CURRENT_Riley_Anesthesia_Research Action_Plan

Riley Anesthesia Research Action Plan
1. Stabilize fellowship
through negotiating financial
support from IUHP
August 1, 2011
ACHIEVED 7/11/2011
(Compensation Plan
approved by IUHP to include
fellowship support)
2. Formation of a Riley
Anesthesia Research
Committee (RARC) that
meets at least once/month
3. Enter IU Health Physicians
(IUHP) practice plan
August 1, 2011
ACHIEVED 8/1/2011
1ST MTG 8/31/2011
2ND MTG 9/21/2011
October 1, 2011
4. Gather, collate, and
analyze Quality Assurance
(QA) data and identify
improvement targets
5. Assign one faculty mentor
to each fellow for submission
of an abstract to either SPA or
MARC meeting
Airway targets to be
identified October 1, 2011
Abstract by July 1, 2012
October 1, 2011
ACHIEVED 9/15/2011
Project titles to RARC by
October 15, 2011
ACHIEVED 10/15/2011
Support includes full
protected time for the
program director, one
day/week as specified by the
Agenda from 1ST two
meetings attached;
Next meeting 10/26/2011
Practice plan removes former
system of even distribution of
academic time and places
scholarly expectations upon
which pay is contingent
Dr. Dierdorf has identified
airway targets;
Monthly reports on QA data
to division
Horn  Acquaviva
Jenson  DeMasie
Nami  Johnson
Wilson  Kibby
Spisak  Presto
(See addendum for projects)
6. Create data form for
learning curve on fellow
fiberoptic intubation skills
7. Submit ePublishing in
Anesthesia abstract to PGA
8. Initiate the IRB approved
study of LMA use for
gastrointestinal endoscopy in
9. Complete on-going IRB
approved research study:
TAPS block for umb. hernia
10. Submit case report:
neonate with tracheal
stenosis and TAPVR
11. Submit case report:
cardiac arrest in cath lab in
post heart transplant patient
12. Submit abstract on
pediatric massive blood
transfusion protocol
October 1, 2011
ACHIEVED 9/16/2011
October 1, 2011
Accepted 9/15/2011
Begin study: October 3, 2011
Complete enrollment of
30/88 patients: October 31,
2011; 60/88 by November 30
December 10, 2011
October 31, 2011
Data collection to include
fellow classes of 2012 and
Dr. Sheplock, Dr. Shiveley
(class of 2011; presented
abstract at SPA)
IRB approval achieved;
Dr. Acquaviva actively
recruiting; 19 patients
enrolled as of 10/24/11
Dr. Hamilton/Horn;
7 subjects pulled from study;
need to recruit 7 more
Dr. Dierdorf and Dr. DeMasie
November 15, 2011
Dr. DeMasie, Dr. Presson
November 15, 2011
Dr. Walker, Dr. Presto, Dr.
Nami (fellow class of 2012);
Nami submitted abstract
draft 10/23
Fellow lectures NOT to be
compromised; will move to
other mornings as needed
FOUR (4) draft protocols
written; 3 more in process
See addendum
13. Monthly research
First meeting:
meetings to include the entire November 16, 2011
14. Submit three (3) new IRB November 30, 2011
research protocols
15. Apply for Riley Memorial
Foundation Research Grant:
Effect of child life specialist
intervention on preoperative
anxiety in children
16. Hire a full-time RN
Research Coordinator
dedicated to the Riley
Anesthesia Division
December 15, 2011
Eric Scott, PhD, Dr. Dierdorf
January 1, 2012
Job posting initiated by Dr.
Presson 9/20/2011
Candidate identified: Deann
Martin, RN, current division
Acute Pain nurse with recent
completion of master’s
degree. Verbally committed
to job.
Dr. Walker, Dr. Webb (CA-1
who worked on abstract), Dr.
