Conditions of Contract

Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant at
Barbil in connection with the work Augmentation of water supply to Barbil Municipality under
PDS Scheme
PART-I: General & Techno-Commercial Bid
COST OF TENDER PAPER: Rs.10,000.00 + 4% VAT
Page No.
DTCN Part – 1: General & Techno-Commercial Bid
Letter of Submission of Tender
Tendering for the Work
Acceptance of Tender
Tender Call Notice
General Information
Conditions of Contract
Special Conditions of Contract
Form of agreement
Information regarding Tenderer
Declaration by the Tenderer
Scope of Work
Annexure-I ( Technical Questionnaire)
Annexure-II, Site Plan
Annexure-III, Soil Test Report
Annexure-IV, Water sample Report
DTCN Part-II : Price Bid
Section –01
Letter for Submission of Tender
( To be filled in by the tenderer )
Note: (1) Additional conditions appended to the tender will make the tender
liable for rejection.
(2) Non-submission of EMD in proper shape and other required documents as detailed
hereinafter shall make the tender liable for rejection.
Ref. No. _________________ / dated_________________
Sub: Tender for the work “Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD
Water Treatment Plant at Barbil in connection with the work Augmentation of water supply to
Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme
Your Tender Call Notice (TCN) No._______ published in the daily
_____________________________ dated ________________
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, we are to inform you that in response to your above referred TCN,
we have purchased the Detailed Tender Call Notice (DTCN) Part-I & II and that after having
thoroughly examined the same, we hereby tender for the work to execute the work within the stipulated
time and in conformity with the relevant clauses of the DTCN along with all related statutory rules and
regulations for the amounts as quoted in the accompanying price bid.
2) I/We have studied, acquainted and satisfied ourselves with the site and its working conditions
for the successful and timely completion of the work.
3) I/We are submitting herewith Bar Chart to complete the work in time.
4) Our offer is unconditional and is in conformity with the requirements of the DTCN. We
understand that any additional condition put by us in the tender shall make our tender liable for
5) We enclose herewith an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.___________ (Rupees
______________________________________) only in shape of N.S.C./ Postal Savings Pass Book/
Post Office Time Deposit/ Kissan Vikash Patra/ Bank guarantee duly pledged in favour of
__________________________________________We agree that this sum shall stand forfeited in the
event of your acceptance of our tender and our failure or negligence to pay the security in the specified
time or to execute the contract within the stipulated time. We also agree to treat the sum as a part of
security deposit on your acceptance of our tender and our signing the contract with the competent
6) I/We understood that you are not bound to assign any reason in case of rejection of our
7) I/We agree to keep our offer open for a minimum of 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the
date of opening of the bid. Further extension of validity will be our prerogative.
Should this tender be accepted, we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil all the terms and
provisions of this Detailed Tender Call Notice (DTCN).
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Name and Signature
of the authorised signatory
along with seal and address of the firm.
1. Tender in original form (DTCN Part-I & II) duly filled in all
respects with all required
( To be filled in by the tenderer )
I/We hereby tender for the execution for the work specified in the enclosed memorandum at
the rates given in the price bid and will complete the said work in all respects within the period as
specified in the Detailed Tender Call Notice and in accordance with the specifications, designs and
drawings and other documents referred to therein, which have been prepared by the contractor and
such other written instructions as may be given by the competent authority from time to time for
duly carrying out of the said works and with such materials as are provided for in accordance with
the conditions and special conditions hereto attached. I/We have inspected the work site and studied
its conditions, labour, materials and have understood the tender implications fully.
Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms
and provisions of the said conditions and special conditions of the contract annexed hereto or in
default thereof to forfeit and pay to the Governor of Orissa the sums of money mentioned in the said
conditions and in the event of such default the transaction effected by this tender shall cease and
Signature of
Tenderer / Contractor
Dated ............................
Witness 1:
Name :
Address: .....................…………………
Occupation: .................……………………
Witness 2 :
Address: .……....................…………….
(To be filled in by the contractor during signing of agreement)
Name of the work
Construction, Testing & Commissioning of
Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment
Plant at Barbil in connection with the work
Augmentation of water supply to Barbil
Municipality under PDS Scheme.
Approximate Cost
Rs.406.559 lakhs (Approx.)
Accepted tender Value.
Earnest Money Deposit
Initial Security Deposit.
(@ 2% of the accepted tender
amount including earnest money).
Percentage to be deducted from each
R/A Bill As security deposit:
Time allotted for completion of the
work (from the date of written order
to commence).:
Date of written order to commence.
Total number of items of work
tendered for (as per schedule
attached hereto).
@ 5 (five)%
10 (ten) Months
Signature of
Tenderer / Contractor
No. 33 / PDS
Date. 28.1.11
Identification No. 01/2011
Collector–cum-Chairman PDS, Keonjhar invites lump sum bids in a double cover (Technical
/ Price bid) for the construction of works details in the table in conformity with Detailed Tender Call
Notice (DTCN) from established Firms/ Registered Contractors of appropriate class (Specials or
Special) of State PWD or equivalent class of CPWD/ Railway/ MES/ Central Govt./ for construction of
Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant and fulfilling minimum eligibility criteria as
stated here under and other detailed qualifying requirements given in the DTCN for the following
works on Turnkey basis to be eventually drawn up in the Lump Sum PWD-G2 Contract Form. The
intending bidders are not required to produce any document during purchase of bid documents.
Name of work
work (Rs.)
Design, Construction, Rs. 406.559
& lakhs
of (Approx)
Intake well & 11.00
MLD Water Treatment
Plant at Barbil in
connection with the
work Augmentation of
water supply to Barbil
PDS Scheme. (Details
in DTCN)
places of sale (Rs.)
& receipt
Rs. 4.07
Keonjhar-cumIncharge PDS,
Cost of
paper (Rs.)
PDS office, 10,400%
VAT (Non
Period of
1) Minimum Eligibility Criteria :a.
The Firms/Companies/ Joint Ventures/ Registered Contractors should have successfully
completed & commissioned at least one Water Treatment Plant of capacity not less than
4.00 MLD on Turnkey basis within stipulated time as a prime contractor. The Firm shall
have to submit the performance certificate of the WTP constructed by them from the
authority for whom they have executed the work not less than the rank of Executive
Engineer or of similar rank. Non submission of experience certificate tender will be
summarily rejected.
The average Financial turnover in last 3 financial year not less than Rs. 1.00 Crore. The
financial turnover certificate of last three years certified by Chartered Accountant should be
submitted failing which tender will be summarily rejected.
2) Bid documents consisting of Site Plans, terms & conditions of contract & other necessary documents
can be seen in the Website as well as in all offices issuing the documents and
office of the undersigned during office hours every day except on Sundays & public holidays till last
date of sale of Bid documents. Interested bidders may obtain further information at the above address.
The tender documents can be down loaded from the above site. The bank draft for tender paper cost of
Rs. 10,400/- should be made in favour of Chairman P.D.S, Keonjhar payable at SBI, Keonjhar.
3) The sale & receipt of Bid documents will start from 03.02.2011 at 11.00 A.M & close on 18.02.2011 at
5.00 P.M. Bid shall be received in all offices where the bid have been notified to sold.
4) Those who will download the tender documents from Website, they have to do so on or before
18.02.2011 & while submitting tender they have to submit the cost towards purchase of tender paper in a
manner described in the tender Call Notice & the demand draft in such case shall be obtained on or
before 18.02.2011. Any draft made beyond 18.02.2011 shall not be accepted & the tender shall be
Pre-Bid discussion :
If the prospective bidders have any quarries regarding the detailed Tender Call Notice 1/2011.
While sending the quarries they should mention the reference of the Tender Call Notice only and need
not mention their name & address. Such quarries shall be received up to 15.02.2011 upto 2.00 P.M. If no
quarries are received it will be presumed that the DTCN is acceptable to them in totality. The quarries
received from different prospective bidders shall be analysed & if found acceptable, the replies will be
displayed in the Website by 17.02.2011. However, in any case, the prospective
bidders shall check the Website for any incorporation in the DTCN.
5) Bids must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid security of the of the amount specified for
the work in the table No. I given above ,pledged in favour of Chairman, P.D.S, Keonjhar in shape of
NSC/Post Office Time Deposit/ Kissan Vikash Patra / Fixed Deposit Receipt of Scheduled Bank
failing which tender will be summarily rejected.
6) Tender will be received in the office of the indicated in Col.4 of Table-I, within the stipulated date and
time by Speed Post only. The tenderers shall submit the D.T.C.N along with the required documents in
a sealed cover superscripted with the name of the work only and it shall be ensured that the name of the
firm /Bidder shall not be written any where in the sealed cover. The tender received after due date &
time shall not be entertained & the authority shall not be held responsible for delay or missing of tender
during postal or courier transit. The technical bid will be opened only in the office of the undersigned
on 21.02.2011. The date of opening of DTCN Part-II (Price Bid) shall be intimated to the successful
Bidders after General & Techno Commercial Bid evaluation in due course.
7) The financial bid & technical bid should be submitted separately in the separate envelop in a single
cover. The technical bid consist EMD, experience certificate, affidavit, PAN, VAT, Contractor licence
& other documents as mentioned in DTCN. The financial bid will consit only price bid.
8) The tenderer shall furnish an affidavit regarding authentication of bid documents & EMD failing which
tender will be liable for rejection.
9) The Engineering/SC/ST/ Physically handicraft contractor desirous to avail exemption of EMD either
partly or fully should submit affidavit along with the required documents.
10) Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.
11) The authority reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
Sd/Collector & Chairman
Periphery Development Society,
Memo No. 34(2) / PDS
Dated, 28.1.11
Copy forwarded to the Editor, The Samaja, Baxi Bazar, Cuttack for information with a request
to arrange immediate publications of the Tender Call Notice in your Oriya Daily on or before
Copy forwarded to the Editor, The Indian Express, Bhubaneswar edition for information with a
request to arrange immediate publications of the Tender Call Notice in your English daily on or before
Sd/Collector & Chairman
Periphery Development Society,
Memo No. 35 /PDS
Dated, 28.1.11
Copy forwarded to the DIO, NIC, Keonjhar with request to upload the Tender Call Notice in the
Official website immediately.
Sd/Collector & Chairman
Periphery Development Society,
Identification No.01/2011 No.33/PDS
The following modification is made in respect of the tender call notice No.01/2011 dated
The class of contractor for the work “Design, Construction, Testing and Commissioning
of Intake Well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant at Barbil in connection with the
work Augmentation of water supply to Barbil Municipality under Scheme are Super &
Special Class instead of “Specials or Special”
All other terms & conditions remain unchanged.
Sd/Collector & Chairman,
Periphery Development Society,
Memo No.
Dated, 29.1.11
Copy forwarded to the Editor, The Samaja, Baxi Bazar, Cuttack for information with a
request to arrange immediate publications of the Corrigendum in your Oriya Daily on or before
Copy forwarded to the Editor, The Indian Express, Bhubaneswar for information with a
request to arrange immediate publications of the Corrigendum in your English daily on or
before 02.02.2011.
Sd/Collector & Chairman
Periphery Development Society,
5.1 .
Name of the Work
Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant
as per detailed approved design, drawing & specification of work given in DTCN at Barbil in
connection with the work “Augmentation of water supply to Barbil Municipality under P.D.S
Eligibility Criteria:
Work Experience: The Firms/Companies/ Joint Ventures/ Registered Contractors should have
successfully completed & commissioned at least one Turnkey work of Conventional Water
Treatment Plant (WTP) of capacity not less than 4.00 MLD during last 5 years. The Firm shall
have to submit the performance certificate of the WTP constructed by them for satisfactory
performance of the same from the concerned authority (not below the rank of Executive
Engineer in case of Government Organisation/ General Manager in case of Public Sector
Tender Documents and Cost :
The Firms/Companies/ Joint Ventures/ Registered Contractors fulfilling the eligibility
criteria can purchase a set of Detailed Tender Call Notice (DTCN) consisting of two parts PartI: General & Techno Commercial Bid & Part-II: Price Bid form the office as indicated in
Column No.4 of Table No.1 of Tender Call Notice on payment of cost as indicated in the
Tender Call Notice (TCN).
The intending Tenderer can also downloaded the Tender Documents from the
Website. The tenderer who submit their tender in the Tender Schedule down loaded from Web
Site…………………………………. are required to submit the cost as indicated in the Tender
Call Notice (TCN).
The Firms/Companies/ Joint Ventures/ Registered Contractors fulfilling the eligibility
criteria can obtain tender documents by mail on payment of cost as indicated in the Tender Call
Notice (TCN).
Date of Sale of Tenders :
The tender documents will be sold during the period as indicated in the Tender Call
Site Inspection by Tenderer:
Before tendering for the works, the tenderer must acquaint and satisfy himself fully on
the site conditions, all information included herein, all limitations and official regulations at the
site of work etc. Failure to comply with the above before tendering for the works, the tenderer
must acquaint & satisfy himself fully on the site conditions, all information included herein, all
limitations & official regulations at the site of work etc. Failure to comply with the above
requirements will not relieve a tenderer of his obligations and no claim what so ever shall be
entertained on the ground of ignorance of site or other conditions prevailing in the area. Any,
further data required during the execution of the scheme shall be ascertained by the contractor
at his own cost. The offer should cover all costs required to suit to the site conditions etc.
Assistant Engineer P.H Joda and Junior Engineer P.H section, Barbil should be contacted.
Pre-Bid discussion
If the prospective bidders have any quarries regarding the detailed Tender Call Notice, they
…………………………………………………………………. While sending the quarries they
should mention the reference of the Tender Call Notice only and need not mention their name
& address. Such quarries shall be received up to ________. If no quarries are received it will be
presumed that the DTCN is acceptable to them in totality. The quarries received from different
prospective bidders shall be analysed & if found acceptable, the replies will be displayed in the
Website ………………………………………. by ______. However, in any case, the
prospective bidders shall check the Website for any incorporation in the DTCN
Receipt and Opening of Tenders:
The tenderers shall submit the DTCN in two parts (DTCN Part-I: General & TechnoCommercial Bid & DTCN Part-II: Price Bid) in two separate sealed covers Superscripted
Part-I: General & Techno-Commercial Bid & DTCN Part-II: Price Bid respectively after
putting both the covers in one large cover captioned with the name of the work they intend to
tender in tender boxes kept at different offices as per DTCN. The tenderers can also send the
tender papers through Speed Post/ Registered Post /Courier Service so as to reach the offices
as indicated in Column No.4 of Table No.I of the Tender Call Notice on or before ______ up
to _______ A.M. The DTCN Part-I shall be opened at ______ A.M on _______ only in the
O/o ……………………………………………………………. in the presence of the tenders or
their authorised representatives. The tenderers or their representatives are advised to witness the
opening of the Tenders (DTCN Part-I). Tender received after due date will not be entertained
& the authority will not be held responsible for delay or missing of tender during postal or
courier transit. Telegraphic tender will not be entertained.
Two Bid Evaluation System & Opening of DTCN-Part:II-Price- Bid:
The tenderer shall submit all the required documents, and minutes of pre-bid discussion
in a comprehensive & complete manner to make their offer full proof. The tenderers shall
submit the DTCN along with the required documents, in a sealed cover superscripted with the
Name of Work only and it shall be ensured that the name of the firm / bidder shall not be
written any where on the sealed cover. The tenderers shall note that incomplete tenders shall
be rejected.
The tenders shall be evaluated in a Two-bid system. In two bid system, the technical &
commercial offer of the firm along with all documents accordingly in the DTCN Part-I (General
& Techno-Commercial bid) shall be evaluated first with reference to the minimum eligibility
criteria, credentials of the firm (with reference to manpower and expertise available, financial
soundness, past performance & experience in successful completion of similar works,
availability of tools & plants etc to take up the job) and suitability of techno-commercial offer .
Any conditional tender shall be rejected.
The DTCN Part-II: The Price Bid shall be opened only for those tenderers who will
qualify in the techno-commercial bid evaluation to be intimated to them in written. The
qualified tenderers as per the condition of DTCN or their authorized agents are advised to
witness the opening of the DTCN Part-II (Price Bid).
Credentials of the Firm :
The firm shall furnish the following documents in support of their fulfillment of eligibility
a. List of conventional Water Treatment Plant completed by the firm with it’s capacity &
components, location, value of work, date of commencement & completion of the work.
b. Completion certificates from the client not below the rank of an Executive Engineer or
equivalent post ( client means the owner of the facility for whom the work has been
executed & not the prime contractor)for the works in fulfillment of minimum eligibility
criteria indicating the capacity, location, value of work, date of commencement &
completion of the works.
c. Performance certificates of already constructed Conventional Water Treatment Plants.
d. Audited balance sheets for the last three years in support of the eligibility requirement on
financial turnover criteria.
e. The list of personnel employed by the firm with their qualification, experience in the
relevant field & list of tools & plants available with the firm for the work.
Photocopies of completion certificates shall have to be authenticated by a Gazetted
officer not below the rank of a Class-I officer of State Government or Government of India or
by a Notary with his name, designation, address & office seal. The tenderer shall furnish an
affidavit at the time of submission of tender papers about the authentication of tender
Failure to furnish the above information/documents shall lead to rejection of the
The Department has the right to do independent assessment of the firm’s past
performance with reference to the above points if necessary to verify the authenticity of the
firm’s credentials.
Any attempt to produce wrong information/ false documents shall lead to rejection
of the tender in the present case & shall debar the firm from participating in future
Registration Certificate
Tenderers are required to submit attested copy of certificate of Registration of
appropriate Class of Orissa State PWD or equivalent class of CPWD / Railways /MEs/Central
Govt./ State Govt. Undertakings of Technical & financial standing along with their tenders
failing which their tenders will not be considered.
If the tenderer is a private limited firm they are required to furnish following documents along
with their tender.
i). Copies of article of association/registration of the firm/company.
ii) Copy of authorised signatory of the firm with power of attorney if any.
5.10.1 Earnest Money Deposit:
The EMD shall be of Rs. 4,07,000.00 and in shape of Postal Savings Pass Book/ NSC/ Post
Office Time Deposit / Kissan Vikash Patra/ Deposit Receipt in Schedule Bank duly pledged in
favour of ………………………………………………………….. EMD in any other form shall
not be accepted. The EMD shall accompany the DTCN. Tenders without EMD or with
Part EMD/ unpledged EMD/ E.M.D. partly pledged and partly un-pledged/ E.M.D. in
other forms shall not be considered and such tenders shall be out rightly rejected.
5.10.2 Additional Performance Security:
Successful bidders shall deposit additional Performance Security when the bid amount is
seriously unbalanced i.e less than the estimated cost by more than 10%. In such an event the
successful bidder will deposit the additional performance security to the extent of the
differential cost of the bid amount and 90% of the estimated cost in shape of Postal Savings
Pass Book/ NSC/ Post Office Time Deposit or Kissan Vikash Patra, as per the Government of
Orissa, Works Department Lr no. 1220 dated 19.01.2004 on amendment of Para no. 3.5.5. of
V A T Clearance Certificate :
Tenderers are required to submit attested copies of valid and up-to-date Income Tax Clearance
Certificate/ PAN/VAT Clearance Certificates & Employees provident Fund Registration
Certificate along with their tenders, failing which their tenders will not be considered. The
copies of PAN/ VATCC & EPFRC shall have to be authenticated in the manner laid down in
clause 6.9.
5.12 Tender Language:
The tenders shall be made in English language only. All other information such as documents
and drawings supplied by the tenderer will also be in English language.
Claim for Cancellation of Tenders:
No claim shall be entertained towards any expenses made by any tenderer for submission of the
tender in case of cancellation, deferment, rejection or withdrawal of the tender.
Corrections in Tenders:
Tenders containing alterations and overwriting are liable to be rejected. Any corrections made
by the tenderer must be authenticated duly by dated initials of the authorised signatory of the
5.15 Time of completion:
The time of completion of the work shall be 10 (ten) months from the date of issue of work
In case of any discrepancy in the description of the items in this Detailed Tender Call Notice,
the decision of the …………………………………………………..shall be final, binding and
conclusive for the purpose of this contract.
5.17 Validity of Tender:
The tender submitted shall remain valid for 120(one hundred twenty) days from the date of
opening of the price-bid and may be extended at the discretion of the tenderer,
Execution of Agreement:
The successful tenderer (hereinafter called the contractor) shall execute an agreement in the
………………………………………………………. within 10 days of issue of letter of intent
(LOI) after depositing of Initial Security Deposit. In case this is not complied with the LOI
shall be cancelled with forfeiture of EMD. The DTCN {Part-I (General & Techno-Commercial
bid) & Part-II (Price bid)} shall also form part of the agreement. In addition to the above, the
following documents shall also form part of the agreement.
i) Changes suggested , if any, during the pre-bid discussion, duly accepted by the
ii) Any other document as may be found necessary.
Signature by firms:
A tender submitted by a firm shall be signed separately by each member thereof or in the event
of the absence of any partner it shall be signed on his behalf by a person holding power of
attorney authorising him to do so and in the case of a company, the tender shall be executed in
the manner laid down in the said company’s Article of Association.
Receipt for payment made on account of work, when executed by a firm must also be signed by
the several partners, except where the contractor are described in their tender as firm in which
case, the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partner or by some other
person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm.
The party whose tender is accepted hereinafter called the contractor is to provide everything of
every sort and kind (with the exceptions noted in the schedule attached) which may be
necessary and requisite for the due and proper execution of the several works included in the
contract according to the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specification taken
together, which are to be signed by the …………………………………………………, herein
after called the ………………………………………. and the contractor whether the same may
or may not be particularly described in the specification or shown on the drawing provided that
the same are reasonably and obviously to be inferred there from and in case of any discrepancy
between the drawings and the specifications the …………………………….. is to decide which
shall be followed.
