Supplemental information ARC 32 kDa MQREEKQLEASLDHLLSQVADLKNSLGSFICKLENEYGRLTWPSVLDSFALLSGQLNTLNKVLKH EKTPLFRNQVIIPLVLSPDRDEDLMRQTEGRVPVFSHEVVPDHLRTKPDPEVEEQEKQLTTDAARIG ADAAQKQIQSLNKMCSNLLEKISKEERESESGGLRPNKQTFNPTDTNALVAAVAFGKGLSNWRPS GSSGPGQAGQPGAGTILAGTSGLPQVQMAGAPSQQQPMLSGVQMAQAGQPGKMPSGIKTNIKSA SMHPYQR* Peptides obtained by microsequencing of the ARC32 protein are underlined Compilation of translated sequences from the following ESTs: R60110; T86784; AA037068; AA147608; AA554428; AA662369 ARC 36 kDa MAASSSGEKEKERLGGGLGVAGGNSTRERLLSALEDLEVLSRELIEMLAISRNQKLLQAGEENQVL ELLIHRDGEFQELMKLALNQGKIHHEMQVLEKEVEKRDSDIQQLQKQLKEAEQILATAVYQAKEK LKSIEKARKGAISSEEIIKYAHRISASNAVCAPLTWVPGDPRRPYPTDLEMRSGLLGQMNNPSTNGV NGHLPGDALAAGRLPDVLAPQYPWQSNDMSMNMLPPNHSSDFLLEPPGHNKENEDDVEIMSTDS SSSSSESD* Peptides obtained by microsequencing of the ARC36 protein are underlined Compilation of translated sequences from the following ESTs: R17240; AA400109; D81336; AA042832; W03615; AA453188 ARC 42 kDa MLWSGCRRFGARLGCLPGGLRVLVQTGHRSLTSCIDPSMGLNEEQKEFQKVAFDFAAREMAPNM AEWDQKELFPVDVMRKAAQLGFGGVYIQTDVGGSGLSRLDTSVIFEALVTGCTSTTAYISIHNMC AWMIDSFGNEEQRHKFCPPLCTMEKFASYCLTEPGSGSDAASLLTSAKKQGDHYILNGSKAFISGA GESDIYVVMCRTGGPGPKGISCIVVEKGTPGLSFGKKEKKVGWNSQPTRAVIFEDCAVPVANRIGS EGQGFLIAVRGLNGGRINIASCSLGAAHASVILTRDHLNVRKQFGEPLAVTSTCNSHWLIWQQGW WPRGLMVRNAAVALQEERKDAVALCSMAKLFATDECFAICNQALQMHGGYGYLKDYAVQQYV RDSRVHQILEGSNEVMRILISRSLLQE* Peptides obtained by microsequencing of the ARC42 protein are underlined Compilation of translated sequences from the following ESTs: AA309011; H23157; AA663798; AA282272; AA741056; AA775859 The ARC42 protein exhibits significant sequence homology to human medium-chain acylCoA dehydrogenase. The functional significance of this homology and whether ARC42 is a bona fide ARC component or just happens to co-purify with the ARC complex is under investigation. ARC 92 kDa ...KTEQWPQKLIMQLIPQQLLTTLGPLFRNSRMVQFHFTNKDLESLKGLYRIMGNGFAGCVHFPHT APCEV RVLMLLYSSKKKIFMGLIPYDQSGF... Peptides obtained by microsequencing of the ARC92 protein are underlined Translated sequence from the following human EST: R17150 The peptides KPKPASVDANTK and KLLAWSGVLEWQ match the AA617203 mouse EST. The peptides KAAPPALLEPLQ and KQPVPLPPAAPSG match the AA589362 mouse EST. ARC 240 kDa …DEHGSAKNVSFNPAKISSNFSSIIAEKLRCNTLPDTGRRKPQVNQKDNFWLVTARSQSAINTWFT DLAGTKPLTQLAKKVPIFSKKEEVFGYLAKYTVPVMRAAWLIKMTCAYYAAISETKVKKRHVDPF MEWTQIITKYLWEQLQKMAEYYRPGPAGSGGCGSTIGPLPHDVEVAIRQWDYTEKLAMFMFQDG MLDRHEFLTWVLECFEKIRPGEDELLKLLLPLLLRYSGEFVQSAYLSRRLAYFCTRRLALQLDGVS SHSSHVISAQSTSTLPTTPAPQPPTSSTPSTPFSDLLMCPQHRPLVFGLSCILQTILLCCPSALVWHYS LTDSRIKTGSPLDHLPIAPSNLPMPEGNSAFTQQVRAKLREIEQQIKERGQAVEVRWSFDKCQEATA GFTIGRVLHTLEVLDSHSFERSDFSNSLDSLCNRIFGLGPSKDGHEISSDDDAVVSLLCEWAVSCKR SGRHRAMVVAKLLEKRQAEIEAERCGESEAADEKGSIASGSLSAPSAPIFQDVLLQFLDTQAPMLT DPRSESERVEFFNLVLLFCELIRHDVFSHNMYTCTLISRGDLAFGAPGPRPPSPFDDPADDPEHKEA EGSSSSKLEDPGLSESMDIDPSSSVLFEDMEKPDFSLFSPTMPCEGKGSPSPEKPDVEKEVKPPPKEK IEGTLGVLYDQPRHVQYATHFPIPQEESCSHECNQRLVVLFGVGKQRDDARHAIKKITKDILKVLN RKGTAETDQLAPIVPLNPGDLTFLGGEDGQKRRRNRPEAFPTAEDIFAKFQHLSHYDQHQVTAQVS RNVLEQITSFALGMSYHLPLVQHVQFIFDLMEYSLSISGLIDFAIQLLNELSVVEAELLLKSSDLVGS YTTSLCLCIVAVLRHYHACLILNQDQMAQVFEGLCGVVKHGMNRSDGSSAERCILAYLYDLYTSC SHLKNKFGELFSDFCSKVKNTIYCNVEPSESNMRWAPEFMIDTLENPAAHTFTYTGLGKSLSENPA