Allen (class of 2011;
presented abstract)
One protocol from above can
meet this deadline;
RARC meetings will be
directed toward identifying
potential IRB projects
RARC meetings will be
directed toward identifying
potential IRB projects
Dr. Sheplock; negotiating
time to be provided by IUHP
17. Complete and submit for January 1, 2012
publication On-Q study
presented as abstract at SPA
18. Submit 2 (two) additional January 31, 2012
IRB research protocols
19. Submit 2 (two) additional February 29, 2012
IRB research protocols
20. Submit one article related July 1, 2012
to informatics in anesthesia
to a peer-reviewed journal
21. Seek research
collaboration with other
institutional physicians
July 1, 2012
22. Seek research
collaboration with other
institutions; bring in two (2)
visiting professors
October 1, 2012
(One visiting professor visit
completed 9/28/11)
23. Publish from QA data
from volunteer services
abroad using existing data
collection tool
24. Recruit an established,
mid-career, funded clinical
researcher to the division
July 1, 2013
July 1, 2013
Dr. Walker met with Eric
Scott, PhD, on 10/5 to discuss
collaboration on Chronic Pain
Studies; Dr. Ricks from ED
interested in collaboration
Dr. Walker made visiting
professor trip to Cincinnati
Children’s 8/17/11; Dr.
James Spaeth from Cincinnati
presented on CQI at
departmental GR 9/28/11;
Dr. Courtney Hardy invited
for 12/14/11; Dr. Andreas
Loepke invited for summer
Study initiated by fellow from
class of 2011 (Dr. Bhadsavle;
presented data at SPA)
Job posting in process (Drs.
Walker, Dierdorf, Presson)
Addendum: Draft Research Protocol List 9/27/2011
1) Effect of scoliosis casting on pulmonary compliance.
Andy Stasic, Robin Jenson
2) Efficacy of ketorolac or acetaminophen as an analgesic supplement to
caudal analgesia in children undergoing ureteral reimplants.
Mort Green, Rosalia Misseri, Steve Dierdorf
3) Effect of iodine ophthalmic prep solution on respiration.
John Emhardt
4) Efficacy of i.v. acetaminophen for analgesia after pyloromyotomy.
Eugene Presto
5) Use of hypnosis techniques techniques for perioperative anxiety;
comparison with child life
Nouri, child life, Eric Scott
6) Accupuncture for PONV after EGD
Nouri, Saysana, Eric Scott PhD
7) Use of regional anesthesia for IR procedures
Nouri, Spisak, Marshallek
8) Antiemetic effect of dexmedetomidine
9) Effect of dexmedetomidine on BIS
Addendum: Fellow Abstract Projects SPA 2012
Horn: Cardiac tumor case report (?collaboration with Dr.
Kimenye); Mentors -- Walker, Nouri
Jenson: Case series on Compliance Changes Associated with
Casting for Scoliosis; Mentors -- Stasic, Dierdorf
Nami: Creating an Institutional Pediatric Massive Blood
Transfusion Protocol; Mentors -- Presto/Walker (OR, Tracheal
Stenosis/TAPVR Case Report with Dr. DeMasie, OR Case Series
on the Riley Management of Pierre Robin Patients for Mandibular
Distraction with ?Dierdorf, others?)
Spisak: Anesthetic Considerations for "Melody" Pulmonary
Valve Placement in the Cath Lab; Mentor -- Walker
Wilson: Case Report on Management of a Patient with a Lingual
Mass; Mentors -- Dierdorf
Addendum: Agenda for First Two Riley
Anesthesia Research Committee Meetings
Pediatric Anesthesia Research Committee
Agenda: August 31, 2011
2011 Meeting Schedule: Wednesdays 0700-0815
August 31
September 21
October 26
November 30
December 14
1. Promote original research
2. Increase faculty and fellow scholarly productivity
3. Collate and coordinate all section scholarly activity
4. Develop a time line for section research objectives and production
Committee Members:
Stephen Dierdorf, M.D.
Michael Acquaviva, M.D.
Matt Hamilton, D.O.
Malik Nouri, M.D.
Robert Presson, M.D.
Eugene Presto, M.D.
Andrew Stasic, M.D.
Scott Walker, M.D.
Fletcher White, Ph.D.
