List of Some Helpful Websites
Deadline Dates: 12/15/08, 3/1/09, 6/1/09 (Rolling)
Name of Award: International Conference Travel Award for APA and APAGS Members
Type of Award: APA, Office of International Affairs
Submit To: Electronic submissions to
, with “2009 International
Conference Travel Award” in the subject line. Mail submissions to: Office of International
Affairs/2009 APA Travel Grant Award, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street
NE, Washington DC 20002-4242
This award will cover or partially cover conference registration fees at international conferences held outside of the United States and Canada. Award will cover up to $400 of registration fees. APA and APAGS members are eligible. Preference is given to the following: significant contribution to the conference program (e.g., 1 st author, symposium chair, roundtable moderator), have not attended an international conference in 2007 or 2008, early career or graduate student psychologist.
Applications should include the following: completed application form (see website below), conference announcement with registration fee amount, conference submission or other evidence of participation (if possible), notification of your participation/confirmation of participation (if available, must be supplied before funds are disbursed), receipt for conference registration (must be supplied before funds are disbursed), letter of support from Department
Chair or Supervisor (indicating funds available for applicant’s international travel, need, other sources of support)
For more information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 3/2/09
Name of Award: APA International Scientific Meetings Support Fund
Type of Award: APA, Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP)
Submit To: Paper submissions should be sent to Sally Leverty, International Scientific Meeting
Support, Office of International Affairs, APA, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC, 20002-
4242, USA. Electronic submissions should be sent to the APA International Office, with
“International Scientific Meeting Support” in the email subject line and with each file in an MS
Word attachment, labeled with the nominee’s name and document type.
This award provides funds for activities promoting the exchange of knowledge among psychologists across the world. Funds may be used for any of the following: scientific meeting organizing expenses (e.g., printing, postage, supplies), scholarships for travel and/or registration for targeted groups (e.g., students, special speakers, presenters from a transitional or a developing country), support for special events associated with a scientific meeting (e.g., historical exhibits), social or cultural events associated with a meeting. Preference is given to non-profit organizations and those that have standing collaborative relationships with APA, other international organizations holding socially significant events, other international organizations in transitional and developing countries, other multicultural organizations that have US members, organizations whose events are attended by US citizens, those that celebrate events attended by 500 or more people, or new or one-occasion events that are greatly socially relevant.
Applications should include the following: name of the applicant organization, description of the organization (including mission statement and other relevant documents describing the organization), description of the organization’s relationship with APA, event name, overview of objectives of the event / event activities / preliminary program, description of how the event will be organized and carried out, event budget (indicating portions requested from APA and from other funding sources), description of any proposed products or outcomes
(if any, e.g., monographs, CD-ROM)
For more information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 3/17/09? (last deadline: 3/17/08)
Name of Award: Meritorious Research Service Commendation
Type of Award: APA, Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA)
Submit To: Email submissions to Suzanne Wandersman at
Recognizes employees of the federal government or other organizations who have made outstanding service contributions to psychology. Nominees generally have a minimum of ten years of service at their agency and may be either active employees or retired. Only service contributions are considered (not scholarly achievements).
Nomination packets must include: 2-page letter of nomination outlining the individual’s contributions and service to the psychological sciences, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation from scientists (at least two must be from outside the nominee’s organization).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Lula A Beatty, National Institute on Drug Abuse (2007); Vivian B. Faden,
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Fred Stolinitz, National Science
Foundation; Betty Tai, National Institute on Drug Abuse (2006)
Deadline Date: 3/31/09? (last deadline: 3/31/08)
Name of Award: Departmental Award for Culture of Service in the Psychological Sciences
Type of Award: APA, Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA)
Submit To: Electronic Submissions only, to
Award goes to departments (both graduate and undergraduate) that demonstrate commitment to service in psychology. Focus is on faculty’s service to the discipline rather than on scholarship.
Nominations must contain: a letter that outlines the department’s “commitment to a culture of service”, three letters of recommendation (may be from faculty members, Dean, etc.)
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: George Mason University, Dept. of Psychology; University of Florida,
Dept. of Clinical and Health Psychology (2007)
Deadline Date: 3/31/09 (last deadline: 3/31/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Service to Psychological Science
Type of Award: APA, Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA)
Submit To: Electronic Submissions only, to
Award goes to individuals who have made significant contributions to psychology and have demonstrated “commitment to a culture of service.” Focus is on service to the discipline rather than on scholarship.
Nominations must include: 2-page letter of nomination, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation (may be from colleagues, Dean, former students, etc.)
For further details, see:
Previous Recipients: Roxane Silver (2007), Robert Balster; Nora Newcombe (2006)
Deadline Date: 4/1/09? (last deadline: 4/1/08)
Name of Award: APA Student Travel Awards
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
Submit To: APA Student Travel Awards, Science Directorate, 750 First Street, NE,
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Awards go to graduate students presenting at the APA Convention to cover travel expenses. In 2008, approximately 100 were awarded. Applicants who are both members of
APAGS and first authors may also get their registration fees waived. Applicants must be student affiliates or associate members of APA (or must include application along with other materials).
Papers and posters must have already been accepted for presentation by APA. If the applicant has more than one paper or poster, he/she must select one for their application. Each psychology department may endorse no more than three applicants each year.
Application packets must include two copies of each: cover letter, 2-page maximum research summary, 2-page maximum curriculum vitae, 1-page maximum letter of recommendation, the paper/poster acceptance letter from the sponsoring APA division.