The contractor is to set out the whole of the works in conjunction with an officer to be deputed
by the ………………………………. and during the progress of the works to amend on the
requisition of the ……………………………… any errors which may arise therein and provide
all the necessary labour and materials for doing. The contractor is to provide all plant labour
and materials (with the exception noted in Schedule), which may be necessary and requisite for
the works. All materials and workmanship are to be the best of their respective kinds. The
contractor is to leave the works in all respects clean and perfect at the completion thereof.
The contractor shall not employ for the purpose of this contract any person who is below the
age of twelve years, and shall pay to each labourer, for the work done by such labourer, fair
wages. Fair wages means wages whether for time or piecework. Prescribed by the State P.W.D.
provided that where higher rates have been prescribed under the minimum wages Act, 1948,
wages at such higher rates should constitute fair wages.
The ……………………………………. shall have the right to enquire into and to decide any
complaint alleging that the wages paid by the contractor to any labourer for the work done by
such labourer is less than the wages paid for similar work in the neighbourhood.
The Officer-in-charge of the work shall have the right to decide whether any labourer employed
by the contractor is below the age of twelve years and to refuse to allow any labourer whom he
decides to be below the age of twelve years, to be employed by the contractor.
………………………………………………. and the same or copies thereof are to be kept with
the works in-charge of the contractor's agent which is to be constantly kept on the ground by the
contractor and to whom instructions can be given by the Executive Engineer. The Contractor is
not to sublet the works or any part thereof without the permission of
The ………………………………… is to have at all times access to the works, which are to be
entirely under his control. He may require the contractor to dismiss any person in the
contractor’s employ upon the works who may be incompetent or misconduct himself and the
contractor is forthwith to comply with such requirements.
The contractor is not to vary or deviate from the drawings or specifications or execute any extra
work of any kind whatsoever unless upon the authority of the ……………………………. to be
sufficiently shown by any order in writing, by any plan or drawing expressly given and signed
by him as an extra or variation or by any subsequent written approval signed by him. In case of
daily labour all vouchers for the same are to be delivered to the Executive Engineer or the
Officer-in-Charge at least during the week following that in which the work may have been
done and no day work shall be allowed unless authorised by the ……………………………….
and no such authority shall be given if the work is capable of being measured and being paid for
at an agreed rate. The drawing in respect of which this contract is drawn up provide for a
minimum depth of foundation for good soil as specified in the plans. Any extra depth will be
measured as an extra when the foundation trenches have been opened up and will be paid for in
addition to the sum contracted for the completed work.
Any authority given by the …………………………………… for any alterations or addition in
or to the works is not to vitiate contract but all additions omissions or variations made in
carrying out the works are to be measured and valued and certified by the
…………………………….. and added to or deducted from the amount of the contract as the
case may be at rates in accordance with the sanctioned schedule of rates in force at the time
when the particular item of work was commenced. In those cases in which rates do not exist,
the ……………………………………………… will fix the rates to be paid and his decision
shall be final.
All works and materials brought and left at site by the contractor or by his orders for the
purpose of forming part of the works are to be considered to be the property of the
………………………………… and the same are not to be removed or taken away by the
contractor or any other person without the special permission in writing of the
……………………………. but the ……………………………………….. will not be liable for
any loss or damage which may happen to or in respect of any such work or materials either by
the same being lost or stolen or injured by weather or otherwise.
The ……………………………… has full power to require the removal from the premises of
all materials which, in his opinion, are not in accordance with the specification and in case of
default, the …………………………… is to be at liberty to sell such materials and to employ
other persons to remove the same without being answerable or accountable for any loss or
damage that may happen or arise to such materials. The ……………………………. is also to
have full power to require other proper materials to be substituted and in case of default, the
………………………. may cause the same to be supplied and all costs which may attend such
removal and substitution are to be borne by the contractor and may be recovered from the sale
proceeds of such rejected materials when necessary, the balance, if any, being kept in deposit in
the contractor’s favour.
If in the opinion of the …………………………… any of the works have been executed with
improper materials or defective workmanship, the contractor is then required by the
……………………………… forthwith to re-execute the same and to substitute proper
materials and workmanship and in case of default of the contractor in so doing within a week,
the ……………………………….. is to have full power to employ other to re-execute the work
and the cost thereof shall be borne by the contractor.
Any defects, shrinkage or other faults which may appear within 12( Twelve) months from the
completion of the work arising out of defective or improper materials or workmanship are upon
the direction of the ……………………………… to be amended and made good by the
contractor at his own cost unless the …………………………….. for reasons to be recorded in
writing shall decide that they ought to be paid for and in case of default, the
………………………….. may recover from the contractor the cost of making good the works.
From the commencement of the works to the completion of the same they are to be under the
contractor’s charge. The contractor is to be held responsible for and to make good all injuries,
damages and repairs occasioned or rendered necessary to the same by fire or other causes and
they are to hold the ……………………………….. harmless from any claims for injuries to
persons or for structural damage to property happening from any neglect, default, want of
proper care or misconduct on the part of the contractor or of any one of his employees during
the execution of the works.
The …………………………………. is to have full powers to send workmen upon the
premises to execute fittings and other works not included in the contract for whose operations
the contractor is to afford every reasonable facility during ordinary working hours provided that
such operations shall be carried on in such a manner as not to impede the progress of the work
included in the contract but the contractor is not to be responsible for any damage which may
happen to or be occasioned by any such fittings or other works.
The contractor is to commence work comprised in this tender immediately on receipt of orders to
commence from the Executive Engineer. The whole work, including all such additions and
variations as aforesaid (but excluding such, if any, as may have been postponed by an order from
the Executive Engineer), shall be completed in every respect within 10(Ten) calendar months,
from the date of the aforesaid orders to commence and if from any cause whatever other than
wilful obstruction or default on the part of the …………………………………….. or his staff
and except as hereinafter provided, the whole of such work shall not be finished to the
satisfaction of the ……………………….. within the said period, the contractor shall forfeit and
pay to ……………………………….. by way of ascertained and liquidated damages for each
default and not by way of penalty 0.5% (Zero point five percent) per week of the uncompleted
portions of the work to a maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the estimated cost of the work,
interim delay not subject to scrutiny, per day for every complete day of such default and the
amount of such damage, if any, may be deducted by way of set-off from any unpaid portion of
the amount due under the contractor or otherwise recovered from the contractor and shall be
brought into account by the …………………………….. when settling the contractor’s accounts
for his final certificate hereinafter provided for . And further, to ensure progress during the
execution of the works, the contractor shall be bound in all cases in which the time allowed for
any works exceeds one months, to complete one-forth of the whole of the works before onefourth of the whole time allowed under the contract has elapsed; one-half of the works, before
one-half of the whole time has elapsed and three-fourths of the works, before three-fourth of
such time has elapsed. In the event of the contractor failing to comply with this condition he shall
be liable to pay the damages of as aforesaid of 0.5% (zero point five percent) per week of the
uncompleted portion of the work subject to a maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the uncompleted
work, interim delay not subject to scrutiny, per day for every complete day of such default and
amount of such damages may be deducted in the way as stated above. Provided nevertheless thus
if in the opinion of the ………………………… that the contractor is entitled to any extension of
time on account of the works being altered, varied or added to or on account of any delay by
reason of any inclement weather or causes not under the control of the contractor it shall be
competent for the …………………………. by an order in writing to extend the aforesaid period
or periods for final completion of the whole work or of portions of the work as aforesaid by such
period or periods as he shall deem reasonable and the contractor is to complete the works within
such extended period or periods as aforesaid provided that the contractor shall not be entitled to
any extension of time unless he shall within thirty days after the happening of the event in
respect of which shall consider himself entitled to any extension, give to the
…………………………, written notice of such claim to extension of time and of the ground or
grounds and of the amount there of unless in any case the …………………………. shall in his
discretion dispense with such notice and certify for an extension of time. Nevertheless and in
case of any extension of time, the aforesaid provisions and amount for damages in default of due
completion shall apply in case of non-completion of the works within the extended time.
Provided that Contractor shall not be entitled to any extension of time in respect of the extra
work involve in the extra depth of foundation mention in the paragraph 7.6.
If the contractor shall become bankrupt or compound with or make any assignment for the
benefit of his creditors or shall suspend or delay the performance of his part of the contract
(except on account of cause mentioned in Clause 7-14 or in consequence of not having proper
instructions for which the contractor shall have duly applied) the …………………………..
may give to the contractor or his assignee or trustee as the case may be notice requiring the
works to be proceeded with and in case of default on the part of the contractor for a period of
seven days, it shall be lawful for the ……………………………………to rescind the contract,
if necessary, and to enter upon and take possession of the work and to employ any other person
to carry on and complete the same and to authorise him or them to use the plant, materials and
property of the contractor upon the works and the costs and the charge incurred in any way in
carrying on and completing the said works are to be paid to the ………………………………
by the contractor or may be set off by the …………………………… against any money due or
to become due to contractor. If the assignee or trustee of the Contractor proceeds with the work,
the conditions of this contract shall be binding upon the said assignee or trustee.
The Contractor shall be paid on the completion of each calendar month commencing form the
date on which work is started a sum equal to 95 percent of total value of work done since the
last payment according to the certificate of the ……………………………. The remaining 5%
will be retained by the …………………………… as security for the due performance of
Contract and Contractor shall not be entitled to get a refund of this security till Six months after
completion of the work. The …………………………… may however at his option refund at
an earlier date such portion of the security, as he may deem advisable. Provided always that no
final or other Certificate is to cover or relieve the Contractor from the liability under the
provision of Clause-7.11, whether or not the same be notified by the time or subsequently to the
granting of any such Certificate.
A Certificate of the ………………………….. or an award of the referee hereinafter referred to
as the case may be showing the final balance due or payable to the contractor is to be
conclusive evidence of the works having been duly completed and that the contractor is entitled
to receive payment of the final balance, but without prejudice to the liability of the contractor
under the provisions of clause-7.11.
If the ……………………………… shall make default in paying any money to which the
contractor may become entitled for more than Fourteen days after the amount thereof shall have
been certified, the contractor is to be at liberty to suspend the work and to require payment for
all works executed and all materials brought and left upon the ground and for any loss which he
may sustain upon any goods or materials purchased for the works and in such case the
contractor is not to be bound to proceed further with the works contracted for.
Price Escalation Clause:
(a) “If during the progress of the work the price of any materials incorporated in the work (not being
materials supplied from the Engineer-in-charge’s stores in accordance with the clauses thereof)
increase or decrease as a result of increase or decrease in the Average Wholesale Price Index (all
commodities), and the Contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pay in respect of that
materials (incorporated in the works) such increased or decreased price, then he shall be entitled to
reimbursement or liable to refund, quarterly, as the case may be, such an amount, as shall be
equivalent to the plus or minus difference of 75% in between the Average Wholesale Price Index
(all commodities) which is operating for the quarter under consideration and that operated for the
quarter in which the tender was opened, as per the formula indicated below, provided that the
work has been carried out within the stipulated time or extension thereof as are not attributable to
Formula to calculate the increase or decrease in the price of material:
= 0.75 x Pm x R (I – Io)/ Io
= Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter
under consideration due to change in the price of material.
= The value of work done in rupees during the quarter under
= The Average Wholesale Price Index (all commodities) for
the quarter in with the tender was opened.
= The average wholesale price index (all commodities) for the
quarter under consideration.
= Percentage of material Component as per Sub-clause (d) of this
(b) Similarly, if during the progress of work, the wages of labour increase or decrease as a result of
increase or decrease in the “Minimum Wages” notified by the labour department of Government
of Orissa and the Contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays in respect of labour engaged
on execution of the work such increased or decreased wages, then he shall be entitled to
reimbursement or liable to refund quarterly as the case may be, such an amount, as shall be
equivalent to the plus or minus difference in between the “Minimum Wages” which is operating
for the quarter under consideration and that operated for the quarter in which the tender was
opened, as per the formula indicated below, provided that the work has been carried out within
the stipulated time or extension, thereof as are not attributable to him.
Formula to calculate the increase or decrease in the cost of labour :
= 0.75 x (PL/100) x R x (I – Io )/Io
= Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter
under consideration due to change in the
rates of labour.
= The value of work done in rupees during the quarter under
= “Minimum Wages”for labor as notified by labour Department,
Government of Orissa for the quarter in which Tender was
=“Minimum Wages” for labour as notified by labour Department, Government of
Orissa for the quarter under consideration.
= Percentage of labour component as per Sub-Clause (d) of this
Similarly, if during the progress of work, the Price of Petrol, Oil & Lubricants (Diesel oil being
the representative item for price adjustment) increase or decreases as a result of the price fixed
therefore by the Government of India and the contractor there upon necessarily and properly
pays such increased or decreased price towards petrol, oil and lubricants used for execution of
the work, then he shall be entitled to reimbursement or liable to refund, quarterly, as the case
may be such an amount, as shall be equivalent to the plus or minus difference in between the
price of P.O.L. which is operating for the quarter under consideration and that operated for the
quarter in which the tender was opened as per the formula indicated below; provided that the
work has been carried out within the stipulated time or extension there of as are not attributable
to him.
Formula to calculate the increase or decrease in price of P.O.L.
= 0.75 x K2 x R x (D2 – D1)
= Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under
due to change in the price of P.O.L.
= The value of work done in rupees during the quarter under consideration.
= Average price per litre of diesel oil which was fixed during the quarter in which the
tender was opened.
= Average price per litre of diesel oil of which is fixed during the quarter under
= Percentage of P.O.L. component as per sub clause (d) of this clause.
(d) Percentages:
The following shall be the percentage of material, labour and POL component for
reimbursement/ refund on variation in price of material, labour and POL as per sub-clauses
(a),(b) and (c) of this clause.
Category of works
Irrigation work:
% of
Contractor’s supply
% of
% of Departmental
labour P.O.L supply of material
Structural works
Earth work, canal work,
embankment work etc.
R&B work:
Bridge work
Road work
* 30
Building work
(* where brick is supplied by the Department, it should be 20% instead of 30%)
Admissibility of price escalation
Reimbursement/ Refund on variation in price of materials, labour and P.O.L. as per Subclauses (a), (b) and (c) of this clause shall be applicable only in respect of contract of one year
or more provided that the work has been carried out within the stipulated time or extension
thereof as are not attributable to contractor. However, where the original contractual period is
less than one year but subsequently it has been validly extended and the period becomes one
year, or more, escalation clause shall be applicable only for the balance portion of work to be
executed beyond one year provided the delay is not attributable to the contractor.
(f) Documents and Notice :
The contractor shall for the purpose of this condition keep such books of account and other
documents as are necessary to show that the amount of increase claimed or reduction available
and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorised representative of the Government
and further, shall at the request of the Engineer-in-charge furnish, verified in such a manner as
the Engineer-in-charge may require any document kept and such other information as the
Engineer-in-charge may require.
The contractor shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of any alteration in the
price of such material and/or wages of labour give notice thereof to the Engineer-in-charge
stating that the same is given pursuant to this condition together with an information relating
thereto which he may be in a position to supply.
If at any time after the commencement of the work the Governor of Orissa shall for any reason
whatsoever not require the whole thereof as specified in the tender to be carried out the
Engineer-in-charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no
claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage, which
the might have derived from the execution of the work in full but which he did not derive in
consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall he have
any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in the original
specification, drawings, designs and instruction which shall involve any curtailment or increase
of the work as originally contemplated.
Changes in Constitution of Firm :
In the case of tender by a partnership firm, any change in the constitution of the firm shall be
………………………………………………………… for his information. In case of failure to
………………………………………………. may by notice in writing, rescind the contract and
the security deposit of the contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the
disposal of the ………………………………….. and the same consequence shall ensure as if
the contract had been rescinded thereof and in addition the contractor shall not be entitled to
recover or be paid for any work there for actually performed under the contract.
Action where no Specification is mentioned:
In the case of any class of items of works, for which no specification is mentioned, such work(s)
shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed standard specifications of Orissa as followed
by the State PWD/PHD and in the event of there being no specification, in such case the said
item of work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and
requirements of the Engineer-in-charge.
Workmen Compensation Act VIII of 1923 :
The Governor of Orissa shall be entitled to recover in full from contractor any amount that the
Governor of Orissa may be liable to pay under Workman’s Compensation Act VIII of 1923 to
any workman employed in course of execution of any part of the work covered by this contract.
Jurisdiction in the Event of Dispute:
That for the purpose of jurisdiction in the event of dispute if any, the contract should be deemed
to have been entered into within the State of Orissa and it is agreed that neither party to this
agreement will be competent to bring a suit in regard to the matters covered by this contract at
any place outside Orissa.
Lighting & Sanitary Arrangement:
Lighting & Sanitary arrangement and supply of drinking water will be made by the Contractor at
his own cost for his labour camp.
Payment of Duties, Levies & Taxes:
The Contractor shall bear all taxes including duties, levies, Central and State sales tax including
work contract tax, entry tax, Income tax, royalties, fair weather charges, and tollages where
necessary & Governor of Orissa shall not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect.
Statutory deduction of taxes as applicable shall be done from each running bill.
Site Clearance:
After the work is finished or completed, surplus materials and debris are to be removed by
Contractor at his own cost and preliminary works such as vats, mixing platforms, level pillars,
temporary sheds and go-downs etc. are to be dismantled and all such materials removed from
site. The site involved in the construction activities should be cleared and dressed properly with
outward slope away form the structure. After the work is completed in all respects as per the
contract, the contractor shall vacate the site within three months from the date of completion &
commissioning, by making good the damages if any.
Works to be Carried Out
The work to be carried out under the contract shall include all materials, labour, tools and
plants, equipment and transport which may be required in preparation of and for in the full and
entire execution and completion of the works. The description given in the schedule of
quantities/scope of work shall, unless otherwise stated, be held to include wastage on materials,
carriage & cartage, carrying and return of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in
position and all other labours necessary in and for the full and entire execution and completion
of the work as aforesaid in accordance with good practice and recognised principles.
Sufficiency of Tender
The contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness
and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices quoted in the schedule of
quantities (Price bid), which rates and prices shall, except as otherwise provided, cover all his
obligations under the contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper completion
and commissioning of the works.
The Tenderer shall quote their offer on ‘Lump sum’ basis for the complete work in all respects
on ‘Turnkey Basis’. The offer shall be inclusive of cost of all materials, labour, T&P inclusive
of all duties, levies, taxes of Central and State Government including Works Contract tax with
surcharge, entry tax, Cess, VAT, Income tax, tollages, royalties, packing and forwarding,
transportation, insurance, loading & unloading, storage, watch and ward, delivery of the
materials to the site etc. and all other expenses incidental thereto for successful completion,
testing & commissioning of the work.
7.11 Transportation:
The contractor shall be responsible for the transportation of all materials, tools and plant,
equipment and machinery to the work site as may be required at site.
Custody of the Materials:
The contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of the materials at site and the competent
authority will not be responsible for any loss or damage of the property at site.
Construction Schedule:
The contractor shall submit a detailed work schedule in the form of Bar Chart along with his
tender indicating the detailed break-up of the job. This will include all operations from
procurement of materials to final testing at site to be indicated in detail with reference to the
time period for each.
The construction schedule as submitted by the contractor shall be revised by the
…………………………… and approved with necessary modification if any after acceptance
of the tender. The contractor shall furnish 6 copies of the approved schedule within a time to be
intimated to him before drawl of the agreement. The approved Bar Chart shall form a part of the
agreement. This approved schedule shall be binding on the contractor.
In addition the contractor shall submit PERT Chart in commensurate with the approved Bar
Chart within one month of signing of the agreement. The PERT Chart on approval by the
Executive Engineer shall be used to monitor the various project activities at micro level.
Security Deposit:
The tenderer whose tender is selected for acceptance shall make an security deposit of 2% (two
percent) of the accepted tender amount together with the earnest money deposited with the
tender which forms the initial security deposit (ISD) within 7(seven) days of issue of letter of
intent and sign the agreement in the prescribed form within 15 (fifteen) days of issue of letter of
intent after depositing the balance ISD. The ISD shall be deposited in shape of NSC / POTD /
Post Office Savings Bank Account / K.V.P./ Deposit Receipt in Schedule Bank duly pledged in
favour of the …………………………………………………….. No tender shall be accepted
unless required amount of security money is deposited.
In addition to the ISD, 5% of the bill amount shall be deducted from each bill towards the
security deposit. The earnest money deposit, the initial security deposit before and after
acceptance of tender together with the subsequent deduction from the contractors bill shall form
part of the security deposit equivalent to 7% of the contract value for the due fulfilment of the
The security deposit is refundable after 6 months from the date of satisfactory completion &
commissioning of the work provided that the contractors final bill has been paid. If however
there is inevitable delay in payment of final bill the earnest money deposit and initial security
deposit forming part of the security deposit may be refunded on orders of competent authority.
Monitoring of the Project:
Time is the essence of the contract. The execution of the project shall be closely monitored to
ensure that quality, cost & time of the project are not compromised in any manner.
The contractor shall submit monthly progress reports in a format as may be prescribed by the
Engineer-in-charge. The monthly progress report shall be evaluated by the
……………………… vis-à-vis the approved bar chart & PERT Chart and any deficiency
observed thereto shall be communicated to the contractor. The contractor shall have to make up
the deficiencies within the specific time period communicated to him by the
……………………….. failing which the contractor shall be liable for action as per clause-8.25.
In addition, the contractor shall submit monthly day wise work program one month in advance
to ………………………….. for approval under intimation to the competent authority to ensure
speedy implementation of the work and effective monitoring at all levels. Failing to do so shall
also invite action under clause 8.25.
