Taunton Deane Ramblers
1st December 2014 – 31st
March 2015
Chairman’s Chat
It’s certainly been a kind summer for walking. Flooded fields and muddy gateways have faded in the memory,
and now in late September we have parched earth and shrivelling vegetation….such is a walking year !!!
As many of you will know the group has suffered a double blow to its committee during the summer with both
Neil, and more lately, Mike undergoing major surgery to back and knee respectively. I hope you will join with
me in wishing them a steady recovery.
During the course of the last few months I have become aware that a number of lady members would lead a
walk but would choose not to recce a route on their own. If you fall into this category, do please contact me.
I would be happy to act as an intermediary, so, perhaps we can match you up with someone in the same
With walk leadership in mind we are planning an informal walk leadership workshop in
February….see later in the Newsletter for details
The effects of a wet winter and good warm summer has meant that many narrow paths and gateways have now
become “difficult” due to vegetative growth. The committee are seriously looking into the possibility of
forming informal working parties to deal with such obstructions. If you too would be prepared to donate a few
hours to bramble bashing then please let me know.
Finally, this year’s AGM will be at the King’s Arms, Staplegrove Road, Taunton. We hope to have a similar
format to last year with an informal free buffet and skittles match after formal business. Hope to see you
John O
Would you miss the Friday evening walks if they were no more ???
Mike Whitmore our Friday walk secretary is hoping to step down at November’s AGM. Mike’s held the job for more
than ten years, and has built these walks up throughout the year to be an integral part of our programme.
Do you really want to see these popular walks disappear from our programme ??
We are looking for a volunteer to take over from Mike and who will ensure these walks won’t fade away from our
Mike is prepared to help anyone interested. He has extensive knowledge of suitable pubs and appropriate walks. If
you value these walks and would like to help then contact Mike on 252733 or email: whitmoresat72@yahoo.co.uk
Don’t delay - do it to day !
As ever Davina, Mike, Pete and I have had difficulty in filling our Sunday, Wednesday and Friday “slots”. As I type I
have two blanks and an idea has occurred to me. You may know that I have not walked with the Ramblers since my
operation in May, but on my recent holiday in Morocco, I managed to put in up to a couple of miles (with the aid of
my walking stick) sauntering through the souks of Fes and Marrakech. Then Gillian said that she has managed a short
walk recently. So I thought: why not use one of the blank Wednesdays for a “Very Short Walk for Old Crocks” of,
say 1½ to 2¼ miles – and on the flat. To make more of the day I am suggesting that we start at a pub at noon and
get back to it for lunch at about 13:30.
I have the Harvest Moon in North Newton in mind, from which one can walk loops of various lengths: along the tow
path to start with, then back along the lane. This would have the advantage that a car could be fetched if anyone
(i.e. me) has bitten off more than they can chew.
I need hardly say that the fully fit amongst you will be fully welcome – you can always walk the route in reverse after
lunch !!
Neil Parker
Fairly new to TDR and don’t fancy driving all the way to some of the walk locations of your own ??
Join our list of members who would be happy to car share – it makes sense to fill your car for for a longer journey.
Just supply first name, area where you live (eg: Galmington) and your phone number. Email our webmaster, Dave
Patten, merrymark@btopenworld.com, and ask to be added to the list.
In the Taunton Deane Ramblers Winter
2013 newsletter, Neil Parker invited
ramblers to join the twinning association,
'Friends of Königslutter', on their visit to
Germany in August. Six ramblers joined
the group travelling by coach to
Birmingham before flying to Hannover.
We arrived after dark and were sped away
to our final destination in five black
Mercedes taxis charging down the
autobahn at speeds in excess of 100 mph.
We arrived to an enthusiastic welcome by
our host families at the Rathaus.
Everyone at the Rathaus
Monday morning started with a civic
reception and details of the planned
activities. The first walk to the source of
the crystal clear Lutter spring in the Elm
Hills south west of Königslutter took place
that afternoon.
This was an easy,
undulating walk across fields with views
over the town.
Tuesday the 12th August and the
programme promised 'Ramblers walk from
the Torfhaus to the Rabenklippen (app. 3
hours walk)'. The next we hear it is 20
km (12.4 miles), making an average speed
of more than 4 miles per hour and lead by
Rüdiger 'The fast walker'!
circulated like wildfire but undaunted
John, Claire, Terry and I stepped up to the
mark. TDR reputation was at stake here.
The day arrived and having made the
coach journey to the Harz with all the
group, 24 walkers were dropped off at the
Torfhaus. By now the true details of the
walk were emerging: 12 km to Rabenklippen, the walk leader was Bernard, 'The
fast walker' was no longer so fast and best
of all it was downhill all the way!