Decisions are typically made in late May. By the September after the convention, recipients must submit a copy of the final presentation, receipts of travel expenses, and a letter from the chair or head of the department that confirms convention participation.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Dates: 6/1/09
Name of Award: APA Convention Award for International Affiliates/Members
Type of Award: APA, Office of International Affairs
Submit To: Electronic submissions to
, with “International APA
Convention Travel Award” in the subject line. Mail submissions to: Office of International
Affairs/APA Convention Travel Award, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street
NE, Washington DC 20002-4242
This award will cover the registration fee at the Annual APA Convention. Applicants must be APA International Affiliate Members. Preference will be given to those who are first authors of a presentation at the convention, affiliates from a low-income or a restricted currency country, and those who have not attended an APA convention in the past two years.
Applications should include the following: affiliate number, completed application form
(see website below), convention submission, notification of participation, letter from your work or academic institution indicating support for attending the convention and any funds available for travel
For more information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: Postmarked by 6/2/09? (last deadline: 6/2/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award
Type of Award: APA
Submit To: Suzanne Wandersman, Staff Liaison, Committee on Scientific Awards, American
Psychological Association, Science Directorate, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-
Award goes to psychologists who have “made distinguished theoretical or empirical contributions to basic research in psychology.”
Nomination packets must contain: letter of nomination, nomination form, current vitae with list of publications, names and addresses of several scientists who are familiar with the nominee’s work, list of ten most significant & representative publications, at least five reprints of the nominee’s contribution (preferably in electronic form).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Micheal S. Gazzangia, Janellen Huttenlocher, Hazel Markus (2008);
Marilynn B. Brewer, Jean M. Mandler, Paul Rozin (2007)
Deadline Date: Postmarked by 6/2/09? (last deadline: 6/2/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Scientific Award for the Application of Psychology
Type of Award: APA
Submit To: Suzanne Wandersman, Staff Liaison, Committee on Scientific Awards, American
Psychological Association, Science Directorate, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-
Award goes to “psychologists who have made distinguished theoretical or empirical advances in psychology leading to the understanding or amelioration of important practical problems.”
Nomination packets must contain: letter of nomination, nomination form, current vitae with list of publications, names and addresses of several scientists who are familiar with the nominee’s work, list of ten most significant & representative publications, at least five reprints of the nominee’s contribution (preferably in electronic form).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: John L. Holland (2008), Karl G. Jorsekog, Peter M. Bentler (2007)
Deadline Date: Postmarked by 6/2/09? (last deadline: 6/2/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution
Type of Award: APA
Submit To: Suzanne Wandersman, Staff Liaison, Committee on Scientific Awards, American
Psychological Association, Science Directorate, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-
Awards go to young psychologists in the following broad areas of psychology: social, perception and motor performance, behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, applied research, individual differences.
Nominees must have received doctoral degree less than 10 years ago. Nomination packets must include: 2-page minimum letter of nomination, curriculum vitae, and no more than five reprints of the nominee’s contributions (preferably in electronic form).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: John J. Curtin (psychopathology), Elissa S. Epel (health psychology),
Linda C. Gallo (health psychology), Samuel D. Gosling (animal learning and behavior, comparative), Jodi A. Quas (developmental psychology), Joshua B. Tenenbaum (cognition and human learning) (2008)
Deadline Date: 6/2/09? (last deadline: 6/2/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest Award (Early
Career & Senior Career)
Type of Award: APA, Public Interest Directorate
Submit To: Ms. Donnie Graham, APA Public Interest Directorate, 750 First Street, N.E.,
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
Recognizes two psychologists (one of which has received their doctorate no more than 15 years ago) who are involved in public interest endeavors, including the identification or solution of significant social problems, unusual initiative or dedication in activities meeting client or community needs, or the advancement of human justice related to the provision of psychological services or science. Award includes $1,000, the opportunity to present an invited address at the following APA Annual Convention, the opportunity to submit a paper based on that address to the American Psychologist, a waiver of APA Annual Convention registration fees, and reimbursement of up to $1,000 in expenses related to the convention.
Nomination packets must include: supporting statement of 500 words or fewer, current vitae, letters of support from three people familiar with the nominee’s work. Optional additional documents include: 3-5 selected representative reprints or alternative types of work samples such as videotapes, audiotapes, internet based communications, or legal briefs.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Phillip Zimbardo (Senior Career, 2008), Rebecca Campbell (Early Career,
2008), Gary Harper (Early Career, 2007), Larke Huang (Senior Career, 2007), Rose Clark (Early
Career, 2006), McCay Vernon (Senior Career, 2006), Daniel Dodgen (Early Career, 2005),
Margaret Beale Spencer (Senior Career, 2005), Susan Limber (Early Career, 2004), Dante
Cicchetti (Senior Career, 2004)
Deadline Date: 6/2/09? (last deadline: 6/2/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Contributions to Research in Public Policy
Type of Award: APA, Public Interest Directorate
Submit To: Ms. Donnie Graham, APA Public Interest Directorate, 750 First Street, N.E.,
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
Recognizes a psychologist who has made a distinguished contribution to research in public policy, either through a single extraordinary achievement or a lifetime of work. The contribution may consist of any of the following: research leading others to view specific national policies differently, research demonstrating the importance of the application of
psychological methods and theory to public policy, or research clarifying the ways scientific knowledge or human behavior informs public policy.
