APTA CONSENSUS POLICY STATEMENT FOR TRANSIT COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE PROFILES (TCIP) STANDARDS Revised: 1/16/04 Background: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has contracted with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) to complete the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) transit standards known as TCIP. New industry standards will be drafted, which will require industry review, discussion, resolution of comments, and approval. The purpose of this policy statement is to layout the parameters that define consensus for the transit industry with respect to TCIP standards and to briefly describe the process by which the standards will be evolved. APTA follows accepted practices for industry consensus in reviewing and approving standards. To date APTA has produced over 100 standards and recommended practices (including those in balloting) using the same industry consensus process. Upon concurrence with this policy statement, APTA will proceed in identifying individuals to fill the roles described below, deriving participants from the original TCIP Technical Working Groups (TWGs) and other sources. The TCIP Task Force will be asked to ballot TCIP standards on behalf of the transit industry as they emerge. TCIP Task Force: APTA will organize a TCIP Task Force as illustrated in Figure 1-1 in accordance with APTA standard policy and procedures. The TCIP Task Force will function under the direction of the TCIP Oversight Panel of the Bus & Paratransit CEO’s Committee, which has been charted to provide overall direction to APTA’s TCIP program. An APTA program manager will assist the Oversight Panel. The program manager shall report directly to the FTA on the progress of the standards development and direct the TCIP subcontractors work effort with input from the Task Force. The TCIP Task Force will consist of TWGs as shown in Figure 1-1, organized along the business areas of TCIP, as necessary. Additionally, the TWG will include a dedicated group to resolve issues pertaining to TCIP software tools. The officers of the Task Force shall be a Chair (from a transit provider), secretary (TCIP subcontractor) and a staff advisor from APTA. Refer to Figure 1-2. The TCIP Oversight Panel Chair shall appoint the Task Force Chair. The Task Force shall consist of its officers, the TCIP project team, and all TWG Chairs. Participation in a TWG will be open to the general public including transit providers, suppliers, consultants, government, and public interest groups. It is not necessary to be a member of APTA to join the Task Force or TWGs. The Task Force Chair shall appoint the Chair of each TWG and approve all other members based on their area of business interest. Each TWG shall consist of a Chair and a secretary. Standards Development Process: Draft standards will be produced by the TCIP subcontractors (Phase 1) and submitted to the respective TWG for technical review, comments, discussion, and recommendations for resolution of comments, as illustrated in Figure 2-1. Comments will be submitted using a form similar to Figure 2-2 in accordance with APTA guidelines for document reviewers, and approved via the TWG balloting process. Anyone in the industry with an interest in TCIP will have an opportunity to participate in the development of the standards through participation in one of the TWGs. Following resolution of comments at the TWG level, and Task Force approval (Phase 2), documents will be posted to the TCIP website where they can be reviewed by the NTCIP Joint Committee and general public at large (Phase 3). Subsequent to the NTCIP and public review, any additional comments will be resolved and the proposed TCIP will be submitted to the TWG Chairs Committee for final approval (Phase 4). The TWG Chairs Committee will primarily review for compatibility with other TCIP standards. Page 1 Balloting Process and Consensus: The TCIP balloting structure is shown in Figure 3-1. Each TWG shall ballot standards for its business area from a technical perspective. Typically APTA allows 30 calendar days for this process to be completed. Only one vote per entity (transit provider, supplier, etc.) shall be cast (see example ballot in Figure 3-2). An entity may have multiple representatives but only one vote shall be cast. Voting may take place via an open meeting, conference call, mailed ballot, email, or the TCIP website. Consensus is defined as concurrence of the majority (75%) of a representative sample