REAL WORLD RESOURCES for White’s Terrorism and Homeland Security, 8th Edition The media resources mentioned in the supplements (Instructor’s Manual and Lesson Plans) have been extracted and compiled here to serves as a reference for students and instructors. They are organized by learning objective within each chapter. Some of the resources apply to multiple LO, so the additional LOs they align with are noted in brackets at the end of the item. Chapter One Defining Terrorism in Modern History 1. Explain the reason terrorism is difficult to define. The FBI’s Terrorism Screening Center: This site offers a substantial array of information on terrorism related topics including postings of most Wanted Terrorists and Domestic Terror Fugitives. It additionally provides several links to related agencies in the War on Terror. In addition, the site also offers information on careers with the FBI, virtual tours, as well as a fun & games page. (LO2) Compare differing definitions of terrorism on the website of the National Institute of Justice: 2. Summarize the impact of context on definitions of terrorism. Global Issues: Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All. Full List in War on Terror Section. This document offers an exhaustive list of links to articles reposted from other sites that detail numerous terrorism related events that have occurred during America’s “War on Terror.” (LO4, 5, 9) 3. Explain the impact of the Enlightenment on democracy and potential revolutionary thought. A selection of Robespierre’s writings that emphasize his linkage of virtue and terror during the Reign of Terror in France. 4. Summarize the origins of modern terrorism from the Enlightenment through the Napoleonic wars. For a catalogue of terrorism related news, follow this link: (1-3; 5-9) 5. Explain why terrorism became defined as a revolutionary activity after the European experience in 1848. 7 Things you should know about Wikis: This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO1-4; 6-9) 6. Define socialism, anarchism, and communism. The following video describes the thoughts of Peter Kropotkin, a Russian activist for socialism. 7. Summarize the differing meanings of terrorism in Russia from the Peoples’ Will through Lenin and Trotsky. The following video describes the position of Lenin on the role of Peasants: 8. Summarize the early history of the Irish Republican Army. Historical Footage about The Easter Rising: A video called “Who were the Black and Tans?” This video shows actual footage of one of their attacks. 9. Define selective terrorism as used by Michael Collins. A video about Michael Collins: A video about Michael Collins and his views on selective terrorism, titled “Michael Collins: Hero or Villain?” Chapter Two The Social Underpinnings of Terrorism 1. Outline differing approaches for understanding social reality. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, construction, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-9) 2. Define the elements of netwar. This article from IEEE is a concise elaboration of points about Netwar made in the text. 3. Describe terrorism as a religious process. Some groups claim that Biblical prophecies are being fulfilled in our time and Armageddon is near. These groups sometimes call for the re-establishment of “greater Israel” by any means necessary. The following website lays out this position: 4. Define practical criminology as used by security forces. The FBI’s Terrorism Screening Center: This site offers a substantial array of information on terrorism related topics, including postings of most Wanted Terrorists and Domestic Terror Fugitives. It additionally provides several links to related agencies in the War on Terror. (LO1-3; 5-9) 5. Describe the differences between terrorist and criminal behavior. Article The Council on Foreign Relations. Defense/homeland Security Issues. This website offers an exhaustive list of articles related to defense and homeland security issues, as well as information on other global issues. (LO1-4; 6-9) 6. Explain the reason terrorists and counter terrorists need to justify violence. Comb through for terrorism related news. (LO1-5; 7-9) 7. Summarize studies of the ways terrorist violence is justified. 8. Describe three views in the profiling debate. A controversial video from a Republican Presidential debate: 9. Outline differing points of view about radicalization and alienation. Review media reports of Anders Breivik’s history leading up to his attacks in Norway in 2011. Chapter Three The Organization and Financing of Terrorism 1. Summarize rural, urban, and insurgent models of terrorism. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-9) A biography about Che Guevera from Spartacus Educational 2. Trace the evolution of terrorist organizational structures. 