
Principles of Health Sciences
Cultural Diversity
# of Students:
# of IEP Students:
Age/Grade Level:
# of GSSP Students
# of LEP Students:
Program: Health Sciences Course: Principles of Health Sciences Major Content: Communication Skills Length: 5 days
Unit Title: Cultural Diversity
Lesson Number and Title: Cultural Diversity
Course Task Number: 32, 33
Because health care providers work with and care for many different people, they must be aware of the
factors that cause each individual to be unique. These factors include culture, ethnicity, and race and
include values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, rituals, behaviors, and customs. Health care providers must
become familiar with these differences in order to provide quality care while respecting each individual’s
Students will:
Define culture, ethnicity, and race.
Identify bias, prejudice, and stereotyping.
Explain cultural diversity and its’ impact on health and wellness.
Identify the impact of religions and culture on those giving and receiving health care with an understanding of
past and present events.
5. Incorporate HOSA using competitive event guidelines, leadership and team skills in all content
6. Meet above objectives to 80% mastery or above.
Academic Expectations
 Basic Communications 1.12 Students speak using appropriate forms, conventions,
and styles to communicate ideas and information to different audiences for different purposes
 Responsible Group Membership 4.1 Students effectively use interpersonal skills
Core Content
 PL-HS-1.1.1 Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, selfadvocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view,
empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2
Skill Standards
 Cultural, Social, and Ethnic Diversity 6.32 Demonstrate respect of individual cultural, social, and ethnic
diversity within the health care environment
 Employability Skills 4.16 Interact appropriately and respectfully with diverse ethnic, age, cultural, religious,
and economic groups in various employment and social situations
Assessment Plan
In tabular format, organize how each objective will be assessed. Include copies of assessment instruments and rubrics (if
applicable to the lesson plan).
Objective/Assessment Plan Organizer
Depth of
Description of
Knowledge Level
Type of
Questioning, bellwork,
review activities,
demonstration of skills
Written exam
D0K 2
Adaptations and/or
Prompts / cues
Resources, media and technology
 List the specific materials and equipment needed for the lesson. Attach copies of printed materials to be used with the
o Diversified Health Occupations, Simmons, text and workbook
If appropriate, list technology resources for the lesson including hardware, software, and Internet URLs, and be sure to
cite the sources used to develop this lesson.
Accommodations for Special Populations
Handout Activities
 PowerPoint Listening Guide
 Diversity Interview
Project Based Activities
 Flip Book
 Teaching Project
Research Activities
 Teaching Project
 Researched Persuasive Speaking using HOSA Competitive Guidelines found at using this or a similar topic.
o Should the US Provide Care to Illegal Immigrants?
o What Health Care Providers Need to Know About (cultural group)
Introduce the unit by asking the class the following question. Students can raise their hand or answer yes or no on a post-it
note. Caution them only to answer yes or no to the question and not to identify the type of bias.
“How many of you have ever felt bias or prejudice sometime in your life?”
Lead the class in a short discuss on how one is affected by bias and prejudice.
The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals behaviors, and customs unique to a particular
group of people that is passed from on generation to another
• Family relations
• Child rearing
• Education
• Occupational choice
• Social interaction
• Spirituality
• Religious beliefs
• Food preferences
• Health beliefs
• Health care
• A classification of people based on national origin and/or culture.
• Members share a common heritage, geographic location, social customs, language, and beliefs.
Common Ethnic Groups
• African American
• Asian American
• European American
• Hispanic American
• Middle Eastern / Arabic American
• Native American
• Classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics including:
– Color of skin, hair, and eyes
– Facial features
– Blood type
– Bone structure
• Cuts across multiple ethnic/cultural groups
Cultural Diversity
• Differences based on culture, ethnicity, and race that influence one’s behavior, self-perception,
judgment of others, and interpersonal relationships
• Family organization
• Language
• Personal space
• Touching
• Eye contact
• Gestures
• Health care beliefs
• Spirituality
• Religion
Cultural Assimilation
• Absorption of a culturally distinct group into a dominant or prevailing culture
• Requires that a cultural group alter their unique beliefs and behaviors and adopt the ways of the
dominant culture
• However, in the US, we are striving for a society where cultural differences are appreciated and
• The process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and assuming some of the
• Occurs slowly over a long period of time.
• Example:
– Recent immigrants are more likely to use the language and follow the behavior patterns of their
country than their children or grandchildren
• The ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others.
• It is essential for health care professionals to understand and respect these differences to provide care
that meet the needs of all individuals.