of the TWG. After the TWG agree that the standards are ready for acceptance by the Task Force (i.e., all technical comments have been resolved and documented) the Task Force Chair shall distribute the final drafts to the TWG Chairs Committee who will review the standards for overall compatibility. Once the final draft of the standards have been approved by the TWG Chairs Committee, the Task Force Chair will submit the documents to the TCIP Oversight Panel for final approval to release the standards. Final approved documents will be posted on the TCIP website for access and use by the general public. Transit providers will be selected to reflect transit system size, modal diversity and geographic distribution. Consultants may be assigned to represent transit providers or suppliers, depending upon the majority of their business interests, or as system integrators. Other industry representatives, such as government, public interest groups, commercial businesses, and trade associations will have an opportunity to participate in the standards development process as described above. While APTA members will likely make up the largest element of the TCIP community, other transportation providers will be represented through organizations such as CTAA, AASHTO, ITE and Project Action. Active participation by these organizations will be pursued in drafting, reviewing and balloting TCIP standards. Page 2 FIGURE 1-1 APTA TRANSIT COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE PROFILES (TCIP) TASK FORCE STRUCTURE APTA BUS & PARATRANSIT CEOs COMMITTEE TCIP OVERSIGHT PANEL PROGRAM MANAGER TCIP TASK FORCE TWG CHAIRS COMMITTEE TWG 1: SCHEDULING/ RUNCUTTING TWG 2: PASSENGER INFORMATION TWG 3: INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TWG 4: TCIP SW TOOLS & TEST TCIP SUBCONTRACTORS TWG 6: CONTROL CENTER TWG 5: ON-BOARD TWG 7: FARE COLLECTION TWG 8: SPATIAL REPRESENT. Provider Supplier Consultant TWG 9: TCIP FRAMEWORK & HARMONIZATION TWG 10: SIGNAL CONTROL & PRIORITIZATION TWG 11: SAFETY & SECURITY TWG 12: DECISION SUPPORT TWG 13: PROCUREMENT SUPPORT Government Public Interest Associations Others Note: All Technical Working Groups composition will be similar to TWG 1. Revised: 1/16/04 FIGURE 1-2 APTA TRANSIT COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE PROFILES (TCIP) TASK FORCE AND TWG OFFICERS APTA TCIP TASK FORCE Co-Chairs, Isaac Takyi (NYCT) Jerry Lutin (NJT) TWG CHAIRS COMMITTEE STAFF ADVISOR Lou Sanders TWGs Chairs TWG 1: SCHEDULING/ RUNCUTTING TWG 2: PASSENGER INFORMATION TWG 3: INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TWG 4: TCIP SW TOOLS & TEST TWG 5: ON-BOARD TWG 6: CONTROL CENTER TWG 7: FARE COLLECTION Chair, Dan Overgaard (King County) Chair, Mark Nawrath (COTA) Chair, Edward Mark (NY State DOT) Chair, Bill Hiller (Siemens ) Acting Chair Marc Gordon (Orbital) Chair, Marc Gordon (Orbital) Co-Chairs, H. Rosen (PATH) C. Tam (CTA) TWG 8: SPATIAL REPRESENT. TWG 9: TCIP FRAMEWORK TWG 10: SIG. CONTR. & PRIORITIZATION *TWG 11: SAFETY & SECURITY *TWG 12: DECISION SUPPORT *TWG 13: PROCUREMENT SUPPORT Chair, Bibiana Kamler (TriMet) Chair, Paula Okunieff (SASI) Chair, Jon Lutterman (TriMet) Chair, TBA Chair, TBA Chair, TBA ( ) ( ) *Proposed ( ) Revised: 1/16/04 FIGURE 2-1 APTA TRANSIT COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE PROFILES (TCIP) DEVELOPMENT PROCESS NTP Authorization TCIP Oversight Panel Authorization Phase 1: Initial Document Production TCIP Contractors Develop Draft Standards (v2.4) Distribute Draft Standards to TWGs TWGs Review, Comments, and Recommendations Contractor Resolve Comments and Revise Draft Phase 2: Intermediate Review and Approval Task Force Approval For Public Posting (v2.6) TWGs Review and Approval Phase 3: Public Review & Comment NTCIP Joint Committee / Public Review & Comment Contractor Resolve Comments and Prepare Final Draft Contractor Resolve Comments and Release v2.6 TWGs Review and Comment Corrected Draft/Spatial Business Area to TWGs (v2.5) Phase 4: Final Review and Approval Distribute Final Draft Standards to TWGs (v2.7) TWGs Final Draft Balloting (v2.7) Contractor Incorporate Modifications (v3.0) Release Authorization Release Standards (v3.0) TCIP Oversight Panel Approval for Release Revised: 1/16/04 FIGURE 2-2 TCIP COMMENTS SUBMITTAL FORM TCIP COMMENT FORM Version 2.4 Email to : sboarman@arinc.com Reviewer Name: Reviewer Phone: Reviewer Email: Reviewer TWG (if a TWG member): Date Submitted: Comment 1 Section Number: Comment: Tracking Number (APTA Use Only): Comme nt 2 Section Number: Comment: Tracking Number (APTA Use Only): Comment 3 Section Number: Comment: Tracking Number (APTA Use Only): Comment 4 Section Number: Comment: Tracking Number (APTA Use Only): Comment 5 Section Numb er: Comment: Tracking Number (APTA Use Only): FIGURE 3-1 APTA TRANSIT COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE PROFILES (TCIP) BALLOTING STRUCTURE Revised: 1/16/04 TCIP OVERSIGHT PANEL TWG CHAIRS COMMITTEE TCIP TASK FORCE PUBLIC NTCIP JOINT COMMITTEE TWG 1 THRU TWG 10 BALLOTING Transit Providers Bus ParaTransit Suppliers Manufacturers Consultants Government Others Federal Associations State Public Interest Local Revised: 1/16/04 FIGURE 3-2 VOTE TRACKING EXAMPLE Membership Updated January 25, 2002 Task Force Organization Task Force Member 1 Bi-State Development Agency Melvin Clark – 314-982-1400 ext. 2830 2 California Public Utilities Commission Gary Rosenthal – 415-703-1094 3 Charlotte Area Transit System Ronald Tober – 704-336-7902 4 Chicago Transit Authority Fred Schein – 847-692-7271 Miami Attendance VIM-001 VIM-002 VIM-003 VIM-004 VIM-005 VIM-006 RGC-001 3rd Rail Panto- Air Supply HVAC Doors Couplers Grade graph Crossings A AB A A A A A A A A A A A A A R P AB A A A A A A 7 Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Michael York – Authority 216-566-5101 P A A A A A A AR 8 Los Angeles County Metropolitan A.R. (Ralph) de la Cruz Transportation Authority 213-922-4322 P RM RM RM AR AR AR RM P R A A AR AR A AB A A A A A A A A A AR AB AR AR AR AR AB 5 Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Jeanetta Britt Davis – 214-749-2959 6 Federal Transit Administration Rhonda Crawley – 202-366-4035 Laura Mizner – 202-366-8970 Harry Saporta – 202-366-2896 James Wang – 202-366-1642 9 Maryland Transit Administration Virginia White – 410-767-3943 10 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Michael Mulhern – Authority (MBTA) 617-222-3106 11 Memphis Area Transit Authority William Hudson, Jr. – 901-722-7111 12 Metro Transit – Minneapolis John Byrd – 612-349-7513 13 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Robert Spadafora – Authority (MARTA) 404-848-3310 14 Miami-Dade Transit Agency 15 MTA New York City Transit Hannie Woodson – 305-884-7596 or 305-375-2950 Jay Shah – 718-927-7822 John Gaito – 718-243-4174 Maurice Lewis – 718-433-1001 Keith Falk – 718-694-4485 16 New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT) Charles Dickerson – 973-491-8480 A AB A A A A A A 17 Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Ben Antonio, Jr. – 716-842-3502 A A A A A A A AB 18 PB Transit & Rail Systems, Inc. Joseph Silien – 973-565-4801 A AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 19 Port Authority of Allegheny County Stephen Banta – 412-851-4741 P A A A A A A A 20 Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation Dhiren Chakraborty – 201-216-6615 A A A A A A A AB 21 Port Authority Transit Corporation C. R. Guenther – 856-772-6928 P A AB A A A A AB 22 Regional Transit Authority - New Dwight Ferrell – Orleans 504-248-3830 A AB AB A A A AB A 23 Regional Transportation District - Lloyd Mack – Denver 303-299-3420 P A A A A A A A 24 Sacramento Regional Transit District Pilka Robinson – 916-321-2989 P AB A A A A A A 25 San Diego Trolley, Inc. Peter Tereschuck – 619-595-4902 P AB A AB A A A AR 26 San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) Paul Oversier – 510-464-6710 P A AB A A A A AB 27 San Francisco Municipal Railway Harvey Becker – 415-554-6869 P AB A A A A A A 28 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Frank Martin – Authority 408-321-7004 P A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A P A A A A A A A P A AB A RM A A AB P A A A A A A A Joan Earl – 206-398-5450 29 Sound Transit 30 Southeastern Pennsylvania David Casper – Transportation Authority (SEPTA) 215-580-8040 31 Toronto Transit Commission Rick Cornacchia – 416-393-4356 32 Tri-County Metropolitan Robert Nelson – Transportation District of Oregon 503-962-4955 33 Utah Transit Authority Paul O'Brien – 801-262-5626 ext. 6831 P A A A A A A R 34 Wabtec Corporation Paul Jamieson – 864-433-6451 A A A A A A A A 35 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) James Gallagher – 202-962-1500 A A A A A A A AB 17 2 1 7 1 28 21 1 1 5 0 28 24 2 1 1 0 28 23 4 1 0 0 28 24 4 0 0 0 28 24 3 0 1 0 28 14 3 1 8 2 28 PROXY VOTE - P PERSONAL ATTENDANCE - A 60% VOTES NEEDED FOR QUORUM = 21.0 ACCEPT - A ACCEPT WITH REVISIONS - AR REJECT WITH REVISIONS - RM ABSTAIN - AB REJECT - R TOTAL VOTES CAST 16 12 28