These written minutes represent the general discussion of the DWCD Board of Directors, DWCD staff, and participants at the DWCD board meeting, and they include a record of any and all board actions taken at the meeting. The written minutes are not intended to provide a word-for-word account of the board meetings. Nor are they a direct quote of any statements offered at board meetings. All DWCD board meetings are recorded on audio tape. DOLORES WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT WATER ACTIVITY ENTERPRISE ________________________________________ MINUTES Regular Meeting January 9, 2014 ________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER Bruce Smart, President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM ROLL CALL Bruce Smart, President Don Schwindt, Vice President Larry Deremo, Director Jim Fisher, Director Simon Martinez, Director Walter Henes, Director Robert Vedsted, Director Mike Preston, General Manager Ken Curtis, Engineer Bruce Harrison, Maintenance Supervisor Gina Espeland, Accounting Clerk Barry Spear, Attorney Doug Pickering, Colorado Division of Water Resources INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Les Nunn, Interim Manager MVIC and Eric Lindgren, Totten Leasor MINUTES APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES MOTION: TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS SUBMITTED FOR THE DECEMBER 12, 2013 ENTERPRISE MEETING AS CORRECTED. MOTION: JIM FISHER SECOND: DON SCHWINDT MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH SIMON MARTINEZ AND WALT HENES ABSTAINING. FINANCIAL STMTS MOTION: TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER ‘13 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND APPROVE THE STATEMENT OF PAYABLES AS PRESENTED. O&M: AP/CHECK #30775-30846 & PR/CHECK #119651-119700 $191,173.98 MOTION: JIM FISHER SECOND: LARRY DEREMO MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY O&M REPORT – Bruce reported the following: Fairview Pumping Plant We are working with BOR and Exponential Engineering to procure equipment and get the specification to BOR requirements. Staff meetings for planning specification checks are ongoing. South Canal WAPA is working on a plan for the power line replacement. We were contacted by EEA about WAPA’s future maintenance contract on the line and transformers. Towaoc Highline Canal Staff is checking communications and probes. Dove Creek Canal Sediment removal is taking place as weather permits. All Laterals Meter and PRV repair is being done on full service box equipment. Drainage work continues around full service boxes. Towaoc Power Plant Normal off season maintenance is taking place. Great Cut Pumping Plant Normal offseason maintenance is taking place. Sandstone Pumping Plant Two pumps and motors were pulled from Sandstone for pump repair and bearing replacement. McPhee Power Plant Normal off season maintenance is taking place. Water Screens Planning is underway on water screen installation. Started to build the water screens. The transformer service drop at Ruin Canyon has been scheduled with EEA. We are waiting on electrical installation parts for the Towaoc Highline screen. Schedule Maintenance Normal scheduled maintenance is being done at all facilities. SCADA System Control room staff has been trouble shooting a communications problem in the fiber system that occurred this week. They are also replacing windows in the Field Station office building. WATER REPORT – Ken reported that there is not a lot of water detail. There is a SNOTEL sheet in packet, but we have not received significant new snow for about 3 weeks. The NRCS forecast was a little under 300,000 AF based on January 1 snowpack, but have since continued a slow slide downward. Water operations have slowed down. McPhee is right at 6864 elevation as of Monday. We are diverting 19 CFS below the dam and about 5 to M&I use. If the 300,000 forecast stays true we would have a full supply, but probably not a spill. Vern will start working on the operating plan and the more detailed daily steps will provide more detail later in the Spring. Many starting conditions were better than last year, but we still need continued snow storms throughout the next 3 months to secure our 2014 water supply. PROJECT UPDATE – Ken stated that they are working on the technical review submittal for Fairview variable drives and electronics. That supply project is ongoing and the others are not too active other than routine meetings with Vern and the electrical engineer. There are three more projects approved for 2015 and we are trying to get these moving forward on those. WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN – Ken reported that there is nothing specific this month other than Carrie is assembly information