PUBLICATIONS - Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide

Publications (up to 2010)
193 ‘Detailed analysis of the S-REDOR and S-RESPDOR recoupling methods for inter-nuclear distance measurement’,
X. Lu, L. Chen, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, J.P. Amoureux, Submitted.
192 ‘Broadband longitudinal mixing for homo-nuclear correlations at fast and ultra-fast spinning speed under very high magnetic field’,
B. Hu, O. Lafon, J. Trebosc, Q. Chen, J.P. Amoureux, Submitted.
191 ‘Observing 13C-13C proximities in bio-molecules at very high-fields and ultra-fast MAS’, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, B. Hu, D. de Paëpe, J.P.
Amoureux, J. Magn Reson. Submitted.
190 ‘Fast and high-resolution stereo-chemical analysis by non-uniform sampling and covariance processing of anisotropic NAD NMR 2D
data’, O. Lafon, B. Hu, J.P. Amoureux, P. Lesot, Submitted.
189 ‘Efficiency at high spinning frequencies of heteronuclear decoupling methods designed to quench rotary resonance’ M. Weingarth, J.
Trébosc, J.P. Amoureux, G. Bodenhausen, P. Tekely, Solid State NMR, Submitted.
188 ‘Optimized NMR observation of through-space proximities between spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei with the D-HMQC sequence’ X. Lu,
O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, F. Mear, L. Montagne, J-P. Amoureux, Submitted.
187 ‘Structural characterization of phosphate materials: new insights into the spatial proximities between phosphorous and quadrupolar nuclei
using D-HMQC MAS NMR technique’, G. Tricot, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, L. Delevoye, L. Montagne, J.P. Amoureux, Submitted.
186 J.P. Amoureux, M. Pruski, J.P. Amoureux, Experimental Strategies of MQMAS NMR, Encyclopedia of NMR, 4th edition, in press.
185 ‘A tunable homonuclear dipolar decoupling scheme for high-resolution proton NMR of solids, from slow to fast magic-angle Spinning’,
Z. Gan, P.K. Madhu, J.P. Amoureux, J. Trébosc, O. Lafon, Chem. Phys. Lett. in press, doi: 10.1016/j.cplett.2010.12.070.
184 ‘ Measurement of 13C-1H dipolar couplings in solids by using ultra-fast magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy with symmetry-based
Sequences’, Q. Wang, X. Lu, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, J.P. Amoureux, F. Deng, B. Hu, Q. Chen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, in press.
183 ‘Determination of coordination configurations and estimation of the 31P-31P distances in heterogeneous catalyst by solid state double
quantum filtered 31P NMR Spectroscopy’, S.Y. Zhang, M.T. Wang, Q.H Liu, B.W. Hu, C. Qun, H.X. Li, J.P. Amoureux, Phys. Chem.
Chem. Phys, in press.
182 ‘New insights into the dealumination of hydrated zeolite HY revealed by sensitivity-enhanced 27Al DQ-MAS NMR spectroscopy at high
Field’, Z. Yu, A. Zheng, Q. Wang, L. Chen, J. Xu, J.P. Amoureux, F. Deng, Angew. Chem. 49, 46, 8657-8661, 2010.
181 ‘Distance measurement between a spin-1/2 and a half-integer quadrupolar nuclei by solid-state NMR using exact analytical expressions’, L.
Chen, X. Lu, Q. Wang, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, F. Deng, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson. 206, 269-273, 2010.
180 ‘Indirect high-resolution detection for quadrupolar spin-3/2 nuclei in dipolar HMQC solid-state NMR experiments’, J. Trébosc, O. Lafon,
B. Hu, J.P. Amoureux, Chem. Phys.Lett. 496, 201-207, 2010.
179 ‘Measurement of hetero-nuclear distances using a symmetry-based pulse sequence in solid-state NMR’, L. Chen, Q. Wang, B. Hu, J.
Trébosc, O. Lafon, F. Deng, J.P. Amoureux, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 12, 9395-9405, 2010.
178 ‘Homonuclear dipolar recoupling under ultra-fast magic-angle spinning: probing 19F-19F proximities by solid-state NMR’, Q. Wang, B. Hu,
O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, F. Deng, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson, 203, 113-128, 2010.
177 ‘Q-shear transformation for MQMAS and STMAS NMR spectra’, I. Hung, J. Trébosc, G.L. Hoatson, R.L. Vold, J.-P. Amoureux, Z. Gan, J.
Magn. Reson., 201, 81-86, 2009.
176 ‘Double-quantum 19F–19F dipolar recoupling at ultra-fast magic angle spinning NMR: application to the assignment of 19F NMR spectra of
inorganic fluorides’, Q. Wang, B. Hu, F. Fayon, J. Trébosc, C. Legein, O. Lafon, F, Deng, J.P. Amoureux, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11,
10391-10395, 2009.
175 ‘Double-quantum homonuclear NMR correlation spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei subjected to magic-angle spinning and high magnetic
Q. Wang, B. Hu, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, F. Deng, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson, 200, 251-260, 2009.
174 ‘Double-quantum NMR spectroscopy of 31P species submitted to very large CSAs’
B. Hu, L. Delevoye, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson, 200, 178-188, 2009.
173 ‘Indirect detection via spin-1/2 nuclei in Solid State NMR spectroscopy: application to the observation of proximities between protons and
quadrupolar Nuclei, O. Lafon, Q. Wang, B. Hu, F. Vasconcelos, J. Trebosc, S. Cristol, F. Deng, JP. Amoureux, J. Phys. Chem. A. 113,
12864-12878, 2009.
