Award Type - Intermountain Combined Federal Campaign

CFC Award Nomination Form
Award Type: Campaign Hero Award
Nominee: Peggy Facer, HAFB 2011 CFC Chair
Nominated By: Ms Melinda M. Schmidt, HAFB 2010 CFC Chair
Comments/Results Supporting Nomination:
Ms Peggy Facer achieved outstanding results for Hill AFB, as the 2011
Chair, resulting in more than $1.4M worth of donations to CFC charities, an
increase of nearly $100K over last year. The 2011 result is especially
noteworthy, considering Hill AFB experienced a coincidental and bombshell
of an announcement that the base would be losing its status as a center. This
announcement was briefed to the Hill population during the height of the
campaign. Attached to this announcement were the immediate loss of highlevel positions, an offered incentive to the entire population for early
retirement, and notice that a reduction in force may be forthcoming due to
mandated efficiencies put in place in response to a sharply reduced DoD
budget. Still, through her dedication to her responsibility and armed with
her infectious giving nature, Ms. Facer inspired Team Hill to give
Peggy established new early bird inter-organizational competitions and
individual prizes, encouraging greater participation and earlier
accomplishment of campaign goals. The early bird deadline corresponded to
two new Team Hill records - highest dollar amount of pledges made in one
week and earliest date to achieve the $900K campaign milestone.
To be a contender for the prestigious travelling “Early Bird” Award,
organizations had to achieve their goals by 26 Oct – 3 weeks into the 6 week
campaign. Five organizations accomplished this – the winner was
determined based upon its having the greatest increase in participation rate
compared against the previous year. The purpose in establishing this Early
Bird award of a travelling nature was to generate inter-organizational
competition and esprit de corps, and also to make a new tradition of CFC
CFC Award Nomination Form
bragging rights from year to year as the trophy moves from organization to
organization – all with the bottom line goal of increasing pledges to
Peggy also implemented 3 individual Early Bird Awards – everyone at Team
Hill who pledged by 26 Oct was automatically in the drawing for a Kindle, a
$50 Wal-Mart gift card, and a $25 Wal-Mart gift card. In addition, she held
a random drawing for another $50 Wal-Mart gift card (applicable to
everyone who pledged by the last official day of the campaign, 16 Nov).
Peggy raised, equipped, trained, and mobilized a small army of 300
volunteer Key Workers and Unit Project Officers from more than 25
separate organizations across Hill AFB to plan and execute the campaign –
including Air Force, Army, Department of Defense, and AAFES. The
organizations that comprise Team Hill range in size from a handful, to many
thousands each, with distinct cultures, policies, work environments/hours,
goals, and management levels. She began addressing senior management
across the board in the spring, to have the Key Worker force identified and
engaged as a Team by summer, building their individual organizations’
customized campaign strategies and briefing those strategies to senior
management. Peggy presented six formal (and several additional informal)
training sessions to ensure all Key Workers were well prepared to campaign.
As Team Hill’s Chair, Ms. Facer achieved phenomenal results, reaching
approx 16,000 eligible Team Hill employees – enabling 100% face-to-face
contact, ensuring all had knowledge of the CFC program and opportunity to
pledge. Team Hill’s 16,000 eligible employees are spread across many
facilities, working different schedules, in many different environments
including shop floors, business offices, laboratories, public access areas such
as commissary, and under widely varying levels and types of management –
essentially each organization requires its own customized campaign to reach
its employees for 100% contact. Each Project Officer built his/her campaign
strategy during the summer of 2011 and, together with Peggy, briefed their
organization’s senior management to ensure buy-in.
Peggy encouraged and ultimately doubled the percentage use of on-line
versus paper pledging across Team Hill – speeding up the pledging timeline
and drastically reducing associated paper processing resource drain.
CFC Award Nomination Form
She managed an extremely successful and informative CFC Kick-Off Event
at base museum, headlined by Kurt Bestor and emceed by Channel 13’s Bob
Evans. 50 charities were hosted and approx 800 Team Hill and Northern
Utah federal employees attended the event. Free food and random prize
drawings rounded out the festive atmosphere and shuttle buses helped
facilitate traffic flow.
Peggy paid for all Team Hill campaign administrative costs, via 2 base-wide
summer fundraisers, a Book Sale and 5K Fun Run. 100 percent of the Hill
donations went to the charities!
Very organized and determined to ensure the widest and most efficient
dissemination/recording of information, Ms. Facer institutionalized use of a
SharePoint Site as a living repository of all Team Hill CFC planning and
activities. The site served as useful training and communications tool for her
current key workers, plus will be a beneficial starting point for next year’s
campaign. The document repository includes her master plan/timeline,
budget, senior management briefings, campaign progress reports, key
worker briefings, training, best practices, photographs of events, and more.
Recognizing the former aging workforce has now retired and that Team Hill
now consists of many young people who are unfamiliar with federal
workforce traditions, Peggy saw to it that an introduction to CFC was added
to OO-ALC/Hill AFB Newcomers Briefing. The implementation of this
awareness initiative will start new federal employees on a career that
includes CFC pledging from day one.
Ms. Facer advocated for and assisted in institutionalizing the process of
filling the Team Hill CFC Chair and Vice Chair roles as senior leadership
assignments for the purpose of ensuring continuity from year to year, to
allow for early campaign planning, and to facilitate obtaining senior
management’s support. Assignment of the role is now a formal process and
will take place in early February each year.
CFC Award Nomination Form
Ms. Facer utilized Hill Top Times, email, SharePoint site, and weeklyupdated computer splash screens to market Team Hill as well as
Intermountain CFC Region campaign events and progress. She also
invested in high quality marketing posters/progress-o-meters to advertise
campaign progress at each of Hill AFB’s main gates; reusable, when
possible for future campaigns!
To thank her dedicated team, Peggy planned and hosted a CFC Recognition
Breakfast in honor of all 300 Team Hill Key Workers, accompanied by their
senior management – a small way to thank the volunteers for their
tremendous campaign efforts. In addition to free breakfast, Key Workers
were beneficiaries of several random prize drawings – all funded by the 2
summer fundraisers. She ended her campaign by issuing Letters of
Appreciation, Letters of Commendation, Time-off Awards, and a formal
Certificates of Appreciation to each and every Key Worker for their efforts.
Ms. Facer accomplished all of the above while holding down an extremely
heavy workload of her own. She took on a new position as Chief of the F-16
Support Branch of the Aerospace Sustainment Directorate during the active
campaign. She didn’t miss a beat with either of her two full-time jobs.
Peggy exemplifies the meaning of CFC, representing a gracious, giving
example of leadership and volunteering for the rest of us to follow.
Therefore, I consider it an honor to nominate Peggy for this well-deserved