CABINET – Housing, Health and Leisure Portfolio 31 January 2006 Report of the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure CAPITAL PROGRAMME - LEISURE 1. Purpose of report To seek approval for a supplementary capital estimate and virement within the approved capital programme and request for capital contingencies to meet the additional costs of replacing the air-handling units for the swimming pool at Kimberley Leisure Centre and the replacement of the all-weather pitch surface at Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre. This is in accordance with the Council’s corporate objective for a safe and healthy society and the aim to provide for leisure needs. 2. Background As part of the buildings condition survey, Nottinghamshire County Council has provided estimates of essential maintenance works for the current capital programme. A sum of £75,900 including capital salaries was subsequently approved for the replacement of the air-handling units for the pool areas at Kimberley Leisure Centre. Nottinghamshire County Council was allocated the task of securing detailed costs and preparing the work programme for the project. The actual costs have now risen to £124,950 including capital salaries. The all-weather playing pitch at Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre has degraded to a point where the current approved capital provision for repair is no longer an economic solution. The pitch is close to the point of closure under safety considerations. This would result in £22,000 per annum loss of income. A replacement pitch surface would cost £44,000 including capital salaries. 3. Financial implications These are detailed in the appendix. Recommendations The cabinet is asked to RESOLVE that: 1. The revised schemes for air-handling at Kimberley Leisure Centre and an all-weather surface at Chilwell Olympia be approved, with the increased costs being met by virement (£14,800) and a supplementary capital estimate of £68,250 funded from capital contingencies (£28,250) and an additional contribution from Nottinghamshire County Council (£40,000) as set out in the appendix. 2. The scheme for a replacement air-handling system at Kimberley Leisure Centre be carried forward into 2006/07 together with appropriate financing. 3. The four schemes at Chilwell Olympia as set out in the appendix be deleted from the 2006/07 capital programme and the funds be returned to capital contingencies. Background Papers Nil 21 CABINET – Housing, Health and Leisure Portfolio 31 January 2006 APPENDIX Kimberley Leisure Centre – air handling The main source of the increased costs is the necessity to replace the entire pool suspended ceiling to accommodate the new ducting and pipe work, which will not fit within the existing structures. In addition to this, general costs within construction, particularly plumbing and heating engineers, have substantially increased costs of installation. Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre – all weather pitch The first of the two synthetic pitches at Chilwell has been due for replacement for some time. A sum of £10,000 (including capital salaries) was placed in the capital programme to provide for repairs. However, following consultation with a specialist, it is now considered uneconomic to repair the pitch and any expenditure would be wasteful. Financial Implications Following a detailed examination of the existing capital programme for leisure, there are two schemes, which will be completed under budget. These are: Asbestos removal at Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre - £7,800 saving Re-pointing of walls at Bramcote Leisure Centre - £7,000 saving. In addition there are other capital schemes which, following further consideration and consideration of the revised demands on the service, are no longer seen as priorities, these are: Drainage Improvements – Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre - £7,000 Hot water Mixing Valves – Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre - £6,500 Lighting Supply Testing- Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre - £7,250 Ceiling Tiles / Fittings – Chilwell Olympia Sports Centre - £7,500 It is proposed that these items are deleted from the capital programme and the funds returned to capital contingencies. No provision exists in the capital programme for the additional expenditure on the air-handling system or the all weather pitch replacement and a supplementary capital estimate is therefore required. Following discussions the County Council has agreed to provide an additional £40,000 contribution to the two projects relating to pool ventilation and the replacement all-weather surface. This is new resource, not to be taken from future maintenance allocations. 22 CABINET – Housing, Health and Leisure Portfolio 31 January 2006 In summary the proposed financial changes are as follows: Additional cost of air-handling system Additional cost of all weather surface TOTAL ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURE £ 49,050 34,000 83,050 Funded by: Saving on asbestos removal (Chilwell Olympia) Saving on re-pointing of walls (Bramcote Leisure Centre) Additional contribution from Nottinghamshire County Council TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING 7,800 7,000 40,000 54,800 Shortfall to be met from capital contingencies 28,250 A sum of £66,550 remains uncommitted within capital contingencies after taking account of those items identified above. Timetable Delays in preparing the detailed costing plus the scale of the revised works for the air-handling project at Kimberley Leisure Centre will mean that it will not be able to be completed in the current financial year without major disruption to services. It is proposed therefore to undertake the works in December 2006 and the above sum of £124,950 would therefore be included in the budget estimates for 2006/07. In undertaking the work there will be a need to close the swimming pool for a short period, with a subsequent loss of income. This will be reflected in future budget estimates. 23