for follow up with the Board. STATE WATER PLAN/BASIN IMPLEMENTAITON PLAN – DWCD IPPS – Ken stated that he mentioned a few months back that DWCD would need to work on setting IPPs to feed into the State Wide Water Supply Investigation (SWSI) 2010. IPP stands for Identified Processes and Projects and we get to frame and describe our own DWCD projects. These IPP’s are intended to fill needed gaps between supplies and needs as identified in SWSI 2010. SWBRT has its own SWSI 2010 chapter on identified gaps. These IPP’s are a major part of the Basin Roundtable Plan and could feed into the Colorado Water Plan. Ken stated that he believes you always want to be included on the list that is accumulated by the state and could lead to funding. It sort of tells everyone what we plan to do in the future. The state funding flows through the SWBRT and so we want to participate and get our important projects on the IPP list. This current update round is scheduled to be completed over the next two months. Don S. asked about the process of DWCD’s Board looking at the listings. Mike stated that we can get the process started and we are just starting on our Basin. This introduction is intended to get the Board thinking about DWCD’s projects and we will bring back in February. Ken handed out the IPP lists for the Dolores River Basin and McElmo River Basin. The Dolores sheet lists 1) Augmentation of upstream of McPhee, which needs to be kept on the list. CWCB ISF may limit the ability to provide augmentation above McPhee Reservoir in the future. Alternatives include small storage (10 to20 AF) or alluvial storage. 2) Dove Creek Lawn and Garden - Ken stated that we may want to remove the Dove Creek Lawn and Garden since this system is completed and Dove Creek purchases water from DWCD. 3) Plateau Reservoir and 4) Groundhog Reservoir Expansion. We want to keep the Plateau Reservoir and Groundhog Reservoir Expansion on the listing. Plateau is a new, up to 20,000 AF reservoir proposed by DWCD as a method to increase the water supply from the Dolores River. The water could be used for fishery flows below McPhee and/or M&I. Groundhog Reservoir could potentially be expanded by decreasing the freeboard in the spillway, thus raising the water level by about 1,000 AF. Studies have not been completed to fully evaluate this option. 5) Municipal Supply to Utah – DWCD has had discussion with the San Juan County, Utah in the past, but this has not been active so we may want to drop. 6) Town of Dolores – will be handled by them not DWCD. They have existing water rights and could possibly purchase water from the Dolores Project if needed. 7) City of Cortez – They have a direct flow rights and Dolores Project water available. This would probably be directed by another entity as well. 8) Montezuma County Water District – They serve a rural area south of Cortez. They could purchase water from Dolores Project Water or Montezuma Water Company and would probably be directed by another entity as well. 9) Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company is listed for system improvements and would be Summits project. 10) A Way Forward – A DRD project that will likely go to the completed list at the bottom. 11) Dolores River Dialogue – A project with multiple sponsors including DWCD that will likely continue. 12) Taylor Creek Project by others likely complete. Ken stated that completed projects will be kept on the list and moved to a completed table. Mike mentioned that the next Roundtable meeting will be here at this office on March 12, 2014 and this list will be presented so the Board needs to look it over and make sure that we have all appropriate DWCD projects listed. Ken stated that the listed Instream Flow project needs updating. Project Sponsor input to Carrie & Anne will provide updates and refine these lists. Montezuma Water Company is listed for supply of potable water to rural Dolores and Montezuma Counties. They are continually expanding to serve new areas presently on wells or hauling. Also listed is Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Municpal Supply and Agricultural Supply for the part of the joint study between DWCD and UMUT which we will continue to work with them to complete. There is also a catch all for Rural water supply and a couple of completed IPPs listed on the bottom. Ken stated that there is a separate table for McEllmo which should probably be combined with the Dolores Basin as the source for practically all the McElmo supplies. Totten Reservoir is listed on McElmo and we will continue our discussions and update the project. There is a generic Lawn and Garden Water which may develop into a more specific future project or remain a placeholder for future small projects. Carrie put in McElmo irrigators that