PROPAGATION IN THE TURBULENT MARINE SURFACE LAYER AND IMPLICATIONS FOR SENSOR SYSTEMS A. S. Kulessa, H. J. Hansen and W. Marwood EWRD, DSTO P.O. Box 1500 Edinburgh, SA, 5111 ABSTRACT Monin-Obukhov theory provides a model for investigating the propagation of RF emissions in evaporation ducts that are a common feature in the maritime environment. Experimental results for propagation studies that have been undertaken by DSTO are presented, together with a statistical analysis and interpretation of some of these results. The Split-Step Parabolic Equation is used to show the significance of the surface duct, particularly as the emitter frequency moves upwards from the microwave to the millimeter wave domain. Index Terms — Parabolic Equation, propagation, marine boundary layer, evaporation ducts, modeling. 1. INTRODUCTION Theoretical arguments are presented that explain the prevalence of non-standard radio-refractive index profiles in the marine surface layer. The discussion shows that evaporation ducting dominates thermally unstable and neutral surface layers and that the strength of the ducting is partly linked to atmospheric turbulence [1]. This is certainly the case provided the turbulence is not too strong. The presence of turbulence in the surface layer creates a stochastic evaporation duct with ducting parameters varying in time and space. Monte-Carlo simulations that solve the parabolic equation over many realizations show that the mean, variance and skewness of received signal amplitude distributions are dependent on the proximity of a given receiving antenna to a multi-path null. These variations may degrade the performance of conventional electronic support (ES) systems. The use of multichannel techniques can be shown to not only overcome the effects of multipath nulls, but also to allow accurate sampling of the diffraction pattern for a given signal. A model is developed in this paper for the extended refractivity profile through which a signal propagates. Current work is then discussed which is associated with the development of a multichannel receiver that will be used to experimentally validate matched field processing techniques for signal source localisation in atmospheres that range from 'standard' to anomalous. 2. PROPAGATION IN THE MARINE SURFACE LAYER Propagation in clear-air conditions in a maritime environment where the atmosphere is horizontally stratified can be ‘standard’ or ‘anomalous’ depending on the refractivity profile. The 'standard radio atmosphere' is a term that is often used by radio or communication engineers to describe a refractivity profile that, close to the earth’s surface, is well approximated by a straight line given by the equation (1) nz n0 3.9 x10 8 z where z is the height in metres. In this equation the term, n refers to the refractive index of the atmosphere which is generally a complex quantity. The real part of n influences the bending or refraction of radiowaves while the imaginary part affects the absorption or attenuation of radiowaves. ‘Anomalous’ propagation is defined to be propagation of radiowaves through an atmosphere with a non-standard refractive index profile. The refractive index depends on three quantities: atmospheric water vapour pressure, temperature and pressure. In a standard atmosphere, vertical profiles of these quantities are well defined and one may well state that 'anomalous propagation' is as anomalous as non-standard profiles of water vapour pressure, atmospheric temperature and pressure. This rephrasing of the description of anomalous propagation leads to another question which can more readily be addressed: how anomalous are non-standard profiles of water vapour pressure, atmospheric temperature and atmospheric pressure? The following sections provide some answers to this question. Profiles of the relevant atmospheric quantities are derived from solutions of the equations that govern the flow and thermodynamics of the atmosphere, or more specifically, the atmospheric boundary layer. These equations are the equations of continuity (conservation of mass), thermodynamics (conservation of enthalpy), humidity (conservation of water vapour), the three Navier-Stokes equations (conservation of momentum) as well as the equation of state. Normally one would adopt a numerical approach to solving this set of equations but where turbulence is important, especially in the lower regions of the atmosphere, numeric schemes become impracticable due to the fine mesh that must be used to resolve the full spectrum of turbulence. Because such a deterministic approach is untenable, a statistical approach should be considered. Often the dimensionless variable z/L is denoted by the symbol . Associated with are self–similar stability functions that take the form The statistical method for addressing atmospheric turbulence involves representing atmospheric quantities as the sum of a mean and a random fluctuating component. If velocity, temperature and humidity are represented in this way, a simplified version of the governing equations can be stated in which average flow fields are incorporated. However, the issue in solving these statistical equations is that the set of equations is not closed due to the presence of second order moments or co-variance terms which result in too many unknowns for the number of equations. A