Assiut university researches Studies on Swallowed Foreign Bodies

Assiut university researches
Studies on Swallowed Foreign Bodies
Syndrome in Cattle and Buffaloes
‫درا سات ع لى ظاهرة األج سام ال غري بة ال م ب ت ل عة ف ي‬
‫األب قار وال جاموس‬
Sayed Fathi Hassan El-Hawari
‫س يد ف تحى ح سن ال هوارى‬
Nabil Ahmed Ali Misk, Haroun Ali Youssef, Mohammed AbdElrahman Semieka, Mahmoud Rushdi Abd Ellah.
‫ محمود ر شدى‬،‫ محمد ع بدال رحمن سم ي كة‬،‫ هارون ع لى ي و سف‬،‫ن ب يل أحمد ع لى م سك‬
‫ع بدال اله‬
The present study was carried out on a total number of 182
large ruminant; 94 cattle and 88 buffaloes in addition to 10
cattle and 10 buffaloes as a control group. Most of these
cases were recorded during the field trips in Suez, Ismailia,
Port Said, Damietta, Kafr-elsheikh, Alexandria, Giza, Cairo
and Beni-swif provinces; some of them were recorded in the
veterinary teaching hospital of faculty of veterinary medicine,
Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. The collected cases were
subjected to the following studies: 1-The case history. 2Ferroscopic examination by using varieties of metal
detectors. 3-Clinical examinations. 4-Radiographic
examinations. 5-Surgical interference through laparorumenotomy. 6-Description of the collected foreign bodies. 7Hematological analysis. 8-Biochemical analysis. 9-Ruminal
juice analysis. Results of the present study are concluded in
the following: •As a general rule, swallowed foreign bodies
syndrome is age related disease and common in adult female
lactating animals, either in pregnancy or in postpartum period,
than in male and heifers. It has many types of complications.
The most common types of complications in cattle and
buffaloes are N.P.R.F., T.R., T.R.P., T.R.P.+P.A., T.R.P.+V.I.,
G.D.P., T.P. and D.H. Omasal and abomasal impaction and
foreign body abscess are seldomly occurred. However,
oesphageal obstruction, traumatic pneumonia, liver and
splenic abscesses were not recorded in the present study.
•Animals suffering from N.P.R.F. were presented with a
history of decrease food intake and slightly decrease in milk
yield. Ferroscopic examination reveals positive results. The
radiographic picture of such animals reveal presence of radioopaque aggregated foreign bodies in two successive films.
Hematological, biochemical and ruminal juice analysis
revealed normal parameters with only decreased RBCs count
and hypoglycemia. Prognosis of such cases is very good
through laparorumenotomy operation. •In case of T.R.
affections; animals show decrease in milk yield and food
intake with moderate appearance of signs of pain in the form
of grunting in cattle and lacrimation or wrinkling of mouth
commisure in buffaloes. Ferroscopic examination is
satisfactory for diagnosis of presence of foreign bodies in the
reticulum. Radiographic picture reveals presence of radioopaque foreign bodies either in separated or aggregated
manner. Hematological, biochemical analysis revealed
significant decrease in RBCs count in buffaloes and
significant decrease in serum albumin in cattle and buffaloes.
Prognosis of such cases was very good through
laparorumenotomy operation. •T.R.P. affections are
characterized by decrease in food intake and milk yield or
even off-food and ceased milk production in few cases.
Ferroscopic examination give satisfactory positive results.
Few animals may show altered defecation in the form of
diarrhea or constipation and abdominal distension is rarely
detected in this type of affection. Ruminal juice analysis
reveal altered ruminal odour and decrease protozoal motility
to a limited extent. Hematological and biochemical analysis
revealed significant decreased RBCs count, significant
decreased serum albumin in buffaloes, significant increased
globulins level and hypoglycaemia in cattle. Prognosis of
such cases was good through laparorumenotomy operation
unless omasal impaction with flaccid reticulo-omasal orifice
was occurred. •Animals suffered from T.R.P.+P.A. were
presented with a history of decreased food intake and milk
yield and few cattle showed cessation of milk production in
addition to presence of signs of pain. However, ferroscopic
examination revealed satisfactory positive results. Altered
defecation was detected in few animals in the form of
constipation or diarrhea. Alteration in odour and consistency
of ruminal juice was evident in this affection. Hematological
and biochemical analysis revealed significant decreased
RBCs count, significant decreased serum albumin and
significant increased globulins level in cattle. Prognosis of
such cases was good through laparorumenotomy operation
unless omasal impaction with flaccid reticulo-omasal orifice
was occurred. •Animals suffered from T.R.P.+V.I. were
characterized by decreased food intake, decreased or even
ceased milk yield and Presence of signs of pain. Rumination
was absent in few animals while many animals were reluctant
to move. Ferroscopic examination was not accurate in this
type of affection. Scanty feces, diarrhea, melena and
abdominal distension were the most prominent signs in such
affection. Ruminal juice analysis revealed altered odour,
consistency and severe decrease in protozoal motility.
Hematological and biochemical picture revealed leucocytosis
in cattle, significant increased globulins level in cattle,
hypoglycemia and hypocalcaemia in cattle. Further
investigations of such cases in buffaloes is needed.
Prognosis of such cases is guarded and mainly depended
upon the degree of vagus nerve affections. •In cases of
G.D.P., animals were presented with prominent signs of pain,
cessation of milk production, decreased food intake and
cessation of rumination, however few animals showing offfood. Ferroscopic examination revealed satisfactory positive
results. Clinical examinations revealed significant increase in
rectal temperature and highly significant increase in
respiratory rate and tachycardia in addition to scanty
defecation and melena. Decrease of protozoal motility of the
ruminal juice in such animals was significant. Hematological
and biochemical picture revealed leucocytosis,
thrombocytosis, hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia and
significant decreases in serum zinc level. prognosis of such
cases was bad unless early diagnosis with potent antibiotics
treatment. •Buffaloes suffering from D.H. were characterized
by prominent signs of pain, off-food, decreased milk
production, absence of rumination and reluctant movement.
Ferroscopic examinations were not accurate in such
affection. Radiography revealed characteristic appearance of
the herniated part into the thoracic cavity. The most
characteristic clinical signs in animals affected with D.H. are
strong and muffled heart sound, altered defecation and
recurrent tympany. Congestion of conjunctival blood vessels
and abduction of elbow joint are seldomly detected.
Hematological and biochemical picture revealed only
hypophosphatemea. •Animals suffering from T.P. were
characterized by prominent signs of pain in cattle and
buffaloes, off-food and ceased or decreased milk yield with or
without decreased rumination and reluctant movement. The
most prominent clinical signs were hyperthermia in cattle,
muffled and weak heart rhythm in cattle and buffaloes,
tachycardia and harried respiration in cattle and buffaloes,
filling and pulsation of jugular vein in cattle and buffaloes,
congestion of conjunctival blood vessels in cattle and
buffaloes, altered defecation and abduction of elbow joint in
cattle and buffaloes. However, brisket and submandibular
oedema were more prominent in cattle than buffaloes.
Ferroscopic examinations were not accurate in such
affection. Radiography revealed characteristic appearance of
the radio-opaque foreign bodies at the heart level or total loss
of thoracic details. Hematological and biochemical picture
revealed significant decrease in RBCs count, leucocytosis
and thrombocytosis in cattle, decrease in serum albumin in
buffaloes, increased serum globulins level in cattle, increases
in serum AST and CK activities in buffaloes, significant
decreases in serum zinc level and hypophosphatemea in