172 ‘1H-1H double-quantum CRAMPS NMR ar very-fast MAS (R = 35 kHz): a resolution enhancement method to probe 1H-1H proximities
in solids’
L. Mafra, J.R.B. Gomes, J. Trebosc, J. Rocha, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson. 196, 89-91, 2009.
171 ‘Proton-proton homonuclear dipolar decoupling in solid state NMR using rotor-synchronized z-rotation pulse sequences’
O. Lafon, Q. Wang, B. Hu, J. Trebosc, J.P. Amoureux, F. Deng, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 014504, 2009.
170 ‘Correlation NMR spectroscopy involving quadrupolar nuclei’
J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, L. Delevoye, O. Lafon, B. Hu, Q. Wang, Solid-State NMR, 35, 12-18, 2009.
169 ‘Robust and efficient spin-locked symmetry-based double-quantum homonuclear dipolar recoupling for probing 1H-1H proximity in the
solid state’ B. Hu, Q. Wang, O. Lafon, J. Trébosc, F. Deng, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson. 198, 41-48, 2009.
168 ‘Homonuclear dipolar decoupling schemes for fast MAS’
J.P. Amoureux,* B. Hu, J. Trebosc, Q. Wang, O. Lafon, F. Deng, Solid State NMR. 35, 19-24, 2009.
167 ‘MQMAS NMR: experimental strategies and applications’ JP. Amoureux, M. Pruski, Encyclopedia of NMR, 3rd edition. 2008, DOI:
166 ‘Solid-state NMR covariance of homonuclear correlation spectra’
B. Hu, JP Amoureux, J. Trebosc, M. Deschamps, G. Tricot. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 134502, 2008.
165 ‘Through-space MP-CPMAS experiments between spin-1/2 and half-integer nuclei in solid-state NMR’
B. Hu, JP. Amoureux, J. Trébosc, S. Hafner, J. Magn. Reson. 192, 8-16, 2008.
164 ‘Comparison of several hetero-nuclear dipolar recoupling NMR methods to be used in MAS HMQC/HSQC’
B. Hu, J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson. 192, 112-122, 2008.
163 ‘Enhanced resolution in proton solid-state NMR with very-fast MAS experiments’
JP. Amoureux, B. Hu, J. Trebosc, J. Magn. Reson. 193, 305-307, 2008.
162 ‘3D 1H-13C-14N correlation solid-state NMR spectrum’ R. Siegel, J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson. 193, 321-325, 2008.
161 ‘Hetero-nuclear dipolar decoupling effects on Multiple-Quantum and Satellite-Transition Magic-Angle Spinning spectra’
L. Delevoye, JP. Amoureux, S. Ganapathy, PK. Madhu, Magn. Reson. Chem. 46, 948-954, 2008.
160 ‘17O solid-state NMR and first-principles calculations of sodium trimetaphosphate (Na3P3O9), tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O10) , and
pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7)’
F. Vasconcelos, S. Cristol, J.F. Paul, G. Tricot, J.P. Amoureux, L. Montagne, F. Mauri, L. Delevoye. Inorg. Chem. 47, 7327, 2008.
159 ‘High-resolution 14N-edited 1H-13C correlation NMR experiment to study biological solids’
J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, B. Hu, N. Halpern-Manners, S. Antonijevic, J. Magn. Reson.194, 317-320, 2008.
158 ‘Rapid analysis of isotopically unmodified amino acids by high-resolution 14N-filtered 1H-13C correlation NMR spectroscopy’,
J.P. Amoureux, Q. Wang, B. Hu, O. Lafon, J. Trebosc, F. Deng, Chem. Comm, 6525-6527, 2008.
157 ‘Comparison of high-resolution solid-state NMR MQMAS and STMAS methods for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei’
J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux, Z. Gan, Solid-State NMR, 30, 182-190, 2007.
156 ‘Proton-detected 14N MAS NMR using Homonuclear Decoupled Rotary Resonance’
Z. Gan, JP. Amoureux, J. Trébosc, Chem. Phys. Lett, 435, 163-169, 2007.
155 ‘Indirect Covariance NMR spectroscopy of through-bond homo-nuclear correlations for quadrupolar nuclei in solids under highresolution’, B. Hu, JP. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, Solid-State NMR, 31, 163-168, 2007.
154 ‘Through-space R3-HETCOR experiments between spin-1/2 and half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solid-state NMR’
J. Trebosc, B. Hu, JP. Amoureux, Z. Gan, J. Magn. Reson, 186, 220-227, 2007.
153 ‘Resolution enhancement using a new multiple pulse decoupling sequence for quadrupolar nuclei’
L. Delevoye, J. Trebosc, Z. Gan, L. Montagne, JP. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson,186, 94-99, 2007.
152 ‘Modelling of dynamical processes in a molecular crystal by NMR’
R. Decressain, L. Carpentier, E. Cochin, JP Amoureux, Eur. Phys. J.B. 58, 223-230, 2007.
151 ‘Measurement of through-space connectivities between spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei in solid-state NMR : the TEDOR-MQMAS
JP. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, G. Tricot. Mag. Reson. Chem, 45, s187-s191, 2007.
150 ‘SPAM-MQ-HETCOR: an improved method for heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy between quadrupolar and spin ½ nuclei in
solid-state NMR’
JW. Wiench, G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, J. Trebosc, J. Frye, L. Montagne, JP. Amoureux, M. Pruski, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 8, 1-7, 2006.
149 “Homogeneous broadenings in 2D solid-state NMR of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei”
J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, J. Magn. Reson, 179, 311-316, 2006.
148 “Resolution enhancement of 1D solid-state NMR method for spin 9/2 quadrupolar nuclei”
J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, J. Magn. Reson, 180, 311-316, 2006.
