 5 mg/equiv. In the lower water-bearing layers of
Kardanakhi-Tsnori mineralization of the waters reaches 18 g/l with hydrocarbonate-chloride
natrium chemical content which may be explained by the spilling over of underground highly
mineralised chloride-natrium waters from infra-lying mezo-cainozoic sediments. Gurdjaani and
Telavi water-bearing horizons are fed at high mountaneous part of Kakheti range north-eastern
part, which is the south side of the Alazani artesian basin.
Common decline of piezometric surface (that is unloading of water-bearing layers) occurs in the
north-eastern direction towards the central strip of the artesian basin. Therefore (Consequently),
it should be supposed that eastwards of Lagodekhi meridian the ground-waters from this waterbearing horizon spill over to the Agrichai part of the Alazani-Agrichai artesian basin across the
area bordering with Azerbaijan.
For the purpose of assessment the amount of spilling over
hydro-geological work should be carried out.
ground-water the special thematic
In contrast to the rest of artesian basins, features of Iori-Shiraki artesian basin lies that within this
basin water-bearing horizon of Akchagil-Apsheron sediments, not widely spread, is developed
locally within the boundaries of monoclinal and synclinal structures to which are attributed the
following, even lesser in size, artesian basins of the third order: Sartichala, Sagaredjo,
Mtsvanemindori, Shairaki, Olei and Djeiran-Choli. Hydro-geological characteristics, as well as
quantitative and qualitative assessment of ground-waters of the water-bearing horizon under
consideration are given separately in Table 1.
As it is obvious, the water-bearing horizon concerned is the most rich in water and perspective
promising both with regard to the amount of natural resources and qualitative indices of ground
waters within Sagaredjo and Mtsvanemindori artesian basins. Filtrating features of the whole
water-bearing horizon as well as its separate water-bearing layers, two-three times exceed these
features within other artesian basins of the same order (that is of the third order) of the IoriShiraki artesian basin.
Sagaredjo and Mtsvanemindori basins are also distinguished by rather favourable conditions of
feeding areas which are mainly situated high, in the mountainous part of the axled zone of
Kakheti range, while the areas of pressure and unloading are situated much more lower – in the
valley area which conditions significant superfluous pressures of artesian waters, intensive
flushing of water-bearing layers and low mineralization of ground waters.
1.5. Sporadically water-bearing lagoon-continental sediments myopliocene are widely spread
within the Kartli Tiriphono-Nukhrani, and Marneuli-Gardabani artesian basins. They are
represented by the conglomerates on clay-lime cement, more rarely – sandstones and clay.
Sometimes porous conglomerates with arenaceous fillers occur. The latter, as well as cracked
sandstones are water-bearing. Total capacity of this complex increases eastwards and reaches
3000 meters.
In Kartli artesian basin at the depth of 500 meters with the help of boreholes three water-bearing
layers have been revealed with the total capacity from 3 to 70 meters. Water-bearing layers do
not differ from others by their areal spread and capacity. Debits of boreholes (wells) fluctuate
within 0, 1-5, 7 l/sec at the well-spring. Most of the wells are sub-artesian with piezometrical
levels up to 42 meters lower the soil surface. Excess pressure in the wells reaches 10 meters.
Within Tiriphon plain the area of water-bearing horizons feeding is situated on the eastern spurs
of the Surami range and southern foothills of the Greater Caucasus range. In Mukhrani valley
and to the east the feeding is occurring both from the north and south.
Ground waters are unloaded in the southern and central parts of the depression of the Kura,
Liakhvi, Ksani, Medjuda, Aragvi rivers valleys, etc.
Mineralisation of downstream waters is from 0, 3 to 1 g/l. Main chemical composition of the
given horizon is hydrocarbon calcium-magnesium, hydrocarbon-sulphate-natrium-calcium.
Common hardness is within 2-3 mg-equiv.
In Marneuli-Gardabani artesian basin in the southern-east part of Gardabani plain with the
boreholes to the depth of 200-450 meters in porous sandstones four artesian horizons have been
revealed with the total capacity from 9 to 20 meters. Their piezometric level fluctuates within
plus 10-12 meters, water conductivity coefficient equals 6,5-135 m2/24 h. Specific debits
(discharge) of the wells reach 0,5 l/sec, in the lowest horizons there are mineralized chloride
sodium waters.
1.6 Water-bearing complex lower-pliocene-miocene volcanic-continental sediments is spread
within Akhalkalaki and Erusheti lava plateaus and is represented by andesite, andesite-dacides,
liparites lavas and their pyroclastic deposits.
Most abundant in water are the andesite and andesite-dacides lavas. The depth of deposition of
interstitial waters fluctuates from 20 to 150 meters. The highest discharging sources (up to 100
l/sec) situated in the upper cource of the rivers Kvabliani, Uraveli, Indji-Su and others, belong to
the lava streams of andesites.
Sediments of the horizon contain exceptionally gravity (free-flow) waters, only on the territory
of the Tabatskuri lake in the andesites blocked by the sandy-clay lake sediments, fresh drinking
waters are revealed with the help of boreholes (wells).
ground waters of the complex are distinguished for their low mineralization mainly up to 0,3 g/l
and hydro carbonate-calcium or calcium-sodium composition.
The water-bearing complex is fed predominantly at the expense of atmospheric precipitation and
some places at the expense of ground waters of upper-nepliocene-middle-quaternary lava
coverings. The areas of feeding and unloading often coincide with each other. The regime of the
sources situated in deep canyons is rather steady.
Ground waters of the given horizon are widely used for water-supplying purposes of big settled
areas (Akhaltsikhe, villages Adigeni, Uraveli and others).
1.7. Water-bearing complex of middle-eocene marine volcanogenic deposit sediments is
particularly widely spread within the Lesser Caucasus in Adjaro-Trialeti folded system and is
represented by the coverings of lava andesites, tuff-sandstones, terrigenous sandstones. Capacity
of the complex constitutes 3 km on average. Paleocene-lower-eocene flysch sediments serve as
its waterproof bed, while waterproof powerful clay-marly formations of upper Eocene serve as
its roofing.
II. fractured ground, zone
In the zone of weathering, in particular in the pivotal parts of anticlines, volcanogenic layers are
characterized by intensive fracture, due to which this zone is rich in ground waters, formation
and unloading of which is taking place upstream the local base of erosion.
Deeply penetrating fracture is observed in the zones of tectonic break-ups, due to which in this
complex is formed rather big quantity of fracture-vein and fracture-bedded waters, circulating,
mainly, below (lower) the zone of erosion shear mainly forming thermal waters, the most
significant of which are high-debit Tbilisi, Asureti, Akhaldaba, Tashiskari, Aspindza,
Abastumani, Zekari and other sources of thermal waters (Table 2).
