Stormwater System Maintenance Storm Drain System Mapping and Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination (IDDE) references The following information is provided to assist you in complying with the mapping and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) components of the Phase II program. Please note that RIDEM is currently working on an asset management system that will allow tracking of BMPs, outfalls and other stormwater assets. At this time they are reviewing potential database management systems. It is anticipated that a program will be available for use in the next 2 years at low to no cost to municipalities. If you chose to begin working with a data management system now; several database systems have been included in this document, for your review. There are many other databases available. URI is currently looking to RIDEM to provide a list of requested data that will allow migration from any municipal database that contains the requested data to the new RIDEM system. Regulations: □ □ Mapping and IDDE requirements are found in the “General Permit, Rhode Island Discharge from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems and from Industrial Activity at Eligible Facilities Operated by Regulated Small MS4s” located on the RIPDES Stormwater Page: Also, check your municipal Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for additional specific information on requirements. Resources: □ □ □ Introduction to GPS for Stormwater Managers workshop; Instructions on how to map and record stormwater outfall location using GPS units; link photographic records of outfalls with GPS data; overview of mapping requirements under Rhode Island Phase II program; spreadsheet for reporting collected information to RIDEM and Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) survey forms. (scroll down to the titles under “Living in the Past?” Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Guidance Manual from the Center for Watershed Protection: EPA website with many useful links to additional guidance on IDDE: There is also an access database and field reporting form for outfall inventory data on this site. Module 3: Typical Roadway Drainage Mapping and IDDE references 1 Stormwater System Maintenance Databases: □ RIDOT access database for keeping track of outfalls and BMP maintenance is located on the training CD. Including forms for use in the field to record inspections of BMPs. Includes ability to link photographs into data record. □ □ Operator Assisted Sewer Information System (OASIS); This access database also keeps track of stormwater systems information. There is a free trial version, but the full version costs approx. $4000. There is also a user manual. EPA IDDE access database; This access database includes a field reporting form for outfall inventory data. Module 3: Typical Roadway Drainage Mapping and IDDE references 2