Project Title Resource Development & Farm Skill up gradation of Women SHG members for enhanced Livelihood security & Economic well being A Proposed Under: Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) Through State Rural Livelihood Mission, Jharkhand (Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society) Submitted by: Society for Upliftment of People with People’s Organization and Rural Technology (SUPPORT) CD Block Mandu District: Ramgarh, State: Jharkhand MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment List of Contents S.N Particulars Page 1 Project Title 3 2 Proposed Area of Action 3 3 Executive Summary (maximum 1000 words) 3-6 4 a Project Description 3-4 5 b Project rationale for support under MKSP 4 6 c Budget summary 5 7 d Project Results 6 8 SECTION “A “ Basic PIA Information 7-10 9 SECTION “B” Community Institutions Architecture 10-19 10 1 a past Experience of PIA (1500words) 10-17 11 1 b proposed plans /strategies as part of the project (1500words) 17-19 12 SECTION “C“ Operational details 20-45 13 C.1 Description of context (1000 words) 20-22 14 C.2 Project description (1000 words) 22-24 15 C.3 Detail of proposed action (1500words) 24-43 16 C.4 Project implementation strategies and design 43-45 17 SECTION (D) Budget 46-49 18 D.1 Narrative Budget (Summary budget Description) 46 19 D.2 Project budget – in defined templates in separate sheet 47-49 20 SECTION (E) Enclosures & Annexure SUPPORT | 2 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Project Title: Resource Development & Farm Skill up gradation of Women SHG members for enhancement of Livelihood security & Economic well beings under MKSP in Mandu Block of Ramgarah District Proposed Area of Action: Proposed numbers of villages : 50 Proposed block : Mandu, District : Ramgarh, State : Jharkhand List of villages : Attached Executive Summary a .Project Description: Under Mahila Kissan Shashaktikaran Pariyojana , SUPPORT- Mandu proposes to empower & equip 3000 women farmers covering 200 Self Help groups in 50 villages of Mandu block of Ramgarah district. This would help them to adopt improved and advanced farm practices to ensure better and continued return from their limited farm resources in sustainable manner within 3years. The project envisages conducting intensive Capacity Building, resource Creation & development and institution building activities to create a model of women centric agricultural development in the local and national context. Since last 15 years SUPPORT is working with the issues of livelihood with the disadvantaged households in Mandu bock of Ramgarah district. Presently there are more than 472 SHGs spread over the entire block. Mandu is a backward block with substantial tribal population. Apart from forest resources people here have been associated with Stone and Coal mining. SUPPORT is trying to address the issues through Gender specific Watershed Management, Bank linkages, Promotion of SRI, irrigation, live stock, NTFP and farm resource development program.. Proposed project has been conceived to addresses issues of livelihood, women and farm sector possibilities. These include capacity building, Asset creation, Farm Mechanization and sustainability and risk mitigation. In capacity building front the project would work to impart technical Knowhow and behavioral training to 3000 Women SHG members in 5 clusters. From each cluster 8 entrepreneurs would be groomed as Community Resource Persons (CRP).They would extend techno managerial support to clusters for agriculture extension and managing the business Institution. Under resource development the project would work to create 50 Dova (small pond), 50 Wormi Compost Shed and 1 poly hose owned by the women farmers, in individual as well as collective capacity. Two women owned modern poly nursery would be established to supply quality seeds to initiatives like kitchen garden, and agro forestry. Since resource ownership among the women is almost nonexistent in the local area, this is intended to bring in substantial influence and visibility of women as farmer entrepreneurs and a new beginning.. Agriculture improvement and participation of women in agriculture is limited by hazardous and laborious work so, in farm Mechanization front, the project proposes to endow participants with advanced agricultural equipments. 120 SUPPORT | 3 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment weeders , 50 sprayers and 50 Threshers has been proposed for inputs among small collectives of 5 to 20 women participants. This would functionally reduce drudgery while minimize cost of owning equipments individually. Individual assets will be provided on revolving loan system. For sustainability and risk mitigation 200 demonstration plots in 50 villages covering 25-50 decimal of land would be established where improved production technologies like SRI, SWI, , IPM , INM, and Kitchen Garden. Cropping intensification and diversification would be taken up by all 3000 participants. Effort would be made to link all participants with crop insurance & Credit Linkages, The project would come up with relevant Digital tools, ICT materials. Documentations of best practices, reflection and knowledge sharing exercises, To coordinate all these activities 200 SHGs, with 5 clusters would be federated at block level Producers group. Convergence: SUPPORT would seek active collaboration with Ramgarah district administration for convergence with MGNREGA, PRI , KVK Hazaribag, NABARD, Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiative (CINI), and Vikashbazar.Net, for technical and financial support. Forward linkages will be done with JHARCRAFT and other local level marketing unions and clubs SUPPORT is already working in convergence mode. Organization has implementing different development programme like TDF-Wadi-NABARD, watershed programme, ,promotion of lead crops, Village development programme, Farmers club, ,MADA Prototype, Capacity building of SGSY members, Implementation of WSHG And other projects . Result is very much appreciable. (b) Rational for support under MKSP: Ramgarh is one of the poorest districts in the country in terms of human development indicators. Tribal & backward Residents of the district, being primarily accustomed with traditional forest based livelihood system, are little quipped with agricultural resources and skill sets. With changing social-economic paradigm male folk of the household are increasingly undertaking migration for livelihood. This leads to a situation that demands women to take an advanced role in farm based activities. However, traditionally women here have limited access and control over the resources. Thus lack of resource, access and skill limits women’s potential to contribute effectively in HH economy. While it directly reinforces poverty for the HH, it indirectly influences a lower social status for the women member of the HH. SUPPORT | 4 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment (c) Project Budget Summary: Project envisages working with multipronged initiatives including Capacity Building, Community investment, and Knowledge management,. Total program cost is envisaged at Rs. 2, 34, 75,000/= Sector wise Allocations have been proposed as per the following table Project Heads A B C Project Inception Institution Building Capacity Building Community D Investment Support Knowledge E Management Monitoring & F Evaluation Administration Expenditure G (Maximum 5% of total project cost) Grand Total 521250 500000 7475000 221250 0 6665000 Central State % age Share Share 0 742500 556875 185625 3.16 0 500000 375000 125000 2.13 0 14140000 10605000 3535000 60.23 2151250 3021250 0 5172500 3879375 1293125 22.03 350000 350000 0 700000 525000 175000 2.98 475000 325000 400000 1200000 900000 300000 5.11 340000 340000 340000 1020000 765000 255000 4.35 740000 23475000 17606250 1st Year 2nd Year 11812500 10922500 3rd Year Total 5868750 100.00 SUPPORT | 5 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment (d) Project result: The project would bring in year around food security and Upgrade knowledge based and skill dev. of 3000 Women regarding farming and reduce pressure and dependence on land for marginal Households. Exposure and linkage with supporters and facilitate women to take a lead role in agriculture and household decision making. By the end of the project period it is envisaged that women members from targeted Small & Marginal households would be able to contribute an approx 21000-30000 /- rupees additional annual income on a sustainable basis from their farm resources ensuring improved livelihood security & economic well being. Project Result Highlights 1) Additional 750 Acres of land to be brought under cultivation 2) Productivity will be increased up to 1.5 times at the present level 3) Cropping intensity will be increased by 30% from the present level 4) 10% increase in gross return through farm mechanization 5) 5% increase in gross & net return from storage and collectivization 6) Minimum 60 days additional food security for the participating households 7) Additional income of Rs. 21000-30000/- (1st yr-21000, 2nd yr-25000 & 3rd yr30000. per member per annum) 8) Increase in women’s economic participation in household by 30% of present level 9) At least 30% increase in women’s participation in Gram Sabha & other PRI bodies 10) Formation of 1block level women’s’ collective / federation 11) Cadre Development of 50 CRPs 12) Development of 10 Para professional –LRP 13) Creation of 5 clusters 14) Coverage of 50 villages 15) Formation and strengthening of 200 SHG 16) Coverage of 3000 Women SHG members and households SUPPORT | 6 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment SECTION A: Basic PIA Information 1 Name of PIA SUPPORT 2 Legal Status (NGO / Network NGO / CBO / Producer Co. A state level NGO registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882 /Section-25 Co. / Pvt. Co/ Other – Please specify) 3 If Network NGO, number of partners being supported? Not Applicable 4 Registration No. & Date of Registration (Registered. No.3944/IV-36 dt.10th July 1998); Regd. u/s 12A & 80G FCRA, 1976.Regn No.337750001Dated19.01.2001 5 Name of Donors in the past 3 years, if any (give max3) Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai, NABARD, Welfare Department, DRDA 6 Name with Size (Budget in INR) of relevant projects Livelihood Promotion(SRTT)Rs 3380000 handled in the past 3 years (give max 3) NABARD Rs 4152229 Prototype(welfare Dept) Rs 11012967 Total 7 Annual Revenue of PIA for the most recent audit 8 List ongoing projects (max 3.) and their Size (INR) Rs 18545196 Rs 19037484.82 NABARD-WADI Rs 217.86 Lakh Prototype Welfare Dept Rs 89.89 WSHG –NABARD Rs 3,00.oo Lakh Total Rs 607.75 Lakh 9 Completion of last project (MM/YY) Welfare dept MADA -3 in August 2012 10 Total value of assets available with the PIA? Rs 2073154.77 11 Experience of working with Lakh (i) Women Self Help Group( SHGs)/Groups (Y/N)- 1(a) in Yes (4152 SHGs ) All are active and 3125 SHGs are Appraisal Sheet linked with Bank and taken credit under SHG-Bank linkage Program of NABARD. 12 (ii) Agriculture based livelihoods with existing women Yes groups (Y/N)- 1 (b) in Appraisal Sheet Improved Agriculture (SRI,SWI, Seed Production of paddy and Potato, vegetable Cultivation Promotion creation of water Resources and micro Lift Irrigation and Drip Irrigation through SHGs Execution of NTFP(Lac Cultivation) Nonfarm And Animal Husbandry Activity (Pig Rearing and, Poultry Farming. In the proposed project, what % of the implementation will 75% existing Capacity and25% from be undertaken by existing capacities and what % will be external Sources State Or leveraged from external community based organizations in the project area? – 1 (d) in Appraisal Sheet SUPPORT | 7 other MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment 13 (A) Available Professional Human Resource Details: Sl. No Name sex Education Qualification position 1 B.S.Gupta M B.Sc, XISS PGDRD, Executive Director 2 Kallol Saha M M.Sc., (IRMA) PGDRM Consultant 10 3 Sanjay Kumar Ray M MBA Consultant 18 4 Dr. Shekhar M MBBS Project Doctor 5 5 Shailesh Kumar M M.Sc(Horticulture) 5 6 Sahdeo Ganguli M B.Com 7 Binod kumar singh m M Sc.PGRD Program Manager SHG Cocoordinator DPM-WSHG 8 Miss Moziba Khanam F MBA 3 9 Miss Chitra Kumari F 10 S.N.Gupta M M.A ,Diploma in counseling M.Sc (Agriculture) Project Coordinator Counselor 11 Dhirendra Kumar M B.SC.,Civil 12 Pawan Kumar Sinha M 13 Manoj Kumar Yadav M Diploma in Engineer M.A 14 Dinesh Kumar Rajwar M M.Sc (Horticulture) 15 Mr.Golden Captain Rabindra Singh Shashi M Kumar M 16 Relevant Experienc e (Year) 25 7 & Holy Cross social service center, Expertise in SHGBank linkage Prog and NRM. PRADAN,NDDB,SRTT, CInI, BASIX; PRADAN, Watersheds HIV/ AIDS Participatory Horticulture, Lead Crop Promotion, Seed Village Microcredit 2 NBJK, Badloo Foundation Livelihood and Education and community dev. SUPPORT, SHG and Health Psychology & counseling Consultant 10 Agriculture Consultant 10 Project Coordinator Project Executive Consultant 2 PG in Rural Management(XISS) M.A ,RD Project Associate Laisoning officer 2 PG in Rural Mgt(XISS) B.SC Agriculture, from BAU-Ranchi Project Associate Agriculture Technical officer Senior Programme Manager 2 Holy Cross SSC, Irrigation Structures Management Irrigation Structures Management Agriculture, Participatory Rural Appraisal SUPPORT,Farm planning & social forestry SUPPORT-Lead Crop, SRTT Project SUPPORT, Expertise with Convergence with MNREGA, RKVY,SGSY NABARD-WADI 1 BAU- Ranchi 22 NBJK, JEP,,JSLPS- UNDP expertise in rural Livelihood promotion programmes 2 SUPPORTPromotion 6 SUPPORT 5 SUPPORT, linkage Civil - 17 Amit Tete M 18 Sanjeeva Kumar M 19 Adhin Mahto M M.COM (XISS) 20 Avkesh Khalko M Project Associate 21 Vijay kumar Das M PG in Rural Management from XISS PGDRD 22 Geeta Devi F Matric SHG Cocoordinator .PGRD MIS Officer 20 Past Associations Expertise 5 6 8 SHG SHG-Bank SUPPORT | 8 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment 23 Sangeeta Kumari F Intermediate SHG Promoter 1 SUPPORT-SHG 24 Reeta Devi F Intermediate SHG Promoter 1 SUPPORT-SHG 25 Sweta Kumari F B.A SHG Auditor 5 SUPPORT-SHG 26 Dhanjay Kumar M B.A 4 BASIX Livelihood 27 Parveen Kumar Whesle Kuldeep Kumar M PG RD 3 NBJK, SHG, Livelihood M B.A 10 Satish Kumar Upadhyay Raju Chatriya M B.Com 4 NBJK.SUPPORT, Dairy Development SUPPORT, Financial Mgt M B.Com SHG Cocoordinator SHGCoordinator Livestock cocoordinator Chief Accountant Accountant 3 SUPPORT, Accounts 28 29 30 13( B) Existing list of field staff details. S. N Name Qualification Experience Current responsibilities 1 Jitendra Kumar B.A. 14 Agriculture Promoting 2 Ramesh Kumar B.A. 8 Agriculture Promotion 3 Niranjan Kumar B.A. 6 Agriculture Promotion 4 Manoj Kumar Mahto B.A. 6 Agriculture Promoting 5. Sulekha Devi I.A. 1 SHG strengthening 6 Geeta Kumari Matric 4 SHG strengthening 7 Sunita Kumari I.A 4 SHG strengthening 8 Merry Anna Ekka I.A 2 SHG strengthening 9 Naresh Kumar Mahto Matric 1 SHG strengthening 10 Pradeep Kumar Mahto B.A. 2 SHG strengthening 11 Ranjeet Kumar Saw B.Com. 2 Watershed 13 Priyanka Kumari B.A. 2 SHG strengthening 14 Rabindra Ganjhu Matric 4 Irrigation and land dev 15 Basudeo Soreng Matric 4 Animal husbandry 16 Sanjeev Joseph Tirkey B.A. 4 WADI and SHG strengthening 17 Bisheshwar Mahto B.A 4 SHG strengthening 18 Surendra Kumar BA. 4 SHG strengthening 19 Ashok Kumar Mahto BA. 5 SHG strengthening 20 Mushrat Jahan BA. 2 SHG strengthening 21 Baldeo Bedia B.A 1 SHG strengthening 22 Jai Nath Mato Matric 1 SHG strengthening 23 Reeta Kumari Intermediate 2 SHG strengthening 24 Teklal Mahto Intermediate 2 SHG strengthening 25 Chuleshwar Mahto B.A 2 SHG strengthening SUPPORT | 9 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment 26 Vinay Hansda B.A 1 SHG strengthening 27 Santhosh Kumar Sinha B.A 1 SHG strengthening 28 Gangeshwar Mahto B.A 3year SHG strengthening 29 Deva Nand Mahto Intermediate 2 year SHG strengthening 30 Lok Nath Mahto B.A 2 year SHG strengthening 31 Pawan Kumar Mahto M.A 2 SHG strengthening 32 Rajendra Marandi Intermediate 2 SHG strengthening SECTION B: 1. Community Institutions Architecture a) Past Experience of PIA: 1a-1) Past Experience in forming/nurturing women based groups and/or collectives in the line of sustainable agriculture practice:. Since its inception SUPPORT has promoted 4152 SHGs and linked 3125 SHGs with Savings linked with Banks AND 1151for Credit Linkages for all purposes. An amount of Rs approx 4 crores has been mobilized. Initially have taken for consumption purposes and later on started in productive Purposes. 60% SHGs have taken repeat loan from bank after paying 100% repayment to Bank. SUPPORT is working as Anchor NGO for three districts –Hazaribag, Bokaro and Giridih and one district-Ramgarh as partner NGO of Holy Cross for promotion of Women SHG. SUPPORT works through village level women SHGs to bring in sustainable changes in the socio-economic profile of disadvantaged groups. All initiatives have been focused to provide a common platform to the poorest women in remote locations through the Self Help approach for their empowerment and encourage their active participation in the development. The Women Self Help Group is centrally focused on livelihood initiatives. As a part of livelihood initiatives, we are focusing on both agro based and non-agricultural activities. During the implementation of agro based livelihood programme, environment is created to recognize the efforts of women as Farmer than as an agricultural laborer. The knowledge and skill of women is enhanced through training on agricultural technology, exposure visits. The women are also linked with various financial institutions. Apart from the basic credit requirements for emergency care the persistent efforts of groups and their regular performance has also resulted into some linkages to income generation activities like livestock rearing, vending / , on farm activities and traditional Skills for value addition of local products. The organization has also established networking with Local Market plus Development Network namely Vikas Bazar net, The Self Help Groups have shown marked progress over the period and demonstrated their ability to manage the bulk of short term credit activities that has helped them to overcome of local money lenders. The economic sense of SUPPORT | 10 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment security has also imbibed self confidence among the women. Out of total4152 Self Help Groups SUPPORT has introduced vegetable Cultivation, Paddy and wheat cultivation. Overall Demand of microcredit has increased in the both district which is fulfilled within the groups.SHG are doing internal auditing, maintaining the records, and fulfilling the basic requirements of the group members. SHG based institution building Apart from this a block level federation has been promoted under Jharkhand self supporting cooperative act for women poultry producers. CEO of SUPPORT also acts as honorary president of district level piggery cooperative. Through various initiatives, we are successful to attain marked improvement in food security, even in the years of distress and able to generate cash income in the range of Rs. 15000 to Rs. 18000 per annum for most of our clients. SUPPORT has promoted 16 Cluster level federations of SHGs in Hazaribag &Ramgarah District. Formation of Farmers Club With assistance from NABARD, Ranchi we have promoted 32 farmer’s club in Mandu and Churchu block of Hazaribag and Ramgarh district. Comprehensive work has been carried out by the Farmers Club as in line with the mandate of the scheme to facilitate bank linkages & develop irrigation, Livestock and Agriculture resources leading to holistic development of their cluster of villages. Each farmer’s club organized “Meet the Expert” program on vermi compost, Agriculture and Livestock Management this year. In the farmer’s Club more than 50% members are from women SHG. Soil and Water Conservation with small lift irrigation infrastructure: Under Convergence with MGNREGS, RKVY and MADA prototype scheme the following assets/work have been completed Through Liaison and Convergence. Structure wise details are as under: Type of Intervention Units Area coverage Participant HH 49 312 Ha 1021 Small Lift and Drip Irrigation 36 82 862 Gully Plug 04 01 Ha Soil & Water Conservation Construction of water harvesting structures(Farm Pond l and Check dam 11 Nala Bunding 1 2 Ha 5 Income Generation Among SHG 30 District wide 228 Well Construction 54 25Ha 216 Land Leveling 08 (Poultry, Piggery, Agriculture) 16 ha 38 SUPPORT | 11 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Natural Resource Management (NRM): SUPPORT strives to strengthen the community based Institution to manage Natural resources through land and water improvement program, watershed and plantation activities through community based institutions like Watershed Associations, User Groups etc. to develop specific social regulations for sustainable use of these resources. Support has formed PANI PANCHAYATS and user groups to ensure participatory decision making in water uses and maintenance of concern structures. Watershed Program SUPPORT functions as PIA under the DPAP watershed initiatives. SUPPORT has implemented 8 units of watershed Mandu, Churchu and Patratu block .Cumulative coverage of these four micro-initiatives is approx 4000 ha of area covering 1250 families. We are executing Chumba Nala Watershed with association of NABARD in Mandu Block of Ramgarh District. We have completed CBP (Capacity Building Phase) and we are doing FSR for the main (FIP) project.725 hac. Land is under treatment with covering 581 farmers. Watershed committee is fully oriented. Amount is directly transferred in their accounts. They are managing the accounts. Name of watershed CD Block Treatment Area Farmers benefited Covered (Ha) Banda Nala Watershed Project Mandu 500 Ha 175 Kemo Watershed Project Mandu 500 Ha 175 Gargali Nala Watershed Project Mandu 500 Ha 150 Baridih Nala Watershed Project Patratu 500 Ha 150 Sarbaha Nala Watershed Project Churchu 500 Ha 150 chabaro Nala Watershed Project Churchu 500 Ha 150 Rikwa Nala Watershed Project Churchu 500 Ha 150 chainpur Nala Watershed Project Churchu 500 Ha 150 Chumba Nala Watershed Mandu 725 ha 581 4725 1831 (Existing ) Total National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGS) Starting from 2006, we have completed 3rd year of successful collaboration with district administration, Hazaribag to roll out MGNREGS program in selected villages of our working area. 55water harvesting structures have been completed under various MNREGS schemes with active involvement of Women SHGs. We have further started taking initiative to link them with suitable irrigation mechanism to ensure their utilization and bring in cascading effect on livelihood. SUPPORT | 12 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Water Conservation, Irrigation and Land Development for Tribal villages under MADA prototype. Under MADA Prototype Phase- I Scheme in collaboration with District Welfare Department, Hazaribag, SUPPORT has taken up Agriculture and allied livelihood initiative based on Water Conservation, Irrigation and land development in 10 tribal villages of Churchu block of Hazaribag district. Parallel to infrastructure creation activities we conducted exposure visit cum orientation training for the selected HH on Improved agriculture practice, Poultry, Piggery, Dairy, Mushroom cultivation, Cultivation of paddy and development of Horticulture . Activity Unit Villages Earthen Check dam 05 Kodwe ,Tongi, Senegarha, Asnagarha ,Baskudra Small 30 Suyadih,Tongi,Bhurkunda, Water Harvesting Structures Senegarha,Rabod,Kusumdih,mahua tand,kaluabeda,Khapia ,chainpur, Dug wells 32 Tongi,Suyadih,Rabod,Senegarha,Kodwe, Bhurkunda,tilaya,kusumdih,Kaluabeda,Baskudra,kaluatand Dumaria tand, Micro Lift Irrigation 06 Senegarha, Rabod -2(Tilaya & Mahuatanr Tola), Asnagarha,Chainpur,Kura Capacity Building 10 Training on SHG, Poultry, Piggery and Ole Cultivation and Exposure visit to IINRG Namkum, HARP, and CURRS &KVK was organized. Land Leveling 19 Ha Khapia,Senegarha,Rabod,Tongi Based on our performance we, Under Prototype phase-III batch project were sanctioned during the year to create and develop similar resources in Dadi block of Hazaribag district. MADA (Prototype Phase III) Activity Small Water Harvesting Unit Villages 06 Kurra, Chainpur, Rabodh(Tola:-Mahuatand) Khapia, Rikwa Structures Dug wells (Tola:-Lathiya) 05 Ashnagarha, Rabodh(Tola:-Kusumdih) Khapia, Mishrainmodha Capacity Building 02 Training of SHG on Managerial and Accounts, Exposure visit to Banadag Village for vegetable cultivation, Land Leveling 1 Ha Kurra Based on our performance we were again sanctioned MADA IV in Churchu Block for 10 villages and MADA V in sadar Block of Chatra District which is under progress . SUPPORT | 13 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Control and management of the assets Assets have been created through are being utilized by user groups and SHG members. Pani panchayats have been made in each sites. Infrastructures made by the organization is maintained by community /or beneficiaries themselves by collecting contributions. All system is monitored and controlled by them. All beneficiaries are members of the pani panchayats known by a separate name and leaded by group leaders. It works in a very transparent way. Agriculture promotion: With association of NABARD SUPPORT is promoting five lead crops-Paddy, Maize, Potato, Tomato and Mustard. Under the project foundation high yielding variety of Paddy, Maize, Potato, Mustard and Potato seeds were distributed among 1950 farmers .Two seed Production unit –Paddy and Potato have been started. Soil testing has been done for 2000 farmer’s field.2500 SHG families are involved in the project. Water structures have been created through convergence of Australian High Commission and Diversion based Irrigation schemes of APFRO. Crop Productivity has been increased. Project is managed by Cluster Development Committee. Five Producers Federation will be established. The income of 2500 farmers has been enhanced by approx above Rs.10, 000/ per annum. SRI, KPS and SWI Promotion: Since 2009-10 with collaboration of CINI Jamshedpur and NABARD initiatives SUPPORT has covered 2050 farmers Under SRI .yield was just 1.5 times more with low cost inputs .POP was followed strictly in this system. Service providers and skilled extension workers are involved in the project for the sustainability of the project. During the period 12-13 total 261.01 hac lands were covered under SRI. Average yield is 70 quintal per hac while in traditional agriculture it was 40 quintal. 