In these deposits boreholes have been laid on different structures causing the well-spring of
thermal waters, very frequently with significant debits – up to 25 l/sec (Table 3).
Ground waters under consideration are mainly characterized by low mineralization (0,2-1,0 g/l),
which is caused by the wide opening of hydro-geological structures of Ajara-Trialeti folded
system. Chemical composition of water is distinguished by diversity; however prevailing type
here is hydrocarbon-sulphate calcium-natrium. At the deeply submerged areas of hydrogeological structures (eastern part of Tbilisi source and others) chloride-sodium waters with
relatively increased mineralization (up to 5 g/l) have been revealed (bored) (Table 3).
Out of gas composition of low-mineralized waters dominant role plays nitrogen of atmospheric
origin with low composition of hydrogen sulphide, while in the mineralized waters of closed
structure – methane.
The water-bearing complex contains significant resources of ground-waters, which are fed by
atmospheric precipitation and surface waters at elevations and open strips of permeable layers.
1.8. Water-bearing horizon of paleogenetic and upper-Cretaceous carbonate deposits is formed
by thin-layer (coating) limestone and marl, seldom - by clay marls with the capacity up to 1600
meters. The layers of this horizon are becoming uncovered at a lot of strips of the Trialeti range,
particularly – in the districts where the sources of Borjomi mineral waters are fed, Tbilisi
artesian basin, along Surami-Gokishuri deep-laid break-up, canyon type ravine of the Khrami
river and crest part of the Kakheti range.
To the upper zone of exogenous fissuring belong multiple interstitial and interstitial-karst
sources of ground waters with significant debits (30 and more l/sec).
Ground waters of this zone are characterized by low mineralization from 0, 15 to 0, 5 g/l,
predominantly hydro-carbon-calcium-magnesium composition.
Water-bearing horizon in the central part of Trialeti range is highly elevated, though submerging
to the eastern direction along several kilometers in troughs, is elevating at the same time, and
sometimes becomes uncovered in anticline (arches). Thanks to this, favorable conditions are
created for the formation of deeply circulating, diverse according to mineralization, chemical and
gas composition of ground mineral waters, rather valuable from the point of view treatment and
drinking purposes (usage). Particularly should be distinguished the fields of soda mineral water
“Borjomi”, “Ude”, “Zanavi” and saline-alkaline waters like “Esentuki-Vardzia” (Table 4).
Table 3
Name of
Interval of
content of
Carbonic acid
Akhaltsikhe ad-artesian basin
Tskhaltbila, well (borehole) 4
Tsinubani source (Atskuri)
Tsinubani (Atskuri)
Akhaltsikhe, well (borehole) 1
Tskhaltbila, source (Rustavi)
Abastumani, “Hercules” source
“Aspindza” source
Aspindza, well (borehole) 8
In total over the region
Trialeti pressure-water system
Tsikhisdjvari, well (borehole) 19
Dviri, well (borehole) 14
Likani, well (borehole) 26
Likani, well (borehole) 2
Sadgeri, well (borehole) 10
Akhaldaba, well (borehole) 16
Tashiskari, well (borehole) 7
Baniskhevi, well (borehole) 27
Borjomi, well (borehole) 35
Kvishkheti, well (borehole) 28
Rveli, well (borehole) 39
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Kvibisi, well (borehole) 38
Zanavi, well (borehole) 40
Vashlovani, well (borehole) 25
Kvibisi, well (borehole) 47
Kvibisi, well (borehole) 37
Borjomi, well (borehole) 4а
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Borjomi, well (borehole)
Borjomi, well (borehole)
Borjomi, well (borehole)
Papa, well (borehole) 1
Mitarba, well (borehole)
Nunisi, group of sources
Nikabeti source
In total over the region
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 1
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 2
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 4
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 6
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 7
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 8
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 1 гл.
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 5 гл.
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 7 гл.
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 3 гл.
Tbilisi, well (borehole) 8 гл.
In total over the region
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Carbonic acid
Tbilisi ad-artesian basin
Pg 2
Pg 2
Pg1-Pg 2 27-52
As the depth of disclosure of the water-bearing horizon increases, total mineralization of water
grows up to 10-15 g/l and its type comes close to chloride-natrium (sodium). However, in some
zones, particularly in the zone of Borjomi mineral water deposit in the deep parts of the horizon
in the Banis-khevi river canyon in the borehole (well) N27 at the depth of 1200 meters, laid at
the roof part by Lomismtis anticline, hydro-carbon-sodium waters with the mineralization up to
0, 3 g/l and debit 5 l/sec. have been revealed. On the same structure 5 km eastwards from the
above-mentioned place with the borehole of 1 400 meters depth between the depth of 950-1200
meters have been revealed chloride hydro-carbon sodium-calcium water with the mineralization
up to 0, 8 g/l.
All said witnesses the fact that Borjomi mineral water field is typical example of hydroinerttiaimpulsive fields the resources of which are formed through the mixing of infiltrogenic fresh
ground waters of paleogen- upper-cretaceous carbonate deposits with the incoming through the
tectonic breaks from depth of carbonic, mineralized (15-25 g/l) chloride-hydrocarbon-sodium
1.9. Water-bearing horizon upper-cretaceous carbonate flysch of the Southern slope of the
Greater Caucasus is stretched at a great distance along the border of Georgian lump, between
two rivers Ksani-Alazani, becoming uncovered in the form of narrow strips elongated at the
troughs of synclinal folds. Lithologically the horizon consists of limestone, marl and sandstones.
Deposits of the horizon are intensely folded, as a result of which the layers are represented in the
form of compressed isoclinal and inverted to the south and thrust torn folds. The strata, because
of intensive fissuring and karst, are characterized by high water permeability and water
Because of the absence of boreholes it is possible to characterize the water content only of the
zone of active circulation. The most significant water-development is observed between Ksani
and Aragvi ( Pshavi and Mtiuleti). Here to the limestones of upper-cretaceous are related outlets
of high-flow-rate springs near the villages Bibiloiani, Tsinamkhari and others. The most
powerful are karst sources of Saboloki, Sodeva and Meniso villages (Table 5), feeding, basically,
side inflows of the main water-ways.
Ground waters of the horizon, are mainly characterized by low mineralization (0,2-0,6 g/l),
hydrocarbon sodium-magnesium or calcium-sodium. They are widely used for industrial and
drinking purposes of settled areas, cattle breeding farms and summer distant-pasturing cattlebreeding.
Table 5
Data on the Waters of Carbonate Flysch of upper-cretaceous
Location of
Tskhinvali region,
Saboloki vil.
Tskhinvali region,
Zemo-Vilda vil.
Former Leningorsk region,
Lekhura river head
Dusheti region,
Sodeva vil.
