Transmission Parameters of an Audio-Rate Frequency Modulated Sound of a Female Mosquito Maweu O. M, Muia L. M, Deng A. L*. Physics department, Egerton University, 536, Egerton, Kenya. * Zoology department. E-mail. Key words: Audio spectra, Anopheles gambiae, modulating index, resonant frequency, carrier frequency Abstract This work has established the modulating frequency (intelligence) to be at 97.7 Hz for all the species of mosquitoes studied, namely; Culex pippen, Anopheles gambiae and Aedes egypti. The signal carrier frequency is 488.3 Hz for all the species, except the medically important Anopheles gambiae which is at 293 Hz. Bessel functions were used to determine the number of audio side bands or the bandwidth (BW). The bandwidth for the medically important Anopheles gambiae was found to be 781.6 Hz. The first order sidebands ( f1 ), that is, (97.7) were found to be the resonant frequencies occurring at 95.4 Hz and 390.6 Hz respectively, with an amplitude of 9.57 mV. Other species, i.e. Aedes egypti and a 'swarm' had a bandwidth of 1.36 kHz with resonant frequencies occurring at the second order sidebands ( f 2 ,) or, 293 and 683.6 Hz with an amplitude 1 of 10.22 mV. The limits of the operational band created by the resonant frequencies enable the males to identify females of their kind. Introduction Mosquitoes communicate with each other, specifically for mating purposes. These insects produce sound when in search of proteins needed for ovulation. Since these waves are frequency modulated, Baker (1979), it is necessary to establish the transmission parameters associated with the intelligence of the signal, since it has the message the insect is transmitting. The range of frequencies generated by these insects is between 150 Hz and 500 Hz, Ewing (1989). This is basically the carrier frequency. The sound of a female mosquito in-flight is transmitted in air as a frequency modulated wave (FM), Baker (1979). These are normally low frequency waves referred to as classic or Chowning frequency modulation. Simple Chowning FM uses the sine wave, which produces no other frequencies apart from its fundamental, as both the carrier and the modulating waveform, Chowning (1973). These frequencies are associated with long wavelengths in the range of meters, and little is known of the insects' response to these wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum, Baker (1979). The aim of this study was to analyze the audio spectrum of a female mosquito in-flight and determine the transmission parameters, namely the amplitude, carrier frequency ( f c ), modulating frequency ( f m ), modulating index, ( m f ) frequency deviation ( ), bandwidth (BW) and the wavelength ( ). 2 The formation of the spectrum is due to the modulating frequency being at the audio rate, Chowning (1973). The spectrum contains the fundamental frequency, representing the carrier frequency and side bands occurring on either side of the carrier. For a frequency-modulated wave, the equation for instantaneous voltage may be written, Muller (1978), e A sin i m f sin c (1) Where A is the peak value of the carrier wave c is the carrier angular frequency m is the modulating signal angular frequency and mf fc is the modulation index. The solution of (1) is given by f c (t ) J 0 (m f ) cos ct J (m f )[cos(c i )t cos(c i )t J 2 (m f ) [cos(c 2i )t cos(c 2i )t ] (2) Where J n (m) is the Bessel function of the order n f c (t ) Is the modulated frequency component. J 0 (m f ) cos t Is the carrier frequency component. J1 (m f )[cos( c cos i )t (cos c cos i )]t is the component at f i (sideband) J 2 (m f )[cos( c 2 i )t (cos c 2 cos i )t ] is the component at 2 f i around the carrier, etc. Amplitude for the side band component Jn were obtained using the standard expansion for Bessel functions namely; 3 mf mf mf ( )2 ( )4 ( )6 1 2 2 J n (m f ) ( ) 2 [ 2 ] 2 n! 1!(n 1)! 2!(n 2)! 3!