successful way to reduce the number of unknowns is to parameterize the higher order moments in terms of the lower order moments and ‘local closure’ is a first order closure scheme that is used when the highest order of moments is of second order. The calculation of refractivity profiles requires characterisation of flow in atmospheric surface layers using four variables ( u* , z, g / v and the covariance term Local closure postulates that the covariance of a particular quantity at a particular location is related by some coefficient term to the mean vertical gradient of that quantity at that location. This statement can be expressed by the following equation: i ' w' K i i z (2) In equation (2), w is the vertical component of wind speed, is the ith atmospheric quantity of interest and the coefficient terms Ki are assigned varying names in the literature. It is referred to the eddy viscosity when is the transverse wind otherwise it is called the eddy diffusivity or eddy diffusivity of water vapour. 3. REFRACTIVE INDEX WITHIN THE SURFACE LAYER The eddy coefficients Ki are significant because they provide the parameters for modeling the refractive index in thermally unstable surface layer regions where ducting conditions arise. The Ki coefficients are not, in general, constant terms and within the surface layer they take the form z K i u* kz i1 L (3) where the variable u* denotes the friction velocity within the surface layer, z denotes height above the sea surface and L is a scale length termed the Obukhov Length and can be thought of as a stability parameter. For thermally unstable conditions, the Obukhov Length is negative and positive for a thermally stable atmosphere. a(1 b ) c (4) where a, b and c are constants. v ' w' ) with a stability function of This is termed the Monin-Obukhov similarity requirement. The choice of the stability function provides options. However, once chosen, the mean profiles of humidity and temperature are derived from integration. The pressure profile then follows from hydrostatic equilibrium arguments which, together with the humidity and temperature profiles, permit refractive index profiles to be calculated. This formalism is powerful because when the Obukhov parameter is negative it relates to the thermally unstable air which is typical of the marine environment around most of the Australian coastline during most of the year and is especially valid in tropical regions when winds are present. The magnitude of the Obukhov parameter denotes the depth of the surface layer and as the wind speed decreases, |L| and u* tend to zero. When there is no wind the MoninObukhov theory is invalid and an alternative similarity based on free convection is more appropriate. Over the sea, for regimes where Monin-Obukhov theory is valid, the resulting refractive index profile is never 'standard'. Furthermore, the resulting refractive index profile is a ducting profile and is referred to as the evaporation duct. Over a certain range of wind speed, the duct height increases as the wind speed increases. Keeping other factors constant, the scaling length, L depends on the friction velocity, in such a way that as wind speeds increases, |L| increases and in the limiting case, tends to zero and a neutral atmosphere results. Buoyancy is negligible and forced convection dominates. 4. PLOTTING REFRACTIVITY PROFIILES As changes in the air’s refractive index are very small (as seen from equation (1), a better way to visualise the refractive index n is to transform it to the modified refractivity, M. This transformation is represented by M ( z ) 106 m( z ) 1 where m( z ) n z where ae ae is the mean radius of the earth in km. The other advantage of the transformation is in visualising ducts. When M is plotted against height z, a negative slope indicates a ducting profile. M profiles are plotted in Figure 1 for different wind speeds. length over water that are valid if the atmosphere is indeed neutral. 50 Experiments that have been conducted in the past show that in the presence of winds over the sea surface and in coastal regions, the atmosphere is often thermally unstable. This means that the processes described in the previous section should be used to determine the M profile. Height (metres) 40 30 20 4.2 The ’Near-neutral’ atmosphere 10 0 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 Modified Refractivity M Figure 1 Modified Refractivity profiles for wind speeds of 3 m/s, 7m/s and 12 m/s. All other factors kept constant. Sea surface temperature is set to 26 deg C. Relative humidity at 23 m is 64%, temperature is 24.5 deg C. Duct heights vary from about 9 to 20 m. 4.1 The neutral atmosphere For the neutral atmosphere, first order closure schemes are appropriate in which fluxes of transverse wind, water vapour pressure and latent heat relate to the mean gradients of transverse wind speed, specific humidity and virtual potential temperature. The fluxes can either be directly measured or bulk transfer coefficients can be computed and flux values inferred. A self-similar stability function describes the relation between the fluxes and the mean gradients. For thermally neutral conditions, the stability function is simply a constant equal to unity. In this special case, the gradients of specific humidity and virtual potential temperature when combined with a hydrostatic pressure