3. Discuss the challenges involved in leading a terrorist group. The film Battle of Algiers illustrates post-colonial revolutionary terrorist and counterterrorist activities. The DVD also includes a feature in which former U. S. National Security Advisor Richard Clarke discusses the relevance of the film for contemporary U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. (LO1). 4. Describe the issues involved in terrorist financing. The Terror Finance Blog. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This site offers a substantial array of information on terrorist financing including government measures, programs, academic studies, and related articles. It additionally provides several links to biographical information on the authors. (LO3; 5-7) 5. Describe legal and illegal sources of income. Target America: opening eyes to the Damage Drugs Cause. This website offers a host of educational resources relating to the effects of narcoterrorism. (LO4, 9) This report on the Holy Land Foundation illustrates the use of charitable contributions to fund Hamas. This article from the New York Times provides further background on Hamas. ndation_for_relief_and_development/index.html One of the more unusual criminal activities to garner money is the use of paper fraud by Sovereign Citizens. This video illustrates the use of phony quitclaim mortgages. 6. Explain the ways funds are disbursed in an underground economy. Go to for terrorism related news. (LO1-5; 7-9) 7. Describe the hawala system. 8. Summarize views on the political economy of terrorism. 9. Outline the manners in which drugs and terrorism overlap. From the BBC: This article explains why the crackdown on drug cartels was a key issue in the Mexican elections in 2012. From the Daily Mail: After the election, the victory of Enrique Pena Nieto seemed to signify a change in direction in government policies relating to the cartels. Summaries from the latest UN Office on Drugs and Crime reports: Chapter Four Terrorism and the Media 1. Discuss the role of the media in constructing social reality. Compare and contrast coverage on the Middle East in Al Jazeera and The New York Times: A database of articles on terrorism from the New York Times. (LO2-9) 2. Explain the tension between security forces and the media. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO1; LO3-9) 3. Describe how the media can be viewed as a weapon. Cat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=3&item=WBC Information about the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. (LO2, 9) 4. Explain how news frames are used to present a story. 5. Describe the special relationship between terrorism and television. PBS Teacher Center. The website offers a variety of activities that can be used with any of PBS’s FRONTLINE programs on terrorism, except where otherwise noted, as well as links to related web materials and curriculum standards. (LO1-4; 6-9) 6. Explain how the Internet has impacted terrorism. Inspire, the on-line al Qaeda magazine, is available from a number of sources. Information War: Internet Jihad and Hacking. The video interview with Andrew Colarik, a cyber security expert and author of Cyber Terrorism: Political and Economic Implications speaks to the dangers of cyberterrorism. (LO3) 7. Summarize various positions about bias in the news media. Beyond the emergence of news organizations with alternative perspectives, the Internet provides a source of unedited (and sometimes misleading) information. Information of al Qaeda’s Internet magazine Inspire can be found at a number of sites. Kooistra, Paul. (2012). The bias of TV News. This video presents Paul Kooistra, Professor of Sociology from Furman University discussing media bias with a diverse audience. (LO1) 8. Define the contagion effect. In September and October 2012, riots erupted in a number of countries related to a film, Innocence of Muslims, which irresponsibly and disrespectfully depicted the Prophet Mohammed. 9. Debate the issues of freedom of the press and censorship. The controversies over Wikileaks illustrate lingering issues in the censorship debates. The case of Bradley Manning is as an interesting case study. Chapter Five Gender Roles, Tactics, and Force Multipliers in Terrorism 1. Summarize the tactics of modern terrorism. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-10) 2. List and describe four force multipliers. The following video (and similar videos), suggest transnational support in the Syrian crisis (August 2012). The Iranian men involved were allegedly members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards providing counter-insurgency support to the Assad regime. However, the video also demonstrate the use of media a force multiplier by the Free Syrian army. (LO8) 3. Discuss historical and current roles of women in terrorism. Battle of Algiers. These two segments (approximately 12 minutes) highlight the role of women in the FLN. (LO1, 4) 4. Outline the tactical importance of female terrorists. A video of an interview with Ulrike Meinhof, one of the most infamous female terrorists. 