20 CRP have been trained. SUPPORT has also introduced this method in wheat and Mustard. The yield has been increased. We have also introduced KPS (Kharif Paddy Stabilization) with 1500 farmers with technical and financial support of CINI and SRTT. Though SRI and KPS food security increased in the adopted villages/area from 7 months to 12 months. Experience in sustainable agriculture practice: SUPPORT is already actively promoting sustainable agriculture practice in more than 30 villages covering around2500H/H directly .We feel to explore these activities in nearby villages. Result is seen in the area. Continues technical and field support has helped to farmers .Farmers have adopted improved agriculture practice and they are maintaining too. Use of high chemicals and inorganic manures has decreased. Yield has also increased. Holistic approach in agriculture practice has emerged as effective strategies in the area. Nutrient and pest management (NPM) & integrated pest Management (IPM) is followed in agriculture practice for maintaining the soil texture and fertility in sustainable way. Karanj kake , ash, herbal liquid cum solution is used in crops which is eco friendly too. Lac Cultivation: Based on the availability of Ber host plant in the local area we have selected Lac as one of the potential sector to intervene. We selected a couple of HHs with traditional affiliation and knowledge of Lac rearing to begin the revival work. We facilitated one of the experienced Lac farmers to attain training by IINRG Ranchi in modern and scientific line of practices last year. He has been engaged by us as master trainer cum resource person for SUPPORT | 14 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment the activity. This year 14 progressive farmers received 4 days intensive training from Lac Research Center Namkum Ranchi. Presently 38 farmers have taken up lac cultivation in more than 250 ber trees covering 6 villages and are excited by the additional income they are able to fulfill family basic needs.. HORTICULTURE PROMOTION: National Horticulture Mission (NHM): Since 2006Under Jharkhand State National Horticulture Mission SUPPORT has taken up promotion of horticulture activities in 200 Ha of land in CD Block Mandu,Churchu & Barkagaon Of Hazaribag and Ramgarh district as a partner organization of Holy Cross Social Service Center, Hazaribag. Mango plantation, intercropped with varieties of commercial interest like Papya, Ginger & turmeric has been carried out in 200 Hectares. Survival rate of the plants is approx 85%. 82 farmers have started selling of Mango from last one year and started to earn Rs 8000-10000/-per annum. A producers company formation is on process. Based on above experience SUPPORT has taken up WADI project of NABARD since the year 2010. Total 500 tribal families in Churchu block have taken up for promotion of Mango and Guava plantation in 500 acres of land and other integrated Development. Plantation has been done 355 acres of land. T&D variety of Pigs have been promoted in 155 tribal families. Enterprise Development & VDP With the collaboration of NABARD, Ranchi we have taken up Enterprise Development Program on priority basis for linking SHGs with micro enterprise activities. 68 SHG members were trained in Ramgarah and 801 members in Hazaribag through two MEDP program on Mushroom Cultivation and Goat Rearing, piggery, cow rearing and vermi compost etc. With collaboration of NABARD, Ranchi SUPPORT has adopted two villages –Banda and gargali in Churchu block of Hazaribag district for holistic development of the village one village-Gargali of Ramgarh district is also adopted. Promotion of T& D Variety of Pigs Under NABARD, Farm Innovation and Promotion (FIP) Fund SUPPORT is promoting T& D breed of pigs for livelihood promotion in the area. In the first phase ten schedule Caste families in Gargali village of Mandu block in Ramgarh district were trained in scientific rearing techniques and Shed Construction. The pure breed of T& D Variety of piglets have been sourced from Birsa Agriculture University 155 HH has been provided with 2 male and 1 female piglets to initiate the activity . Promotion of Vermi Compost: under different projects SUPPORT involved SHG for promotion of vermin compost unit. 34 vermi compost units have been made which has helped in reducing the chemical fertilizers Farmers are using compost in the vegetable cultivations. SUPPORT | 15 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment 1a -2 briefly elaborate Best practices adopted by the women groups promoted by SUPPORT; Regular meetings in Women Self Help Group (SHGs), high attendance (> 90%), regular savings (Rs 80100 per month), internal lending (2-3 times to the savings of the groups),taking credit from bank(SHGBank linkage not activity based) and On-time repayment of bank lending Women SHGs have installed six Micro- Lift Irrigation schemes, managing the entire operations on their own, irrigating in 125 acres of land. And shifted from monocrop to double crop. Actively involved in Agriculture planning and implementation such as SRI, KPS, Vegetable , the groups have been supported to diversify farming to include other food grain crops (wheat, maize), oilseeds (mustard), potato and field peas and a wide range of vegetables in different seasons. SUPPORT has ensured adoption of the above-mentioned best practices through participatory processes, involving women at all stages of intervention such as community mobilization, planning, implementation and project reviews. Livelihood planning was carried out with each of the families and technical training and handholding support provided to them. It entails a continuous engagement process of SUPPORT with the community to bring about changes among people in terms of self-belief and skill sets to embark on ventures for economic growth and build community institutions to sustain the initiatives. 1a -3 Strategies under taken in the past in enabling access to credit and market through the women groups/federations: SUPPORT has focused on strengthening key parameters of SHG performance—regular savings, peer dynamics, regular internal lending, proper book keeping and joint assessment of the members of Women SHGs in assessing individual credit needs. These are basic requirements to prove the credibility and credit-worthiness of the groups before the banks. SUPPORT has sensitized bankers through organizing exposure visits for the bankers to the Women SHGs group and cluster meetings.. This helped in orienting the bankers for SHG lending, The agency has also organized inter face meetings between Women SHGs and bankers in order to develop the of Women SHGs to access loans from banks, Develop the linkages the farmers to the markets, SUPPORT has organized exposure visits of women farmers to the markets and facilitated interaction with the traders in order to help the women understand the terms of the business, The Community resource persons promoted and Local Resource Person by the agency are important players in sustaining linkages with distant markets, SUPPORT has the experience of organizing aggregation of produce at the local level to attract traders to come closure to the doorsteps of the farmers. Women SHGs is facilitated to negotiate prices for their produce. SUPPORT | 16 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Cluster level informal federation is already exiting in the area. Quarterly interface meeting is organized for existing SHG it is needed to strengthened and organized by federating formally. 1b Past Proposed Plans / Strategies as part of the project: 1b-1 Proposed Strategies to ensure implementation of the project are as under: Conducting Base Line Survey for profiling of the Mahila Kisan Identification of Women SHGs with focus on clustering—limiting the interventions in 10-12 villages in contiguous clusters, Generating options for interventions in farming, keeping in mind the agro-climate, need for food security and demand trend in the markets, Each Mahila farmers will avail KCC from bank. All individual members will have SB A/C, Insurance/pension cover. Formulation of HH based Detailed Livelihood Plans (DPR) Develop the livelihood plans with individual members of the Women SHGs—assessing the resource base of the family, current use of resources (mainly land) at their disposal and problem mapping, understanding family’s needs and aspirations for livelihoods, collation of individual plans at the SHG level, Detailing out intervention strategies with focus on optimum utilization of land and water resources Capacity Building Training / Capacity building of SHG- member families with thrust on building the knowledge and skills of women, Adoption of improved farming practices among women would be ensured through rigorous on-field training, crop demonstration and handholding support. The services of the CRPs would be hired by the Women SHGs for efficient delivery of various services at the doorstep of individual families, Developing the Cadre of Women entrepreneurs & Community Resource Persons Creating a pool of Community Resource Persons (CRPs) through rigorous content based training and exposure, Linkages- Market & Finance Promotion of Producers’ Collective under suitable laws would be an important intervention to collectivize input procurement and marketing of produces. This intervention would also help in attainment of scale of economy in the identified clusters to organize various services (doorstep delivery of inputs, credit linkage, problem solving services, lifting produces at farm gate etc.). The collectives would hire External Resource Person to build linkages with input suppliers and traders for marketing of produces, SUPPORT | 17 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Operational Strategy: The PIA would transfer the funds for programme expenses directly to the Women SHGs or functional groups. The Groups would be supported by the PIA to implement the projects. The project would focus on creation of small-scale common assets as demonstration basis such as Dobha (small pond) , Poly house, Wormy compost units . These interventions are designed (in terms of scale and complexities) to be managed by women’s groups, Convergence with MGNREGA and NRLM will be done for creation of water resources.PRI members will be involved. Convergence with insurance and pension scheme of Govt will be linked. Individual assets equipments mainly in the form of small agriculture implements like weeder, water tank at household level etc would be created to reduce drudgeries of women, Livelihood interventions mainly through intensification and diversification of farming would be initiated subsequent to the creation of irrigation infrastructure. The Women SHGs would leverage credit requirements from the groups and federations as well. Promotion of vermi composting locally would not only enhance entrepreneurship, but also a wider adoption of sustainable organic practices. This would be important in the context of expected increase in cropping intensity, SRTT –CInI- JSR, KVK-Hazaribag, Vikas , ATMA ,IINRG, HARP,CURRS and others to set systems for community led-processes including training of Women SHGs, producers’ collectives, develop improved package of practices for farming, training of extension staff of the agency, designing comprehensive systems for project management and help in building linkages with key stakeholders. Within the SHG priority will be given to needy and individual Mahila kisan for improving their income and livelihood options. 