We set off, the weather sunny and mild,
ideal for walking. In the distance loomed
Bröcken, the highest point at 1141 metres
in the Harz, with its menacing former
Soviet spy station of towers and masts,
remnants of the bygone divided Germany.
We were told we were lucky to see the
summit as it is only visible for 60 days of
the year. Since 1990 it has been possible
to visit the site and one of the blocks has
now been turned into a hotel.
The old DDR border post on the reservoir bridge
Lunchtime on the wagon trip
Dropping down to Ecker-Stausee reservoir, we paused at the midpoint of the dam wall where West Germany
met the former German Democratic Republic (DDR). A concrete post all that remains from that time.
Continuing the walk we reached Rabenklippen ahead of the coach party and enjoyed the view over a lunch of
beer and a choice of leberkase (fried spam) or schmorwurst with sauerkraut. All rounded off by those that
dare with Rabenvater, a fiery, local schnapps. A further hours walk and we arrived in Bad Harzburg after a
good walk.
The remaining four days of our trip with the group were spent 'rafting' on the Oker River at Braunschweig, a
horse drawn wagon ride to the heath at Lüneburger and a final civic reception. A marvelous week with very
kind people and a lot of fun. I would recommend this trip to anyone interested in learning more about
Germany. You may be surprised to find they are not all the stereotype characters we make them out to be
Many thanks to Neil for involving TDR. The German twinning group (FOT) will be visiting Taunton in March
when we have the opportunity of returning their generous hospitality. Why not get involved !
Peter Williams
The return visit of the “Friends of Taunton” from Königslutter will be from 29th March until 3rd April. John has been
asked by Mary Hayward (secretary of the “Friends of Königslutter”) to organize a day out walking in the Dunster area
on Monday 30th March. This area has the advantage that there is plenty to see in Dunster for those who do not wish
to walk. More will be published about this in due course. May I echo Peter: Why not get involved !
If you haven’t bought a copy yet they can be obtained from John Ollerenshaw, Stable Cottage, High Street,
Wiveliscombe TA4 2JX. Just send a cheque made out to Taunton Deane Ramblers for £7 which includes the cost of
post and packing. Alternatively, many walk leaders will have a copy for sale at the cover price of £6.50.
For your Diary
Friday 28th November
19:00 to 19:30
T.D.R.A. Annual General Meeting at the King’s Arms,
Staplegrove Road, Taunton (followed by a free buffet & skittles)
Friday 12th December
19:00 to 19:30
T.D.R.A. Christmas Dinner at the Merry Monk PH,
Monkton Heathfield
Sunday 4th January
14:00 for 14:30
T.D.R.A. post-Christmas Lunch at Oake Manor Golf Club
Friday 13th February
Walk Leadership Workshop
Saturday 21st February 10:00
Somerset Area AGM at Long Sutton Village Hall
Friday 27th February
Quiz Night at the Wyvern Club, Mountfields Road, Taunton
Walk Leadership Awards
The committee has decided to scrap this idea as it was felt that it was not being taken in the spirit that was
intended. We apologise to anyone who has been offended over this matter and to those who have already
submitted votes.
The committee wish to make it clear that they appreciate the efforts and dedication of all walk leaders.
Walk Leadership Workshop: proposed for Friday 13th February 2015
If you have been walking with us for a while and are uncertain about offering to lead a walk, here is an
opportunity to learn all about it:
Where to go
Tips on recce-ing
How to cope with all kinds of obstacles
Ramblers and the Law
What to do beforehand, on the day and at the end of the walk
If you are interested in joining an informal evening of idea sharing, map clues and a guide to good practice
then please email John O (jroll@btinternet.com) by 31st December. Once we have sufficient volunteers I will
confirm the evening, time and venue.
New Walkers . . .
. . . are reminded that they are entitled to no more than three free walks with the Taunton Deane Ramblers (or
indeed any other Ramblers group), and that should they wish to continue their association they must formally
join the Ramblers (www.ramblers.org.uk).
at the Wyvern Club, Moorfield Road, Taunton
on Friday 27th February, 2015 starting at 19:30pm
To book places please complete the attached slip and send it with your cheque to John Ollerenshaw, Stable, Cottage,
High Street, Wiveliscombe TA4 2JX by January 31st 2015. Cost £8.50 per head. Places limited, so do not delay.
Over the last twenty one years of the group’s existence there must be quite an impressive collection of
photographs taken by members on walks. We feel it’s time perhaps to bring the best of some of these to a
wider audience, so . . .