NRYSFVCNALMHVCVGHHDPDRVNDIAILCAELTGYCKSLSAEWLGVLKALCCSSNNGTCGFND LLCNVDVSDLSFHDSLATFVAILIARQCLLLEDLIRCAAIPSLLNAACSEQDSEPGARLTCRILLHLF KTPQLNPCQSDGNKPTVGIRSSCDRHLLAASQNRIVDGAVFAVLKAVFVLGDAELKGSGFTVTGG TEELPEEEGGGGSGGRRQGGRNISVETASLDVYAKYVLRSICQQEWVGERCLKSLCEDSNDLQDP VLSSAQAQRLMQLICYPHRLLDNEDGENPQRQRIKRILQNLDQWTMRQSSLELQLMIKQTPNNEM NSLLENIAKATIEVFQRSAETGSSSGSTASNMPSSSKTKPVLSSLERSGVWLVAPLIAKLPTSVQGH VLKAAGEELEKGQHLGSSSRKERDRQKQKSMSLLSQQPFLSLVLTCLKGQDEQREGLLTSLYSQV HQIVNNWRDDQYLDDCKPKQLMHEALKLRLNLVGGMFDTVQRSTQQTTEWAMLLLEIIISGTVD MQSNNELFTTVLDMLSVLINGTLAADMSSISQGSMEENKRAYMNLAKKLQKELGERQSDSLEKV RQLLPLPKQTRDVITCEPQGSLIDTKGNKIAGFDSIFKKEGLQVSTKQKISPWDLFEGLKPSAPLSW GWFGTVRVDRRVARGEEQQRLLLYHTHLRPRPRAYYLEPLPLPPEDEEPPAPTLLEPEKKAPEPPK TDKPGAAPPSTEERKKKSTKGKKRSQPATKTEDYGMGPGRSGPYGVTVPPDLLHHPNPGSITHLN YRQGSIGLYTQNQPLPAGGPRVDPYRPVRLPMQKLPTRPTYPGVLPTTMTGVMGLEPSSYKTSVY RQQQPAVPQGQRLRQQLQQSQGMLGQSSVHQMTPSSSYGLQTSQGYTPYVSHVGLQQHTGPAGT MVPPSYSSQPYQSTHPSTNPTLVDPTRHLQQRPSGYVHQQAPTYGHGLTSTQRFSHQTLQQTPMIS TMTPMSAQGVQAGVRSTAILPEQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQYHIRQQQQQQILRQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQHQQQQQQQAAPPQPQPQSQPQFQRQGLQQTQQQQQTAA LVRQLQQQLSNTQPQPSTNIFGRY* Peptides obtained by microsequencing of the ARC240 protein are underlined Identified as KIAA0192, Genbank accession #: D83783 ARC 250 kDa …CCNDCYLALEHGRQFMDNMSGGKVDEALVKSSCLHPWSKRNDVSMQCSQDILRMLLSLQPVL QDAIQKKRTVRPWGVQGPLTWQQFHKMAGRGSYGTDESPEPLPIPTFLLGYDYDYLVLSPFALPY WERLMLEPYGSQRDIAYVVLCPENEALLNGAKSFFRDLTAIYESCRLGQHRPVSRLLTDGIMRVGS TASKKLSEKLVAEWFSQAADGNNEAFSKLKLYAQVCRYDLGPYLASLPLDSSLLSQPNLVAPTSQ SLITPPQMTNTGNANTPSATLASAASSTMTVTSGVAISTSVATANSTLTTASTSSSSSSNLNSGVSSN KLPSFPPFGSMNSNAAGSMSTQANTVQSGQLGGQQTSALQTAGISGESSSLPTQPHPDVSESTMDR DKVGIPTDGDSHAVTYPPAIVVYIIDPFTYENTDESTNSSSVWTLGLLRCFLEMVQTLPPHIKSTVSV QIIPCQYLLQPVKHEDREIYPQHLKSLAFSAFTQCRRPLPTSTNVKTLTGFGPGLAMETALRSPDRPE CIRLYAPPFILAPVKDKQTELGETFGEAGQKYNVLFVGYCLSHDQRWILASCTDLYGELLETCIINI DVPNRARRKKSSARKFGLQKLWEWCLGLVQMSSLPWRVVIGRLGRIGHGELKDWSCLLSRRNLQ SLSKRLKDMCRMCGISAADSPSILSACLVAMEPQGSFVIMPDSVSTGSVFGRSTTLNMQTSQLNTP QDTSCTHILVFPTSASVQVASATYTTENLDLAFNPNNDGADGMGIFDLLDTGDDLDPDIINILPASP TGSPVHSPGSHYPHGGDAGKGQSTDRLLSTEPHEEVPNILQQPLALGYFVSTAKAGPLPDWFWSA CPQAQYQCPLFLKASLHLHVPSVQSDELLHSKHSHPLDSNQTSDVLRFVLEQYNALSWLTCDPAT QDRRSCLPIHFVVLNQLYNFIMNML* Peptides obtained by microsequencing of the ARC250 protein are underlined Identified as KIAA0593, Genbank accession #: AB011165 The following ARC subunits exhibit significant homology to C. elegans sequences (Gene name and accession number noted) deposited in the Genbank data base: ARC250: F07H5.7; Z68314 ARC240: F47A4.4; Z49888 ARC150: C38C10.5; Z19153 ARC130: F39B2.4B; Z92834 ARC105: Y113B8 (potential, sequence not completed) ARC77: Y113G7 (potential, sequence not completed) ARC42: U29377; K05F1.1 ARC36: U29380; ZK546.13 ARC34: AL032653; Y54E5B.3 ARC33: U78081; ceMed6 ARC32: Y62F5 (potential, sequence not completed) For ARC 205, ARC100, ARC 92, and ARC70 there are no obvious homologous sequences. Supplemental figures: Figure legends and methods Supplemental Figure 1. Glycerol gradient purification of the ARC complex. a, Lane 1 shows ARC directly purified from HeLa NE using GST-SREBP activation domain affinity