M 0,26
M 0,46
M 0,25
M 0,25
M 0,41
Dusheti region,
Meniso vil.
Dusheti region,
Tsina-Mkhari vil.
Tianeti region,
Verkhveli river head
M 0,33
Akhmeta region,
Oslauri vil.
M 0,5
Ground waters of the horizon are mainly with low mineralization (0,2-0,6 g/l), hydrocarbon
sodium-magnesium or calcium-sodium. They are widely used for industrial and drinking
purposes of settled areas, cattle-breeding farms and summer distant-pasturing cattle-breeding.
1.10. Sporadic water-bearing flysch deposits of lower cretaceous are widely spread within
Mestia-Tianeti pressure water system and are represented by two phase varieties: terrigenous and
carbonate. Terrigenous flysch is deposited in the lower part of the thickness and is mainly
composed of shales and sandstones. The upper part is represented by carbonate facies –
limestones and marl. Total capacity equals 1200-2000 meters.
Lower cretaceous flysch deposites are characterized by intensive fissuring conditioned by
significant rugosity, and are fragmented into big tectonic breaks. Particularly intensively the
fissuring is revealed in limestones and sandstones, and they, of course, are remarkable for high
water permeability.
Deposits of the springs related to limestone mainly exceed 1 l/sec, rarely reaching 25 l/sec (Table
Outlet of the ground waters of terrigenous flysch occur rather frequently, however, they are
located mainly in the upper, ventilated zone (up to 20-25 meters) and are characterized by little
deposit – basically up to 0,2 l/sec in the slate deposits and up to 6 l/sec – sandstone seams
By composition the ground waters are mainly hydrocarbon-calcium, and fresh. Depending on the
lithology there can be observed the changes in mineralization and contents of the main
Waters belonging to flysch deposits (particularly – terrigenous), are characterized by low
mineralization (up to 0,3 g/l). Eastwards, mineralization increases and waters mainly become of
hydrocarbon calcium-magnesium content (Table 6).
Table 6
Data on flysch deposit water of lower cretaceous
Djava region,
North-eastwards from Kobi vil.
Tskhinvali region,
Inauri vil.
Akhalgori region,
Eastwards from Balaani vil.
Dusheti region,
Eastwards from the altitude - 2283
Shale and
and marl
Chemistry formula
M 0,17
M 0,07 HCO379Cl20
M 0,2 0
M 0,23
Within the expansion (spreading) of lower cretaceousflysch deposits local sections containing
carbonic mineral waters of deep circulation are distinguished. To them belong Utseri group of
mineral sources among which there occur highly mineralized sources (up to 11 g/l) of hydro
carbonic sodium water. At the upper reaches of the Big Liakhvi river there are also the outlets
(Table 7) of the similar by composition waters (Vaneli-Bagiati group of sources).
Table 7
Data on the deep circulation water of lower cretaceous deposits
Location of
Lithology of
Djava reg, Vaneli vil,
Bagiati source
sandstone, shale and
M 1,3
HCO387 Cl10
Djava reg, Morekhi vil.,
Kistin source
Dusheti reg,
Northwards from Pasanauri,
Psharis-Khevi source
Dusheti reg,
Source in Pasanauri
(up to borehole)
Dusheti reg,
Northwards from Pasanauri,
Chirikis-Khevi source
Dusheti reg,
Chargali vil,
Vazhas-tskaro source
Telavi reg.,
Bakana vil.
Marl with the interlayer of
sandy limestone
Sandstone and
M 3,8
M 3,2
HCO382 Cl17
M 1,0
Cl60 HCO339
M 1,8
HCO386 Cl12
M 1,5
HCO383 Cl13
M 17,8
Mineral waters of the Aragvi river basin (groups of sources Psharis-Khevi, Chirikis-Khevi,
Gudamakari Aragvi, Vazhas-Tskaro, etc.) are characterized by rather low mineralization (up to 2
g/l) and hydrocarbon calcium-sodium composition. Higher mineralization is a charasteristic for
the waters containing substantial quantity of chlorides (sources Kvesheti, Chokhelt-vedza, a
sourse to the south of Inoskdziri village, etc.). The Essentuki-type sourse functioned in Pasinauri
with a 12 g/l mineralization before the borehole was laid .
As a result of boring works it was found out that on the section of Pasinauri area in the zone of
fissuring of low cretaceous deposits basically circulate chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium
(boreholes 1, 4, 9) waters, and at the Vazhas-Tskaro – hydrocarbonate – chloride sodium ones
(boreholes 2, 5, 7) only (Tables 6-8).
Bakani mineral source located in watershed part of the Kakheti mountain range is dated to
terrigenous deposits of low cretaceous and is characterised by high mineralization. By chemical
composition the water at the source is chloride-sodium with poorly shown methane and oil.
Thus, in low cretaceous waters from the West to the East along with the flysh deposits sinking
the increase in a mineralization and change of chemical structure is observed. Soda (HCO3-Na)
waters of Tshinvali region gradually pass in to salt – alkaline waters (Cl-HCO3-Na), and then in
the East, in the deepest part of flysh development they turn to highly mineralized chloridesodium waters.
1.11. Water-bearing horizon of carbonate flysh of White Jura (Malm) is presented by limestones,
dolomitic limestones, dolomites, malms with 1500 m. capacity. They are collected within the
bounds of a plunging to the east synclinorium, characterised by intensive folding and
overfolding to the south.
The underground waters dated to these deposits as a whole are characterized by greater flow rate
- up to 70 l/sec. Waters of the active zone feeded from the raised sites, circulate in cracks and
karstic emptiness, and are unloaded in river incisions and abrupt slopes. There are good quality
waters and are used by local inhabitants. By chemical structure they are basically hydrocarbonate
– calcium with mineralization from 0,2 up to 0,8 g/l.
Waters of the slow circulation zone, basically circulate in tectonic breaks and get through deeply
enough. The zone of regional fault-move is significantly watery. Along this area deposits of
Jurassic flysh are pulled from the north to the south and laid on younger ones. In this zone by
boreholes of different depths (from 50 to 1200 meters) are opened fresh pressure self-flowing
and mineral (up to 15 g/l) underground waters with debits from 1,5 up to 50 l/sec.
Mineral waters are basically sulphate-hydrocarbonate and chloride - hydrocarbonate and are
mainly enriched by carbonic gas and methane, and quite often by hydrogen sulphide. Generally
they are thermal and widely are used for medicinal purposes.
Hydrocarbonate sodium waters (riverhead of the Big Liahvi) with the general mineralization up
to 10 g/l and sated by carbonic acid (1,2-1,6 g/l should be especially marked out
1.12. Water-bearing complex of slate layer of dogger and lias is basically presented by
argillaceous-slate deposit of a big capacity. Within the bounderies of considered territory of the
Southern slope of the Big Caucasus they are intensively dislocated and splintered - especially
along the zones of large tectonic breaks, therefore these zones are highly water-bearing ones.