1b-2 System and checks put in place to ensure that the Community resource persons are accountable to/managed by the women institutions: At the program level general terms of reference for the CRPs have been provided below; The CRPs would be hosted at the level of SHG-Clusters 10 CRP in one cluster , Each CRP would be engaged with 60 families , The CRP would prepare his monthly plans in consultation with the Cluster association, The Cluster associations would make payments to the CRPs against the services rendered. Initially, the cost of CRPs would be partly subsidized from the project budget for 1-2 years. From 3rd. year, with attainment of scale, the cost would be met by the beneficiary families. initially amount of salary will be transferred in the accounts of groups At a later stage, the CRPs would be co-opted by the Producers’ Collectives that would be governed mainly by the women members, SUPPORT | 18 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment A total number of 10 Para professionals (LRP) will be deployed or hired as para professionals. They will accountable for 5 villages responsible for Para vet camp, agriculture support, horticulture support, social mobilization etc Local best practices and experienced persons will be given priority in selection. They will work as full time facilitator. They will provided incentive charge as daily basis including travel cost, communication cost, daily meal cost. During the project phase Women Federation would monitor the activities of CRPs in association with project staff, while at the village level SHG would ensure proper working of CRPs. 1b-3 plan to enable women institutions to put in place a transparent self monitoring and review mechanism internally for program improvement: Program Level : Formation of Project Implementation Committee (PIC) Formation of theme based Agriculture Committee at the Cluster level of the Women Self Help Group would facilitate regular review of CRPs, cross-visits, regular discussions around best practices, The committee would periodically visit the project sites, suggest corrective measures and assess the expenditure against budget. The committee would encourage the SHG- member families to utilize the irrigation structures to the extent of installed capacity. Village Level: Women Self Help Group. At village level village organization will look over the management of SHG Collectives Including Producers Groups 1b-4 system and procedures adopted for best practices by the women institutions: Development of sample Demonstration plots at village level Organizing the Women Farmers’ Fair Interface meetings of different women farmers of different regions. Women would expose to best practices of local region. Formation of Krishi Samitee at Cluster, Krishi Melas would be organized at the clusters to share best practices, reward outstanding performers and encourage innovations by the farmers, PIA to attend monthly Krishi Samitee meetings to receive feedback on package of practices and update / improve the same, CRPs would be trained / updated periodically to extend best practices, The PIA would periodically organize interactions between farmers and KVKs, ICAR Institutes to facilitate knowledge transfer, The PIA would encourage innovation at the farmer’s level bring out new / better ideas, Regular interface with PRI Members SUPPORT | 19 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment SECTION C Operational Details C.1. Description of Context C.1.a. Context of area and community: The project proposed to cover Mandu block of Ramgarh, a newly formed district of Jharkhand. It came into existence on 12 September 2007 and comprises of only 6 blocks. Demographically, the district houses 9% SC and 34% ST communities. As per 2001 census Average Literacy rate stands at 38% with women literacy at 24%. While 72% of males are engaged as the prime earners for the family 32% women are engaged in similar capacity. Among the total workforce involved in main or primary occupation of the household women contributes to 19%. Geographically, project area is characterised by undulating topography. Over the period forest coverage has been reduced to 17% without supplementary proportionate development in farm resources. For around 90% of the population in the project area, the present major occupation is either agriculture or agricultural labour. Agriculture is primarily monsoon dependent. The area receives around 1250 MM of annual rainfall with increasing degree of variability in recent years .Irrigation facility is available below 8 % of the total land. The target area comprises of tribal communities located far away from the town where outreach of development been quite minimal. Traditionally livelihood of tribal and underprivileged communities in the target area was dominantly dependent on forest based system. With depleting forest resources, off late, they are trying to adopt farm based livelihood systems. Lack of skill, knowledge and resources is continually and seriously affecting their efforts to ensure sustainable & eco friendly livelihood and economic well being solution. C.1.b Problem Analysis: The target community in the proposed area and Mandu block as a whole is facing challenge of poverty and underdevelopment. In this section we have tried to delineate specific technical issues leading to the state of chronic poverty and specific challenges faced by the women as a part of the household as well as broader society in the given context. Mandu as like many other part of Jharkhand is an area where the community interest to farming has been limited traditionally, primarily due to overwhelming availability of forest resources and an eco-geography that offers limited water availability and holding capacity. With the degradation of forest resources dependence on Agriculture has been rapidly increased in recent years. However return from Agriculture activities income is limited due to low productivity. This is linked with lack of awareness, skill and irrigation infrastructure. The major crop in this area during the Kharif season is Paddy (80% of the cultivated land) which is grown in lowland, medium upland.. The other crops taken in the upland area are Maize, Arhar, finger-millets, black gram, ragi etc. However, yield of all the crops are far below the national average. Proposed area is drought prone and rain fed area. Agriculture is totally depending on monsoon. Creating water resource facilities are only way to address these issues. SUPPORT | 20 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Run off of the area is very high leading to loss of top soil. Subsistence farming is the main occupation of people in villages. Average land holding is small, without proper means of irrigation. Farmers are primarily dependant on rain (monsoon) for irrigation. Frequent drought Or Untimely Rain is typical to this area. Irrigation wells without any mechanical devices to lift the water. Lack of resources for land management coupled with improper land use practices has severely reduced productivity of the soil. Access to information, know-how and technology is also lacking due to ineffective extension support. Most families’ bund their plots, but heavy downpour wash sections of bunds, leaving the paddy crop vulnerable during the long dry spells. Generally the land husbandries practices are primitive, paddy field are ploughed only 1-2 times a year. The practice of summer ploughing, which is an important agricultural practice, is virtually non-existent. Organic Fertilizer is seldom used. Farmers are interested to put organic fertilizers but it is simply not available in significant scale with individual families. Mortgaging of lands to the moneylenders Practice is also in practice. These primarily arise out of credit needs for consumption and emergency purposes. Only a small portion of the families in the area has access to formal banking system. The families using banking services regularly are even lower. Interest rates charged by moneylenders are exorbitant and usurious. Markets are also underdeveloped and even agricultural products are under the vagaries of middleman and fluctuating prices. Livestock sector is dominated by inferior quality bullocks, used as draught animal; do not ensure proper tillage. Shortage of cow dung for composting is also linked with low breed bullocks. On the other hand, people do not have sufficient agriculture produce to feed and maintain improved breed cattle. Social Context of Women: Continuing from our previous section it may be inferred that there is high pressure on land with limited knowledge and innovation. There is an increasing trend for male members of the family to shift to non- farm activities & undertake short to long distance migration in search of livelihood. This leads to a difficult and vulnerable social situation for the women members of the household. It is generally believed that tribal women enjoy better social status than their male counterparts. However there are considerable gaps in this understanding. They occupy a subordinate position in comparison to men. In economic terms a women is paid less. Incidence of disease is higher amongst women, few receive medical attention. Women are married in their early and have their first child before twenty. Nearly 88% women suffer from moderate to severe malnutrition. More than 70% women are illiterate and lack of functional knowledge. Tribal women do not have right to inherit landed property. C.1. c Opportunity Participation of women in farm based activities is the key to address the development challenges in the area. This can be achieved through increased access of women members to farm skills and resources. While government and people are willing to take forward the agenda of broader economic well being and women empowerment, We are working with the people of Mandu block since the last 15 years with the issues of women empowerment, economic and livelihood security and over all well being of small and marginal households. As a systematic response to the development challenges posed above we have organized women self help groups . The Women Self Help Group has brought in catalyzing effect in implementation of community based development projects on Education, Health and Sanitation, Watershed Development and Livelihood. Many of our women leaders SUPPORT | 21 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment have emerged as leaders of local PRI institutions. Panchyat election in the state bringing in greater recognition as an effective tool of empowerment. Women Self Help Group is primary institution which facilitates implementation of various social development initiatives taken up by our organization with assistance from various donor agencies. While the Women Self Help Group have been organized into Cluster And block level federations which remain actively involved in advocacy for tribal women’s right, to further strengthen them to link them up with upcoming National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) . With this perspective and above mentioned approach at grass roots level –at SUPPORT we intend to empower & equip 3000 women from 200 Self Help groups in 50 villages of Mandu Block. . There is huge scope to improve farm productivity through adoption of improved farm technologies like SRI, SWI and KPS .Specific initiatives like Poly nursery and kitchen garden would help members to ensure economic & nutritional security. The area is well linked with local centers of growth like Ranchi, Hazaribag and Bokaro etc. There is huge untapped potential in these markets. So, establishment of production clusters and community based institutions would facilitate collective marketing and ensure a steady return. JHASCOLAMPS, JHARKRAFT, LAMPC, PACS can help for marketing while technical support and facilitation will be obtained from KVK, ATMA, and CURRS. Further the production scenarios are also challenged by lack of on time credit at an affordable interest rate. Once scale of operation reaches to a sizable volume though these initiatives, quality bank credits would further improve the return from farm based activities. This initiative would pave the way to establish an improved and just social order for the women members of the household. C.2 Project Description C.2.a Vision of success: Farm planning and implementation and women’s agree as the major stakeholder in household farming as the outcome of the project. This would be achieved through improved food and economic security of at least 3000 families by the end of the project period as a direct output of the project. This will be achieved through participation of learned and skilled women farmers in farming, water harvesting, and soil conservation. The trained WSHGs would organize agricultural inputs including credits, develop economically viable microenterprises and take initiative to spread the message through appropriate training and orientation. Sustainable women producers collective will manage and revolve the credit funds in order to continue the income-generating activities in the long run by themselves and collaborate with Government agencies & PRI to bring in supplementary and complimentary initiatives as per the demand. SUPPORT | 22 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment C.2.b Goals and Objectives: The project would work with small and marginal women farmers with a primary focus on backward and vulnerable women headed household with the following mandates; Specific Goal: To empower and equip 3000 small & marginal women SHG members of Mandu block from 200 SHGs, presently organized in 5 clusters to undertake and promote improved farming system resulting in achievement of year-round food security and sustainable income enhancement to the tune of Rs. 15,000-18000 per family per annum by the end of 3rd. year Key Objectives: The project would work with small and marginal women farmers with a primary focus on backward and vulnerable women headed household with the following key objectives. 1. To improve land and water resource in additional 750 ha based on small and marginal households within 3 years 2. To improve access and control over resources within 3 years. 3. To transfer appropriate Farm Skills & technologies to 300 women members which will support in drudgery reduction? 