gradient yield an analytical formulation for the modified refractivity. In this case, the modified refractivity is given as a function of height z z0 1 M ( z ) M (0) z d z 0 ln 8 z0 (5) Comparison of evaporation duct models based on thermally unstable and neutral atmospheres of equal duct height show that the profile gradients are similar at heights ranging from about 2 m to the duct height, typically between about 5 and 25 m in tropical Australian waters [2]. Because major discrepancies arise only near the surface, i.e. the first two metres, an approximation of the M-profile in a “near–neutral” unstable atmosphere can be given as z z0 1 M z M 0 z d z 0 ln 8 z0 f (6) where the constant f is treated as a free parameter. It is obvious from equation (6) that both d and f can be estimated by a linear least squares process, given measurements of M for heights at or above about 2 meters. It must also be pointed out that introducing the constant f does not alter the propagation effects as it is the gradient of the refractive index profile that affects radio-wave propagation. The value of equations (5) and (6) lies in the fact that the M-profiles are simply parameterized by the duct height. Iterative algorithms for determining the M-profiles are avoided. The next section explains why a more accurate physical model is exchanged for mathematical ease of computation. 5. MONTE-CARLO SIMULATUIONS OF PROPAGATION THROUGH A TURBULENT ATMOSPHERE This profile describes an evaporation duct modified refractivity where the parameter z 0 is the roughness length for momentum, and d is the duct height. Repeated measurements of temperature, humidity and pressure at fixed heights mounted along a spar have been carried out during several experimental campaigns [2]. The corresponding modified refractivity data can be used to estimate the unknown parameters d and z 0 using the above equations. Conducting experiments which involve the deployment of a spar buoy allows continuous measurements of duct height to be taken over periods of days. The slowly varying (diurnal) changes in the mean duct height can be filtered out, leaving a time series of duct height fluctuations d ' . A probability density function f (d ' ) can then be constructed by ‘binning’ and normalizing these fluctuations. Such a probability density can then be used to sample duct height fluctuations in a Monte-Carlo experiment designed to simulate propagation through a rapidly time and space varying evaporation duct. This approach is at times ill-conditioned and it is better to specify the roughness length first and treat the duct height d as the only free parameter. This is because there are empirical relations between wind speed and roughness A coherence length can be determined by using two instrumented buoys and collecting data at various separation distances for a specified sampling time. A correlation function can then be constructed from the cross- correlation of the two duct height time series at the various separation distances. The coherence length can be defined as the separation distance that corresponds to a specified low value of the cross-correlation coefficient. This coherence length defines the points along the propagation path where a new duct height should be sampled. For a given propagation path, the length of which is represented by D Xn , the duct height along the propagation path is therefore given as d x n 1 H ( x Xi H x X i 1(d d i ' ) (7) i 1 where H ( x X ) is the Heaviside step function, d is the mean duct height along the propagation path, X is the coherence length and d ' is random variable which is a measure of the fluctuation of duct height. The probability that d ' has a value between a and b is given as Pr a d ' b b f ( )d (8) a We now have a modified refractivity function which depends both upon the propagation path and the duct height. It is a stochastic function and the jth realization is given by z z0 1 (9) M j x, z f z (d j x z 0 ln 8 z0 Here the surface refractivity is absorbed into the mean constant f . Statistics of a field component can be obtained by solving many realizations of the parabolic approximation of the Helmholtz equation. In cylindrical coordinates, the jth realization is given as 2 z 6 2 j 2 ik k M ( x , z ) 10 1 j z 2 x ae 2 j j 2 (10) where ae is the mean radius of the earth in km. Equation (10) can be solved numerically using the Fourier Split-Step algorithm. The algorithm allows solutions to be determined at discrete heights separated by z simultaneously for a given range x along the propagation path. Thus the solution is achieved in steps along the propagation path x x . 