Boreal-Coastal heathland

Boreal-Coastal Heathland
Case (prehistory-history-present)
Name: Dagfinn MOE,
Addr.: Museum of Botany, University of Bergen, Allégt. 41, N-5007 Bergen,
Boreal-coastal heathland (pasturing)
Case/Example: Seivågmyr
NORWAY; Municipality: Bodø; County: Nordland (North Norway)
Coordinates: Latitude 67o 10’N, longitude 14o 30’ 50’’E
Case area: about 10 km2
Altitude range: 3-100 m
Sites within the case area:
The casearea is covering coastal blanket bogs on the island, Straumøya ,with several farms
concentrated at the among others the settlements Seivåg, Seines and Ersvik. Other sites within
the region exist.
Distant from the presented site to the related permanent settlements is about 500-1000 m.
Bio-geographical data:
Topography, Geology: The area and the island Straumøy is situated in the inner part of the
Saltenfjord, just south of the town Bodø. The area was deglaciated at about 10000-10500 years
BP, at that time with a marine limit of about 80-105m. The bedrock consits of different types of
limestone, dolomite and some granite. The sediment is mostly of marine origin.
Potential vegetation zone/belt:
The zone belong to the northern coastal boreal zone. The potential tree line is about 250 m asl.
(Betula pubescens).
Actual vegetation: The over situation is a man made deforested landscape, however, with re
establishment of deciduous forest dominated by Betula pubescens, together with more tall
herb/willow vegetation. The reforestation corresponds with a general reduction of intensive
farming. On the east-west mountain ridge, Pinus sylvestris occurs on poor soil. Elsewhere, only
single and small individuals of Pinus sylvestris are found within the area.
The climate is oceanic, with mild winters and cool summers. The mean January and July
temperatures are close to –1o C, and 12o C-13o C, respectively. The precipitation is c. 1000 m a
Scientific studies connected to the summer farming activity:
Historical data: Available (Svein Indrelid, in press.)
Archaeological excavations are made at Fretheimsdalstølen and at Finnabu (Svein Indrelid, in
General floristic studies are made.
Vegetation historical studies are made (Moe 2003.)
Breeding capacity of the area: not properly known. It is known changes both in the population and
number of animals within the case area.
Former situation:
Former full-farming activity is known for the area. The economy was, however, also dependent of
local and regional fisheries. The place name Seivåg means the bay where they landed the fish
pollack. The local fisheries connected to the widely known tide stream, Saltstraumen is regionally
well known.
Deforestation started c. 3500-3000 BP (1000-2000 years before Chr.), most likely connected to
human activity during the early Bronze Age. After the onset of anthropogenic disturbance,
heathland was established, initially with a dominance of Calluna vulgaris and Empetrum. Later on,
c. 900 BP, Calluna vulgaris was dominant. The heathland was probably subjected to management,
including burning. It should be viewed as a part of a northern extension of the western European
heathland vegetation of the coast of SW Norway.
Present situation:
Despite some farming exists, in general both the local farming and fisheries are mostly abandoned
at present. A reestablishment of deciduous forest and tall herb vegetation is taking place. There is
a reduction in traditional grazed meadows. Changes in the number of meadow species not studied.
The island is to day connected to the mainland with bridges, and the local economy is mostly
dependent of industry and administration within the municipality.
Former intensive heathland pasturing including burning and intensive pasturing dated back to
Early Iron Age time are ended. A natural reforestation is taking place.
1. Map of the area
2. Pollendiagram Seivågmyra (after Moe 2003).
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