Burial and cremation are the two most common ways to honour the dead.
Only a few decades ago, the popular choice was burial. In the last 20 years
there has been a swing towards cremation as a modern and sensible
alternative to traditional funeral arrangements. With the increasing shortage
of land, the fact that the land used for interment today may not guarantee an
everlasting resting place for your loved one, and that cremation offers the
option of scattering the ashes at a meaningful place are arguments for
cremation. However, the choice is very personal and should take into
account the following:
 Whether the deceased will be placed a long way from home. We tend
to like to visit so if your loved one can’t be brought home, perhaps
you should consider cremation and either keeping the ashes or placing
them in a memorial wall.
 The trend towards memorialization or securing a final resting place
that is everlasting. Many cemeteries have reached or are approaching
 Both a burial and a cremation may offer a permanent memorial giving
those left behind a place they can visit or remember. Having a place
to go to visit the departed provides solace to many loved ones. A
burial site provides a tangible link to the deceased.
 Preserving our planet’s resources. Some consider cremation to be a
more natural process than a ground burial and also an ecologically
sensitive option.
 Cost
 Personal wishes and religious or cultural beliefs
 Family tradition
If visiting a cemetery or a grave is not for you, then make your wishes
known. Alternatively, if cremation is not your ideal way to go, let others
The Advantages of Advance Planning
You can state your preference in your Will but there is no legal obligation
for these instructions to be followed. When an Executor is appointed in a
Will, the Executor has responsibility for the funeral arrangements.
 Make your wishes known in your Will. Clarify your preference for
burial or cremation so that your wishes will be honoured.
 Spare your family. Loved ones will not be subjected to difficult
decision making at a stressful time.
 Peace of Mind. It’s done. Your wishes are known, those you love are
not burdened…you can rest easy.
“The Irish Blessing” (Adapted)
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
“I Have Learned” (Leslie Tye-Parsons)
I have learned
The love of a child is pure and precious
That flowers never fail to lighten the spirit
That watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis makes you live
for one true minute
That a dew drop glistening on a leaf
is brighter than a diamond
That doing a good deed leaves a warm feeling inside
That a smile can change a mood
That friends are priceless
That life is a treasure
That love is a word
That death cannot hurt.
Should you find you have need of me to conduct a “Celebration of
Life” for your loved one, please call me on 0740 916587.