chromatography. Lanes 2-11 show the glycerol gradient fractions (fraction numbers indicated below the panel) from the sedimentation of ARC affinity-purified using the SREBP activation domain. The majority of ARC polypeptides co-sediment as one distinct large complex (fractions 12-16) with an estimated molecular weight of 2 MDa when compared with size standards separated using identical conditions. Most of CBP/p300 present in the ARC preparation appears to migrate as monomer (fractions 6-8), suggesting that much of the CBP/p300 bound to GST-SREBP is "free", with only a small portion co-purifying with ARC. The molecular weights of ARC subunits are indicated to the left of the panel. Migration of size standards are indicated at the top of the panel. b, In vitro transcription experiments demonstrate that the glycerol gradient-purified complex harbors cofactor activity. Lanes 1-4 show the transactivation by Sp1 and SREBP-1a in the absence of the ARC complex. Lanes 5-8 show the strong effect on SREBP-1a/Sp1-activated transcription at the LDLR chromatin template by the addition of affinity-purified ARC. Lanes 9-12 show the stimulation by the glycerol gradient-purified ARC complex. The weaker enhancement observed with the glycerol gradient fraction is due to the lower concentration of ARC complex added as compared with the SREBP affinity-purified ARC. Methods: Hela NE (2 ml) was incubated with 50 µl of GST-SREBP-1a beads. After 3 hrs nutating at 4˚C, the beads were washed extensively with 0.5 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40, followed by one wash with 0.1 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40, and elution using 2 x 50 µl 10 mM Glutathione in 0.1 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40 for 1 hr nutating at 4˚C. The eluted material (100 µl) was applied to a 2 ml glycerol gradient (15-40%) in 0.1 M KCl HEG and spun for 7 hrs at 4˚C at 50,000 rpm in a TL100 rotor (Beckman). Fractions (100 µl) were collected from the top of the gradient, then analyzed by SDS-PAGE/silver staining and transcription. Transcription reactions were performed by combining SREBP-1a (5 nM) and Sp1 (2 nM) with or without affinity-purified ARC or glycerol gradient-purified ARC (0.125-0.5 nM) and chromatin template (0.5 nM) for 30 min. at 27˚C followed by addition of general transcription factors and NTPs to initiate transcription. Supplemental Figure 2. S-500 gel filtration and GST-SREBP-1a(1-50) affinity purification of the ARC complex. Lane 1 shows ARC directly purified from HeLa NE using GST-SREBP activation domain affinity chromatography. Lanes 2-13 show the SREBP affinity-purified fractions from the S-500 gel filtration column. The ARC polypeptides apparently purify as one large complex with an estimated molecular weight of 2 MDa when compared with size standards separated using identical conditions. As the results from the glycerol gradient show, the majority of CBP/p300 appears to migrate as a monomer or in a small complex distinct from ARC when separated by sizing chromatography. Additionally, CBP/p300 can apparently interact with the activation domain of SREBP-1a independent of the ARC complex. The molecular weights of ARC subunits are indicated to the left of the