Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA ______Max_______________ Teacher 1 ______Antony_______________ __11/07____ ___9_____ Trainer Course Day __E______ Level __40______ Mins ___3______ Lesson Lesson context and aims What is the theme or context of your lesson? In what communication situation will learners be better able to perform from this lesson? Discussing the weather Circle one letter: Is the primary learning aim (S ) skills development, ( L ) language acquisition? L Complete this prompt: By the end of this lesson learners will have . . . Improved and practiced their vocabulary for speaking about the weather Circle one letter: If there is a secondary learning aim, is it (S ) skills development, ( L ) language acquisition, or ( N ) neither? L As above, complete this prompt: By the end of this lesson learners will have . . . Been introduced or revised vocabulary for the seasons 2 Developmental goals Evaluate your previous lesson(s) and indicate what you can do in this and subsequent lessons to fulfil your own developmental goals. You can include comments on observations of others teaching. To respond to Vicky’s feedback on lesson 2, in this class I want to make sure I keep everyone together in a U-shape (or other shape if needed for the activities). In Jenny and Vic’s most recent classes there was also a desk in the way for part of the class – I will try to watch out for any issues with the classroom furniture and ensure they don’t hamper any student’s learning. I will also continue to be at front and centre for feedback, using a chair to keep myself at the board. I will aim to ensure that all SS are listening through the instruction and feedback stages. Occasionally in my previous two classes I have given instructions that are unclear or a little too complex. I will work in this lesson in ensuring that all my instructions are clear and simple, for example designing the instructions in stage 12 to be broken up into simple tasks (read, discuss), and giving SS time to read the handout before starting the task. I will also try to give more realistic time limits for the tasks. I have noticed that I sometimes design tasks that are a bit too complicated, particularly towards the end of my class. To respond in this lesson, I have split the tasks in stages 13 and 15 although they are related, and have decided to simplify these two stages from giving a weather forecast to giving a weather report. The former would require the use of the future tense and prediction, overcomplicating tasks that primarily aim to practice the target language. In my last lesson a running commentary started slipping in occasionally – I will try to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. I will continue to elicit from peers when a S can’t give an answer, trying to only give the answer myself when a peer can’t help. I will also continue to elicit feedback from a wide range of SS. As I start to become more comfortable with lesson planning, I want to become more independent in designing and writing lessons. For this lesson, therefore, I have designed it largely independently from Antony’s guidance. It will be very helpful to get feedback on the lesson and plan in light of Page this.1 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA Grade for this lesson: The observing trainer's assessment of this lesson only . . . Trainees do NOT complete this page Teaching Manner, presence, rapport _____ Response to learners' needs & correction _____ Teacher voice, grading, & clarity _____ Language presentation, clarification _____ Skills development & input & output staging _____ Appropriate interaction patterns for learner-centred teaching _____ Learner engagement at task, focus, and pace _____ Activity set up, classroom management _____ Task management & staging _____ Reportback & feedback _____ Overall for this lesson __________ Planning Lesson overall aims, concept, theme, & appropriacy _____ Materials selection, adaptation & presentation _____ Post lesson evaluation & identification of developmental goals _____ Anticipating problems & solutions with management & tasks _____ Target language identification & analysis _____ Anticipating problems & solutions with language _____ Task design, staging, interactions, timing _____ Appropriate procedural aims _____ Overall for this lesson __________ Additional notes on the grading or weighting of assessment criteria for this lesson Grade recorded in CELTA 5 for this lesson . . . N At this stage of the course you are overall . . . N ________________________________________ Trainer S G ______ / ______ / ______ Day Month Year S S+ A ______________________________________ Teacher Page 2 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA Overall impression The big picture . . . Development Areas Features & techniques to stop, start, improve, or continue in subsequent teaching . . . Page 3 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA 3 Teaching & learning materials The lesson is based on this book (include page and / or section numbers ) and / or these materials ( remember ©!)... Cutting Edge Elementary, p.110 (adapted tasks) MES English weather flashcards Handouts Whiteboard Plan (if applicable) The weather is sunny. Hottest It’s summer It’s sunny It’s cloudy It’s cold It’s hot It’s raining It’s stormy It’s foggy It’s partly cloudy It’s clear It’s snowing It’s windy Hotter It’s autumn Hot It’s winter Warm It’s spring Cool the dry season Cold the wet season Colder Coldest 4 Management solutions As coastal Ecuadoreans, SS may not have seen all of the weather and seasons that form the TL. I don’t think this will Because of the lesson type I am teaching or certain tasks in the lesson, I anticipate these classroom management problems or challenges so I have planned these solutions . . . pose a problem in terms of SS engagement (if anything they may be more interested in snow, and I can personalise using England). However, I have replaced the first task in Cutting Edge Elementary to make it more relevant