(n 3)! mf (3) Experimental Capture of mosquitoes and recording of the sounds In practice, it is very difficult to tape the sound of a mosquito in-flight in an open room. Thus, captive and disease free mosquitoes obtained from a research institute (Kenya Pyrethrum-Board) were left unfed for a day. A single mosquito of each species was enclosed in a small mesh cage (12 cm 3 ). An attractant was placed near the cage to ensure that the mosquito made continuous flights in search of food. The sound emitted by the mosquito was then recorded on a magnetic tape using a cord-less microphone. Later a combination of all the species was put in the cage to form a ‘swarm’ and their sounds recorded. The taped audio signals were transferred to a fluke view combi-scope through a butter-worth filter to eliminate all the frequencies above 700 Hz, Millman and Halkias (1983). The scope was set to auto-mode so as to capture the actual signal strength. Generation of the FM spectrum Fluke-View combi-scope proprietary software , Fluke view cooperation (1995) was used to transfer the data from the scope to a computer. Care was taken when selecting the baud rate to ensure that sufficient data points were transferred to the computer so as to obtain a good frequency spectrum. Fourier transforms were performed on the spectrum to extract the basic transmission parameters such as the fundamental and the side frequencies. 4 Results and Discussion The frequency modulated (FM) sidebands were calculated from equation (3) using standard values of Table 1, while Figure 1 shows the frequency spectrum for the medically important Anopheles gambiae. Scanning the spectrum (Fig.1) from either side of the zero position gives the side bands. The zero position represents the fundamental component as the carrier, with amplitude of 4.31 mV and a frequency of 293.4 Hz. This is designated as J0 in Table.2. Besides the fundamental component are eight side bands. The first order side bands ( f1 ) has amplitude of 9.57 mV. The second order side bands ( f 2 ) has amplitude of 3.67 mV, the third order ( f3 ) is 0.9 mV and the last significant pair has an amplitude of 0.09 mV. The next pair with amplitude of 0.05 mV is not transmitted Other important parameters, i.e. frequency deviation, modulating index, band width and the transmitting wavelength obtained from the spectra data were as below [6]; (1) Frequency deviation ( ) = 488.3 - 293 = 195.3 Hz (2) The modulating index ( m f ) = 195.3 1.9 = 97.7 fm (3) Bandwidth (BW) = 2 n f m 2 4 97.7 781.6 Hz. (4) Wavelength ( ) = 340 v 1.16m = 293 fc Where v is the velocity of sound in air and f c is the carrier frequency. With 195 Hz deviation and a 97.7 Hz audio, the ratio of modulation index to the deviation is 1.9. With this modulation index, four significant pairs of sidebands were 5 developed. These are shown in Figure 1. The least significant sideband from the carrier is 4 97.7Hz or 390.6 Hz, producing a total side bandwidth of 781.6 Hz. It is unlikely that any signal of amplitude less than 0.1 mV will be transmitted. Table 2 is the interpretation of the spectrum of Fig.1 in terms of frequencies. Here J0 is the carrier whose position in the spectrum is zero, with frequency 293.4 Hz. While J1 denotes the first side bands occupying the position from – 98 to + 97.7 on either side of the carrier in the spectrum. Their frequencies are 195.5 and 390.4 Hz. Figure 2 shows a frequency spectrum of Culex pippen. The fundamental component has amplitude of 6.45 mV at a carrier frequency of 488.3 Hz. This is shown in Table 3, which is the interpretation of Figure 2. On either side of the fundamental are seven sidebands, implying fourteen sidebands, extending the bandwidth to 1.36 KHz. The first pair of side bands has amplitude of 7.45 mV. It is unlikely that all the components of the bandwidth will transmit due to their low amplitudes as can be seen from the figure. The transmitting parameters can be calculated from this spectrum as follows; (1) Frequency deviation ( ) = 488.3 - 97.7 = 390.6 Hz (2) Modulating index ( m f ) = 3.9 (3) Band width (BW) = 2 7 97.7 1.36 KHz (4) Wave-length ( ) = 340 0.87 m . 