5. Define the types of threats posed by technological terrorism. This item from Bloomberg News summarizes issues in the 2012 cybersecurity legislation: 6. Explain the effects of biological, chemical and radiological weapons. Science How Stuff Works. 10 Scariest bioweapons. Retrieved from the Web Aug 08, 2012 at The article explores the history of biological weapons as well as an examination of 10 of the most virulent viruses and bacteria that can be fashioned into weapons of terror. (LO2, 7) 7. Characterize the possibility and possible outcomes of nuclear terrorism. Al Jazeera article: Is Nuclear Terrorism Preventable? l A video about enhancing nuclear security from the MacArthur Foundation: The co-principal of the MacArthur-supported Project on Managing the Atom discusses the threat posed by nuclear terrorism and what global leaders are doing to address it. The Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism (2010) is available as a free download 8. Discuss the role of the media as a force multiplier. elevance&intl=false CNN database of terrorism-related news articles. Consider this report and compare it with mainstream news reports on the shootings at a Sikh temple. 9. Summarize transnational economic targeting in the tourist, energy, and transportation industries. A video called Targeting Tourists: Bulgaria, 2012: In 1997 in Luxor, Egypt, islamic militant group Jamar islamir would murder innocent european tourists on holiday. A link to a video about this incident: An article about this incident: 581.stm Militants were behind a blast at a power plant in Russia that left 2 police dead. An article about the London Underground bombing: 10. Summarize theories of suicide bombing. National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism. Terrorist Organizational Profiles. This website offers a comprehensive database of terrorist organizations, containing detailed information on structure, organization, major players and tactics. (LO1, 3, 4) A video about suicide bombing: Chapter Six Long-Term Separatist Terrorism 1. Explain the nature and characteristics of nationalistic and ethnic separatist terrorism. Database of terrorism-related articles: (LO2-11) 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-7) 2. Describe the emergence of the modern IRA and terrorism in Northern Ireland. BBC. Irish home Rule: an imagined future. This information on Irish home rule, authored by Dr. James McConnel, offers an indepth look at the salient issues surrounding the movement. (LO1, 3) In the Name of the Father (1993) is a provocative film about Northern Ireland : (LO3) 3. Outline the basis for negotiating peace in Northern Ireland. This audio piece features Senator George Mitchell, who helped to negotiate the Good Friday accord. 4. Summarize the nature of Basque culture and its separateness from Spain. Council on Foreign Relations. Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) (Spain, separatists, Euskadi ta Askatasuna). The article provides an examination of terrorist violence in Spain with focus on the ETA. 5. Explain the impact of the Spanish Civil War on the Basque region. 6. Summarize the birth and evolution of the ETA. 7. Explain the rise of the GAL. 8. Outline the Spanish government’s approach to Basque separatism. ETA announces Ceasefire (2011): (LO6) 9. Describe the rise of the LTTE and the role of the Tamil Diaspora. 10. Summarize the unique aspect of LTTE suicide bombings. 11. Describe the end of the LTTE and the danger of possible reconstitution. LTTE Defeated (BBC) (LO9, 10) Chapter Seven Nationalistic and Endemic Terrorism 1. Summarize the EOKA revolt on Cyprus, FLN in Algeria, and Mau Mau in Kenya. EOKA, Cyprus: Much of the video material on EOKA is in Greek. This piece on Grigoris Afxentiou (subtitled in English) establishes his status as a hero of the Greek Cypriot movement and a martyr for the Greek cause. This contemporary information from the European Union describes the current status of Cyprus. A British newsreel perspective on the Mau Mau rebellion: A contemporary Kenyan perspective on the Mau Mau rebellion: Battle of Algiers clip (see other chapters for further information on Algeria): 2. Explain the danger posed by Russia’s breakaway states. Foreign Policy. 10 Reasons Countries Fall apart. reasons_ countries_fall_apart This article examines the factors contributing to demise of countries – the reason for ‘failed states’. It also provides links to the 2012 global ranking of failed states. (LO 1; 3, 7- 10) 3. Describe the political and security issues surrounding violence in Chechnya. Beslan School Crisis (British Pathe). This video is about the Beslan School Massacre, which occurred in 2004. Thirty two masked and armed terrorists stormed the school, killing and injuring hundreds of people over a three day period. National Geographic video on Dubrovka theater hostage situation (45 minutes): 4. Summarize the terrorist issues facing Turkey. 