relates to our 2013 Totten leases. The Class B shares were moved to completed section, but Don S. asked if the Class B is actually complete? This needs to be dicussed by the Board. Walt asked about some of the other projects that we had talked about last year in our water rights portfolio? Ken stated that this is a good venue to discuss and get them listed as appropriate to the Board. Bruce S. stated that we may not want to list every water right. Mike agreed that this may lead to unnecessary attention. UNUSED TOTTEN LEASE WATER Mike stated that Ken enclosed an Action Item memo in the packet stating that most Totten Lease Water irrigators did not use their full leased quantities from Totten in WY 2013. One irrigator has requested a credit or refund for the unused portions left over from WY 2013. No provisions were made in our leases for refunds or credits. It was brought to the Board at the December meeting and at that time there were questions on the administration. Next year’s leases will return in March and we will establish this policy for 2014 at that time. Barry stated that whatever is done tonight can only apply to 2013 instead of setting a precedent. Ken stated that right now we might have interested parties again for 2014. This was a trial rate to see how it was received and how it would go. Ken stated that he does not have strong staff recommendation or opinion, but thought that the season went fairly well for all parties. Ken stated that when we set up 2014 leases in March and we will modify leases accordingly. We also continue to refine some practices and accounting issues with DWR. Bruce S. stated that you can’t issue water at a rate and receive payment and then refund it. Don S. stated that there is a lot of potential, but we still need to remain in the pilot mode for awhile to see how it will work all the way around. Ken stated that total costs to maintain the dam, weed control, operation and maintenance versus what we brought in did not even out. Some of those costs are necessary regardless of leasing. I will bring some more detail in March. The leases did allow some irrigators the opportunity to divert out of priority. We did set a minimum and maximum amount to operate the lease program. If this is a long term project then we will have to spend a lot more to correct current problems and remove the restriction. There were more discussions on the lease having potential to be more expensive. It takes a while for customers to find out and determine if it is beneficial to them and then see if we get enough people using it to work out in the long term. Maybe there is a real potential need that we can meet, but haven’t figured out all the details yet. Ken stated that after some more trials we would likely have a meeting with all the potential users. There are issues as drought and later MVIC return flows that seem to determine the need, but we don’t have fully figured out. Eric Lindgren who leased water stated that he saw the whole Totten water lease as benefit for McElmo and for future use as a more sustainable interest. Eric stated that he did not want the District thinking it did not work for the users or the District thinking it didn’t work well on their end. Eric stated that he was interested in seeing if this would work and hoping that it would be continual interest for both irrigators in McElmo as well as the District and seeing things working together and working well. Doug and Marty would have a better feel for when and how much work it was from an administrative end. Doug stated that they would have to administer priorities and limit those irrigators who could possibly be out of water and at least this gave them another option. Bruce S. asked if there would be any use in needed in September or October, basically late season. Ken stated that the fall irrigation need varies based on MVIC use and rain in any specific year, but appears shorter and more variable than the need on the front end of the season. Jim stated that he thought there should be a fixed cost, similar to DWCD’s Full Service and then a delivery charge on the delivered water. Ken stated that he is coming back at the March Board meeting with a proposal for leasing and have it ready and available by April 1st if possible. Ken stated that no one else has asked for carry over credit or a refund. The Board consensus was that they are not interested in refunding or carry over and will be more explicit in future leases. AQUATIC NUISANCE SPECIES – Ken stated that Jim White had contacted him in the fall to discuss Zebra and Quagga Mussel inspections at McPhee. Jim W., for CPW, is in charge of boat inspections at McPhee and House Creek boat ramps. Ken stated that he researched the mussels and found that in about 2007-2008 they came