4. To improve food, economic and nutritional security status of the participant households 5. To Facilitate market access for women entrepreneurs 6. To sensitize local government, administration and other stakeholders for needful assistance and convergence on women centric agriculture development initiatives C.2.c Key Output Following key outputs has been envisaged from the proposed project activities; 1) Additional 750 Acres of land to be brought under cultivation 2) Productivity will be increased up to 1.5 times at the present level 3) Cropping intensity will be increased by 30% from the present level 4) 10% increase in gross return through farm mechanization 5) 5% increase in gross & net return from storage and collectivization 6) Minimum 60 days additional food security for the participating households 7) Additional income of Rs. 21000-30000/- (1st yr-Rs.21000,2nd yr-Rs.25000 &3rd yr-Rs30000. per member per annum 8) Increase in women’s economic participation in household by 30% of present level 9) At least 30% increase in women’s participation in Gram sabha & other PRI bodies 10) Formation of 1block level women’s’ collective / federation 11) Cadre Development of 50 CRPs and 10 para Professional -LRP 12) Creation of 5 clusters (product based) 13) Coverage of 50 villages 14) Formation and strengthening of 200 SHG SUPPORT | 23 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment 15) Coverage of 3000 Women SHG members and households 3000 HH would adopt gender friendly production technology (eg SRI,SWI) on a sustainable basis by the end of the project; Total value of incremental production through these initiatives through increased productivity (to 1.5 times the present level) and cropping intensity ( by 30% from the present level). Further women leaders to be groomed as Service providers and as entrepreneurs and 2 formal women’s Agri collective would come into existence to maintain the continuity and sustainability of the initiative. This would lead to Increase in women’s economic participation in household by 30% of present level, effecting at least 50% increase in women’s participation in Gram sabha & other PRI bodies. C.3 Details of Proposed Action plan: C.3-1 Plan for promoting and enhancing food and nutritional security for women farmers following activities have been envisaged to accomplish the stated objective of the project; C.3.1 Project inception: Micro planning through DPR Visioning cum Livelihood planning exercises will be conducted with all members of SHGs in the project villages, and Detailed Implementation Plan will be prepared for each village. The DIP will contain details relating to the interventions around land and water activities, off-farm allied activities and other traditional activities along with timeline and budget details. DIP will come up with a training plan, timeline and budget requirement. External agency can involve in preparing the DPR Profiling of the Mahila kisan: Mahila Kisan Card developed by NMMU will be filled up each three thousand farmers this card will be updated by monthly basis required information will be documented by maintaining the individual profile. Data will be updated in online reporting system also. Risk Mitigation: As a focused initiative to reduce drudgery the project would impart emphasis on mechanization through weeder and advocate No application of chemicals and fertilizers. It would train farmers to take necessary precautions during application of pesticides, and Insecticides. Male farmers will be motivated to engage in improved agricultural practices. SUPPORT | 24 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Technical protocol documentation and practice Agro-climatic Eastern Plateaus & Hilly Region Zone Major crops i. Kharif crops: Paddy, Maize, Pulses ii. Rabi crops: Wheat, Pulse, Oilseed, Potato (Mustard, Groundnut, Linseed, Gram, Brinjal iii. Vegetables: Brinjal, Lady’s finger, Garden Pea, Cauliflower, Bitter gourd, Cabbage, Radish, Sponge gourd (nenua), Ridge gourd (jingo). Agricultural i. Kharif seasons Seasons ii. Rabi seasons iii. Summer seasons Major Activities Practices Agricultural Operations Pre- Crop selection i. High yielding/ improved variety cultivation Seed selection i. Kharif seasons:-Paddy, Tomato, Chilly, ii. Rabi seasons:- Wheat, Tomato, Potato, Brinjal, Cabbage iii. Summer seasons:-Pumpkin, ladies finger. Seed rate Paddy:- 2.5kg/acre Wheat:-5Kg/acre Tomato, Brinjal, Cabbage etc.:-100gr/acre Pumpkin, ladyfinger:-500gr/acre Seed Treatment Water, Egg, Potato, salt, cow urine, Land Preparations Wet-bed method:- The soil should be well puddled and made slightly rised. The width is 1 to 1.5meters and length should be convenient size. Drain channel will be SUPPORT | 25 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment provided Dry-bed method:- The soil is ploughed harrowed and leveled. The seed beds are made 8 to 10cms raised. Drainage channel will be provided. Cultivation spacing Paddy:- 10 x10 inch Wheat:- 8 x 12 inch Tomato, Brinjal, Cabbage etc.:- 12 x 18 inch Pumpkin, ladyfinger:- 24x24 inch and 6 x 12 inch sowing/ Transplanting SRI, SWI method Inter cultivation No Weeding/ Hoeing Weeds can reduce up to 33% grain yield of transplanted paddy. So mechanical or hand weeding has to ensure. The seeding can be done during time of fertilizer application. Water Methods of water The ideal depth of water should be a thin Conservation/ conservation/Management/Irrigation film at the time of transplanting. It is Management beneficial to have intermittent irrigation practices practices up to the maximum tillering stage for maintaining the thin film of water on the soil surface. Then 2 inch deep water should be ensured from panicle formation to grain filling stages. Water should be drained out at least one week before harvesting. Irrigation will be provide by Dobha(Farm pond) which will be constructed by the project. Timing/ Scheduling Irrigation will be provided within 10-15 day/crop SUPPORT | 26 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Soil fertility Bio fertilizer /Organic Manure/ Mgmt. Construction of 50 vermi compost shed /Soil health at demo basis through collectives. Methods of application/Practices Awareness enrichment and training on organic farming. Duration/ Scheduling of application Crop & Soil Various seasonal based nutrients Rizhobium, Vermi Compost, Dolomite, Nutrient (Organic/inorganic)Recommended Green Manure etc. Management Various method / practices Traditional improved and suitable depending upon the soil texture and fertility (If INM etc- Please specify specific INM will be promoted through zero methods and practices) budget cultivation Insect/Pest Insect/ Pest control methods/ practices Karanj cake, Neem oil, Cow urine, Ash, Management (E.G. If NPM/IPM, please specify Husck particular method of control under NPM/IPM) Insect/ Pest control substances(bio Herbal solution (Solution of neem leaves ) pesticide/ others etc) Disease Disease control methods/ Practices Karanj and neem cake, Neem oil, Cow Management urine, Mahua cake and mustard cake Disease control substance (bio Karanj and neem cake, Neem oil, Cow fungicide/others ) urine, Mahua cake and mustard cake Pre Methods/ practices for Measuring Preparation of threshing center, Khalihan, harvesting timeliness of harvest Practices Methods / practices for enhancing labor etc quality of harvest/ Produce Harvesting Methods of harvesting Post Primary Harvesting desired form of produce Practices Drying/ Moisture control methods/ Grain storage at house hold level, processing Traditional Method of harvesting. practices for Storage, grading packaging practices Storage Methods/ practices Local level seed preservation techniques, seed bank per village will be promoted SUPPORT | 27 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Study of value chain High yield and production will be indicator of agricultural improvement. Generally we have an experience that the price of agric commodities in the season is lesser than off season. We will try to promote these commodities to convert into value chain mechanism, gradation, of un season marketing, making the bye-product of some vegetables will be promoted. Crop gradation, processing units, and storage of grains will help in value addition. Cooperative farming will also support for minimum cost but high return. Market linkages will be developed so that farmers can get better and optimal price, Producers group will help in marketing to get better price. There is already local market and demand in the nearby project. It will be formalize for control the harassment and low price gain. study of value chain in the selected commodities or produce will be conducted through external agency. Value chain study will be done in the first year. C.3.2 Institution building: Mobilization and promotion of producers groups Producers groups will be mobilized and strengthened for better functioning. Product based collectives will be formed. Collectives will be linked with external marketing and other institutions for forward linkages. Backward support along with technical knowhow will be obtained through KGVK, ATMA, CURRS, and IINRG. A total number of 5 Product based federation will be formed at Block level. It will be registered under cooperative society act for functioning as institutions. Federation will function as per the norms of the act. Management support will be provided in terms of financial and technical with operational mechanism for day to day smooth functioning. Later on federation will manage entire system by own corpus fund or resources. C.3.3Capacity building Development of training module Theme based training module for use in training will be developed and to be printed. Annual training calendar will be published and circulated for references.. Training module may be course based. Agriculture training module will be prepared in three broad chapters like module for pre cultivation, during cultivation and post cultivation.. Specific training contents will be put in the training design, Master trainer, resource person, or facilitator will be hired, Audio visual aids will be also developed for using in the training .Digital tools will be applied in trainings and in ICT. Best practices of agriculture and livestock management will be displayed among the farmers. Training equipment management We have already training hall at Mandu block head quarter. Equipments in form of LCD, VCD, and digital Projector/Pico projector will be procured by the organization for the fulfillment of requirement of training needs. Training to CRP Motivational training, subject or theme based training, processes; methodologies, monitoring mechanism, and follow up will be incorporated in the training module. SUPPORT | 28 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Fundamental training, thematic based training, orientation training, will be designed in the module. Phase wise training, will be organized depending upon the course curriculum. Nature of the training can be residential or non residential. I day training can be organized at cluster basis at village level. Experts and experience person will be hired for facilitating the training. Exposure visit of CRP will be organized. it may be internal or external exposure. Separate Training of the selected “Community Resource Persons” would be conducted to orient them towards project tasks deploying them to support the implementation of the project. Training on improved methods of cultivation in kharif And Rabi The planned agricultural training programmes will cover mainly on the good quality of seeds, plant pathology, plants disease and disease control, water management, soil testing, requirement of nutrients, organic manure, appropriate storage and marketing of agricultural products. All these issues will be covered in regular training programmes at clusters level. Simultaneously participating families will be helped to pick up new skills to manage the improved or newly created asset. E.g. families will be trained to improve productivity of Kharif paddy, or take up seasonal vegetables, or trained to profitably rear a poultry birds, pigs and goat rearing along with dairy farm. They will also be trained to stored, grade, short and packaging for having better price in the Marketing. Packaging activity will also protect from wastage. Product wise grading and packaging will be done for all produced vegetables and other crops which will increased the market rate and it will bring price realization for crops. Graded vegetables and others crops will be further packed by collectives/ producer groups in bulk and will be sold in nearby market and long distance markets. There is scope of lac cultivation in the area under NTFP. lac cultivation will be spread or saturated in all the trees. Presently 50 % tress is uncovered. Technical inputs and handholding support will be provided to the lac growers. One producers group of lac cultivation will be developed at block level. Training on live stock management We have planned to promote dairy activity in the area. Cow rearing is done already. Cow rearing activity will assist in the fulfillment of cow dung for making the Wormy Compost. Disease control, fodder management, Milk marketing will be promoted. It will SUPPORT in incremental income growth Training to community farmers on NTFP Based on the availability of Ber host plant in the local area we have selected Lac as one of the potential sector to intervene. We selected a couple of HHs with traditional affiliation and knowledge of Lac rearing to begin the revival work. We facilitated one of the experienced Lac farmers to attain training by IINRG Ranchi in modern and scientific line of practices last year. He has been engaged by us as master trainer cum resource person for the activity. This year 14 progressive farmers received 4 days intensive training from Lac Research Center Namkum Ranchi. Presently 38 farmers have taken up lac cultivation in more than 250 ber trees covering 6 villages and are excited by the additional income. We have planned to provide technical training to 500 lac growing farmers under this project. Training will be focused on development of brood lac and its maintenance, Grading of brood lac, treatment and timely inoculation. Brood lac will be made available at local level grown by the local farmers. We will focus on Kusumi lac more rather than Rangini. We have already para professional for lac cultivation. SUPPORT | 29 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Training