147 “Modification of H-ZSM5 zeolites with phosphorus. Interaction between phosphorus and aluminium studied by solid-state NMR
K. Damodaran, JW Wiench, SM C. Menezes, YL. Lam, J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux, M. Pruski,
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 95, 1-3, 296-305, 2006.
146 “HMQC and INEPT-R MAS experiments involving half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solids’,
J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, M. Pruski, J. Wiench, J. Magn. Reson, 184, 1-14, 2006.
145 “Implementing SPAM into STMAS: A net sensitivity improvement in high-resolution NMR of quadrupolar nuclei.”
JP. Amoureux, L. Delevoye, G. Fink, F. Taulelle, A. Flambard, L. Montagne, J. Magn. Reson, 175, 285-299, 2005.
144 ‘’ A way to monitor the chemical bonding with solid-state NMR : the FS-J-RES experiment’’
JP. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, J. Wiench, D. Massiot, M. Pruski; Solid. State NMR ; 27, 228-232, 2005.
143 ‘’Observing 17O high-resolution NMR spectra of 30Nb2O5-70NaPO3 glass with SPAM- DQF-STMAS
JP. Amoureux, A. Flambard, L. Delevoye and L. Montagne, Chem. Comm, 27, 3472-3474, 2005.
142 ‘’Hadamard NMR spectroscopy in solids’’ J. Ashida, E. Kupce, J.P. Amoureux, J. Magn. Reson. 177, 474-480, 2005.
141 ‘’ Identification of tetrahedrally ordered Si-O-Al environments in molecular sieves by {27Al}-29Si REAPDOR NMR’’
S. Ganapathy, R. Kumar, V. Montouillout, C. Fernandez, JP. Amoureux ; Chem. Phys. Lett; 390, 79-83; 2004.
140 “Frequency-selective measurement of heteronuclear scalar couplings in solid-state NMR”
J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux, L. Delevoye, JW. Wiench, M. Pruski, Solid-State Sciences, Vol.6, 10, 1089-1096, 2004.
139 ‘’Solid-state NMR study of mixed network sodium-niobium phosphate glasses’’
A. Flambard, L. Montagne, L. Delevoye, G. Palavit, JP. Amoureux, JJ. Videau, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 75, 345-346, 2004.
138 “Increasing the sensitivity of 2D high-resolution NMR methods applied to quadrupolar nuclei”
JP. Amoureux, L. Delevoye, S. Steuernagel, Z. Gan, S. Ganapathy, L. Montagne; J. Magn. Reson; 172, 268-278, 2004.
137 ‘Using ANAFOR processing for a restricted linear least square treatment of heteronuclear spectra of biomolecules’.
G. Lippens, P.R. Bodart, F. Taulelle, JP. Amoureux. J. Magn. Reson, 161, 174-182, 2003.
136 ‘’Identification of distinct Bronsted acidic sites in zeolite Mordenite by proton localization and { 27Al}-1H
REAPDOR NMR’’ S. Ganapathy, R. Kumar, L. Delevoye and JP. Amoureux. Chem Comm; 2076- 2077, 2003.
135 ‘’Multi-nuclear (27Al, 29Si, 47,49Ti) solid-state NMR of titanium substituted USY’’
S. Ganapathy, K.U. Gore, R. Kumar, JP. Amoureux ; Solid-State NMR ; 24, 184-195, 2003.
134 ‘’Solid-State 51V NMR for characterization of vanadium-containing systems’’
O. Lapina, Shubin, D.F. Khabibulin, P.R. Bodart, J.P. Amoureux; Catalysis today; 78, 91-104, 2003.
133 ‘’I-STMAS, a new high-resolution solid-state NMR method for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei’’
JP. Amoureux, C. Morais, J. Trebosc, J. Rocha, C. Fernandez ; Solid-State NMR; 23, 213-223, 2003.
132 “Simultaneous frequency-selective solid-state NMR analysis of inter-nuclei distances and through-bond connectivities in the presence
of quadrupolar nuclei’’ J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux, M. Pruski, J. Wiench ; Chem. Phys. Lett ; 374 ; 432-438, 2003.
131 ‘51V 3QMAS NMR and its application for the studies of vanadia based catalysts’
O. Lapina, P. Bodart, J.P. Amoureux, NATO Science Series, Vol 76, 355-365, 2003.
130 ‘Progress in high-resolution solid state NMR of quadrupolar nuclei : applications to porous materials
and catalysts’ M Pruski, JP Amoureux, C Fernandez ; NATO Science Series, Vol 76, 107-115, 2003.
129 ‘’Chemical bonding differences evidenced from J-coupling in solid-state NMR experiments involving quadrupolar nuclei’’
D. Massiot, F. Fayon, B. Alonso, J. Trebosc, JP. Amoureux ; J. Magn. Reson; 164 ; 160-164, 2003.
128 ‘’multi-nuclear solid-state MAS/CPMAS NMR studies of promoter (phosphate) enhanced crystallization of siliceous MCM-41’’
S.C. Laha, A. Abraham, S. Ganapathy, JP. Amoureux, R. Kumar; J. Phys. Chem B107,14171-14175; 2003.
127 Theoretical and experimental assessment of single- and multiple-quantum cross-polarization in solid state NMR’’
JP. Amoureux, M. Pruski, Molec. Phys, 100, 10, 1595-1613, 2002.