Site Order Book:
A site Order Book shall be issued to the contractor by the Engineer-in-charge or his
representative. The contractor shall keep this Book always at site and any special order or
instruction to be issued to the contractor shall be recorded in this Book by the Engineer-incharge or his representative. The contractor shall sign all orders and instructions as token of his
knowledge about the same. The site Order Book shall be the property of the department but will
remain during the period of the progress of the work with the contractor. The safe custody of
the site Order Book during this period shall be the responsibility of the contractor. After
completion of the work, the Book shall be returned back by the contractor to the Engineer-incharge, which will be enclosed in the final bill.
The contractor shall furnish a guarantee to the effect that all items of the work constructed and
supplied by him shall be free from any defect both in terms of materials and workmanship for a
period of not less than 12 months from the date of preliminary acceptance of the work
conforming to provisions in scope of work covered under Section-12. During this period, the
contractor shall replace the defective materials if any or rectify the defects if any at his own cost
as pointed out by the Engineer-in-charge to the satisfaction of the later.
The Department may provide at its discretion a piece of land as may be required by the
contractor at a nominal rent as decided by the ……………………………., for a period as may
be deemed necessary by the Department towards construction of temporary field office,
workshop & store etc. of the contractor to be used solely for the purpose of this work. Leveling
of the ground as well as temporary roads etc. as may be necessary shall be done by the
contractor at his own cost. The temporary structures shall be constructed by the contractor as
per a plan to be furnished by the contractor and to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The
land shall be handed over to the contractor after issue of the work order and the same shall be
handed over back to the Department in good condition after the work is completed. The
payment of the final bills for these works shall not be made until the contractor has handed over
the land made available to him free from all encumbrances.
7.19 Unilateral stoppage of work:
Unilateral stoppage of work by the contractor without prior written permission of the Engineerin-charge shall be considered as breach of contract and the competent authority reserves the
right to take such actions as it may be deemed fit.
7. 20 Resident Engineer:
The contractor shall engage for this work competent, qualified and authorised resident
Engineers and Assistants to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The Resident Engineer
shall represent the contractor in his absence in receiving directions from officers of the
Department, which will be binding on the contractor.
Force Majeure:
Neither the contractor nor the …………………………… shall be considered in default in
delayed performance of its obligation if such performance is prevented or delayed because of
work to hostilities, revolution, civil commotion, epidemic, accident, fire, cyclone, flood,
earthquake or because of any law and order proclamation, regulations or ordinance of the
Government thereof or because of any act of God or for any cause beyond reasonable control of
the party affected. Should one or both the parties be prevented from fulfilling their contractual
obligations a state of force majeure lasting continuously for a period of 6 months, the two
parties shall consult each other regarding the future execution of the contract for mutual
Damages to Persons and Property:
The contractor shall take every precaution not to damage or injure adjoining or other property
of any persons. He shall indemnify and keep indemnified the employee against all claims for
injuries or damages to any person or any such property (including surface or land or crops in
site) which may arise out of or in consequence of any negligence or default on the
representatives and against all claim, demands proceedings damages, costs, charges and
expenses whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto. The Department does not take any
responsibility on this account.
Attention to Urgent Works:
If any urgent work in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge becomes necessary to be executed and
the contractor is unable and unwilling at once to carry out, the Engineer-in-charge may by his
own or through other agency carry it out, as he may consider necessary. All expenses incurred
on it shall be recoverable from the contractor or be adjusted against any sum payable to him.
Safety Devices:
i) Scaffolding: Suitable scaffolding shall be provided for workmen for all works that can not be
safely done from the ground or solid construction except such short period of work as can be
done safely from the ladders. When a ladder is used an extra labour shall be engaged for
holding the ladder and if the ladder is used in carrying the materials, suitable foot holds and
handholds shall be provided on the ladder.
The Engineer-in-charge will have the right to inspect the scaffolding and centring etc. for the
work and can reject partly or fully such structure if found defective in his opinion.
ii) Working platforms: Working platforms, gangways and stairways shall be constructed such
that they do not sag unduly or unequally. If the height of the platforms or gangway or stairway
is more than 3.25 meters above the ground or floor level, it shall be closely guarded, have
adequate width and suitably fenced.
iii) Safe means of access: Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platform and
other working places.
iv) Precaution against electrical equipment: Adequate precaution shall be taken to prevent
danger from electrical equipment. Hand lamps shall be provided with Mesh guard, wherever
v) Preventing public from accident: No materials on any of the sites shall be so stacked or
placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or public. The contractor shall
provide all necessary fencing and light to protect the public from accident and shall be bound to
bear expenses of defence or any suit action or other proceedings at law that may be brought by
any persons for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precaution and to pay any
damages and cost which may be awarded in any such suit action or proceedings to any such
person or which may with the consent of the contractor, be paid to compromise any claim by
any such person.
vi) Demolition: Before any demolition work is commenced and also during process of work: a)
all roads and open areas adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably protected, b)
no electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger shall remain electrically
charged, c) all practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed from the
risk of fire, explosion or flooding, d) no floor roof or other parts of the building shall be so over
loaded with debris or materials as may render it unsafe.
vii) Personal safety equipment: All personal safety equipment shall be made adequately
available by the contractor for use of persons employed at the site of work and maintained in a
condition suitable for immediate use. The contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper
use of the equipment by persons concerned.
viii) Precaution against fire: Suitable fire extinguishers, water and sand buckets shall be
provided at the work site to tackle situations of fire.
Rescission of Contract:
Subject to other provisions contained in this clause the ……………………………. of the
Department may without prejudice to his any other rights or remedy against the contractor in
respect of any delay, inferior workmanship, any claims for damages and/or any other provisions
of this contract or otherwise, and whether the date of completion has or has not elapsed,
recommend the accepting authority to rescind the contract in any of the following cases:
i) If the contractor having been given by the ……………………………. a notice in writing
to rectify, reconstruct or replace any defective work or that the work is being performed in an
inefficient or otherwise improper or un-workmen like manner shall omit to comply with the
requirement of such notice for a period of seven days thereafter.
ii) If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution on the court shall make an order
that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of a creditor shall
be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or the creditor to appoint a
receiver or a manager or which entitle to court to make a winding up order.
iii) If the contractor has, without reasonable cause, suspended the progress of the work with
due diligence so that in the opinion of the Executive Engineer (which shall be final & binding)
he will be unable to secure completion of the work by the date of completion and continues to
do so after a notice in writing of seven days from the Executive Engineer.
iv) If the contractor fails to comply with the provisions of clause-8.15 & other relevant clauses
mentioned elsewhere in this DTCN.
v) If the contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated date or items of the work
with individual date of completion, if any stipulated, on or before such date(s) of completion
and does not complete them within the period specified in a notice given in writing in that
behalf by the ………………………
When the contractor has made himself liable for action under any of the cases aforesaid, the
accepting authority …………………………….. shall have the powers to rescind the contract (of
which rescission notice in writing to the contractor under the hand of ……………………………..
shall be conclusive evidence), 20% of the value of the left over work will be realized from the
contractor as Penalty.
Conditions for Reimbursement of Levy/Taxes if Levied after Receipt of
All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies payable under respect statutes.
However, pursuant to the Constitution (46th Amendment) Act, 1982, if any further tax or levy is
imposed by Statute, after the last stipulated date for the receipt of tender including extensions if
any and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays such taxes/levies the contractor
shall be reimbursed the amount so paid, provided such payments, if any, is not, in the opinion
of the Chief Engineer, PH (Urban) (whose decision shall be final and binding on the contractor)
attributable to delay in execution of work within the control of the contractor.
ii) The contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the purpose
of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly
authorised representative of the Department and/ or the Engineer-in-Charge and further shall
furnish such other information/ document as the Engineer-in-Charge may require from time to
iii) The contractor shall, within a period of 30 days of the imposition of any such further tax or
levy, pursuant to the Constitution (Forty Sixth Amendment) Act, 1982, give a written notice
thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge that the same is given pursuant to this condition, together
with all necessary information relating thereto.
Fair wages clause:
Clause 34(a) – The contractor shall not employ for the purpose of this contract any person who
is below the age of twelve years and shall pay to each labourer for work done by such labourers
fair wages.
Explanation – “Fair Wage” means wages, whether for time or piece work prescribed by the
………………………………….. provided that where higher rates have been prescribed under
the minimum wages Act 1948 wages at such higher rates should constitute fair wages.
The ……………………. shall have the right to enquire into and decide any compliant alleging
that the wages paid by the contractor to any labourer for the work done by such labourer is less
than the wages as per sub-paragraph-I above.
The contractor shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any contract to contrary, cause to
be paid a fair wage to labourers indirectly engaged on the work including any labour engaged
by his sub-contractors in connection with the said work, as if, the labourers had been
immediately employed by him.
In respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed in the works for the performance
of the contractor’s part of this agreement, the contractor shall comply with or cause to be
complied with all regulations made by …………………………………. in regard to payment of
wages, wage period deductions from wages, recovery of wages not paid and deductions
unauthorisedly made, maintenance of wage register, wage cards, publication of scale of wages
and other terms of employment, inspection and submission of periodical returns and all other
matters of a like nature.
The …………………………………………………… concerned shall have the right to
deduct, from the money due to the contractor, any such required or estimated to be required for
making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by reason of non-fulfillment of the
conditions of the contract for the benefit of the workers non-payment of wages or of deduction
made from his or their wages, which are not justified by their terms of the contract or nonobservance of the regulations. Money so deducted should be transferred to the workers
The contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made under and for the
observance of the regulations aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from
his sub-contractor.
The regulations aforesaid shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any breach
thereof shall be breach of this contract.
Orissa PWD / Electricity Department Contractor’s Labour Regulations
Short title – These regulations may be called “The Orissa Public Works Department /
Electricity Department Contractor’s Regulations”.
Definitions – In these Regulations, unless otherwise expressed or indicated the
following words and expressions shall have the meaning here by assigned to them respectively,
that is to say (1)
“Labour” means workers employed by a contractor of the Orissa Public Works
Department / Electricity Department directly or indirectly through a sub-contractor or other
person, or by an agent on his behalf.
(2) “Fair Wages” means wages whether for time or piece work prescribed by the State Public
Works Department provided that where higher rates have been prescribed under the minimum
wages Act, 1948 wages at such higher rates should constitute fair wages.
(3) “Contractor” shall include every person whether a sub-contractor or headman or agent
employing labour on the work taken on contract.
(4) “Wages” shall have the same meaning as defined in the payment of Wages Act and include
time and piece rate wages, if any.
Display of notices regarding wages, etc. The contractor shall –
(a) Before he commences his work on contract display and correctly maintain and continue to
display and correctly maintain, in a clean and legible condition, in conspicuous places on
the work, notices in English and in the local Indian language spoken by the majority of the
workers, giving the rate of wage prescribed by the State Public Works Department /
Electricity Department for the district which the work is done.
(b) Send a copy of such notices to the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
Payment of wages (1) Wages due to every worker shall be paid to him direct.
(2) All wages shall be paid in current coin or currency or in both
Fixation of wage period (1) The contractor shall fix the wage period in respect of which the wages be payable.
(2) No wage period shall exceed one month.
(3) Wages of every workman employed on the contract shall be paid before the expiry of ten
days, after the last day of the wage period in respect of which the wages are payable.
(4) When the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of the contractor, the
wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the day succeeding the one on
which his employment is terminated.
(5) All payments of wages shall be made on a working day.
Wage book and wages cards, etc. (1)
The contractor shall maintain a wage book of each worker in such form as may be
convenient, but the same shall include the following particulars (a) Rate of daily or monthly wages.
(b) Nature of work on which employed
(c) Total number of days worked during each wage period
(d) Total amount payable for the work during each wage period.
(e) All deductions made from the wages with an indication in each case of the ground for which
the deduction is made.
(f) Wage actually paid for each wage period.
The contractor shall also maintain a wage card for each worker employed on the work.
The Executive Engineer may grant an exemption form the maintenance of wage bond,
wage cards to a contractor who, in his opinion – may not directly or indirectly employ
more than 100 persons on the work.
Fines and deduction which may be made from wages –
(1) The wages of a worker shall be paid to him without and deduction of any kind except the
following (a)
Deductions for absence from duty, i.e., from the place of places whereby the terms of
his employment he is required to work. The amount of deductions shall be in proportion
to the period for which he was absence.
Deductions for damage to or loss of good expressly entrusted to the employed person
for custody or for loss of money for which he is required to account where such damage
or loss is directly attributable to his neglect or default.
Any other deductions which the Orissa Government may from time to time allow.
(2) No fines shall be imposed on a worker and no deduction for damage or loss shall be
made from his wages until the worker has been given an opportunity of showing cause against such
fines or deduction.
(3) The total amount of fines which may be imposed in any one wage period on a works
shall not exceed an amount equal to five paise in a rupee of the wages payable to him in respect of that
wage period.
(4) No fine imposed on any worker shall be recovered from him by installments, or after the
expiry of 60 days from the date on which it was imposed.
Register of fines, etc.-
The contractor shall maintain a register of fines and of all deduction for damage or loss.
Such register shall mention the reason for which fine was imposed or deduction for damage or loss was
The contractor shall maintain a list in English and in the local Indian language, clearly
defining acts and omissions for which penalty of fine can be imposed. It shall display such list and
maintain it in a clean and legible condition in conspicuous places on the work.
Preservation of register -
The wage register, the wage cards and the register of fines, deduction required to be maintained
under the these regulations shall be preserved for 12 months after day of the last entry made in them.
Powers of Labour Welfare Officers to make investigation or enquiry -
The Labour Welfare Officers or any other persons authorized by the Government of Orissa on
their behalf shall have power to make enquiries with a view to ascertaining and enforcing due and
proper observance of the fair wage clauses and the provisions of these regulations. He shall investigate
into any complaint regarding default made by the contractor, sub-contractor in regard to such
Report of Labour Welfare Officers -
The Labour Welfare Officer or others authorized as aforesaid shall such a report of the results
of his investigation or enquiry to the Executive Engineer concerned, indicating the extent, if any, to
which the default has been committed with a note that necessary deductions from the contractor bill be
made and the wages and other dues be paid to the labourers concerned.
Appeal against the decision of Labour Welfare Officer -
Any persons aggrieved by the decision and recommendation of the Labour Welfare Officer or
other person so authorized may appeal against such decision to the Labour Commissioner within 30
days from the date of decision forwarding simultaneously a copy of his appeal to the Executive
Engineer concerned but subject to such appeal, the decision of the officer shall be final and binding
upon the contractor.
Inspection of register -
The contractor shall also inspection of the wage book and wage cards to any of his workers or
to his agent at a convenient time and place after due notice is received, or to the Labour Commissioner
or any other person authorized by the Government of Orissa on his behalf.
Submission of return The contractor shall submit periodical returns as may be specified from time to time.
Amendments –
………………………………….. may from time to time, add to or amend these regulations &
on any question as to the application, interpretation of effect of these regulations, the decision of the
Labour Commissioner or any other person authorized by the ………………………………… in that
behalf shall be final.
7.28 The terms and conditions of the agreement have been read by Me/Us and I/ We certify
that I/We clearly understand them and agree to abide by them.
Section – 09
( To be filled in by the Tenderer )
In case of individuals:
Name of Business
Whether his business is registered
Date of commencement of business
Whether he pays income tax each year.
If yes, furnish particulars.
In case of Partership :
Names of Partners
Whether partnership is registered.
Date of establishment of the firm.
In case, income tax is paid by each
Partner, the details be furnished.
In case of limited Liability Company :
Amount of paid up capital.
Names of Directors.
Date of registration of the
Copies of the last three year’s balance
sheets of the Company.
Signature of the Tenderer
Declaration by the Tenderer :
I have visited the site and have fully been acquainted myself with the local situation
regarding materials, labour and the factors pertaining to the work before
submitting the tender.
I have carefully studied the conditions of the contract specification and other
documents of this work and I agree to execute the same accordingly.
I solemnly pledge that I shall be sincere in discharging my duties as responsible
contractor and complete the work within the prescribed time limit. I shall submit
detailed construction programme with target dates for various items and stages of
work keeping in view the time limit and shall accordingly arrange for necessary
labours, materials, and equipments etc., punctually. In case there are deviations
from the construction programme, I shall abide by the decision of the Engineer-incharge for revision of the programme and shall arrange for labour, materials,
equipments etc
I shall follow all rules and regulations of the state in force with regard to
engagement of labour for the work.
The documents furnished with the tender are correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief and if any information found to be incorrect in future, the Department
has the liberty to take any action as deemed fit.
Signature of the Tenderer
Section – 12
Location :
Barbil Municipality.
Connected to
National Highway 215
Railway Station
Keonjhar 95 Km away from the Barbil Town.
2. Intent of this Section
The intent of this section is to cover design, engineering supply, fabrication, construction,
erection, supervision, testing, trial-run, providing training and commissioning of the work “ Design,
Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Raw water RCC intake well with installation of pumping
unit, 11.00MLD Water Treatment Plant, and 0.63.00 ML capacity RCC Under Ground Reservoir ,
External & internal electrification including construction of DP structure, supplying & installation of
required of other ancillary structures and supplying & laying of 300 mm dia D.I. Pipeline at Barbil in
the district of Keonjhar in Orissa state in connection with the Augmentation of water supply to
Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme.”
The provisions under this section shall be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Contract
(Section-07), Special Condition of Contract (Section-08) of this DTCN) and other documents issued by
Periphery development society, Keonjhar which shall also form a part of the Contract.
3. Treatment Objectives:
The quality of treated water from the plant shall be consistently maintained conforming to the
requirements of the latest editions of the relevant Indian Standard Specifications and the Manual on
Water Supply and Treatment by the CPHEEO, Government of India.
4. Scope of Work
The scope of work shall cover complete planning, designing, engineering, preparation of detailed
drawings, supply of all materials and equipment, fabrication, construction, erection, supervision,
painting, finishing, including all civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, piping, instrumentation works
along with all labour and T&P, training to the maintenance personnel, testing, trial run &
commissioning of 5.00 Mtr inside dia Raw water intake well with installation of pumping unit,
11.00 MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant and construction of 0.63 ML RCC Under Ground
Reservoir, External & internal electrification including construction of DP structure, supplying &
installation of other ancillary structures and supplying & laying of 300 mm dia D.I. Pipeline with
ancillary structures consisting of the followings on ‘Turnkey basis’ in conformity with the technical
specifications as enumerated in the subsequent clauses in connection with “Augmentation of water
supply to Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme”.
Construction of 5.00 mtr inside dia RCC Intake well with required depth as per design
depending on scouring depth and available of hard formation with top slab made
fabricated out of M.S plate with arrangement for installation of pump sets having
required duty conditions for feeding raw water to 11.00 MLD water treatment plant.
Construction of pump chamber with RCC slab and Marble flooring of size 4m x 10 m
near the intake site, Chowkidar shed & boundary wall.
Supplying and laying of 300 mm dia D.I. Class – K9 of 1800 mtrs for pumping the raw
water from intake well to 11.00 MLD treatment plant site.
Cascade Aerator
Raw water channel with Flow measuring device
Rapid mixing unit (Flash Mixer)
Filter house with rapid gravity filter units, space for housing backwash filling pump
sets, air blowers & MCC.
250m3 capacity back wash tank with piping, valves, pumping sets, control panel etc. all
Chemical house with chemical storage & chemical dosing units & feeding devices.
Chlorine house with Gas Chlorinator & Chlorine Cylinder Storage.
Office Building & Testing Laboratory.
Underground drainage, waste disposal system & on-site sanitation at Treatment Plant
Internal Roads, Walkways & Parking area.
Road & Yard lighting arrangements.
0.63 ML RCC Under Ground Clear Water Reservoir along with all piping, valves &
Boundary wall (1.50M high & Approximately 780M Long) with Gates around WTP
Beautification of WTP campus by Arboriculture & Horticulture.
Miscellaneous items like Brass nameplate, flow sheet boards, Glow sign boards etc.
Providing Bulk flow Water Meters at raw water main near W.T.P
The above scope of works is not exhaustive but gives only an idea about the type of work
involved. Any other items/works, which have not been specifically mentioned but required for
completeness and soundness of the systems, shall be automatically covered within the scope of work &
no extra claim shall be entertained due to such coverage.
The above works shall have to be executed in accordance with the detailed scope of work, design
criteria & specifications given in the Part-II of this Section-12 and succeeding clauses & other
conditions mentioned elsewhere in the DTCN, minutes of Pre-bid discussion & subsequent
correspondences made if any.
Site Plan :
The site plan of the proposed water treatment plant is shown in Annexure-1.
Soil Investigation Report:
For structural design purposes, SBC at different depth below ground level at respective places of the
units for all units of the Water Treatment plant as well as 0.63 ML capacity Under Ground Reservoir
shall be found out by the agency. Ground water table within 1.0M below virgin ground will be
encountered. In case further data would be necessary before or after submission of tender / during
execution of the work, the tenderer / contractor shall collect the same of his own & at his cost.
Ignorance of any data shall not relieve the contractor of his obligation to complete & commission the
work as per the provisions of the DTCN.
Raw Water Quality:
Physical & Chemical analysis of raw water samples of Mahendra Tanaya during summer is
enclosed . In case further analysis of raw water would be necessary before or after submission of
tender, the tenderer shall collect samples of water and carryout such analysis at his own cost in
approved laboratories. Ignorance of raw water quality parameters shall not relieve the contractor
of his obligation to meet to the Water Quality Standards.
Site Visit:
The tenderer shall inspect the site at his own cost and shall satisfy himself with regard to the
nature and extent of the work involved, the actual site conditions, existing facilities & shall collect any
other information which may be required before submitting the tender. Any claim afterwards by the
tenderer shall not be entertained on account of the ignorance of the site conditions.
Format Language and Units:
The language of all documents shall be in English. Units of measurement in the documents, on
the drawings, and the submissions shall be in S.I/ Metric Units.
