Patient Information Sheet

Cabrini Monash University Department of Surgery and the Alfred Hospital
Colorectal Cancer Registry
Patient Information Sheet 2010
You are about to have surgery to treat bowel cancer. In order to monitor and improve the
success of this type of surgery, we need to know what factors increase a patient’s risk of
complications, and which surgical procedures have the most successful outcomes. To
achieve this, the Cabrini Monash University Department of Surgery and the Alfred Hospital
have set up a Colorectal Cancer Registry.
The registry aims to record information on every adult having surgery for colorectal cancer at
Cabrini and Alfred Hospitals. The success of the registry depends on the amount of data we
collect. We are asking you to participate in the Colorectal Cancer Registry by allowing us to
document information relevant to your operation.
What Information Do We Need?
The information we require includes your name, date of birth, hospital identification number,
information about your health and information directly related to your operation, associated
treatments and follow-up. All of the information we collect is freely available to you.
We Will Keep Your Information Confidential
Your personal information is confidential, protected by law and cannot be used outside the
registry. Procedures are in place to protect your information which is only accessible by
authorised staff of the registry.
How We Collect the Information
You are not required to do anything except answer some questions before your operation
and during any follow-ups. Your treating clinicians will arrange to have the information
gathered and entered onto a computerised database which will store the registry.
Benefits and Risks to You
The registry will produce general reports on the success of surgery, which we anticipate will
improve the quality of colorectal surgery and outcomes for the future. Having your data
entered into the registry will not alter the care and treatment you receive for your surgery in
any way, and your personal identity will remain secure.
You Can Choose Not To Be In the Registry
We understand that not everyone is comfortable with having details related to their condition
recorded in a registry. If you feel this way and do not want your information included, please
contact the Database Manager, Michael Roberts on 9508 1931.
A decision on whether or not to be involved in the registry does not affect your
treatment in any way.
If you have any questions, concerns or require more information about the registry, please
contact the Database Manager, Michael Roberts at Cabrini Hospital on 9508 1931.
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