to SS. Depending on who turns up at class, there may be a wide range of abilities present. For this class, I want to ensure the less advanced SS are not left behind. Therefore in FMP focus I will focus on conveying and checking meaning, eliciting form and drilling pronunciation with these SS (More details on this in language analysis). To ensure I do pick up on less advanced SS problems with the TL, I have designed the diagnostic activity (matching pairs) to be completed alone. I will monitor this activity closely and base the 1st FMP focus on the needs of the less advanced SS. If appropriate at later stages in the class e.g. stage 13, I will also move SS so that the less advanced ones don’t just rely on the stronger ones to provide the answers. I want SS to have a clear handout of the FMP of the TL to use in stage 13 and also to take away, and so have created a dedicated handout containing all of the FMP information I plan to teach. I anticipate this being much easier to refer to than, say, the completed HO 1. It will also ensure they have the correct FMP to use in the latter stages of the lesson, rather than compounding any mistakes they might have made earlier in the class. SS have started speaking quite a bit of Spanish in the most recent classes. I will watch out for this and try to pick up on I want to include lots of concept checking of the TL, without making this a laborious process. I have therefore designed it when it occurs. task 7 to encourage SS to give and answer concept questions on the TL themselves, whilst disguising the concept questions as a game. SS will have just hear a range of concept questions in the FMP focus, and so may be able to revise these in their teams. In the language analysis I have identified core TL (It’s cloudy etc.), and then some additional TL that it would be good to include in the lesson if there is time. To manage this, I have included two controlled practices; the second uses the additional TL of comparatives, superlatives and the seasons. However, I also recognise that I am trying to fit quite a bit into the lesson. If the FMP focus on the core TL takes more time than anticipated, I could cut the second controlled practice and just focus the lesson on the core TL. I would normally have a feedback session for the freer practice, but in this case the production task forms the feedback for the freer practice task, and so I have taken out this stage. Page 4 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA 5 Language analysis Show your analysis and how will you present and / or clarify form, meaning, and phonology (MFP ) of the target language. If you have a task for MFP that does this, indicate here, "see attached". Target Language Lexis to describe the weather: It’s cloudy; It’s sunny; It’s windy; It’s snowing; It’s raining; It’s cold; It’s foggy; It’s hot; It’s wet; It’s warm; It’s cool; It’s clear; It’s partly cloudy; It’s stormy Seasons: spring; summer; autumn/fall; winter; the dry season; the wet season. Grades of temperature: hot, hotter, hottest; cold, colder, coldest; warm, warmer, warmest; cool, cooler, coolest Additional vocabulary: The temperature, degrees (centigrade). Examples of meaning, form and pronunciation It’s cloudy [adjective, gradable] /ˈklɑʊdi/ Form: pronoun + [to be] + noun + -y (but note exceptions for adjectives such as raining, snowing, clear, hot, cold, sunny and foggy) Conveying meaning: “It’s cloudy when the sky has white or grey objects floating in it. The sky is not all blue.” Concept questions: No No Sunny “When it’s cloudy is the sky all blue?” “Would you lie on the beach on a cloudy day?” Open-ended (for elicitation) “If it is not cloudy in the day, what must it be?” It’s summer [noun, countable or uncountable depending on context!] /ˈsʌmə/ Form: pronoun + [to be] + noun Conveying meaning: “Part of the year, often the hottest; between spring and autumn/fall; the opposite to winter.” Concept questions: Hotter After Winter “Is it hotter or colder than winter?” “Is it after spring or before spring?” Elicitation: “When it is summer in Ecuador, what is it in England?” The temperature [noun, uncountable in this context] /ˈtemprətʃər/ Conveying meaning: “The temperature is the amount of heat in a place, measured in degrees.” Concept questions: “Does it measure how sunny it is or how hot it is?” “Is it higher in the day or at night?” Elicitation: “What does a negative temperature mean?” How hot Day It’s very cold. Hot, hotter, hottest [base adjective, gradable; comparative, gradable; superlative, ungradable] Form: adjective, adjective + -er, adjective + -est [Note extra ‘t’ in hotter and hottest] Meaning: use cline of hottest, hotter, hot, warm, cool, cold, colder and coldest. NOTE: cline of warmest, warmer, warm, cool, cooler, coolest is also possible. The meaning of comparatives and superlatives can also be explained by how many things the object is being compared to (comparatives compare to one person or thing, superlatives to many or a whole group). However, as the lesson is not a grammar lesson I won’t go into this. Pronuciation: note different pronunciation of e in /ˈhɒtə/ and /ˈhɒtɪst/. Please see further examples of meaning, form and pronunciation of target language in Appendix 1. Anticipated problems and solutions Meaning Some of the target language is likely to already be familiar to some or all SS. To solve this I have designed a matching pairs diagnostic activity, which will give me the information needed to decide where to focus the MFP in feedback. Form SS should pick up the standard –y form of the adjective quite quickly. However, the –ing form is likely to pose a challenge. I will ensure I emphasise the change in form whenever it occurs in the FMP focus, and revise throughout the lesson. Pronunciation Spanish speakers tend to enunciate every syllable, so are likely to mispronounce autumn, temperature, cloudy etc. To solve this I will make good use of the IPA for these words and drill pronunciation chorally and individually once meaning is clear. Please see further anticipated problems and solutions for target language in Appendix 1. Page 5 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA Time Stage Aim / learning function TSS Procedure Teacher is . . . Learners are . . . 