up with an idea of keeping the mussels out of western waters, the 100th Meridian. There is a Colorado law that you are required to comply with boat inspections on the states lakes. The State, through CPW, has been running this program and providing funding. The Forest Service has contributed funding to for of these state activities, such as at McPhee where they operate the recreation. Other waters, such as Ridgeway, is operated by CPW, which funds and controls those inspections only from state funds The Bureau has also been involved in long term research and monitoring including at McPhee. Inspections at McPhee began in 2009 by seasonal CPW employees and are now run under contract to CPW. The inspections run May 1 – October 31, 8 AM – 8 PM. CPW suspects that boats are getting on without inspections as the boat ramp is not controlled outside their inspection hours. Ken stated that infestations could have very expensive consequences for operations at McPhee by damaging DP facilities. DWCD should consider supporting CPW desire to better control boat access to McPhee and may be asked for funding. Jim W. asked if we would take the lead with him on implementing additional controls for McPhee. It is a concern that needs to be taken seriously. Ken stated that he would bring back more information to the Board before a decision is made. 4 STATES AG EXPO – MARCH 13, 14 & 15 - Ken stated that he reserved a booth at the Ag Expo and he will bring a reminder to the February Board Meeting. He plans to have people at the booth Thursday, Friday and Saturday. He stated that it is good for project promotion and Board members are welcome to stop by and participate as they have more understanding of District Policy versus staff’s operational experience.. Other ADJOURNMENT Dolores Water Conservancy District Water Activity Enterprise Board meeting adjourned at 8:56 PM _______________________________ Walter Henes, Secretary-Treasurer _______________________________ Bruce Smart, President DOLORES WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT ________________________________________ MINUTES Regular Meeting January 9, 2014 _________________________________________ CALL TO ORDER Bruce Smart, President, called the meeting to order at 8:56 PM ROLL CALL Bruce Smart, President Don Schwindt, Vice President Larry Deremo, Director Jim Fisher, Director Simon Martinez, Director Walter Henes, Director Robert Vedsted, Director Mike Preston, General Manager Ken Curtis, Engineer Bruce Harrison, Maintenance Supervisor Gina Espeland, Accounting Clerk Barry Spear, Attorney Doug Pickering, Colorado Division of Water Resources INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Les Nunn, Interim Manager MVIC APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES MINUTES MOTION: TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FOR THE DECEMBER 12, 2013 REGULAR MEETING AS CORRECTED AND DECEMBER 12, 2013 EXECUTIVE SESSION AS SUBMITTED. MOTION: JIM FISHER SECOND: ROBERT VEDSTED MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, SIMON MARTINEZ AND WALTER HENES ABSTAINED. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MOTION: TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER ’13 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND APPROVE THE STATEMENT OF PAYABLES AS PRESENTED. ADMIN: AP/CHECK #10299 - 10318 $61,375.16 MOTION: WALTER HENES SECOND: SIMON MARTINEZ MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AGENCY REPORTS BOR Report Vern was not present at the meeting. Division of Water Resources Report Doug stated that we would like it to snow, but did not have anything else to report. T/H Committee Report The T/H Committee did not meet in December 2013. Next T/H Meeting – January 22, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the DWCD, Cortez Office. MVIC Report Les Nunn reported that MVIC has been waiting for it to snow. MVIC’s annual meeting will be January 18th at 1:00 P.M. at the Lewis Arriola Community Center. Registration begins at 10:00 A.M. ELECTION OF BOARD PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY-TREASURER Barry stated that the nominations/elections will be by secret ballot unless the Board wants to retain the officers that are current in their terms by motion. MOTION TO RETAIN BRUCE SMART AS DWCD BOARD PRESIDENT MOTION: WALT HENES SECOND: LARRY DEREMO MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ELECTION OF VICE PRESIDENT WAS BY SECRET BALLOT BARRY ACCEPTED SECRET BALLOT NOMINATIONS FOR VICE PRESIDENT, DON SCHWINDT AND SIMON MARTINEZ WERE NOMINATED. A SECRET BALLOT VOTE WAS TAKEN. VICE PRESIDENT IS SIMON MARTINEZ. BARRY ACCEPTED SECRET BALLOT NOMATIONS FOR SECRETARY-TREASURER, ROBERT VEDSTED, WALTER HENES AND DON SCHWINDT WERE NOMINATED. A SECRET BALLOT VOTE WAS