There are zones of the intensive and complicated circulation in the layer. In the first of them
gravity interstitial ground waters are circulating with spring debits within the limits of 0,02-0,1
l/sec and only occasionally can be discovered the sourses with exceeding debits of these values.
In the zone of large breakings, especially at a contact line of the thrust of crystal layers on the
slate thickness, the spring debits are significantly higher and quite often reach 5 l/sec.
Chemical structure of ground water is basically hydrocarbonite calcium-magnesium or
hydrocarbonite sulphate calcium with mineralization from 0,1 up to 0,6 g/l. The sulfate
composition increases in the zone of sulphidic mineralization and hydrothermal changes.
Ground waters are fed due to atmospheric precipitation, river, glacial and melted snow water.
Horizontal and vertical zoning of chemical and gaseous structures is shown clearly enough in
the distribution of ground mineral water of deep circulation. Waters in a central highly elevated
layer of a slate mass are sated by carbonic acid and are represented by low-mineralized mixed
type. Mineralization increases towards the eastern submergence and waters are transformed into
hydrocarbonite-chloride and chloride- hydrocarbonite-sodium ones. As the role of chlorine
increases in waters the methane content increases sulphuretted hydrogen appearing in it.
The mineralization of hydrochloric- alkaline water reaches 40 g/l. Carbonic mineral waters are
mainly cold – around 6-70C. Exceptions are sources of Shatili (230C) and Torgvas-Abano (in
Tusheti) with the temperature 36-370C.
Natural Water Resources
2.1. Proceeding from the stated above, it is possible to conclude, that water-bearing horizons and
complexes of carbonate deposits of Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic periods of pressure-water
systems of the Bigger and Smaller Caucasus and quaternary alluvial and alluvial- proluvial
deposits, widespread within the limits of river-beds, flood-lands and debris cone of
intermountain plains of artesian basins and quaternary Upper Pliocine and lava formations
typical for Samtskhe-Javakheti and Kazbegi-Celtsi plateaus, are the most abundant in water in
the basin of Kura-river.
The total quantity of natural resources of fresh ground waters of mentioned above water-bearing
horizons and complexes makes 176m3\sec, which is almost 70% of fresh ground water resources
of the whole Kura basin. At the same time, nearby 50 m3\sec (29 %) fall to the share of ground
waters of quaternary alluvial and alluvial- proluvial deposits, 46 m3\sec (26 %) – to the natural
resources of quaternary and quaternary Upper Pliocine lava formations. Ground waters of these
water-bearing horizons are characterized by high drinking quality.
More than 70 % of fresh underground waters resources of the Kara basin are concentrated
exclusively in high-mountainous areas and are very difficult to cope with from technical and
economic point of view. On the other hand, they are located in favorable ecological conditions,
whereas many sites of ground water distribution at inter-mountain plains are characterised by
unfavourable ecological conditions.
As a whole, natural resources of fresh underground waters in the quantity of 254,7 m3\sec, i.e.
44,6 % of all (571,7 m3\sec) natural resources of fresh ground waters of Georgia is concentrated
within the limits of the catchment basin of the Kura river.
Total volume of natural resources of fresh ground water of the Kara basin is distributed in
hydro-geological areas of the first and the second order as follows (in m3/sec):
Hydro-geological area of water-pressure systems of the Southern slope of the Bigger
Caucasus..................... 119,6
I1 – Kazbegi – Mtatusheti water-pressure system.................................................... 39,6
I2 – Mestia-Tianeti water-pressure system.............................................................. 73,5
I3- Interstitial subsoil water of Keli-Kazbegi lava flows................................................6,5
Kurini artesian basin (inter-mountain artesian basins)............................. 58,0
II1 – Cartli (Tirifono-Muhrani) artesian basin.............................. 27,0
II2 - Alazani artesian basin............................................................................ 26,0
II3 – Iori-Shiraki artesian basin.................................................................. 5,0
Water-pressure systems, of ad-artesian basins and hydro-geological massive of interstitial
water of the Smaller Caucasus............................................................................... 74,8
III1 – Akhaltsikhe artesian basin..................................................................... 2,3
III2 – Trialeti water-pressure head system..................................................... 13,0
III3 – Tbilisi artesian basin.............................................................................3,0
III4 - Marneuli-Garbadani artesian basin......................................................17,0
III5 - hydro-geological massive of interstitial water of Samtskhe – Javakheti lava plateau
.......39, 5
As we see, natural resources of fresh ground waters in hydro-geological areas of the first and the
second orders are not evenly distributed. For example, 44 % (120 m3/sec) of all resources falls to
a hydro-geological area of water-pressure systems of the Southern slope of the Bigger Caucasus,
about 30 % (75 m3/sec) – to water-pressure systems, ad-artesian basins and hydro-geological
massives of interstitial water of the Smaller Caucasus and 23 % (58 m3/sec) – to the Kura
artesian basin. Similar picture is observed concerning the distribution of resources in hydrogeological areas of the second order. Among them near-border hydro-geological structures are:
Alazani, Iori-Shiraki, Marneuli-Gurbadani, Akhaltsikhe artesian basins and a hydro-geological
massif of interstitial water of Samtskhe-Javakheti lava plateau. These areas, except for the
Akhaltsikhe and Iori - Shiraki artesian basins are charectarised by abundance in water. That is
why they require special studies considering possible flow-overs of ground water to the
neihgbour-state and back to Georgia.
As we see, underground waters of the Kura basin are widely spread, however they are spread
unevenly. By the degree of the supply of industrial and drinking water in the region we
distinguish well supplied, supplied, and poorly supplied areas. Each of them has two subdistricts:
mountain subdistrict where the water supply is based on using spring and surface water, and a
flat one, where basically subsoil waters are used by means of wells and boreholes.
Well supplied areas cover a part of the Southern slope of the Bigger Caucasus (within the bounds
of the development of carbonites well supplied with water) and a lava plateau of the South
Georgian uplands.
Debits of some springs in the area of development of highly fractured lavas are measured by
hundreds of l/sec, and on the base of these waters there are available and also new powerful
water-intakes can be built. According to the data, no more than 30 % from numerous springs of
this area is used by local population due to two reasons - their inaccessibility and small
population of these areas which is caused by high-mountaneous climate and strongly
dismembered relief. Out of the plains well supplied are the Alazani and Tirifono-Muhrani
artesian basins, where powerful streams of subsoil waters are used by the population by means of
wells and pressure water boreholes. Perspective of water supply expansions in this region is great
since only the fourth part of probable reserves are used (Table 9). Provided by industrial and
drinking water regions make up the biggest part of the Kura basin and include the South slope of
the Bigger Caucasus, Marneuli plain, and partially the Iori one.