• A preference that inhibits impartial judgment of others
• Common biases:
– Age
– Education
– Physical size
– Occupation
– Sexual preference
– Gender
• A strong feeling or belief about a person or subject that is formed without reviewing facts or
• Causes fear and distrust of others
• Interferes with interpersonal relationships
• Health care workers must be aware of our prejudices and to make every effort to obtain as much
information about a situation as possible
• Process of assuming that everyone in a particular group is the same
• It ignores individual characteristics and “labels” the individual
• May occur with regard to:
– Race
– Gender
– Body size
– Occupation
– Ethnicity
Overcoming Bias, Prejudice, and Stereotyping
• Be conscious of your own personal and professional values and beliefs
• Learn as much as you can about different ethnic/cultural groups
• Be sensitive to behaviors and practices that are different from your won
• Remember that you do not have to adopt others’ beliefs, but you must respect them
• Develop friendships with a wide variety of people
• Ask and encourage questions from others to share ideas and beliefs
• Evaluate all information before forming an opinion
• Be open to all differences
• Avoid offensive language and jokes
• Understand that mistakes happen. Apologize and forgive.
Holistic Care
• Care that provides for the well-being of the whole person
• Meets not only physical needs, but includes social, emotional, and mental needs
• Health care workers must understand the cultural and ethnic beliefs in order to provide care the meet
each of these needs
Family Organization
• Refers to the structure of a family and the dominant or decision-making personal in a family
• Nuclear family – usually consists of a mother, father, and children or a single parent and children
• Extended family – includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins
• Based on the 2000 census, almost 20% of the population under 65 speaks a language other than English
at home.
• Health care provides must determine a patient’s ability to communicate and intervene to help those
who do not understand English by use of:
– Translators
– Family members
– Gestures or pictures
– Cue cards
Personal Space
• The distance people require to feel comfortable when interacting with others
• Varies greatly among ethnic/cultural groups
• Health care providers must be alert to a patient’s verbal and nonverbal cues to determine personal
Eye Contact
• Eye contact is affected by cultural beliefs
• Lack of eye contact is usually interpreted as “not listening” but in some cultures is a sign of respect
• Health care workers must be alert to an individual’s comfort level when using direct eye contact and
adjust accordingly
• Are used to communicate many things including agreement or disagreement
• Can vary among ethnic/cultural groups
• Health care providers must be aware of how a patient responds to gestures and avoid any that seem to
be offensive
Health Care Beliefs
• Vary widely throughout all groups
• Can affect an individual’s response to health care
• Most cultures have common conceptions regarding:
– The cause of illness
– Ways to maintain health
– Appropriate response to pain
– Effective methods of treatment
“Western” Medicine or Biomedical Health Care
• Based on the cause of disease and eliminating, treating, or preventing those causes
• Providers receive training and are licensed to practice as professionals
• Beliefs of this system include:
– Encouraging patients to learn about their illness
– Teaching self-care
– Using medications and technology to treat illness
– Teaching preventive care
Alternative Health Care Methods
• Becoming more widely accepted in the US and includes:
– Nutritional methods – organic, herbs, vitamins
– Mind and body control methods – meditation, hypnotherapy, biofeedback
– Energetic touch therapy – massage, acupuncture, acupressure
– Body-movement methods - chiropractic, yoga, tai chi
– Spiritual methods – faith healing
• The beliefs individuals have about themselves, their connections with others, and their relationship to a
higher power
• Is often described as an individual’s need to find meaning in life
• Is often expressed through religious practices, but is not the same thing as religion
• An organized system of belief in a superhuman power or higher power
• Are associated with a particular form or place of worship
• May include beliefs about birth, life, illness, death, and dietary practices
Other Belief Systems
• Atheist – a person who does not believe in any deity
• Agnostic – an individual who believes that the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved
Respecting Cultural Diversity
• Each individual must be regarded as a unique individual
• Ways to achieve this goal is to:
– Listen as patients express their beliefs
– Appreciate individual different differences
– Learn more about cultural and ethnic groups in your area
– Recognize signs of prejudice, bias, or stereotyping
Assign student activities.
Review and summarize information.
Clarify student misconceptions.
(How many students met performance criteria for objectives? How many did not meet the performance criteria for
(How will you change the lesson to increase student achievement?)
1. What did your impact analysis tell you about how your students learn?
2. What did your impact analysis tell you about the success of the strategies you used?
3. How useful were the assessments in terms of student learning?
4. What resources and/or personnel might assist you in improving student achievement?
5. How will you differentiate instruction so that all students achieve?
6. How will you differentiate instruction for students who easily achieved the performance criteria and need to
move forward?