TAKEN. SECRETARY-TREASURER IS WALTER HENES. APPOINTMENT OF DWCD REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE TO TOWAOC HIGHLINE COMMITTEE Currently Jim Fisher is the Representative and Bruce Smart is the Alternate. Jim stated he would continue unless someone else expressed an interest. Bruce S. stated the same. MOTION: NOMINATION OF JIM FISHER FOR DWCD REPRESENTATIVE AND BRUCE SMART AS ALTERNATE DWCD REPRESENTATIVE TO THE TOWAOC HIGHLINE COMMITTEE. MOTION: WALT HENES SECOND: ROBERT VEDSTED MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY APPOINTMENT OF DWCD REPRESENTATIVE TO SOUTHWEST BASIN ROUNDTABLE Currently Don Schwindt is the representative and is willing to continue unless someone expresses an interest. MOTION: NOMINATION OF DON SCHWINDT FOR DWCD REPRESENTATIVE TO THE SOUTHWEST BASIN ROUNDTABLE. MOTION: JIM FISHER SECOND: WALT HENES MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DESIGNATION OF LOCATION FOR POSTING MEETING NOTICES MOTION: THE NOTICES. DESIGNATING THE BOARD OUTSIDE THE BOARD ROOM DOORS AS LOCATION FOR THE OFFICIAL POSTING OF MEETING MOTION: LARRY DEREMO SECOND: ROBERT VEDSTED MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT/DECISION ITEMS CWCB (JAN 27-28) And Water Congress (JAN 29-31) – The CWCB Board meeting and the Colorado Water Congress are scheduled back to back at the Hyatt Regency, Denver Tech Center. If the Board chooses to request a delay in the Dolores River Instream Flow, it will happen on January 27 or 28. The CWCB agenda is not out yet, but the hope is the ISF will be on January 28. January 29 is Workshop Day and January 30-31 is the Water Congress. Information available on Workshops and the Water Congress is attached. Note: The Instream Flow Agenda Item has been set for January 25, 1:00 PM. Brainstorm (February 12, 2014) – Capital, Budget, Basin Implementation Plan, Water Management Plan – Mike reminded the Board that the focus will be on the interrelationships between capital replacement, budgeting, replenishing and building reserves and the Water Management Plan that is being updated. There will also be discussion of Basin Implementation Plan IPPs. A Way Forward Implementation Plan – Comments from the December 17 Board to Board meeting on the chapter entitled “Managing against Non-Natives and Consideration of Stocking” have been forwarded to the Implementation Team. The next Implementation Team meeting is scheduled for February 10. The intention is to have the re-draft of the entire Plan in one document. There will also be discussion on re-drafting of the Introduction to the Conservation Measures Chapter for water board and stakeholder review. The key is to keep it moving and tie down the improvements that have made in the document. Legislative Subcommittee – Mike stated that the Legislative Subcommittee met on January 7th. There are active items ongoing. There is discussion with Montrose County. Work on tying down right of ways and roads. Mike and Gerald are working on the flow related language. We are waiting for Peter Mueller and Jeff Widen on the values component. Mike asked Barry about how to share background on the water protection benefits in the NCA. Question is if the Counties want to engage their attorney how could information be shared between legal staff. Barry stated that it would be a shared joint defense agreement so information could be shared. Can share certain concepts and lead them to law and statutes that they can look at, but we can not advise them. Barry stated that the joint defense agreement may not be the vehicle that we need. Mike agreed that a joint defense would complicate things. We simply want to share our position on how much protection the legislation offers, once it is in draft. DRD Steering Committee – Don stated that the Steering Committee met on January 7th and discussed the past history and projections for requesting funding from SW and he presented a spreadsheet. Bruce S. asked if the money columns follow the contributors that are at the top. Don walked through the spreadsheet and stated that we are hoping the funding from SW will be approved. Proxy for the MVIC Meeting on January 18 – Mike stated that we need to decide how to handle the proxy carry responsibilities. In the past Don S. and Jim carried the proxy. It was agreed the same would be done and Mike stated that he would provide a letter. Update on BLM LRMP/EIS Protest and Direction on SJNF Appeal – The San Juan Forest Appeals were lodged December 19. Attached are the DWCD legal appeal, the DWCD appeal letter, Colorado Department of Natural Resources appeal and the Colorado Water Congress appeal. The Governors Consistency Review on the BLM Protest was filed on December 5 (also attached). There are 24 protests for the BLM. Each protest will be