Detailed Designs & Drawings of Works, their Submission and Approval:
Since this is a ‘Turnkey contract’, the contractor is supposed to have the best of the expertise
available in the field of water treatment plant design. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for
the detailed design drawing of 5.0 mtr inside dia RCC Intake well with required depth as per design ,
11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant with ancillary structures & 0.63 ML capacity RCC Under Ground
Reservoir, installation of pump sets having required duty conditions for feeding raw water to
11.00 MLD water treatment plant with 100% standby unit, External electrification with D.P. structure,
Supplying and Laying of raw water rising main with D.I. pipe of Class – K9 – 300 mm dia with other
ancillary structures at Barbil including civil, process, structural, mechanical and electrical designs for
the duties specified and to achieve the water quality standards specified earlier. The design submission
and approval formalities are described below.
Design Submission Guidelines:
1) All designs shall be submitted in the form of booklets in complete shape along with relevant
drawings & in a presentable manner neatly type written/ computer printed on A4 size bond
2) All design calculations / findings shall be supported with illustrative drawings in form of
plans, sections etc. as applicable which shall form a part of the design booklet.
3) All references made in the design shall be indicated in “Reference chapter” of the design
booklet. On demand, the contractor shall furnish reference materials to the Department to
facilitate checking of the designs.
4) All drawings shall be with black lines on white tracing paper in metric scale in size 560mm
X 810 mm & shall be titled, cross referenced & fully explanatory with the contractor’s
name, date, seal & signature on it. Additionally each drawing shall contain the title at the
bottom right hand corner. Alternatively, the contractor may submit computer aided
drawings drawn in different colours conforming to other specifications as described above.
5) In case of computer aided designs, the firm shall also additionally submit the floppy
containing the software & the design to the Department to facilitate checking of the designs.
The contractor shall also furnish the design calculations through manual methods if
demanded by Department.
ii) Design Basis :
All designs shall be based on the best modern practices enumerated in the Standard Text
Books/ Reference Books & Handbooks by authors of International & National repute.
Reference books like the Manual on Water Supply & Treatment by CPHEEO, Government of
India, latest Indian Standards Codes of Practices & Specifications, norms fixed by pollution
Boards of State/Central & Central Electricity Authority, European Union/ British/ AWWA
Standards shall also be followed wherever required. In case of any contradiction, the decision of
the Competent Authority of the Department shall be final.
For computer aided design, the contractor shall use only widely accepted standard
softwares of International/ National repute.
Thumb rule designs based on the contractor’s own experience/ sub-standard books &
literature/ sub-standard softwares shall be out rightly rejected.
iii) Submission & Approval of Detailed Designs & Drawings:
1. The contractor shall submit to the Department two sets of process & hydraulics designs &
drawings & layout drawings along with rainwater drainage and wastewater drainage scheme
in keeping with the specifications in this DTCN & in a manner as described in the preceding
paragraphs within 15 days of issue of letter of intent even if he fails to sign the agreement
within stipulated 7 days provided the firm has deposited the Initial Security deposit.
However, if the agreement is not signed eventually, the contractor shall have no claim on
account of whatever designs and drawings, the firm has furnished.
2. These designs and drawings shall be checked by the Design cell of the Department. After
checking, these designs shall be preliminarily approved by the Department after
incorporating the corrections/ modifications/ observations etc. as may be required and one
set of preliminarily approved designs & drawings shall be communicated to the contractor
for re-submission of
5 sets of detailed corrected designs & 10(ten) sets of detailed
corrected drawings to Department within 10(ten) days of preliminary approval by
Department. The time span between the receipt of the design & drawings by Department &
the date of preliminary approval shall not normally exceed 25 days time.
3. The final approval of the designs & drawings shall be communicated to the contractor
within 15 days time from the date of receipt of the final designs & drawings if all the
corrections/ modifications/ observations as indicated during preliminary approval are duly
4. To expedite the design submission & approval process, the contractor shall submit the
structural designs & drawings with GA, P&I, electrical, mechanical and instrumentation
designs & drawings based on the preliminarily approved process, hydraulic & layout
designs & drawings within 15(fifteen) days of communication of the preliminary approval.
5. Same procedure shall be followed as described in Sl. 2 & 3 for approval of these designs &
6. The work shall start after final approval of all the designs & drawings.
7. Similarly the contractor shall submit two sets of design & drawings and layout drawings
along with overflow water drainage of the Under Ground Clear Water Reservoir in
keeping with the specifications in this DTCN for approval.
Equipment Drawings:
Prior to the delivery of any item of plant or equipment for the erection of treatment plant, the
contractor shall, in triplicate, submit to the Department office for approval, accurately detailed
mechanical and electrical drawings relating thereto together with spare parts, tests, references,
drawings etc. for the plant. The make of all equipment shall have to be approved by
Obligation to Provide Documentation:
The contractor shall, as an integral part of the contract, supply detailed documentation and
working drawings of the process and the equipment to be supplied by him within the specified
periods and assist in checking the design calculations, other information or data relating to
problems arising from the design of all components or supply of the process or the mechanical
or electrical equipment.
The contractor shall supply all the documentation and drawings asked for or implied in this
section or elsewhere in the specification.
Approval of designs, drawings, calculations, or equipment supplied by the contractor shall not
relieve the contractor from any of his contractual responsibilities or obligations, if any
rectification or replacement is felt necessary at a later stage.
Quality of Material and Workmanship:
All the materials supplied by the contractor hall be best of their respective kinds and shall
comply with latest revisions of Indian Standards/International Standards/ Water Supply &
Public Health regulations stipulated by Govt. of India, AWWA, State Pollution Control &
Prevention Board, Indian Electricity Rules and other statutory requirements of Govt. of India
and Govt. of Orissa.
The contractor shall be responsible for the design of the entire system and quality of
materials and workmanship. The contractor shall guarantee the satisfactory functioning &
performance of entire water treatment plant. If any modification/ replacement is necessitated
during trial-run and guarantee period, the same shall be carried out immediately free of cost.
14. Construction & Erection Facilities:
Water, power, accommodation and storage of materials for construction, erection and
fabrication at site shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. The power supply &
consumption during the construction stage shall be the responsibility of the contractor & no
extra payment shall be made on account of this. Department will be responsible for supply of
water for testing, trial running & commissioning of the water treatment plant. The power supply
and consumption during testing and commissioning and trial running shall be the Department’s
Inspection & Testing :
For all materials, the contractor shall furnish Manufacturer’s test certificate with each
consignment. At site, Testing and inspection shall be carried out as per Indian
standards/International Standards in presence of Engineer-in-Charge, contractor and
manufacturer. The contractor shall detail out the codes and standards in accordance with which
the testing shall be carried out.
Inspection by the Engineer-in-charge of the Department shall not relieve the contractor of his
liability for rectifying the defects which may subsequently appear or be detected during testing
and commissioning or subsequent operation. After rectification of the defects or replacement,
the equipments shall be re-tested to the satisfaction of the Department.
All equipments, labour, tools & tackles, instruments and other facilities for testing shall be
provided by the contractor. He shall also maintain records of all the tests and furnish copies of
the same to the Department.
Whenever untested materials are used, written permission from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be
obtained. Manufacturer’s test certificates shall be furnished by the contractor for such
equipments and materials used.
The Department reserves the right to test any material at any of the reputed laboratories if
necessity arises & the cost of such test(s) shall be borne by the contractor & rejected materials
shall have to be replaced by the contractor by approved material at his cost.
16. Completion Schedule :
The time is the essence of this contract. The entire job is to be completed within a time frame of
11(Eleven) months from the date of issue of work order by the
…………………………………………. The tenderer shall submit a Bar Chart indicating
starting and completion dates of each activity such as submission of designs & drawings, site
mobilisation, procurement of materials and equipments, transportation, execution, assembly/
erection, testing, trial running and commissioning without which the tender shall be liable for
On approval, the Bar Chart shall form a part of the contract as detailed in the Section-7 & 8 of
this DTCN. The successful tenderer shall submit PERT Net work based on above Bar Chart for
monitoring of the project as per relevant clause of “Conditions of Contract/Special condition
of contract”.
The tenderers will be given a chance to suggest suitable modifications/ alterations within the
scope of technical specification during the pre-bid discussion, which will be discussed at length,
and the Department’s decision shall be communicated to them. Ordinarily, modifications of
technical specifications during execution of the work shall not be permitted excepting in cases
where such a modification is warranted due to technical requirements.
Tender Drawings:
The tender drawings submitted by the contractor/firm in their offer are subjected to change
during detailed design if so required from technical considerations without extra financial
Schedule of Tender for Submission:
The tenderer shall submit the following details in addition to other documents as indicated
elsewhere in this DTCN along with the ‘General & Techno-commercial Bid’ of his tender
document without which his ‘tender’ shall not be considered further for appraisal.
Technical write-up on the facility/scheme offered.
General Arrangement Drawings, proposed general layout Drawings, sectional elevation
drawings with dimensions, flow diagram, hydraulic diagram, electrical circuit diagram,
P&I diagram, site drainage and wastewater disposal scheme etc.
Perspective drawings of the proposed plant showing all the units to give a general idea
as to how to plant offered by them would look like architecturally.
Detailed specifications with codes/standards of all the materials/ Equipments /
construction work etc, with makes & their source of supply and testing codes including
manufacturer’s catalogue.
Battery Limits/ Exclusions, if any.
Delivery period with Bar Chart for the complete scheme.
Equipments, tools & tackles (with their capacities) proposed to be mobilised to the site.
Personnel & staff proposed to be deployed at site.
Past experience of the Tenderer with respect to eligibility criteria. A list of similar jobs
designed & executed by the tenderer with their capacity, year of commencement &
installation, value of work and full addresses of their client.
Brief details of the tenderer, technical personnel/ executive Employed with the tenderer,
their qualifications & experience, Organisation chart.
Enclosed ‘Questionnaire’ at Annexure-III duly filled in by the tenderer.
Section-12 (Part-II)
1. General
The Water Treatment Plant shall be designed conforming to state-of the art technology & practice to
produce and maintain output water quality hygienically safe and palatable in an economical manner.
The output quality of water shall conform to physical and chemical standards stipulated in the manual
on Water Supply and Treatment (latest edition) published by Central Public Health & Environmental
Engineering Organisation and Indian Standard Code of Practice. The entire Treatment Plant shall be
designed to work on gravity flow principle without need of any additional pumping. Basic design guide
lines given below are indicative only and however, in order to achieve designed parameters for
drinking water, Tenderer, if feels necessary, may assume & offer better data of his own and suggest
suitable layout for the plant. Similarly, the RCC Under Ground Reservoir shall be designed based on
the latest concepts & Principles enumerated in the standard text books conforming to latest BIS Code.
2. Capacity of the Water Treatment Plant
Capacity of WTP shall be 11.00 Million Litre per Day inclusive of all losses.
Capacity of Clear Water UGR shall be 0.63 Million Litre.
3a. Treatment Plant Layout
Due consideration should be given to the following factors while deciding for positions of various plant
units. A site plan showing the existing structures is enclosed in Drawing No.1 for drawal of layout plan
of the Water Treatment Plant considering the following aspects.
Geometry of the available land
Soil and foundation conditions
Inlet & outlet pipes
Plant hydraulic : preferably with straight flow paths between units to minimize head loss
& provide symmetry for flow splits
Transportation access
Site drainage.
Accessibility to operating personal
Reliability & economy in operation
Plant Hydraulics:
Plant shall be designed to permit Gravity Flow from the Cascade Aerator up to the 0.63 Million
Litre capacity Clear Water Reservoir.
4. Intake wells.
One no R.C.C Circular Intake well to draw 11.00 MLD of raw water should be designed to
provide 11.00 MLD of raw water at different season /water levels. The construction of Intake well
will be 5.00 mtrs dia including guide chhanel ,Port gate , Screen, Trash rack, Pump house, river
bank protection, approach foot bridge near the river “ Karo”. The top of the intake well will be
minimum 1.00 Mtr above HFL.
Cascade Aerator:
There shall be a cascade aerator with the following details.
Number of Units
Head Required
Space Required
Number of Steps
Battery Limits
1 ( One ) Circular
0.5 m to 3.00 m
0.015 to 0.045m2 /m3 /hour)
4 to 6
15.00 M from the center of Cascade
fitted with all valves & fittings.
Core Pipe
Launder Design capacity
Channel flow velocity
RCC NP2 Pipe or M.S of 6 mm thick
50 % of over loading
to 0.60 M/S
Raw Water Channel:
Number of Units
Type of unit
Capacity of Unit
Flow measurement
Channel flow velocity
Minimum 1 (one) number
Rectangular RCC channel with operating
platform of 1 mtr. wide.
To accommodate up to 50% (fifty percent)
over load with minimum freeboard of 0.3 m
&with catwalk along length of channel with
M.S/G.I hand railing.
Parshall flume with mechanical type flow
meter suitable for measurement of flow
within a range 3.0 MLD to 15.0 MLD
Necessary straight length of the raw water
channel upstream and downstream of
Flow Measuring device shall be provided.
Access to the channel shall be provided.
0.6 M/S
6.RAPID MIXING UNIT (Flash Mixer).
Number of unit & Shape
Capacity of each unit
Detention time
Mean velocity gradient
Velocity of Flow
Mechanical turbine /Propeller type. The shaft
and propeller shall be of stainless Steel.
Minimum 2( two) circular for each plant
5.50 MLD
30 Sec to 60 Sec
600/Sec ( approx)
1.50 m /sec
288 Watt/m3 of flow/hr
Shaft speed of propeller
Free board
Tangential Velocity at the tip
of blade
H/D Ratio
Impeller dia to tank dia
>100 RPM
300 mm ( Minimum)
More than 3.00 M/S
1.5 : 1 to 3 : 1
0.2 to 0.40 :1
Motor with suitable reduction gear box shall be provided . One number of spare motor of same
capacity shall be provided.
Vertical strip of baffles, projecting 1/10th to 1/12th of the tank width, shall be provided at
minimum 4 places from the wall of tank to reduce vortex. Walking platform of 750mm wide
shall be provided all round the Flash Mixer at top of the wall with 800mm height G.I/M.S.
Hand railing. Suitable supporting arrangement shall be made at top of wall level for placement
of mechanical/electrical mixing devices. Motor reduction ,gear cabling ,mixing arrangement etc
shall be provided in complete shape as required for smooth functioning of the unit.
Other Criteria shall follow Manual on Water Supply & Treatment by CPHEEO,
Government of India.
Circular Clariflocculator with central Flocculator & peripheral Clarifier shall be constructed.
No. of Clariflocculators shall be one (1), suitable for clarification and treatment of 11.00 MLD
(normal) input water of average Turbidity of 5 to 2500NTU. The Clarifier shall be designed
with suitable scrapper arrangement with electric traction driven mechanism. The scrapper
bridge shall be of steel structure with walk way of 1.20m width, access ladder, hand railing etc.
suitable for approach to flocculator while scrapper is in motion. The wheel of the rotating foot
bridge shall move on circular mild steel rail of appropriate size & design properly mounted.
7 .1 Circular Flucculator :
Number of flucctulator
Type of mixing
Capacity ( Each )
Inlet arrangement
Detention period
Velocity gradient
Velocity of flow
Total area of paddle
Peripheral Velocity of Blade
Power consumption
: 2( two) circular for each plant
: Mechanical paddle type vertical shaft with
stainless steel shaft and paddles 8 mm
thickness minimum with required nut and
: 5.50 MLD
: C.I Class –B pipe with velocity 0.6 m/sec
from flash mixture to bottom of central shaft
duly laid below the floor slab of the
with required concrete
: 30 to 45 minutes
: 10 to 75/S ( Preferred avg. 40 sec-1 )
: 0.40 to 0.80 m /sec. ( Preferred 0.6 M/S )
: 15 to 25% of C/s area of tank
: 0.60 m/sec ( Max) and 0.40 m /sec ( Avg)
: 0.25 Kw/MLD
Spacing between baffles
Sludge removal pipe
Desludging arrangement
Sludge pit
Distance between paddle tips
No of driving unit
Paddle rpm of mixing paddles
: Not less than 0.6 mtrs
: 250 mm CI class –B embedded in concrete
below the tank portion. Control valve shall
be provided in the sludge removal pipe at
suitable location.
: Sludge is to be withdrawn continuously from
the bottom of the basin under hydrostatic
head through sludge discharge pipe.
: Circular sludge pit of 600 mm wide and
500 mm depth around the control shaft of
clarifloculator shall be provided with sludge
removal arrangement. The foundation of
central shaft shall start from 1 mtr below
invert level of sludge pit.
: 1.00 Mtr
: Two in each unit for each palnt.
: 3 to 4
7.2 Circular Clarifier/Settling Tank
No of Units
Capacity of each
Detention period
Entrance Velocity to tank
Surface loading
Wire loading
Side water depth
Free Board
Sludge storage
Slope of bottom
Clear distance between tip of
scarper and tank wall
Scarper Velocity
Out let structure
Settled water turbidity
Partition wall of clariflocculator
2( two) for each plant
5.50 MLD
2.50 Hrs
0.20 to 0.30 mtr/minute
30 to 40 m3/m2/day
300 m3/m/day ( Max) designed to take 50 %
over load.
3.00 Mtr
0.25 m
Minimum 20 % of SWD as measured at
center of tank
8% ( 1 in 12)
Not exceeding 15 cm
: One revolution in 40 min with tip velocity of
scarper is less than 0.30m /min
: Effluent launder with “V” Notches
/Submerge orifice.
: Not more than 15 NTU
: Minimum 150 mm thick R.C.C
The channel carrying clarified water from each clariflloculator shall meet at a common point
from where it shall run through a common channel and joint to filter feed channel of RGF
Motor and reduction gear for mixing devices of flocculator and rotating foot way bridge
/scrappers ,mixing devices and arrangements under ground power cabling ,current collector
,Central bearing on central shaft ,scrapper driving system ,scrapper for desludging M.S foot
way bridge with hand rail and floor M.S chequrred plate of 3 mm thick minimum driving rail
on top of wall etc .and all other related items required for completion and smooth functioning of
clarifflocculator shall be provided based on required design.
M.S. Fabricated revolving Foot Bridge of 1200mm wide(min) with guard rail at both side,
spanning between Outer wall of Clarifier, central shaft and overhang portion beyond central
shaft up to required length for accommodating scarper arrangement, flocculator mixing
arrangement and motor reduction gear of appropriate design to be approved by the department
shall be provided. Walking platform of 750mm wide shall be provided all round the
Clariflocculator at top of the wall with 800mm height G.I./M.S. Hand railing. The Central
Shaft shall be designed accordingly.
Other Criteria shall follow Manual on Water Supply & Treatment by CPHEEO,
Government of India.
Filter house :
The total filtration capacity of filter house shall be 11.00 MLD
The filter house shall compromise of 3 Nos of twin bed Rapid Sand Mix Gravity filters placed
on one side of the pipe gravity .The rapid sand gravity filter shall be of constant rate filtration
type achieved by influent flow splitting . There is a RCC roof on frame structure over filter
bed & operation gallery at a height of 4.20 M measured from top of filter bed wall
The filter shall be back washed through manually operated valves with Spindle with
wheels located on the operating platform on attaining allowable maximum head loss.
The filter house shall have an annex building with R.C.C roof of 30 m2 floor area to house
the back wash filling pumps ,Air blowers, MCC & Control Pannels, the operators working area
furniture’s etc.
The layout of filter house shall be so designed that the pipe gallery ,Valves appurtenances etc .
shall be provided at one side with three numbers of twin filter bed units on the other side.
The filter operating floor should be designed for maximum convenience to the operating
personnel including case maintenance and provision of facilities to place and replace filtering
materials for accommodating the hand wheels for manual operating of valve etc. The provisions
made for operating floor shall be clearly shown in the offer a long with proper justification
.There shall be adequate access from the operating floor to the pipe gallery . The width of the
operating platform shall not be less than 2.00 mtr.
The pipe gallery should offer adequate space for convenience of inspection and for removal of
faulty equipment . It should be possible to remove any individual valve without the disassembly
of large amount of piping . Ample point of access should further more be provided for case in
handling of heavy pieces of equipment. The designer should use his his ingenuity to develop an
arrangement of piping that satisfies all functional requirements and ensures easy of maintenance
and operation . The width of the pipe gallery shall not less than 3.00 mtr . All cares must be
exercised to obtained water tight joints and connection . Some leakage of water which may be
expected in the pipe gallery shall have to be disposed of by providing conceal floor drain with
M.S grated opening /screens with sump and valves and mechanical and electrical accessories to
discharge the collected damaged.
The foundation of filter house shall be design such that it will take load of the backwash tank &
Walkways of 900 mm wide shall be a provided around the filter beds and where ever necessary
for easy access and operation & maintenance.
There shall be a filtered water sump with all piping and valves manholes, access ladder etc . In
the filter house of designed capacity for pumping to the over head tank .
Appurtenances such as rate of flow meters, Ventury meters & gauges loss of head gauges and
indicators ,Sand expansion gauges and indicator. Back wash water controllers and indicator ,
water sampling devices shall be provided for each filter bed unit.
8.1 General design Criteria
Filter House shall be fully covered with RCC roof.
No of Units
Type of filter
Size ratio
3 Nos twin filter bed covered RCC roof in a
single row
Rapid gravity sand filter of constant rate
filtration 2 Nos twin bed covered type
1.25 to 1.33 for each bed
Average rate of filtration
Effective size of sand
Uniformity co-efficient of sand
Depth of sand
Depth of standing water
Free board
Filter gravel size
Depth of filter gravel not less than
No of bed to be washed at a time in
back wash
Filter sand over graded gravel
83.33 lpm/m2(5.0m3/m2/hour
0.5 to 0.7 mm
>1.3 & <1.7 Maximum
0.75 m filter sand should confirm to IS 8419
Part-I : 1977
Not less than 1.5 m above sand
0.50m above water level
40 to 60 mm at bottom to 2 to 5 mm at top
confirming to IS : 8419 ( Part-1) 1977
0.50 m
One twin bed
Other Criteria shall follow Manual on Water Supply & Treatment by CPHEEO,
Government of India.