to PRI Leaders Orientation cum motivational training to PRIs, like ward commissioner, members of panchyats samiti, Mukhiyas ,pramukh will be associated raining and orientation help in better and smooth functioning In a transparent manner. Exposure visit of Community to immersion sites Women Participant would be exposed to various market linked activities and operation to optimize local production system as per the market demand .Proactive measures would be taken to build up linkages with market—exploration of local demands, exploration of major markets, studying the trends, establishing contacts with key players, bringing the market closer to the doorsteps of the producers, mechanism for aggregation, promotion and sale. The organization will utilize its existing rapport with Public Sector Banks and Resource Support Units in Govt. and Non Govt. sector like NABARD, KVK, Agriculture University, ATMA and Agriculture and Horticulture Departments to explore markets and ensure linkage with wholesale purchasers. , JHARKRAFT Bazar Samiti (District Level) and local level purchasers of local market including the big market in the nearby towns. We would engage professionals for conducting agriculture planning with families, training, capacity building and system setting for production and marketing. Services of Experts and Resource Persons will be hired to facilitate training/orientation etc. Grass roots level planning and coordination modalities will be decided in coordination with Women Self Help Groups and would be facilitated by Professionals available with our organization, The marketing and Value Addition methodology will be decided and followed in consultation with Professionals and Govt. line department Resource Persons who would work to train, guide and promote market strategies for market promotion and value addition. Service charge or Incentive to CRP Under this project service and resource fee will be paid as per working day in place of monthly honorarium. A total Number of 50 CRPs and 10 para-professionals –LRP will be paid on the basis of Performance or assignment. will promote active and experience farmers as CRP from the same locality. Roles of CRP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Day, week, Month work and task plan Execution of planned activities Field visit and support to SHG &producer group Execution of Demonstration activities Conducting Training &Exposures Imparting basic cum orientation Training to SHG farmers Data collection and report to programme coordinator for ensuring on line reporting Dissemination of Technical Knowledge Development and dissemination of ICT activities. Coordination with local govt. and non govt.machinary including PRI members. Promotion of village level organization. SUPPORT | 30 We MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Roles of Para Professionals-LRP 1 Timely Execution of planned activities 2 Field visit and support to WSHG &producer group 3 Execution of Demonstration activities 4 Organizing Training &Exposures 5 Imparting basic cum orientation Training to SHG farmers 6 Promotion of best practices in agriculture section 7 Dissemination of Technical Knowledge 8 Development and dissemination of ICT activities. 9 Coordination with local govt. and non govt.machinary including PRI members. 10 Social and mass mobilization activities including technical support. Consultancy and resource fee for training programmes Resource persons and consultants will be hired on daily basis. They may be project staff also. TOR and agreement will be done with such experience consultants. Development of ICT (Media paper, Nuked, Handbill digital tools, Pico projector etc) ICT will be developed in form of handbill brochures disseminated for awareness and publication. Electronic media and print media will be associated for knowledge information for mass communication. At village level nuked and street play will be organized at periodic basis so that improved practices of agriculture, social issues and legal entitlement & gender related issues will be addressed. Celebration of Mahila Krishak Divas and Mahila Kisan Mela Mahila Kisan Mela will be conducted at cluster basis covering five clusters each year. Which will continue in three year. Best performing Mahila kisan will be awarded for motivation. Similarly Mahila krisak divas at annual basis will be organized at each identified cluster. Celebration International Women’s day Each and every year on the eve of international women a mass meeting cum samelan will be organized for making the aware on different women and social related issues. SUPPORT | 31 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Workshop on land rights Workshop on land and property right to the tribal and the targeted women for community sensitization at cluster and district level will be organized at annual basis government officials, policy makers and social leaders will be invited as desk person. Training to PRI Leaders Orientation cum motivational training to PRIs, like ward commissioner, members of panchyats samiti, Mukhiyas ,pramukh will be associated raining and orientation help in better and smooth functioning In a transparent manner. C.3.4.Community Investment Support Development of Common Facility Center (CFC) Common Facility center will be developing for fulfillment of financial requirements of SHG members associated with producer’s group federation. This amount will be used for strengthening of producer’s group federation but not for individual credit and theft. A common corpus fund will be develop .Fund will be operated as revolving system so that outreach can be extended to all needy and vulnerable farmers. Service charge or rate of interest will be decided by the federation. A Joint Account will be operated and maintained by the federation.PIA Will transfer the required amount directly to the federation. This common fund or facility will be used only for promoting the purpose of Agriculture and livelihood initiatives. This fund may also be used as a revolving fund available with the community organization like SHG Federations for extending credit to individual Mahila Kisan for their needs related to sustainable agriculture. The poorest of the poor beneficiaries would be given priority. Rather the revolving fund CFC will provide fund to SHG federation for fulfillment of requirement to create facilities like Vermi compost unit, Poly Shed, Development of brood Lac, Plant Nursery, Smokeless Chullah and seed village development. Revolving fund Investment description at a glance can be noted as under: S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Description Producer Groups federation to be covered Common fund to be get involved SHG to be covered SHG members to be covered Revolving fund to be granted to each SHG Rate of interest or service charges at flat rate Period of loan No. of installment Purpose of loan Grantees Yr.1 02 10,00,000 25 375 40000 15% 12 months 12 Sustainable Agriculture Group Members Yr.2 03 15,00,000 25 375 40000 15% 12 months 12 Sustainable Agriculture Group Members SUPPORT | 32 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Construction of Dobha (pond50x50x10 feet) In the project area there are many big ponds/tanks that are presently of limited use due to excessive silt deposition. Presently water holding capacity of these tanks is at minimum. We propose to undertake 50 Dobha (small Pond) to maximize existing irrigation potential having a size of 50x50x10 ft. these Dobha will be constructed in each village as demo basis this will help to agriculture for irrigation in rabbi and summer also. Each Dobha will cover 5-7 acres of land. Construction of Dobha-Small pond or farm pond will be constructed through convergence of MGNREGS in the Block and district. Cash flow analysis: Projected annual cash flow from major crops in the Dobha-Pond is calculated in the table below; Major Crops Additional Area to be Target Expected Total Rate covered (Acre.) Productivity Production (acre)Qui.. (acr.)/Annum/ Qui. Annual Value of Crops Rs Paddy15acre/village 750 18 13500 1200 16200000 Tomato 3acr/village 150 10 1500 1000 1500000 Cabbage 3acre /vill 150 8 1200 700 840000 3 150 8 1200 700 840000 100 3 300 2000 600000 Mustered 2 acre /vill 100 4 400 3000 1200000 Wheat 10acre/vill 15 6000 1500 9000000 Cauliflower Expected acre/vill Chilli 2acre/vill 400 30180000 Per family annual income will be increased up to Rs.15090 through Agriculture of 2000 families directly involved in agriculture IN year first. In The second year incremental income will be expected up to 25,000 and Rs. 30, 000 in the third year. Development of vermi compost unit To pursue the habit of eco-friendly management of local available resources and ensure resurrection of the age old methodology of using the wastage in useful manner Vermi Compost and Green Manure in the local area along with the existing practice of Compost Making will be promoted. Demonstrative fields as sample basis in different clusters of villages will be developed and the production and usage practice will be augmented through periodic training and exposure cum usage practice. The use of cow dung and Farm yard is now reducing gradually .To introduce the sustainable agriculture practice in the area, we proposes to introduce vermi compost with participant from house hold level of SHG members. The women farmers will be trained in vermin compost and they will set up the vermi compost SUPPORT | 33 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment unit. The project will support to construction of vermi shed, chamber, supply of worm and time to time technical support to beneficiaries. A total number of 100 shed will be constructed through the project. The size of the vermi unit will be 11fitX 4fitX1.5 fit chamber. The beneficiaries will store the compost at a common place. The use of vermi compost will help in increase the agriculture production and increase soil health. A good environment effect will come as the result of use of vermi compost The members would undergo professional training on various behavioral as well as technical aspect of enterprise management. The initial focus of training will be on leadership, group-management and social skills. Emphasis will be given on financial aspects, accounting and management of revolving funds. In order to support the capacity building process among the Women Groups they will be further trained to manage enterprise & economic affairs. CBR: Total cost of 100 shed will occurred 10, 00,000/=An Average of 2 times Production will be taken from the shed. Production capacity of each 100 shed will be 40 quintal annually. Total production will be 4000quintal annually. Monetary value will be Rs1, 20,000/=by selling of wormi compost. This will reduce the fertilizer cost and improve the soil fertility in sustainable manner. Yield and production is also increases doubled with no side effect on human body. Development of Poly house (Size 20 x 30 feet) To meet the requirement of good quality of seedlings round the year total 1 Poly Nursery/house will be established to cater the need of 5 clusters. Members would select 2 woman nursery entrepreneurs from SHG members based on the guidelines issued by the project. Horticulture plants as well as vegetable plants and nursery will be raised round the years for the fulfillment of the local area needs. . They will be trained in technology and facilitated to develop a business model for running the nursery. CBR: Total cost of poly house /shed is 1, 00,000/= having a size of 20x30 feet which will cover the requirement of 50 villages .Improved nursery raising practice will be done in the poly house maintained by community leaders and CRP of the same area. Vegetable and crop nursery will save the mortality rate and capacity to produce higher in comparison to traditional methods of nursery. Each family will earn an additional of 3000/= yearly the sum of the amount will be 9000000/= Inputs to producer groups/ federation (Management grant) Product based producer group will be formalized as institution which will be operated at cluster basis as initially to meet the requirement of the collectives like documentation requirement travel and communication requirement etc will be fulfilled by the management grant. Later on such type of requirement will be managed by the producer group themselves through membership fees and corpus fund. Input will be provided since first year. Operational Fund of Producer federation (Rs. 2000/month) Have planned to create five collectives which will be theme/product based. Executive committee will be formed. a structure will be made with roles & responsibility and internal & external management system . SUPPORT | 34 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment One MIS or organizer will be deputed which will coordinate all the operational issues of the collectives. it will be initiated since first year. Support of weeder, thrasher and sprayer Farm mechanization intends at drudgery reduction for women farmers. Implements for improved farming namely Weeders, sprayer and threshers would be promoted to improve production technology. Further Improved seeds would be procured from registered seed suppliers approved by the Department of Agriculture; the costs of the seeds would be refunded by the beneficiaries after successful harvest. Approximately about 1500 small farmers would be benefited under this scheme. 