The low-flow period in the area of the Kartli artesian basin (when the drain fully is formed by
underground waters) coincides with the period of intensive agricultural irrigation, therefore a
force-majeur situation occurs against the background of sharp water shortage causing the
disturbance of ecological stability.
In this respect the most dramatic situation is created in Zemo Kartli where the general extension
of the existing irrigating system makes 16 500 kilometers, which three times exceedes the length
of natural water systems of the area. Such situations can cause irreversible ecological
aperiodicities. This also explains why during the droughty period of the year as a result intensive
irrigation the level of underground waters in Mukhrani and its outskirts increases causing the
flooding of the basements.
At the southern slope of the Bigger Caucasus and in Ajaria – Trialeti folded system in the area of
development of various sedimentary and volcanogenic formations, water-supply of settle areas is
carried out with the help of springs, but river filtrates and surface water are quite often used both
seasonally (during debit reduction) and all-the-year-round.
The Eastern part of the hilly foothills bounding the Southern slope of the Bigger Caucasus is
unevenly supplied with water which is conditioned by strong ruggedness of the relief and its
intensive catchment. Both surface and underground waters got through the wells and springs and,
less often through boreholes is used for water-supply. Gravity waterpipes are often arranged on
the basis of springs.
Marneuli plain and Iori valley are basically supplied by subsoil water of floodplain and overflood-plain terraces of the rivers Khrami, Debeda and Iori, on the basis of which large waterintakes are constructed. In addition, downstream horizons are opened by boreholes supplying
with water settlements and industrial objects.
The Iori plateau within the limits of which subsoil waters either are absent or are characterized
by high or increased mineralization, is poorly provided by water. Both sub-soil and pressure
waters are developed locally on separate flat sites of this plateau in the steppes of the Bigger and
Smaller Shiraki, Eldari, Taribana, Natbeuri and in Olee and Naomari valleys, however, in
general it can not change the water supply situation.
Quantitative risk (from the point of view of exhaustion) could be admitted in relation to TirifonoMukhrani depression and Inter-Kartli plain where intensive use of artesian waters is conducted.
Because of not limited use of underground waters the Alazani transboundary artesian basin is
exposed to the threat of exhaustion.
It is necessary to note, that for different inflows of the Kura river the underground flow makes
30-50 % out of the total river flow. Under the conditions of close inter-relation of underground
and river waters is necessary to estimate quantitative and qualitative characteristics of this
dependence. It is especially important, that during the period of mean water the surface flow is
completely formed by natural resources of underground waters, use of which during limited
seasons (tense in hydro-geological sense) demands conducting special calculations.
It is also notable, that under the conditions of centralized socialist economy the departmental
practice of water resource use was justified; however, today with the appearing of quite a
number of private enterprises and facilities after the trasfer to market economy actually
uncontrolled water use is taking place entailing the conflict of interests among different waterusers and an ecological degradation of water bodies.
From scientific point of view, for correct use of total water resources a special regime of loading
should be chosen which would ensure the self-restoration of natural balance and would exclude
arduous ecological situations. Special attention should be paid to the issue of underground water
use with regard to the prevention their exhaustion and pollution.
About 3 million people live in the boundaries of the Kura basin. According to the general
scheme of water use, developed by the “Gruzgiprokommunproekt” in the past, the need for
industrial and drinking water for 2000 year had to makes 11, 3 million m3/day (Table 10), for
cities it makes 2, 2 million, for big city type settlements - 2, 1 million, and for rural settlements 0, 64 million. The main water users in the Kura basin are the cities of Tbilisi, Gori, Khashuri,
Rustavi etc., out of enterprises - Rustavi Metallurgy Enterprise, Marneuli Ore Mining and
Processing Enterprise, and agriculture. A picture of deficiency of industrial and drinking water
and the sources of its covering is presented in Table 9.
As a result of a certain confusion in the account of consumed underground and surface drinking
water there is no opportunity to establish exact data of water consumption. Following the data of
the licenses which have been given out for water use, current consumption of potable water
roughly makes 1 million m3/day, 85 % of which is consumed by urban population, and 15 % by
rural population. It should be noted, that when giving licenses for the use of the bodies of
underground and surface water the identified quantity of resources should be taken as basis and
their prime cost as well as market cost shall be defined. However, in practice it turns out, that
licenses are given out for the use of resources, that quantitively surpass not only current but also
future needs. In addition, in order to preserve ecological balance, the minimal quantity of surface
flow serving as the means for the self-purification of river-beds shall not be licened.
Stated by us un-licensed water consumption of potable water have recently become more
frequent reaching 820 thousand m3/day (Table 11). Distribution of effluent water in the areas is
reflected in Table 12.
It is even harder to determine the water volume infringement which is caused by the absence
water meters since more than 70 % of water-consumers do not have them.
At the same time, taking into account the rather pitiable technical condition of water-supply
systems, it is past doubt, that the size of losses for technical reasons exceeds 40 %. Managing
potable water for technical needs and for watering vegetable gardens seems to be the main
Considering the above-stated, during the second stage of hydro-economic policy it is required:
- to define future need on water for economic purpose for individual river basins
and administrative areas;
- to work out hydro-economic balance;
- to plan ways to cover the shortage of water in individual river basins and administrative
areas through the re-distribution of water resources between them.
2.2. The major factors influencing the resourse quantitative formation are: regulation of surface
waters by construction of reservoirs (Zhinvali, Iori, Tsalki,Tbilisi, etc.); selection of river waters
for irrigation of the lands; construction of drainage systems of irrigated massives; construction of
large underground constructions (especially of Metro) such as petro-gas pipelines, infiltration
basins in the Aragvi valley (at Tbilisi water-intakes); shifting sof urface waters from one river
basin into another (Iori-Samgori main channel); hole selection of underground waters in the
quantities exceeding natural resourses (Alazani, Kartli, Marneuli-Gardabani artesian basins).
As it has been already underlined above, it is practically impossible to draw a true present-day
picture of dynamics in selection of fresh water (including underground water) due to serious
lacks in account of water consumption. At the same time, we firmly believe in tendency of
increasing share of the underground water in water consumption.
2.3. Long-term works of the Department of Geology of Georgia on the investigation and
calculation of deposits of fresh underground waters and special researches on studying the
regime and balance of underground waters of flat areas of the inter-mountain trench of the Kara
river basin revealed, that between the main water-bearing horizons of fresh ground and surface
waters there is a close hydraulic link: on some sites of the river basins the river waters are the
main sources of underground water feeding, on others – the situation is opposite. Thanks to this
in the Kara river basin, and especially in the Aragvi river basin there is a very rich experience of
the artificial enrichment of underground waters of the water-bearing horizons of modern
quaternary alluvial deposits through the construction of artificial infiltrative basins. This
“factory of artificial enrichments” of the Aragvi valley is the largest by the scales of
construction and size of the supply of added fresh underground waters among the similar
constructions in the CIS.
