FOR OFFICIE USE: Date of Receipt__________________________________ Ref.:_____________________________ Full-time Programme Lifelong Learning Seminars Reflective Journal Submission Form 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please complete this form and submit with your reflective journal within 1 month after relevant seminar. Late submission will NOT be accepted. ALL information in this form must be filled in. The documents should be submitted to counter of KHLC or OCLC in person, the acknowledgment receipt will be returned to you upon request. Students of Diploma Programmes could choose to write in either English or Chinese Students of Higher Diploma, Diploma for University Foundation Studies, and Degree Programmes should submit the journals in English. Student Name: ____________________________ (English) __________________________(Chinese) Student No.: _________________________ Mobile: ____________________________________ Programme Code and Title: ___________________________________________ Class : _______ Programme: □ Diploma □ Higher Diploma □ Degree Venue of LLS: □ OCLC (Lai King) □ KHLC (Kwai Hing) □ Seminar Date: Seminar Topic: Speaker: CITA (Kowloon Bay) □ Others (please specify __________________) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Plagiarism A student who presumes to plagiarize is considered cheating. Cheating, intentionally or unintentionally, is a serious misconduct and the Institute will take disciplinary actions against an alleged student according to the University’s rules and regulations. Student’s Statement I certify that I have not plagiarized the work of others when preparing this assignment. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please fill up information below if you need an acknowledgement receipt for your own record. Acknowledgement Receipt Student Name: ___________________ (English) _____________(Chinese) Student No.:__________ Seminar Date: _______________Seminar Topic: __________________________________________ Your Reflective Journal was received on _( Office Use Only) ______________________________ FFP039-B20140902 For Office Use Only 1. Received by : _________________________ Date: ___________________________ (Name: ) 2. Marking: Very Good Fair Poor Fail Good Content: Ability to grasp the main message of the seminar topic. Organization: Ability to present writing logically and in appropriate format. Vocabulary: Ability to grasp some specific or technical terms from the seminar topic. Grammar and spelling: Ability to use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. Reflection: Ability to express views or pass judgments towards the seminar topic. Overall: □ Pass □ Fail Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Marked by: _________________________ Date: _________________________ (Name: ) FFP039-B20140902