126 ‘’Optimization of data acquisition and processing in CPMG MQMAS NMR’’
R. Lefort, JW Wiench, M Pruski, JP. Amoureux, J. Chem. Phys, 116, 6, 2493-2501, 2002.
125 ‘’ANAFOR : Application of a restricted linear least squares procedure to NMR data processing’’
P. Bodart, JP.Amoureux, F .Taulelle ; Solid State NMR ; 21, 1-20, 2002.
124 ‘’ Unified representation of MQMAS and STMAS NMR of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei’’
JP. Amoureux, C. Huguenard, F. Engelke, F. Taulelle ; Chem. Phys. Lett ; 356, 497-504, 2002.
123 “Triple quantum MAS 27AL NMR of aluminium hydroxides’’ K. Damadoran, PR. Rajamohanan, C.
Fernandez, JP. Amoureux, S. Ganapathy, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 42, 3745, 2002.
122 ‘’Advances in MQMAS NMR’’
JP. Amoureux, M. Pruski, Encyclopedia of NMR, 2nd edition, 54-90, 2002.
121 ‘’Location of protons in Anhydrous Keggin Heteropolyacids H3PMo12O40 and H3PW12O40 by
1H{31P}/31P{1H} REDOR NMR and DFT Quantum Chemical Calculations’’
S. Ganapathy, M. Fournier, JF. Paul, L. Delevoye, JP. Amoureux, JACS, 124, 26, 7821-7828, 2002.
120 ‘’29Si and 27Al MAS/3QMAS NMR studies of high-silica USY zeolites’’
KU. Gore, A. Abraham, Hedge, R. Kumar, JP. Amoureux, S. Ganapathy, J. Phys. B; 106, 6115-6120, 2002.
119 ‘’Double-resonance decoupling for resolution enhancement of 31P solid-state MAS and 27Al31PMQ-HETCOR NMR’’
L. Delevoye, C. Fernandez, Morais, JP. Amoureux, Montouillout, Rocha ; Solid. State. NMR ; 22, 501-512, 2002.
118 ‘’Contact vs.Solvent-separated ion pairs : a 7Li and 13C solid-state NMR study of organolithium compounds’’
M. Kuhnen, H. Gunther, JP. Amoureux, C. Fernandez ; Magn. Reson. in Chem ; 40, 24-30, 2002.
117 ‘’ Characterization of extra-framework species of steamed and acid washed faujasite by MQMAS- NMR and IR measurements ‘’
SMC. Menezes, LY. Lau, VL. Camorim, JP. Amoureux, A. Bailly. Applied Catal A; 207, 1-2, 367-377, 2001.
116 ‘’Structural analysis of ZON-type aluminophosphates by solid-state NMR’’
A. Bailly, JP. Amoureux, JW. Wiench, M. Pruski ; J. Phys. Chem, B105, 773-776, 2001.
115 ‘’ Sol-gel synthesis, characterization by solid-state NMR and HDS activity of Mo-Alumina and Mo-PAlumina based catalysts’’. Quartararo, Amoureux, Grimblot; J. Molecular. Catalysis., A162, 345-357, 2000.
114 ‘’ Theoretical and experimental study of quadrupolar echoes for half-integer spins in static solid-state NMR’’
P.Bodart, J.P. Amoureux, Y. Dumazy and R. Lefort, Molec. Phys, 98, 19, 1545-1551, 2000.
113 ‘’ 7Li solid-state NMR of organolithium compounds : dependence of 7Li quadrupolar coupling on the structural angle C-Li-C’’,
A. Pepels, H. Gunther, JP. Amoureux, C. Fernandez, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 40, 9858, 2000.
112 ‘’ Conversion of triple to single quantum coherences in MQMAS NMR : a comparison of methods’’
M. Pruski, JW. Wiench, JP. Amoureux. J. Magn. Reson, Vol 147, 285-295, 2000.
111 ’’27Al-31P 3QMAS/HETCOR experiment in aluminophosphate molecular sieves’’
G. Mali, JP. Amoureux, V. Kauji, J. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.; 2, 5737, 2000.
110 "Orientation of electric field gradients and chemical shift tensor in BiVO 4 at room temperature by 51V-NMR’’
Bodard P., Dumazy Y. Amoureux J.P., Fernandez C. NMR in Chemistry,37,223-226, 1999.
109 ‘’7Li static and MAS NMR studies on blends of polyamide and lithium sulfonated polystyrene ionomer
Bodart P., Nunes T., Eisenberg A., Kim J.S., Amoureux J.P., Fernandez, Polymer, 40, 569, 1999.
108 ‘’Studies of heteronuclear dipolar interactions between spin-1/2 and quadrupolar nuclei using REDOR during MQ evolution’’Pruski M., Bailly A., Lang D.P., Amoureux J.P., Fernandez, Chem Phys Lett, 307, 35-40, 1999.
107 ‘’Very fast MAS and MQMAS NMR studies of the spectroscopically challenging minerals Kyanite and Andalusite on 400, 500, and
800 MHz spectrometers’’ Alemany, Steuernagel, Amoureux, Callender, Barron; Solid State NMR, Vol 14, 1-18, 1999.
106 ‘’Applications of 27Al Multiple-Quantum Magic Angle Spinning NMR to aluminophosphate molecular sieves’’
Bodart P, Amoureux J.P., Pruski M., Bailly A ; Magn. Reson. Chem ; 37, 69-74, 1999.
105 ’’Measurement of interatomic connectivities in molecular sieves using MQMAS-based methods’’
Pruski M, Fernandez C, Lang D.P, Amoureux J.P; Catalysis today, Vol 49, N°4, 401, 1999.
104 ‘’Characterisation of offretite during hydrothermal treatments by high-resolution solid-state 29Si MAS NMR and 27AL 3QMAS NMR’’
Lentz, Nagy, Delevoye, Fernandez, Amoureux, Tuoto ; Colloids and Surfaces, A158, 13, 1999.