Construction of similar artificial water-intakes on Alazani, Tirifoni and other plains is strongly
recommended by us.
2.4. To ecosystems closely connected with the regime of underground waters belong the
territories, including the zones of underground waters unloading, the cones of carrying out
quarternary alluvial-proaluvial deposits. Among them the southern peripheries of Tirifon,
Mukhrani, Sagaredjo artesian basins and the left embankment of the Alazani river are especially
distinguished. In these zones occurs the pinching both of pressure and gravity water-bearing
horizons (of ground waters), thanks to which the ground water surface level during the whole
year stays maximally close to the surface of ground, thus contributing to both - bogging of the
soil and intensive humidifying and salination of separate sites of land.
Taking into account the hydro-geological conditions of alluvial cones for the purpose of rational
use of underground waters resources and elimination of marshiness of separate sites, as the most
expedient measure, we would recommend a construction of borehole water-intakes in the zone
of partial unloading and creation of pressure in the alluvial cones. At the same time, productivity
of these water-intakes should by 10 % exceed the dynamic resources of underground waters
composing deposit alluvial cones. Extracted through the boreholes underground water in the first
place should be used for industrial and drinking purposes, and the remaining portion - for
irrigation. This will help to reach the creation of closed cycle of water-rotation in the use of
resources of surface and ground waters formed within the limits of each alluvial cone. This is a
scientific substantiation of the solution of the issue concerning the necessity of obtaining and use
of additional resources of surface waters for the needs of irrigation.
3. Ground water quality
According to the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources and State
Department of Geology of Georgia, during the last years disturbance of the balance between the
water consumption and its natural reproduction (reduction of annual flow of the river and supply
of the most valuable - fresh ground waters) has been noticed. At the same time, it should be
mentioned that surface and ground waters are used as a source of industrial and drinking watersupply for the population of the country. The main source for the 72 % of currently functioning
water-intakes are ground waters out of which 13,5 % constitute river filtrates, 27 % - subsoil
waters, and 31,5 % - springs. The rest 28 % of water should be supplied from surface waters.
According to the Service of the State Sanitary Inspection almost all water bodies used for the
industrial and drinking purposes of the population, are exposed to negative anthropogenic and
technogenic impact which entails their limitation for the purposes of water-supply by one-fourth
– water-reservoirs are polluted by sewage from industrial and household units and cattlebreeding farms, with the waste-water from the agricultural lands cultivated by agro-chemicals
and fertilizers, and industrial and household wastes of settled areas while, nearl all treatment
facilities do not operate. Proceeding from the created situation, it is necessary to admit, that the
choice of the source for water-supply is connected with the solution of many problems. It
becomes especially important, since to the 70 % of the population of the country water is
supplied in the centralized order, among them 95% and 35% being urban and rural population
respectively. Thus, for example, due to the unriable sanitary condition of one of the main sources
of water-supply in Tbilisi – the Aragvi river - the population of city faces the risk of the spread
of diseases connected with the water factor.
Within the limits of the Kara river basin there are 830 water-intake systems out of which over
640 are rural water-pipes, the majority of which work with the rough infringement of technical
rules of operation. Due to the breaks in the submission of electric power and other reasons watersupply of the population is carried out with irregularities and restrictions. In 28 % of waterintakes there are sanitary protection zones and the sources of water-supply are not protected from
pollution. Schemes of the preparation of water used at headwork constructions are not perfect,
and in addition, often they are not observed. Water-treatment facilities are out of order from
sanitary point of view, there is shortage of filtering substances and equipment, there are no
chemical reagents for the preparation of water; due to the lack of finances introduction of new
technologies for its preparation is hindered. At 690 water-intakes neutrilising installations are
absent, regular chlorination of water and unified monitoring of the water bodies is not carried
Thus, at the majority of headwork constructions of water-intakes of the country processing of
unboiled water and bringing it up to standard quality is not carried out. For this reason bigger
part of the population is not supplied with water meeting the requirements of State Standard.
Secondary microbic pollution of water in water-distributive systems is a very serious
shortcoming of the industrial and drinking water-supply of the population of Georgia - 60 % of
existing waterpipes are amortized, the majority of main and distribution networks demands
replacement, capital or routine repair. In a number of cities and regions, including a number of
areas of Tbilisi, due to the technical malfunctions of a water-distributive network accidents and
hidden damages, which are not always restored in due time are rather frequent - this leads to the
increase of water losses and creates favorable conditions for secondary pollution.
All these conditions are even more aggravated with an irrational consumption of potable water
and its unpurposful use. According to 1999 data at the country scale 24,5 million cubic metres
of potable water was used for industrial purposes.
Low sanitary reliability of water-supply systems and consumption of poor potable water by the
population often cause intestinal infections connected with water factor. According to the
National Center of the Control over Diseases, in 1997-98 the cases of diarrhea connected with
the water factor were recorded in (data are covering only the Kura river basin) Borjomi and
Khashuri (331 cases) cities, in Rustavi there was an epidemic outbreak with 1902 cases; in 1999
the cases of similar diseases were recorded in cities: Telavi - 74 cases, Khashuri - 184; in 2000 –
Gardabani - 39, Rustavi - 450, Telavi - 63, Khashuri - 23.
In Tbilisi the cases of amebiasis disease connected with the water factor, were recorded: in 1998
- 1340 cases, in 1999 - 687, in 2000 - 281, in 2001 – 115 cases.
According to the State Inspection of Sanitary Supervision, out of water samples selected in
1999-2000 provided through the centralised network, did not correspond to the hygienic norms
of the country: 23,6 % - by sanitary-chemical and 24 % - by sanitary - bacteriological indecis.
Situation is similar according to the results of water sample tests taken from individual wells
and boreholes. Water examination from wells was carried out in 12 regions of the Kara river
basin, from boreholes - in 6 regions, out of which 32 % did not meet the required standards.
According to the materials of the research led by the faculty of Municipal and Radiation Hygiene
of Tbilisi State Medical University, high content of halogenated hydrocarbons has been noticed
in the waters of some waterpipes, in particular - chloroform. For this reason, the health of the
population using potable water with similar chemical composition is exposed to certain risk.
According to the results of the hydro-monitoring research led by the Department of Geology of
Georgia has been revealed, that scales of pollution of ground hydrosphere have both local, and
regional character.