Nomination packets must include: supporting statement of 500 words or fewer, current vitae, letters of support from three people familiar with the nominee’s work. Optional additional documents include: 3-5 selected representative reprints or alternative types of work samples such as videotapes, audiotapes, internet based communications, or legal briefs.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Janet Helms (2008), Vickie Mays (2007), Mark Cunniungham (2006),
Gail Goodman (2005), Thomas J. Coates (2004)
Deadline Date: 8/1/09? (last deadline: 8/1/08)
Name of Award: APA International Humanitarian Award
Type of Award: APA, Office of International Affairs
Submit To: Sally Leverty, Humanitarian Award Nominations, APA Office of International
Affairs, 750 First Street NE, Washington D.C. 20002-4242, USA. For electronic submissions, send to Sally Leverty as an attachment in MS Word or pdf format. Label each file with the nominee’s name and document type. Write “Humanitarian Award” in subject line.
This award recognizes “extraordinary humanitarian service” by a psychologist or group of psychologists. Nominees can be from any country and do not need to be members or affiliates of APA.
Nominations must provide documentation of the humanitarian service (description of events and specific actions), cover letter of nomination, 500-word narrative describing the nominee’s humanitarian service (including time frames), curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation concerning the humanitarian service, any other supporting documents to create a full presentation.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Joseph Prewitt Diaz, PhD and Gundelina Velazco, PhD (2008), Gerard A.
Jacobs, PhD (2007)
Deadline Date: 8/1/09? (last deadline: 8/1/08)
Name of Award: APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology
Type of Award: APA, Office of International Affairs
Submit To: Award Nominations, APA Office of International Affairs, 750 First Street, NE,
Washington, DC, 20002-4242, USA. For electronic submissions, send to Sally Leverty.
Recognizes lifetime contributions to the international advancement of psychology. APA membership is not required for nomination and nominees may be from any nation.
Nomination packets must include the following: cover letter, 500-word maximum statement of nominee’s record of enduring contributions to international advancement, list of relevant publications, curriculum vitae, letters of recommendation from 3-5 people familiar with the nominee’s work, any other materials needed to display the contribution of the nominee.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Puncky Paul Heppner, PhD (2008), Ruben Ardila, PhD and Frederick T.L.
Leong, PhD (2007)
Deadline Date: 8/22/09? (last deadline: 8/22/08)
Name of Award: Early Researcher Awards
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
Submit To: email application materials to
Criteria/Notes: Recognizes students who are early in their graduate training and have completed outstanding research within the past twelve months. Up to three awards are given annually, from the areas of basic science, applied science, and interdisciplinary science. Each recipient is awarded $1,000.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Joshua Buckholtz, Karienn Montgomery, and Edward Vul (2007)
Deadline Date: 9/15/09? (last deadline: 9/15/08)
Name of Award: APA Dissertation Research Awards
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
Submit To: Dissertation Research Awards, APA Science Directorate, 750 First Street NE,
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
Assists doctoral students with dissertation research expenses. Applies to any area of research within psychology. Approximately 30-40 grants are awarded ($1,000 each), and several are awarded up to $5,000. Applicants must be full-time graduate students in the United States or
Canada who are working on dissertation research. Dissertation proposals must have already been approved by the applicant’s dissertation committee. Dissertation must not have been defended at time of application. Must be student affiliates or associate member of APA (or apply for affiliation along with application materials). Each psychology department may endorse only three applications. Must have not previously received an APA Dissertation Award.
Application packet must include four sets of application materials (the original and three copies). Each of the following are required: application form (approved by Chair or Head of
Dept.), cover letter, 2-page summary of dissertation research, explanation of proposed use of funds, 2-page Curriculum Vitae, 1-page letter of recommendation from professor or academic advisor.
Decisions are typically made in late November. Award recipients are required to submit a
1-page report detailing how the funds were used.
See the following website for further detail:
Previous Recipients (of the larger grants): Ebony Glover (Emory University), Nathan Parks
(Georgia Institute of Technology), Julia Parish-Morris (Temple University), Darby Saxbe
(University of California, Los Angeles), Andrea Webb (University of Utah), Brian Wolff
(University of Denver)
Deadline Date: Nominations solicited in the Fall & Spring each year
Name of Award: Master Lecturers Program
Type of Award: APA, Science Directorate
Submit To: Suzanne Wandersman, Staff Liaison, Committee on Scientific Awards, American
Psychological Association, Science Directorate, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-
Criteria/Notes: Awarded to up to five psychologists, covers expenses associated with speaking at the APA Convention.
For further information:
Previous Recipients: Linda Smith (Developmental Psychology), Mark Bouton (Learning,
Behavior, and Action), Jose Cortina (Methodology), Connie Hammen (Psychopathology),
Michele Gelfand (Social and Cultural Psychology) (2008)
Deadline Date:
Name of Award: CSES (Committee on Socioeconomic Status) Distinguished Leadership
Type of Award: APA
Submit To:
Criteria/Notes: Recognizes the achievements of those who have contributed to the understanding of socio-economic status. Must have over 15 years of post-doctoral accomplishments, an enduring influence on issues relevant to socio-economic status, and should be leaders in this area.
For more information, see
Previous Recipients: Edmund Gordon
Deadline Date:
Name of Award: CSES (Committee on Socioeconomic Status) Emerging Leadership
Type of Award: APA
Submit To:
Criteria/Notes: Recognizes the achievements of those who have contributed to the understanding of socio-economic status. Must have 15 or fewer years of post-doctoral accomplishments, have made a significant contribution in the area of socio-economic status, and must demonstrate promising professional achievement.