PowerPoint Listening Guide
Cultural Diversity
1. Define culture.
2. List 3 areas included within one’s culture.
3. Define ethnicity.
4. List 3 ethnic groups.
5. Race is the classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics. List
6. What is meant by the term cultural diversity?
7. Define cultural assimilation and explain what is required on a cultural group to achieve
8. What is meant by acculturation? Why do you think that it occurs slowly over a long period
of time?
9. Define sensitivity.
10. A preference that inhibits impartial judgment of others is _________________________.
11. List 3 common biases.
12. Define prejudice.
13. _____________________ is the process of assuming that everyone in a particular group is
the same.
14. List 3 common areas of stereotyping.
15. List 3 ways to overcome bias, prejudice, and stereotyping.
16. Explain holistic care.
17. Explain the difference between the nuclear family.
18. Describe 2 ways health care providers can communicate with someone who does not
speak English.
19. ______________________ is the distance people require to feel comfortable when
interacting with others.
20. Lack of _________________________ is usually interpreted as “not listening” but in some
cultures is a sign of respect.
21. List 3 common gestures or types of body positions and how our culture interprets these.
22. Compare and contrast “Western” or biomedical health care and alternative medicine.
23. Explain the difference between spirituality and religion.
24. _______________is a person who does not believe in any deity or higher power.
Cultural Diversity Flip Books
Flip books are great options to use for student research and presentation. List the information
that you want students to find. Students make the book by placing sheets of paper as shown
below. The bottom sheet can be a colored piece of paper. Fold on the dotted line and staple the
top. The topics are listed on the visible part of the page and the information on the page itself.
Possible topics include:
Ethnic Groups – possible topics
National origin
Geographic location
Family structure
Religious / spiritual beliefs
Dietary practices
Health care beliefs
Fold so that the pages are stacked.
This will give you 8 flaps.
Health Care Beliefs – possible topics
Students choose a cultural group
 Health concepts or what the group
believes about health
 Cause of illness
 Traditional healers
 Methods of treatment
 Response to pain
Religious Groups
Major beliefs of group
Worship practices
Dietary practices / beliefs
Beliefs about health / wellness
Beliefs about healthcare
Practices that healthcare workers
need to be aware of
Diversity Interview
Directions: Arrange an interview with someone from a different cultural, ethnic, or
religious background and ask the following questions. Remember to be respectful of all
1. How would you describe your ethnic background?
2. How would you describe your spiritual or religious background?
3. Who cares for you when you are sick?
4. Who is the head of your household?
5. Where do you and your family live? (town, country, apartment, house, etc.)
6. Was your entire family born in the US?
7. What do you and your family do together for recreation?
Do you speak English as your primary language?
9. What language is spoken at home?
10. Do you read English? ___________ Do you read another language? _______________
11. If you were sick, would you prefer to do as much of your own personal care as possible or would
you like assistance?