Pollution of local character is formed because of affinity of conteminated area to its source - not
further than some hundreds of meters. In such a case the center of pollution is identified
(determined) rather easily and its neutralisation does not demand great expenses and much time.
Pollution of regional character covers the most part of the area of the water-bearing layer and the
source of pollution is, in most cases, remote from the polluted area by several, sometimes tens of
kilometers. It complicates the identification of the source of pollution and requires a lot of time
and significant expenses. Kartli and Alazani Plains and others belong to this kind of case.
Most part of underground hydrosphere, especially of subsoil waters and the first from the surface
pressure water-bearing layer of intermountain regions of the Kura river basin (they encompass
more than 80 % of all national economy and large settlements) is located in ecologically
dangerous zone, since anthropogenic pollution here is characterized by increasing trend. It is
necessary to emphasize the fact, that extensive use in the past of natural resources led to tense
condition of underground hydrosphere in such densely populated regions as Kartli, Kakheti,
Imeretia where big networks of centralised water-supply are functioning - here pollution of
underground waters has penetrated to the depth of 100 meters and its ecological consequences
may turn out rather dramatic.
Pollution of subsoil waters has become especially dramatic in the areas where capacity of the
zone for aeration is insignificant, in particular – on Kartli and Kakheti plains. In ground waters
of qurtenary deposits of these areas the content of nitrogen-nitrites exceeds Maximum Allowable
Concentration (MAC) by 20-30 times. By 3-4 times is increased the content of nitrogenammonia and by 2-3 times – content of nitrogen-nitrates (fig. 4). It should be noted, that the
nitrate content points to the fact that the reason of the pollution is not only the enriched by
fertilizers soil, but also the waste water of the enterprises using in their technological processes
nitrate salts. The content of eco-toxical substances in the quantities exceeding Maximum
Allowable Concentrations has been recorded in Saguramo infiltrating basins (pesticides),
Choporti infiltrating basin within the limits of Mukhrani valley (copper), in Zhinvali waterreservoir (barium), etc.
The richest deposits of fresh waters located in the flood-lands of the Kara river between Tbilisi
and Rustavi are catastrophically polluted, which happens under the conditions when the region
faces sharp deficit of fresh water suitable for drinking. The reasons of their dramatic ecological
state lie in the waste-waters from poultry-farms located in the Lochini river basin, tannery
enterprises, cattle-breeding farms and drained water from Samgori irrigated lands.
Particularly should be marked out the issue of water-supply of Tbilisi. As is known, it is carried
out with the help of subsoil waters of modern alluvial deposits of the Aragvi river flood-lands
terraces, main Zhinvali and buffer Bodorn water-reservoirs and waters of the Iori river in the
Tbilisi Sea. Water intakes located in the flood-lands of the Aragvi river: Bulachauri, ChoportaMisaktsieli, Natakhtari embankment, Natakhtari-siphon and Saguramo are horizontal galleries
located along the Aragvi river, for the increase of productivity of which there are functioning
artificial infiltrating basins.
Because of close link of the water-intakes of above-mentioned type with the surface waters, in
case of the pollution of the feeding river, the probability of getting of eco-toxicants into subsoil
waters and sharp deterioration of potable water quality is very high. It has been repeatedly
proved and has been reflected in sharp episodical deterioration of sanitary-bacteriological
parameters of the Aragvi river waters, caused by the damage of the separate sections of ZhinvaliTbilisi sewage collector and Dusheti sewage pipeline.
It is also necessary to note, that 25-years-long functioning of mineral resource industry and
processing complex of Madneuli copper and sulfur deposits has put extremely negative pressure
on eco-chemical condition of the environment, which in the first place was reflected in
extremely high concentrations of toxic metals in waters of the rivers of Bolnisi area of
mineralization. The main river of the area - Mashavera, as well as the rivers Algeti and Debeda are located in the catchment basin of the Khrami river and this, by the virtue of the abovementioned hydraulic relations between the surface waters and sub-soil waters horizons have
caused hardest conditions of local population using these waters for agricultural lands irrigation
since the content of toxic metals in the agricultural crops (fruit, vegetables, grain, grapes) and
ground waters has inadmissibly risen.
The situation that no works connected with the construction of new or repair and reabilitation of
existing treatment plants were carried out, led to dramatic pollution of surface flows which in its
turns becomes the reason of the pollution of ground waters of alluvial and proluvial deposits of
inter-mountain artesian basins, especially within Tirifoni, Mukhrani, Sagaredjo, and Marneuli
plains. Owing to that, large and strategically important deposits of fresh underground waters
such as Trialeti springs in the upper reaches of the Khrami river with the water supply of 8,5
m3/sec, Mukhrani valley waters (Tbilisi water-intakes) with the operational supply of ground
waters up to 10 m3/sec, Tabatskuri Lake - the most perspective source of gravity water-supply
for Bakuriani-Borzhomi area with the deposits of world-wide famous Borjomi water, run a
potential danger of pollution in case of failure of the oil pipeline.
An especially hopeless is the situation in the field of monitoring of underground waters
resourse formation. It is well-known, that technogenic load on natural water objects, their
ecosystems, and volume of extracted underground water is annualy growing, hydrogeological
and hydrological regimes are disturbed, the amount of polluted substances of anthropogenic
origin grows annually, especially in drinking water. In order to prevent the development of these
processes, their careful studying should be undertaken, taking into account that the majority of
settlements use the water that is located close to the surface and is ecologically unreliably
Thus, to develop an appropriate united program of scientific and technical measures on
underground waters use and protection it is necessary to establish a hydro-monitoring network
all over the country with the following primary goals: supervision over the quantitative and
qualitative changes of underground potable water - strategic mineral and product of the first
vital need, its estimation and working out preventive actions directed at a long-term preservation
and further development of a hydro-mineral base for separate hydro-geological structures
(areas), and ecological improvement of an underground hydrosphere as a whole.
In order to solve specified problems, the State Geological Department of Georgia during the
last three decades created a hydro-monitoring network for all structures (areas) of the secondary
order of the country and was carring out regime observation untill 2000 in conformity with
specially developed technique.
On the basis of received data the annual bulletins were created and delivered to local bodies,
central authorities, corresponding departments and organizations. They contained results of
hydro-monitoring researches, forecasts and recommendations on carrying out corresponding
measures. Unfortunately, the program budgeting from the State during the period from 2000 to
2004 was so poor, that it became practically impossible to continue this work (only separate
one-time metering at few base stations were carried out). Since 2004 financing of the activity has
stopped entirely, and it became obvious that catastrophic state of this problem is totally neglected
by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia. Whereas the
monitoring network, worth of several million Laris remained without an owner, falling into
decay at a daily scale. The situation even worsened by the fact that the Geological Department
under whose jurisdiction the monitoring network existed and all specialized dependent to it
structural hydro-monitoring units were abolished in 2005.
