Courses in Companion Animal Behavior ANIWEL graduate school for Animal Welfare organizes 2 courses at Viikki Campus, Helsinki, Finland. Teachers: Benjamin Hart Fulbright Specialist, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, DVM, PhD. Professor Hart is a world-known specialist in the area of clinical veterinary behavior and animal cognition. Professor Hart has published over 180 scientific publications on relevant topics and has served as Chief of the Behavior Service at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, USA and as the Director of the Companion Animal Behavior Program at the same university. He has extensive experience in clinical behavioral therapy of dogs and cats and with coauthors, has written an up-to-date book (2006), entitled Canine and Feline Behavior Therapy, published by Blackwell Press. Professor Hart is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (Animal Behavior Society) and a Founding Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists. Lynette Hart Professor, PhD Lynette Hart is professor of Human-Animal Interactions and Animal Behavior at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, USA. She is wellknown for her work within the antrozoological field. Her research field includes both animal behavior and sociology, addressing topics such as the socializing role of companion animals and health and lifestyle effects of companion animals. Her teaching subjects include human-animal interactions and information on animal welfare. Lynette Hart is also a co-author of the book Canine and Feline behavior therapy (2006). 1) Companion Animal Behavior and Human-animal Interactions: An Update 30-31 August 2010 The course is aimed at PhD students from a wide range of disciplines: veterinarians, ethologists, animal welfare scientists, social scientists, philosophers etc. interested in companion animal welfare issues. 2) Clinical Animal Behavior and Incorporating Human-animal Issues into the Clinical Setting 2-3 September 2010 The course is aimed mainly at clinical veterinarians, but also PhD students from other fields are welcome. Students can either participate in one part of the course (1 ECTS) or both parts (2 ECTS). On September 1 we will organize some supporting program (such as technical visits), if there is an interest amongst the participants. Undergraduate Veterinary students in their final years of studies (4-6) are also eligible to participate. We welcome students from Finland, as well as from other countries. However, the students need to arrange their accommodation during the course themselves. Priority is primarily given to ANIWEL graduate school students and secondly to other PhD-students. Participants other than ANIWEL students or PhD students/undergraduate students from the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Helsinki will be charged a course fee of 150 €. Student presentations of the field are invited. Students are asked to indicate the title of suggested presentation when applying to the course. To register, fill in the application form by 10 June 2010. We will inform applicants of acceptance within 2 weeks after the above deadline.