For more information, see
Previous Recipients: William Liu, Pamela Morris
Deadline Date: 1/15/09? (last deadline: 1/15/08)
Name of Award: APAGS Award for Outstanding State, Provincial, or Territorial Psychological
Association of the Year
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: APAGS Outstanding SPTA Award, American Psychological Association of
Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
This award recognizes a State, Provincial, or Territorial Psychological Association for outstanding performance in promoting graduate student development, involvement, and joint
APAGS/SPTA membership. The recipient will receive $1500 to further support student activities. At least one APAGS member and one SPTA member must collaborate on the application materials.
Required materials include the following: 2-page maximum cover letter, 2-page maximum descriptive list of recent and ongoing student programming or activities and student involvement in the SPTA, 3-page maximum formal proposal (including association goals for student development, anticipated student initiatives, and information about how the funds would be used).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: New York State Psychological Association (2006), Kentucky
Psychological Association (2005)
Deadline Date: 1/31/09 (last deadline: 1/31/08)
Name of Award: The APAGS Outstanding APA Division Award
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: Outstanding Division Award, American Psychological Association of Graduate
Students (APAGS), 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
This award recognizes an APA Division that has demonstrated outstanding performance in promoting student development, involvement, and joint APAGS/APA Division membership.
Nominees must have an active doctoral student membership, must require student affiliates to be APA/APAGS members, and must have a student representative who is a member of the APAGS Division Student Representatives Network. At least one APAGS member and one
Division member must collaborate on the application materials. Required materials include the following: 2-page maximum cover letter, 2-page maximum descriptive list of recent and ongoing student programming and student involvement in the Division’s governance and activities, 3page maximum formal proposal (including description of goals regarding the enhancement of student development, anticipated student initiatives, and how funds would be utilized to support student activities).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Division 22 - Rehabilitation Psychology (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09 (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The Department of the Year Award
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: The Department of the Year Award, American Psychological Association of
Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Recognizes a graduate psychology department that has demonstrated an outstanding level of commitment toward graduate students. The selected department will receive $1,500 to be used to further benefit students. Departments that have won within the past five years are not eligible.
Nomination packets must include: 2-3 page letter describing department and faculty efforts to meet the needs of students and improve student life (must be written by at least one
APAGS member and the Department Chair), brief summary of information about the department
(including basic descriptives such as degrees offered, number of faculty, students, and number of
APA and APAGS members).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Dept. of Counselor Education & Counseling Psychology, Western
Michigan University (2008), Dept. of Counseling Psychology and Human Services, University of Oregon (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The Carol Williams-Nickelson Award for Women's Leadership and
Scholarship in Women's Issues
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: Submitted electronically (except letters of recommendation) to Lauren Kohari at Subject line must read: The Carol Williams Nickelson Award for Women’s
Leadership and Scholarship in Women’s Issues / first & last name of applicant.
Recognizes female APAGS members who have served in leadership roles (either locally, regionally, or nationally), while also advancing women’s issues (through research, advocacy, etc.).
Nominee must be enrolled in a doctoral program in psychology and may not be an elected APAGS officer or subcommittee chair. Nomination packets must include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation from faculty members, 1500-word maximum essay written by the nominee that describes her merit for the award, her research, advocacy, or other work in the area of women’s issues, and the future professional goals.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Crystal Edler, University of Iowa (2008)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The Ellin Bloch and Pierre Ritchie Honorary Scholarship
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: The Ellin Bloch and Pierre Ritchie Honorary Scholarship, American Psychological
Association of Graduate Students (APAGS)
This award honors Ellin Bloch, PhD and Pierre Ritchie, PhD, who assisted with efforts to establish APAGS in 1988. A topic relevant to an important social issue or under-represented group is selected annually by the APAGS committee (the 2008 topic was “integrated healthcare.”) Nominees should be proposing research within the topic. The recipient will be given $1,500.
Nomination packets must include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, 500-word statement
(including long-term and short-term professional goals, how the scholarship will be used to meet these goals, and how the research will enhance the nominee’s work as a psychologist), 3-5 page maximum formal proposal (including description of research, how it relates to the selected topic, and the need for funds), two letters of recommendation
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Tana Bleser, University of Florida (2008), Pilyoung Kim, Cornell
University (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The Raymond D. Fowler Award
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: APAGS Fowler Award, American Psychological Association of Graduate Students
(APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
This award honors former APA President Raymond D. Fowler, PhD, who helped establish APAGS, and goes to a psychologist who has made a significant contribution to the professional development of students. Nominees must be nominated by at least one APAGS member.
Nomination packets must include the following: nomination letter, curriculum vitae for the nominee.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Randolph Pipes, Auburn University (2008), John Dovidio,, Yale
University (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The Nancy B. Forest and L. Michael Honaker Master's Scholarship for
Research in Psychology
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: The Forest and Honaker Master's Scholarship, American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
This award honors Nancy B. Forest (one of the first staff liaisons to APAGS) and L.
Micheal Honaker (garnered resources for APAGS). The recipient will receive $1,500 to fund thesis research in psychology at the masters level.
Nomination packet must include the following: cover letter, curriculum vitae, 3-page maximum thesis proposal, two letters of recommendation.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Lauren Bylsma, University of South Florida (2008), Alyson Zaita,
University of Pennsylvania (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The Scott Mesh Honorary Scholarship for Research in Psychology
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: The Scott Mesh Scholarship, American Psychological Association of Graduate
Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
This award honors Scott Mesh, one of the founding co-chairs of APAGS in 1988. The recipient will receive $1,500 to support dissertation research in psychology. Nomination packets must include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, 3-page maximum dissertation proposal, two letters of recommendation.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Farzin Irani, Drexel University (2008), Brian Wymbs, University of
Buffalo (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: The David Pilon Scholarship for Training in Professional Psychology
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: The David Pilon Scholarship, American Psychological Association of Graduate
Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
This award honors David Pilon, who was a founding co-chair of APAGS in 1988. The recipient will receive $1,500 to support future training and education that would not otherwise be available to the student.