individually responded to from Washington. The office in Washington will prepare the responses with attorney review. Mark from the Forest Service (FS) spoke with Mike on the side and indicated that the FS is gathering information in response to the protest filed and the information will be put together in a packet and send to Washington. There is an optional appeal directly to the Regional Forestor. The BLM did respond to the consistency review that the Governor engaged offering change of the by-pass flow standard to a guideline. The procedure already allowed for input from collaborative groups. DWCD and SWWCD will comment to the Governor on the BLM response to the consistency review. Proposed Instream Flow on Dolores River from the Confluence with the San Miguel to Gateway – Mike stated that a possible request for delay at the January CWCB meeting will be discussed in Executive Session. Attached are two maps used in the Dolores River management Coordination Workshop on January 9: A Wild and Scenic Suitability Status Map (including proposed Instream Flows) and A Dolores River Populations of Native Fish and Predator Fish in DRD Reaches map. Also attached is a background paper prepared by the GM for discussions with CWCB Board members entitled “Rationale for Requesting a Delay in CWCB Intent to Appropriate an Instream Flow on the Dolores River Below the San Miguel Confluence beyond 2014.” Activities and Meetings since Last Board Meeting: December 17: MVIC-DWCD Board to Board Meeting – Review and comment on redrafted “Managing against Non-Natives and Consideration of Stocking” IP Chapter December 20: Meeting with Steve Miles, Judy Garrigues, Dolores Conservation District concerning on farm water conservation support – GM, Ken Curtis December 31: Plateau Creek Pump Back – Monthly Phone Meeting January 7: DRD Steering Committee, 9:00AM January 7: Risk Memo Workshop, 2:00-5:00PM January 7: Legislative Subcommittee Meeting, 5:30PM January 8: Southwest Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan Data Needs Workshop, Durango Library 10:00-12:00 January 8 Southwest Basin Roundtable Basin Implementation Plan Goals and Measurable Outcomes Workshop, Durango Library 12:30-2:30 January 8: Southwest Basin Roundtable Meeting, Durango Library, 3:00-6:00 (2:30 Social Hour) January 9: Dolores River Management Coordination Workshop, Holiday Inn Express, Cortez, 9:00AM-2:30PM Upcoming Meetings and Activities: January 14: MVIC Board Meeting, 2:00PM January 18: MVIC Annual Meeting, 1:00PM, Lewis-Arriola Community Center January 22: Towaoc-Highline Committee January 27-28: CWCB Meeting, Hyatt Regency, Denver Tech Center January 29: Colorado Water Congress Workshops, Hyatt Regency, Denver Tech Center January 30-31: Colorado Water Congress, Hyatt Regency, Denver Tech Center February 3: Legislative Subcommittee, 5:30PM February 10: Way Forward Implementation Team, 10:00AM February 11: MVIC Board Meeting, 2:00PM February 12: Brainstorm, 9:00AM-4:00PM LEGAL REPORT Legal Report – Barry stated that the legal staff met with the DWCD Board on Risk Assessment work on Tuesday and it was a good meeting. Barry requested an executive session to discuss the BLM/ San Juan Forest Land and Resources Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (LRMP/EIS) Protest and Direction on SJNF Appeal and the Proposed Instream Flow on the Dolores River from the Confluence with the San Miguel to Gateway and Water Cases. RECESSED MEETING FOR BREAK AT 9:57 P.M. RECONVENED MEETING AT 10:08 P.M. MOTION: TO MOVE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO CRS 24-6-402-4(b) TO RECEIVE LEGAL ADVICE FROM THE ATTORNEY AND CRS 24-6402-4(e) TO GIVE DIRECTION TO NEGOTIATORS MOTION: LARRY DEREMO SECOND: ROBERT VEDSTED MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECESSED MEETING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 10:09 P.M. RECONVENED REGULAR MEETING AT 10:56 P.M. REPORT OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Provided direction regarding the BLM/ San Juan Forest Land and Resources Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (LRMP/EIS) Protest and Direction on SJNF Appeal and the Proposed Instream Flow on the Dolores River from the Confluence with the San Miguel to Gateway, the Board did not take action on any item discussed in Executive Session, but will in regular session. MOTION: REQUEST THAT DWCD SEEK TO DELAY THE PROPOSED INSTREAM FLOW ON THE DOLORES RIVER FROM THE SAN MIGUEL CONFLUENCE TO GATEWAY. MOTION: DON SCHWINDT SECOND: LARRY DEREMO MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY OTHER NEXT DWCD BOARD MEETING – Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 7:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:58 P.M. Walter Henes, Secretary-Treasurer Bruce Smart, President