Objective: The purpose of this experiment was to examine the effects of antenna design and the antennas angle to the earth on satellite transmission. From our research into antenna’s we know that according to the IEEE definition an antenna is “That part of a transmitting or receiving system that is designed to radiate or receive electromagnetic waves”. Theory: The best place to start to learn antenna theory is with radio waves. Radio waves are waves of energy that resemble closely to light waves and in fact they travel through air at the speed of light. A radio wave is usually visualized to be a sine wave and the period of this wave or cycle is known as its wavelength. (See figure below) Figure 1 To better follow our experiment one be would be prudent to understand how an antenna radiates electromagnetic waves or radio waves. This radiation occurs due to the time varying properties of the current, or an acceleration or deceleration of charge. Radiation however will still take place in a bent wire with a uniform velocity of its charges. The intensity of the magnetic field can be calculated by H (2I) R . The radiation that is produced can be shown using Figure 2. This magnetic field is the signal and when it strikes another antenna such as the satellite it induces a current on the antenna surface and the current produced is then converted into data. Figure 2 The type of antenna used on our test is a ¼ wave antenna, which has an omni directional pattern meaning it radiates equally well in all directions. This works well with the design of the buoy, as our bearing to the satellite is unknown and randomly changing. It does however have the least amount of gain, which makes it poor for antenna reciprocity, which is a feature that allows an antenna to both transmit and receive signals. According to wikipedia “Antenna gain is the ratio of the power density of an antenna’s radiation pattern in the direction of strongest radiation to that of a reference antenna.” It is measure in decibels (dB) and it measures the increase of field strength of the antenna when compared to a reference antenna. The reference antenna is usually either an isotropic antenna (dBi) or a dipole antenna (dBd). The quarter wave antenna does however need a good ground plane to work properly. A ground plane is a flat surface usually made of metal that limits the downward radiation of the antenna and extends a minimum of one wavelength in each direction from the antenna. If a quarter wave antenna is used without a ground plane or one that is not functioning properly then two things can happen. One is that the radiated power will tend to go out in every direction up / down as well as towards the horizon. The other problem is the antenna can become mismatched and a high Standing Wave Ratio will be seen. Which causes the power that the transmitter generates to “bounce” back into the transmitter and be lost as heat. This in turns reduces the signal that our satellite will see causing more problems. Standing Wave Ratio is a complex subject needing you to comprehend a few other properties involved in antennas. On such factor is impedance when we think of impedance we think of something that impedes or acts as a force. Impedance in antennas refers to the ratio of voltage to current at any place on the antenna. This ratio is different throughout the antenna, which means that its impedance also differs along the antenna. This talk of impedance has to refer to our 50-ohm coaxial cable used to connect our radio to its antenna. To achieve maximum power transfer so well taught to us by Dr. Kumar we need match our impedances, which is known as tuning your antenna. So what happens with mismatched impedances? Well the coax connection on the antenna causes some of our wave to be reflected back depending on how out of tune your antenna is. This combination of our original wave toward the antenna and the reflected wave is known as Standing Wave Ratio. This ratio is generally tried to keep low, preferably less then 2:1. The last fundamental theory part to tackle is the theory of polarization. As mentioned above a radio wave is composed of two fields an electric field and a magnetic field. These fields are perpendicular to each other and there sum is called the electromagnetic field. The fields transfer energy back and forth to each other to what is called oscillations. Our primary field of interest is the electric field. The position and direction in relation to the ground determines its wave polarization. So if the antenna is vertical then the polarization is vertical and the same goes for horizontal. This can effect radiation pattern and will be part of what we are testing.