

Majority of Americans today commonly preferred to travel through air lines rather than by mobile vehicle given the convenience that airlines gives one in arriving quickly to a destination. As result of the increase usage of airlines from professional to non professional there has been a growth in online travel agencies. These online travel agencies each have their own unique goal in providing user friendly unique resources for consumer to use in planning their next trip. Travelocity and Expedia are two well known online travel agencies who are both competing amongst the others online agencies to gain consumers. This essay will analyze respectively the online travel agencies of Travelocity and Orbitz in term of how both companies position themselves through promotion and appealing their online service to the public.

Afterward I will give my opinion on which company has had the most success in marketing and gaining consumer to use their service.

A mission statement is an important method of positioning in companies to public establishes their goals for their brand. In looking at Travelocity their mission statement is meeting all the needs of the consumers as well as accommodating customer through unforeseen circumstances or accident that happen when booking a flight on their website .Moreover

Travelocity through their mission statement wants to be “champion of customers” in providing excellent customers service .Travelocity promote itself by emphasizing and taking pride in not helping consumers of their service with finding airfares, but also helping consumers with finding hotels and car rental for when planning a trip. Looking at chooses in airfare that

Travelocity gives consumer they use idea of “good buy “fares. Travel velocity “good buy” fares only consumers to see all the airline information which allow one to look for reasonable price air fare ticket from their preferred on airline. Also in the choices categories of car rentals and

hotels, Travelocity collaborate with car rental companies such as hertz and enterprise and hotel reservation network which gives consumer wide selections. In addition, Travelocity offer daily promotional code that offers discounts of hotels stay prices as well as airfare prices when booking with them. In comparison, Expedia positions itself similar to Travelocity in its goals and mission statements in wanting create a travel website that better serves all the interest of traveling public.” While Expedia offer the same traditional system of booking airfares and complimentary services like cars rental and hotels, Expedia offer consumer exclusive hotels given their recent acquisition of The acquisition of allows

Expedia to offer lot more exclusive hotels then their competitors, but also greater hotel discount.

However when consumer uses their website to find an airfare, Expedia does not put the full information of the airline. This method of service that Expedia offers is what they called “blind airline fares” which allow them offer lower prices on airfares then their competitors to consumers at a cost of not giving the consumer all information of about the airline they are booking with.

Appealing to consumers is pivotal in getting consumers to used one services and that is what Travelocity and Expedia each individual have done. Travelocity appeals to the audience who are primarily leisure travelers and turning them into adventurous travelers. To accomplish

Travelocity has a fictional talking Gnome mascot who back story simply started in a garden, like any other Genomes who are rarely move from there stationary position in their owner garden.

One day the character nabbed from garden by a Travelocity agent to begin roaming around the country. In addition, Travelocity has been airing commercial since 2004 feature the Genome on trips that have been taken due it’s part of Travelocity great deals on airfares in turning a Genome who rather leisure around into wanting to travel constantly. Travelocity hope to mirror this in

their consumers who only take trips once or twice during years, by offer great services and deals which will get consumer to change their old habit and start a new habit of traveling often. In comparison Expedia is new campaign “Finding yours” is appealing to travelers wanting a unique trip. There commercial show ordinary people using Expedia in helping them find low airfares and hotels reservations o take trips domestically or internationally trips that are amazing and gives people special moments that will last a life time. Also the have been appealing to current generation mobile apps user by integrating their online service on app , so people can book flight, reserved hotels, and reserve car rental.

In looking at both online agencies, Travelocity and Expedia, both are successful in providing services that meets their consumer’s demands in having a one stop shop” in booking flights, reserve hotels, and reserve car rental. However Expedia has been more successful of the online agencies based on its advantages having the strategy of “blind airfares fares” which allow them to offer lower prices airfares and having a greater selection of exclusive hotels due to their acquire In addition their Expedia has been proactively pushing integration of its services through their mobile app. The Expedia mobile app has garner great praise from consumers given that they have taken their online services and made the process planning a trip even simpler. For instances consumers who used the mobile app do not have to go through the process of signing in to use their Expedia service like they would have to do on the online site. As result, this speed up the process of planning a trip which is convenient and always save consumers money in being able find lowest airfare and hotels reservation before their sold out.

Online agencies such as Travelocity and Expedia have changed the marketing of planning a trip in creating unique services for their respective consumers. In looking at Travelocity they

offer their consumers the best customers services in term accommodating any of the needs while their service. However Expedia has more a successful approach in the area of finding low airfares and wide selection of exclusive hotels. Furthermore both online agencies have unique services that all boil down to consumer preferences in deciding which one they rather use in planning their next destination.
