Alan F. Blumberg AFB103 Stevens Institute of Technology "Olympic Sailing in 2012" (2005), Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ. Spring`: (P-AFB-086) AFB102 Vinogradova, N., S. Vinogradov, et al. "Evaluation of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Littoral Initiative Model Based on the Observed Temperature and Salinity in the Mississippi Bight" (2005). Marine Technology Society Journal 39 (2): 25-38 (P-AFB-085) AFB101 McKay, M. "Still a Pioneer" (2005), North Jersey Hackensack. B-1, B-4. (P-AFB-084) AFB100 Shrestha, P. L. and A. F. Blumberg "Cohesive Sediment Transport" (2005). Encyclopedia of Coastal Science. M. I. Schwartz. Springer The Netherlands. 327-330. (PAFB-083) AFB099 Pence, A. M., M. S. Bruno, et al. "Hydrodynamics Governing Contaminant Transport in the Newark Bay Complex". (2005).Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments Battelle Press 8 (P-AFB-082) AFB098 Blumberg, A. F., S. Fan, et al. "A Coastal Wave Forecasting System for New Jersey Long Island Waters". (2005).6th Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, 85th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting San Diego, CA 9-13 January, 2005 American Meteorological Society 1-7 (P-AFB-081) AFB097 Ahsan, Q., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Geomorphological and Meteorological Control of Estuarine Processes: A Three-Dimensional Modeling Analysis" (2005). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 131 (4): 259-272 (P-QA-008) AFB096 Alex, P. "College keeps ears peeled for dangers from the sea" (2005), North Jersey Media Group, Inc. Hackensack. A-1, A-6. (P-AFB-080) AFB095 Blumberg, A. F. and M. S. Bruno "An Operational Port Security and Vessel Traffic Management System for the Port of New York and New Jersey". (2004).7th Marine Transportation System Research & Technology Coordination Conference The National Academy of Sciences Building, Washington, D.C. November 16-17, 2004 (P-AFB-079) AFB094 Holl, J. "Watching the Water and Reading the Ripples" (2004), New York. B 4. (P-AFB078) AFB093 Georgas, N. and A. F. Blumberg "The Influence of Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces on the Circulation in a Curving Estuary". (2003).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference Monterey, California November 3-5, 2003 American Society of Civil Engineers 541-558 (P-NG-001) AFB092 Bruno, M. S. and A. F. Blumberg "An Urban Ocean Observatory for The Maritime Community. Real-Time Assessments and Forecasts of the New York Harbor Marine Environment" (2004). Sea Technology 45 (8): 27-30 (P-AFB-077) AFB091 Hellweger, F. L., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Transport in the Hudson Estuary: A Modeling Study of Estuarine Circulation and Tidal Trapping" (2004). Estuaries 27 (3): 527-538 (PFLH-004) AFB090 Blumberg, A. F., D. J. Dunning, et al. "Use of a Particle-tracking Model for Predicting Entrainment at Power Plants on the Hudson River" (2004). Estuaries 27 (3): 515-526 (PAFB-076) AFB089 Mellor, G. L. and A. F. Blumberg "Wave Breaking and Ocean Surface Layer Thermal Response" (2004). Journal of Physical Oceanography 34 693-698 (P-AFB-075) AFB088 Blumberg, A. F., S. O'Neil, et al. "Environmental Impacts of a Desalination Facility Proposed for Tampa, Florida" (2003). Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 7 2545 (P-AFB-074) AFB087 Kaluarachchi, I. D., M. S. Bruno, et al. "Estimating the Volume and Salt Fluxes Through the Arthur Kill and the Kill Van Kull". (2003).World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003 : June 23-26, 2003 / sponsored by Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania June 23-26, 2003 American Society of Civil Engineers (P-IDK-001) AFB086 Shrestha, P. L., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Modeling the Stability of Contaminated Bed Sediments in a Shallow Lake". (2003).World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003 : June 23-26, 2003 / sponsored by Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania American Society of Civil Engineers (P-PLS-009) AFB085 Ahsan, A. K. M. Q., H. Li, et al. "Addressing Practical Environmental Permitting Issues Through the Use of Sophisticated 3-D Hydrothermal Models". (2002).POWER-GEN International 2002 : conference proceedings, December 10-12, 2002 Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL PennWell Corp. Tulsa, OK 10 (P-QA-007) AFB084 Blumberg, A. F. "ERF Governing Board Announces New Award Donald W. Pritchard Award" (2002). Estuarine Research Federation