Inlet and Outlet Control Arrangements
The inlet and outlet control arrangements of filters shall be designed for 100 (hundred)
percent overload.
Filter Feed:
The inlet flow to the filters shall be evenly distributed along the length of the filter battery
through reinforced concrete settled water common influent channel with a suitable arrangement of
piping and weir to enable the incoming flow to be automatically divided between the total number of
filters and to allow for common constant rate of filtration through all the filter beds. The feed channels
shall be appropriately dimensioned to keep turbulence and velocities within the required limits which
shall not in any case exceed 0.60mtr/sec. The channels and associated chamber floor shall be given
slope towards the drains and drainage valves. They, if necessary, shall be fitted with steps or step irons
for internal access.
Filter Media and Charging:
Before providing filter media and filter bottom, the contractor must provide three sets of
samples each containing 10 kg of filter sand and graded gravels for examination and keeping them at
site for visual verification of actual verification of quality through random sampling. The filter media
and gravel should be brought to site in clean containers at least two months before the same are laid in
the filter box. The contractor shall prepare the grain size distribution curve by taking representative
samples from the stock filter sand to show that the d10 and Uniformity Coefficient values conform to
the DTCN provisions. Following installation and satisfactory testing of all the filter floors, when the
engineer-in-charge is satisfied that the installations are complete, the contractor will be given written
permission to commence filling the filters.
The filter media shall be carefully placed and not charged by dropping dumping, machine
handling or any other method which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge will be detrimental to the
floor media, nozzles, drains, laterals etc.
Following the initial charging, the filters shall be washed by the contractor. Filter beds,
designed for expansion during cleaning, shall be skimmed prior to disinfection and the commissioning
of the works.
Filter Bottom and Under-drainage System :
The under drainage system shall be carefully designed to collect the filtered water and to
distribute the wash water in such a fashion that all portions of the bed should perform nearly the same
amount of work and when washed, receive nearly the same amount of cleaning. Since the rate of
backwash is several times higher than the rate of filtration, the former shall be the governing factor in
the hydraulic design of the under-drainage system.
The under drainage system shall consist of central manifold of concrete/Cast Iron with
perforated laterals. The laterals shall be of un-plasticized PVC conforming to relevant ISS. All other
accessories of under drainage system shall conform to relevant ISS.
The contractor may follow the guidelines given at section of manual on water supply &
treatment by CPHEEO, Govt. of India or any standard text book by authors of National & International
repute / codes of practice (IS/ BS/ AWWA/ EU) for design of manifold with perforated lateral underdrainage system. But the outcome of the design findings in any case shall have to be checked for
uniformity of distribution of wash water in the laterals of the under-drainage through established
hydraulic design without which the design shall not be accepted.
Filter Backwash:
An air wash causing a loosening of filter media for 5 minutes shall be followed by a water wash
of 10 minutes which can provide an expansion of filter bed to about 130-150% of it’s undisturbed
volume at 200 Celsius operating temperature. The rates shall be as under:
0.80 m3/m2/min at 0.35 kg/cm2 pressure.
0.60 m3/m2/min.
Air washing shall be done by airflow from air blower/ Compressor of required capacity through
adequately designed pipings & valves system. There shall be two blowers ( one working + one
standby) of twin lobe type to be provided with inlet filter and silencer and the entire unit shall be
complete with air cooling system driven by squirrel cage induction motors. The unit shall be
complete with reflux, stop, safety valves, all gauges, electrical, mechanical, electronic accessories with
total instrumentation, control panel etc.
Water washing shall be done by gravity flow from a backwash tank of 250 m3 capacity located
on roof of filter house with sufficient staging . The height of the backwash tank shall be decided from
consideration of backwash head requirement. The backwash head shall have to be precisely calculated
by considering the static head requirement at the inlet to the filter plus the dynamic head loss
occurring in the piping & specials, valves, inlet & entry losses, control equipments & appurtenances,
under drainage system, gravel media, head required for fluidisation of filter bed etc. Thumb rule
provision from manual on water supply & treatment or any other text book shall not be accepted.
The wash water piping and air piping for proper back washing should be adequately designed
and the contractor shall substantiate through calculations and graphs that the provisions made by him is
adequate for the desired cleansing of the bed.
The wash water trough should be constructed not more than 2 m apart and the same should be capable
of discharging the waste water freely into the gullet. The bottom surface of the trough should be 5 cm
above the expanded bed level while back washing.
Filter Piping and Valves
Typical range of velocities to be used for design is given below. The contractor should avoid
taking the maximum extreme value unless under specific conditions when commercial diameters of
pipes are not available.
Wash water from elevated tank
Drain from filter
0.6 t0 1.83
0.91 to 1.83
2.4 to 3.6
3.6 to 4.5
Flanged CI/ DI(with cement mortar lining) pipes of appropriate class conforming to relevant
ISS shall be used. The connection pipe from Filter House to proposed
0.63 ML Clear Water UGR
shall be of C.I. Flanged Class-B Pipe.
Backwash Water Tank:
There shall be a separate overhead back wash water tank of 250 m3 capacity located over roof
slab of the filter house with sufficient staging height as per clause 8.6. The backwash water tank shall
serve following purposes:
for back washing of one filter bed at a time.
for alum and lime solution tanks for mixing at the desired rate.
for the laboratory for all tests likely to be conducted.
for the toilets for flushing and bathing purposes.
for chlorination.
The backwash tank shall be filled using filling pumps from filtered water sump of required
capacity. The backwash tank shall be complete with all piping (inlet, outlet, overflow, scour etc.) &
valves required for meeting the above purposes, water level indicator etc. all complete. Minimum depth
of water in back wash water tank shall be 2.5mtr.
The wash water pumps shall be of adequate capacity for filling the wash water tank in two (2)
hour time & with 100% standby.
The motors of the wash water pumps shall be of squirrel cage induction motors with three phase
415V supply. The filling pump sets to the overhead tank shall be installed in the filter house annex
building to be operated from the control panel located in the same room of the filter house. The
pumping system shall be complete with all valves & piping, electrical & mechanical accessories and
total instrumentation.
Chemical House
The chemical house comprising of facilities for storage of chemicals (lime, & alum) chemical
handling, solution preparation & dosing (for alum & lime) etc. shall be suitably designed for all
chemicals required for the water treatment purpose.
The chemical house shall have two floors. The ground floor shall be used for storage of
chemicals while the upper floor for housing the solution tanks, dosing facilities, MCC room &
operating platform. The MCC room shall accommodate the control panels of mixing devices of
chemical tanks, & other electrical facilities & also the operators operating area & furnitures. There
shall be RCC stairs of 1.2 m wide for access to the 1st floor of standard rise & suitably located.
The storage area for alum & lime shall be 150 m2.
Facilities to Handle the Following Chemicals for Coagulation &
Alum in solids
Lime in solids
Aluminium Sulphate (ferric).
Calcium Oxide/ Calcium Hydroxide.
a) Doses of alum & Lime :
Provision shall be made for the followings:
For Alum:
160 mg/l
Winter & Summer
40 mg/l
For Lime doses : Half of Alum dose.
b) Handling of Raw Chemicals :
The contractor shall provide a electrically operated hoist of 1 ton capacity for lifting alum &
lime up to the top of floor of chemical dosing tanks. Provision shall be made for a weighing machine
of 1 tonne capacity.
c) Stock Tanks:
There shall be minimum 2 numbers of tanks for each chemical for operation in shifts. The
capacity of each alum tank shall be designed to feed ½ day chemical requirement for a dose of 160
mg/l. Similarly the capacity of each lime tank shall be designed for 12 hours chemical requirements for
a dose of 55 mg/l. The dosing equipment shall be capable of dosing at maximum & minimum dosing
rates having 10 percent strength for alum and 5 percent for lime. Dosing will be done through gravity
and the solution tanks are to be placed accordingly. All the piping, fittings, valves, mixing
arrangements shall be of chemical resistant materials. There shall be level indicators for each tank of
chemical resistance material.
(d) Stock Mixers:
Each solution tank shall be provided with mixing devices. Each mixer shall be mounted on an
overhead concrete accessible slab and fitted with a motor with a reduction gear box and stainless steel
shaft and stainless steel turbines. The shaft speed shall not exceed 30 rpm.
Chlorine store & Chlorinator arrangement:
Chlorinator facility shall be provided for disinfection of the filtered water. The maximum &
average chlorine doses shall be 3 mg/ltr & 2 mg/ ltr respectively.
There shall be two numbers of vacuum feed type wall mounted gas chlorinators (one working &
one standby) of capacity 0-5.0 kg/hr/each with booster pumps, automatic switch over system,
all required chemical resistance piping & valves & all electronic, electrical & mechanical
accessories & total instrumentation. The gas chlorinators shall be of PENNWALT/ METITO /
SIEMEN Make. All accessories shall be of PENNWALT/ METITO make if manufactured
otherwise of any reputed make to be approved by Department.
The chlorinators shall be housed in the Chlorinator room of 10 m2 floor area.
Chlorine store :
The chlorine store including the chlorinator room shall be of (10+60) 70m2 floor areas
& shall be separately located close to the filter house for storage of 2 nos. of tonners &
two nos. of gas chlorinators. The chlorine tonners shall be kept at 1.5 mtr. C/C apart &
shall move on trunions. The loading and unloading of tonners shall be made to and from
the truck respectively in the loading bay inside the storage area. Monorail system shall
be provided inside the chlorine storage room so that loading & unloading of chlorine
cylinder can be done inside the room. Height of the roof above plinth level shall be
minimum 5.0mtr or as per requirement which ever is more.
The contractor shall supply at his cost two numbers of full chlorine tonners with
necessary certificates. Each tonner shall have a normal capacity of 1.0 ton liquid
chlorine available above one bar pressure. These shall be of standard Indian
manufacturer without fusible plugs. Each drum shall be fitted with ringed or removable
protective valve cap. The drums shall be painted yellow with back concave ends and
shall have the words ‘liquid chlorine’ with the gross and net weight stenciled on the side
in Kg. The tonner size, its length and diameter along with the weight of liquid chlorine,
which it can contain, shall be clearly mentioned.
Provision shall be made for an manually operated hoist of 3 tonne capacity running on
monorail system for handling of chlorine cylinders. The gantry shall have an operational
design capacity of at least 3 tons and shall be provided with safety type of hook, a drum
lifting beam etc. The drum lifting beam shall have a central lifting eye, rotating swivel
and hinged steel hooks designed to accurately and safely hold the ends. The contractor
shall arrange the layout, the store ceiling height and the elevation of the gantry
arrangements to permit any drum to be lifted from any cradle for transfer to any location
of the loading vehicle. All drum positions shall be served by the monorail gantry and the
clearance shall be such as to enable the drums to be loaded in a standard vehicle with at
least 700 mm clearance between the drum in transit and the top of any drums already in
position on the vehicle.
(e) Chlorine Gas Detector:
Two numbers of chlorine gas detector with alarm facility of reputed make to be approved
by Department shall be provided. One will be in the chlorinator room & the other chlorine
Two numbers of self-contained breathing apparatus, with a full-face piece and a cylinder
of air or oxygen carried on the body or with a canister that produces oxygen chemically,
shall be provided.
One no. of Emergency kit of approved make to handle leakage shall be provided.
One number of first aid kit shall be provided.
One number of Steel Almirah of approved make and design suitable for storage of
accessories shall be provided.
Ventilation requirements:
The contractor shall provide forced ventilation system in the chlorine store & chlorinator room
conforming to the Govt. of India safety rules, provisions of National Safety Council, IS 4379-1967,
other relevant IS codes of practices and Manuals Governing the storage & use of chlorine gas. The
forced ventilation system shall be capable to vent even traces of leaked chlorine gas to the atmosphere.
The ventilation system shall be manually controlled from external switches outside the rooms at each
doorway. Any damage to personnel, property etc. due to mis-handling/ inadequacies in handling
facilities shall be the total responsibility of the contractor. The tenderer shall clearly outline/specify in
their offer about the facilities provided by them for storage and handling of chlorine gas and
Office Building and Testing Laboratory
There shall be a single storied building of 60 m2 floor area to accommodate office block &
testing laboratory as per details below
Plant manager’s room
General purpose office room
Testing laboratory
16 m2
12 m2
10 m2
60 m2
In addition there will be a porch at entrance of 10 m2 with chequered CC floor tiles.
Entrance lobby
Common Lavatory
The lavatory shall be of 4.0M.x 2.5M size with one urinal (bowl type) with push button
flushing system of C.P. material, one Indian type W.C (23 inch composite type) with low level flushing
system, one C.P. tap at low level, one Wash Basin (22inchX18inch) with CP tap and all piping and
fittings and fixtures, one mirror of 22inchX18 inch size fixed to the wall. The IWC, urinals, wash
basin, all fittings and fixtures shall conform to relevant ISS and shall be of reputed make to be
approved by the Department. The contractor shall provide the manufacturer’s Catalogues for selection
and approval thereof of all the sanitary fittings and fixtures. The wastewater from the toilets/lavatory
shall be connected to the septic tank through PVC/stoneware pipes of appropriate design and as per
requirement. The Entrance Lobby shall be finished with the Mirror Polished Granite type of Flooring.
The floor area of the testing laboratory shall be 12 m2. The furniture shall include (1) Sink
base unit (2) Drawer base units (3) Drawer base unit for 6 paddle stirrer (4) Shelf box unit for
general work space (5) Refrigerator (6) Office desk with file space (7) Chair. The sink shall be of size
30inch x 18inch x 10inch and in addition a water tap of CP material shall be provided.
The laboratory furniture shall be of plywood construction resistance to acid & water of highest
quality material and workmanship. The size of the plywood shall be of 12mm thickness for doors,
drawers etc. and not less than 19mm for table tops fixed on wooden construction of adequate thickness.
The contractor shall provide handles, locking systems and all other fixtures. The firm shall furnish
catalogues from several reputed laboratory manufactures with detailed specification for the laboratory
The laboratory shall be furnished with equipments & glass wares as listed below, for testing of
the following parameters (i) optimum doses of coagulant (ii) turbidity (iii) pH (iv) Residual chlorine
(v) Alkalinity (vi) Iron, (vii) hardness and viii) Dissolved Oxygen. The pH meter, D.O. and turbidity
measuring instruments shall also be of portable type. All type of chemicals required for conducting
routine tests during trial run of the WTP, shall be provided by the firm at his cost.
List of Laboratory Equipments & Glass Wares
Borosil Make Measuring Cylinder 1000ML
Borosil Make Measuring Cylinder 500ML
Borosil Make Flask 1000ML
Borosil Make Conical Flask 500ML
Borosil Make Conical Flask 250ML
Borosil Make Beaker 500ML
Borosil Make Beaker 250ML
Borosil Make Beaker 100ML
Borosil Make Burret 100ML.
Borosil Make Pipette (50ml, 20ml, 10ml, 5ml, 2ml, 1ml)
2nos each.
Borosil Make Test Tube (Standard size) - 20ml
Burret Stand
12. Underground Drainage & Waste Disposal System & On-site Sanitation at Treatment Plant
The contractor shall provide open drainage system with masonry drain carrying rain water/ roof
top drainage/ surface run-off for its disposal. The drain is to be designed accordingly. Minimum size of
the drain shall be 0.4mtr depth x 0.4mtr width. The wall of the open drains shall be of 1 st class brick of
250mm thick jointed in 1:6 CM and plastered in 1:3CM with cement punning. The wall shall be
constructed over a base of 150mm CC of M20 grade with the same flooring and 100 mm projection on
both sides. The flooring shall be with cement concrete (CM 1: 1.5: 3) with neat punning. Graded weep
holes shall be provided at suitable intervals along the drain. The contractor shall provide RCC slabs of
required thickness over the open drain wherever necessary. Any CD works if required shall have to be
constructed by the contractor.
The contractor shall provide close conduit under drainage system with manhole etc. for carrying
the processed water from Chemical House, Filter House, Sedimentation Tank, Flocculator & Septic
Tank system etc. Both the surface drainage system and under drainage system shall meet at a suitable
location at the Master Man Hole from where it shall be connected to the nearest existing drain to the
proposed WTP site by close conduit system with required numbers of Manhole and outfall structure to
allow gravity discharge under all conditions. The close conduit under drainage system is to be designed
The contractor shall submit the necessary drainage layout plan for disposal of rain water
& waste water as well showing the position of manholes, invert levels etc. along with the layout &
hydraulic profile plan for approval by Department.
13. Internal Roads & Walkways :
Road: There shall be internal roads for access of vehicles to different units as shall be required
during operation & maintenance of the plant. The road shall be of 3m wide with 1 mtr. berm on both
sides. The financial offer shall include for a 150 mtr road length irrespective of the actual requirement.
However the firm shall clearly show the actual road length provided in the tender layout drawing. The
road shall be constructed as per detailed specifications at clause-
Walkways: The walkway of 1mtr wide shall be provided connecting different units of the
WTP. The financial offer shall include for a 100 mtr walkway length irrespective of the actual
requirement. However the firm shall clearly show the actual walkway length provided in the tender
layout drawing. The walkway shall be constructed as per detailed specifications at clause-
Clear Water Under Ground Reservoir:
No. of Units
0.63 ML
The filtered water will be collected in the above Clear water Under Ground Reservoir which will be
also interconnected with the existing Clear water Reservoir. The Clear Water reservoir shall be
complete with all required piping & valves on the inlet & outlet side, overflow and scour. The scope
i. Design, Construction, testing and commissioning of 0.63 M.L. Circular domed roof Under Ground
Reservoir with inlet, overflow and outlet arrangement..
ii. One set of mechanical type (Float Type) Water / Liquid level indicators of Krohne / MEI make
shall be provided for RCC UGR.
iii. Manhole, Access ladders etc, shall be provided as per detailed specification for RCC UGR.
iv. Interconnection of the new UGR with the existing reservoir with all required piping & valves.
v. The contractor shall provide a masonry drain with outfall structure etc. for disposal of overflow
water by gravity to the proposed drainage system.
Boundary wall with Gates around Water Treatment Plant Campus.
Contractor shall provide boundary wall around the proposed WTP & UGR campus. The
boundary wall shall be 0.25M thick & of 1.50M height above the ground level. The financial offer
shall include for a 600M (Approx) length for boundary wall irrespective of the actual requirement
along with 2nos. of M.S. Fabricated Gate (4.0M opening with RCC Pillars). The foundation of
boundary wall shall be of depth 0.60m below the virgin ground level.
15. (a) Boundary wall with Gates around Raw water Intake well.
Contractor shall provide boundary wall around the proposed Raw water Intake Well . The
boundary wall shall be 0.25M thick & of 1.50M height above the ground level. The financial offer
shall include for a 180M (Approx) length for boundary wall irrespective of the actual requirement
along with 2nos. of M.S. Fabricated Gate (4.0M opening with RCC Pillars). The foundation of
boundary wall shall be of depth 0.60m below the virgin ground level.
Beautification of WTP campus by Arboriculture & Horticulture.
The scope includes plantation of 30 saplings of different types of attractive Croten plants
(including Palm type), 20 varieties of rose sapling and 10 varieties different sapling like Bougainvillea,
Hibiscus (Mandar) and other perennial flowering plants in a properly designed landscaping system.
The plant shall be nourished properly so that at the time of commissioning of Water Treatment Plant,
the decorative plants would be full growth. Necessary care shall be taken for growth of plants by
providing Organic Manure, timely watering etc. Minimum 2nos tap points shall be provided for
watering of plants with 60m. of flexible pipe of 20mm diameter.
Miscellaneous items like Brass nameplate, Flow sheet Boards, Glow Sign Boards etc.
The name of the plant shall be embossed in Oriya (Oriya version of 11.00 MLD
Water Treatment Plant, Barbil ) in 45 cm x 45 cm dimensioned polished brass letters
(each letter size) duly fixed on the wall/ projected beyond the wall at appropriate height
as per aesthetic requirement.
The contractor shall provide a fluoroscent glow Board with all fittings etc. of
appropriate size showing the treatment flow sheet and allied structures in attractive
colours and fix it on MS angle columns at appropriate height and location. The
contractor shall also provide one number of wall mounted boards with flow sheets in
attractive colours for mounting on the wall of the Manager’s room.
The contractor shall provide a fluoroscent Glow Sign Board captioned “Barbil
Waterworks” with all fittings etc. of appropriate size in attractive colours and fix it at
appropriate height at the entrance gate.
18. Process Sampling Points:
The contractor shall provide sampling points generously throughout the works to permit proper
and adequate monitoring of the treatment process, chemical solutions, chemical dosing and the works
performance. Hand samples shall be made available from at least the following points:
1. Incoming raw water and pre-chlorinated raw water.
2. Coagulated water.
3. Flocculated water
4. Settled water before supply to the filter.
5. Filtered water from each filter.
6. Filtered water prior to chlorination.
7. Filtered water immediately after chlorination.
8. Final treated water before supply to distribution system.
9. Alum and lime solution tanks.
Hand sampling shall (as appropriate) be by piped supply to conveniently positioned taps. The
contractor shall ensure that the arrangements permit ready access to all the required sample points and
hand holds are appropriately provided for the sampling throughout the work. Sample pipe work shall
be in non-corrosive materials and each sample arranged to enable a 1 ltr. sample to be taken within 5
seconds. Sample taps shall be of Brass and generally bout 1 mtr. above floor or access level and be
identified by an adjacent wall mounted notice 30 mm x 150 mm (black lettering on a white
19 Civil Works:
19.1. General : All the building and structures shall be of permanent type. The Treatment Plant
buildings shall have good aesthetic and imposing elevation and architecture with the grounds
attractively landscaped and well maintained. The tenderer shall, therefore, enclose details of the
elevation of the buildings along with their offer. Reinforced cement concrete fins, windows, boxes,
pebble dash/ rough cast plaster, grills etc. may be proposed to elevate the look.