12. Would you like a family member to assist with your personal care?
13. Do you prefer to bathe in the morning or evening?
14. If someone is speaking to you, are you comfortable if they use direct eye contact?
15. Are there any gestures that you find offensive?
16. How would you describe your view of health and wellness?
17. What do you believe is the cause of most illnesses?
18. If you become ill, who would you seek for treatment?
19. What are some typical methods of treatment you might choose?
20. How do you respond to pain?
21. What do you feel is a healthy diet?
22. What do you do for exercise?
23. Do you have a religious affiliation?
24. Are there any spiritual practices that help you feel better (prayer, meditation, reading Scriptures)?
25. Do you normally pray at certain times of the day?
26. Do you consult a religious healer?
27. Do you observe any special religious holidays?
28. Do you wear any clothing or jewelry with special significance?
29. Do your beliefs restrict any specific food or drink?
30. Do you fast or abstain from eating certain foods?
Cultural Diversity
Teaching Project
With a partner, choose one of the topics from the task list. Create a 5 -10
minute presentation. You may choose to do a PowerPoint or poster. You
must include:
Country of origin for the cultural group
Approximate number living in US and location of largest groups
Family structure and values
Communication and social interaction
o Eye contact, gestures, personal space, male/female interaction
Religious / spiritual beliefs
Concept of health – how they define or view health / wellness
Health status – leading causes of death
Prevention and prevention of disease
Dietary and food practices
_______ Attendance
Maintains eye contact with the speaker
_______ Focused and on task
Listens quietly during presentation
_______ Completed on time
Completes student handout
_______ Relevant, insightful details
_______ Organized, easy for students to follow
_______ Visual presentation
_______ Speaks clearly during presentation
_______ Maintains eye contact
_______ TOTAL 10 Pts. each / 80 Pts. total
_________ 20 Pts. Possible
Cultural Diversity Exam
1. The values, beliefs, attitudes, languages, symbols, rituals behaviors, and
customs unique to a particular group of people that is passed from on
generation to another
a. Culture
b. Bias
c. Race
d. Ethnicity
2. A classification of people based on national origin and/or culture:
a. Culture
b. Bias
c. Race
d. Ethnicity
3. Classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics including
color of skin and hair is:
a. Culture
b. Bias
c. Race
d. Ethnicity
4. Differences based on culture, ethnicity, and race that influence one’s behavior,
self-perception, judgment of others, and interpersonal relationships is:
a. Ethnicity
b. Cultural diversity
c. Prejudice
d. Personal biases
5. When a cultural group alters their unique beliefs and behaviors and adopt the
ways of the new culture:
a. Cultural acculturation
b. Cultural bias
c. Cultural assimilation
d. Cultural diversity
6. The process of learning the beliefs and behaviors of a dominant culture and
assuming some of the characteristics which occurs slowly over a long period of
a. Cultural acculturation
b. Cultural bias
c. Cultural assimilation
d. Cultural diversity
7. The ability to recognize and appreciate the personal characteristics of others is:
a. Empathy
b. Assimilation
c. Cultural diversity
d. Sensitivity
8. A preference that inhibits impartial judgment of others is:
a. Empathy
b. Prejudice
c. Bias
d. Acculturation
9. A strong feeling or belief about a person or subject that is formed without
reviewing facts or information:
a. Empathy
b. Prejudice
c. Bias
d. Assimilation
10. Process of assuming that everyone in a particular group is the same
a. Stereotyping
b. Prejudice
c. Bias
d. Sensitivity
11. A family structure which includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins:
a. Nuclear
b. Extended
c. Single
d. Alternative
12. This type of health care system is based on understanding the cause and
eliminating, treating, or preventing disease:
a. Alternative health care
b. Body movement methods
c. Mind body control
d. Biomedical health care
13. The beliefs individuals have about themselves, their connections with others,
and their relationship to a higher power
a. Spirituality
b. Religion
c. Mind body connection
d. Biomedical health care
14. An individual who believes that the existence of God cannot be proved or
disproved is called a/an:
a. Atheist
b. Buddhist
c. Spiritual seeker
d. Agnostic
True or False
15._____Race cuts across multiple ethnic and/or cultural groups.
16._____In the US, we are striving for a society where cultural differences are
appreciated and respected.
17._____ Recent immigrants are more likely to learn and use the language and follow
the behavior patterns of their new country than their children or grandchildren.
18._____As an 18 year old employee, your boss treats you as if you are incompetent.
This is an example of bias.
19. _____Holistic care is care that focuses on the physical well-being of the individual.
20. _____In some cultures, making direct eye contact is a sign of disrespect.
Short Answer
21. Explain holistic care.
22. List and describe 4 alternative health care methods.
KEY - Cultural Diversity
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. T
16. T
17. F
18. T
19. T
20. T
21. Care that provides for the well-being of the whole person
Meets not only physical needs, but includes social, emotional, and mental
22. Nutritional methods – organic, herbs, vitamins
Mind and body control methods – meditation, hypnotherapy, biofeedback
Energetic touch therapy – massage, acupuncture, acupressure
Body-movement methods - chiropractic, yoga, tai chi
Spiritual methods – faith healing
Cultural Diversity
Open Response
While working in the ER as a patient care tech, Mr. Sim is admitted for chest pain. He is a
recent immigrant from Cambodia and speaks limited English. He appears anxious and in
severe pain. His wife is very quiet but looks to be very frightened. As you speak with her, you
notice her English is a little better than her husband’s.
a. Because you are unfamiliar with the normal social rules of his culture, list and
describe 3 areas or types of behavior to be cautious of during his care.
b. List and describe 3 things you can do to communicate with Mr. Sim.
Correctly lists and thoroughly
explains 3 types of behaviors and 3 ways to communicate.
Correctly lists and
explains 3 types of behaviors and 3 ways to communicate
Correctly lists and
explains 2-3 types of behaviors and 2-3 ways to communicate
Correctly lists and thoroughly
explains 2-3 types of behaviors or 2-3 ways to communicate
Makes no attempt or answer is irrelevant