Fish Passage GIS Analysis Methodology and Output Data Specifications BC Ministry of Environment Prepared by Simon Norris Hillcrest Geographics 2870 Graham St Victoria, BC Craig Mount BC Ministry of Environment 395 Waterfront Cres. Victoria, BC REVISION HISTORY Date Author Description of Changes May 28, 2008 May 29, 2008 June 3, 2008 Nov 4, 2008 March 1, 2009 Vers ion 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Simon Norris Craig Mount Richard Mark Craig Mount Craig Mount March 5, 2009 0.6 Simon Norris March 6, 2009 March 19, 2009 0.7 0.8 Craig Mount Simon Norris Initial draft. 1st comments 2nd comments Requested revisions Updated to reflect changes / improvements in method Updated output data specifications, minor text changes Incorporate comments from Richard Thompson Added section 2.4 CONTENTS 1 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 2 2 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Build Stream Gradient segments ................................................................................... 3 2.2 Build Fish Bearing Stream Model .................................................................................. 4 2.3 Identify Road-Stream Crossings.................................................................................... 6 2.4 Prioritize Road-Stream Crossings ................................................................................. 6 3 Output Layer Data Specifications .......................................................................................... 8 3.1 Stream Gradient Segment Lines ................................................................................... 8 3.2 Road-Stream Crossing Points ....................................................................................... 9 3.3 Fish Habitat Lines....................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Fish Observation Event Table ..................................................................................... 11 3.5 Obstacle Event Table ................................................................................................. 12 3.6 Obstruction Event Table ............................................................................................. 13 3.7 Access to the Data ..................................................................................................... 13 Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page i 1 OVERVIEW To define the magnitude of Fish Passage issues in BC, a GIS analysis was undertaken to estimate the total number of culverts, and classify all culverts as to whether they occur on a fish bearing or non-fish bearing stream. To generate this estimate, the GIS analysis modeled potential fish bearing stream reaches by combining historical spatial data on known fish observations and natural obstructions to fish passage (i.e : dams, waterfalls) with modeled stream gradient. In simple terms, everything downstream of a known fish observation point was considered fish bearing. Moving upstream from a known fish observation site, stream segments were considered fish bearing until they encountered either an obstruction such as a waterfall or dam or a sustained channel gradient of more than 25%. The resulting network of modeled fish bearing and non-fish bearing streams was then intersected with road data taken from the Digital Road Atlas (DRA) and Forest Tenure Roads (FTEN) spatial coverages. Every intersection of a single line stream with a road was considered a potential culvert location. Double line stream intersections were excluded as these were assumed to typically be serviced by a span structure (such as a bridge) which would not typically represent a barrier to upstream fish passage. While many of the identified crossing sites will have a closed-bottom structure of some type in place, some sites will have open bottom structures (such as pipe arches or wooden box culverts). Again, properly designed and installed open bottom structures which maintain channel width and retain the natural stream bed profile do not usually represent a barrier to upstream fish passage. The use of these types of structures varies regionally and temporally. The exact type of structure in place at any given crossing will not be known until that site has had an assessment performed and that data is reflected in the spatial database of crossings. Likewise, without detailed field inspections, we are not able to classify these structures as being passable to fish or not. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 2 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 BUILD STREAM GRADIENT SEGMENTS It is generally accepted that channel gradient is a useful guide for identifying and classifying stream reaches. Gradient has been widely used to identify areas that are too steep for use by fish: typically > 20% grade. With that said, there are some species such as Bull Trout and Dolly Varden / Cutthroat which can utilize reaches with a sustained slope of up to 25%. (Forest Practices Code of BC, Fish Stream Identification Guidebook, 1995). To be conservative, we have used a channel gradient of 25% as the cut off between fish bearing and non-fish bearing reaches. A stream reach is defined as a section of stream which is relatively uniform in character, gradient, width, morphology and discharge. Since we cannot easily derive information about morphology and discharge from the GIS layers available, we must generate segments based strictly on channel gradient. As such we will not call them reaches but simply ‘Stream Gradient Segments’. As slope is not included in the current Corporate Watershed Base (CWB) stream network data, stream gradient needed to be derived. The process used to create stream gradient segments was: 1. Extract from LRDW: o CWB Stream Network (WHSE_BASEMAPPING.CWB_STREAM_NETWORKS_SP) o TRIM Contour Lines (WHSE_BASEMAPPING.TRIM_CONTOUR_LINES) 2. For watersheds with non-height of land boundaries (ie along USA, AB, YT, NWT borders), the stream network may be broken. Ensure a contiguous stream network for these watersheds by one of two methods. First, attempt to retain only the streams upstream of the mouth of the major stream draining the watershed via selection based on watershed code. For watersheds where this method does not function or eliminates significant portions of the stream network, manually remove non-contiguous streams and irrelevant streams from the network. 3. Remove side channels from the CWB Stream Network. 4. Split the remaining CWB Stream Network lines at each intersection with a TRIM contour line, thereby creating a segmented stream line. 5. Identify stream segment break/end points as points where significant changes in slope occur. A significant change in slope is defined as where the difference in the lengths of two adjacent stream segments (the individual segments having been Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 3 broken at a contour line in step 4 above) is greater than the standard deviation of the lengths of all the segments making up the given stream. Difference in length of these two adjacent segments (defined by contour crossings) is greater than the standard deviation of all the segment lengths in that stream and therefore a break is generated. The gradient of the stream segment below the break is 16% (fish bearing) while above the break it is 27% (non-fish bearing) Figure 1. Example of stream segment breaking based on channel gradient. 6. Take original, non-side channel, CWB Stream network lines (not split by contours), and split them at the break/end points identified in step 5. The resulting stream segments are the ‘stream gradient segments’ 7. Number the stream gradient segments sequentially, moving upstream. 8. Using a digital elevation model, determine the elevation at the end points of each stream gradient segment. 9. Calculate slope of all stream gradient segments as: (elevation at top of segment – elevation at bottom of segment) / length of segment 10. Insert side channel streams back into the Stream Gradient Segment network. Side channels are present to ensure the network is complete and contiguous, but are not broken into individual segments or given slope values. 2.2 BUILD FISH BEARING STREAM MODEL Fish Bearing Streams were modeled using the derived Stream Gradient Segments, Known Fish Observations, Obstruction Points, and Obstacle Points as inputs. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 4 The process for modeling fish bearing streams was: 1. Extract from the LRDW: o KNOWN FISH OBSERVATIONS in (WHSE_FISH.FISS_FISH_OBSRVTN_PNT_SP) To accommodate location imprecision in the Known Fish Observation data, only retain Known Fish Observations that are either: < 50m from a Stream Gradient Reach network segment < 1000m from a Stream Gradient Reach network segment within a waterbody o OBSTRUCTIONS in (WHSE_BASEMAPPING.CWB_OBSTRUCTIONS_SP) where OBSTRUCTION_TYPE = : DAM FALLS o OBSTACLESS in (WHSE_FISH.FISS_OBSTACLES_PNT_SP) where OBSTACLE_NAME = : DAM HYDRO DAM REGIONAL DISTRICT DAM IRRIGATION DISTRICT DAM FISHERIES MANAGEMENT DAM WATER MANAGEMENT STORAGE DAM WEIR FALLS (AND HEIGHT > 5M) 2. Using the network of Stream Gradient Segments, move upstream from the stream mouth at the bottom of a watershed group and classify streams as fish bearing until encountering one of the following: o o a Stream Gradient Segment with slope greater than 25% an Obstruction within 5m of a main channel segment on the network (obstructions on side channels are not considered as the stream network is too complex to model fish passage through multiple channels of the same stream) 3. Classify as fish bearing all streams downstream of Known Fish Observations retained in Step 1 above. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 5 2.3 IDENTIFY ROAD-STREAM CROSSINGS Potential closed-bottom culverts are modeled as points where a road crosses a single line stream (stream with width <20m). Double-line streams (>20m) are wide enough that they will be spanned by bridges or other large open bottomed structures. The process for generating road-stream crossings (modeled culverts) was as follows: 1. Extract from the LRDW: Digital Road Atlas (DRA) (WHSE_BASEMAPPING.DRA_DIGITAL_ROAD_ATLAS_LINE_SP) Forest Tenure Roads (FTEN) (WHSE_FOREST_TENURE.FTEN_ROAD_LINES) 2. From the Stream Gradient Segments, extract all single line streams (EDGE_TYPE = 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150). 3. Generate points at all intersections of DRA roads and single line streams. Retain the data from both line sources in the resulting points (including fish bearing stream classification). 4. Generate points at all intersections of FTEN roads and single line streams. Retain the data from both line sources in the resulting points (including fish bearing stream classification). 5. Many roads are inventoried in both the DRA and FTEN datasets. To eliminate double counting of equivalent roads, eliminate FTEN road-stream crossings < 10m from a DRA road-stream crossing. 6. Combine all DRA road-stream crossings with the remaining FTEN road stream crossings into a single road-stream crossing dataset which retains data from all line sources. 2.4 PRIORITIZE ROAD-STREAM CROSSINGS As generated, the road-stream crossing dataset is a useful tool for quantifying the magnitude of provincial and regional potential barriers to fish passage. However, with further analysis it is possible to generate a rough index prioritizing crossings for assessment and remediation. The index is an attempt to identify specific crossings where the greatest amount of fish habitat will be gained for the least amount of restoration funds invested. To generate this index, the position of the road-stream crossings was referenced linearly along the stream network. Given the relative position of all of the crossings on the stream network, it is possible to use the attributes within the stream network (watershed code, blue line key, downstream route measure) to determine what is upstream or downstream Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 6 of any given crossing. Several functions were built to query the stream database to calculate the following two key variables for each crossing point: DOWNSTREAM CROSSINGS: The total number of crossings downstream of the crossing. Assuming all crossings in the database are barriers to fish passage, this is the number of crossings that would have to be remediated before fish could reach the crossing under consideration. UPSTREAM FISH HABITAT UNCROSSED: The total length of modeled fish habitat upstream of the crossing (on all tributaries), but below any further crossings. Assuming that fish can reach this crossing (all the downstream crossings are passable to fish) and this crossing is a barrier to fish passage, this is how much additional fish habitat would become available if the crossing is remediated. While these variables are valuable independent of one another, they are most useful for prioritizing assessments and remediation work when combined. A Habitat Gained Index (HGI) is generated by dividing UPSTREAM FISH HABITAT UNCROSSED by DOWNSTREAM CROSSINGS. This index provides a relative ‘bang for buck’ associated with repairing a given culvert. Culverts with a great deal of habitat upstream and a small number of downstream culverts (requiring repair in order to realize this gain) will have the highest values. For example, if there are two adjacent valleys with similar road networks but only enough time / money in the field season program to focus on one valley, the assessment team will need to decide where best to focus their efforts. Before conducting assessments, the team could look at a variety of variables to help decide which valley to focus on first: Total number of culverts Total length of fish habitat Overall quality of fish habitat Average habitat gained index for all of the culverts in the valley Future access plans for the road networks (i.e. deactivation, upgrade, etc.) By examining and comparing all of these factors for both of the road networks in question, the assessment team should be able to decide where best to focus their efforts. Similarly, once the assessments have been carried out, it will again be these types of factors (along with projected repair cost for each structure) which will determine repair and replacement priorities. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 7 3 OUTPUT LAYER DATA SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 STREAM GRADIENT SEGMENT LINES LAYER NAME: StreamGradientSegments LAYER DESCRIPTION: CWB stream routes broken into numbered segments at significant changes in slope gradient. FIELDS: ATTRIBUTE NAME GRADIENT SEGMENT ID BLUE LINE KEY UPSTREAM ROUTE MEASURE DOWNSTREAM ROUTE MEASURE WATERSHED KEY CWB WATERSHED CODE LOCAL WATERSHED CODE GRADIENT SEGMENT NO ELEVATION UPSTREAM ELEVATION DOWNSTREAM GRADIENT WATERSHED GROUP CODE DESCRIPTION A unique numeric identifier used to link the arc to the database. From Stream Network. Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys). The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the upstream end of the feature. The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the downstream end of the feature. A key that identifies a stream system (for example the Fraser River mainstem and all its side channels the same watershed key). There is a 1:1 match between a watershed key and watershed code. The watershed key will match the blue line key for the mainstem. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. The numbered position of the Gradient Segment along the stream route. Gradient Segments are numbered sequentially moving upstream from the mouth of the stream route. The elevation at the upstream endpoint of the Stream Gradient Segment. The elevation at the downstream endpoint of the Stream Gradient Segment. The percentage slope of the Stream Gradient Segment. (ELEVATION UPSTREAM - ELEVATION DOWNSTREAM) / LENGTH METRES The watershed group code the feature is contained within. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 8 3.2 ROAD-STREAM CROSSING POINTS LAYER NAME: RoadStreamCrossings LAYER DESCRIPTION: Points identifying intersections of single line CWB streams and DRA/FTEN roads. FIELDS: ATTRIBUTE NAME CROSSING ID BLUE LINE KEY ROUTE MEASURE WATERSHED KEY CWB WATERSHED CODE LOCAL WATERSHED CODE DIGITAL ROAD ATL ROAD CLASS MAP FEATURE ID ROAD TENURE TYPE FISH HABITAT UPSTR FISH HABITAT TOTAL UPSTREAM CROSSINGS UPSTR FISH HABITAT UNCROSSED DNSTR CROSSINGS DNSTR CROSSING ID WATERSHED GROUP CODE UTM ZONE UTM EASTING UTM NORTHING DESCRIPTION A unique numeric identifier used to link the point to the database. From Stream Network. Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys). The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the feature. A key that identifies a stream system (for example the Fraser River mainstem and all its side channels the same watershed key). There is a 1:1 match between a watershed key and watershed code. The watershed key will match the blue line key for the mainstem. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. Unique ID linking to DRA database. Road classification for DRA road crossings (ie highway, local, unknown). Unique ID linking to FTEN road database. The road tenure classification for FTEN road crossings (FSR = Forest Service Road, RP = Road Permit). The FISH HABITAT value of the portion of stream on which the crossing lies. The total length of modeled fish habitat upstream of the crossing. The total number of crossings upstream of the crossing. The total length of modeled fish habitat upstream of the crossing (on all tributaries), but below any further crossings. The total number of crossings downstream of the crossing. The CROSSING ID of the next crossing point downstream of the crossing. The watershed group code the feature is contained within. The NAD83 Universal Mercator (UTM) Zone coordinate for the downstream point of this obstacle. The NAD83 Universal Mercator (UTM) Easting coordinate for the downstream point of this obstacle. The NAD83 Universal Mercator (UTM) Northing coordinate for the downstream point of this obstacle. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 9 3.3 FISH HABITAT LINES LAYER NAME: FishHabitatLines LAYER DESCRIPTION: Portions of CWB stream routes modeled to be fish habitat FIELDS: ATTRIBUTE NAME FISH HABITAT ID BLUE LINE KEY UPSTREAM ROUTE MEASURE DOWNSTREAM ROUTE MEASURE LENGTH METRE WATERSHED KEY CWB WATERSHED CODE LOCAL WATERSHED CODE FISH OBSERVATION POINT ID OBSTACLE POINT ID OBSTRUCTION ID GRADIENT SEGMENT ID FISH HABITAT WATERSHED GROUP CODE DESCRIPTION A unique numeric identifier used to link the arc to the database. From Stream Network. Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys). The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the upstream end of the feature. The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the downstream end of the feature. The length in metres of the linear object. A key that identifies a stream system (for example the Fraser River mainstem and all its side channels the same watershed key). There is a 1:1 match between a watershed key and watershed code. The watershed key will match the blue line key for the mainstem. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. The FISH OBSERVATION POINT ID of the most upstream Fish Observation affecting the fish habitat classification. The OBSTACLE POINT ID of the most downstream Obstacle affecting the fish habitat classification. The OBSTRUCTION ID of the most downstream Obstruction affecting the fish habitat classification. The GRADIENT SEG ID of the most downstream Stream Gradient Segment with GRADIENT >25% affecting the fish habitat classification. The output from the fish habitat model. A value of "FISH HABITAT - INFERRED" indicates that the portion of the stream along the arc has no known impediments to fish passage. A value of "FISH HABITAT - OBSERVED" indicates a portion. of stream downstream of a fish observation point. The watershed group code the feature is contained within. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 10 3.4 FISH OBSERVATION EVENT TABLE TABLE NAME: FishObservations TABLE DESCRIPTION: Fish Observations used for fish habitat model FIELDS: ATTRIBUTE NAME FISH OBSERVATION POINT ID BLUE LINE KEY ROUTE MEASURE WATERSHED KEY CWB WATERSHED CODE LOCAL WATERSHED CODE WATERSHED GROUP CODE DESCRIPTION Unique ID linking to source LRDW layer. From Stream Network. Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys). The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the feature. This distance is measured from the mouth of the containing route to the downstream end of the feature. A key that identifies a stream system (for example the Fraser River mainstem and all its side channels the same watershed key). There is a 1:1 match between a watershed key and watershed code. The watershed key will match the blue line key for the mainstem. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. The watershed group code the feature is contained within. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 11 3.5 OBSTACLE EVENT TABLE TABLE NAME: Obstacles TABLE DESCRIPTION: Obstacles used for fish habitat model FIELDS: ATTRIBUTE NAME OBSTACLE POINT ID BLUE LINE KEY DOWNSTREAM ROUTE MEASURE WATERSHED KEY CWB WATERSHED CODE LOCAL WATERSHED CODE WATERSHED GROUP CODE DESCRIPTION Unique ID linking to source LRDW layer. From Stream Network. Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys). The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the feature. This distance is measured from the mouth of the containing route to the downstream end of the feature. A key that identifies a stream system (for example the Fraser River mainstem and all its side channels the same watershed key). There is a 1:1 match between a watershed key and watershed code. The watershed key will match the blue line key for the mainstem. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. The watershed group code the feature is contained within. Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 12 3.6 OBSTRUCTION EVENT TABLE TABLE NAME: Obstructions TABLE DESCRIPTION: Obstructions used for fish habitat model FIELDS: ATTRIBUTE NAME OBSTRUCTION ID BLUE LINE KEY DESCRIPTION Unique ID linking to source LRDW layer. From Stream Network. Uniquely identifies a single flow line such that a main channel and a secondary channel with the same watershed code would have different blue line keys (the Fraser River and all side channels have different blue line keys). ROUTE MEASURE The distance along the route from the mouth of the route to the feature. This distance is measured from the mouth of the containing route to the downstream end of the feature. WATERSHED KEY A key that identifies a stream system (for example the Fraser River mainstem and all its side channels the same watershed key). There is a 1:1 match between a watershed key and watershed code. The watershed key will match the blue line key for the mainstem. CWB WATERSHED CODE A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. LOCAL WATERSHED CODE A 143 character code derived using a hierarchy coding scheme. Approximately identifies where a particular stream is located within the province. WATERSHED GROUP CODE The watershed group code the feature is contained within. 3.7 ACCESS TO THE DATA Data Steward: Craig Mount Data Location: ftp site access Data Format: ESRI Geodatabase Fish Passage GIS Analysis - BC Ministry of Environment Page 13