120 weeders, 50 Thresher and 50 Sprayer support to farmers will be provided as demonstration basis for insect control and drudgery reduction of women farmer. Local level herbal solutions and medicine will be sprayed in the crops. Medical kit and freezer for veterinary services For implementation of livestock rearing activity Medical kit and freezer will be required at each cluster level for ensuring proper vaccination services. Government veterinary services are not functional at village level. Para veterinary professional are deployed in village level to provide proper vaccination services at village level. Promotion of seed village (Cluster based) Cluster level seed bank managed by community itself will be developed which will fulfilled the timely and quality seed to the farmers. Seed bank at cluster basis will be established. One separate seed bank in the each clusters with fully equipped by accessories, kits and equipment. Risk mitigation/ crop insurance To reduce drudgery the project would impart emphasis on mechanization through weeder and advocate no application of chemicals. It would train farmers to take necessary precautions and avoid during application of pesticides, weedicides and Insecticides. Male farmers will be motivated to engage in basic agricultural practices. All 3000 farmers will be linked with crop insurance, group and individual insurance. Part payment of the premium cost will be provided by the organization. Soil testing It will be established in the area for fulfillment of needs of farmers. Initially it will be done by other reputed institutions .planned to purchase compact soil testing equipment under the supervision of a special trained staff member to be recruited by the project. For more details the soil-analysis would be sent to the regional centre of the Birsa Agriculture University / KVK. Recommendation will be followed in the field of agriculture. SUPPORT | 35 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment C.3.5Knowledge Management Identification, Documentation and Dissemination of Best Practices Product based best practices will be identified and disseminated among the larger community. This instrument enables the project management to react in due time on the actual situation on the field. All data about the collected indicators will be systematically documented and incorporated into three-monthly progress, ensuring full transparency in all project affaires including the financial status. Project would start by documenting the baseline of the selected families, case studies of successes and failure, best practices. Mid-term and end-term evaluation would assess the progress made towards attainment of stated objectives. Video document will be prepared for reference. Accounting data and procedures will be updated through MIS Organization would record their best practices. The fund requirement under knowledge Management may be used for the purpose. SUPPORT can take support in the area of Knowledge management with other organizations like digital green etc. C.3.6 Monitoring & Evaluation Baseline survey, End line survey and Independent evaluation studies (Theme based) House to house baseline survey for collecting data information, procedure of the agriculture practices will be collected through baseline survey applying questionnaire and other tools of collecting data. Data will be analyzed. These baseline data will help in doing comparison after implementation and completion of the project with the end line survey report. Product based independent evaluation studies will be done by external agencies. Public information disclosure In each village a display cum information board will be installed in the common places of the village. Wall writing, flex etc will be printed and disseminated for the purpose of meeting the project transparent. Public information discloser will be disclosed at the following level: Village Level -Wall writings/board installation Name & Phone number of officer handling project: Mahilakisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana Name of Project Name of PIA implementing the project SUPPORT | 36 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Project period No.of Mahilakisan selected for project: Name of CRP working in the village: Name of para-professional working for MKSP: Address of nearest Field Office: Crucial Interventions under MKSP Gram Sabha Level: Benefits to mahila kisan Name of CRP, Para-professional Method of selection of beneficiaries List of SHGs List of mahila kisan under MKSP Interventions under MKSP Village level record SHG wise, Details of each mahila kisan- age- caste-voter ID- extent of land etc Panchayat level Office Records Copy of MoU List of mahila, kisan under MKSP Field Office Level Wall writings/boards Mahila kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana Name of Project Project period Field Office Name List the villages served by the field office: No.of Mahila kisan selected for project under field office: No. of of CRP working in the village: Names of para-professional working for MKSP: Crucial Interventions under MKSP: SUPPORT | 37 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Website List of field offices/ Block offices/ district offices implementing MKSP Social audit A total number ten social audit in a year based on half yearly basis will be conducted comprising community members, social workers, government officials, media other stockholders. Processes, provision and execution including budget norms will be shared in the social audit. Achievement against target lacking and recommendation on future course of action will be share Project outputs & Incremental income: As stated earlier, against the proposed investment and asset creation activities project would generate tangible benefits in terms of increase in productivity, additional area covered under irrigation, increased food & nutritional security and direct cash benefits from selling of commercial crops. The estimated direct and tangible benefits by the end of third year of the project have been converted into monetary terms in the table provided below. From the table it is observed that each family would be able to Rs. 21000-300000/- gross additional income from project activities Outcome Income Enhancement Indicators A. Rs. 21000-300000 /-per participant for 3000 HH B. At least two improved livelihood technologies to be adopted by each participant Increase in Area A. Additional 750 Acres of land to be brought under cultivation under Irrigation B. Enhanced A. Additional Paddy production 8250 Q; Wheat 150Q;Potato:2860 Q:Tomato 6600 Productivity 30% increase crop intensity in command area Q:Cabage:2270 Q:Cauliflower:1122 Q; Chilli:570 Q B. Targeted Productivity :1.5 times the present level C. Cropping intensity: to be increased by 30% Improved Benefit A. 10% increase in gross return through farm mechanization Cost Ratio B. 5% increase in gross & net return from storage and collectivization Improvement of soil A. Soil testing for macro nutrients to be conducted on 1000 plots health B. Customized chemical nutrients to maintain soli health C. Green mannuring and vermin composting to be implemented with 3000 HH minimum to improve organic matter Women farmers evolved as a pressure A. Formation of 5 formalized women’s agriculture collective group B. Increase in women’s economic participation in household by 30% of present level C. 30% increase in women’s participation in Gram sabha & other PRI bodies D. Transfer of project assets to women’s collective Skill Enhancement A. 3000 women trained on at least 2 farm based livelihood technologies B. study tours ,on-field exposures and market orientation SUPPORT | 38 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment C. Showcasing of skill set in form of developing sites of demonstration Introduction Gender of friendly Technology A. 20% reduction of human labor B. 3000 HH adopting gender friendly technology(e.g. SRI,SWI,KPS,)on a sustainable basis C. Action research on performance of existing tools and technology to facilitate innovation Increased A. Formalize women’s collective to facilitate Credit Linkage and NRLM accessibility B. Linkage with resource institutions like NABARD, IWMP, KVK, MGNREGA, PMEGP, JHASCOLAMP, JHARCRAFT, LAMPS, PACS C.3-2 Strategy addressing for sustainable /evergreen/regenerative agriculture a. Soil health improvement: soil testing and recommend appropriate and customized nutritional package effort would be made to take up vermi composting and green mannuring and introduction of rhizobium and microbe culture for improvement of soil health. b. Soil & water conservation: The project would take up specific resource development activities as described earlier to ensure soil and water conservation; Water harvesting structures Dobha –Ponds, Check Dams , will be developed for the purpose of irrigation and for maintaining the ground water level. c. Cost effective sustainable practices: like IPM, or NPM would be conducted as an integrated component of integrated farm demonstration and innovation component. Traditional mannuring like massive use of compost, use of wormi compost, karanj kake, ash, herbal solutions etc will be applied in agriculture practices. d. Varietal selection: we have a fare understanding of farmer’s choice of seeds. Through the storing and preservation initiative quality seeds would be procured from the farmers at the right price and preserved for future availability through seed bank developed in the area.. e. Risk Mitigation: As a focused initiative to reduce drudgery the project would impart emphasis on mechanization through weeder and advocate no application of chemicals. It would train farmers to take necessary precautions during application of pesticides, weedicides and Insecticides. Male farmers will be motivated to engage in improved agricultural practices. f. Improved Bio-diversity: Increased cropping intensity, kitchen garden farming and organic composting would help improving biodiversity and regeneration. g. Suitability of technology to the local agro-ecology: The project would develop suitable tools and techniques to match the requirement of technology .Area specific production calendars and package of practices would be developed.(Mentioned in the technical protocol chapter.) h. Resilience to climate change (Integrated Natural Resource Management) : INRM approach would be taken up after conduction of livelihood plan for the individual planning.Mix cropping system,will be promoted for the purpose of risk mitigation of production. Zero budget agri practice would be promoted in the proje ct area. SUPPORT | 39 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment i. Seasonal crop calendar with projected income Projected Annual Income of a family in 1 Acre of Agri Season Month Major crops Showing Month Harvesting Month May ,June, July, Kharif Rabi Summer August, Sept Oct, Nov,Dec,Jan Feb, March, April Land 5000 Paddy June -July Nov-Dec Maize June -July Sept 500 Pulses(Arhar,Urad,Kulthi) June -July Nov-Dec 300 Wheat Nov Feb 3000 Tomato Sept- Nov-Dec 3000 Potato Oct Dec-Jan 3000 Oil Seeds Oct Dec-Jan 1000 Brinjal Sept- Nov-Dec 1000 Gram Sept- Nov-Dec 500 Cabbage Sept- Nov-Dec 1000 Pea Sept- Nov-Dec 300 Carrot Sept- Nov-Dec 200 Ladies Finger Sept- Nov-Dec 300 Tomato Feb April-May 500 Pupkin Feb April-May 300 Ladies Finger Feb April-May 300 Sponj Guard Feb April-May 200 Bitter Guard Feb April-May 200 Cow Pea Feb April-May 500 Cucumber Feb April-May 200 Tinda Feb April-May 200 Total Annual Income of a Family 21500 C.3-3 Targeting Approach and details on landless, small and marginal farmers (poorest of the poor) as project participants-: SUPPORT | 40 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment The project is primarily targeted towards food and economically in secured families leaving near the poverty line. The project seeks to work with at least 80% small and marginal household and would put effort to incorporate landless families in various capacities in farming and value addition processes. Inclusion of SC/ ST, landless, small& marginal farmers etc. among the total Mahila Kisan – SC Population -26% (780) – ST Population - 52% (1560) – Marginal &Small Farmers -22% (660) Specific strategy for poorest of poor/ most vulnerable sections like land less, PVTGs etc Selection of family through SHG Need Based economic activity plan by doing micro planning. Execution of non farm activities and hand holding support. Capital grant in form of revolving fund through federation or collectives. Involvement as service provider. Phase wise and priority wise coverage of farmers C.3-4 Plans for post project Sustainability and scaling up strategies: By the end of third year formalized women producer collective will take charge of the initiative and assets created. They will be linked to financial institution, National rural livelihood Mission NRLM and PRI activity. In between regular sharing of the project inputs and outputs will be discussed among the PRI members for maintaining the transparency of the project. As a follow up MGNREGA will be actively implemented in the area. Different schemes of MGNREGA like plantation, road construction, well construction, pond construction and other land development activities will be linked for regular and sustained activity. C.3.5 Plans Aiming Drudgery reduction for women farmers: Empowerment of the