103 ‘’Isomerization of the pre-nucleation building unit during crystallization of AlPO 4-CJ2. An MQMAS, CP-MQMAS and HETCOR
NMR study’’ Taulelle, Pruski, Amoureux, Bailly, Huguenard, Gerardin, Ferey, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 121, 51, 12148-12153, 1999.
102 ‘’Sol-gel synthesis of alumina modified by phosphorus : a solid state NMR characterization study’’
J. Quartararo, M Guelton, Rigole, Amoureux, Fernandez, Grimblot, J Mat Chem, 9-10, 2637-2646, 1999.
101 ‘’Evaluation of human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2-loaded tricalcium phosphate implants in rabbits bone defects’’
Laffargue, Hildebrand, Rtaimate, Frayssinet, Amoureux, Marchandise; Bone, 25, 55-58, 1999.
100 ‘’ Etude par RMN à l’état solide de catalyseurs oxydes du type Mo-P-Al’’
J. Quartararo, M. Rigole, M. Guelton, JP. Amoureux, J. Grimblot ; J. Chim. Phys; 96, 1536-1542, 1999.
99 ‘’Synthesis of high surface area boria-alumina mixed oxides characterization by 11B and 27Al NMR’’
Dumeignil, Guelton, Rigole, Amoureux, Fernandez, Grimblot; Colloids and Surfaces, 158, 75-8, 1999.
98 ‘’ 51V MAS NMR characterization of V-Ce-O catalysts’’.
Cousin, Courcot, Abi-Aad, Capelle, Amoureux, Dourdin, Guelton, Aboukais Colloids and Surfaces A, 158, 43-49, 1999.
97 ‘’A 2D Multiple-Quantum 27Al and 29Si NMR characterization of Levyne’’
Lentz P, Nagy JB, Delevoye L, Fernandez C, Amoureux JP; Surf. Sci. Catal ;125, 205-212, 1999.
96 "Multiquantum (3Q and 5Q) MAS-NMR spectroscopy of aluminium in solids".
Fernandez C., Amoureux J.P., Dumazy Y, Delevoye L; NMR spectroscopy of cement based materials. Springer-Verlag, 79-88, 1998.
95 "Triple, quintuple and higher-orders MQ MAS NMR of quadrupolar nuclei"
Amoureux J.P. and Fernandez C. ; Solid-State NMR, 10, 4, 211-223, 1998.
94 "The effect of rf power and spinning speed on MQMAS-NMR "
Amoureux J.P., Pruski M., Lang D.P., Fernandez C. ; J. Magn. Reson., 131, 170-175, 1998.
93 ‘’Structural studies of xNa2S+(1-x)B2S3 glasses and polycrystals by MQMAS NMR 11B and 23Na’’
Hwang, Fernandez, Amoureux, Martin, Pruski ;J. Am. Chem. Soc, 120, 29, 7337-7346,1998.
92 "Anisotropic chemical shielding, T-site ordering, cation environment and acidity in ETS-10 molecular sieves studied through
MAS/MQMAS NMR and molecular modeling techniques".
Ganapathy, Das, Vetrivel, Delevoye, Fernandez, Amoureux; J. Am. Chem. Soc, 120, 4752, 1998.
91 "Measurement of heteronuclear dipolar interactions between quadrupolar and spin ½ nuclei in solids by multiple quantum REDORNMR"
Fernandez C., Lang D, Amoureux J.P., Pruski M.; J. Am. Chem. Soc, 120, 11, 2672-2673, 1998.
90 "Characterization of Mo-P alumina Sol-Gel catalysts by Solid-State 31P, 27AL MAS NMR and MQMAS NMR’’
Iwamoto, Fernandez C., Amoureux J.P., Grimblot; J. Phys. Chem, 102, 22, 4342-4349, 1998.
89 "17O multiple-quantum and 1H MAS NMR studies of the zeolite H-ZSM5" ;
Amoureux J.P., Ernst, Fernandez , Freude D., Michel D. ; Chem. Phys. Lett, 285, 1-2, 10-14, 1998.
88 "7li Solid-State NMR of lithium amides, structural information from 7Li quadrupole coupling constants’
Hartung M., Gunther H., Amoureux J.P., Fernandez C. NMR in Chemistry, 36, 61-70, 1998.
87 ’’High-field 17O NMR studies of the SiOAl bond in solids’’
Pingel U.T., Amoureux J.P., Anupold T., Bauer, Ernst, Fernandez C., Freude D., Samoson A; Chem. Phys. Lett, 294, 345-350, 1998.
86 "Solid State NMR Studies on interstitial P atoms within rhodium carbonyl clusters."
Rocha, Orion, Heaton, Fernandez, Amoureux ; Solid-State NMR, 7, 3, 193, 1997.
85 "Quantitative study of the short-range order in borate and thioborate by MAS and 2D 3QMAS 11B-NMR" ;
Hwang, Fernandez, Amoureux, Martin, Pruski; Solid State NMR, 8,2, 109-121, 1997.
84 "Theoretical and experimental study of quadrupolar echoes in solid-state NMR"
Dumazy Y., Amoureux J.P., Fernandez C. ; Mol. Phys., 90,6, 959-970, 1997.
83 "Multiple quantum MAS-NMR with cross polarization : spectral editing of high resolution spectra of quadrupolar nuclei".
Pruski, Lang, Fernandez, Amoureux; Solid State NMR, 7,4, 327-331, 1997.
82 "27Al and 27Al-1H cross polarization 3QMAS NMR"
Fernandez C., Delevoye L., Amoureux J.P., Lang D., Pruski M. ; J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 6858, 1997.