5. Describe ethnic tensions in China’s Xinjiang province. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-10) 6. Explain the rationale behind China’s policy toward Uighar separatism. 7. Briefly summarize Sikh separatism in India. 8. Define the term endemic terrorism. 9. Explain the relative importance of terrorism in light of Africa’s other issues. An database of articles from CNN; includes information about terrorism in Somalia. (LO1-8; 10) 10. Summarize political conditions in western and central Africa. Kony 2012- Invisible Children: This video is a documentary examination of the atrocities committed by the African Warlord Joseph Kony, and the impact of his actions upon humanity. (LO8, 9) Chapter Eight Background to the Middle East 1. Define the Middle East as a historical, geographical, and cultural metaphor. CNN database of articles on Islam: (LO2-9) 7 Things you should know about Wikis. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-9) 2. Briefly sketch the origins of Islam. Maps of War. Timeline of Middle Eastern control 3000 B.C.E. through 2006 C.E. This website offers an interactive visual display of the varying entities that have controlled the Middle Eastern region over the millennia. (LO1; 3-9) 3. Describe the difference between Shiites and Sunnis. Analyst Kamran Bokhari discuses the emerging regional competition between Shiia, Sunni, and Kurds for influence in Iraq, which is expected to intensify as American troops withdraw. (LO9) 4. Explain the emergence of militant theology. US Department of State Designated Terrorist Organizations The effects of the crisis in Syria have reverberated across the region. Al Jazeera's James Bays reports from Lebanon's southern border with Israel. The video focuses on the affects of the Syrian conflict on Hezbollah. 5. Discuss the historical significance in the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the birth of Zionism. 6. Summarize the impact of World War I on the Middle East. 7. Describe the formation of Israel and the Arab-Israeli wars. Rethinking Schools. Interactive Map of the Middle East. The website offers a fun game via an interactive map of the Middle East wherein participants ‘click’ and drag’ countries to their corresponding locations. 8. Explain the emergence of terrorism after the 1967 Six Days’ War. Challenges in Defining an Israeli-Palestinian Border (LO1, 7) A website that aims to answer the question: What does it mean that the 1967 border should be the basis for peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine? (LO1, 7) 9. Briefly sketch the history of modern Iran. A video of George W. Bush famously referring to Iran as as part of an “axis of evil” (along with Iraq and North Korea.) Chapter Nine Terrorism in Israel and Palestine 1. Describe the rise of Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). A summary through the death of Yasser Arafat, from Al Jazeera English: A history of the PLO from Al Jazeera (24 minutes) 2. Identify factional groups that emerged from squabbles among the Palestinians. General Middle Eastern News Sources (LO1; 3-08) o Al Arabiya: o Al Jazeera: o Egypt: Al Ahram (majority owned by Egyptian government) Egypt Daily News o Iran FARS News Agency: o Israel Haaretz Jerusalem Post o Lebanon The daily Star: o Palestinian sources Palestine News Network The Palestine Chronicle 3. Discuss the origins and growth of Hezbollah after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. PBS: “Looking for Answers.” The website offers a variety of activities that can be used with any of PBS’s FRONTLINE programs on terrorism, except where otherwise noted, as well as links to related web materials and curriculum standards. The bottom link takes you directly to a short video clip of PBS’s “Looking for answers,” which focuses on the rise of militant Islam in Egypt, and probes the Abu Nidal Organization. (LO1; LO3-8) 4. Explain the current political and military aspects of Hezbollah. 5. Outline the impact of the first Intifada and the birth of Hamas. Database of articles on Hamas and other Israeli/Palestinian news. (LO1-4; 6-8) 6. Describe the current operational capabilities of Hamas. The leaders of the rival Palestinian parties Hamas and Fatah have agreed to a new unity government. All previous attempts at unity have failed - but both sides say they are now committed to making this government work. 7. Summarize the tactics of the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. 