Final Exam Review Sheet

Final Exam Review Sheet 2014
• Name and define the two types of weathering , then give an example of each.
• What is surface area ?
• What happens to the amount of surface area as it is weathered ?
• How does surface area effect decomposition ?
• What are the 3 factors that control the rate of weathering ?
• What are the 3 main agents of erosion?
• Describe the how a river’s channel effects the water’s speed.
• What are some of the characteristics of the inside and outside of a curved river channel ?
• How does a meander form ?
• Draw the divides of watersheds and label the headwater and mouth. (below)
• Describe these terms: flooded, levee, flood plain, delta. What happens to the river’s velocity within
the channel and outside the channel during floods ?
• Characterize the differences between young, mature and old aged rivers.
• What are the layers of a soil and what factors determine if a soil will fully develop ?
• How do most caves form ?
• groundwater, water table, permeable vs impermeable, geyser
Be able to determine the elevation of a location using contour lines, including depressions.
Be able to determine the direction a river flows using contour lines.
Be able to determine steepness of a slope using contour lines.
Be able to determine the contour interval of a map.
Be able to determine the relief of an area.
Be able to draw a profile.
Final Exam Review Sheet 2014
Element "L" has a half life of 7 years. Element "L" decays into element "P".
Which element is the daughter element ?
Which element is the parent element ?
What is the half-life of this radioactive isotope ?
What percentage of "L" is left after 35 years ?
What percentage of "P" is there after 21 years ?
How many half lives does it take to get "L" down to 6.25% ?
What percentage of "L" is left after 14 years ?
If there was an original mass of 52 grams of L, how many grams would remain after 3 half-lives ?
How many half lives does it take to get "L" down to 3.125% ?
What is an unconformity ?
Starting with #1, label the rock layers, intrusion, and unconformities from oldest to youngest.
• Which province contains the youngest rocks ?
• Which province contains the oldest rocks ?
• Which province contains coal deposits ?
• Which province contains karst topography ?
• Which province do we live in ?
• Which province contains the youngest rocks ?
• How is it possible to have billion year old rock exposed at the top of mountains ?
• What is the Fall Line ? Why are major cities located near the Fall Line ?
• List each of the geologic provinces of Virginia and give 2-3 characteristics of each.
Final Exam Review Sheet 2014
Define each of the mineral properties and characteristics- luster, streak, hardness
Diagram the entire rock cycle.
igneous rock
Explain the difference between intrusive & extrusive.
Explain the difference between clastic vs chemical & organic.
Explain why fossils are found only in sedimentary rocks.
Explain the difference between foliated & nonfoliated.
Plate Tectonics
• Alfred Wegener
Continental Drift- Pangaea (250 mybp)
° Similar fossils- "lystrosaurus"
° Rock structures- Appalachians
° Fit of continents- South America and Africa
• Glomar Challenger 1960's
° the Atlantic Ocean floor
° Sea-Floor Spreading
• Plate Tectonics
° Plates
lithosphere, asthenosphere
ocean vs continental plates- baslt vs granite
° Convergent Boundariesocean vs. ocean- island arc, Japan
continent vs. ocean- volcanic mountain chain, Andes
continent vs. continent- folded mountains, Himalayan Mountains
subduction zone, trench
° Divergent Boundaries
rift- Mid-Ocean Ridge and Rift Valley in Eastern Africa
° Transform Faults- San Andreas Fault
• earthquakes
where they occur, what causes them
fracture vs fault
intensity vs magnitude
focus vs epicenter
P- wave vs S- wave vs surface waves
locating the focus using triangulation
• earth’s interior layers- crust, mantle, cores
• Hot Spot- Hawaii is forming and it is not at a plate boundary
• What are the 2 types of eruptions ? What are the 3 types of volcanic mountains ?
Final Exam Review Sheet 2014
Answer the next questions using the following charts:
What is the apparent magnitude of the sun ?
What is the apparent magnitude of Jupiter ?
How much brighter is the moon than Jupiter ? Can a 15 cm telescope see an object with an apparent
magnitude of 18.5 ?
Our sun is what color ?
Be able to determine the elements a star consists of when given the its spectral lines.
The apparent magnitude of a star tells you how bright the star is as viewed from _________
On the H-R Diagram which group do most stars fall?
Blue stars are ________than red stars.
What factor determines a star’s color ?
Approximately 90% of the visible universe’s mass is composed of _______
Approximately 10% of the visible universe’s mass is composed of______
We can “see” about ____% of the stuff that the universe is composed of.
“Dark Matter” may account for _____% of the universe.
In the H-R diagram, stars are classified on the basis of ______ and________
The most widely held astronomical theory about the origin of the universe is the ______ theory.
The fact that the spectra of stars are shifted towards the red suggests that the stars are ________
Diagram the correct sequence of a star’s life cycle.
Final Exam Review Sheet 2014
Using the H-R Diagram below, answer the following questions:
White dwarfs have _______temperature and _______ absolute magnitudes
Red giants have ________temperature and _______ absolute magnitudes
A star with an absolute magnitude of -6 is ________than a star with an absolute magnitude of +2.