2015-2016 AP US Govt. 1st Semester Debates OBJECTIVE: Students in this AP section are required to deliver one formal debate to their class each semester. Each student will be required to address the class for a period of at least 4-7 minutes. During this time the students will debate issues relating to US Government and Current Events. GRADING THE DEBATE: SEE ATTACHED STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE FORMAL DEBATE: Students will be divided into two teams; an affirmative team, that will debate/defend the resolution and a negative team that will oppose the resolution. Each side will research their position gathering facts, data, and other information to their position. Students will be encouraged to use a variety of sources including information from the library, public institutions (public libraries, local universities), and the internet. The structure of the debate is as follows: 5 minutes Affirmative Original Construction of the argument: During this time period the affirmative side will present the major arguments supporting the resolution based upon the research. Name: __________________ 4 Minutes Cross examination: During this period the Negative may ask the Affirmative questions of clarification. Name: __________________ 5 Minutes Negative Original Construction of the argument: During this period the Negative side will present the major arguments against the resolution based upon the research. Name: __________________ 4 Minutes Cross Examination: During this time the Affirmative may ask the Negative questions of clarification. Name: __________________ 4 Minutes Affirmative Rebuttal: During this time the Affirmative may challenge the validity of the Negative's original argument. This can be done by introducing information to counter the points made by the Negative side. Name: __________________ 5 Minutes Negative Rebuttal: During this period the Negative may offer information to counter any points brought up during Affirmative's original argument, defend points brought up during Negative's original argument, defend points raised by Affirmative rebuttal, and restate their original argument. Name: __________________ 1 Minute Affirmative Rebuttal: During this time period the Affirmative may rebuttal any of the Negative's major arguments and sum up their position. Name: __________________ Original Construction of Argument Speeches: Speeches will allow the Affirmative and Negative speakers to offer evidence in support of their position in addition to disprove the arguments offered by the opponent. In the original construction speech the student will research the resolution and create arguments in support of their position. HINTS: 1) 2-3 main points 3) Anticipate the other side 5) Talking is better than reading: personal experience 6) Strong opening and closing sentences 2) Have a road map 4) Quotes for support (but don’t overdo it) 7) USE note cards, do not read an ESSAY Rebuttal Speeches: Serve as an opportunity to clarify the issues presented in the debate and to question the evidence presented by the other side. This is best done by gathering information that rivals or contradicts the other side. The focus of a rebuttal speech should be only to address the information presented by the other side. No new topics should be introduced. Time Limits and Visual Aids: All time limits have an extended grace period of up to 30 seconds for each speech. This applies to speeches that go over the limit, not those that are too brief. There will be a question and answer period following each debate to allow the class members or instructor to participate by questioning the speaker and/or discuss the information presented. Visual aids are optional but a good idea. The debates will be presented in front of the classroom, with the speakers standing when presenting and addressing the audience as well as the opponent. FORMAL ATTIRE IS REQUIRED! Each member of the group must actively participate during the debate by speaking during at least one section. ABSENT: There are two ways in which you make up the points for a debate critique: a. come to a debate in another class on a different day (Only if your other teacher excuses you AND I will not contact a teacher to excuse you) OR type a 1 page pro/con opinion on the debate you missed. DEBATE TOPICS: To be completed over the course of the semester on Fridays. Groups of no more than 3 students! Unit I: Constitutional Underpinnings1. All constitutional rights should extend to every person in the US regardless of citizenship status September 12th 2. The Federal government has been devolving more power to the states. This trend is positive because it allows states to better meet the individual needs of their citizens. September 19th 3. The Welfare Reform Act effectively moved people from government assistance to self-sufficiency. October 3rd Unit II: Political Beliefs and Behavior4. Low voter turnout among people threatens democracy in America. October 10th 5. Because of political apathy among young people, their issues are not adequately addressed. October 17th 6. Felons should be allowed to vote in all elections. October 24th Unit III: Political Parties and Interest Groups7. Over the last two decades, media has gone from reflecting public opinion to making public opinion. November 7th 8. Multi-party political systems more effectively represent citizen interests than does the American two-party system. November 14th 9. Interest groups, SuperPACS, PACs, and 527s have too much influence in shaping public policy. November 21st 10. The Democratic and Republican parties are moving away from the center, weakening bipartisanship and hindering the legislative process. December 5th Unit IV: Institutions/Three Branches of Government11. The US government should do whatever is necessary to protect American citizens from terrorists December 12th 2015-2016 Student Critique Form YOUR NAME:________________________________________________________ PTS: /10 DEBATE TOPIC:______________________________________________________ TEAM BEING CRITIQUED:1.______________________2.______________________3.__________________ Directions: You are to complete the debate critique form. Make sure it is legible and thorough. In addition, be respectful with your comments as this sheet will be shared with the debate group. 1. Positive aspects of opening statement: 2. How opening could have been improved: 3. Were the questions clear and focused? Did they challenge the opponent's position? 4. Did the debaters directly and persuasively respond to questions? 5. Positive aspects of closing statement: 6. How closing could have been improved: 7. How effective was the use of statistics? 8. How effective was the use of quotations? 9. What would have improved this debate? 