8. Summarize controversial Israeli counterterrorist policies. Rachel Corrie. The death of an American protester has become a lightning rod. This video, from the left, presents one perspective: military This video presents the same situation from the Israeli perspective: Chapter Ten Revolutionary and Counter Revolutionary Terrorism 1. Define revolutionary and counter revolutionary terrorism. A database of news articles: (LO2-10) 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-10) US Department of State Designated Terrorist Organizations (LO2-10) 2. Outline the history, philosophy, and influence of the Tupamaros. Sheppard’s Software. Interactive Map of South and Central America. Retrieved from the Web Aug 20, 2012 at The website offers a fun game via an interactive map of Latin America, wherein participants ‘click’ and drag’ countries to their corresponding locations. (LO1; LO3-9) This fictionalized account of the Tupamaro kidnapping of Daniel Mitrone explores complex moral issues. Roger Epert review of the above film, called “State of Siege:” 0332/1023 3. Summarize the emergence and current status of FARC and the ELN. The FBI’s Terrorism Screening Center. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This site offers a substantial array of information on terrorism related topics including: postings of fugitives; terrorists; and terrorist organizations. It also provides several links to related agencies in the War on Terror. In addition, the site also offers information on careers with the FBI, virtual tours, as well as a fun & games page. (LO1,2; 3-10) 4. Describe the function and purpose of the MeK. MeK has conducted an active media campaign for getting de-listing as a terrorist group. This video shows an ad run on Fox and CNN: However, other sources denounce MeK as a cult: 5. Describe the rise, fall, and resurgence of the Shining Path. 6. Explain the Maoist rebellion in Nepal. 7. Outline the issues surrounding Naxilite terrorism. 8. Explain the operations and tactics of the New Peoples Army. 9. Describe the rise, fall, and transformation of revolutionary terrorism in Europe. Loretta Napoleoni interviewed about Red Brigades (TED talk): ml 10. Explain the rise of death squads as a reaction to revolutionary terrorism. Chapter Eleven Al Qaeda and Jihadist Networks 1. Describe the rise of religious terrorism and its relationship to the Soviet-Afghan War. Interview with Steve Coll, author of Ghost Wars, a book about how Raegan armed the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan. 2. Summarize the important roles of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. Global Issues. Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All. Full List in War on Terror Section. This document offers an exhaustive list of links to articles reposted from other sites that detail numerous terrorism related events that have occurred during America’s “War on Terror.” (LO4, 5, 9) 3. Outline the early history of al Qaeda. The “9/11 truth” movement and other conspiracy movements often claim that al Qaeda is an American creation. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO1,2; 4-9) 4. Explain the structure and operations of al Qaeda until September 11, 2001. YouTube video: “Hezbollah Faces an Uncertain Future” 5. Describe al Qaeda’s current franchise-style structure and current operational capabilities. An article called “Pakistan Jihad: The Making of Religious Terrorism:” (LO6, 8) 6. Outline the operations of franchises including AQAP, AQIM, and al Shabab. Al Jazeera article: Is a ‘new’ al Qaeda a bigger threat? (LO5) 7. Summarize al Qaeda’s political theology. 8. Describe other forms of terrorism in Pakistan. PBS Frontline world. Tribal Pakistan: Who’s in Control? The website offers a fun interactive experience for users to explore Pakistan’s many tribal regions and terrorist influences in the area. Users’s ‘click’ and learn which tribe is in control of which region as they scroll over the map. The Atlantic Magazine featured a cover story about Pakistan titled, “The Ally From Hell.” 9. Summarize operations in other parts of Asia and the Pacific. Information from Al Jazeera about Iran’s nuclear program. 09.html Chapter Twelve Domestic Terrorism 1. List the factors that improve and inhibit our understanding of domestic terrorism. Database of current events: (LO2-10) CNN. Domestic Terrorism. Retrieved from the Web on Aug 25, 2012 at This website offers an exhaustive list of news articles related to domestic terrorism. (LO2-10) 2. Utilize a typology of criminal extremism to classify domestic terrorism. CBS News. (Jul 25, 2011). Who are most likely U.S. domestic terrorists? This video examines homegrown terrorism in the U.S., offering a profile of the ‘most likely suspects’ to be involved in domestic terrorism. (LO1; LO3-10) 7 Things you should know about Wikis. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO1; LO3-10) 3. Describe anti-government criminal extremism from right-wing activities. Sovereign Citizens Movement: This recent ABC News Nightline report can be shown in its entirety (Approximately 7 minutes). 