81 "125Te Solid-State NMR studies of transition-metal ditellurides "
Orion L., Rocha J., Jobic S, Fernandez C, Amoureux J.P. ;J. Chem. Soc, Dalton Trans, 3741, 1997.
80 "Multiple Quantum NMR with Magic Angle spinning : a new technique in solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance"
Delevoye L., Dumazy Y., Fernandez C. and Amoureux J.P. ; Dynamics and transformations of molecular materials, VI, 41-53, 1997.
79 "A triple Quantum 27Al and 23 Na MAS-NMR study of Amphiboles"
Delevoye, Liu,Welsh, Fernandez, Amoureux, Klinowski ; J. Chem. Soc. Faraday. Trans, 93, 15, 2591, 1997.
78 "Multiple-Quantum Al-MAS-NMR spectroscopy of microporous AlPO-40 and SAPO-40"
Rocha J., Lourenco J.P., Ribeiro M.F., Fernandez C., Amoureux J.P.; Zeolites, 19, 156-160, 1997.
77 "Triple quantum MAS-NMR of quadrupolar nuclei" ;
Fernandez, Amoureux ; Solid-State NMR, 5, 315-321, 1996.
76 "Optimized MQMAS-NMR experiment on half-integer quadrupoles"
Amoureux, Fernandez and Frydman ; Chem. Phys. Lett, 259, 347-355, 1996.
75 "Synergistic effect of zeolite in an intumescence process"
Bourbigot, Bras, Delobel, Decressain and Amoureux ; J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans, 92 (1) 149-158, 1996.
74 "Crystallographic site probing in the triclinic ALPO-34, by 27Al 2D quintuple quantum NMR"
Fernandez, Amoureux, Kessler, Delmotte ; Microporous Materials, 6, 125-130, 1996.
73 "Al-MAS NMR characterization of ALP0-14. Enhanced resolution and information by MQMAS"
Fernandez, Amoureux , Chezeau, Delmotte, Kessler; Microporous Materials,
6, 331-340, 1996.
72 "Distribution of tetrahedral aluminium sites in ZSM-5 type zeolite : a Al MQMAS-NMR study"
Sarv, Fernandez, Amoureux ; Keskinen; J. Phys. Chem., 100, 50, 19223-19226, 1996.
71 "Multiple -Quantum Al MAS NMR spectroscopy of microporous aluminium methylphophonate AlMepO-".
Rocha J., Lin Z., Fernandez C., Amoureux J.P.; Chem. Com, 2513, 1996.
70 ".Z-filtering in MQ-MAS NMR" Amoureux J.P., Fernandez C; and Steuernagel S.; J. Magn. Reson., A123, 116-118, 1996.
69 "2D triple-quantum 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy study of the high-temperature phase transformation of microporous VPI-5"
Rocha J., Esculas A., Fernandez C., Amoureux J.P.; J. Phys. Chem., V100, N45, 17889, 1996.
68 "Characterization of sodium cations in dehydrated zeolite NaX by 23Na NMR spectroscopy".
Feuerstein M., Hunger M. Engelhardt G., Amoureux J.P. Solid State NMR , 7, 2, 95-103, 1996.
67 "Electronic shieldings and electric field gradients in rubidium sulfate studied by 87Rb-MAS-NMR"
Fernandez, Amoureux, Bodart, Maijanen; J. Magn Reson, 113, 205-209, 1995.
66 "VADOR : a new 2-dimensional high resolution technique for quadrupolar nuclei"
Amoureux J.P.; Solid-State NMR, 4, 229-239, 1995.
65 "Study of molecular motions in 2-adamantanone by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance"
Decressain, Amoureux and Cochon; Physica Status Solidi, 190, 295-306, 1995.
64 "A useful tool for the elaboration of new solid-state NMR experiments : PULSAR"
J.P. Amoureux, C. Fernandez and Y. Dumazy ; J. Chim. Phys., 92, 10, 1939-1949, 1995.
63 "Dipolar coupling effects on 27Al and 23Na MAS-NMR spectra in iodosodalite"
Dumazy, Fernandez, Amoureux and Delmotte ; J. Chim. Phys., 92,10, 1855-1861, 1995.
62 "2D multiquantum MAS-NMR spectroscopy of 27Al in aluminophosphate molecular sieves"
Fernandez, Amoureux ; Chem. Phys. Lett., 242, 449-454, 1995.
61 "New 2-dimensional methods for double rotation experiments"
Amoureux , Fernandez and Dumazy ; J. Chim. Phys., 92,10, 1943-1946, 1995.
60 "DOR: a new N.M.R. method for high-resolution characterization in solids of quadrupolar nuclei with half-integer spins."
Amoureux, Cochon and Delmotte: Application of NMR spectroscopy to cement science. Gordon and Breach Science., 467-478, 1994.
59 "Determination of 51V quadrupole and chemical shift tensor orientations in V2O5 by analysis of MAS-NMR spectra"
Fernandez, Bodart and Amoureux; Solid State NMR, 3, 79-91, 1994.
58 "How to enhance the resolution of quadrupolar nuclei in solids by double rotation : DOR"
Amoureux , Cochon and Bodart ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 12, 435-438, 1994.
57 "Refinement of solid state MAS-NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei: analysis of some 51V compounds"
Bodart , Fernandez, Amoureux ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 12, 2, 261-266, 1994.
56 "Dielectric properties of chloroadamantane and adamantanone"
Amoureux, Sahour, Fernandez and Bodart; Physica Status Solidi, A143, 441-448, 1994.
55 "Sideband analysis in DOR NMR spectra : I : infinite inner-rotor speed" Cochon and Amoureux ; Solid State NMR, 2, 205-222, 1993.