panel. Migration of size standards are indicated at the top of the panel. Methods: Hela NE (5 ml) was applied to a 325 ml S-500 (Pharmacia) gel filtration column pre-equilibrated in 0.4 M KCl HEG+0.05% NP40 and 10 ml fractions were collected. Every other fraction was diluted to 20 ml with HEG (no KCl) and 50 µl of GST-SREBP-1a beads. After 3 hrs nutating at 4˚C, the beads were washed extensively with 0.5 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40 and then analyzed by SDS-PAGE and silver staining. Supplemental Figure 3. Anti-CBP and anti-p300 immunoblotting analyses of ARC affinity-purified using different activation domains. Both CBP and p300 are recruited by the three different activation domains, although the immobilized VP16 activation domain binds considerably less CBP/p300, than the SREBP-1a and p65 activation domains. The upper panel shows immunoblotting using affinity-purified antibody directed against CBP, while the lower panel shows the immunoblotting using affinity-purified antibody directed against p300. Lane 1 shows 0.5 % of the input HeLa nuclear extract. Lane 2: 10 % of ARC affinity-purified and eluted from the VP16 activation domain-coupled resin. Lane 3: 10 % of ARC affinity-purified and eluted from the SREBP-1a activation domain-coupled resin. Lane 4: 10 % of ARC affinity-purified and eluted from the NF-B p65 activation domain-coupled resin. Methods: Hela NE (1 ml) was incubated with 30 µl of GST-SREBP-1a beads. After 3 hrs nutating at 4˚C, the beads were washed extensively with 0.5 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40, followed by one wash with 0.1 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40, and elution using 2 x 30 µl 10 mM Glutathione in 0.1 M KCl HEG+0.1% NP40 for 1 hr nutating at 4˚C. The eluted material was analyzed using 7 % SDS-PAGE followed by transfer to nitrocellulose membranes. After blocking with 5% milk in PBS+0.1% Tween 20, immunoblotting was performed by standard methods and visualized by ECL (antibodies: CBP A-22, p300 N15; Santa Cruz Biotechnology). Supplemental Figure 4. ARC exerts little effect on NF-B and Sp1 activation with naked HIV LTR template. Transcription reactions were performed by combining NF-B (5 nM) (lanes 2, 4, 6, 8) and Sp1 (2 nM) (lanes 3, 4, 7, 8) with affinity-purified ARC (0.5 nM) (lanes 1-4) or without (lanes 5-8) and naked HIV LTR template (0.5 nM) for 30 min. at 270C followed by addition of general transcription factors and NTPs to initiate transcription. ARC was purified from HeLa NE by SREBP-1a activation domain affinity-chromatography as described above. Supplemental Figure 5. The same pattern of polypeptides is observed when ARC complex affinity-purified using SREBP-1a (lane 1), VP16 (lane 2), and p65 (lane 3) activation domains was immunoprecipitated with antibody against ARC105/TIG-1. Methods: ARC was purified using GST-SREBP-1a, GST-VP16, and GST-p65A beads as described under Supplemental Figure 3. Two hundred µl of Glutathione-eluted ARC complex was incubated with 15 µl protein A/G beads pre-bound with 4 µl of anti- ARC105/TIG-1 antiserum for 4 hrs nutating at 4oC. After extensive washing, specifically bound material was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and silver staining.