390.5 Table 4 is the summary of the transmission parameters of the species of mosquitoes studied. Results have shown that different species of mosquitoes have different resonant frequencies despite having the same modulating frequencies. The spectrum of Anopheles 6 gambiae has a narrow band of 781.6 Hz width compared to Aedes egypti which is 1.36 KHz. For, if n is the number of audio or significant pairs of frequencies, then BW n 2 mf (4) Predicts the ratio of the bandwidth to the total deviation depending for a given modulating index m f . For m f > 1, the ratio tends to unity and the bandwidth is almost equal to or slightly larger than 2 ,Gupta (1966). This is true for the cases of Anopheles and Aedes, and the ‘swarm’. For harmonic spectra, the carrier is not necessarily the fundamental frequency. For the carrier to be the fundamental, it must be at least equal to twice the modulating frequency , Hass (2001). In the spectra studied, the carrier frequency is in all cases satisfied this condition. We therefore, can treat the carrier as the fundamental frequency. In this case, the spacing between the fundamental and the nearest side band gives the modulating frequency, Shrader (1993). Conclusions From the foregoing and Table 4, mosquitoes use both direct and indirect method of FM generation, i.e., the Armstrong type of FM generation, in which phase modulation is used to generate frequency modulation, Muller (1978) for communication. This is evident from the high value of the modulation index, which are 3.9. Under these conditions, the Bessel function introduces a phase reversal to the carrier. Further, the narrow bandwidth, which is a few hertz, is a characteristic of communication bandwidths, Muller (1978). For mosquitoes, the bandwidth is the range that contains all the frequency components that are audible to the human ear. The occurrence of the resonant frequencies 7 at 195 and 390.6 Hz for the Anopheles gambiae and at 293.6 and 683.6 Hz for other species is consistent with the range of frequencies obtained from Bioacoustics which is between 150 and 650 Hz, Ewing (1989). Mosquitoes emit sounds for the purpose of mating and feeding in the frequency range 97.7 Hz to 684.6 Hz depending on the species. The mode of intelligence transmission is through frequency modulation at a carrier frequency of 293 Hz, modulating frequency ( f m ) of 97.7 Hz and modulating index of 1.9 ( m f ) for the Anopheles. On the other hand, Aedes egypti and culex pippen transmit at a carrier frequency of 488.3 Hz, modulating frequency m f of 97.7 Hz and modulating index of 3.9. References Baker G, 1979. Magnetic influence on the activity of termites and their directional behavior in building vertical galleries. 14 : 534-548. Chowning J, 1973. The synthesis of complex audio spectra by means of frequency modulation. Journal of audio engineering society, 21: 7. Clement A. N, 1992. Biology of mosquitoes, (Chapman and Hall, U.K.), Pp ixxii. Ewing A.W, 1989. Anthropod Bioacoustics, (Edinburgh university press, U.K.), Pp 62. Fluke view combiscope soft ware for windows, 1995. (Fluke Corporation, U.S.A.) Gupta K, 1966. Hand book of electronics, (Pragati and Prakash publishers, India), Pp 1445-1475. Hass J, 2001. Center for electronic and computer music, (Indiana university, 8 USA). Millman J and Halkias C, 1983. Integrated electronics, (Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi), P p 875. Muller G.M, 1978. Modern electronic communications, (Prentice-Hall International, U.K.), Pp 158-170. Shrader R. L, 1993. Electronic communication, (Macmillan McGraw-hill, IIinois), Pp. 355-433. 9 Table 1. FM sidebands (m f ) J0 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 0.00 1.0 0.25 0.98 0.12 0.5 0.94 0.24 0.03 1.0 0.77 0.44 0.11 0.02 1.5 0.51 0.56 0.23 0.06 0.01 2.0 0.22 0.58 0.35 0.13 0.03 2.5 -0.05 0.50 0.45 0.22 0.07 0.02 3.0 -0.26 0.34 0.49 0.31 0.31 0.04 0.01 4.0 -0.40 -0.07 0.36 0.43 0.28 0.13 0.05 J7 0.02 Table 2. Side Bands from the audio spectrum of Anopheles gambiae J0 J1 J2 97.7 Hz 293.4 Hz J3 195.4 Hz J4 370.6 Hz 488.3 Hz Table 3 Side bands from the audio spectrum of Aedes egypti and a ‘swarm’ J0 488.3 Hz J1 97.7 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 195.4 293.4 390.6 685.7 685.7 781.6 Table 4 Summary of transmission wave parameters of mosquitoes Species fc BW Anopheles 293 Hz 781.6 Others 488.3 Hz 1.3 kHz Hz 195.3 Hz 390.4 Hz 10 mf n 1.16 m 1.9 8 0.87 m 3.9 14 Figure 4.1 Frequency spectrum of Anopheles gambiae 12 Amplitude [mV] 10 8 6 4 2 390 288 195 97.7 0 -98 -195 -288 -391 0 Frequency [Hz] Figure 2 Frequency spectrum of Aedes egypti 12 8 6 4 2 Frequency [Hz] 11 685 489 288 97.7 -98 -288 -489 0 -685 Amplitude [mV] 10