54 "Sideband analysis in DOR NMR spectra : II. : real finite inner-rotor speed"Amoureux and Cochon ; Solid State NMR, 2, 223-234, 1993.
53 "High-resolution solid-state NMR for spin 3/2 and 9/2 : the multi-quantum transitions method"
Amoureux J.P.; Solid State NMR, 2, 83-88, 1993.
52 "DOR : new solid- state high resolution characterization of quadrupolar nuclei in solids"
Amoureux, Cochon ; NQR newsletter, 1, 23-25, 1993.
51 "Simulation of NMR powder spectra"
Amoureux, Fernandez, Carpentier, Cochon; Physica Status Solidi,132a, 461-475, 1992.
50 "NMR characterization of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solids".
Amoureux; Z. Naturforsch, 47a, 665-674, 1992.
49 "Chemical shift anisotropy and indirect coupling in SnO2 and SnO"
Cossement, Darville, Gilles, Nagy, Fernandez, Amoureux; Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry,30, 263-270, 1992.
48 "Molecular motions in glassy crystal cyano-adamantane : a proton spin-lattice relaxation study".
Amoureux, Decressain, Sahour,Cochon; J. Physique, 2, 249-259, 1992.
47 "NMR in molecular crystals ; an example : fluoroadamantane C 10H15F"
Decressain, Amoureux, Carpentier, Nagy; Molec. Phys., vol.73, 3, 553-569, 1991.
46 "Interpretation of quadrupolar powder spectra : static and MAS experiments" Amoureux, Fernandez and Granger
Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance in Liquids and Solids, NATO ASI -Vol. 322, 409-424, 1990.
45 "Sideband analysis in variable angle sample spinning (VASS) NMR for the central transition of quadrupolar nuclei (Half-integer Spin)"
Amoureux, Fernandez, Lefebvre; Magnetic Resonance in chemistry, 28, 5-10, 1990.
44 "The glassy phase of 1-cyano-adamantane. Study of the molecular reorientations by high resolution quasi elastic neutron scattering"
Bée, Foulon, Amoureux, Caucheteux, Poinsignon; J. of Physics. C, 20, 337-349, 1987.
43 "Investigation of Variable Angle Spinning (VAS) NMR of quadrupolar nuclei.: theory".
Lefebvre, Amoureux, Fernandez, Derouane; J. Chem. Phys., 86-11, 6070-6076, 1987.
42 "Crystal structures of ethane, hexamethylethane, hexamethyldisylane, in their plastic phases"
Amoureux, Foulon, Muller, Bée; Acta Cryst, B 42, 78 – 84, 1986.
41 "Reorientations in pivalic acid ; I : incoherent neutron scattering law for dynamically independent molecular and intramolecular
Longueville, Bée, Amoureux, Fouret; J. of Phys., 47, 86, 291-304, 1986.
40 "Reorientations in pivalic acid ; II : incoherent neutron scattering study"
Bée, Longueville, Amoureux, Fouret; J. of Phys., 47, 86, 305-320, 1986.
39 "Reorientations and local order in the glassy and plastic phases of 1-cyano-adamantane", “Dynamics of molecular crystals” J. Lascombes
(editor) Elsevier Sciences publishers B.V. Amsterdam. Bée, M. Foulon and J.P. Amoureux, 553-558, 1986.
38 "Molecular motions and multi-spin N.M.R. relaxation times", “Dynamics of molecular crystals” J. Lascombes (editor) Elsevier Sciences
publishers B.V. Amsterdam. J.P. Amoureux, R. Decressain and M. Castelain, 559- 563, 1986.
37 "Molecular reorientations of triethylenediamine in its plastic solid phase : incoherent quasi elastic neutron scattering"
Bee, Sauvajol, Hédoux, Amoureux; Molec. Phys., Vol. 55, n° 3, 637-652, 1985.
36 "Dielectric properties of 1-fluoro-adamantane C10H15F" Amoureux, Castelain, Bée, Benadda, More; Molec. Phys., 55, 241-251, 1985.
35 "Structural aspects of the glassy phase of cyano-adamantane"
Foulon, Lefebvre, Amoureux, Manier; J. Physique, 46, 919-926, 1985.
34 "Low-frequency dielectric properties of 1-cyano-adamantane C10H15CN"
Amoureux, Noyel, Foulon, Bée, Jorat; Molec. Phys., Vol 52, n°l, 161-171, 1984.
33 "The elastic coherent neutron scattering function from cyano-adamantane plastic phase"
Sauvajol, Lefebvre, Amoureux, Muller; J. of Phys. C, 17, 2257-2269, 1984.
32 "Different aspects of an interesting glassy crystal: 1-cyano-adamantane"
Foulon, Amoureux, Sauvajol, Cavrot, Muller; J. of Phys. C, 17, 4213-4229, 1984.
31 "Molecular reorientations of chloro-adamantane in its plastic solid phase:correlation times from incoherent quasielastic neutron
Bée, Amoureux; Molec. phys, Vol 48-1, 63-79, 1983.
30 "Temperature dependence of the molecular reorientation rates in the plastic solid phase
of 1-fluoro-adamantane : an incoherent quasielastic scattering study"
Bée, Amoureux; Molec. phys, Vol 50, n°4, 585-602, 1983.
29 "Temperature dependence of rotational isomerisation and molecular reorientation rates in plastic succinonitrile"
Bée, Lechner, Amoureux, Fouret; J. of Phys. C, 16, 4973-4984, 1983.
28 "High resolution incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering study of molecular reorientations of trimethylacetic acid (CH 3)3CCOOD in
its low temperature phase"
Bée, Poinsignon, Longueville, Amoureux; J. of Phys., 44, 215-220, 1983.