4. Explain the fluctuations in left-wing criminal extremism. Watch the documentary or clips of the documentary “The Weather Underground,” about a group of left-wing radicals, called the Weathermen, who wanted to overthrow the government in order to end the war in Vietnam. The video is available on Hulu. See the IMBD page for the documentary: 5. Summarize extremist crimes motivated by racism. Audio book of The Turner Diaries, written by William Luther Pierce, who wanted to overthrow the government and exterminate all “impure” people (Jews, homosexuals, and non-white individuals). (LO1-5) 6. Describe threats from homegrown radicalization. Some consider Hunter to be the prequel to The Turner Diaries. This book was also written by Pierce and features the same themes. (for pdf version) (for eReader, Nook, Kindle download) (LO4, 5) American History X (movie) Students may be familiar with this story, but they may not have looked at it as an account of radicalization, commitment to terrorism and desistance. 7. Define single-issue terrorism. Earth Liberation Front: A documentary film on an ELF cell 8. Summarize criminal activities supporting ecological extremism. Puerto Rican Nationalism: A short newsreel film from the 1950s, which is particularly interesting for its tone. 9. Describe the criminal activities involving Puerto Rican nationalism. 10. Summarize criminal activities conducted against abortion providers. Army of God Dramatic footage of anti-abortion violence with rationales for such. Chapter Thirteen An Introduction to Homeland Security 1. Define homeland security and explain why confusion surrounds the term. e%20partnerships/search//p/1/st/1/sm/user/ Database of articles about current events. (LO2-10) 2. List the agencies responsible for homeland security and describe their functions. “Exploring the Department of Homeland Security”. The website for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which houses a number of predominant federal law enforcement agencies. (LO1; LO3-10) Current Organizational Chart for the Department of Homeland Security 3. Describe the intelligence process. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO1,2; LO4-10) 4. Differentiate between criminal and national security intelligence. 5. Explain the importance of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan. 6. Describe the functions of fusion centers. “The Future of Fusion Centers: Potential Promise and Dangers.” This video shows a government debating the future and functions of fusion centers in America. (LO5) Two examples concerning Texas Fusion Center: Pro: chap1110.pdf Con: 7. List some of the organizations responsible for processing intelligence. From the Police Chief: An Article on The Los Angeles Police Department’s Convergence Strategy. icle_id=1729&issue_id=22009 8. Summarize some of the major issues in homeland security. Articles from the FBI and ACLU on Joint Terrorism Task Forces: Information about The New York City Police Department engaging in monitoring Muslim organizations: 9. List perceived weaknesses in the homeland security from 9-11 to the present. Garrett Graff discusses his examination of the role of the FBI in the “War on Terror.” 10. Discuss the aspects of intelligence reform. Chapter Fourteen Law Enforcement and Homeland Security 1. Outline law enforcement’s bureaucracy challenge. Database of current events articles: btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp= (LO2-10) 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO2-10) 2. Explain the ways homeland security represents Weberian bureaucracy. Weber’s theory of bureaucracy : Yale lecture 3. Summarize bureaucratic issues within criminal and national security intelligence agencies. The Council on Foreign Relations. Defense/homeland Security Issues. This website offers an exhaustive list of articles related to defense and homeland security issues, as well as information on other global issues. (LO1,2; 4-9) 4. Explain issues involved in border protection. Information on the Arizona immigration debate over the new law, SB 1070. This video from Univision is an interesting springboard for discussion of the immigration debate. Arizona’s SB 10: This piece from Alex Jones makes a number of sensationalized and undocumented claims. 5. Discuss the ways the immigration debate impacts homeland security. PBS. The New Americans: Immigration Policy – Past and Present. Retrieved Aug 16, 2012 at The website offers a variety of information on immigration issues in the U.S. The link directs students to a quiz, “Immigration Myths & Realities.” 6. Define and describe infrastructure protection. 7. Describe the need for partnerships in homeland security. 8. Summarize the critical bureaucratic issues in law enforcement partnerships. 9. Outline Flynn’s recommendations for effective homeland security. 