Newsletter 28 (1): 1, 14 (P-AFB-073) AFB083 Ahsan, A. K. M. Q., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "The Calibration /Validation of a Mississippi Sound/bight Model". (2002).Oceans 2002 MTS/IEEE : Marine Frontiers; Reflections of the Past, Visions of the Future: Conference Proceedings : Conference & Exposition, October 29-31, 2002 Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center, Biloxi, Mississippi Oceans 2002 IEEE/MTS Conference Committee; Columbia, MD : The Marine Technology Society; Piscataway, NJ 823-833 (P-QA-006) AFB082 Blumberg, A. F., Q. Ahsan, et al. "An Operational Forecast Modeling System for the Mississippi Sound/Bight". (2002).Oceans '02 MTS/IEEE : Marine Frontiers; Reflections of the Past, Visions of the Future: Conference Proceedings : Conference & Exposition, October 29-31, 2002 Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center, Biloxi, Mississippi Oceans '02 IEEE/MTS Conference Committee; Columbia, MD : The Marine Technology Society; Piscataway, NJ 816-822 (P-AFB-072) AFB081 Ahsan, A. K. M. Q., C. N. Barron, et al. "Northern Gulf of Mexico Littoral Initiative Modeling Program". (2001).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling : Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, November 5-7, 2001 St. Petersburg, FL American Society of Civil Engineers 949-965 (P-QA-005) AFB080 Ahsan, A. K. M. Q., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Forecasting the Environment of the Littoral Waters in the Northern Gulf of Mexico". (2001).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling : Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference, November 5-7, 2001 St. Petersburg, FL November 5-7, 2001 Americam Society of Civil Engineers 966-981 (PQA-004) AFB079 Blumberg, A. F., B. N. Kim, et al. "High Fidelity, In-Stride Synthetic Natural Environments". (2001).Proceedings of Summer Computation Simulation Conference The Society of Modeling and Simulation International 6 (P-AFB-071) AFB078 Numrich, S. K., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Hydrodynamic Modeling and Determining Meaningful Temporal and Spatial Scales for Federations". (2001).Proceedings of European Simulation Interoperability Workshop June 2001 Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization 8 (P-AFB-070) AFB077 Shrestha, P. L., P. R. Paquin, et al. "Modeling Contaminated Sediments in a Shallow Bay". (2001).Bridging the Gap : Meeting the world's water and environmental resources challenges : Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress : May 20-24, 2001 Orlando, FL May 20-24, 2001 American Society of Civil Engineers (PPLS-008) AFB076 Blumberg, A. F., Q. Ahsan, et al. "Circulation, Sediment and Water Quality Modeling in the Northern Gulf of Mexico". (2001).Bridging the Gap : Meeting the world's water and environmental resources challenges : Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress : May 20-24, 2001 Orlando, FL May 20-24, 2001 American Society of Civil Engineers 1-10 (P-AFB-069) AFB075 Ahsan, A. K. M. Q., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "A High Resolution Circulation Model for Newark Bay, NJ and Adjoining Rivers". (2001).Bridging the Gap : Meeting the world's water and environmental resources challenges [computer file] : Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress : May 20-24, 2001 Orlando, FL May 2024, 2001 American Society of Civil Engineers 1-10 (P-QA-003) AFB074 Shrestha, P. L., I. D. Kaluarachchi, et al. "Cohesive Sediment Resuspension : Experimentation and Analysis". (2001).Bridging the Gap : Meeting the world's water and environmental resources challenges : Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress : May 20-24, 2001 Orlando, FL May 20-24, 2001 American Society of Civil Engineers 1-8 (P-PLS-007) AFB073 Kim, B. N., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "In-stride Computations of the Marine Environment in Support of FBE-H". (2001).Proceedings of Spring 2000 Simulation Interperability Workshop March 2001 Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization 13 (P-BNK001) AFB072 Blumberg, A. F., Q. Ahsan, et al. "Modeling Hydrodynamics of the Mississippi River Sound and Adjoining Rivers, Bays and Shelf Waters". (2000).Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE : where marine science and technology meet. Conference and Exhibition, September 1114, 2000 Providence, RI September 11-14, 2000 Marine Technology Society, Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE Conference Committee (P-AFB-068) AFB071 Shrestha, P. L., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "A Three-Dimensional Model for Cohesive Sediment Dynamics in Shallow Bays". (2000).2000 Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning & Management : building partnerships Minneapolis, MN July 30-August 2, 2000 American Society of Civil Engineers 1-10 (P-PLS-006) AFB070 Lewis, J. K., P. J. Stein, et al. "Spatial and Temporal Scales of Variability in Temperature, Sound Speed, and Acoustic Propagation in the New York Bight Region: An Application to Battle Field Simulations". (2000).Proceedings of Spring 2000 Simulation Interoperability Workshop March 2000 Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization 12 (P-AFB-067) AFB069 Blumberg, A. F., B. N. Kim, et al. "Use of Orthogonal Curvilinear Grids for the Representation of the Littoral Ocean Envrionment". (2000).Proceedings of the Spring 2000 Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (P-AFB-066) AFB068 Blumberg, A. F. and B. N. Kim "Flow Balances in St. Andrew Bay Revealed Through Hydrodynamic Simulations" (2000). Estuaries 23 (1): 21-33 (P-AFB-065) AFB067 Signell, R. P., H. L. Jenter, et al. "Predicting the Physical Effects of Relocating Boston's Sewage Outfall" (2000). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 50 59-71 (P-AFB-064) AFB066 Lewis, J. K., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Spatial Decorrelation Scales in Coastal Regions: A Precursor to More Accurate Date Assimulation". (1999).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, November 3-5, 1999, New Orleans, LA Reston, VA American Society of Civil Engineers 1150-1166 (P-AFB-063) AFB065 Ahsan, A. K. M. Q. and A. F. Blumberg "Three-Dimensional Hydrothermal Model of Onondaga Lake, New York" (1999). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 912-923 (P-QA002) AFB064 Blumberg, A. F., L. A. Khan, et al. "Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of New York Harbor Region" (1999). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 799-816 (P-AFB-062) AFB063 Connolly, J. P., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Modeling the Fate of Pathogenic Organisms in Coastal Waters of Oahu, Hawaii" (1999). Journal of Environmental Engineering 398-406 (P-AFB-061) AFB062 Blumberg, A. F. and J. J. Fitzpatrick "Invited Lecture: Strategy for Coupling Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models for Addressing Long Time Scale Environmental Impacts" (1999). Environmental Hydraulics. Lee, Jayawardena and Wang. Balkema Rotterdam. 53-59. (P-AFB-060) AFB061 Shulman, I., J. K. Lewis, et al. "Optimized Boundary Conditions and Data Assimulation with Application to the M2 Tide in the Yellow Sea" (1998). Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 15 1066-1071 (P-AFB-059) AFB060 Blumberg, A. F., J. K. Lewis, et al. "Assimulation of Doppler Radar Current Data into Numerical Ocean Models" (1998). Continental Shelf Research 18 541-559 (P-AFB-058) AFB059 Blumberg, A. F. and D. W. Pritchard "Estimates of the Transport Through the East River, New York" (1997). Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (C3): 5685-5703 (P-AFB-057) AFB058 Blumberg, A. F., Z.-G. Ji, et al. "Modeling Outfall Plume Behavior Using Far Field Circulation Model" (1996). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 122 (11): 610-616 (P-AFB056) AFB057 Findikakis, A. N., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "What is Computational Hydraulics". (1994).Hydraulic Engineering '94: Proceedings of the 1994 Conference: Buffalo, New York, August 1-5, 1994 / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineers 482-486 (P-AFB-055) AFB056 Zhang, X., E. Adams, et al. "Near Field Behavior of a Far Field Circulation Model". (1994).Hydraulic Engineering '94: Proceedings of the 1994 Conference: Buffalo, New York, August 1-5, 1994 / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineers 155-159 (P-AFB-054) AFB055 Slordal, L. H., E. A. Martinsen, et al. "Modeling the Response of an Idealized Coastal Ocean to a Traveling Storm and to Flow over Bottom Topography" (1994). Journal of Physical Oceanography 24 (8): 1689-1705 (P-AFB-053) AFB054 Signell, R. P., H. L. Jenter, et al. "Modeling the Seasonal Circulation in Massachusetts Bay" (1994). Estuarine and Coastal Modeling III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference / sponsored by the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of the ASCE, Oak Brook, IL, September 8-10, 1993. M. L. Spaulding. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 578-590. (P-AFB-052) AFB053 Ziegler, C. K., J. D. Bales, et al. "A Comparative Analysis of Estuarine Circulation Simulation Using Laterally Averaged and Vertically Averaged Hydrodynamic Models". (1994).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling III. Proceedings of the 3 rd International Conference : sponosored by the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers : September 8-10, 1993 Oak Brook, IL September 810, 1993 American Society of Civil Engineers (P-AFB-051) AFB052 Lewis, J. K., Y. L. Hsu, et al. "Boundary Forcing and A Dual-Mode Calculation Scheme for Coastal Tidal Models Using Step-Wise Bathymetry". (1994).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference / sponsored by the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of the ASCE, Oak Brook, IL, September 810, 1993 New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineers 422-431 (P-AFB-050) AFB051 Blumberg, A. F., C. K. Ziegler, et al. "Modeling Vertical Stratification in the Pamlico River Estuary Using Modern Hydrodynamics". (1993).Hydraulic Engineering '93; Proceedings of the 1993 Conference: San Francisco, CA, July 25-30, 1993 / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineers 2297-2300 (P-AFB-049) AFB050 Jenter, H. L., R. P. Signell, et al. "Modeling the Tides of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays". (1993).Hydraulic Engineering '93: Proceedings of the 1993 Conference: San Francisco, CA, July 25-30, 1993 / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineering 2323-2332 (P-AFB-048) AFB049 Blumberg, A. F., R. P. Signell, et al. "Modelling Transport Processes in the Coastal Ocean" (1993). Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering 1 31-52 (P-AFB-047) AFB048 Slordal, L. H., E. A. Martinsen, et al. "3D Hydrodynamic Model Validation Through Simulations of Dynamic Processes". (1992).Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference / sponsored by the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of the ASCE, Tampa, FL, November 13-15, 1992 New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineers 525-537 (P-AFB-046) AFB047 Galperin, B., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "The Importance of Density Driven Circulation in Well Mixed Estuaries: The Tampa Bay Experience" (1992). Esturarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference / sponsored by the Waterway, Port, Coasta. and Ocean Division of the ASCE, Tampa, FL, November 13-15, 1992. M. L. Spaulding. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 332-343. (P-AFB-045) AFB046 Blumberg, A. F., B. Galperin, et al. "Modeling Vertical Structure of Open-Channel Flows" (1992). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 118 (8): 1119-1133 (P-AFB-044) AFB045 Kjerfve, B., H. E. Seim, et al. "Modelling of the Residual Circulation in Broken Bay and the Lower Hawkesbury River, NSW" (1992). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43 1339-1357 (P-AFB-043) AFB044 Blumberg, A. F., E. Gomez-Reyes, et al. "3-D Hydrodynamic Model Verification Using ADCPS" (1991). Hydraulic Engineering: Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE, Nashville, TN, July 29 - August 2, 1991. R. M. Shane. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 722-727. (PAFB-042) AFB043 Kim, K. W., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Chesapeake Bay Data Set for Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Verification" (1991). Hydraulic Engineering: Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference / sponsored by the Hydraulic Division of the ASCE, Nashville, TN, July 29-August 2, 1991. R. M. Shane. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 716-721. (P-AFB-041) AFB042 Galperin, B., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "A Time-Dependent Three-Dimensional Model of Circulation in Tampa Bay". (1991).Proceedings, Tampa Bay Area Scientific Information Symposium 2. Tampa, FL February 27 - March 1, 1991 TEXT, Tampa, FL 77-97 (P-AFB040) AFB041 Goodrich, D. M. and A. F. Blumberg "The Fortnightly Mean Circulation of Chesapeake Bay" (1991). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 32 451-462 (P-AFB-039) AFB040 Blumberg, A. F. "Modeling of Wind-Induced Destratification in Chesapeake Bay" (1990). Estuaries 13 (3): 236-249 (P-AFB-038) AFB039 Kantha, L. H., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Computing Phase Speeds at Open Boundary" (1990). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 116 (4): 592-597 (P-AFB-037) AFB038 Wang, J. D., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Transport Prediction in Partially Stratified Tidal Water" (1990). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 116 (3): 380-396 (P-AFB-036) AFB037 Blumberg, A. F. and B. Galperin "On the Summer Circulation in New York Bight and Contiguous Estuarine Waters" (1990). Residual Currents and Long-Term Transport. R. T. Cheng. Springer-Verlag New York, NY. 38: 451-468. (P-AFB-035) AFB036 Blumberg, A. F. and D. M. DiToro "Effects of Climate Warming on Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in Lake Erie" (1990). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119 (2): 210-223 (P-AFB-034) AFB035 Blumberg, A. F., L. J. Dodge, et al. "CSO Induced Circulation in Marine Tributaries" (1990). Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the Conference / sponsored by the Coastal Zone Management Committee of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of the ASCE, Newport RI, November 15-17, 1989. M. L. Spaulding. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 142-153. (P-AFB-033) AFB034 Fitzpatrick, J. J., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Development and Application of the Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication Model". (1988).Hydraulic Engineering: Proceedings of the 1988 National Conference / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE Colorado Springs, CO August 8-12, 1988 American Society of Civil Engineers 926-931 (P-JJF-003) AFB033 Blumberg, A. F. and H. J. Herring "Circulation Modelling Using Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates" (1987). Three-Dimensional Models of Marine and Estuarine Dynamics. J. C. L. Nihoul and B. M. Jamart. Elsevier New York, NY. 55-71. (P-AFB-032) AFB032 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor "A Description of a Three-Dimensional Coastal Ocean Circulation Model" (1987). Three-Dimensional Coastal Ocean Models. N. S. Heaps. American Geophysical Union Washington, DC. 1-16. (P-AFB-031) AFB031 Fitzpatrick, J. J., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "Development of a Coupled Hydrodynamic/Water Quality Model for Assessing Eutrophication and Anoxia Within Chesapeake Bay". (1986).Estuarine and Coastal Management - Tools of the Trade. Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference of the Coastal Society New Orleans, LA October 12-15, 1986 The Coastal Society 99-109 (P-JJF-002) AFB030 Blumberg, A. F., D. M. DiToro, et al. "A Unified Hydrodynamic-Water Quality Model". (1986).Water Forum '86: World Water Issues in Evolution. Proceedings of the Conference, Long Beach, CA, August 4-6, 1986 New York, NY American Society of Civil Engineers 1309-1316 (P-AFB-030) AFB029 Blumberg, A. F. "Turbulent Mixing Processes in Lakes, Reservoirs and Impoundments" (1986). Physics-Based Modeling of Lakes, Reservoirs and Impoundments. A report prepared under the auspices of the Committee on Environmental Effects of the Energy Division of the ASCE under a grant from the U.S. EPA through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. W. G. Gray. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 79-104. (PAFB-029) AFB028 Blumberg, A. F. "A Hindcast of the Circulation in the Santa Barbara Channel During Spring 1983" (1986). Applications of Real Time Oceanographic Circulation Modeling. B. B. Parker. Marine Technology Society Washington, D.C. (P-AFB-028) AFB027 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor "Modeling Vertical and Horizontal Diffusivites with the Sigma Coordinate System" (1985). Monthly Weather Review 113 (8): 1380-1383 (P-AFB027) AFB026 Blumberg, A. F., H. J. Herring, et al. "3-D Orthogonal Curvilinear Circulation Modelling" (1985). Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age. Proceedings of the Specialty Conference / sponsored by the Hydraulics Division of the ASCE, Lake Buena Vista, FL, August 12-17, 1985. W. R. Waldrop. American Society of Civil Engineers New York, NY. 1088-1094. (P-AFB-026) AFB025 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor "A Simulation of the Circulation in the Gulf of Mexico" (1985). Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 34 122-144 (P-AFB-025) AFB024 Blumberg, A. F. and L. H. Kantha "Open Boundary Condition for Circulation Models" (1985). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 111 (2): 237-255 (P-AFB-024) AFB023 Kantha, L. H., A. F. Blumberg, et al. "The Use and Testing of a Model for Upper Ocean Dynamics" (1985). The Ocean Surface. Y. Toba and H. Mitsuyasu. D. Reidel Publishing Company Boston, MA. 547-552. (P-AFB-023) AFB022 Blumberg, A. F. and L.