Required materials include: cover letter, curriculum vitae, 500-word statement
(addressing long-term and short-term goals, how the award will help meet those goals, and how the education and training will improve the nominee’s work as a psychologist), 3-page maximum formal proposal, two letters of recommendation.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Andreana Benitez, Kent State University (2008), Wendy Gray, University of Florida (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09 & 12/1/09 (last deadlines were 5/16/08 and 12/1/08)
Name of Award: APAGS' Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) Grant Program
Type of Award: APAGS, Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA)
Submit To: APAGS-CEMA Grant Program, American Psychological Association of Graduate
Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
APAGS-CEMA provides up to two $1,000 grants during the Spring Semester and up to three $1,000 grants during the Fall Semester, for projects that recruit, retain, or enhance the training of ethnic minority graduate students in psychology.
Required materials include: title page, summary of the proposed project, anticipated speakers (if applicable), information on any evaluations that will be given at the end of the program, organizational profile (information about the organization hosting the event), appendix with copies of brochures or advertisements to promote the event (if applicable).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Department of Psychology, New School for Social Research; Cross-
Cultural Conference for Students, California Psychological Association (2006)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09 (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: Diversity Dissertation Scholarship
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: Diversity Dissertation Scholarship, American Psychological Association of
Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
This award provides $1,500 to be used for proposed research in areas of diversity, such as ethnic backgrounds, women’s issues, ageism, sexual orientation, and disability. Required materials include: cover letter, letter of recommendation, 3-page maximum dissertation proposal, curriculum vitae.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Jennifer Hamilton, U. of Massachusetts – Boston (2008), Noreen Zaman,
New York University (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09 (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: APAGS Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns
(CLGBTC) Grant Program
Type of Award: APAGS, Committee on LGBTC
Submit To: APAGS-CLGBTC Grant Program, American Psychological Association of
Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
This award provides a $1,000 grant for a project promoting training and educational experiences in LGBT practice.
Required materials include: title page, summary of the proposed project, anticipated speakers (if applicable), any evaluation materials that will be handed out after the event, organizational profile (information on the program hosting the event), appendix with copies of brochures and advertisements to publicize the event (if applicable).
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: APAGS-LGBT Dissertation Scholarship
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: APAGS-CLGBTC Dissertation Scholarship, American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
This award provides $1,500 for proposed research in the area of unique concerns facing
LGBT individuals.
Required materials include the following: cover letter, letter of recommendation, 3-page maximum research proposal, curriculum vitae.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Erin Gorter, University of Alabama (2008), Nathan Doty, University of
Miami (2007)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: Kenneth and Mamie Clark Award for Outstanding Contribution to the
Professional Development of Ethnic Minority Graduate Students
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: The Clark Award for Outstanding Contribution, American Psychological
Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), 750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
This award recognizes the efforts of ethnic minority psychologists and their contributions and commitment to the development of ethnic minority graduate students. Nominations must come from at least two current APAGS members.
Required materials include: 300-500 word essay describing merit for the award, additional letters of support from other APAGS members (if applicable), contact information of the two primary students submitting the nomination, contact information for the nominee, the nominee’s curriculum vitae.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Hardin Coleman, University of Wisconsin - Madison (2007), Eugene
Stone-Romero, PhD, University of Central Florida (2005)
Deadline Date: 5/16/09? (last deadline: 5/16/08)
Name of Award: ASPPB Larry J. Bass Jr., Ph.D., Memorial Scholarship Award
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To: Larry J. Bass, Jr., Ph.D. Memorial Scholarship Award, c/o The ASPPB Foundation,
7177 Halcyon Summit Drive, Montgomery, Alabama 36117
This award honors Larry J. Bass Jr., PhD, who served the ASPPB, including serving as president during 1999-2000. This award provides $1,000 for research on the regulation of psychology, to be completed within one year of receiving the award. Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in psychology are eligible. Required materials include: curriculum vitae or resume, letter of recommendation, research proposal.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 6/1/09? (last deadline: 6/1/08)
Name of Award: Distinguished Graduate Student in Professional Psychology
Type of Award: APA/APAGS
Submit To: Staff Liaison, Board of Professional Affairs, Practice Directorate, American
Psychological Association, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.
This award provides $1,000 and travel expenses to and from the APA Annual
Convention, to a graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding practice and application of psychology and has shown commitment in working with underserved populations. Selfnominations are welcome but must be endorsed by a member of APA. Required materials include: 100-word maximum summary of work with underserved population, curriculum vitae, letter of support from member of APA.
For more information, see:
Previous Recipients: Maryam Jernigan
Deadline Date: no formal application
Name of Award: The APAGS Outstanding Professional Development Program Award
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To:
No formal application. All accepted program submissions for APAGS’ convention programming that meet eligibility criteria are automatically nominated.