In order to preserve an ecological stability it is necessary to draw up a hydro-economic balance
for areas, to develop complex schemes of management and protection of water resources, to
regulate the maintenance of the state cadastre.
Toward this end the first stage requires:
- complete registration of objects of surface and underground waters and identification of their
hydrologo- hydrogeological parameters;
- calculation of surface and underground water resources;
- studying of territorial distribution of underground and surface flow and their cyclic instability;
- determination of a share of underground component in surface flow and an estimation of its
qualitative and quantitative participation in the formation of river waters;
- determination of intra-annual distribution of underground and surface flow;
- sorting of the river basins of underground feeding by following types: long-term stable supply,
provided by water-feedback from different water-bearing horizons, and the seasonal supply
provided by the infiltration of rain-water and water from melted snow;
- zoning of the Kura river catchment according to the inter-relation (quantitative and qualitative)
of surface and underground waters;
- determination of potential possibilities of the development and redistribution of underground
and surface waters in river basins and administrative areas;
- systematization and the statistical analysis of the collected material following international
- protection of water resources from exhaustion and pollution, and their quality control;
- monitoring of underground and surface water;
- development of hydro-geological schemes of integrated and rational use of water resources for
the whole Kura river basin and its large inflows.
Recently a threat of global warming of climate emerged for the mankind. Researches on
forecasting of expected climatic, hydrological and hydrogeological changes are carried out in
many countries. According to the analysis, a sharp change of intra-annual distribution of
atmospheric precipitation and river flow is expected. In particular, it is expected that
precipitation and flow in shallow seasons will decrease, while these factors are expected to
increase in full seasons of the year. For example, a mid-annual norm of precipitation in the
eastern part of the Kura basin makes 410 mm. During the period of 1930-60 the precipitation
decreased, while during 1960-80 they increased; therefore the mid-annual value for the whole
period from 1930 to 1980 matched the initial value - 410 mm. The same value lasted out for the
1980-2000 period; however the increase in precipitation began in 2000 and reached the
maximum in 2002, having exceeded an average annual norm of 410 mm by 20 %. 2002-06 is
characterised by the reduction of atmospheric precipitation by 20 % too and currently the
average annual quantity of precipitations coincides with the average annual norm.
At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that hydro-geological research
conducted in the eastern part of the Kara river basin during 2002-2003 revealed rather clear
tendency of the reduction of: spring debits, depths of the ground water surface deposition, the
volume and discharge of surface flows and the increase of ground water mineralization in
general. It is not excluded, that the stated above dynamics of atmospheric precipitation changes
is conditioned by an evident growth of dryness and desertification of the eastern part of the
Iori-Shiraki artesian basin on the one hand, and by quantitative and qualitative changes of
underground and surface waters on the other.
In view of similar aspects of climate change and with the purpose of mitigation of negative
hydrological and hydro-geological results, and in order to prevent them and protect water
resources, it is necessary to develop and carry out a special program of complex hydrological
and hydro-geological works, prediction of desertification processes and introduction of effective
measures for the mitigation of negative consequences.
Proceeding from the stated above, we think that a number of the basic problems to be solved are:
1. Drawing up the program on the studying of the resourse formation of underground waters of
hydrogeological structures of boardering zones in order to determine the supply of water which
is transferred to neihbouring states; detemination of its quality and organization of a monitoring
2. Calculation of the total water balance for the catchment basins of the Aragvi, Liakhvi,
Alazani, Khrami and Iori rivers for the purpose of an integrated water resources management.
3. Program and project development on redistribution of excessive natural resources of
underground waters among river basins with obligatory preservation of natural ecological
conditions in them.
4. Development of complex hydrological and hydro-geological measures in order to preserve
natural ecological conditions and to prevent the negative phenomena caused by global warming
(drought, desertification, etc.), especially for the Iori-Shiraki and Alazani artesian basins.
The listed above problems are given in accordance to their priority:
It is strange but the fact that the Department of Integrated Management (only 15 employees!) of
the Ministry of the Environment Protection and Natural Resources is in charge of stated above
complicated problems and the safety of fresh water resources. It means nothing but a refusal by
the State to protect and reproduct the first priority strategic resource. That does not meet the
requirements of the Constitution and the laws of Georgia on Fossils and Water.
Thus, we deeply believe that to meet requirements of these specified basic documents, it is
necessary to create a specialized State service with the following functions:
- account of water resources and pollution control;
- licensing for water-use and discharge of waste water in order to regulate the water resources
- management of river valleys and channels of the rivers in order to prevent flooding and
other undisarble phenomena;
- issue of permits for construction of hydraulic engineering constructions, including water
reservoirs and irrigation systems;
- pollution control and improvement of overall quality of underground and surface waters;
- regulation of underground and surface water management, balance between the nature and
water consumption;
- guaranteeing of an effective protection of the population from flooding, mudflow and coast
- care and reproduction of fish stocks;
- accomplishment and development of recreational potential of dry lands, in particular units
connected with surface waters;
- strict control over protection of protogenic landscape forms, wildlife, archeological sights,
monuments of culture at the units of water use.
Conclusion. In spite of the fact that regional hydro-geological conditions of the Kura river basin
are studied quite well, quite big difference still appears in the degree of the knowledge of
separate hydro-geological structures and areas. The further this or that hydro-geological structure
or area is located in southern-east direction of the Kura river basin the stronger this difference
becomes. This statement is true not only for the basic water-bearing sub-soil and deep circulation
horizons but for surface flows as well. On the other hand, areas of this part of the basin are
characterized by frequent droughts and development of desertification processes and are
experiencing sharp deficiency both of drinking and irrigating water.
For the present work reliable materials have been used, selected, on the one hand, as a result of
the critical analysis of non-uniform by character and essence, information data of different
specialized organizations, and available for the authors primary geological documentation and
personal professional experience defining intellectual level of their knowledge, on the other.
Documentation reflecting the results of carried out works for the last 10-15 years, is not
published in the form of geological reports due to the absence of relevant money allocation from
the state budget for completeing the works up to the logical end and, hence, this documentation
has not got, as it should be, into the central funds of the Department of Geology.
It is necessary to note that incompetent approach to this question during the period of 2005-2006
caused a big number of bureaucratic obstacles to occur and it came much complicated to receive
necessary materials from geological funds. The procedure became chargeable and connected
with many difficulties.
Besides structural reforms in the field connected with water resources have been taking place for
the last 5 years even more impeding an access to the fund materials. Organizations that are in
charge of getting and storing geological information change their statutes or become abolished,
and it is often impossible to identify their whereabouts.
Levan Kharatishvili,
deserved geologist of Georgia,
full member of Academy of Engineering
Tamaz Gabesidze,
candidate of sciences