Invitation to join the Travelling School of Life

Invitation to join the Travelling School of Life
„Think about the kind of world you would like to live and work in.
What do you need to build that world?“
Do you have the impression that in the existing educational ways you cannot really find
what you are looking for? That somehow you learn more in life than at school or at a
university building? Would you like to go your own way, to find your own life-education, and
learn what you really want and what is important to you – just don't know how to do it,
where to find good places to go to, or have been worried to do something outside the
'accepted' frame and being quite alone with it?
Or are you already on your individual way but would like to meet more people doing
something similar, in order to exchange or travel together for a while?
Then the Travelling School of Life may be the right thing for you, as the people who are
doing it are doing it mainly for the above reasons (although there may be many more...).
How does the 'Travelling School of Life' look like?
The Travelling School of Life is a project, an idea, a network, a process, a concept, and a
growing community of great people!
Students (people who have participated in an Opening Course) travel around Europe, alone
or in groups, in order to learn things they need to know in order to build 'that kind of world
they really want to live in'. Some may have a concrete idea of what they want to learn and
realize a detailed, self made 'learning plan', others may just want to take part in different
activities and look around, and maybe find out later what they want to focus on. The
students of TsoLife are a kind of 'community', getting to know one another more and more,
meeting other students from time to time, developing their 'traditions' (games, songs,
activities, tools for conflict resolution, communication habits, etc.) and organizing big
gatherings once a year.
Host are places that students can visit in order to learn there. (Up to now they are mainly
ecovillages, intentional communities and similar projects). Hosts offer resources for learning
in different forms – a work project to join and learn, a library to use, workshops and tools to
use, skills and knowledge people can pass on in courses, conversations, etc. Such places are
for example ecovillages and intentional communities, where people are living and creating a
new lifestyle and world, based on trust, solidarity, sustainabilitly, honest communication,
beauty, etc.
The whole thing should work with low budget, making it affordable to many people. There is
an exchange between hosts and students; hosts give learning resources and possibilities,
and students give energy in different forms (work, help, money, etc.) in exchange, where
money should play the smallest role.
The way to join the Travelling School of Life is taking part in an Opening Course, where
you get introduced to what it is and how it works, meet people and have time and space to
prepare yourself for your learning journey. The next Opening Course will take place from
may 27 till june 17 in Zajezova, Slovak republic. You can apply by email, more info on
(If the website is down, send an email to or check
for basic information).