6. AMPLITUDE DISTRIBUTION ALONG A FIXED 12 GHZ PROPAGATION PATH The distributions of the amplitudes of signals which have propagated through the marine surface layer have been calculated from experimental measurements taken from instrumented spar buoys and compared with signal amplitude distributions derived from Monte-Carlo experiments. In one experiment in a tropical environment, signal amplitude data was collected over an 18km propagation path located between Orpheus Island and Lucinda Jetty, North Queensland. The propagation link consisted of a CW 12GHz emitter mounted at an average height of six metres above sea level and located in the vicinity of the JCU Research Station at Orpheus Island. The signal amplitude was measured, after propagating 18km, at Lucinda Jetty at discrete heights between 10 and 23 meters above mean sea level. The experiment was conducted at the end of the dry season at a time when measurements of the evaporation duct height were found to vary between about 10 and 23 m. The duct height measurements were obtained using a spar buoy instrumented with PT100 temperature sensors and Vaisala HMP35A humidity probes and pressure sensors. Statistics for the duct heights were calculated from these measurements. The results of the experiments and the associated simulations are shown in Figure 2. The shape of the histograms derived from Monte Carlo simulation is in general agreement with the measured data. Solid lines represent the results from simulation and the dotted lines represent the experimental results. Overall the signal amplitude drops and the variance increases as the receiver height comes close to a multi-path null, and for strong signals with low variance very little skewness is evident. The solid curves in the graphs are the amplitude histograms as determined by the Mont-Carlo simulations. 7. AMPLITUDE DISTRIBUTION ALONG A FIXED MMW PROPAGATION PATH A radio link experiment has also been conducted in ducting conditions when both evaporation on the sea surface and surface layer winds were present. Consequently, a comparison of the distribution of received signal amplitudes with the Monte Carlo simulations where the 0 Monin-Obukhov similarity has been invoked has been conducted. Signal amplitude data were collected over a 10km propagation path located between Weeroona Island (Port Flinders) and Port Germein, South Australia. The propagation link featured several narrow beamwidth Ka band emitters mounted at heights of 8.82 and 3.01 and 2.4 meters above sea level, transmitting at a low power. Signal amplitudes were measured at the Port Germein end at heights of 2.2, 2.8, 3.8 and 6.1 m above mean sea level. Unlike the open ocean conditions experienced off the coast of Lucinda, QLD, the marine atmosphere in the northern Spencer Gulf is strongly affected by the surrounding land mass and it is evident that advective processes played a large part in influencing the refractive index structure. Some results from this experiment are shown in Figure 3 which shows received power level histograms from four receivers at discrete heights for three different Ka band emitters operating at three different heights. It was estimated from aircraft measurements of atmospheric conditions that the evaporation duct height was less than 10 m during the time that this RF data was collected. The red histograms show the received power levels of the 2.4m high emitter at heights of 2.2, 2.8, 3.8 and 6.1 m (shown from top to bottom respectively in the figure). Note both that there was a very large drop in the mean received power level at 6.1 m and also that there was a much higher variance in the received power level at this height. The power level distributions are consistent with a mean duct height of 9.5 m. In the mean, a null is indeed observed at a height of 6.1 m. However, some caution must be used when interpreting these results. The radio link was operated with receivers (and also two transmitters) positioned close to the sea surface at a time when the atmosphere was not neutral. The model for the evaporation duct outlined above would not be a good approximation for the actual evaporation duct. In this case another model must be used but the details are beyond the scope of this paper. The results are presented nevertheless to show the variation in mean, variance and skewness of the power level distributions at Ka band. The received power level distributions of the two other emitters do not exhibit such large variations because they are not near any nulls. Figure 2 Top left is shown the received signal level as a function of height for a fixed propagation link operating at 12 GHz. The dotted curve in the top right hand graph is a histogram of received power levels for a receiving height of 23 m. The bottom left hand graph shows the histogram of received power levels (dotted curve) for the next height down, i.e. 21 m. The bottom right graph shows the distribution for the receiver when it is at a height of 11 m. 8. IMPLICATION FOR THE DETECTION OF SHF AND EHF SIGNALS OVER THE SEA SURFACE Maritime Electronic Warfare is concerned with the interception of signals covering the entire radio spectrum. Signals may be either narrow or broadband and exhibit a multitude of different waveforms. Depending on the nature of maritime operations, transmissions may be continuous, bursty or may be characterised by their short duration. In EW operations, often the goal is to intercept threat emissions and then track the threat platform. For Electronic Surveillance (ES) systems, early signal detection can imply platform detection at greater distances and hence one of the major challenges in ES sensor design is to achieve the highest sensitivity. Improved detection range, high accuracy Angle of Arrival (AOA) determination and wide angle instantaneous coverage are features that will characterize next-generation Electronic Surveillance sensors. Additional information will also be required regarding signal elevation. One approach for the accurate measurement of these signal parameters is the use of distributed