Lesson plans for service learning work to support local elderly

Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 1 - Intro to Sensitivity
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Ruled paper - 120 pcs
Construction paper - 20 pcs
Room Set-up: classroom
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Today students will be introduced to our elderly curriculum beginning with a discussion
on how to show sensitivity to the elderly without acting upon stereotypes.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Students will engage in a discussion facilitated by me on the following topics:
- How do you think the elderly are viewed by the youth?
- How do you think the elderly view the youth?
- What can youth do to avoid being stereotyped by the youth?
- What can the elderly do to avoid being stereotyped by youth?
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
Students will create and begin writing in a journal (ruled paper & construction paper) to document their
experiences of working with the elderly. Today, students are to write what they have begun to learn
about stereotyping the elderly. Student also must write 1 question everyday that they wish to find the
Wrap up/Debrief:
Stereotypes, whether by race, gender or age, terribly reduce the amount of things that human beings can
learn from one another. We must remember as leaders that when we assume anything about a person,
we cannot lead effectively.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 2- oral history 1
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Room Set-up: classroom
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
The elderly have many gifts to offer in terms of experience, history, and knowledge. Students
will begin organizing interviews of senior citizens.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Discussion Video
Students will begin writing down interview questions for the oral history project. Examples of
such are, but not limited:
- How many kids do you have?
- What age are you?
- As a child, what did you want as a career?
- What are some of your hobbies?
- What had been your longest career?
-What historical events have you seen first hand?
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
Students will search for the answer to their previous question. Then they will write about what they
hope the interviews will be like. Lastly, students will write another question that they wish to seek the
answer to.
Wrap up/Debrief:
Choose a senior citizen to interview in your family, neighborhood, or school with the questions you
have written in order to practice for real thing.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 3 - oral history 2
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Oral history notes
Room Set-up: senior center
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Students will arrive at the senior citizen center and find an adult to interview.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Students will sit one on one with chosen senior citizens in order to have an intimate
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
After concluding the interview, students will write about their experience in their journal. Also,
students will establish penpalmanship with the elderly. Lastly, students will write another question to be
Wrap up/Debrief:
Students will share with the class next session their experiences as they begin to write their oral
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 4- finish up histories
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Room Set-up: classroom
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Students will write the oral history of their penpal.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Discussion Video
Students are to organize the completed interview questions into the form of an essay, describing
the senior citizens life. Photo may be included. Oral histories must be complete and neat.
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
Students are to write about what they learned from completing the oral histories as well as write a new
Wrap up/Debrief:
Many people are rude to the elderly and never know the huge importance they hold in society.
Now students have an idea how the elderly affect the world.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 5- pen pals/visitation
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Room Set-up: senior center
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
We are visiting the senior center again to exchange penpal letters.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Discussion Video
Students and the elderly are to work together in showing each other how do a different hobby
that’s new to each party.
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
Students are to write about their experience and compose another penpal letter.
Wrap up/Debrief:
Things such as tapestry and technology separate generations, however, often we find that even
senior citizens have similar interest with youth.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 6- nutrition
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Room Set-up: computer lab
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Students will learn how the diets of the elderly often must change in order to keep them healthy.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Students will go online and search for the nutritional facts of the average kid daily intake. Then
they will look up the suggested nutritious diet for a senior citizen including the different
exercises that seniors do compared to their own and what foods senior citizens should stay away
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
Students will write about their findings in their journal as well as write a new question.
Wrap up/Debrief:
Proper dietary intake is very important for everyone, however, the older a person gets, the less
effective the body is in terms of digestion and processing.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 7- Benefits/senior aid
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Room Set-up: computer lab
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Students will go online and research the types of benefits, insurance, and government aid that is
offered exclusively to the elderly.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Discussion Video
Students are to look up the following on the internet:
- senior medicare/medicade
- social security
- senior citizen benefits at restaurants, theme parks, etc.
- common senior citizen ailments and disabilities
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
After sharing the information to the class, students will write in their journals about what fascinated
them in their findings. Also students must seek answers to any previous questions left unanswered.
Wrap up/Debrief:
The elderly are not all disabled and brittle. However there is a significant amount of change in
their everyday life despite how healthy they are and how good they feel so we must work to
serve when possible.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Organized
____ Knowledgeable
____ Following my plans
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Using different learning styles
____ Present
____ Engaging
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 8- Cook Off 1
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Room Set-up: senior center
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Students will pair up and meet with their penpals and other senior residents in order to come up
with a recipe to compete with the other groups. Recipes must represent a major food group,
must fit with the seniors’ diet, and must be a collaborative group effort.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Discussion Video
Students will meet with their senior group at the senior center and begin planning a dish.
Recipes must represent a major food group, must fit with the seniors’ diet, and must be a
collaborative group effort. Groups may use the internet or bring recipes from home.
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
After planning the dish in which they would like to cook, the groups must make a grocery list of items
that need to be purchased. Then the groups can split up the duties in who buys what. Remember, the
more inexpensive, the better!
Wrap up/Debrief:
This will be a very fun activity allowing students and seniors to bond and learn something from
one another. Also it adds a competitive nature to the fun.
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…
Enrichment Class Theme/Title:
Entourage: Elderly Education
Today’s Title: Week 10- Senior (citizens) Ball!
List the materials you need for today. Include quantity and size.
Party supplies
Selected groceries
Room Set-up: senior center
California State Standards: Literacy & Language Arts: Provide varied opportunities for reading, writing,
oral presentation, & listening, Social Sciences
Emphasize building knowledge of oneself , one’s community, & the world.
41 Developmental Assets: 8, 14, 16, 28-30, 37-41
Introduction: What’s today all about?
Students will decorate the senior center auditorium and throw the residents a dance.
How will you deliver your class? Choose 1 or more of the following and write in detail your
Discussion Video
Using decorations, light refreshments, and classic music, students will put on a social for the senior
residents, showing appreciation for all of their participation for the enrichment period. It allows the
students to really evaluate the bond that they have with the seniors and reflect on the fun that they had
What else can you include to enhance your class?
Team Special Guest Teambuilding Journal Write Quiz Game Handout
Students will party with the seniors and engage in social activities including games, music, and
conversation. After the event, students will clean up, bid their senior friends farewell and then write in
their journals about the entire curriculum.
Wrap up/Debrief:
Next curriculum; environmentalism
Leader Self Reflection:
How would I rate my class today? (1 poor- 5 excellent)
Was I….please mark the areas that you think you did well in with an (X).
____ Prepared
____ Following my plans
____ Present
____ Organized
____ Using my class time wisely
____ Engaging
____ Knowledgeable
____ Using different learning styles
____ Positive
I am most proud of
What I need for next class is…