Art and Architecture

Mystery of the Maya
Offers an extensive multimedia site on the Maya with photos, exhibits of art work, an archaeological dig,
information on the civilization and its religion, and a teacher's guide. (Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull,
Quebec, Canada)
Journey Through Tikal
Features an interactive tour of the ruins of Tikal in Guatemala with extensive information on the architecture, the
arts, and the culture of the Maya. The site requires a Quicktime plug-in and the necessary link is provided. The
user can pan, zoom, and click on hot spots in order to get a physical sense of the ruins. (Studio 360, Seattle, WA)
Spanish Art and Architecture
Introduces Spanish architecture by highlighting early works, influences, and the different periods. This text, from
Columbia Encyclopedia 6th edition, offers a thorough overview. (, New York, NY)
Spanish Arts
Features some of the outstanding works of art from El Prado Museum, the largest art museum in the world, and
the Museum Reina Sofia, the national museum of Spain. Images of the paintings are presented with commentary
and can be enlarged for closer viewing. The Reina Sofia features important modern painters such as Dalí, Picasso,
Gris, and Miró. The El Prado gallery features the works of Velazquez, El Greco, Goya, Ribera, and Murillo, along
with other great European artists. (Spanish, Madrid, Spain)
Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries
Provides an extensive online exhibition of Mexican art and culture spanning 3,000 years. The site includes a
timeline, teacher's guides, and online learning activities for students. (Texas Council for the Humanities Resource
Center, Austin, TX)
Frida Kahlo - Contemporary Life
Provides a wealth of information on Frida Kahlo, her life, and her painting. This site has a biography, complete
bibliography, information on exhibits and more. This site is in English. (Daniela Falini, Todi, Italy)
Diego Rivera Web Museum
Features four galleries of his paintings and six galleries of his murals in Mexico and America. Short Quicktime
videos are available: One deals with the controversy surrounding his Rockefeller Center mural, and another
features a "home movie" of Frida Kahlo and Rivera. This site is in English with some text in both English and
Spanish. (Javier Rivera, Mexico City, Mexico)
Jose Clemente Orozco in the United States. 1927-1934
Presents six images from the 3,200 square foot mural, The Epic of American Civilization. The 24-panel mural
depicts the history of the Americas from the migration of the Aztecs into central Mexico to the development of
modern industrialized society. (Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH)
José Guadalupe Posada: Artist of the Day of the Dead
Features eight examples of Posada's work and links to additional information on the Day of the Dead. (Boeckmann
Center, University of California, Los Angeles, CA)
Gateway Sites
Museos de México
Provides links to the museums in Mexico, both regional and national. Information on cultural events is also
available. (Manuel Zavalal Alonso, Mexico City, Mexico)
Art of Latin America and the Caribbean
Focuses on the art of various regions. This site is in English and Spanish and contains a valuable list of art, artist,
museums, exhibits, and events for each selected country. (Pat Binder and Gerhard Haupt, Universe in Universe,
Berlin, Germany)
Provides a fine arts search engine to museums, image archives, and web sites on artists and art movements. (John
Malyon, Calgary, Canada)
Hispanic Art Links
Contains a collection of links to Spanish art, artist, museums, galleries, and more. A variety of countries are
represented as are different time periods. (Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL)
Art History Resources
Offers an extensive list of links categorized by country, date, and movement. (Chris Witcombe, Sweet Briar
College, Sweet Briar, VA)