Sufficient consideration shall be given for the design of the buildings for aesthetic look.
Ordinary configurations without aesthetic shall not be accepted.
Foundations for all the buildings and structures of Treatment Plant Complex shall be designed
depending on Ground water table, sub-soil condition and bearing capacity of soil. In no case the depth
of foundation below the virgin soil shall be less than 1.0mtr. The depth of foundation for the elevated
backwash tank shall be not less than 1.50mtr. Provision of pressure relief valves/earthen overburden
for countering full or part of uplift pressure shall not be allowed.
Constructional Features :
19.2.1 Intake Well :
The construction shall be of RCC M-25 grade with inside dia of 5.00 mtr . The depth is
required from the bed level of river ‘Karo” and the top of intake well shall be 1.00 mtr above the
embankment level. The intake well shall rest over hard formation and the bottom should be plugged as
per I.S. specification. The top of intake well shall be covered with M.S. chaquered plate supported with
75 mm M.S channel proper opening should be provided for lowering of pump sets and piping
arrangement. Cage type Step iron ladder should be provided upto the bottom level up the intake well.
The intake well must have provision of ports having fitted with gate / valves to collect raw water from
the river during dry weather flow, and maximum flow in the river.
19.2.2 Cascade Aerator, Flume and Channels.
The construction shall be of RCC M-25 grade. Cascade Aerator and all Channels shall be
cladded with white ceramic tiles of Jonshon /equivalent make.
19.2.2 Rapid Mixing Unit and Clariflocculator :
The Rapid mixing unit (Flash Mixer), Clariflocculator shall be of RCC, M-25 grade. Operating
Platform & effluent launder of the Clariflocculator shall be cladded with Jonshon equivalent make
ceramic tiles. Internal surfaces of Rapid mixing unit shall be cladded with acid resistance tiles.
19.2.3 Filter House :
The filter house building with the annex shall be constructed as a RCC M-25 Grade framed
structure with brick masonry filler walls. All water-retaining components like filter box, all channels,
weir box, inlet box etc. shall be of R.C.C
M-25 Grade. Floor of the Operating Platform and walk
way of the filter house shall be cladded with Vitreous tile of Jonshon /equivalent make of appropriate
Filter house interior shall be well ventilated and well lit by provision of sufficient numbers of
doors, windows, ventilators and exhaust fans. The flooring of filter house & annex building in general
shall be of Ceramic tile flooring excepting for the operating platform. The exposed column of the filter
house near operating platform shall be cladded with Granite tiles. All tile flooring shall be of minimum
20mm thick & best quality to be approved by the Engineer in Charge. Stair shall be cladded with
Necessary access ladders for the filter units, railings around filters and railings in operation
floor shall be provided. The handrails in the Operating Platform & Walk Way shall be of Stainless
19.2.4 Backwash Water tank
Backwash water tank shall be located on appropriate staging height as per hydraulic design on
the roof of the filter house. All components over head backwash water tank shall be of RCC M-25
Grade. The shape of the tank shall give an architecturally imposing monumental view and ordinary
configuration shall not be accepted.
There shall be RCC access ladder combined with supplementary MS ladder with hand railings
& landings for access to the roof of backwash tank. Similarly MS ladder shall be provided for access
into the tank.
One lightening arrester shall be provided on the roof of the tank as per IS-2309. The arrester
shall be suitably earthed with an aluminum tape conductor as per IS specification. Two nos. of C.I
lockable hinge type manhole covers of minimum 600mm dia with frame shall be provided on the roof
of the tank. Mechanical type water level indicator shall be provided.
0.63 Million Liters capacity Clear water Under Ground Reservoir
The RCC UGR shall be Circular shape with dome roof.
The 0.63 ML UGR shall be constructed of RCC M-25 grade.
The top of ring beam shall not be more than 1.0M above G.L.
The capacity of the reservoir shall be the volume of the water stored between the invert
level of overflow pipe and the dead storage level. Due allowance shall be made for
plastering inside surface of the wall and floor while calculating the net capacity of
Free board shall be minimum 300mm.
The dead storage level of 100mm to be provided for the reservoir.
The design shall be based on accepted norms and methods of design and provisions
contained in latest version of IS-456, IS-3370, IS-875 and IS-1893.
There shall be M.S. ladder and hand railings and landings for access to the roof of UGR.
Similarly M.S. ladder shall be provided inside the tank for access into the tank.
2nos. of C.I. lockable hinge type Man Hole covers of minimum 600mm diameter with
frame shall be provided on the roof of the tank.
The UGR shall be complete with all piping, valves & interconnection with the existing
No overburden on roof top of any kind (earthen/ masonry) / Pressure Relief Valves at
base slab to counter a part or full uplift pressure due to presence of GWT shall be
19.2.6. Chemical House
The chemical house building shall be of M 20 grade RCC framed structure with brick masonry
filler walls. The solution tanks and channels shall be of RCC M-25 grade and provided with acid/
alkali resistant tiles.
Chemical house shall be well ventilated and well lit by provision of sufficient numbers of
doors, windows, ventilators and exhaust fans.
Floor for storage of lime, alum & bleaching powder shall be made of acid /alkali resistant
tiles/stone floorings as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The floor & wall of the Chemical House
up to 2.0mtr height from the floor level shall be made acid/alkali resistance by providing appropriate
type of tiles. Other portion of interior walls i.e. above 2.0 meter height and the ceiling of the chemical
house shall be give with acid/alkali resistant epoxy paint of two (2) coats of approved colour over one
(1) coat of primer.
The ceiling height of chemical house for Alum and Lime storage shall not be less than 4.0 mtr
from finished floor level.
The floor of MCC room, stairs and other utility spaces shall be of Jonshon or equivalent make
ceramic tiles floorings.
19.2.7 Office building & Testing Laboratory :
Shall be RCC M-20 grade framed structure with brick filler walls. Sufficient doors & windows
shall be provided in the building.
Floorings of the Office & laboratory shall be of Ceramic Tile of Jonshon or equivalent Make of
approved colour. The walls of the lavatory shall be provided with white glazed tiles up to 2.0mtr
height from the finished floor level. Entrance lobby shall be finished with Mirror Polished Granite
type Flooring. Portico shall be of C.C. Chequrred Tile flooring.
Boundary Wall:
Boundary wall shall be Brick Masonry structure. Top of the wall shall be provided with
40mm thick PCC (1:2:4) layer. Depth of foundation of Boundary wall shall be minimum
0.60M. R.C.C. Column for the Gate Opening shall be of 0.38m X 0.38m size & 2.0m high of
M-20 grade structure. The depth of foundation of the R.C.C. Column with isolated footing shall
be minimum 1.00m below the ground level. Construction joints in boundary wall shall be
provided at suitable interval as per the direction of Engineer-in Charge.
General for all Buildings & Structures
All tanks for alum & lime, Rapid mixing unit, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, backwash
filling sump, elevated water tank etc., and all channels carrying raw, coagulated, settled or
filtered waters shall be designed as water or liquid retaining tanks. All water retaining structures
shall be tested for water tightness before installing the equipment, media etc. All channels of the
Water Treatment Plant shall be cladded with white glazed ceramic tile of approved make.
Cement shall be not less than OPC 43 Grade.
Minimum free board (FB) of 150mm shall be provided for channels unless specified separately
and FB of 300mm shall have to be provided for all other water retaining structures except the
Filter Boxes in which case it shall be 500 mm.
All channels, launders, conduits etc. shall be designed for 50% overload.
No age factor shall be allowed in the design of the structure.
The plinth level of all the buildings shall be 0.75 m above the general ground formation level
unless otherwise specified.
The room height of filter house from the floor of the operation gallery shall be 4.20m
(minimum). The room height of chemical house shall be minimum 4.0m. The room height
(between finished floor level and ceiling) of the office and laboratory building, Pump house
shall be not less than 3.6mtr
R.C.C. : M 25 grade for all water returning structure.
Plain cement concrete of grade M10 of thickness not less than 100 mm shall be provided below
the RCC floor slab and the footings.
The minimum thickness of the structural members shall be as follows:
1.)Wall of the reservoir/ water retaining structures :
Up to 5 m water depth
Up to 6 m water depth
Up to 7 m water depth
2) Floor of the reservoir (flat/dome)
3) Shaft staging Wall of load bearing shaft staging
in case of elevated / over head reservoir
4) Roof slab, if designed as shell
5) Roof slab flat
165 mm
185 mm
200 mm
200 mm
150 mm
100 mm
125 mm
R.C.C works of all water retaining structures shall be finished perfectly smooth and no
plastering shall be allowed, except in the inside surface of walls and floors which shall be
rendered with 20 mm thick cement plaster in (1:3) ratio.
The water reservoirs shall be provided with suitable ventilating arrangement at the roof. The
opening of the ventilator be protected with mosquito proof wire net made of copper wire mesh
All Iron works shall be painted with two coats of approved anticorrosive synthetic enamel paint
over a coat of primer. All wood works shall be painted with two coats of approved paint over a
coat of primer.
All External surfaces shall be painted with two coats of Weatherproof acrylic emulsion paint of
Asian Paints (Apex) / Shalimar Paints (Xtra) / Berger Paint (Weather Coat) make and of
approved colour over a coat of primer. The Executive Engineer shall approve the computerized
colour code prior to application of paint.
The specification of building works shall be as below:
Brick work : Bricks should conform to IS 1077. First class KB Bricks in cement mortar (1:4)
in foundation and plinth. All non-load bearing outer walls shall be minimum 250 mm thick &
inside partition walls shall be minimum 125 mm thick. First class KB bricks in cement mortar
(1:6) in superstructure. The thickness of joints shall not be more than 20 mm size for outside
face & 15 mm in the inside face.
Brickwork in foundation of Boundary Wall are as follows:
1st lift - 0.75m. wide X 0.3m height
2nd lift- 0.50m. wide X 0.3m height
: All brick works with 12 mm thick cement mortar in 1:6 & all RCC exposed
surfaces & roof ceilings except for the Water retaining structures shall be with 12mm thick
cement mortar in 1:4 unless specifically mentioned.
: Minimum 100mm thick M-10 under RCC foundation and flooring.
Painting / Colouring over Plastering: All External surfaces shall be painted with two coats of
Weatherproof acrylic emulsion paint of Asian Paints (Apex) / Shalimar Paints (Xtra) / Berger
Paint (Weather Coat) make and of approved colour over a coat of primer. All internal surfaces
of all the buildings/Room shall be given with two coats of distemper paint over a coat of
primer. Ceiling of all round of building shall be painted with two coats of white distemper over
a coat of primer.
: Level of flooring shall be 0.75m above the virgin soil at respective structures.
There shall be sand filling between the virgin soil & the floor. Different types of floorings to be
adopted for different units as has been discussed under the respective structures in preceding
paragraphs. AS flooring(cement concrete flooring) shall be of 25mm thick of 1:2:4 CC with
punning over 100 mm CC 1:3:6 base in case of ground floors/directly on roof in case of first
floor. The MOSAIC flooring shall be of minimum 12mm thick. The dadoo in all types of
flooring shall be of 0.3mtr height.
The contractor shall provide necessary sun shades/Chajja etc. wherever necessary.
The contractor shall provide ramp with gentle scope to the buildings wherever required.
Plinth protection for a width of 1.00 m around all the buildings shall be provided. It shall be
C.C. checkered floor over 100 mm PCC.
All roofs shall be provided with grading plaster of 25 mm thick in 1:4 cement plasters with
required grading for drainage. There shall be drainage pipes of 110 mm PVC pipes with all
fixtures and specials extending upto the surface drain for disposal of rainwater. The number of
pipes shall be as per the roof drainage plan to be approved by the Department. A DPC coarse in
1:2:4 concrete shall be provided at plinth level for a thickness of 40mm for all buildings.
There shall be parapet walls of 250 mm brick masonry up to 600 mm height above the roof of
all buildings.
Expansion joints shall be provided in exposed pipelines as per standard practice & in
conformity with relevant ISS.
w). Machine mix shall be used in concrete works of the structures. Design mix concrete shall be
preferred to the nominal mix. Vibrator of appropriate type shall be used for compaction of the
i).The contractor shall give at his cost concrete cubes to the Department made from samples of
fresh concrete taken as per IS: 1199 cured for 7 days and 25 days for testing by the Department at
the cost of the Contractor. Besides, the contractor shall also carry out such tests as required by the
Department at regular intervals at his own cost.
ii) The sample shall be taken from the concrete prepared for use in the following component of
the structure:
1) Foundation.
2) Each lift of supporting structure in case of elevated reservoir.
3) Floor beam
4) Floor
5) Each lift of the wall
6) Roof slab.
7) Any other portion of the structure as required by the Engineer-in-charge.
In the event of any deviation from the desired strength, the contractor shall dismantle the
defective parts of the construction and make good the same at his own cost. All the building
materials including steel rods shall be tested in recognised testing laboratory to be selected by
Department at the cost of the contractor. Any material found defective/not to specification shall
be replaced forth with by the contractor without any extra financial implication. The steel rod
shall be from SAIL/TISCO/ Vizag steel.
The testing for water tightness of the structures shall be conducted as per IS: 3370 and the
results shall have to satisfy the relevant provisions of the above code.
All reinforcement shall be checked and recorded prior to concreting by the Engineer-in-charge
or his representative and the contractor shall countersign this. Entire concreting work shall be
done in the presence of an officer not below the rank of Assistant Engineer, The contractor
shall, therefore, give notice of at least two days to the Engineer-in-charge or his representative
so that the works can be checked by him or his authorised representative.
The form work shall be of steel plates of steel frame, sound and seasoned timber or of any
approved materials, having sufficient strength to old the concrete and withstand ramming and
vibrations. If timber shuttering is used it shall be constructed in such a way that none of the
concrete grout leaks away and shall be such as to leave a clean smooth surface not requiring
further plastering. The surface of all forms in contact with concrete shall be clean, rigid, tight
and smooth. Before a piece of work on formwork is concreted, the formwork shall be cleaned
of all mortar, shavings, concrete from previous work and all other dirt. It shall then be covered
with thin coat of mould oil approved by the purchaser.
The joints in the form work shall be arranged in a regular pattern.
Shuttering shall be provided to concrete faces where the slope exceeds 1: 2½.
The stripping time of all form work shall be in accordance with
contained in IS:456.
Concrete face work:
The exposed faces of concrete shall be true to line have smooth surface and without
roughness occuring between successive sections of shuttering. In removal of forms, minor
uneven surface defects shall be picked out to such a depth, refilled and properly replaced with
such class concrete as necessary. All pin holes shall be plugged.
The surface of non shuttered faces of concrete shall be finished with a wooden float to
give a finish equal to that of the rubbed down shuttered faces. The top faces of slabs not
intended to be surfaced shall be levelled and floated to a smooth finish.
Embedment and Anchorages:
All the embedments and anchorages shall be provided by the contractor and shall be rigidly
fastened. Anchor bolts and other anchorages or inserts shall be set to template and /or firmly
secured in position.
Grouting :
Nominal minimum strength of grouting concrete shall be 40 N/mm2 or such other values as may
be shown on the approved drawings. The nominal maximum size of aggregate for grouting
concrete shall be 10 mm.
In case ‘Dry’ concrete or mortar is used, slump shall not exceed 6 mm.
If ‘Wet’ expanding concrete or mortar is used, slump shall be at least 125 mm or more but not
exceeding 225 mm. An expanding grouting admixture shall be of approved type and in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.
Doors/Window/ ventilators/Grills :
1. There shall be adequate nos. of doors & windows in all the buildings/structures.
2. The area of openings shall not be less than 25% of floor area.
3. All windows shall be with aluminium frame & 5 mm thick reinforced glass panels provided
with all related aluminium hardware fittings. The shutters shall be of sliding type in two
4. All doors except for those specified separately shall be with aluminium frame & 12mm
thick pre laminated plywood panels provided with all related aluminium hardware fittings.
5. There shall be adequate nos. of ventilators of size 750mm x 300 mm fitted with decorative
RCC Jally.
6. There shall be a 3 mtr. wide 2.4 mtr. height rolling MS shutter of standard thickness with
all hardware fittings suitably located to facilitate conveyance of chemical bags in to the
storage area. There shall be an additional outside door for general thoroughfare.
7. There shall be MS grills of member thickness not less than 5 mm of decorative designs
fitted to all the windows of the office & laboratory building, chemical storage area for
safety. Similarly the Grill Gate to be fixed to the boundary wall shall be approved design
and of 2.0m. height.
8. The panels of all external doors, toilets, filter house shall be of waterproof pre-laminated
plywood shutter of minimum 12 mm thickness. For chemical house, the panels should be
of chemical resistant materials.
9. The specifications of aluminium frames for doors & windows shall be as per relevant ISS &
suitable from aesthetic point of view to be approved by Department.
10. All other materials used in doors & windows shall conform to relevant ISS & to be
approved by Department.
11. The fixing of doors & windows shall conform to relevant ISS.
Steel & structural Fabrication :
i) Method and Material for construction:
Steel structures shall generally be of welded construction. Structural steel shall conform to IS:
226 or IS: 2062 as required from design considerations. In welded construction plates up-to and
including 20 mm thickness and rolled section shall be of grade St.42 conforming to IS: 226.
Plates above 20 mm thickness, where welding is employed shall be of steel grade St. 42
conforming to IS : 2062. Electrodes, bolts, nuts, washers etc. shall conform to relevant Indian
Only tested materials shall be used and all test certificates are to be submitted by the Contractor,
unless permission of the Purchaser is granted for use of untested materials for specifically
mentioned structures.
The fabrication of structures shall be carried out as per relevant India Standards and also
according to latest practices. Steel structures shall be fabricated to suit transport requirement
and minimum site work.
All steel structural works are shall be subjected to inspection by the purchaser before erection
and painting.
All permissible tolerance in workmanship shall be as per IS:7215.
Erection :
The erection shall be carried out as per relevant Indian Standards. The minimum tolerance for
alignment and level of the steel work shall be + 3 mm on any part of the structure. The structure
shall not be out of plumb by more than 10 mm. These tolerances shall apply to all parts of the
Painting :
 All the steel works shall be painted.
 Members coming in direct contact with concrete shall not be painted.
 Painting operation and paint schedules shall be as per IS:1477 (part-II).
 All steel structural other than in chemical house shall receive one coat of red oxide zinc
chromate primer conforming to IS: 2239 after fabrication and one coat of the same primer after
erection. Steel structures in chemical house shall receive acid / alkali resistant epoxy based
 Priming coat shall be followed by two coats of painting by approved quality colour shade
paints. Steel structure in chemical house shall be painted with acid/alkali resistant epoxy-based
 Before starting actual painting operation, the members to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned
of all dirt, grease, rust, scales etc.
Road Work.
The road shall be black topped and of 3 mtr wide with 1 mtr. berm on both the sides and
constructed with the following specification.
The base shall consist of 150mm thick hard granite formation achieved by spreading hard
granite metal of size from 63 mm to 40mm & 50mm to 20mm in two layers of 100 mm
thickness (loose) /each layer and compacted to 75mm each layer with moorum and sand in
equal proportion for filling the interstices duly watered and consolidated by power driven Road
Roller. Necessary camber shall be provided while spreading the materials.
Applying tack coat using 9.076kg of bitumen per 10sqm and laying 20mm thick premix carpet
using hard crusher broken granite chips at the rate of 0.018 cum of 12mm size and 0.09cum of
6mm size chips per 10.0sqm with 14.82kg of bitumen for pre-coating with proper camber and
consolidation with power driven Road Roller over the consolidated base after scrapping and
cleaning the surface all complete with spreading of sand over the finished surface.
The ground shall be prepared by cutting and filling up of earth to make it up for the desired
level and slope and consolidated.
Walkway work:
The walkway shall be paved with chequered tile and of 1 mtr wide and constructed with
the following specification.
The base shall consist of 150mm thick sand layer & above 100mm thick PCC layer,
paved with chequered tile of approved design uniformly jointed by 1:4 mixed cement
Disposal of Surplus Earth & Debris after construction:
The surplus left over earth and debris after completion of erection work and levelling the site
shall be transported and dumped in areas as directed by the Department’s Engineer without any extra
20. Piping & Valves :
CI Pipe Work:
Specifications for C.I. pipe
Specifications for C.I. fittings
Type of joint
Code of practice for laying
Test pressure
IS : 1536-1989 Class-A flanged and Tested.
IS:1538-1976 (part-1 to 24) tested.
Flange Joint.
IS : 3114
1.5 times the working pressure subject to
minimum 1.0 kg/cm2 for 24 hrs.
MS pipe work :
Wall Thickness
In-lining & out coating
Flange thickness
PVC pipes & fittings
DI pipes & fitting & their laying
Pump Delivery sluice valves & scour
Non-return valves
Throttle valve/ Control valve
IS 5504-1969 for spirally welded pipes, IS
3589-1991 : Seamless or electrically welded
steel pipes
Not less than 8 mm
As given in IS 10221-1982/IS 5822-1986 as
IS 5822 1986
As per relevant ISS
For internal water supply sewerage : Relevant
As per relevant ISS.
Double flanged sluice valves, Rising spindle,
Rating : PN 1.0 (10 kg/sqcm) or as per
requirement whichever is more. IS: 780,
IS:2906, Body: CI Spindle: SS, AISI –410
Double flanged swing check type, rating : PN
1.0 (10 kg/sqcm) or as per requirement
whichever is more. IS: 5312, Body: CI
Disc : CI, Spindle: SS, AISI –410.
