Diabetes Physician Recognition Program (DPRP

HRSA Recognition Initiative
Patient Centered Medical Health Home Initiative
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Patient Centered Medical Home?
The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a model for care provided by physician practices that seeks to
strengthen the physician‐patient relationship by replacing episodic care based on illnesses and patient complaints
with coordinated care and a long‐term healing relationship.
How is NCQA Recognition reported to the public?
The public may access NCQA Recognized clinicians and group practices on NCQA’s Web site (http://
recognition.ncqa.org) and listed in provider directories published by health plans and other organizations.
Clinicians and practices may advertise their status within the parameters of NCQA’s Marketing and Adverting
What is the difference between NCQA Accreditation and NCQA Recognition?
NCQA Accreditation is a rigorous, comprehensive and transparent evaluation process that assesses the quality of
a health plan’s systems, processes and results. NCQA Recognition Programs evaluate specific aspects of
practices to help support the delivery of high quality care.
What does a community health center receive once it has achieved NCQA recognition?
Recognition is not of the community health center itself but each geographic location (.i.e. site). A site that
achieves NCQA Recognition receives a copy of its survey results; a certificate of achievement and a letter of
recognition; and a sample press release with marketing guidelines that explain how to promote recognition status.
What benefits does HRSA Patient-Centered Medical/Health Home Initiative include?
The PCMHHI provides Survey Tools and Recognition fees for community health centers accepted into the
initiative. The initiative also provides for technical assistance.
What is the deadline for submitting to receive support from HRSA?
Health centers have until September 30, 2011, to submit an application.
How do I apply for participation in the initiative?
Organizations interested in HRSA support for NCQA PCMH recognition under the PCMHH Initiative must
complete a Notice of Intent (NOI) located at http://www.bphc.hrsa.gov/policy/pal1101/. The completed NOI must be
submitted via email to PCMHHinitiative@hrsa.gov.HRSA will review the NOI and approve organizations for
Does HRSA refund the costs of Survey Tools or Recognition fees to health centers already
Recognized by NCQA or those already in the process?
No. HRSA does not pay retroactive fees, but it does provide for health centers interested in completing an AddOn Survey (upgrade).
How long does a clinician or group practice maintain NCQA Recognition?
Recognition is valid for three years. At the end of the three-year period, a clinician or group practice must submit a
new application.
Does NCQA offer training programs for the PPC-PCMH program?
Yes. NCQA has two free training programs for PPC-PCMH.
1. Workshops that explain the standards and elements. You are not required to register for workshop
training. You do not need to register for the Workshop training. To participate:
 Go to www.ncqa.org/rptraining.aspx
 Click Introductory Workshops on Standards
 Download the slides for the PPC-PCMH training
 Call the toll-free number on the Web site at the workshop time and date (listed on the training calendar).
2. A WebEx demonstration of the ISS Survey Tool. You must register for this program. Send an e-mail to
ppc-pcmh@ncqa.org and specify the date when you would like to participate. NCQA will send you a
confirmation e-mail with information on how to participate.
Special trainings for HRSA PCMHHI participants will also be scheduled. Check on the Government
Recognition Initiatives web page on the NCQA web site for more information (www.ncqa.org/gri)
The Survey Tool indicates that it is for up to four users. Does that mean that we can use it for up
to four practice sites?
No. Each physician practice must have its own Survey Tool to apply for NCQA Recognition. Up to four individuals
in a physician practice may have their own User ID and Password to access the Survey Tool.
How long will it take for our submission to be processed?
NCQA makes a decision on the submitted data collection tool and notifies applicants within 30–60 days of receipt
of a complete submission.
Are submitted data confidential and compliant with HIPAA?
Yes. All data are confidential for both applicants and their patients. NCQA/ADA will only release the names of
NCQA Recognized physicians and the practice information they provide. All patient data submitted as part of an
application remain confidential.
To help with clinician compliance with HIPAA, NCQA provides a business associate agreement (BAA), which
states that both NCQA and the applicant will comply with HIPAA requirements.
How does NCQA know if “real” or accurate data has been submitted?
NCQA conducts random audits to ensure the validity of submitted data, and clinicians certify that the information
they provide about the patient sample is accurate.
Our organization has several physician practices (practice sites) that share the same systems.
Are we eligible for a multi-site application?
You might be eligible for a multi-site application. The multi-site application process is an option for organizations
or medical groups with three or more practice sites that share policies and procedures and electronic systems
across all sites. The application process requires preapproval from NCQA. If you think your organization is
eligible, send an e-mail to PCMH-GRIP@ncqa.org and request a multi-site eligibility questionnaire..
Complete the questionnaire and send it back to NCQA. If NCQA determines that your organization is eligible, a
program manager will send you a multi-site information packet that includes:
 Quick-start instructions that explain the multi-site application process
 A questionnaire to confirm shared processes/systems
 A fee calculator to estimate application fees and to help you compare multi-site pricing and standard survey
Eligible organizations will have a conference call with NCQA and receive a Standards and Elements Approval
Table to guide their Survey Tool purchase and assessment.
If our organization has more than one physician practice (practice site), may we use one Survey
Tool to provide responses and documents for all sites?
No. The physician practice achieves NCQA Recognition, and each physician practice requires its own Survey
Tool. If NCQA has approved your group/organization to apply using the multi-site process, you must have one
“group” Survey Tool and an additional Survey Tool for each practice site.
Our practice wants to advance to the next level of NCQA Recognition. Must we wait to apply for
an Add-On Survey?
No. There is no waiting period for practices to submit an Add-On Survey application. When your practice is ready
to apply, send an e-mail to PCMH-GRIP@ncqa.org to request an application.