This $500 award is designed to encourage students to submit proposals for APAGS’ convention programming and to participate in the APA Convention. Eligibility criteria: student must be member of APAGS, student’s presentation must have been accepted by the APAGS
convention committee, student must be a primary presenter, the presentation must be on professional development or future training, the student must agree to present at the convention in person.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date:
Name of Award: Future Pioneers
Type of Award: APAGS
Submit To:
In celebration of APAGS’s 20 th
anniversary in 2008, APAGS acknowledged four outstanding graduate students who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and are future pioneers in the field. APAGS members who have demonstrated excellence in their work as leaders in research, practice, professional service, community service and/or legislative advocacy are eligible. Recipients are each awarded with a $5,000 scholarship.
Information from:
Previous Recipients: Theresa DeWalt, MA, LPC, NCC, Marquette University; Lori Gray, MA,
University of Windsor; Katharina Kircanski, MA, U. of California Los Angeles; Melissa Noya,
MS, Carlos Albizu University
Deadline Date: 12/1/08
Name of Award: Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To:
This award recognizes a psychologist with significant career contributions and a record of being an exceptional teacher of psychology. Award is in the amount of $2,000, plus an allexpense paid trip to the APA annual convention.
Applications must include the following materials: nomination statement describing nominee’s commitment to teaching, current curriculum vitae and bibliography, up to 10 letters of recommendation from colleagues, administrators, and former students.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 12/1/08
Name of Award: APF Cummings PSYCHE Prize
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This award provides $50,000 for research and programs that enhance psychology and its power to advance the human condition. Nominees must be licensed and practicing psychologists with a minimum of 10 years of experience, must work in an integrated primary care setting rather than in collaborative practice, be involved in a comprehensive medical setting, demonstrate a record of past accomplishments and future plans to expand the acceptance of psychologists as behavioral care providers in healthcare settings.
Applications must include the following materials: letter of nomination (including information on mentoring experience, training and development of other psychologists in the field), 1-2 page statement of accomplishments, curriculum vitae, letter from the nominee outlining their plans for the next five years.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 12/1/08
Name of Award: Gold Medal Awards for Life Achievement
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: APF Gold Medal Awards, American Psychological Foundation, 750 First Street,
NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
These awards recognize distinguished career contributions in psychology. Nominees must be age 65 or older. There are four categories of awards: Gold Medal Award for Life
Achievement in the Science of Psychology, Gold Medal for Life Achievement in the Application of Psychology, Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest,
Gold Model Award for Life Achievement in the Practice of Psychology. Each gold medalist receives a mounted gold medal, an all-expense paid trip to the APA annual convention, and a
$2,000 donation made to the charity of their choice.
Applications must include the following materials: nomination statement outlining the nominee’s record of contributions, current vitae and bibliography, letters of recommendation from professionals and colleagues. Nominations should indicate the award category for which the individual is being nominated.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 12/31/08
Name of Award: Wilhelm Wundt-William James Award for Exceptional Contributions to
Trans-Atlantic Psychology
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation, European Federation of Psychologists’
Submit To: Head Office at
This award recognizes a psychologist with a record of trans-Atlantic research collaboration. Recipients receive a mounted gold medallion. There is no cash prize.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae, and statement outlining the nominee’s qualifications for the award (signed by four nominators)
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 1/1/09
Name of Award: APF Division 29 Early Career Award
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation and Division 29
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This award recognizes early career contributions to psychology, psychotherapy, and the
Division of Psychotherapy. Award is in the amount of $5,000. Nominees must be members of
Division 29, must have received doctoral degree within the past 10 years, and must have demonstrated achievement related to psychotherapy. Self-nominations are not permitted.
Applications must include the following materials: nomination letter outlining nominee’s career contributions (written by a colleague), current vitae
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 2/1/09
Name of Award: Randy Gerson Memorial Grant
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This award is given to students and professionals in alternating years. The 2009 award will be given to a student. The award provides $6,000 in support of research that advances the understanding of couple and/or family dynamics. Preference will be given to projects utilizing or contributing to the development of Bowen family systems and/or projects that advance the work of Dr. Gerson.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation, and a 7-page maximum proposal (must answer questions: What is the project’s goal? Give an overview of the proposed program and how it fulfills the Gerson Grant goals.
What are the intended outcomes and how will the project achieve them? How will the results of the project be disseminated? What is the timeline? What is the total cost? Provide a full budget and justification.)
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 2/15/09
Name of Award: Henry P. David Grants for Research and International Travel in Human
Reproductive Behavior and Population Studies
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This grant supports young professionals with an interest in the behavioral aspects of human reproductive behavior and/or population studies. Two grants are awarded each year: The
APF David Research grant (provides up to $1,500 for ongoing research in this area) and The
APF David International Travel Grant (provides up to $1,500 to support research-related travel).
Applicants may apply for one or both grants. Applicants must either be conducting dissertation research or must have received their doctoral degree no more than five years ago.
Applications must include the following materials: completed application form, current vitae highlighting relevant experience, two letters of recommendation, 2-page maximum essay demonstrating an interest in human reproductive behavior and/or population studies.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 3/1/2010? (Last deadline: 3/1/08, award is biennial)
Name of Award: F.J. McGuigan Young Investigator Prize
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: APF Frank Joseph McGuigan Young Investigator Prize, American Psychological
Association Science Directorate, 750 First Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
$25,000 award to a young investigator for research of the human mind, following in the footsteps of Frank Joseph McGuigan, PhD. Research must be both empirical and theoretical.
Nominees must have a doctoral degree in psychology or a related field, must be affiliated with an accredited institution, and must have earned their doctoral degree no more than nine years ago.