Butterfly valves (Rating 10 kg/sqcm) suitable
BS: 5155, AWWA : C-504, Body : CI
Disc: CI, Spindle :SS AISI-410.
G.I. Pipe Work :
Specification for pipe
Specification for fittings
Valves, stop cocks, bib cocks
Pillar Cocks/Taps
Chemical Pipe Work :
Specification & material for chemical
dosing pipe.
Specification & material for chemical
scour/ drain pipe
Regulating throttle valve
IS:1239 (part-I) G.I. Screw/Socket end tested.
IS:1239 (Part-II), GI, Screw end tested.
IS:778, Gun Metal Construction, screwed.
Cromium Plated.
IS : 4985/2000 UPVC.
IS : 3006 chemically resistant stoneware
Teflon, Double flanged Diaphragm type.
S.S. Slim seal type butterfly valves.
Technical Requirement :
All the valves shall conform to relevant BIS/BS/AWWA and bear such embossed certification
Valves, wherever required, shall be provided with extended spindle (AISI-410 material) and
head stock so that hand wheels can be provided at 1.2 m level for manual operation.
All valves for water supply & air applications shall be CI (IS:210, FG:220) body with 13%
Crome-steel (AISI-410) spindle and seat & seat ring made of gun metal. All valves for chemical &
corrosive application shall be teflon body & internals.
The valves shall be double flanged body with ‘raised-face’ flanges and drilling to conform IS:
RCC Valve chambers/CI surface box as required shall be provided for the valves with CI
lockable manhole of standard size.
Suitable anchor blocks shall be provided at bends and other locations where unbalanced forces
may develop under normal operation, during power failures, during reverse flow or during testing of
pipe line that tend to cause movements in the pipe line.
Valves of size NB 300 and above shall be installed with a dismantling joint or short-piece in the
pipe line to facilitate easy replacement.
On completion of erection, trial-run and testing all the pipelines, valves and fittings shall be
cleaned thoroughly and painted with 2 coats of enamel paint over by 1 coat of primer. The colour code
shall conform to Department’s norms for identification of raw water/ clear water/ spent water/ wash
water/ air etc. The flow direction shall also be stenciled on the pipe lines.
The scope of work for the tender includes entire piping work & valves of all types as per actual
requirement at site for the completeness of the project. Any variation in piping work & valves shall be
borne by the contractor and shall not be entertained for extra payment.
Instrumentations :
A. (i) The scope of work for the contractor shall include the following instrumentations. The
Contractor shall also suggest and include in his scope of work the additional & Standard
Instrumentation required for smooth & effective operation of the ‘system’ and for protection of
equipments. The instruments shall be suitable for indication in ‘MKS’ unit and the respective
dials shall be calibrated & printed accordingly.
(ii) The Instrumentation shall be of latest technology and best of their kind used in Water
Works. The contractor shall furnish 2-3 makes with copies of catalogues along with his tender
documents that he intends to supply under this scope of work and same shall form a part of
Treatment Plant control
Filter House Local
Overhead tank & UGR
Testing Laboratory
Turbidity meter (electronic) 0-3,000 NTU
(Local / Portable).
PH Meter (electronic) 0 -14 (range)
(one set each)
D.O meter (electronic)
Jar Test Apparatus
Parshall flume (rate of raw water in flow to
Treatment plant.
Loss of head indicator-dial type for each filter
Rate of filtration indicator-dial Type for each
filter bed
Water Level Indicator of mechanical type
i. Wash water tank
Clear Water U G R
Pressure gauges shall be preferably ‘Dial’ type with min. 100 mm dia. Dial. The range for the
pressure gauges shall be 2 times the normal working pressure of the pipe line. The pressure
gauge shall be mounted in vertical position with a three-way cock. It shall have the scales in
metric system.
All other Instrumentations mentioned elsewhere in this DTCN shall have to be provided in
addition to the above. Besides, any instrumentation which is not indicated above but shall be
required for completeness of a system shall have to be provided by the contractor without any
extra claim.
Material Handling, Fire Protection, Ventilation & other Miscellaneous facilities :
1. The scope of work for the contractor shall include the following material handling facilities, fire
protection, ventilation and other miscellaneous facilities.
2. Material Handling facility :
i) Location
a) Chemical House
For Replacement of valves
& spare handling.
c) Miscellaneous
1 no. manually operated hoist of 1 Ton
capacity with Bucket of 500kg Capacity for handling
chemicals from storage to the solution tanks.
One no. of portal frame with wheels
for miscellaneous purpose.
One number of framed Aluminium
foldable ladder with table top & wheels.
3. Fire protection facility :
a) Location
i) Filter House
Portable carbon-dioxide type fire
extinguisher - one no.
ii) Chemical House
iv) Treatment & filtration
complex premises.:
Fire Bucket
Four (4) nos. with stand.
Portable carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers shall be 6.8kg type conforming to IS:28781976. The fire buckets shall be Galvanized mild steel conforming to IS:2546-1974. The
installation of fire protection equipments shall conform to IS;2190-1979.
Ventilation :
Adequate numbers of suitable exhaust fans shall be provided in filter House, Chemical
House, Testing Laboratory for proper ventilation.
The exhaust fans shall be heavy duty continuous rating, industrial type, ring mounted of
not less than 450 mm dia size and shall be suitable for 230V, 50 Hz. single-phase, AC
power supply. The exhaust fans shall be complete with frame, pads, louver/ birds screen
The exhaust fans installed in Chemical House shall be painted with anti-corrosive paint
suitable for corrosive atmosphere.
24. Electrical specification
24. Electrical specification
Power for individual
units of
equipments, illumination,
ventilation etc. shall be tapped
the existing
Power Distribution Board. The
other facilities including metering automatic tripping due to over load etc shall be provided.
The Control
ent locations to
facilitate the
normal operation.
Scope of work :
The scope of work of the Contractor shall include design, engineering, preparation of drawings,
supply, laying, erection, insulation, termination, testing, trial-run & commissioning of complete
electrics, cable work, illumination, ventilation, including trench/duct making, civil & structural
work etc. on turnkey basis. The scope of work of the contractor shall include complete electrics
& cable work between the main existing LT Distribution Board (main LTDB) outlets to all the
equipments, illumination, ventilation, plug-sockets etc.
Technical Specifications :
Medium Voltage A.C. Motors
All A.C Medium voltage squirrel cage induction motors shall be designed,
manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements. All AC induction motors
shall fully conform to IS:325-1978.
The TEFC induction motors shall be designed for the maximum ambient temperature of
550C. The relative humidity (RH) can be upto the maximum of 100%. But the
maximum ambient temperature and 100% relative humidity both may not occur
The Motors shall be designed for an over load capacity of 115% of rated capacity for
frequent operations.
The insulation class of motors shall be B/F and degree of protection to be provided by
the enclosure shall be IP 55 in accordance with IS:4691-1968. Degree of protection
provided by enclosure for rotating electrical machinery.
The motor body shall have two separate earthing terminals for earthing in compliance
with Indian Electricity Rules.
Control Board :
The Control Board shall be of sheet steel clad, floor mounting type, free standing
design. The thickness of sheet steel shall be 2.00 mm minimum. The enclosure shall be
dust and vermin proof with rubber gasketing conforming to IS:8623. The bottom of the
control Board shall have removable cover plate to facilitate drilling of holes for cable
entry as required during installation.
The control Board shall be provided with push buttons, selector switches, indicating
lamps, indicating instruments. The control board shall also be provided with audio
visual annunciation facilities. The measuring instruments for indicating voltage and
currents shall be provided. The emergency push buttons with mushroom head for all
pumps shall be provided for any emergency off operation. This shall be non key type
with mushroom head snapped push button with latch and twist release. A standard
colour code shall be used.
The control board shall be properly earthed.
The control board shall be wired with a minimum of 1.5 sqmm. PVC insulated copper
cables. All outgoing connections shall be brought out to terminal blocks. All terminals
shall be covered with ferrules having engraved numbers.
Protection safety measures shall be taken to comply with statutory regulation and the
design shall generally conform to IS: 8623 (part-I) 1977.
24.5 Cables :
The multi core 1.1 KV grade power and control cables shall be included under the
scope of supplying, lying and terminating of power/ control cables.
Power Cables : The 1.1 KV grade power cables shall be PVC insulated, PVC sheathed
armored, aluminum conductor. The minimum size of each core power cable shall be 6
sqmm. The power cables shall conform to IS:1554 (part-I) 1964.
Control cables : The multi core 1.1 KV grade control cables shall be PVC insulated,
PVC sheathed armored, copper conductor. The minimum size of each core shall be 2.5
sqmm. The control cables shall conform to IS:1554 (part-I) 1964
24. 6 Cable Laying :
All the precautions, customaries in modern code of practices shall be observed with
while laying of cables. Latest ISS, code of practices shall be followed for laying of
cables. The underground cables for 1.1 KV grade for power/control shall be laid at a
depth of 800 mm and after laying of cables the excavated earth trenches shall be back
filled wherever required.
When cables cross existing cables, water main and sewers the, cables shall be laid at
least 300 mm below existing cable or water mains. Where the cables have to cross deep
drains, the crossing shall be covered by fixing protective RCC pipe across the drain.
Cables of different voltages shall generally be laid separately , where this is not
possible, cables may be installed on the with suitable barriers. At least 20 percent space
on each tray shall be kept reserved for future installation.
Cables laid on vertical tray shall be clamped to the rangs at regular intervals using PVC
cable strips, also cables entering or leaving cable trays shall be adequately supported or
In the main plant buildings, sub-stations, control room etc. power and control cables
shall be generally be taken on cable trays laid in tunnels, concrete trenches, cable
cellars/ basements or along building structure, walls ceilings etc. Cables routed from
tunnels/ trenches, the cables shall be taken to embedded./ exposed rigid steel conduits or
flexible conduit unless directly terminated to the equipment located above the
Cable for lighting installation shall generally be run on buildings, structures, ceilings,
walls etc. provided in concealed PVC conduits conforming to relevant ISS .
vii). The protection for cables shall be provided for crossing the roads.
All cable entry openings for the equipments shall be sealed and made vermin proof.
Earthing :
Earthing for all installations as per IS:3043 –1966 shall be included in the scope. The
earthings shall include all the motor control center control post, cable racks, illumination
and ventilation installations. The size of G.I. strips to be used for earthings for different
equipments shall be suitably selected and shall be subjected to the approval of the
Department and shall meet the stipulation of the Indian Electricity Rules and
Regulations to the satisfaction of State Government Electricity Inspector.
24. 9 Illumination and Ventilation :
The Scope for illumination & ventilation covers the complete lighting system both
interior & exterior lighting of all the units of the treatment plant, road & yard lighting
along with ventilation for filter house all complete.
The scope of supply shall include but not be limited to the following :
Light fittings complete with accessories for all buildings interior & exterior lighting
and yard lighting including road lighting facilities.
Main lighting distribution board along with sub distribution boards to be suitably
10 Amps. and 20 Amps., 240 V switch socket outlets
Ceiling fans for all manned rooms.
Exhaust fans as required.
Requirements of lighting fixtures/lamps :
Illumination level in different area shall be as per recommended level of
illumination for industrial area/special area conforming to IS codes/ Electrical
Engineering Hand Books. The illumination level for particular areas, illumination
for interior/exterior luminaries and their minimum mounting heights above floor
area shall be based on recommended electrical engineering hand books/ Indian
Standards Code of Practice & Specification.
Inside the filter house etc., indoor type high bay fluorescent luminaries shall be
designed for water vapors protection. Illumination intensity shall be suitably
designed as per recommended illumination lux nos. of fixtures and wattage of
fluorescent lights selected.
Out side area near Rapid mixing unit, Sedimentation tank filter house, etc. out
door flood light type with metal halide lamps of 250 watt similar to M/NVC-52
model of Phillips shall be provided. The luminaries shall be designed for the
protection of high humidity. The lux of lighting system shall be designed as per
recommended illumination lux.
Yard area and roads shall be provided with street light luminaries with 250 watt
HPSV lamps. The no. of fixtures shall be decided based on recommended
illumination lux.
24.10 Lighting Fixtures (Indoor luminaries ):
Fluorescent lighting fixtures for interior illumination of all
& laboratory building:
structures except office
Fluorescent lighting fixtures shall have the following main features :
a) Vitreous enameled reflector, CRCA sheet steel channel.
b) Copper wound polyester filled low loss ballast.
c) Two pins neon starter
d) Capacitor for power factor improvement.
e) Two nos. fluorescent triphosphor tube light in each fixture.
Street Lighting fixtures: (Make shall be of Philips/ Bajaj / Crompton greaves)
The street lighting fittings with HPSV lamps shall have the following features:
End mounting cantilever type moisture proof fixture.
Consisting of single piece die cast aluminum housing made out of LM6, an
easily removal gear tray for easy maintenance & a clear acrylic cover, capacitor etc. all
complete fitting. The dimensions of housing is 690 x 400 x 225mm with IP54
protection like SRP-51 model with SON-T-150W lamp of Philips make.
Street lighting fixtures for road lighting shall be provided with 250 W HPSV
integrated type fittings on steel tubular poles of 6m height (from finished ground
level)and 1.5m out reach. The spacing between poles shall be suitably designed.
24.11 10/20A Socket Outlet :
The socket outlets shall have the following features :
Die cast metal housing with porcelain/molamine body for heavy body operation.
Interlocked plug pin with die cast metal body and silvered pins.
110V, 3 pins (phase, neutral and earth) 10/20 Amps. rating.
230V, 3 pins, (phase, neutral & earth 10/20 Amps.
Self-closing shutter on sockets.
24.12 Point Wiring :
The type of wiring shall be done as per requirement at
different locations.
Neutral conductor for each sub circuit shall be taken separately and terminated in a
junction box. Terminal block from where neutral conductor for each point shall be taken
Junction Boxes for the point wiring shall be of maleable casting with threaded conduit
entry and fixed terminal slip.
All wirings shall be in PVC conduit & of conceal type with junction boxes, switch
board flush with wall.
24.13 Ventilation :
A suitable ventilation system shall be provided considering the required amount of fresh
air. The number of air changes per hour for particular locations shall be considered as
per IS codes/ Handbooks.
Heavy-duty exhaust fans with louver/ shutters shall be provided wherever required. The fans
shall be painted for anti corrosion / acidic effect.
24. 14 Earthing :
Complete earthing of all the electrical installations as per IS:3043-1966 shall be
included. The earthing shall include all the equipments for illumination/ventilations including
lighting main distribution board and sub distribution board. All light fittings and exhaust fans
shall also be properly earthed.
The sizes of G.I. strips used for earthing equipments shall be suitably designed.
24.15 Technical requirements :
All electrical items shall conform to the Indian Electricity Rules, statutory
regulations of Government of India and Government of Orissa as regards safety,
earthing and other provisions specified therein for the installation and operation of
electrical equipments.
The equipment offered shall be so designed as to allow for safe and adequate
access to all wearing parts to facilitate maintenance. Inspection and repair/replacement
with minimum consumption of time.
The contractor shall clearly indicate in the tender, the type, make and other
technical particulars of various components and equipments.
Wherever necessary the Department reserve the right of selecting the make of
the item in the interest of standardisation and the contractor shall agree to supply items
of that particular make if so required.
The general arrangement drawing of the system offered
shall be submitted along with the tenders including the regulation block diagram.
The contractor shall submit a list of recommended spares
for one year operation.
24.16 Power Supply :
Standard voltage shall be as follows :
415V ( 6%, 3-Ph, 4-wire, 50 ( 5%) Hz AC available line for A.C. motors and
230V, 1-ph, 50Hz. AC for control power and lighting.
Inspection, Testing, Trial-run, guarantee test, operation & maintenance manual,
completion drawings, guarantee & acceptance.
General :
All equipments, accessories, auxiliaries, piping, electrics, instruments, installations,
construction, buildings etc. including all mechanical, electrical & civil engineering
works covered under the scope of work of contractor shall be subjected to inspection &
testing by the Department for its material, quality, workmanship and the performance.
The contractor shall arrange and carry-out all such inspections, testing, trial-run etc. and
demonstrate in presence of the Engineer-in-Charge of the Department.
The cost of such inspection, testing, trial-run, demonstration etc. shall be borne by the
contractor. All responsibility of such inspection, testing, trial-run, demonstration etc.
and any damage/loss that may cause directly or indirectly shall exclusively rest with the
Such inspection, testing, trial-run, demonstration etc. shall, however, not relieve the
contractor of their liability for replacing/ rectifying any defects which may subsequently
appear or be detected during erection and guarantee period.
Copies of certificates for materials test, hardness, balancing test along with other routine
shop’s quality assurance tests shall be furnished by the contractor prior to carrying out
of the inspection and testing.
Tests at works :
All equipments, sub-assembly and components, auxiliaries and accessories shall be
tested at manufacturer’s works in accordance with relevant Indian
Standards/International Standards. The contractor shall furnish all test certificates etc.
related to the quality of all the materials to the Department along with the delivery of
the materials at site without which no payment shall be released. However, such test
certificates, quality assurance certificates shall not relieve the contractor of it’s
obligation to replace forth with any instrument/materials found defective during tests
at works/ trial running period/ guarantee period.
Testing for performance of equipments shall be carried out and be checked with the
approved parameters and performance characteristic curves for the purpose of
Tests at Site :
On completion of erection, all equipments, accessories, auxiliaries, pipings, electrics,
controls, instruments etc. covered under the scope of work of the contractor shall be
tested to demonstrate their smooth operation and proper functioning. All instruments,
gauges, interlocks etc. shall be for calibration and for proper functioning during the test.
All testing requirements specified elsewhere in this specifications and mentioned in
relevant Indian standard / International Standards shall be carried out by the contractor.
All defective items or any defects observed during the test shall be replaced and/ or
rectified by the contractor and test shall be repeated.
All the water retaining structures shall be tested for water tightness as per relevant IS
code of practice before starting of Trial run.
The contractor shall also carry out at site, any tests, which may be required by the State/
Central Government, State Pollution Control & prevention Board and/or any other
Statutory Body.
Trial Run & Hydraulic testing:
On completion of erection and testings at site the Tenderer shall carry out trial-run &
hydraulic testing of all individual items one after another. The duration of trial run &
hydraulic testing for individual items shall be not less than 24 hours in continuous
operation. On satisfactory performance of individual items, trial-run & hydraulic testing
of composite units, one after another and then of complete ‘Installation’ shall be carried
out. The duration of each trial run’ for each composite unit shall not be less than 48
(forty eight) hours continuous operation, and the duration of trial run for complete
‘Installation’ shall not be less than ninety six (96) hours continuous operation. All
defective items or any defect is observed during trial run shall be replaced and/or
rectified by the Tenderer.
The detailed schedule of trial-run and procedure shall be furnished by the Contractor to
be approved by Department. Proper record shall be maintained by the contractor for all
such testings and trial run.
21.5. Performance Guarantee Test
On satisfactory completion of trial run the complete ‘Installation’ shall be tested for
demonstration of guaranteed performance. The duration for such ‘Performance
Guarantee Test’ shall not be less than continuous twenty day (480hours).
The performance guarantee test by the Contractor shall demonstrate satisfactory
operation of all individual items, equipments, controls, instruments, electrics, auxiliaries
& accessories, piping, rapid mixing unit, Clarifloculator, filter beds etc. covered under
the scope of work of the contractor and the following major guaranteed parameters :
Discharge capacity of clarified water from Clariflocculator :
Discharge capacity of filtered water from each filter bed :
Discharge capacity of composite treatment & filtration plant at
Filter House outlet
Turbidity of effluent from Clariflocculator & filter house outlet :
Guaranteed water quality parameters of final out put water form the Treatment plant
after disinfection:
The discharge capacity of treatment and filtration plant units shall be determined by
adjusting the inflow rate and maintaining the quality of outflow water within the
guaranteed norm and shall be an average of values recorded over a period of 8(eight)
All consumables required for the trial run, performance guarantee test etc. shall be the
contractor’s responsibility. However, Department shall be responsible for the power
consumption & supply of water during the above tests & trial run.
Performance guarantee :
The contractor shall guarantee the parameters, the rated capacity, discharge head, kilo
wattage, energy consumption, time duration, water quality etc. for the individual items
and for the complete installation.
A penalty at a rate of two(2) percent of the contract price of the concerned
Sedimentation tank/filter Bed/ Chemical dosing system along with the accessories &
auxiliaries shall be imposed on the tenderer for every one (1) percent or part thereof
shortfall in the rated capacity subject to a ceiling of five (5) percent maximum. In case
the shortfall is beyond five (5) percent of the rated capacity, the concerned equipment/
facility/installation shall be rejected at Contractors cost and risk. No extra payment shall
be permissible and be claimed by the contractor for any excess (+) tolerance in rated
Any variance in tolerance beyond the permissible limit in ‘quality’ of drinking water
specified in Indian Standards and in Manual on Water Supply & Treatment published by
Government of India, shall not be accepted and such installation be summarily rejected.
The contractor shall collect the water samples from different unit processes as per
requirement as per sampling methods given in Manual on Water Supply and Treatment
by CPHEEO, Govt of India/ Standard Methods for examination of water and
wastewater, AWWA for water quality testing and test the physical, chemical and
bacteriological parameters in any of the reputed laboratories to be certified by the
Department at his cost and furnish the test report in support of the guaranteed water
quality parameters. However, Department reserves the right to assess the water quality
parameters independently through any reputed laboratory of it’s choice to check quality
parameters at the cost of the contractor.
