AFRICANA STUDIES LIST OF BOOKS 11/13/08 7 speeches, by Minister Louis Farrakhan, national representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. New York, Published by Ministry Class, Muhammad's Temple No. 7, 1974 12 million black voices / text by Richard Wright photo direction by Edwin Rosskam. New York : Thunder's Mouth Press, [1988], c1941 36 children / by Herbert Kohl illustrated by Robert George Jackson III. York : New American Library, [1988], c1967 New 100 great masterpieces of the Mexican National Museum of Anthropology / Ignacio Bernal photographs by Constantino Reyes. New York : Harry N. Abrams, c1969 100 years of lynchings / [edited by] Ralph Ginzburg. Classic Press, c1988 Baltimore, MD : Black 110 Livingston Street politics and bureaucracy in the New York City Schools. New York, Random House [1968] 1977 survey of minority-owned business enterprises / Bureau of the Census. [Suitland, Md.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. : for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [1979-1980] 1991 Festival of American Folklife, June 28-July 1, July 4-July 7. D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, c1991 Washington, 3000 years of black poetry : an anthology / edited by Alan Lomax and Raoul Abdul. Greenwich, Conn., Fawcett Publications [1971, c1970] The 100,000 horsemen of West Africa / by Daud Malik Watts. Afro-Vision, Inc., c1992 Washington, D.C. : Abiding courage : African American migrant women and the East Bay community / Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1996 The abolition of slavery in Brazil / Robert Brent Toplin. 1975 New York : Atheneum, The abolitionist legacy : from Reconstruction to the NAACP / James M. McPherson. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1975 About language : a reader for writers / [compiled b] William H. Roberts, Gregoire Turgeon. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, c1986 Across the great divide : cultures of manhood in the American West / edited by Matthew Basso, Laura McCall, and Dee Garceau. New York : Routledge, 2001 Adventures of an African slaver : an account of the life of Captain Theodore Canot, trader in gold, ivory, and slaves on the coast of Guinea : written out and edited from the captain's journals, memoranda and conversations by Brandtz Mayer / Theodore Canot with an introduction by Malcolm Cowley. Mineola, N.Y. : Dover, 2002 Affirmative discrimination : ethnic inequality and public policy / Nathan Glazer. New York : Basic Books, c1975 Africa / edited by Sean Moroney. New York : Facts on File, 1989 Africa / editor in chief, John P. Glennon Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O., 1989 Africa adorned / by Angela Fisher. editor, Stanley Shaloff. New York : Abrams, 1984 Africa and Africans. Garden City, N.Y. : Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] Natural History Press, 1964 Africa and the Victorians the climax of imperialism in the Dark Continent. By Ronald Robinson and John Gallagher, with Alice Denny. New York, St. Martins Press, 1961 Africa counts : number and pattern in African culture / Claudia Zaslavsky with an introduction by John Henrik Clarke. Brooklyn, N.Y. : Lawrence Hill Books Chicago : Distributed by Independent Publishers Group, 1990 Africa in America : slave acculturation and resistance in the American South and the British Caribbean, 1736-1831 / Michael Mullin. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1992 Africa in crisis : the causes, the cures of environmental bankruptcy / by Lloyd Timberlake edited by Jon Tinker. Philadelphia, PA : New Society Publishers, c1986 Africa in the modern world [by] Lord Hailey [and others]. of Chicago Press [1955] Chicago, University A handbook of African affairs. Edited by Helen Kitchen, editor of Africa report. New York, Published for the African-American Institute by Praeger [1964] Africa since 1800, by Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore. 1967 Africa, south of the Sahara [by] Philip J. Foster. London, Cambridge U.P., New York, Macmillan [1968] Africa today--and tomorrow an outline of basic facts and major problems. York, Praeger 1960 (1961 printing) Africa, troubled continent--a problems approach / by Harry A. Gailey. Fla. : R.E. Krieger Pub. Co., 1983 African America : portrait of a people / Kenneth Estell. Press, c1994 New Malabar, Detroit : Visible Ink African-American art traditions and developments / by Michael D. Harris. Portland : Multnomah School District 1J, c1985 The African-American atlas : Black history and culture--an illustrated reference / Molefi K. Asante and Mark T. Mattson. New York : Macmillan London : Prentice Hall International, c1998 African American autobiography : a collection of critical essays / edited by William L. Andrews. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1993 African-American culture and history [electronic resource]. Macmillan Reference USA, c1999 [New York] : African-American freemasons : why they should accept Al-Islam / by Mustafa ElAmin. Jersey City, N.J. : New Mind Productions, 1990 The African American holiday of Kwanzaa : a celebration of family, community & culture / Maulana Karenga. Los Angeles, Calif. : University of Sankore Press, 1988 African American literature : an anthology of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and drama / Demetrice A. Worley, Jesse Perry, Jr. foreword by Nikki Giovanni. Lincolnwood, Ill. : National Textbook Co., c1993 African American literature : voices in a tradition / contributors, William L. Andrews ... [et al.]