Nomination packets must include six copies of the following: nomination letter from a senior colleague, 1-2 page statement from nominee on accomplishments & future plans, curriculum vitae, copies of two publications.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients: Todd Braver (06/07), Kathleen McDermott (05/06)
Deadline Date: 3/2/09
Name of Award: Esther Katz Rosen Fellowship
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This award supports one graduate student for research in the area of gifted children and adolescents. Award is in the amount of up to $25,000 for a one-year graduate student fellowship.
Applicants must have achieved doctoral candidacy and must attend school in the United States or
Applications must include the following materials: brief curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation (one from graduate advisor and one from the department chair or Director of
Graduate Studies), 10-page maximum proposal (including a one-paragraph abstract, project goal and how it fulfills the fellowship program goals, conceptual framework, one-page description of research design, potential impact of the project, discussion of prior research done in the field, plans for future development of the research program, timeline of project).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 3/2/09
Name of Award: Wayne F. Placek Grants
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
These grants supports research to increase the public’s understanding of homosexuality and to alleviate the stress for gay men and lesbians. Two grants are awarded in the amount of
$15,000. Applicants may be either doctoral-level researchers or graduate students affiliated with an educational institution or nonprofit research organization. Graduate students and early career psychologists are encouraged to apply.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae, proposal (sections should include: description of problem, background, conceptual framework, and methods (10 page maximum); detailed budget with justification (1 page maximum), timeline for completing the work (1 page maximum), bibliography, explanation of project’s relevance and how it meets the Placek goals (1 page maximum).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 4/15/09
Name of Award: Paul E. Henkin Travel Grant
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation, Division 16
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This grant provides up to $1,000 to cover registration costs, lodging, and travel for student members of Division 16 to attend the APA Annual Convention. Funds may not be used for food, drink, supplies, or other expenses.
Applications must include: application form, curriculum vitae, letter of recommendation,
500-word essay.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 5/15/09
Name of Award: Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This scholarship supports graduate student research that aims to understand and reduce stigma associated with mental illness. This scholarship is in the amount of $5,000.
Applications must include: curriculum vitae, letter of recommendation from faculty advisor, proposal (including project goal, summary of prior research that has been conducted in this area, whom will the project serve, the intended outcomes and how will the project achieve them, total cost of the project).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 6/1/09
Name of Award: Joseph B. Gittler Award
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: APF Joseph B. Gittler Award, American Psychological Foundation, 750 First Street,
NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
This award recognizes the most significant scholarly contribution in the area of philosophical foundations of psychological knowledge. This award is given to one individual annually in the amount of $10,000.
Applications must include the following materials: nomination letter outlining nominee’s career contributions, current curriculum vitae.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 6/1/09
Name of Award: Benton-Meier Neuropsychology Scholarships
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
These scholarships support the research of two neuropsychology graduate students who exhibit achievements that indicate a promising career. The application must be signed by the candidate’s faculty mentor or the director of training. Awards are in the amount of $2,500.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae, letter of recommendation from faculty advisor, statement outlining how the money will be used, letter documenting accomplishments (cosigned by faculty mentor), budget for proposed work and justification, listing of other funding sources.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 6/16/09? (last deadline: 6/16/08)
Name of Award: APF/COGDOP Graduate Research Scholarships in Psychology
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: APA Science Directorate, APF/COGDOP Graduate Research Scholarships, 750
First Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
Graduate Research Scholarships, including the $2,000 Clarence J. Rosecrans Scholarship, the $3,000 Ruth G. and Joseph D. Matarazzo Scholarship, and multiple $1,000 scholarships.
Graduate departments of psychology with COGDOP membership may nominate applicants (the number of nominations a program may submit depends on the total number of students in the department).
Applications must include five sets of the following materials: completed application form, 3-page maximum letter of recommendation from the nominee’s graduate research advisor,
3-page maximum brief outline of nominee’s research project, curriculum vitae and transcript of all graduate work.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients: Danielle Knatz Bello (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), David B Portnoy
(University of Connecticut), Robin L. Aupperie (University of Kansas), Ethan H. Beckley
(Oregon Health and Science University), Leigh C.P. Botley (University of Toronto), Whitney E.
Botsford (George Mason University), Adam D. Brown (New School for Social Research),
Kristin E. Flegal (University of Michigan), Donna A. Kreher (University of Massachusetts,
Amherst), Carissa A. Low (University of California, Los Angeles), Sita G. Patel (University of
California, Berkeley), Heather L. Rogers (Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences), Jennifer L. Wright (University of Wyoming) (2007).
Deadline Date: 9/15/09? (last deadline: 9/15/08)
Name of Award: APF/Todd E. Husted Memorial Award
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Dissertation Research Awards, APA Science Directorate, 750 First Street NE,
Washington, D.C. 20002-4242
Provides $2,000 for dissertation research with a focus on the improvement of mental health services for those with severe & persistent mental illness. Applicants must be full-time students in the United States or Canada. Must have dissertation proposal approved by dissertation committee and dissertation must not have been defended at the time of application.
Must be student affiliates or associate member of APA (or apply for affiliation along with application materials). Must not have already received an APF/Todd E. Husted Memorial Award or an APA Dissertation Research Award.
Application packet must include four sets of application materials (the original and three copies). Each of the following are required: application form (approved by Chair or Head of
Dept.), cover letter, 2-page summary of dissertation research, explanation of proposed use of funds, 2-page Curriculum Vitae, 1-page letter of recommendation from professor or academic advisor.
Decisions are typically made in late December. Award recipients are required to submit a
1-page report detailing how the funds were used.