10. What did these debaters do best? AP US Govt. Debate 2015-2016 Debate Grade Sheet Debate Topic: Team Members: 1:______________________________ 2:_________________________________ 3:___________________________ Required Element Time Opening Statement 5 min required. Points: /15 Direct Questioning Points: /10 Rebuttal /Closing Statement Points: /15 Response to Questioning Points: Rebuttal challenges the validly of some of the opponent’s arguments. New information is introduced that does not challenge opponent’s argument. Summary is included in closing. ______-______ N/A All questions are answered in a manner which negates question or strengthens argument. New information is introduced as a result of the questions. N/A N/A Arguments presented are based solely on reputable factual information that the student is able to cite. N/A /10 Enunciation, Volume, Etc Points: Rebuttal challenges the validly of a majority of the opponent’s arguments. New information is introduced that supports this challenge. Summary is included in closing. ______-______ ______-______ Students present 2-3 main points based mainly on factual information. Lacking some organization. N/A 4 min required. 5 min. required. 10 points Students ask at least 4-5 quality “closed” ended questions that forces opponents to “rethink” arguments or brings out weakness of opponent’s argument /10 Use of factual information Points: ______-______ 15 points Students present 3-4 main points based on factual information. Road map is present and students are organized. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A All students are properly and professionally dressed. /5 Dress and Appearance Points: /10 Total Score: _____ / 75 points Comments: 5 points Students present 1-2 main points based mainly on factual information. Students ask 2-3 “closed” ended questions that forces opponents to “rethink” arguments or brings out weakness of opponent’s argument. Rebuttal challenges the validly little of the opponent’s arguments. New information may not be introduced or does little to challenge opponent’s argument. No summary is included in closing. Most questions are answered in a manner which negates question or strengthens argument. New information may be introduced. Arguments presented are based mostly on reputable factual information that the student may be able to cite. Some commentary may be present. Student is able to present arguments in a logical method without getting frustrated. Voice is clear and easily heard in all parts of the classroom. N/A Position: Affirmative Negative 0 points Students does not present any main points based mainly on factual information. Main points may be based on opinion only Students ask 2-3 “open” ended questions that allows opponent to present new or stronger information No rebuttal or rebuttal that does not challenges the validly of the opponent’s arguments. New information is not introduced. No summary is included in closing. Questions are not answered or are answered in a fashion that strengthens opponent’s argument. Arguments presented are based on opinion with very little or no factual information. Factual information may be incorrect. Student easily frustrated. Voice is un-clear and volume is too low to hear around the room Not all students are properly and professionally dressed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. R: Standardized testing should not be a measurement for college admissions R: The government should fully fund education for students who attend public universities R: High school student-athletes should be required to give urine samples R: Casinos should change the age requirement to 21 R: Government should require fuel efficient cars/ environmentally safer cars R: Abortion should be permitted only for medical reason/implications R: Creationism should be taught with equal weight as evolution R: Pork barreling should be banned R: Gun control regulation should be increase by the government R: Eminent domain should not be allowed R: Affirmative action should not be allowed at any levels of education or employment R: Minimum wage needs to be raised to a true living wage R: The death penalty is cruel and unusual and should be illegal R: Health care coverage should be universal R: Social security should be privatized R: There should be a complete separation between church and state issues R: Stem cell research should be a priority for the government R: Censorship of media should be loosely enforced R: The voting age should be lowered to the age of 16 R: Celebrating Christmas religiously should not be denied R: Intelligent design/creationism should not be taught in public schools R: The US President should be elected by popular vote R: Euthanasia should be made legal and nationalized R: President should be allowed to line-item veto R: Closed campuses should not be required in public schools R: School uniforms are a limit of free speech R: The Electoral College is necessary for the election process R: No Child Left Behind is ineffective and should be done away with R: Age requirements for government work study should be lower R: School vouchers should be available to all students/families R: Cigarettes should be classified as illegal drugs R: Talking on a Cell phone while driving should be illegal R: Booing at a high school event should be banned in name of sportsmanship R: English should be the official language of the United States R: Amnesty should be provided for illegal aliens R: Drinking age should be lowered to 18 R: School administration should be allowed to ban books in the name of public good R: Washington State should convert entirely to hydroelectricity R: All immigrants (legal/illegal) in the US now should be grandfathered in R: School administrators should not be allowed to censor the school newspaper R: Foreign language should be a requirement for elementary students R: Nuclear power production should be increase R: The “right to bear arms” should be invalid as it is unnecessary in this day and age R: The Government should require fuel efficient cars R: Intelligent design should be a possible explanation for the gaps in evolution R: Women should have to sign up for selective service when they turn 18 R: Flag burning should not be protected by the 1st amendment R: The government should spend less of the GDP on welfare programs R: The death penalty should be used in all cases of convicted pedophiles R: Genetically modified crops/foods should be regulated to a greater extent R: Attendance shouldn’t be mandatory for students over 16 R: For the sake of national security, torture should be a permissible interrogation tactic R: Allowing students to carry guns makes college campuses safer R: Cities should fund needle exchange programs R: Religious symbols should not be displayed on public property R: Abstinence only sex-ed should be taught in public schools R: The govt. should be allowed to regulate ingredients in processed food in order to combat obesity R: Salmon are so vital to the culture of the Northwest that dams on the Snake and Columbia Rivers should be removed R: The US should limit off shore drilling because of possibility of environmental disasters R: The Endangered Species Act should be secondary when it comes to interfering with a town’s main form of economic income R: Animals should not be used for scientific or commercial testing R: The US should discontinue its use of drone strikes R: Prostitution should be legal in the United States R: Vaccines should be required for children R: Transgender students should be allowed to choose their own bathroom and facilities R: PE should be required of all students throughout high school. R: Cyberbullying that occurs outside of school, should be punished by the school. R: Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the government. R: Social media comments should be protected by free speech.