27 "Dielectric properties of 1-cyano-adamantane : C10H15CN in its plastic phase"
Amoureux, Castelain, Benadda, Bée, Sauvajol; J. of Phys., 44, 513-520, 1983.
26 "Molecular reorientations of 1-bromo and 1-iodo-adamantanes : 1H NMR relaxation study"
Virlet, Quiroga, Boucher, Amoureux, Castelain; Molec. Phys., Vol 48, n°6, 1289-1303, 1983.
25 "Evidence of a glassy crystal phase obtained by quenching the plastic phase of cyano-adamantane"
Foulon, Amoureux, Sauvajol, Lefebvre, Descamps; J. of Phys. C, 16, 265-269, 1983.
24 "Crystal structure of 1-fluoro-adamantane, C10H15F, in its plastic phase"
Amoureux, Bée, Sauvajol; Acta crystallographica, B 38, 1984 – 1989, 1982.
23 "Crystal structure of 1-chloro-adamantane, C10H15Cl, in its plastic phase"
Amoureux, Bée, Sauvajol ; Molec. physics, Vol 45, n°3, 709 – 719, 1982.
22 “Quasielastic neutron scattering study of reorientational motions in 2-adamantanone C10H14O"
Bée, Amoureux; Molec. Phys, Vol 47, n°3, 533-550, 1982.
21 "Molecular reorientations of bicyclo-octane in its plastic solid phase :
correlation times from incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering study"
Bée, Sauvajol, Amoureux; J. de Phys., 43, 1797-1808, 1982.
20 "Experimental and theoretical study of the dielectric properties of 1-cyanoadamantane : spectrum of the compact crystal from
measurements on powder" Benadda, Carru, Amoureux, Castelain, Chapoton ; J. of Phys. D, 15, 1477-1489, 1982.
19 "An NMR study of molecular motions in 2-adamantanone, C10H4O"
Amoureux, Castelain, Bée, Arnaud, Schouteeten; J. of Physic C, 15, 1319-1327, 1982.
18 "The Raman spectra of the 1-cyano-adamantane plastic phase at 295 K"
Sauvajol, Bée, Amoureux; Molec. Phys, Vol 46, n°4, 811-826, 1982.
17 "Dynamical properties of 1-cyano-adamantane in the disordered phase"
Sauvajol, Lefebvre, Amoureux, Bée; J. of Phys. C, 15, 6523-6532, 1982.
16 "Premières investigations de la phase cristal vitreux du cyano-adamantane obtenue par trempe de la phase plastique"
Sauvajol, Foulon, Amoureux, Lefebvre, Descamps; J.of Phys.,12-43, 521-524, 1982.
15 "A symmetry adapted function analysis of the plastic crystals - Application to
1-cyano-adamantane at room temperature"
Amoureux, Sauvajol, Bée; Acta crystallographica, A37, 97 – 104, 1981.
14 "The crystal structure of phase 1 of Bicyclo(2-2-2) octane at 265 K"
Sauvajol, Amoureux; Journal of Phys C, 14, 1537 – 1544, 1981.
13 "An NMR study of molecular motions in the plastic phases of 1-cyano-adamantane C10H15CN"
Amoureux, Castelain, Bée, Arnaud, Shouteeten; Molec. Phys, Vol 42, n°l, 119-127, 1981.
12 "Crystal structure of adamantane C10H16 in the disordered phase"
Amoureux, Bée, Damien ; Acta crystallographica, B 36, 2633 – 2636, 1980.
11 "A cubic harmonic analysis of the plastic crystal structure of adamantane and adamantanone"
Amoureux, Bée ; Acta crystallographica, B 36, 2636 – 2642, 1980.
10 "Crystal structure of 2-adamantanone C10H14O in its plastic phase"
Amoureux, Bée ; Journal of Phys C, 13, 3577 – 3583, 1980.
9 "Comparison between structural analysis of plastic and brittle crystals"
Amoureux, Foulon; Acta Cryst., B43, 470-479, 1980.
8 "C4-rotational jumps in plastic adamantane : the proof of their existence and uniqueness"
Bée, Amoureux, Lechner; Mol. Physics, Vol 40, n°3, 617 – 641, 1980.
7 "Incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering study of molecular motions in 1-cyanoadamantane"
Bée, Amoureux, Dianoux; Molec. physics, 41, n°2, 325-339, 1980.
6 "Molecular motions in plastic succinonitrile : correlation times from incoherent neutron scattering" ;
Bée, Amoureux, Lechner; Molec phys, Vol 39, n°4, 945-961, 1980.
5 "An approximate method for slow neutron multiple scattering evaluation in the case of quasielastic scattering"
Bée, Amoureux; Molec. phys, Vol 41, n°2, 287-312, 1980.
4 "Anisotropic molecular reorientations of adamantane in its plastic solid phase :
1H NMR relaxation study in solid solutions of C H and C D ".
10 16
10 16
Amoureux, Bée, Virlet; Molec. Phys, Vol 41, n°2, 313-324, 1980.
3 "1-adamantanol C10H16O"
Amoureux, Bée, Gors, Warin, Baert ; Crystal structure communications, 8 , 449, 1979.
2 "Crystal structure of 1-cyano adamantane C10H15CN in its plastic phase"
Amoureux, Bée ; Acta crystallographica, B 35, 2957 – 2962, 1979.
1 "Study of molecular reorientation and rotational isomerization in plastic succinonitrile: analysis of the elastic incoherent structure factor"
Lechner, Amoureux, Bée, Fouret ; Communications on physics, 2, 207-214, 1977.