See the following website for further detail:
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 9/25/09? (last deadline: 9/25/08)
Name of Award: Frances M. Culbertson Travel Grant
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation (APF)
Submit To: Submit a completed application online at
This travel grant supports women from developing countries who are in the early stages of their careers by providing travel funds to attend international regional conferences in psychology. Recipients also receive a two-year affiliate membership to APA. Reimbursement for registration and travel expenses may be up to US $1,500. Applicants must be women from developing countries who are no more than ten years post-doctoral degree. Preference is given to applicants attending the following conferences: International Council of Psychologists (ICP),
Biennial Regional Congress of Psychology, International Union of Psychological Science
(IUPsyS), and International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
Application materials must include the following: completed application form, current vitae, one letter of recommendation from a supervisor certifying present position.
For further information, see:
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 10/1/09 (last deadline: 10/1/08)
Name of Award: Theodore Million Award in Personality Psychology
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Division of Clinical Psychology, PO Box 1082, Niwot, CO 80544-1082
This award recognizes an outstanding psychologist in the area of personality psychology.
The award is in the amount of $1,000.
Applications must include the following materials: nomination letter outlining nominee’s career contributions in the area of personality, an abbreviated curriculum vitae, up to two supporting letters of recommendation
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 10/1/09 (last deadline: 10/1/08)
Name of Award: Lizette Peterson Homer Memorial Injury Research Grant
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Email to: Tonya Palermo, PhD at
This award supports psychosocial research in the area of preventing childhood injuries.
The recipient is awarded up to $1,500 for one year of research. Both students and faculty are eligible.
Applications must include the following materials and should not exceed 7 single-spaced pages: 100-word maximum abstract summarizing proposed research; proposal describing rationale, hypotheses, design, method, procedures, & data analysis plan; detailed budget; statement of qualifications and current curriculum vitae; statement regarding membership in professional organizations; IF the applicant is a student, a letter of recommendation from the students’ faculty advisor.
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 12/1/08, 3/15/09, 7/1/09, 10/1/09
Name of Award: APF Visionary Funds Grant Program
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This grant supports projects and programs with the priorities of: finding connections between mental and physical health to ensure well-being, understanding and preventing violence and prejudice to create a safer and more human world, and supporting the sustained rebuilding of communities in the aftermath of disaster. Applicants must be educational institutions or nonprofit organizations. Any project involving human participants must be approved by the IRB by the time the application is submitted.
Applications must include the following: application form (found at the website below).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 4/2/09 and 11/01/09 (last deadlines were 11/01/08 and 4/2/08)
Name of Award: APF Division 17 Counseling Psychology Grants
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This award supports research and programs that enhance the practice of counseling psychology. The award will offer up to $5,000 in 2008. Applicants must be members of Division
17 and must be affiliated with an educational institution or non-profit organization.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae of the project leader, proposal (must answer questions: What is the project’s goal? Provide a work plan and timeline.
How is the sponsoring organization qualified to conduct this project? What other funders or organizations are involved? What are their contributions? How does the project relate to the organization’s mission? Whom will the project serve? What are the intended outcomes and how will the project achieve them? What is the project’s geographic scope? What will the total cost be? Provide a detailed budget.)
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 11/1/09 (last deadline: 11/1/08)
Name of Award: Roy Scrivner Memorial Research Grants
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
These grants support the research of one postdoctoral student and two graduate students
(preferably in their dissertation phase) in the study of lesbian, gay, and bisexual family (LGB) psychology and LGB family therapy. The postdoctoral grant is in the amount of up to $10,000 and the two graduate student grants are in the amount of up to $1,000. Graduate students must have a letter of support from their supervising professor to be eligible. All research involving human subjects must have been approved by the IRB by the time the application is submitted.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae of the project leader, proposal (including project goal, overview of the program and how it fulfills the goal of the
Scrivner grants, potential impact of the program on the community, the intended outcomes and how they will be achieved, project timeline, full budget and justification).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 11/1/09 (last deadline: 11/1/08)
Name of Award: Annette Urso Rickel Dissertation Award for Public Policy
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
This award supports dissertation research in the area of public policy related to (but not limited to) at-risk populations, child abuse prevention, services for youth in the criminal justice system, effectiveness of school programs for children with psychological issues, improving math and science education, and promoting healthy parenting. Award is in the amount of $1,000.
Dissertation proposal must be approved by the dissertation committee prior to application.
Candidate must have never received an APA or APF dissertation award.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae, letter of recommendation from faculty advisor, 3-page maximum dissertation summary (including brief description of research design and budget).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients:
Deadline Date: 11/15/09 (last deadline: 11/15/08)
Name of Award: Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Child Psychology Graduate Fellowships
Type of Award: American Psychological Foundation
Submit To: Must be submitted online at
These awards supports research in the area of child psychology for up to five graduate students. Awards are in the amount of up to $25,000 for graduate work, plus $3,000 in travel funds to attend the APF Koppitz Workshop and other relevant conferences. Ten travel stipends of up to $4,000 are awarded for runners-up. Students must have achieved doctoral candidacy to be eligible. Only one application may be submitted from each institution each year. The home institution must provide a tuition waiver. Results and progress of the research must be presented at the APF Koppitz Workshop.
Applications must include the following materials: curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation (one from faculty advisor and one from the department chair or Director of
Graduate Studies), 7-page maximum proposal (including project goals, overview of research and how it fulfills the goals of the Koppitz program, the potential impact of the program on child psychology, discussion of prior research in the field and plans for future development, timeline of the proposed project, full budget and justification).
For further information, see
Previous Recipients: