Cambridge Embassy CELTA Application From Please type or write clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS CELTA COURSE START DATE REQUIRED: First name(s) Family name Daytime phone (inc. country/area code) Sex M F Date of Birth Nationality Mother tongue Home address Tel. E-mail Address for correspondence (if differs Tel from above) E-mail Present occupation Final qualification at secondary/high Final qualification at university/tertiary school (inc. year) level (inc. year) University/college attended Main subject(s) Professional qualifications (other than ELT) Career experience English language teaching profile (teaching experience and courses attended to date) Foreign languages other than English (indicate your level) English language level if English is not your mother tongue Please write about your level & confidence in English English language examinations you have passed - include date & grade/score Cambridge CPE TOEFL Cambridge CAE IELTS Cambridge FCE Other Any disabilities or health problems? Yes / No (If Yes- please give details) ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED? Type: Self-catering Yes / No Guesthouse hotel Special accommodation needs? Do you smoke? Yes / No Will you have a car with you? How did you hear about CELTA? Yes / No host family I have read and agree to the course terms in Section 3 of the information pack. Signed …………………………………………………………………………… CELTA Pre-interview task Part One Use a grammar book to help you answer these questions. Please name the book(s) you have used: …………………………………………………. 1. Label the part of speech for each of the words in the following sentence They / made / their / way / slowly / across / the / deserted / square 2. Say what the difference in meaning is between the following sentences, and identify the grammatical structure underlined in each. (a) When I arrived at the station the train left (b) When I arrived at the station, the train was leaving (c) When I arrived at the station the train had left (a) She had her house painted (b) She had painted her house (a) He stopped to smoke a cigarette (b) He stopped smoking cigarettes (a) You must see him (b) You must have seen him Part Two Choose five adjectives of more than one syllable that describe your personality. For each adjective mark the stressed syllable - as in these examples: creAtive adAptable 1 2 4 5 3 Part Three When you have studied the following example lesson plan, decide how long you would spend on each stage; and what the aim of each stage is (i.e., its impact on the learners). The lesson should last for 45 minutes in total. Activity Time Aim Teacher draws a clock on the board. Learners discuss what they associate with the image and any expressions using “time” that they have in their own language. Learners match expressions with “time” with definitions. Learners answer written questions about the meaning of the expressions. In two groups, A & B, learners complete different sets of gapped sentences (which form questions) with suitable time expressions. Each learner from the A group pairs with one from the B group, and they ask and answer each other the questions. Students report their answers back to the whole group, and teacher gives feedback on errors overheard during the activity. Part Four The following is a list of some things necessary in undertaking a CELTA course. For each point, indicate with a circle on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – not confident, 5 – confident) how comfortable you would feel with it. Presenting a grammar point to a class 1 2 3 4 5 Answering questions about pronunciation 1 2 3 4 5 Correcting student errors in class 1 2 3 4 5 Enforcing discipline in class 1 2 3 4 5 Completing formal written assignments 1 2 3 4 5 Meeting deadlines for lesson plans and assignments 1 2 3 4 5 Liaising with other trainees in your group 1 2 3 4 5 Dealing with negative feedback 1 2 3 4 5 Part Five Write a short composition (200 words approx.) in answer to the question below. Please write complete sentences and paragraphs – do not use note form. Please describe what you would like to do if you pass the course, and which aspects of the course you are looking forward to, and which you think you will find most challenging. Please also mention your present occupation and your most recent qualifications.