Crochet Beaded Bracelet

Learn by Camping: Classes for All
Crocheted Beaded Bracelet
Description: An easy to make, dainty crocheted bracelet using silver wire
and beads. This project can be made into a one day project or a daily camp
class by varying the beads and number of bracelets made.
Goals: To learn to crochet using silver wire and beads to form a bracelet.
1. Participants will learn the basic single crochet stitch.
2. Participants will learn to color coordinate matching beads.
 Seed beads (color of your choice)
 6 mm acrylic faceted round beads
 Small crochet hook
 100 + cm of 3mm silver wire
 Clamp on bead tips
 Silver screw fasteners
1. Take your crochet
hook and form a loop as
if you would be making
a chain stitch.
2. Wrap the wire
3. Make 2 more loops.
around the hook and
pull the next loop
through the first one.
Alice K. Dolu, WVU Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development – Marshall County
February 16
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Learn by Camping: Classes for All
4. Slide one of the 6mm
5. Crochet another
6. Add 3 seed beads
faceted beads onto the
long end of the wire and
let the bead reach the
loop to secure this
bead in place. Crochet
one more loop.
and slide them to the
loop. Crochet again a
loop to secure and then
another loop.
8. ...until the desired
9. To finish off, after the
length is achieved.
last bead is done, chain 2
loops and pull one through
to knot it so it does not
open again. Cut away the
rest of the wire. Bend
these loops together in a
small ball and cover with a
clamp on bead tip. Add the
fastener to the bead tip by
slightly opening the loop
formed on the fastener and
inserting it on the bead tip.
Use pliers to close the loop
again. Do this to both
7. Add again a large
round faceted bead and
repeat starting with step
6 through 8...
Alice K. Dolu, WVU Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development – Marshall County
February 16
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