multi-element antennas. Each multi-element antenna element can be relatively small, and large platforms such as navy surface ships can accommodate a network of such antennas distributed both horizontally and vertically. Appropriate signal processing techniques for distributed multi-channel antennas will provide the desired simultaneous frequency and spatial coverage as well as very accurate angle-of-arrival measurement capability. An aspect of this approach to RF surveillance is that multielement arrays of the type described make it possible to optimally copy emissions of interest, whether they are from radars, communications or broadcast emitters. Further advantages of the approach is that interference from the host platform or from Own-Force Emitters can be minimized, and the spurious signals generated by internal non-linearities can also be suppressed. As signal densities increase and so make the de-interleaving task more difficult, a further possibility is to adapt optimal signal copy techniques and track emitters directly rather than synthesizing tracks from databased signal parameters. With an increasing emphasis on the improvement of sensor parameter measurement such as sensitivity and bearing resolution, it is vitally important to address the question of whether the atmosphere imposes physical limits on the measurement of these parameters. In general, it is necessary to consider relevant propagation mechanisms and investigate their effects on incoming signals and then possibly to compensate for any affects that may degrade the performance of own-force surveillance sensors. Figure 3 shows received power level histograms for three different Ka band emitters operating at three different heights. Three sets of receivers are positioned at four heights. The combination of transmitter and receiver heights for the red link shows a drop in mean signal level and a broad variance as the receiver is in this case close to null. The signal is strong and variance low when the receiver is aligned in the middle of an interference lobe. For the blue and black links, the combination of emitters and receivers was such that reception was never near a multi-path null Figure 4 Calculated field intensities to a height of 400m and a range of 40Km for a 2 GHz source at 6m. The duct profile is shown in Figure 5 and has a height of 45m and a standard variation of 3m. Figure 5 Calculated final field intensity at 40km for a 2 GHz source at 6m. The duct has a height of 40m and its profile is shown in red. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. To investigate these questions for environments which are characterized by evaporation ducts, and which are prevalent in areas of interest, simulations have been carried out using representative evaporation duct refractivity profiles. The range chosen for the simulations was 40 km as this is a typical range over which maritime navigational information is required. To better represent a real world propagation environment, a 3m variance in duct height over the 40km path length was considered, although few differences were noted between such rough ducts and the smooth versions that are often used in the literature. In figures 4-9 the electromagnetic field from a source at 6m, in a surface duct of height 40m, is computed using the Split-Step Parabolic Equation [3]. The frequencies chosen for illustration are 2 GHz, 10 GHz, 35 GHz and finally 94 GHz. At 2 GHz the simulation revealed no trapping of energy. The range over which the signal strength varied was between 6 and 20 dB below the level at the energy peak. Figure 8 Calculated field intensities to a height of 400m and a range of 40Km for a 35 GHz source at 6m. The duct profile is as shown in Figure 9. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. Figure 6 Calculated field intensities to a height of 400m and a range of 40Km for a 10 GHz source at 6m. The duct profile is shown in Figure 7. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. Figure 9 Calculated final field intensity at 40km for a 35 GHz source at 6m. The duct height is 45m and its profile is shown in red. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. Figure 7 Calculated final field intensity at 40km for a 10 GHz source at 6m. The duct height is 40m and its profile is shown in red. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. At 10 GHz it is evident that there is some trapping of signal energy within the duct and the plot exhibits a more complex interference structure as a result of the shorter wavelength. At 35 GHz, there is substantial trapping of energy. Indeed most of the energy that propagates lies within the duct. Further, signal strengths above ~20m lie over 20 dB below the levels observed at the transmitter height. A final set of simulations was carried out at 94 GHz, a frequency that lies in the next atmospheric 'window' above 30-40 GHz for RF propagation. Figure 10 represents a 'free-space' propagation model for reference. It shows the computed field intensities that would be observed in an environment where the refractive index was that of free space. The 'lobing' structure is uniform and is a function of the height of the transmitter from the surface. Figure 12 shows the consequence of adding a 'standard atmosphere' to the propagation environment. The model shows a substantial confinement of energy even without the presence of a duct. Although the model has been found to be self-consistent, this is a result that requires verification. When the same 45m duct and 6m source height that has been considered at the lower frequencies is used at 94 GHz, very strong ducting is evident. option is the use of a distributed array, although the frequency bandwidth of the emitter can be used to partially compensate for limitations in the number of array elements or the array aperture. Figure 10 Calculated field intensities for a 94 GHz source at 6m in an artificial 'free-space' environment. Figure 12 Calculated field intensities to a height of 200m and a range of 90Km for a 94 GHz source at 6m. The duct profile is shown in Figure 7. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. Figure 11 Calculated field intensities to a height of 200m and a range of 90 Km for a 94 GHz source at 6m in a 'standard atmosphere'. The results are shown in Figure 12 and show that the field strength at 90 Km is substantially greater than the field strength in the non-ducting environment Figure 13 shows the final field strength for this simulation at 95 Km and the associated ducting profile. For a maritime platform with a single high (>30m) antenna in an environment characterized by evaporation ducts and where low-placed mmW signals may be present it is clear that the sensor placement is not well matched to the propagation environment. A better approach for future surveillance sensors may well be a distributed array of sensors where at least some of the sensors will always be in a position to sense the incident energy. Such an array would lend itself well to the investigation of matched field processing for source localisation [4]. For such a technique to work, knowledge of the propagation environment is critical. A number of authors have proposed refractivity profile estimation via own-ship measurements, GPS signals and radar clutter [5]. Field measurements proposals have ranged from a simulated 50 element array, to a single receiver but with an extensive set of measured frequencies. In practice, the only Figure 13 Calculated final field intensity at 95km for a 94 GHz source at 6m. The duct height is 45m and its profile is shown in red. The duct height of 45m has a standard variation of 3m. DSTO is currently undertaking the construction of a multichannel array that will allow the validation of matched field techniques for source localisation, as well as developing array-based techniques for ES systems. 9. CONCLUSION The refractivity profile in the maritime emvironment is a complex function of time. To date DSTO has carried out limited experiments to determine surface evaporation duct height correlation lengths present in varying wind conditions, and has done limited work on the impact of the duct height statistics on behaviour of the E-M fields that propagate through surface ducts. From theoretical arguments it is shown that in clear air conditions anomalous propagation in the marine surface layer is not anomalous but is the norm. It is not a 'standard' refractive index profile that prevails over tropical waters but an evaporative duct profile. Evaporation ducts are sustained under light to strong breezes but as the wind speed increases, and hence the turbulence of the air, received signal power varies randomly and this randomness can be modelled by a stochastic evaporation duct where the duct height fluctuates randomly across the propagation path. Calculations show that the mean, variance and skewness of received power levels are affected by how close a receiving antenna is positioned to a multi-path null and there is some experiemntal validation for these calcualtions from X band and Ka band measurements. Such variations can imply system outages if the receiver is detecting low power signals close to the minimum detectable signal level. On the other hand, the ducting of microwave and millimetre wave emissions imply that strong signal levels are detected when receiving antennas are positioned closer to the sea surface. For microwave emission, the first interference lobe is concentrated close to the sea surface and the interference associated pattern extends the range over which signals can be detected, so enhancing the range of ESM receivers. Of particular interest are the results for 94 GHz. Currently there are few emitters in the maritime environment that use such frequencies, but this study has indicated that there are compelling reasons to consider the use of these frequencies. From the perspective of ESM sensor designs, it is clear that together with the need for higher sensitivity, greater frequency coverage and higher DF accuracy, it is also important that propagation effects be taken into account in the structure of the receiving antenna. This paper has addressed some of the consequences for signal propagation in the maritime environment that can influence the design of effective antenna apertures. 10. REFERENCES [1] A. Kerans, A.S. Kulessa, E. Lensson, G. French and G.S. Woods, “Implications of the evaporation duct for microwave radio path design over tropical oceans in Northern Australia”, Workshop on Applications of Radio Science, WARS02, National Committee for Radio Science, (2002) [2] A.S. Kulessa, M.L. Heron, and G.S. 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