Laying of different diameter DI Class K9 pipe lines
Laying of different diameter DI Class K9 pipe lines from raw water rising main to 11.00
MLD Water treatment Plant at Barbil
Excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil including rocks of any kind shoring, shuttering
and dewatering where ever required, site dressing and levelling the pipeline trenches. The
minimum width of the trench shall not be less than (d+ 40cm) and minimum depth of the
trench shall not be less than (d+90cm) in any case. Where d is the diameter of pipe in cm.
Supply, laying and jointing of CI / DI Specials, and valves of different sizes of ISI marked /
specifications in the proposed / existing CI / PVC pipe lines at suitable places as per the
drawing design and direction of Engineer in charge.
Supplying and making Tyton joints to DI Pipes of different sizes (ISI marked SBR tyton
rings shall be used) as per relevant BIS specifications, PH specifications and direction of
Engineer in charge.
Supplying and making lead joints to DI Pipes and specials at different places wherever
required as per relevant BIS & PH specifications and direction of Engineer in charge.
Supplying all materials labour T&P and construction of Brick masonry (i) Sluice Valve
Chamber (ii) Air Valve Chamber including earth work in excavation in all types of soil,
Providing minimum 15cm thick PCC 1:3::6 , Brick work in CM 1:4 Using KB brick of size
25x12.5x8cm size having crushing strength 75kg/sqcm, Cement plastering in CM 1:4 with
neat cement punning, and providing RCC top slab of 15cm thick using M20 cement
concrete as per the PWD/ PH and relevant IS specification and direction of the Engineer-incharge and as per the tender schedule.
The contractor shall cut the asphalt / metalled / concrete road during laying of pipe line and
same should be repaired after laying and testing of pipe line to the original condition.
O & M Manual :
The contractor shall deliver to the Engineer-in-charge duplicate copies of draft
operational and maintenance manuals for the plant after setting necessary standards basing on
the tests conducted for a period as indicated elsewhere in this DTCN. The Manual shall fully
and clearly set out the contractor’s own recommendations, and instructions for the satisfactory
operation and maintenance of the plant or equipment. The manual shall also accompany
drawings showing the electrical wiring, handling and erection instructions. Draft manual shall,
during the testing and commissioning of the works, be carefully checked by the contractor and
updated and modified to ensure that it is fully descriptive and applicable to the final process
plant as installed and as found to behave under operational conditions.
The contractor shall also conduct Jar test for finding out optimum doses of alum for
different turbidity ranges ranging between 10-1000 and varying pH conditions. The turbidity
ranges can be simulated by adding bentonite clay or any other artificial /natural colloidal
material. The contractor shall develop workable graphical output of the experimental data with
recommendations as to select particular doses of coagulant depending on pH and raw water
turbidity conditions. The findings shall be included in the manual.
Besides, the contractor shall also do Jar tests in the similar fashion as above with
addition of poly-elctrolyte (brand to be indicated and chemical should be certified for use in
drinking water works) to find out the optimum doses of coagulants and produce the output of
the experiment in form of Graphs which shall form a part of the Manual. The contractor shall
include his recommendation as to how the use of poly-electrolyte can allow over loading of the
plant and to what extent, the savings in coagulant consumption, improvement of clarified water
quality etc.
The above laboratory experiments shall be conducted in presence of the Department’s
officers to be countersigned by the Engineer-in-Charge. All chemicals, consumables etc as
required for such tests shall be at contractor’s cost.
The Manual shall also highlight handling of emergency situations during chlorine
leaks, electric short circuiting, personnel safety and hygiene. Apart from the above, it shall
enumerate procedures for analysis of pH, alkalinity, turbidity, Iron, and residual chlorine.
The various aspects of the manual shall be discussed under highlighted captioned
heading. There shall be a table of contents as usual. The draft manual shall be in English or
Oriya and may include manufacturer’s standard literature, but the contractor shall fully
supplement the literature by his own descriptive text explanations and drawings. After
satisfactory trial run & performance guarantee test the draft manual shall be approved by the
Department and one copy shall be communicated to the contractor.
Five copies of the approved manual for the plant shall be submitted to the Engineer-incharge prior to the commencement of the maintenance period. They shall be securely bound in
A-4 sized loose leaf binders, clearly titled, indexed and cross referenced. The final Manuals
shall incorporate instructions, recommendations, and advice for the operation of the entire
process covering the full range of raw water conditions. If during the maintenance period, the
Engineer-in-charge finds that the manual requires modification or enlargement as a result of
subsequent operational and maintenance experience in the works, the contractor shall provide
approved modifications for each manual.
The manual shall also include a check list for the mechanical and electrical plant
procedures for their smooth operation and maintenance broadly as follows:
1. Calibration, adjustment, checking and lubrication of each component.
2. Attention at weekly, monthly or other regular intervals to ensure reliable trouble free
3. Complete overhaul, dismantling, reassembling and re-commissioning of various
4. Identification and selection of suitable lubricants of various, Indian Manufacturer’s
suitable equivalents.
5. Fault findings.
6. Maintenance of protective coatings.
7. Monitoring of water quality throughout the works including sampling techniques,
laboratory and reporting procedure.
The work shall not be considered as complete unless this requirement has been
Operating Log Sheets :
Record Books of operating log sheets shall be handed over by the contractor to
the Engineer-in-charge in an approved form before the completion of the trial run
Completion Drawings :
A set of approved process, hydraulic, structural, mechanical, electrical,
equipment drawings basing on the actual execution of the plant shall be handed over by
the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge before completion of trial run and performance
guarantee test. The record drawings shall be on best quality on polyester tracing papers.
Guarantee :
The Contractor shall guarantee the design, materials, quality, workmanship and the
satisfactory performance of all the equipments, accessories, auxiliaries, piping,
electrical instruments, installations, constructions, buildings, facilities, infrastructure etc.
under his scope of work for a period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of
commissioning. Any defects noticed during the guarantee period shall be replaced /
rectified immediately without any extra cost to the Department.
Penalty for non submission of O&M manual, completion drawings.
A penalty @ 0.3 % of 10 % meant for “inspection, testing, trial-run, guarantee test,
training, operation & maintenance manual, completion drawings, guarantee &
acceptance” per day shall be imposed per each day of non submission of the manual &
completion drawings beyond 7 days of date of completion of successful performance
guarantee test upto a maximum ceiling of 2% of the 10% meant for the aforesaid item,
after which 1% of ISD shall also be forfeited.
Acceptance :
A. On completion of construction, the contractor shall clear all the left over surplus
earth, bricks, boulders, debris, scrap, temporary structures etc. from the construction
site and present the entire premises in a neat and tidy manner. All units, equipments,
tanks, reservoirs, pipelines etc. shall be cleaned thoroughly and disinfection shall be
done. On completion of finishing work, colour wash & painting work, the
contractor shall provide name plates on the main units and shall stencil in bold
letters the equipment code nos. & direction of flow on all the units, equipments,
pipelines, valves etc. The code nos. scheme shall be worked out in consultation with
the Department.
B. Preliminary Acceptance :
On completion of successful testing, trial running, satisfactory performance
guarantee test, successful training, submission of Manual, operating log sheets and
completion drawings, the ‘Installation’ shall be preliminarily accepted by the
Department and put into regular operation.
C. Final Acceptance :
On completion of six (6) months of satisfactory operation & performance, the
‘Installation’ shall be finally accepted by the Department.
Make of Electrical & Mechanical Equipment :
The following makes shall only be allowed unless specifically mentioned elsewhere
in this DTCN.
(a) For Pumps: (Kirloskar/Mather & latt/ Voltas/Greaves/Flowmore)
(b) Motors: Kirloskar/ Siemens/ CGL/ Alsthom GEC
(c) Sluice Valves: Kirloskar/ Fouress/IVC/Calsons/IVI
(d) Butterfly valves: Audco/ KSB/ Fouress/ Kirloskar/ IVC or IVI/ Calsons
(e) Air Valves: IVI or IVC/FOURESS/Calsons
(f) Liquid level indicators: Krohne/MEI
(g) Cable: NICCO/Finolex/Havells/Reliance/OMEGA/CCI/Uniflex
(h) Laboratory instruments: Polymetron/Zellweger Analytic/Hach make
(i) Laboratory glass wares : Borosil
(j) Weighing machine: Avery
(k) Flowmeter: Batilboi / Rota instrumentation / Reliable
(l) Parshall flume: Reliable
(m) Blowers: K-International/ Swam/ Everest
(n) MS pipes: ERW pipes from SAIL/TISCO/Jindal
(o) CI pipes: KIW/ Electrosteel/ IISCO/ Kesoram
(p) GI pipes and fittings: TATA/Jindal
(q) Sanitary wares: Pyari/Nycer/Hindustan
(r) Sanitary fitting: Jaguar/ESSESS
(s) All furnitures: Godrej
(t) All Luminaries and ceiling fans, exhaust fans: Phillips/Bajaj/Crompton
(u) Paints, distemper: Johnsons Nicholsons/ Asian Paint/
Berger paints
(v) All locks and locking arrangements, hydraulic door closures: Godrej.
w) Other Accessories : The firm shall clearly state the make which shall be approved
by Department.
Break-up of payment schedule:
The schedule for break up of the payment are given from page 0-4 for different units,
auxiliaries, mechanical and electrical components depending on progress of work.
All provisions of the technical scope of work & terms & conditions of the contract have
been read by Me/Us and I/We certify that I/We clearly understand them & agree to abide
by them.
Annexure –III
Technical Questionnaire
Give brief write-up on Treatment & filtration
process offered enclose flow diagram, GA
drawing etc.
Total capacity (normal) of the Plant
Process design, design code technical,
collaboration, make, patent, if any etc.
Head Required
Rate of Flow
No. of steps
Nos. & Location
Type/ construction
Design rate of flow/each
Measuring range & indication
Integrator offered & location
Head Loss
No. of Units
Effective water volume
Detention time
Head Loss
Velocity gradient
Velocity of flow
Water Depth
No. of Units provided
Treatment (Normal) capacity
Detention time :
Velocity gradient
Velocity of flow
Water Depth
Total Area of Paddle
m3 / m2/ hr
M3 /hr.
Circular Clarifier
No. of units.
Detention time
Effective liquid depth
Surface loading
Weir loading rate
Additional depth for sludge storage
Slope of bottom
Settled water turbidity
Dia. / type of sludge removal pipe
Scarper Velocity
Outlet structure
Entrance velocity
Spacing of ‘V’ notch.
Distance between Paddle Tip
Design code
No. of filter beds provided
Normal filtration capacity/ each bed
Total normal filtration capacity of the filter
Overloading capacity/each & duration of
Total overloading capacity of filter House &
duration of overloading.
Designed unit rate of filtration
Details of filter media, no. of layers, size etc.
Designed input water turbidity range.
Percentage of reduction in turbidity
Guaranteed output water quality.
Normal frequency of backwash of each filter
Duration of each backwash
Quantity & rate of flow required for each
backwash per filter bed :
Water (i) Qnty.
(ii) Rate
Air (i) Qnty.
(ii) Rate
Head loss
Clean bed after back wash
Max. before backwash
Overall dimensions of each filter bed.
% Hours
Overall dimension of filter House, walkway,
pipe gallery, covered area blower room, control
room etc.(enclose GA Drg.)
Pipe gallery Material
Type of filter bottom strainer system &
Wash water system
Overhead Wash water Tank
Staging height
Type of construction
Water filling-in arrangement
Pumps for filling overhead backwash tank
Nos. of pumps
Material of construction
Mode of power supply(single/three phase)
Method of starting
Control panel
(Circuit diagram)
Air Compressors :
Capacity & pressure
Type and nos.
No. of compressors offered operating/ standby.
Kw requirement & motor Kw offered.
Give details of starters
used, protections given, &
voltmeter, energy meter,
ammeter, indicating lamps,
on/off starters etc.
Make & type, efficiency, method of starting,
phase of supply, control panel details etc. of
Size & capacity of air receiver/ tank provided.
Valves :
Type, standard code/ ISI-certification, materials
of construction , motorised/ manual, make of
each type of valves Sluice valves
Butterfly valves
Non-return valves
Rate controllers
Float valves
Foot valves
Appurtenances :
Type, range, material of construction, make
etc.of each type of appurtenances :
Rate of flow controllers
Filter Gauges
i) Loss of Head
ii)Rate of flow
Sand expansion Gauges
Any other information
Chemical House & Chemical Storage &
dosing Facilities.
Solution preparation
Type of chemicals & coagulants proposed.
No. of Chemicals solution preparation tanks
provided for each chemical.
Capacity of each tank in volume and duration
Shape & overall dimension of the tank.
Type of construction & liner materials
Brief Details of Agitators
i) Type
ii) Material of construction
iii) Shaft kw
iv) Motor Kw rating offered
v) Drive Arrangement
vi) Speed
Dosing system
Type of dosing system & control method.
Material of construction of dosing pipelines
Type, materials of construction & make of
Chemical storage ( alum, lime & bleaching)
Chemical storage space provided for each
chemical separately.
Type of construction of storage building & liner
Overall dimensions of storage building.
Handing facility provided for handling the
chemicals both for alum and lime.
Chlorinator arrangement with chlorine storage.
a) Scheme of bleaching dosing system offered
7.18 Materials for pipe & valves
Office & Laboratory building
Shape, overall dimensions & covered area of
each unit.
Details of drainage scheme (enclose GA
drawing) for rainwater, etc.
Details of Roads (enclose GA drawing)
Sludge Disposal & waste water drainage
system (encl: GA drawings)
Scheme in brief
List of Instruments & Gauges, their type :
(Enclose drawing, catalogues, technical details
etc. of each type).
Material Handling Facility
i) Location
ii) Type
iii) Capacity
iv) Duty
v) No. of units
vi) Make
Indoor & outdoor illumination details
Yard & road lighting details
Fire protection facility
i) Location
ii) Type
iii) Capacity/size
iv) No. of units
v) Make
i) Location
ii) Type /Duty
iii) Capacity/size
iv) No. of units
v) Make
vi) Enclose catalogue
Any other technical details that Tenderer desires to furnish here
Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant at Barbil in connection with the work Augmentation of
water supply to Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme
Description of item
% of total amount quoted under
respective items of price bid(X)
payable on completion of different
levels of the structures as indicated
below(portions upto ground level)
% of total amount quoted under respective
items of price bid(X) payable on completion
of different levels of the structures as
indicated below(portions above ground
Inspection, testing, trial
run, guarantee test, &
submission of operation
& maintenance manual
& completion drawings,
guarantee & preliminary
1% of
of item
1 to 21
On approval of Layout plan, process, hydraulic,
Structural, P&I, electrical, mechanical and
instrumentation designs & drawings, all ancillary
facilities designs & drawings of the intake well
and water treatment plant and other ancillary
structures as a whole etc.
Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant at Barbil in
connection with the work Augmentation of water supply to Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme
Intake Well
Construction of Pump Chamber with
RCC slab with movable lifting device
& Marble flooring & Chowkidar
Casting of well upto mid height : 35%
Upto top level: 25%
Fixing M.S. top cover and connecting to
raw water rising main 4%
Arrangement for installation of pump set &
Other finishing work 20%
Electrical connection all complete 5%
Construction upto plinth level 20%
Const. upto lintel level 20%
Const. upto roof slab 30%
Fitting & Fixing of doors & windows
(movable device) 5%
Plastering both outside & inside flooring,
coloring , etc all complete. 14%
Supplying and laying of 350mm dia
D.I. Class K9 – 1800 mtrs
Cascade aerator
Procurement of pipes 75%
Laying of pipe line all complete 14%
Complete upto GL: 20%
Upto the base of collecting channel &
fixing up central saft : 20%
Casting of steps upto lip level with tile all
complete : 49%
Raw Water Channel to Rapid
Mixing Unit with flow measuring
Rapid Mixing Unit (Flash Mixture)
Complete upto GL: 20%
Columns cast upto midheight : 10%
Upto the base slab of channel:10%
Channel casting & all complete:49%
Complete upto GL:20%
Columns cast upto midheight : 10%
Upto the base slab of rapidmix :10%
Wall casting & all complete:49%
Complete upto foundation & floor slab :25%
Circular wall upto midheight : 20%
Circular wall upto fullheight : 20%
launders & finishing all complete:24%
Filter house with rapid gravity filter
units, space for air blowers & MCC.
Completion of piping floor and filter box
floor casting : 20%
Upto midheight of filter box : 7.5%
Upto ground level :5%
Upto operating platform top :7.5%
Upto roof level :10%
After roof casting :19%
Finishing works all complete :20%
Including installation of back wash pump set
& air blower
250 m3 Capacity Back Wash Tank
over the filter house
Upto mid height of column : 7.5%
Upto the container bottom :7.5%
Container wall casting upto midheight :10%
Container wall casting upto roof level :10%
Container roof casting :25%
All finishing works etc.: 29%
Chemical house with chemical
storage & dosing units.
Chlorine house with Gas Chlorinator
& Chlorine Cylinder Storage
Upto plinth level :20%
Upto roof level of ground floor : 10%
After roof casting of ground floor : 15%
Upto roof level of 2nd floor : 10%
After 2nd floor roof casting : 15%
Finishing works all complete:19%
Upto plinth level :20%
Upto mid height of walls & column :10%
Upto roof level : 15%
Roof casting : 25%
Finishing works all complete:19%
Office Building & Testing laboratory.
Under ground drainage & waste
disposal system & On-site sanitation
at treatment plant site.
Internal Roads, Walkways & Parking
Against leveling of land, Planting & After growing of plants : 89%
Against supply : 69%
Erection : 20%
Upto plinth level :20%
Upto mid height of wall & column : 10%
Upto roof level :15%
Roof casting :25%
Finishing works all complete:19%
Completion : 89%
Complete upto base :40%
All complete : 49%
Road & yard lighting all complete.
0.63 ML RCC U.G.R along with all
interconnection to existing UGR.
Boundary wall with M.S. fabricated
Against supply : 69%
Erection : 20%
After floor casting :20%
Mid height of wall & column casting:20%
Upto bottom of roof: 10%
Roof casting : 25 %
All finishing works: 14%
Construction up to plinth level : 20%
Up to Mid height of Wall : 20%
Up to Full height of Wall including RCC
Column for Gate Opening : 20%
Fixing of Gate with RCC Column &
finishing works etc all complete : 29%
Beautification of WTP campus by
Arboriculture & Horticulture
Miscellaneous items.
Internal Electrification to Pump
All complete : 89%
Providing Bulk flow water Meters at
raw water main near W.T.P. and
distribution net work.
Procurement of flow meter 60%
Installation 29%
Price Break-up schedule for the items “All equipments mechanical, electrical, &
instrumentation portions of the work, furniture’s, all other appliances & accessories etc. as
applicable, of the Intake well, 11.00MLD Water Treatment Plant with ancillary Structures
& 0.63 ML Clear water reservoir at Barbil.
Description of items
Y’of price-bid
Design & drawings
Supply at Site & approval thereof & Installation in
respective structure
0.89 Y
Note :
Testing & Commissioning
Total :
0.10 Y
100.00 Y
The tenderer shall give item wise breakup of their offer under the item “All
equipments, mechanical, electrical & instrumentation portion of the work,
furniture’s, all other appliances & accessories as applicable” for individual
structures along with the price bid.
Design, Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well &
11.00 MLD Water
Treatment Plant at Barbil in connection with the work Augmentation of water supply to Barbil
Municipality under PDS Scheme
PART-II: Price Bid
Design, Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant at Barbil in connection with the work
Augmentation of water supply to Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme.
Description of structures
Rate for Civil portion of
work in finished State
guarantee test, training,
maintenance submission
of Manual & completion
drawings, guarantee &
acceptance all complete.
All equipments, mechanical,
& instrumentation
portion of the work, furniture’s,
all other appliances & accessories
etc. as applicable including
testing, trial-run, guarantee test
Manual &completion drawings,
guarantee & acceptance, all
(Col.3 + Col. 4)
(X + Y)
Rs. In
( Rs. In words)
Design, Construction, Testing & Commissioning of Intake well & 11.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant at Barbil in connection with
the work Augmentation of water supply to Barbil Municipality under PDS Scheme
Intake Well
Construction of Pump Chamber with
RCC slab and Marble flooring &
Chowkidar shed.
Supplying and laying of 300mm dia D.I.
Class K9 – 1800 mtrs
Cascade aerator
Raw Water Channel to Rapid Mixing Unit
with flow measuring device.
Rapid Mixing Unit (Flash Mixture)
Filter house with rapid gravity filter units,
space for air blowers & MCC.
250 m3 Capacity Back Wash Tank over
the filter house
Chemical house with chemical storage &
dosing units.
Chlorine house with Gas Chlorinator &
Chlorine Cylinder Storage
Office Building & Testing laboratory.
Under ground drainage & waste disposal
system & On-site sanitation at treatment
plant site.
Internal Roads, Walkways & Parking area.
Road & yard lighting all complete.
0.63 ML RCC U.G.R along with all
piping, valves, fittings and interconnection
to existing UGR.
Boundary wall with M.S. fabricated Gates.
Beautification of WTP campus by
Arboriculture & Horticulture
Miscellaneous items.
Internal Electrification to Pump Chamber
Providing Bulk flow water Meters at raw
water main near W.T.P. and distribution net
Note:- 1.
The quantum of work under item '15' & '17' may increase or decrease as per
actual requirement. If actual quantity of work is less than the quoted
quantity, then payments shall be made as per actual based on per meter
length executed at the quoted rate/mtr. length of the respective item. In case
the length of the item executed is more than as indicated above, payment
shall be made at the same rate/mtr. length as quoted above for the portion of
work in excess of quoted quantity & no claim whatsoever shall be
entertained for such increase or decrease of the quantity of work .
The contractor shall submit the item wise breakup of price quoted under 'Y':
All equipments, mechanical, electrical instrumentation portion of the works,
furnitures, all other appliances & accessories etc. as applicable for each
individual structure /items/sub-items along with the price bid.
The payment shall be as per breakup of payment schedule as given in the