. Austin : Holt, Rinehart and Winston : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1992 African American masters : highlights from the Smithsonian American Art Museum / Gwen Everett. New York : H.N. Abrams [Washington, D.C.] : Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2003 The African American press : a history of news coverage during national crises, with special reference to four black newspapers, 1827-1965 / Charles A. Simmons. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co., c1998 African American research perspectives : an occasional report of the Program for Research on Black Americans, African American Mental Health Research Center, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Ann Arbor : Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, 1994The African American voice in U.S. foreign policy since World War II / edited with introductions by Michael L. Krenn. New York : Garland Pub., 1998 African Americans in the early republic, 1789-1831 / Donald R. Wright. Arlington Heights, Ill. : Harland Davidson, c1993 African and African-American contributions to mathematics / by Beatrice Lumpkin. Portland, Ore. : Multnomah School District, c1985 African and African-American traditions in language arts / by Joyce Braden Harris. Portland : Multnomah School District 1J, c1985 African ark : people and ancient cultures of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa / Carol Beckwith, Angela Fisher text by Graham Hancock. New York : H.N. Abrams, 1990 African art. [Translated from the German language by Glyn T. Hughes]. Macmillan [1954] New York, African art in American collections, survey 1989 / Warren M. Robbins and Nancy Ingram Nooter. Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989 African art in cultural perspective York, Norton [1973] an introduction, by William Bascom. New African art in motion icon and act in the Collection of Katherine Coryton White. [Catalog of an exhibition] National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Frederick S. Wight Art Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, University of California Press [1974] African art studies : the state of the discipline : papers presented at a symposium organized by the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, September 16, 1987 / contributors, Rowland Abiodun ... [et al.]. Washington, D.C. : National Museum of African Art, c1990 African calliope : a journey to the Sudan / Edward Hoagland. Books, 1981 New York : Penguin African calliope : a journey to the Sudan / Edward Hoagland Jean Paul Tremblay]. New York : Random House, c1979 [cartography by African canvas : the art of West African women / photographs and text by Margaret Courtney-Clarke foreword by Maya Angelou. New York : Rizzoli, 1990 African contribution to civilization / by G. K. Osei. Publication Society, 1966, t. p. 1973 African designs from traditional sources. London : African New York, Dover Publications [1971] The African diaspora : interpretive essays / edited by Martin L. Kilson, Robert I. Rotberg. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1976 The African Diaspora Research Project : a report on progress, 1986-1993. East Lansing, MI : African Diaspora Research Project, Michigan State University, c 1993 The African in Latin America / edited with an introd. by Ann M. Pescatello. Washington, D.C. : University Press of America, c1975 African independence. [New York, Dell Pub. Co., 1963, c1962] African journal of educational research. University of Ibadan [Ibadan, Nigeria] Dept. of Education, African kingdoms, by Basil Davidson and the editors of Time-Life Books. York, Time, inc. [1966] African mythology / Geoffrey Parrinder. New London : P. Hamlyn, 1967 The African origin of civilization : myth or reality / translated from the French by Mercer Cook. New York, L. Hill [1974] African perspectives on colonialism / A. Adu Boahen. University Press, c1987 Baltimore : Johns Hopkins African philosophy, culture, and traditional medicine / by M. Akin Makinde. Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Center for International Studies, 1988 African presence in early Europe / editor, Ivan Van Sertima. [N.J.], U.S.A. : Transaction Books, c1985 New Brunswick The African problem, and other discourses [microform] : delivered in America in 1890 / by Edward W. Blyden. London : W.B. Whittingham, 1890 African proverbs / compiled by Charlotte and Wolf Leslau by Jeff Hill. New York : Peter Pauper Press, c1985 African religions & philosophy / John S. Mbiti. Heinemann, 1990 African sculpture / Ladislas Segy Dover, c1958 Oxford and with decorations Portsmouth, N.H. : with photographs by the author. New York : African sculpture, an anthology [by] William Fagg and Margaret Plass. Studio Vista, 1964] [London, African sculpture speaks / Ladislas Segy. New York : Da Capo Press, 1975 The African slave trade / Basil Davidson. Boston : Little, Brown, c1980 African slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean / Herbert S. Klein. : Oxford University Press, 1986 New York African women south of the Sahara / edited by Margaret Jean Hay and Sharon Stichter. London New York : Longman, 1984 Africans and their history, by Joseph E. Harris. [1972] New York, New American Library Africa's gift to America : the Afro-American in the making and saving of the United States : with new supplement, Africa and its potentialities / [J.A. Rogers]. New York : Helga M. Rogers, c1961 Africa's quest for order. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1964] Afro-American folk culture : an annotated bibliography of materials from North, Central, and South America, and the West Indies / John F. Szwed and Roger D. Abrahams, with Robert Baron ... [et al.]. Philadelphia : Institute for the Study of Human Issues, c1978 Afro-American literature [by] William Adams, Peter Conn [and] Barry Slepian. Boston, Houghton Mifflin [1970Afro-American literature : an introduction [compiled by] Robert Hayden, David J. Burrows [and] Frederick R. Lapides. New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [1971] The Afro-American Texans / [principal researcher, Melvin M. Sance, Jr.]. [San Antonio] : University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio, 1987, c1975 (1997 printing) The Afro-Americans / Howard Smead. New York : Chelsea House Publishers, c1989 The Afrocentric scholar : the journal of the National Council for Black Studies. Morgantown, WV : Center for Black Culture and Research, West Virginia University, [1992]-1994 Afrocentric sermons : the beauty of blackness in the Bible / Kenneth L. Waters, Sr. [foreword by Cain Hope Felder]. Valley Forge : Judson Press, c1993 After apartheid : the future of South Africa / Sebastian Mallaby. Times Books : Division of Random House, c1993 New York : After freedom a cultural study in the Deep South. With a new pref. by Elliott M. Rudwick. New York, Atheneum, 1968 [c1939] After slavery the Negro in South Carolina during Reconstruction, 1861-1877. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press [1965] After the last sky : Palestinian lives / Edward W. Said Mohr. New York : Pantheon Books, c1986 photographs by Jean After the war : a tour of the Southern States, 1865-1866 / edited with an introduction and notes by C. Vann Woodward. New York, Harper & Row [1965] Against the multicultural agenda : a critical thinking alternative / Yehudi O. Webster. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 1997 Age of enlightenment, by Peter Gay and the editors of Time-Life books. New York, Time, inc. [school and library distribution by Silver Burdett Co., 1966] Age of exploration, by John R. Hale and the editors of Time-Life books. York, Time, inc. [1966] New The Age of god-kings : time frame--3000-1500 BC / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, c1987 Age of progress / by S. C. Burchell and the editors of Time-Life Books. York : Time, inc., c1966 New The Age of segregation : race relations in the South, 1890-1945 : essays / by Derrick Bell ... [et al.] edited by Robert Haws. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 1978 Agents of repression : the FBI's secret wars against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement / by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall. Boston, MA : South End Press, c1988 Ages in chaos / Immanuel Velikovsky. Garden City, N. Y. : Doubleday, 1952-1978 Ain't I a beauty queen? : black women, beauty, and the politics of race / Maxine Leeds Craig. Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2002 Ain't I a woman : Black women and feminism / by Bell Hooks. End Press, 1981 Boston, MA : South Alexandria rediscovered / Jean-Yves Empereur New York : G. Braziller, 1998 photographs by Stéphane Compoint. Alexandria rediscovered / Jean-Yves Empereur New York : G. Braziller, 1998 photographs by Stéphane Compoint. The Algiers Motel incident [by] John Hersey. New York, Bantam Books [1968] Alice Malsenior Walker : an annotated bibliography, 1968-1986 / Louis H. Pratt, Darnell D. Pratt. Westport, CT : Meckler, c1988 All God's dangers the life of Nate Shaw [compiled by] Theodore Rosengarten. New York, Knopf [distributed by Random House] 1974 Allan Freelon : pioneer African American impressionist. Carolina Central University, Art Museum, 2004 Durham, N.C. : North Alley life in Washington : family, community, religion, and folklife in the city, 1850-1970 / James Borchert. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1980 Amazing grace : a life of Beauford Delaney / David Leeming. University Press, 1998 New York : Oxford La America Latina de hoy [por] Eugenio Chang-Rodriguez [y] Harry Kantor. York, Ronald Press Co. [1961] The American approach to the Arab world, by John S. Badeau. for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Row [1968] New New York, Published American confrontation with opium traffic in the Philippines / Arnold H. Taylor. Berkeley, Calif. : Pacific Historical Review, 1967 American counterpoint slavery and racism in the North-South dialogue, by C. Vann Woodward. Boston, Little, Brown [1971] An American dilemma : the Negro problem and modern democracy / by Gunnar Myrdal with the assistance of Richard Sterner and Arnold Rose. New York : Harper & brothers, 1944 The American frontier : opposing viewpoints / Mary Ellen Jones, book editor. San Diego : Greenhaven Press, c1994 The American Heritage dictionary. New York, N.Y. : Dell Pub., c1994 American Indian ethnic renewal : Red power and the resurgence of identity and culture / Joane Nagel. New York : Oxford University Press, 1996 The American Indian in western legal thought : the discourses of conquest / Robert A. Williams, Jr. New York : Oxford University Press, c1990 The American Indian 1972 the first victim. Edited by Jay David. New York, Morrow, The American kaleidoscope : race, ethnicity, and the civic culture / Lawrence H. Fuchs. Middletown, Conn. : Wesleyan University Press, c1990 The American Negro a study in racial crossing [by] Melville J. Herskovits. Bloomington, Indiana University Press [1964,c1928] The American Negro Academy : voice of the talented tenth / Alfred A. Moss, Jr. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c1981 American Negro Historical Society collection, 1790-1905 [microform]. Wilmington, DE : Scholarly Resources Inc., 1997 American Negro slavery a modern reader. Edited by Allen Weinstein and Frank Otto Gatell. New York, Oxford University Press, 1968 American Polynesia and the Hawaiian chain / by Edwin H. Bryan. : Tongg Pub. Co., 1942 Honolulu, Hawaii The American race problem [by] Edward Byron Reuter. Rev. and with an introd. by Jitsuichi Masuoka. New York, Crowell [1970] American racism exploration of the nature of prejudice [by] Roger Daniels [and] Harry H. L. Kitano. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1970] American slavery, American freedom : the ordeal of colonial Virginia / Edmund S. Morgan. New York : Norton, [1975] Americans from Africa. Edited by Peter I. Rose. America's black past [1970] New York, Atherton Press, 1970 a reader in Afro-American history. New York, Harper & Row America's concentration camps [by] Allan R. Bosworth. Introd. by Roger Baldwin. New York, Bantam Books [1968, c1967] America's past: a new world archaeology [by] Thomas C. Patterson. Ill., Scott, Foresman [1973] Glenview, America's teachers : an introduction to education / Joseph W. Newman. Allyn and Bacon, c2002 The ancient civilization of Angkor. Boston : New York, New American Library [1968] The ancient kingdoms of the Nile, and the doomed monuments of Nubia, by Walter A. Fairservis, Jr. New York, New American Library [1962] An ancient South Arabian necropolis : objects from the second campaign, 1951, in the Timnaʻ cemetery / by Ray L. Cleveland with foreword by Wendell Phillips. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, 1965 And they didn't die : a novel / Lauretta Ngcobo. New York : Braziller, 1991 The angry black South Edited by Glenford E. Mitchell and William H. Peace, III. New York, Corinth Books, 1962 Another country / James Baldwin. New York, N.Y. : Dell, 1963, c1962 Another view: to be Black in America. New York, Harcourt, Brace & World c1970 The anthropology of development in Sub-Saharan Africa / edited by David Brokensha, with Marion Pearsall. [Lexington, Published for the Society for Applied Anthropology by the University Press of Kentucky, 1969] Anti-black thought, 1863-1925 : the Negro problem : an eleven-volume anthology of racist writings / edited and introduced by John David Smith. New York : Garland, 1993 Antique works of art from Benin / by Augustus Pitt-Rivers with a new introduction by Bernard Fagg. New York : Dover Publications, 1976 The African origin of civilization : myth or reality / translated from the French by Mercer Cook. New York, L. Hill [1974] Anyplace but here / Arna Bontemps and Jack Conroy. 1966 New York : Hill and Wang, The apocalypse in African-American fiction / Maxine Lavon Montgomery. Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c1996 Arab guerilla power, 1967-1972. The Arab mind / Raphael Patai. London, Faber [1974] New York : Scribner, c1983 Arab painting / Text by Richard Ettinghausen. New York : Rizzoli, [1977] The Arab world : a comprehensive history / Peter Mansfield. c1976 The Arabs in Europe / Gabriele Crespi York : Rizzoli, 1986, c1979 New York : Crowell, introduction by Francesco Gabrieli. Arabia Felix, a land of builders : / Paolo Costa and Ennio Vicario. Rizzoli International Publications, 1977 Arabia Saudita. New New York : Riyadh : Ministerio de Información, [1976?] Arabian essays / Ghazi A. Algosaibi. International, 1982 London Arabian fantasy / [by] Herbert Chappell London : Quartet Books, [1976] Boston : Kegan Paul photographs by Robin Constable. An Arabian portfolio / photographs by Robert Azzi introd. by H. E. Shaikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani. [Montrouge, France] : Draeger, 1976 Arabic grammar of the written language York, F. Ungar [1958?] with Key. [By] G. W. Thatcher. The Arabs and the world Nasser's Arab nationalist policy. for the Council on Foreign Relations by Praeger [1963] The Arabs in Europe / Gabriele Crespi York : Rizzoli, 1986, c1979 New New York, Published introduction by Francesco Gabrieli. New Aramco and its world : Arabia and the Middle East / edited by Ismail I. Nawwab, Peter C. Speers, Paul F. Hoye main research and writing, Paul Lunde and John A. Sabini caption research and writing, Lyn Maby. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia : Aramco, 1980 Aramco handbook / by Roy Lebkicher, George Rentz [and] Max Steineke with contributions by other Aramco employees. [New York] c1960 Aramco handbook oil and the Middle East. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia [1968] Archaeological discoveries in South Arabia / by Richard Le Baron Bowen, Jr., Frank P. Albright with contributions by Berta Segall ... [et al.] with foreword by Wendell Phillips. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press, c1958 The archaeology of Mesopotamia : from the Old Stone Age to the Persian conquest. London : Thames and Hudson, c1978 Area handbook for Cuba. Co-authors: Howard I. Blutstein [and others. For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off.] 1971 Washington Area handbook for Lebanon / co-authors, Harvey H. Smith ... [et al.]. Washington, For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1969 Argentina [by] Arthur P. Whitaker. Argentina: a city and a nation. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1964] New York, Oxford University Press, 1964 Arrow of God / Chinua Achebe Anchor Books, 1969 introduction by K.W.J. Post. Garden City, N.Y. : Arrow of God / Chinua Achebe. New York : Anchor Books, [1989], c1974 Art and transformation : Curlee Raven Holton selected works : January 28-March 4, 2002 / essay by Lewis Tanner Moore. Easton, Pa. : David A. Portlock Black Cultural Center, Lafayette College, c2002 The art of Arabian costume : a Saudi Arabian profile / Heather Colyer Ross. Fribourg, Switzerland : Arabesque, 1981 The art of Black Africa. [Translated by R. A. Wilson]. York Graphic Society [1972] The art of Black Africa Studio Vista, 1972 Greenwich, Conn., New [translated from the German by R. A. Wilson]. London, The art of Black Africa a survey of African sculpture from collections in the Midwest, organized by the Flint Institute of Arts. Flint, Mich. [1970?] The art of Central Africa : sculpture and tribal masks / Introduction by William Fagg. New York : New American Library, 1967 Artist and influence / Hatch-Billops Collection, Inc. Collection, Inc., 1981- New York : Hatch-Billops The Arts and civilization of black and African peoples / general editors, Joseph Ohiomogben Okpaku, Alfred Esimatemi Opubor, Benjamin Olatunji Oloruntimehin with the assistance of Jacob Olugbenga Adesida and Thomas Okpaku. Centre for Black and African Arts and Civilization, c1986 Lagos : The arts of Ghana : exhibition dates : Frederick S. Wight Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles, California, October 11 to December 11, 1977 : Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, February 11 to March 26, 1978 : Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas, Texas, May 3 to July 2, 1978 / by Herbert M. Cole and Doran H. Ross. Los Angeles : Museum of Cultural History, University of California, c1977 The Arun : a natural history of the world's deepest valley / by Edward W. Cronin, Jr. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1979 Asafo! : African flags of the Fante / Peter Adler and Nicholas Barnard flags selected by Peter Adler and photographed by Ian Skelton. London : Thames and Hudson, 1992 Assimilation in American life: the role of race, religion, and national origins / Milton M. Gordon. New York : Oxford University Press, 1964 At beck and call : the representation of domestic servants in nineteenth-century American painting / Elizabeth O'Leary. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, c1996 At freedom's edge : Black mobility and the southern white quest for racial control, 1861-1915 / William Cohen. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c1991 At the drop of a veil / Marianne Alireza. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., c1971 Ataturk : a biography of Mustafa Kemal, father of modern Turkey / by Lord Kinross. New York : W. Morrow, 1965 [c1964] The Atlantic slave trade : effects on economies, societies, and peoples in Africa, the Americas, and Europe / edited by Joseph E. Inikori and Stanley L. Engerman. Durham : Duke University Press, 1992 Atlas of Saudi Arabia / Hussein Hamza Bindagji cartography by Oxford University Press, in association with Lovell Johns Ltd. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1978 The Greek world / by Peter Levi. Alexandria, Va. : Stonehenge Press, 1990 Atlas of the Stone-Age cultures of Qatar. Eds.: P[eter] V. Glob and Geoffrey Bibby. Drawings: The author. Arhus, Aarhus University Press, 1967 Indigenous African architecture. English translation by Sigrid MacRae. York, Van Nostrand Reinhold [1974, c1973] New August reckoning Jack Turner and racism in post-Civil War Alabama [by] William Warren Rogers and Robert David Ward. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1973] Authentic Algerian carpet designs & motifs / edited by June Beveridge. : Dover Publications, 1978 The autobiography of an ex-coloured man / James Weldon Johnson introduction by Arna Bontemps. New York : Hill and Wang, 1960 New York With an The autobiography of Malcolm X / with the assistance of Alex Haley introduction by M. S. Handler epilogue by Alex Haley. New York : Grove Press, [1966, c1965] Azalaï With maps and photos, by the author. Aztecs : an interpretation / Inga Clendinnen. University Press, 1991 New York, Harper [1956] Cambridge New York : Cambridge Background to evolution in Africa. Edited by Walter W. Bishop and J. Desmond Clark. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1967] Backgrounds to Blackamerican literature. Scranton, Chandler Pub. Co. [1971] Bad faith and antiblack racism / Lewis R. Gordon. Humanities Press, 1995 Atlantic Highlands, N.J. : Bar-Kokhba the rediscovery of the legendary hero of the second Jewish revolt against Rome. New York, Random House [c1971] Barbarian tides : time frame--1500-600 BC / by the editors of Time-Life Books. Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, c1987 Bearing witness : selections from African-American autobiography in the twentieth century / edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York : Pantheon Books, c1991 Becoming a teacher / Forrest W. Parkay, Beverly Hardcastle Stanford. Boston, Mass : Allyn and Bacon, c2000 Becoming human : evolution and human uniqueness / Ian Tattersall. Harcourt Brace, c1998 New York : Before and after or, The relations of the races at the South. Edited, with an introd. by John Hammond Moore. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1967] Before civilization : the radiocarbon revolution and prehistoric Europe / Colin Renfrew. Cambridge New York : Cambridge University Press, c1979 Before the ghetto black Detroit in the nineteenth century [by] David M. Katzman. Urbana, University of Illinois Press [1973] Before the Mayflower : a history of Black America / Lerone Bennett, Jr. York : Penguin Books, 1993 New Before the Mayflower : a history of black America / Lerone Bennett, Jr. York : Penguin Books, 1984, c1982 New Before the Mayflower : a history of the Negro in America, 1619-1964 / Lerone Bennett, Jr. Baltimore : Penguin Books, 1966, c1964 Beginning Black-Indian genealogy, the Seminoles / by G.L. Smith. : G.L. Smith, c1996 Behind ghetto walls [1970] Black families in a federal slum. Tucson, Ariz. Chicago, Aldine Pub. Co. Behind the mask of chivalry : the making of the second Ku Klux Klan / Nancy MacLean. New York : Oxford University Press, 1994 Behind the scenes, or, Thirty years a slave, and four years in the White House / Elizabeth Keckley with an introduction by James Olney. New York : Oxford University Press, 1988 Behold a pale horse / Milton William Cooper. Pub., c1991 Sedona, AZ : Light Technology Behold the people : R.C. Hickman's photographs of Black Dallas, 1949-1961 / by R.C. Hickman preface by Barbara Jordan. Austin : Published for the Center for American History by the Texas State Historical Association, c1994 The Best of Life / editor: David E. Scherman. The best short stories by Negro writers Boston, Little, Brown [1967] New York : Avon, 1975, c1973 an anthology from 1899 to the present. The betrayal of the Negro, from Rutherford B. Hayes to Woodrow Wilson, by Rayford W. Logan. New York, Collier Books [1965] Biblical models of brothering. Atlanta, Ga. : Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1982 Bigmama didn't shop at Woolworth's / Sunny Nash. University Press, c1996 College Station : Texas A&M Bill Pickett, bulldogger : the biography of a Black cowboy / by Bailey C. Hanes with a foreword by Bill Burchardt. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c1977 A biographical history of Blacks in America since 1528 / by Edgar A. Toppin. New York : David McKay Co., c1971 Biracial politics : conflict and coalition in the metropolitan South. Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1972] The birth of civilization in the Near East / Henri Frankfort. : Doubleday, 1956 Baton Garden City, N.Y. Bitita's diary : the childhood memoirs of Carolina Maria de Jesus / Carolina Maria de Jesus editor, Robert M. Levine translators, Emanuelle Oliveira and Beth Joan Vinkler. Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c1998 The Black abolitionist papers / C. Peter Ripley, editor Jeffrey S. Rossbach, associate editor ... [et al.]. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1985Black abolitionists. New York, Oxford University Press [1969] The Black aesthetic. Garden City, N.Y., Anchor Books [1972, c1971] Black Africa : the economic and cultural basis for a federated state / Cheikh Anta Diop translated by Harold J. Salemson. Westport, Conn. : L. Hill Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, 1987 Black-Alice : a novel / by Thom Demijohn. Black America, edited by John F. Szwed. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, c1968 New York, Basic Books [1970] Black America : geographic perspectives / edited by Robert T. Ernst and Lawrence Hugg. Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press, 1976 The Black American experience : a new anthology of Black literature / edited by Frances S. Freedman. Toronto New York : Bantam Books, c1970 Black American genealogy for beginners / by G.L. Smith. Smith, c1979 Tucson, Ariz. : G.L. Black American literature: essays, edited by Darwin T. Turner. C. E. Merrill Pub. Co. [1969] Black American literature fiction, edited by Darwin T. Turner. C. E. Merrill Pub. Co. [1969] Black American literature poetry. Edited by Darwin T. Turner. C. E. Merrill Pub. Co. [1969] Columbus, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, The Black American West : a bibliography / compiled by George H. Junne, Jr. Greeley, Colo. : Africana Studies Dept., University of Northern Colorado, [1998?] Black Americans. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1975] Black and white in American culture : an anthology from the Massachusetts review. / edited by Jules Chametzky & Sidney Kaplan. New York : Viking Press 1971 Black artists on art, [edited by] Samella S. Lewis and Ruth G. Waddy. Angeles, Contemporary Crafts Publishers, 1969Black arts annual 1988/1989 / Donald Bogle, editor. c1990 [Los New York : Garland Pub., Black Athena : the Afroasiatic roots of classical civilization / Martin Bernal. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 1987Black ballots : voting rights in the South, 1944-1969 / Steven F. Lawson. New York : Columbia University Press, 1976 The Black biblical heritage : four thousand years of Black biblical history / John L. Johnson. Nashville, TN : Winston-Derek, c1993 Black Bolshevik : autobiography of an Afro-American Communist / Harry Haywood. Chicago : Liberator Press, c1978 Black bondage : the life of slaves in the South. 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Woodstock, N.Y. : Overlook Press, 1990 The black diaspora / by Ronald Segal. 1995 New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Black dimensions in contemporary American art. Compiled and edited by J. Edward Atkinson. New York, New American Library [1971] Black Dixie : Afro-Texan history and culture in Houston / edited by Howard Beeth and Cary D. Wintz. College Station, Tex. : Texas A&M University Press, c1992 Black drama : an anthology / edited by William Brasmer [and] Dominick Consolo. With an introd. by Darwin T. Turner. Columbus, Ohio, C. E. Merrill Pub. Co. [1970] Black drama in America : an anthology. Edited with a critical introd. by Darwin T. Turner. Greenwich, Conn., Fawcett Publications [1971] Black English its history and usage in the United States [by] J. L. Dillard. New York, Vintage Books [1973, c1972] A Black explorer at the North Pole / by Matthew A. Henson foreword by Robert E. Peary introduction by Booker T. Washington introduction to the Bison book edition by Susan A. Kaplan. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1989 Black expression essays by and about black Americans in the creative arts. York, Weybright and Talley [1969] New Black faith and public talk : critical essays on James H. Cone's Black theology and black power / Dwight N. Hopkins, editor. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c1999 Black families in white America [by] Andrew Billingsley, with the assistance of Amy Tate Billingsley. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1968] The Black family in modern society [by] John H. Scanzoni. Bacon [1971] Boston, Allyn and The Black family in slavery and freedom, 1750-1925 / Herbert G. Gutman. York : Vintage Books, 1977, c1976 New Black fire an anthology of Afro-American writing, edited by LeRoi Jones and Larry Neal. New York, Morrow, 1968 Black firsts : 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement / edited by Jessie Carney Smith with Casper L. Jordon, Robert L. Johns. Detroit : Visible Ink, c1994 Black frontiers : a history of African American heroes in the Old West / by Lillian Schlissel. New York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1995 Black frontiersman : the memoirs of Henry O. Flipper, first Black graduate of West Point / compiled and edited with introduction and notes by Theodore D. Harris. Fort Worth : Texas Christian University Press, c1997 The Black frontiersmen : adventures of Negroes among American Indians, 1528-1918 [by] J. Norman Heard. New York, John Day Co. [1969] Black Georgia in the Progressive Era, 1900-1920 / John Dittmer. University of Illinois Press, c1977 Urbana : The Black ghetto : promised land or colony? Edited and with an introd. by Richard J. Meister. Lexington, Mass., Heath, 1971, c1972] Black ghettos, white ghettos, and slums [by] Robert E. Forman. Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1971] Black Gibraltar. Illus. by Doug Noble. 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[Tampa] : Florida Historical Society, 1987 Black Indians : a hidden heritage / William Loren Katz. 1986 New York : Atheneum, The Black infantry in the West, 1869-1891 / Arlen L. Fowler foreword by William H. Leckie. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1996 Black insights : significant literature by Black Americans, 1760 to the present. Waltham, Mass., Xerox College Publishing [1971] The Black Jacobins : Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution / C.L.R. James. New York : Vintage Books, [1989] Black leaders : Texans for their times / edited by Alwyn Barr and Robert A. Calvert. [Austin, Tex.] : Texas State Historical Association, c1981 Black leadership in America, 1895-1968 / John White. Longman, 1985 London and New York : Black leadership in America : from Booker T. Washington to Jesse Jackson / John White. London New York : Longman, 1990 Black legislators in Louisiana during Reconstruction. State University [1976] Black like me. 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San Francisco : Black Scholar Press, c1982 Black masters : a free family of color in the old South / Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roark. New York : Norton, c1984 Black matriarchy: myth or reality? Edited by John H. Bracey, Jr., August Meier [and] Elliott Rudwick. Belmont, Calif., Wadsworth Pub. Co. [1971] The Black messiah / Albert B. Cleage, Jr. 1989 Trenton, N.J. : Africa World Press, Black metropolis a study of Negro life in a northern city [by] St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton. Introd. by Richard Wright. Introd. to Torchbook ed. by Everett C. Hughes. New York, Harper & Row [1962] Black metropolis a study of Negro life in a northern city [by] St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton, with an introduction by Richard Wright. New York, Harcourt, Brace and Company [1945] Black migration : movement North, 1900-1920 / Florette Henri. Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Books, 1976 The Black military experience in the American West / edited by John M. Carroll. Mattituck, N.Y. : J.M. 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Lawrence : Regents Press of Kansas, c1981 Black Ohio and the color line, 1860-1915 / David A. Gerber. of Illinois Press, c1976 Urbana : University Black on black : commentaries by Black Americans / edited by Arnold Adoff foreword by Roger Mae Johnson. [New York] : Collier Books, 1970, c1968 The Black on New Spain's northern frontier : San Jose de Parral, 1631 to 1641 / by Vincent Mayer, Jr. Durango, Colo. : [Center of Southwest Studies], 1974 Black on white a critical survey of writing by American Negroes. Viking Press [1969, c1966] New York, Black over white : Negro political leadership in South Carolina during Reconstruction / Thomas Holt. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1977 Black over white : Negro political leadership in South Carolina during Reconstruction / Thomas Holt. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1979, c1977 The Black Panthers speak / edited by Philip S. Foner Clayborne Carson. New York : Da Capo Press, 1995 with a new foreword by Black people who made the Old West / by William Loren Katz. Africa World Press, 1992 Trenton, N.J. : Black pioneers : images of the Black experience on the North American frontier / John W. Ravage. Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1997 Black poets / Dudley Randall, editor. New York : Bantam Books, 1971 Black politicians and Reconstruction in Georgia : a splendid failure / Edmund L. Drago. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c1982 Black politics in Philadelphia. Edited by Miriam Ershkowitz and Joseph Zikmund II. New York, Basic Books [1973] Black power : the politics of liberation in America / Stokely Carmichael & Charles V. Hamilton. New York : Vintage Books, c1967 The Black press, 1827-1890 introd. by Martin E. Dann. the quest for national identity. Edited with an New York, Putnam [1971] The Black press, 1827-1890 : the quest for national identity / ed. with an introd. by Martin E. Dann. 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Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c1998 Black resistance in high school : forging a separatist culture / R. Patrick Solomon foreword by John Ogbu. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1992 Black robes, white justice / by Bruce Wright. Secaucus, N.J. : L. Stuart, c1987 Black scare the racist response to emancipation and reconstruction, by Forrest G. Wood. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1968 Black scientists of America / by Richard X. Donovan [illustrations, Judith Sorrels]. Portland, Ore. : National Book Company, c1990 Black self-determination : a cultural history of the faith of the fathers / V.P. Franklin. Westport, Conn. : L. Hill, c1984 The Black Seminoles : history of a freedom-seeking people / Kenneth W. Porter revised and edited by Alcione M. Amos and Thomas P. Senter. Gainesville : University Press of Florida, c1996 The Black seventies. Floyd B. Barbour, editor. Black short story anthology. The Black situation. Boston, P. 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Books for Young Readers, c1995 New Brunswick [N.J.] New York, N.Y. : Atheneum Black women writers and the American neo-slave narrative : femininity unfettered / Elizabeth Ann Beaulieu. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1999 The black worker the Negro and the labor movement [by] Sterling D. Spero & Abram L. Harris. With a new pref. by Herbert G. Gutman. New York, Atheneum, 1968 [c1959] Black writers and Latin America : cross-cultural affinities / Richard L. Jackson. Washington, DC : Howard University Press, 1998 Blackamerican literature, 1760-present. With a foreword by John Hope Franklin. Beverly Hills, Calif., Glencoe Press [1971] Blacks at Harvard : a documentary history of African-American experience at Harvard and Radcliffe / edited by Werner Sollors, Caldwell Titcomb, and Thomas A. Underwood with an introduction by Randall Kennedy. New York : New York University Press, c1993 Blacks in America bibliographical essays, by James M. McPherson [and others. 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Allen illustrations by Tom Feelings. New York : One World, 1996 Brown v. Board of Education : a civil rights milestone and its troubled legacy / James T. Patterson. Oxford New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 The Brownsville affair national crisis and Black reaction [by] Ann J. Lane. Port Washington, N.Y., Kennikat Press, 1971 The Brownsville Raid / John D. Weaver foreword by Lewis L. Gould. Station : Texas A & M University Press, c1992 College The buffalo soldiers a narrative of the Negro cavalry in the West [by] William H. Leckie. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1967] Buffalo soldiers : an illustrated history of the ninth and tenth U.S. Cavalry in the west / by Len C. Murray. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Len C. Murray, c1994 Buffalo soldiers west [compiled] by John M. Carroll. Army Press, 1971] [Fort Collins, Colo., Old Bury my heart at Wounded Knee an Indian history of the American West, by Dee Brown. 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