1920s Radio Vodcast Rubric 21st Century Skills SOL USII 5 a, b, c Areas of Interaction: Human Ingenuity, Health and Social Education, Approaches to Learning IB Touchstone Criteria—Knowledge and Presentation Guiding Question: What were the consequences of human ingenuity in the 1920s? (Remember positive and negative) Objectives: Students will collaborate with classmates to produce a 3-5 minute radio vodcast on the history, culture, and commerce of the 1920s. Students will individually conduct research on an assigned topic and write at 45-60 second script. Students will correctly site sources for information, music, and images. Students will present their vodcast to the class. Students will evaluate the group collaboration and assess their learning. Name______________________________Block__________________________Date_______________ List all other students in the group. ________________________, ______________________, ____________________ Criteria Emphasis on Core Subject Blooms Knowledge Understanding Broadcast Apprentice Group exhibits mastery of 1920s knowledge of three of the categories in Hollywood level Did not use slang No evidence of the connection with the world, economic and cultural events. Did not use images and music correctly. 0-20 Answer Guiding Question Describes 0-2 consequences of human ingenuity in the 1920s. Answer shows only knowledge of the consequences but little evidence of understanding, comprehension, or analysis. Points possible Learning and Innovation Skills Blooms Understanding Comprehension Application Analysis Points Possible 0-4 Local Broadcaster Group exhibits mastery of 1920s knowledge of three of the categories in Hollywood level Used slang but not correctly Referenced world events, economic and cultural factors, but did not show the impact on the world. Used images and music but not from the era. 21-35 Answer Guiding Question Describes 3-4 + consequences of human ingenuity in the 1920s Answer shows understanding and comprehension of the consequences of human ingenuity but little evidence of application and analysis 3-7 Broadcaster going to Hollywood Group exhibits mastery of 1920s knowledge in all stories o News story o Sports story o Commercial o Cultural story Correctly used slang Group exhibited working knowledge of how the events in the 1920s impacted world events, economic and cultural issues. Used images and music from the era. 36-45 Answer Guiding Question Describes 5+ consequences of human ingenuity in the 1920s. Answer shows evidence of understanding, comprehension, application and analysis of human ingenuity in the 1920s. 8-10 Score 1920s Radio Vodcast Rubric 21st Century Skills Life and Career Skills Blooms reference Understanding Comprehension Application Synthesis Analysis Evaluation Student presents vodcast but does not take it seriously. Student does not complete written script Written work is not legible. Work ethnic not apparent. No Self-Reflection Activity. Points Possible 0-10 Information, Media, and Technology skills Blooms Understanding Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Student writes news report conducting online research (0-1 works cited. Group includes 0- 2 music/sound effect clips. (0-1 works cited) Group includes 0-2 images (0-1 works cited) Group does not present vodcast. Points Possible 0-15 Student presents vodcast but lacks poise and pride. Student completes his/her role but does not work well with the group Student does minimum required to complete vodcast. Vodcast mostly complete but some parts missing. Written work complete, but not neat. Self Reflection Activity does not show evidence of personal evaluation. 11-15 Student conducts online research (2 works cited) Group incorporates 3-4 music /sound effects (includes all works cited) o Garage Band Group includes 3-4 images (includes works cited) Group presents vodcast but not in QuickTime format Vodcast is varied, but not integrated. Sound is audible but is not clear. 16-20 Student presents Vodcast in a professional manner with poise and pride. Student assumes assigned role in the group and assists the group in producing a final product. Student goes above and beyond basic requirement for assignment and role in the group. Solves problems. Written work is complete and neat. Completes the Self- Reflection Activity and critically evaluates the final product. 16-20 Student conducts online research (3 works cited in correct format) Group effectively incorporates 5+ music /sound effects (includes works cited in correct format) o Garage Band o Original music Group includes 5+ images (includes correctly formatted works cited) Group converts vodcast to QuickTime Group previews vodcast to evaluate the sound quality and the integration of the recording, images, music. 21-25 Total Score