Unit 2 – Genetics and Adaptation Evolution All the species that exist today arose from earlier species by the process of evolution – “descent with modification” The scientists who developed the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection were Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace Natural Selection Natural Selection is the survival of those organisms best suited to their environment Process of Natural selection The main stages are as follows o Organisms produce more offspring than the environment o Members of a species show variation o There is a struggle for existence, large numbers die – natural selection o Those best suited have a better chance for survival, those less well suited die o The survivors will reproduce and pass on their genes, some of their offspring will carry the genes that helped them survive Selection Pressure Is a factor which acts on individuals in a population Results in the death of some individuals and the survival of others An individual which is most likely to survive when a particular selection pressure is applied is said to have a selective advantage The following diagram shows a model of natural selection Mugwumps Have the potential for an Exceptional increase in population Variation exists in the population Selection pressures predation Possible selective advantage Fast (adaptations that suit survival) Runners disease competition temperature Good immune system Ability to find food Furry coats Species A species is a group of organisms with similar genotypes and phenotypes that usually only breed with each other and have access to a common gene pool Species are not constant unchanging units, at any given time some species will be relatively stable, some moving towards extinction and others will be going through speciation Speciation Speciation o Is the formation of a new species o Involves changes in genotype and phenotype that make the organism more suited to the environment. o Is brought about by evolution The Mechanism Isolation A large interbreeding population may become split into several sub-populations by isolating barriers Mutation Causes new alleles to appear in each population Natural Selection Selection pressures may be different in different regions So different populations will be subjected to different selection pressures. The gene pool will change Different Species Formed After a very long time the changes in the gene pool are so great that no interbreeding is possible and no gene flow will occur Isolation Barriers The barriers which split populations, preventing interbreeding and gene flow. They may not just be physical barriers Geographical Formation of geographical features that divide populations e.g. sea, mountains Ecological Caused by changes in abiotic factors e.g. moisture levels, pH of soil, temperature Reproductive Members of the population no longer able to breed with each other Gene Flow Population A Population B Population C Population D This diagram represents one species which has been divided into several populations Populations that can breed together are A with B B with C C with D Although A and C cannot breed together genes can move indirectly through population B If population B was removed then there would be two species Adaptive Radiation Sometimes many species are formed form a single ancestral species Different selection pressures result in species that have different adaptations from each other and from their common ancestor e.g. adaptive radiation in mammals Studies of anatomy show similarities that indicate they are related Structures like the limbs of mammals which have the same anatomy are said to be homologous and have come from a common ancestor Structures which do the same thing but have arisen independently are analagous. High Speed Evolution Evolution usually takes a very long time but there are organisms which can show natural selection in action over a shorter time scale Examples of high speed evolution 1.Peppered moth There are two forms of peppered moth A light form – pale brown with black speckles A dark form – black (melanic) The moths fly at night but during the day rest on trees Non-polluted areas o The bark of trees is covered with plants called lichens o A light moth is well camouflaged against lichen, the dark form is more easily seen and is more likely to be eaten by predators Polluted areas o Lichen is killed by high levels of sulphur dioxide and the bark on trees is bare and covered in soot o The dark form is well camouflaged against this background, the light form is more easily seen and is more likely to be eaten by predators o 2.Antibiotic resistance in bacteria e.g. E Coli Each time an antibiotic, like penicillin, is used most but not all of the bacteria present are killed The survivors have a genetic resistance to penicillin This trait is passed on to their offspring The population now contains a larger percentage of penicillin resistant bacteria The frequency of resistant genes in the population has increased – evolution has occurred. If enough changes a new species may form Extinction of Species Occurs when the last individual of a species dies Extinctions have occurred continually since the origin of life on Earth, once a species is extinct it can never reappear When species become extinct the niche they occupied becomes vacant, as a result other organisms evolve and radiate out to fill these ‘spaces’ Species may become extinct due to o Habitat destruction o Over hunting / fishing At some times mass extinctions have occurred e.g dinosaurs. These tend to be followed by a period of mass speciation Conservation Human societies have caused large-scale disruption and degradation of the enviroment Natural environments are rapidly being eliminated Pollution occurs in many areas Many plant and animal species cannot adapt to the rapid changes which humans are causing in the environment and are facing extinction This decrease in biological diversity is alarming and much effort is being put into saving some species - conservation Importance of Conservation Species should be conserved as the genes they carry cannot be replaced and may be important in the future. In human terms this genetic potential may provide future: Food Most food comes form just 20 species diseases may threaten food supply Fuel Fossil fuels are running out alternatives are required Raw Materials Medicines Agriculture Fossil fuels are running out, alternatives are required for the manufacture of plastics etc. As new diseases evolve new treatments are required Genes that make organisms more vigorous and resistant to disease can be bred into stocks Mechanism of Conservation On-site The creation of protected centres of diversity, wild life reserves Off-site Captive breeding programmes Where environments are being destroyed the organisms are removed and bred in zoos with a view to returning them to the wild Gene banks – centres are set up to retain a store of genetic material e.g. seed banks and rare breed farms Artificial Selection Is the evolution of a wide variety of crops and domesticated animals through selective breeding and hybridisation Humans have used domesticated plants and animals for many purposes over thousands of years Selective Breeding Breeders have selected those organisms which had desirable traits to breed from This has resulted in many varieties Examples of organisms which have undergone artificial selection Wild cabbage Structure of plant e.g. cauliflower, sprout, brocolli Cattle Milk yield – Jersey Beef – Aberdeen Angus Dogs Herding ability – sheepdog Sense of smell - Bloodhound When selective breeding is used strains are formed by interbreeding – mating of genetically similar individuals As each generation is formed the strains have a higher degree of homozygosity (many genes have identical alleles at each locus) Hybridisation Crossing two different strains re-establishes heterozygosity (many genes have two different alleles at each locus) and creates an F1 hybrid F1 hybrids are highly desirable as they show hybrid vigour – they are bigger and more productive than either of their parents Many bedding plants and farm animals are F1 hybrids which although very productive are not suitable for breeding as this would result in very varied offspring Genetic Engineering Artificial selection can be a very slow process, modern methods have allowed faster changes to be brought about, by modifying the DNA of an organism to insert new genes giving new characteristics It is possible to isolate a DNA fragment containing a gene from one organism and insert it into another Locating Genes Genes can be located on a particular chromosome by o Characteristic banding patterns on chromosomes, a gene can be located by relating individual genes to particular bands o Gene probes – a small “labelled” section of single stranded DNA which will bind to a specific sequence of DNA The Process of Genetic Engineering Human DNA containing desired gene Endonuclease used to cut gene from chromosome Bacterial plasmid opened by endonuclease Gene sealed into plasmid using ligase Plasmid inserted into bacterium and plasmid multiplies Bacterium multiplies and gene is expressed Product can be separated and purified Somatic Fusion Is used to overcome sexual incompatibility between plant species o Unspecialised cells of two different plant species are selected o The cells are treated with cellulase to remove the cell wall resulting in protoplasts o Protoplasts are fused to form a hybrid o Division is induced and a callus forms o Manipulation of hormone levels allows complete plant growth A plant is formed which combines good features of two different species e.g. aphid resistance in potatoes / heavy yeild