10. Explain how the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) arrangement might become a model for law enforcement partnerships. Joint Terrorism Task Forces: this piece features the Special Agent in Charge of the Denver FBI Office This piece, from Democracy Now, critiques JTTF actions against demonstrators at a 2002 convention of the North American Wholesale Lumber Association. Chapter Fifteen Homeland Security and Constitutional Issues 1. Explain the dangers of restricting freedom in the name of security. ayy&q=patriot%20act&sa=Search&cof=FORID%3A11#1156 Database of current events articles. (LO2-10) 2. Differentiate between civil liberties and human rights. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. 3. Describe the relationship between the idea of defense in depth and civil liberties. These films and books discuss the role of government and the restriction on civil liberties in negative utopias: 1984 , Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale; A Clockwork Orange, Minority Report, V for Vendetta. 4. Summarize the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and its renewal in 2011. Chip Pitts, former Chair of Amnesty International discusses “Civil Liberties and the Patriot Act” on CSPAN (LO2,3) 5. List the constitutional issues that affect homeland security. CNN, Domestic Terrorism: This website offers an exhaustive list of news articles related to terrorism and homeland security. (LO1-4; LO6-9) 6. Cite arguments to support and oppose increasing executive power to combat terrorism. A discussion of the Utah Data Center: (LO3) 7. Describe court responses to attempts to counter terrorism with increased governmental executive-branch power. An article that describes how the NSA is building the country’s biggest spy center: 8. Describe the role of law enforcement agencies in a social network opposed to terrorism. FEMA. Emergency Response Plan. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This site offers a substantial array of information on disaster preparedness and emergency response planning. It additionally provides links to a variety of supplemental related resources. (LO1-7; 9,10) 9. Discuss the dangers of militarizing police work. This piece on military tribunals comes from Australia. (LO7) 10. Summarize emerging criminal justice scholarship focusing on governmental power. “How to Brief a Case”. Lloyd Sealy Library. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. The website offers simple to follow, detailed instructions on how to complete a legal brief. (LO1-9) Oyez. IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. The website offers ready access to all U.S. Supreme Court cases since 1850. In addition to digital versions, it offers downloadable audio files for each case. (LO1-9) Chapter Sixteen Security, Terrorism, and the Future 1. Describe the purposes of the DHS quadrennial review. Database of current events articles. _sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp= (LO2-9) 2. Identify the factors that increase the future effectiveness of multi-agency anti-terrorism operations. Global Issues. Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All. Full List in War on Terror Section. Retrieved from the Web Jun 29, 2012 at This document offers an exhaustive list of links to articles reposted from other sites that detail numerous terrorism related events that have occurred during America’s “War on Terror.” (LO4, 5, 9) 3. Explain the factors that complicate partnerships between units of government and private industry. In 2012, Wikileaks hacked into the private security intelligence firm STRATFOR. They summarized some of the results of that activity in the following piece in Wikileaks Press. 4. Describe the importance of foreign policy in homeland security operations. This article is one of many that can be used to introduce a discussion of foreign policy on U.S. homeland security. 5. Explain the necessity of creating a system that can absorb an attack. CIA. Studies in Intelligence. The website offers access to numerous studies in intelligence as general information on the Agency, policies, careers, publications, and related links. (LO1,2; 4-9) 6. Identify the value of liberal education as a means of countering future terrorism. 7 Things you should know about Wikis. This document offers easy to understand instruction on the history, development, and potential uses of Wikis. (LO1-5;7-9) 7. Outline probable future methods of terrorist attacks. 8. Summarize the developing law enforcement programs designed to prevent terrorism. The FBI’s Terrorism Screening Center: This site offers a substantial array of information on terrorism related topics, including postings of most Wanted Terrorists and Domestic Terror Fugitives. It additionally provides several links to related agencies in the War on Terror. In addition, the site also offers information on careers with the FBI, virtual tours, as well as a fun & games page. (LO1-7; 9) 9. Describe probable future strategic directions in terrorism.