-Y. Oey "Modeling Circulation and Mixing in Estuaries and Coastal Oceans" (1985). Advances in Geophyics 28A 525-547 (P-AFB-022) AFB021 Wolff, P. M. and D. Konop "Predicting Water Circulation in Delaware Bay and River: NOAA's New Approach" (1984). Sea Technology 25 (9): 18-19, 21-22 (P-AFB-021) AFB020 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor "Diagnostic and Prognostic Numerical Circulation Studies of the South Atlantic Bight" (1983). Journal of Geophysical Research 88 (C8): 4579-4592 (P-AFB-020) AFB019 Dickey, T. D. and A. F. Blumberg "The Mixed Layer Response to Wind and Thermal Forcing on Diurnal Time Scales Using Various Turbulence Parameterization Schemes" (1983). (P-AFB-019) AFB018 Blumberg, A. F., L. H. Kantha, et al. "A Diagnostic Calculation of the General Circulation in the South Atlantic Bight" (1982). Journal of Physical Oceanography 12 (8): 805-819 (PAFB-018) AFB017 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor "Some Results From a Three-Dimensional Gulf of Mexico Circulation Model". (1981).Proceedings of the 8th Ocean Energy Conference, June 7-11, 1981 Washington, D.C. The Department of Energy : Available from NTIS, 1982 (P-AFB-017) AFB016 Blumberg, A. F., L. H. Kantha, et al. "Diagnostic Calculations of the Circulation in the Middle and South Atlantic Bights" (1981). Ocean Modelling 37 5-14 (P-AFB-016) AFB015 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor Numerical Simulation of the New York Bight Coastal Waters 1980 N.J. Sea Grant Progress. N.J. Marine Science Consortium R/0-1 42-68 (PAFB-015) AFB014 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor "A Coastal Ocean Numerical Model" (1980). Mathematical Modeling of Estuarine Physics. J. Sundermann and K.-P. Holz. SpringerVerlag: 203-219. (P-AFB-014) AFB013 Kerr, C. L. and A. F. Blumberg "An Analysis of a Local Second-Moment Conserving Quasi-Lagrangian Scheme for Solving the Advestion Equation" (1979). Journal of Computational Physics 32 (1): 1-9 (P-AFB-013) AFB012 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor Numerical Simulation of the New York Bight Coastal Waters 1979 New Jersey Sea Grant Program Progress Report III 12 (P-AFB-012) AFB011 Blumberg, A. F. "A Whole Basin Model of the Gulf of Mexico". (1979).Proceedings of the 6th OTEC Conference Washington, DC June 1979 13.15-1-13.15-10 (P-AFB-011) AFB010 Blumberg, A. F. and G. L. Mellor The Potential Impact of Three-Dimensional Circulation Modeling on Oil Spill Forecasting 1979 Princeton University 6.1-6.17 (P-AFB-010) AFB009 Blumberg, A. F. "Numerical Tidal Model of Chesapeake Bay" (1978). Journal of the Hydraulics Division. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 104 (HY7): 1103-1104 (P-AFB-009) AFB008 Blumberg, A. F. "The Influence of Density Variations on Estuarine Tides and Circulations" (1978). Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science 6 209-215 (P-AFB-008) AFB007 Blumberg, A. F. "On the Dynamic Balance of the Chesapeake Bay Waters" (1977). Chesapeake Science 18 (3): 319-323 (P-AFB-007) AFB006 Blumberg, A. F., G. L. Mellor, et al. The Middle Atlantic Bight: A Climatological Atlas of Oceanographic Properties 1977 sponsored by NOAA Office of Sea Grant, Department of Commerce, under Sea Grants 04-6-158-44076 and 04-7-158-44042 NJ/P-SG-01-8-77 New Jersey Marine Science Consortium, Fort Hancock, NJ 07732 90 (P-AFB-006) AFB005 Blumberg, A. F. "Numerical Model of Estuarine Circulation" (1977). Journal of the Hydraulics Division. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 103 (HY3): 295-310 (P-AFB-005) AFB004 Blumberg, A. F. "Numerical Tidal Model of Chesapeake Bay" (1977). Journal of the Hydraulics Division. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 103 (HY1): 1-10 (P-AFB-004) AFB003 Blumberg, A. F. "A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model for the Simulation of Partially Mixed Estuaries" (1977). Estuarine Processes, Vol. II: Circulation, Sediments, and Transfer of Material in the Estuary. M. L. Wiley. Academic Press, Inc. New York. 2: 323331. (P-AFB-003) AFB002 Blumberg, A. F. "Electo-Optics: A Brief Survey" (1970). Spectra - The Student Journal of the College of Science and Engineering. Fairleigh Dickinson University 6 (2): 8-10, 12, 33 (P-AFB-002) AFB001 Blumberg, A. F. "Superconductivity" (1969). Spectra - The Student Journal of the College of Science and Engineering. Fairleigh Dickinson University 6 (1): 14, 16, 29-30 (P-AFB-001)