SHG and community through continuous support and participation of grass-root level Women Self-Help Groups of the project will be executed effectively. Economic activity will help in poverty reduction of the family. Introduction of weeder for weeding technically in place of manual weeding, Introduction of improved agriculture practices will reduce the time and labour cost, sprayer will also reduce the time ,IPM & NPM will save the harassment , labour and stress of women farmers. Male farmers will also do weeding work in place of weeding traditionally done by women. Agro activity will be shared by male farmer’s .Development of collectives and local market facilities in the area will also reduce the drudgery. Introducing smokeless chulha in place of traditional cooking by fuel wood also help to minimize the women drudgery. C.3.6 Plans related to awareness generation with regards to women farmers. Women always suffer from discrimination from everything. Health & education status of women is also poor. Sex ratio is below .Access & control over resources is minimum. While balance and equal contribution cum participation is essential for development. In this case proposed project will help to eradicate the present situations. During the harvest season women are usually compelled to sell out their agricultural products at lower rates due to indebtedness. The project intends therefore to provide support to small and marginal farmers by developing and SUPPORT | 41 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment institutionalizing grain banks managed by Community so that small farmers can retain grains for getting fair prizes during the off-season. At present there are no grain storages in the project area. C.3.7 Plan to intervene in value chain development Crop gradation, processing units, and storage of grains will help in value addition. Cooperative farming will also support for minimum cost but high return. Market linkages will be developed so that farmers can get better price, Producers group will help in marketing. There is already local market and high demand in the nearby project. It will be formalize for control the harassment and low price gain. The Farmers co-operative would buy grains on payment of fair prices to farmers of its operational area and store the same. The grains will be sold later on in the market during the off-season, ensuring better sale prices. Farmers will be sensitized about the scheme during regular meetings at village and cluster level. Decisions regarding the operation of the farmers co-operative would be taken by the elected general body. A defined percent of the profit generated by the sale of the cereals would be deposited in the farmers’ co-operative account. These funds would be used to meet all maintenance costs of the co-operative and the grain storages. The remaining percent of the profit would be distributed to the farmers whose products have been deposited in the grain storages. C.3.8 strategies for disseminating Knowledge including plan for skill up gradation among women farmers Technical skill will be emphasized among the women farmers. Skill up gradation in farm sectors specially on SRI Cultivation, lac cultivation, Watershed management, availing cash credit by use of KCC , seed village concept, Improved agriculture practice will help the women farmers for strengthening them. Besides this the programmes , particularly deal with the formation of water management committees and its operation in order to ensure the sustainability of the constructed structures and facilities. With our continued intensive engagement with the community in the local area we have been able to develop CRP in suitable capacity, would work to support the project & participants for community mobilization, regular on-field handholding, assisting them in product sorting and grading and sustaining linkages with the market and in turn reinforcing and upgrading their knowledge and skill set. C.3.9 Plan for increasing access of credit to women farmers and women Groups; The organization will utilize its existing rapport with Public Sector Banks and Resource Support Units in Govt. and Non Govt. sector rather than credit uses developed by internal group savings. To explore markets and ensure linkage with wholesale purchasers. Bazar Samiti and local level purchasers of local market including the big market in the nearby Towns will be linked. C.3.10 plan for direct incremental income to women farmers through proposed Project. SUPPORT | 42 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Unproductive land will be covered for agriculture through land and water development activity. Traditional methods of agriculture practice will be converted into improved practice. Use of HYV seeds will increase the direct income with low investment. C.3.11 plan for community contribution: The team will facilitate the community to select CRP from among themselves who would be trained to provide support for implementation of planned livelihood interventions. They will also provide handholding support to the families engaging in the various productive activities to adopt improved package of practices. CRP will ensure the community contribution in both forms like cash and kind. 10 to 15 % contribution will be ensured at field level activities. Each and every programme will be managed by women groups and local community. Full participation and involvement of the target group at all stages of the project implementation including planning & monitoring. The methodology of participatory development would be essential to ensure the sustainability of the project. C.3.12. Food security strategies; Generally food grain is available 8-9 months of the target families. We have planned to increase the yield grains as well as vegetables so that year round grain requirement can be fulfilled by own family production, uncultivated land will be covered under cultivation through providing irrigation and multi seasonal agricultural practice. C.3.13 Health security strategies; Quality of food intake will be increased through use of vegetables and pulses .kitchen garden will support as additional nutrients in the daily food. Habit of safe drinking water practice will be opted. Water born dieses will be checked through making the aware to drink safe water. Women will be promoted for safe and institutional delivery. Traditional birth attendant will be oriented and to be trained as supportive hands. Primary health sub centres will be activated through creating pressure by the SHG & federation. Awareness on sanitation will be done in the area C.4 Project implementation strategy C.4 .I Project implementation strategy Project will cover 3000 women covering 200 SHG in the block. An average 15 members will be added in the each group. . SHG will be nurtured through capacity building, exposure visits, Technical skills will be developed among them. Groups will be linked with credit linkages. Income will be increased through adopting best practices. Gender dissemination will be minimized through active participation and access and control over resources by the women. Experience has shown that for practical purposes SHGs should comprise of a number of maximum 18 members who have confidence in their groups and choose to work with each other. SHG needs to be strengthened and supported by a platform representing all groups. Therefore it is planned to link all SHGs of the target area through the formation of Federation Formally. SUPPORT | 43 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment C.4.2 Project implementation design C.4 -2 a Elements of implementation process Professional Support: Keeping in view the existing practice, the available local level indigenous knowledge – the organization will ensure scope for obtaining Technical Support and Improved Agriculture practices in coordination with ATMA, KVK and other facilitating agency Involving Stakeholders: Stakeholder mapping will be done with the support of village development committees and Gram Sabha . stakeholders including lead farmers and traditional knowledge providers will be involved in selection of farmers and decision on crop and farming methodology suitable for the locality. The organization will consult Convergence departments and NGO sector experts to ensure flawless planning in the context of resource management including human resources. Efforts would be made to promote research and study on ecological restoration and agro forestry management.. Effort will be made to engage with stakeholders such as PRI members, Banks, Markets and Research institutions to build synergy into the effort. Institutional development & Collectivization The project implementation team will work on all three critical areas of institution development of producer collectives i.e. “Governance and leadership development”, “Membership development” and “ensuring effective and efficient Operations” of the created entity. These institutions will provide the required services on a sustainable basis and on the other will continue to scan the environment to look for newer opportunities for increasing benefits. A strong producers’ organization provides a robust mechanism to sustain the initiatives made under this project. Further, in the context of large corporate entering various rural businesses including agri-business; these collectives provide the marginal and smallholders a level playing field to collectively bargain better services and prices. The producers would be organized into formal collectives that would sustain the initiatives and enterprises in the long run. Special efforts will be made to increase involvement of women and enhance their income gains through a continuous process of training, C.4-2b Project Implementation Plan & flow Internal structure for implementation: The project will be implemented through the organization headed by Team leader. Entire project will be managed by Programme Manager supported by Assistant project coordinator. Cluster coordinator will coordinate the project at cluster level covering 10 villages. They will look after and monitor the CRPs. Field level support will be provided by SUPPORT | 44 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Cluster coordinator. 20 Local Resource person (LRP) ,Hired professional and Technical staff persons will guide and provide technical issues like in SRI promotion, installation of irrigation facilities, crop and dieses management and other agriculture related support. Qualified And Experienced resource persons can be hired as per requirement and need. CRP is recruited as far as possible from the local area recommended by SHG. Immediately after appointment necessary training will be imparted according to the respective tasks in order to enable the project team to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Women-Self-help Groups and Users Committees will be formed and strengthened in each village or clusters of villages. Already existing groups will be further supported and trained. Special concentration will be given to the capacity building process of the groups by intensive leadership-management and group management training programmes. In the first year at least monthly training programmes will be organised, later on at least every two months. Geography and yearly distribution: Description YR1 YR2 Total Mahila kisan coverage 1500 1500 3000 SHG To Be Covered 100 100 200 Villages covered 25 25 50 Block covered 1 0 1 Organization will cover Mandu block of Ramgarh District. We will cover 50 villages during the project. 200 SHG will be strengthened during the period. Year wise Coverage Stated in Aforesaid Table. First year will be primarily devoted to identification, sensitization, training and Capacity building of the women farmers and their male counterparts based on the performance and response of the community. Second year would be primarily devoted to construction of irrigation structures and establishing management systems and processes. Focus of this year would be on bringing in new innovations as well as scale up to spread the impact. Third year the project would focus to consolidate link the institutions with stakeholders like financial agencies. The project implementation team will work with all existing SHGs in the selected villages and intensify formation of additional SHGs to cover up to 80 % of poor inhabitants. Social mobilization in the form of new SHGs will be done by trained leaders from existing SHGs SECTION D SUPPORT | 45 MKSP project on women farmer’s empowerment Summary Budget Description Total Project budget is Rs. 2, 34, 75,000/= in which Central share is rs.17606250/= and state share is Rs 5868750/=sector wise and year wise budget break up is as under. Project Heads A B C Project Inception Institution Building Capacity Building Community D Investment Support Knowledge E Management Monitoring & F Evaluation Administration Expenditure G (Maximum 5% of total project cost) Grand Total 521250 500000 7475000 221250 0 6665000 Central State % age Share Share 0 742500 556875 185625 3.16 0 500000 375000 125000 2.13 0 14140000 10605000 3535000 60.23 2151250 3021250 0 5172500 3879375 1293125 22.03 350000 350000 0 700000 525000 175000 2.98 475000 325000 400000 1200000 900000 300000 5.11 340000 340000 340000 1020000 765000 255000 4.35 740000 23475000 17606250 1st Year 2nd Year 11812500 10922500 3rd Year Total 5868750 100.00 SUPPORT | 46