We are proposing the creation of a Taunton Deane Ramblers’ Calendar for 2016
The aim would be to promote our group simply by showing some of the really impressive views and scenery that
have been enjoyed by a generation of walkers in a dozen or so of the best pictures. Each month’s picture
would be accompanied by a simple map of the route where the picture was taken and a route description for
those wanting to take the walk by themselves.
We need your help to bring this plan to fruition.
If you would like to help by either joining a small informal sub-committee, or simply by submitting pictures
that you have taken on a TDR walk, then please contact our chairman, John Ollerenshaw by phone or email.
Don’t hesitate, do it to day. All replies by the end of December 2014, please.
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Taunton Deane Ramblers to be
held at 19:30 on Friday 28th November 2014 at the Kings Arms PH, Staplegrove Road, Taunton
Annual General Meeting
1. Apologies (notified to Chairman or committee member)
2. Chairman's opening remarks.
3. Minutes of AGM on Friday 29th November 2013.
4. Matters Arising.
5. Annual Report.
6. Treasurer's Report.
7. Committee Members' Reports.
8. Election Officers and Members of the Committee.
Committee Member
current post holder
1. “
2. “
3. “
4. “
John Ollerenshaw
Kathy Richardson
Mike Whitmore
Neil Parker
Anne Derbe
Philip Bisatt
Sheree Pavey
willing to stand for re-election
not willing to stand for re-election
willing to stand for re-election
willing to stand for re-election
not willing to stand for re-election
willing to stand for re-election
willing to stand for re-election
9. Election to fill other Group Posts
Footpath Secretary current post holder
Website Coordinator
Programme Secretary
Assistant P.S.
1. “
2. “
3. “
10. Appointment of Auditor
Daphne Hayden
Wendy Camp
Dave Patten
John Ollerenshaw
Neil Parker
(Wednesday Walks)
Peter Williams (Short Sunday Walks)
Davina Cole
(Long Sunday Walks)
Mike Whitmore (Friday Evening Walks)
current post holder: Jeremy Corke
11. Any Other Business.
Official business will be followed by an informal buffet, and skittles with prizes
STOP PRESS Kathy Richardson, our group secretary, is stepping down from the role due to pressure of work.
We urgently need to replace her as the group cannot function without a secretary. If you or another
member you know have simple secretarial skills and can spare literally no more than a couple of hours a month,
then please let us know asap. Contact our chairman on 01984 624477 or email jroll@btinternet.com
Friday 12th December - 19:00 for 19:30 - The Merry Monk, Monkton Heathfield
Cost £15.95 for 2 course (main and dessert) + tea or coffee
I wish to book ..... places at the Christmas Dinner at £15.95 per person
I enclose a cheque for £ ........... made out to Taunton Deane Ramblers
Please tick the boxes below to indicate requirements (one main per person):
Carvery: choice of Beef, Turkey or Honey Glazed
Ham (with seasonal vegetables and Christmas
Chicken Fillet (stuffed with leek, wrapped in
smoked bacon, with Stilton Sauce, Parmentier
Potatoes and a Trio of Vegetables)
Walnut and Stilton Risotto
(with Roasted Butternut Squash)
Individual Christmas Pie – filled with
Mushrooms, Lentils, Chestnuts and Cranberries,
with a choice of vegetables from the carvery
Cod Loin (with Parsley Sauce, Creamy Mash Potato,
with Mixed Bean Cassoulet)
Choose from the Board on the Night
Followed by Tea or Coffee and Mike’s Prize Quiz (optional)
Name(s) .......................................................... Telephone No. ..............................................
Email Address ............................................................................................................... ......
Please send your completed slip and cheque (Taunton Deane Ramblers) - ASAP as number are limited
to Mike Whitmore, 72 Comeytrowe Lane, Taunton TA1 5QG
 Please send separate forms and separate cheques to separate recipients 
Sunday 4th January - 14.00 for 14.30 - Oake Manor Golf Club, Oake
I/We would like to book ...... seats for lunch at £12.00 per head
I enclose a cheque for £ ............. payable to Taunton Deane Ramblers
Vegetarian option ----- yes/no
Name(s) .......................................................... Telephone No. ..............................................
Email Address .....................................................................................................................
Please return form together with cheque to Anne Derbe, 4 Obridge Cottages, Taunton. TA2 7PY
To arrive by Friday 19th December, Please.
At the Wyvern Club on Friday 27th February 2015 - 19:30-22:00
Please reserve …….place(s) for the TDR Quiz Night at £8.50 each.
I enclose a cheque for £ …………… (cheques made payable to Taunton Deane Ramblers)
Signed ………………………………………………….. Please Print Name ……………………………………
Telephone No: …………………………………………
Please send to John Ollerenshaw, Stable, Cottage, High Street, Wiveliscombe TA4 2JX by January 31st 2015