Society for Pediatric Anesthesia (SPA)
February 23-26, 2012 Tampa, FL
Abstract deadline: Tuesday, Nov 15, 2011: upload start Aug 15, 2011
Coordinator: Mike Acquaviva
Proposed abstracts:
1. Tracheal stenosis and congenital heart disease
2. Anesthesia for mandibular distraction
Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference (MARC)
March 16-18, 2012 Chicago, IL
Abstract deadline:
Coordinator: Matt Hamilton
Proposed abstracts:
1. Tracheal stenosis and TAPVR
2. Laparoscopic surgery in 1.6 kg infant with TEF
Current Studies
1. Role for peripheral nerve blocks in children undergoing umbilical hernia
repair? A comparison of the TAP block, rectus sheath block, and local
infiltration on pain relief.
P.I. Andrew F. Stasic//Ed Suh, Malik Nouri, Matt Hamilton
2. Endotracheal intubation vs. laryngeal mask airway for
esophagogastroduodenoscopy in children.
P.I. Michael Acquaviva, Nicole Horn
IRB approved/ awaiting initiation
Knoderer CA, Saft SA, Walker SG, et al: Cefuroxime pharmacokinetics in
pediatric cardiovascular patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass.
J Cardiothor Vasc Anes 2011;25:425-30.
Book Chapters
Ladd book
Clinical Anesthesia , 7th Edition (in preparation)
Rare Co-Existing Diseases
Steve Dierdorf, Scott Walton, Andy Stasic
Study Design Process
IRB submission and review
Statistical evaluation and assistance
Study Proposals
1. i.v. acetaminophen
a. acetaminophen vs. butorphanol
b. acetaminophen vs. morphine
c. acetaminophen vs. ketamine
d. i.v. acetaminophen for infant with pyloric stenosis
2. Dexmedetomidine
a. dexmedetomidine vs. morphine for post-op analgesia and sedation
for cardiac cath patrients
b. effect of dexmedetomidine on the BIS during general anesthesia
c. dexmedetomidine vs midazolam vs child life intervention for preop sedation. ?ages ?scoring system
3. Vascular flow probes in infants with cardiac disease
4. Elective fiberoptic tracheal intubation: learning curves for fellows
5. Analgesia for adenotonsillectomy
6. C-Mac vs. Glidescope
7. “Melody” Pulmonary valve replacements (new interventional catheterdeployed bovine jugular valve) – Walker just did a series of 3 of these in
cath last week. Kristen Spisak is interested in writing up a case series for
Pediatric Anesthesia Research Committee
Agenda: September 21, 2011
Agenda item: discussion of Research Action Plan:
1. Formation of an active research committee that meets at least once a month.
2. Hire a full-time RN Research Coordinator dedicated to the Pediatric
Anesthesia Section.
3. Submit three IRB proposals for review by November 30, 2011.
4. Submit two IRB proposals by January 31, 2012.
5. Submit two IRB proposals by February 29, 2012.
6. Complete the IRB approved TAP block study. Requires one more patient.
Matt Hamilton
7. Initiate the IRB approved study of LMA use for gastrointestinal endoscopy in
children by October 1. Complete 60 of 88 patients by October 31, 2011.
a. Mike Acquaviva, Nicole Horn
8. Schedule a monthly research meeting for the faculty and fellows beginning
October, 2011. First Meeting November 16, 2011
a. Fellow lecture for 11/16/11 to be moved to 11/15/11 at 0600
9. Gather, collate, and analyze QA data sheets with monthly reports to the
faculty. QA targets: airway by October 1 Steve Dierdorf
10. Complete and submission of case reports
11. Neonate with tracheal stenosis and TAPVR
i. Submission by October 31, 2011. Katherine DeMasie
12. Cardiac arrest in cath lab in post cardiac transplant patient
a. Submission by November 15, 2011 Katherine DeMasie
13. Assign one faculty mentor to each fellow for preparation of SPA or MARC
presentation. Assignment by September 30, 2011. Completed Sept 15
a. Mentor is to guide each fellow in preparation for SPA or MARC
b. Project title to Research Committee by October 15, 2011
c. Monthly status report to be sent to the Research Committee
d. Nicole Horn----Mike Acquaviva
e. Robin Jenson---Katherine DeMasie
f. Nina Nami----Jodie Johnson
g. Lisa Wilson----Brandon Kibby
h. Kristen Spisak----Eugene Presto
14. Performance study for fellows for fiberoptic intubation.
a. Mike Mazurek, Steve Dierdorf
b. Data form completed September 16, 2011