00.00 – 1. Warmer: Ecuador and England 00.02 To set the context; personalise the Elicits from SS differences between the two, including something relating to weather. theme; engage and relax SS SS are focusing on the context of weather, sharing some of the differences in weather between T shows map of Ecuador. Elicits from SS what it is. Then shows a picture of London in snow. places. 00.02 – 2. Matching pairs set and check 00.04 To ensure task understanding TSS T instructs SS to match lexis to picture on HO 1. T elicits one example from a less advanced S, asking a more advanced SS to help if needed. T hands out HO 1 and launches the task with a time limit. 00.04 – 3. Matching pairs diagnostic activity 00.06 To assess S existing knowledge of the T monitors closely for needs analysis and correct answers for feedback. lexis. T writes ‘It’s cloudy’ etc. lexis on board for FMP focus. 00.06 – 00.13 4. Matching pairs feedback/1st FMP focus S SSSS +T SS work individually to match lexis to pictures on HO 1. T elicits answers for each matching pair. As SS give each answer, T asks a less advanced SS concept questions about that answer to check understanding of lexis (see language analysis). On For SS to practice and understand the first answer T also elicits the contraction and the addition of –y to make the adjective. Then drills FMP of the TL. pronunciation if needed. T also highlights any differences to these patterns e.g. –ing form of raining and snowing. Page 6 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA Time 00.13 – 00.15 Stage Aim / learning function 6. Guessing the weather controlled practice set up TSS Procedure Teacher is . . . Learners are . . . T describes and acts out a weather flashcard without using the lexis. SS guess the lexis. T then puts SS into two/three teams and launches task. To ensure SS understand task 00.15 – 7. Controlled practice activity 00.18 To give SS practice using the lexis; to SSS SS take it in turns in teams to describe and act out a weather flashcard. Other SS guess the lexis. T revises the form and pronunciation as needed through elicitation and drilling. further develop/check SS understanding of the lexis. 00.18 – 8. Controlled practice feedback 00.19 To revise any lexis where MFP is still a TSS T revises form and pronunciation of lexis as needed, announces scores and awards winning team a prize. problem; to motivate SS 00.21 9. Lexis for the weather controlled practice set up [CUT IF To ensure SS understand task 00.19 – TSS T instructs SS to look at HO 2 and answer the questions. Elicits the first answer from a less advanced S, instructs SS to get into pairs and launches task with time limit. NEEDED] 00.24 10. Lexis for the weather controlled practice activity [CUT IF To introduce SS to or revise NEEDED] comparatives, superlatives and the 00.21 – SS SS discuss with partners why each location is mentioned in the text, and write their answer on the HO. T monitors for needs analysis, and to check use of TL (comparative, superlative, the seasons). T draws a cline on board for feedback. seasons. Page 7 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA Time Stage Aim / learning function SSSS Procedure Teacher is . . . Learners are . . . 00.27 11. Lexis for the weather controlled practice feedback/2nd FMP focus [CUT IF To ensure SS have the correct T elicits or conveys the meaning of the season, checking the meaning with concept questions (see NEEDED] answers; to practice and understand language analysis). T drills pronunciation as needed. FMP of TL Once SS have reported all answers, T gives HO 3 with all MFP information on it. 00.24 – +T TSS SS report answers to task to open class. When an S uses a comparative or superlative, T asks another SS to put the word on the cline on WB in the appropriate place. When an S uses a season, 00.27 – 12. Interactive freer practice set up 00.30 To ensure SS understand the free Then T instructs SS to use the information they have on their HO to write three things about the practice task. weather in their chosen city on HO 5. Elicits example from stronger SS in each team. Gives HO 4 T puts SS into groups of three and instructs them to read HO 4 (SS chose HO). SS do so. to a S in each team to write on. Launches task with time limit. 00.30 – 13. Interactive freer practice activity 00.34 To give SS practice in using the TL in a SSS SS use information on HO 3 to write three things about the weather in their chosen city. T monitors passively for task understanding and for any persistent FMP problems. more open context. TSS 00.34 – 14. Production set up/FMP revision 00.36 To prepare SS to speak using TL; to S’s name by each section of their report on HO 5. Once each team has done this, T instructs each ensure understanding of task. S to read out part of the weather report for their city. 00.36 – 15. Production activity 00.39 To give SS a chance to produce the TL 00.39 – 16. Production feedback and close 00.40 To give SS a sense of achievement SSSS +T T does a quick further drill on any pronunciation needed. T instructs SS in their teams to write an SS read out the weather report for their city in turns. T elicits which city is the hottest, and which city is the coldest. Thanks class and closes. Page 8 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA # Trainer Observations & Recommendations Trainees do NOT complete this Page 9 of 10 Southern Cross Teacher Training University of Cambridge CELTA Hot post lesson evaluation & immediate feedback preparation (Take no more than 5 minutes here ) While your lesson is still fresh in your mind, quickly note some impressions & questions you have that you can bring up in feedback. When you are finished, return this to the trainer immediately. Your trainer will comment it & return it to you. Page 10 of 10