Phoenix College – Summer 2013 AGEC Course Offerings-DRAFT III DAY SESSION 2013 Literacy & Critical Inquiry (L) COM225 Public Speaking CRE101 College Critical Reading ENH254 Literature & Film (L or HU) PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality ( L or HU) Humanities & Fine Arts (HU) AJS123 Ethics & Adm of Justice ARH100 Introduction to Art ARH101 Pre through Gothic (H) (S#ART1101) ARH102 Ren Through Cont (H) (S#ART1102) ARH115 History of Photography ASB214 Magic, Witchcraft & Healing (G) ASB222 Buried Cities Old World (HU or SB,G/H) CNS101 Construction & Culture (G/H) HCR210 Clinical Health Care Ethics HIS103 U. S. His. to 1865 (HU or SB, H) MHL143 Music in World Cultures (G) MHL145 Amer Jazz & Pop Music MHL153 Rock Music & Culture MHL155 Survey of American Music (H) PHI101 Intro to Philosophy (S#PHI1101) PHI213 Medical and Bio-Ethics PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality (HU or L) REL243 World Religions (G) SPH245 Hispanic Heritage Southwest (C) Natural Sciences – SQ for AGEC-A & B BIO100 Biology Concept BIO108 Plants and Society BIO156 Human Bio Allied Health BIO181 Gen Bio (Majors) I (S#BIO1181) CHM130 Fund Chem & Lab (S#CHM1130) CHM150 Gen Chem I & 151 lab (S#CHM1151)_ CHM152 Gen Chemistry II & Lab (S#CHM1152) CHM230 Fund Organic Chem & lab (S#CHM2230) GLG101/103 Intro to Geology I Physical (G) PHY101 General Physics (S#GLG1101) PHY112 General Physics II (S#PHY1112) Natural Sciences –SG for AGEC-A & B ASM104 Bones, Stones/Hum Evol (SG or SB) BIO145 Marine Biology BIO160 Intro to Anatomy and Phys BIO182 General Bio II (S#BIO1182) BIO201 Human Anatomy & Phys I (S#BIO2201) BIO202 Human Anatomy & Phys II (S#BIO2202) BIO205 Microbiology (S#BIO2205) GLG102/104 Intro to GeolII –Historical (H) GLG110/111 Geol Disastrs and Envrnmnt Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) Social & Behavioral Sciences (SB) AIS140 American Indian History (S/B, H, C) AJS101 Intro to Criminal Justice AJS200 Current issues in Crim Just AJS270 Community Relations (C) ASB102 Intro/Cultural & Soc Anth (G) ASB222 Buried cities Old World (SB or HU, G/H) ASM104 Bones, Stones/Human Evol (SB or SG) COM100 Intro to Human Com (S#COM1100) COM110 Interpersonal Communication ECN211 Macroecon Principles (S#ECN2201) ECN212 Microecon Principles (S#ECN2202) GCU102 Intro to Human Geography (G) GCU121 World GeogI:East Hemis GCU122 World Geogl:West Hemi GCU141 Intro to Economic Geography HES100 Healthful living HIS103 U. S. His. To 1865 (SB or HU, H) HIS104 U. S. Hist 1865 to Pres (H) HIS273 U. S. Experience in Vietnam POS270 American Legal System PSY101 Intro to Psychology (S#PSY1101) PSY240 Developmental Psychology REC120 Leisure & the Quality of Life SOC101 Intro to Sociology (S#SOC1101) SOC140 Racial & Eth Mino(C) (S#SOC2215) SOC251 Social Problems Computer/Statistics (CS) BPC110 Computer Usage and Application CIS105 Survey of CIS (S#CIS1120) CIS162AD C#; Level 1 MAT206 Ele of Statistics (S#MAT1160) PSY230 Introduction to Statistics AIS140 AIS110 AJS270 CPD160 EDU230 SOC140 SPH245 Amer Indian History (S/B), H, C) Navajo Government (C & H) Community Relations (SB) Intro to Multiculturalism Cultural Diversity ED Racial and Eth Mino (SB) (S#SOC2215) Hispanic Heritage Southwest EVENING SESSION 2013 Literacy & Critical Inquiry (L) COM225 Public Speaking CRE101 Critical and Evaluative Rdg GBS233 Business Communication PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality Humanities & Fine Arts (HU) ARH100 Introduction to Art PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality Social & Behavioral Sciences (SB) COM100 Intro to Hum Com (S#COM1100) COM110 Interpersonal Communication PSY101 Intro to Psychology* Natural Sciences – SQ for AGEC-A & B BIO100 Biology Concept BIO156 Human Bio Allied Health Natural Sciences –SG for AGEC-A & B BIO160 Intro to Anatomy & Phys I BIO201 Human Anat & Phys (S#BIO2201) BIO205 Microbiology (S#BIO2205) Computer/Statistics (CS) CIS105 CIS162AD PSY230 Survey of CIS (S#CIS1120) C#: Level I Intro to Statistics Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) NONE Global (G) NONE Historical (H) NONE Global (G) ASB102 ASB214 ASB222 CNS101 GCU102 GCU122 GCU141 GLG101 GLG110 IFS102 MHL143 REL243 SPA201 SPA202 Intro/Cultural & Soc Anth Magic, Witchcraft & healing (HU) Buried Cities OW (SB or HU, H/G) Construction & Culture (HU, G/H) Intro to Human Geography (SB) World Geog II: West Hemis (S/B) Intro to Economic Geography (S/B) Intro to Geol I Physical (SQ) (S#GLG1101 ) Geol Disastrs & Envrnmnt (SG) Intro Info Skills in Global Society Music in World Cul. (HU, G) World Religions (HU, G) Intermediate Spa I (S#SPA2201) Intermediate SPA II (S#SPA2202) Historical (H) AIS110 AIS140 ARH101 ARH102 ASB222 CNS101 GLG102 HCR220 HIS103 HIS104 HIS273 MHL155 Navajo Governent (H & C) Amer Indian History (S/B, H, C) Pre Gothic Art (HU) (S#ARH1101) Ren Through Con(HU)S#ARH1102) Buried Cities OW (HU or SB, H/G) Construction & Culture (HU, G/H) Intro to GEOL II (SG) Intro Nursing/Health Care System U. S. History 1865 (HU or SB, H) U.S. History 1865-Pres (SB) U. S. Exp in Vietnam (SB, G/H) Survey of American Music (HU, H) This list identifies the courses that meet AZ General Education Competencies (AGEC) for Summer 2013 only. There are additional courses that may meet AGEC requirements, but these are PC’s current offerings. S#-Approved SUN courses have direct equivalency for transfer among AZ community colleges and universities. Be sure to check start dates for classes. There is no 2nd Summer session 2013. REVISED 4/1/13 DS & Ray Lira and Aida Music - BOEXI Phoenix College – Summer 2012 AGEC Course Offerings-DRAFT II Natural Sciences – SQ for AGEC-A & B EVENING SESSION 2012 BIO100 Biology Concept BIO108 Plants and Society BIO156 Human Bio Allied Health BIO181 General Biology (Majors) I CHM130 Fund Chemistry & Lab CHM150 Gen Chem I & 151 lab CHM152 Gen Chemistry II & Lab CHM230 Fund Organic Chem & lab GLG101/103 Intro to Geology I Physical GPH111 Intro to Physical Geography PHY112 General Physics II Literacy & Critical Inquiry (L) COM225 Public Speaking CRE101 Critical and Evaluative Rdg GBS233 Business Communication PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality DAY SESSION 2012 Literacy & Critical Inquiry (L) AIS213 American Indian Rel. (L or HU, C) COM225 Public Speaking CRE101 College Critical Reading ENH254 Literature & Film (L or HU) PHI103 Intro to Logic (L or HU) PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality ( L or HU) Humanities & Fine Arts (HU) AIS213 American Indian Rel. (HU or L, C) AJS123 Ethics & Adm of Justice ARH100 Introduction to Art ARH101 Prehistoric through Gothic (H) ARH102 Renaissance Through Cont (H) ARH115 History of Photography ASB214 Magic, Witchcraft & Healing (G) ASB222 Buried Cities Old World (HU or SB,G/H) ASB223 Buried Cities New World (HU or SB, G/H) CNS101 Construction & Culture (G/H) ENH254 Literature & Film (HU or L) HCR210 Clinical Health Care Ethics HIS103 U. S. His. to 1865 (HU or SB, H) MHL143 Music in World Cultures (G) MHL145 MHL153 PHI101 PHI103 PHI213 PHI218 REL243 SPH245 Amer Jazz & Pop Music (C) Rock Music & Culture (H) Intro to Philosophy Intro to Logic (L or HU) Medical and Bio-Ethics Philosophy of Sexuality (HU or L) World Religions (G) Hispanic Heritage Southwest (C) Social & Behavioral Sciences (SB) AJS101 Intro to Criminal Justice AJS200 Current issues in Crim Just AJS225 Criminology AJS270 Community Relations (C) ASB102 Intro/Cultural & Soc Anth (G) ASB222 Buried cities Old World (SB or HU, G/H) ASB223 Buried cities New World (SB or HU, G/H) ASM104 Bones, Stones/Human Evol (SB or SG) CFS176 Child Development COM100 Intro to Human Com COM110 Interpersonal Communication ECN211 Macroeconomic Principles ECN212 Microeconomic Principles GCU102 Intro to Human Geography (G) HIS103 U. S. His. To 1865 (SB or HU, H) HIS104 U. S. Hist 1865 to Pres (H) HIS273 U. S. Experience in Vietnam PSY101 PSY240 REC120 SOC101 SOC140 SOC251 Intro to Psychology Developmental Psychology Leisure & the Quality of Life Intro to Sociology Racial and Ethnic Minorities (C) Social Problems Natural Sciences –SG for AGEC-A & B ASM104 Bones, Stones/Hum Evol (SG or SB) BIO145 Marine Biology BIO160 Intro to Anatomy and Phys BIO182 General Biology II BIO201 Human Anatomy & Phys I BIO202 Human Anatomy & Phys II BIO205 Microbiology GLG102/104 Intro to GeolII –Historical (H) Computer/Statistics (CS) BPC110 Computer Usage and Application CIS105 Survey of CIS CIS162AD C#; Level 1 PSY230 Introduction to Statistics Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) AIS110 Navajo Government (C & H) AIS213 American Indian Rel (L or HU, C) AJS270 Community Relations (SB) CPD160 Intro to Multiculturalism EDU230 Cultural Diversity ED MHL145 Amer Jazz & Pop Music (HU, C) SOC140 Racial and Ethnic Minorities (SB) SPH245 Hispanic Heritage Southwest Global (G) ASB102 Intro/Cultural & Soc Anth ASB214 Magic, Witchcraft & healing (HU) ASB222 Buried Cities OW (SB or HU, H/G) ASB223 Buried Cities NW (SB or HU, H/G) CNS101 Construction & Culture (HU, G/H) GCU102 Intro to Human Geography (SB) GLG101 Intro to Geol I Physical (SQ) HIS273 U. S. Exp in Vietnam (SB, G/H) MHL143 Music in World Cul. (HU, G) REL243 World Religions (HU, G) SPA201 Intermediate Spa I SPA202 Intermediate SPA II Historical (H) AIS110 Navajo Government (H & C) ARH101 Prehistoric Through Gothic (HU) ARH102 Renaissance Through Cont (HU) ASB222 Buried Cities OW (HU or SB, H/G) ASB223 Buried Cities NW (HU or SB, H/G) CNS101 Construction & Culture (HU, G/H) GLG102 Intro to GEOL II (SG) HCR220 Intro Nursing/Health Care System HIS103 U. S. History 1865 (HU or SB, H) HIS104 U.S. History 1865-Pres (SB) HIS273 U. S. Exp in Vietnam (SB, G/H) MHL153 Rock Music & Culture (HU) Humanities & Fine Arts (HU) ARH100 Introduction to Art PHI218 Philosophy of Sexuality Social & Behavioral Sciences (SB) COM100 Intro to Human Com COM110 Interpersonal Communication PSY101 Intro to Psychology* Natural Sciences – SQ for AGEC-A & B BIO100 Biology Concept BIO156 Human Bio Allied Health Natural Sciences –SG for AGEC-A & B BIO160 Intro to Anatomy & Phys I BIO201 Human Anatomy & Phys BIO205 Microbiology Computer/Statistics (CS) CIS105 Survey of CIS CIS162AD C#: Level I PSY230 Intro to Statistics Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) NONE Global (G) NONE Historical (H) NONE This list identifies the courses that meet AZ General Education Competencies (AGEC) for Summer 2012 only. There are additional courses that may meet AGEC requirements, but these are PC’s current offerings. Be sure to check start dates for classes. There is no 2nd Summer session 2012. REVISED 4/24/12 DS - BOEXI